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EUS SVMs Ensemble of UnderSampled SVMs for Data Imbalance Problems

EUS SVMs Ensemble of UnderSampled SVMs for Data Imbalance Problems
EUS SVMs Ensemble of UnderSampled SVMs for Data Imbalance Problems

EUS SVMs:Ensemble of Under-Sampled SVMs for Data Imbalance Problems

Pilsung Kang and Sungzoon Cho

Seoul National University,San56-1,Shillim-dong,Kwanak-gu,151-744,Seoul,Korea



Abstract.Data imbalance occurs when the number of patterns from a

class is much larger than that from the other class.It often degenerates

the classi?cation performance.In this paper,we propose an Ensemble of

Under-Sampled SVMs or EUS SVMs.We applied the proposed method

to two synthetic and six real data sets and we found that it outperformed

other methods,especially when the number of patterns belonging to the

minority class is very small.


In classi?cation,data imbalance occurs when the number of patterns of a class is much larger than that of the other class.Most classi?cation algorithms are trained under the assumption that the ratio of the classes is almost equal.In real classi?cation tasks,however,this assumption is often violated.Fraud detec-tion[1],for instance,is the classi?cation task that identi?es the customers who are likely to commit a fraud among the customer database of the company.In this task,the number of fraudulent customers is much smaller than that of nor-mal customers,so data imbalance occurs.In addition,data imbalance is reported in a wide range of classi?cation tasks,such as Oil Spill Detection[2],Response Modeling[3],Remote Sensing[4],and Scene Classi?cation[5].

Data imbalance is one of the causes that degrade the performance of machine learning algorithms including Support Vector Machines(SVMs)in classi?cation tasks.This comes from two major causes.First,the simple accuracy as an objec-tive function used in most classi?cation tasks is inadequate for the task having data imbalance.For example,let us consider a classi?cation problem in which there are two classes,1%of the patterns belonging to the minority class and 99%of the patterns belonging to the majority class.If a classi?er made a de-cision that all patterns should be classi?ed into the majority class,it would achieve99%of accuracy.This can be considered as a good performance in terms of simple accuracy,but this is of no use since the classi?er does not catch any important information on the patterns of the minority class.The second cause comes from the distribution of the classes.Since the number of majority class patterns exceeds that of the minority class,the majority class is likely to invade Corresponding author

the territory of the minority class so that the class boundary becomes vulnerable to be distorted.

In order to deal with the inappropriateness of simple accuracy in data imbal-ance problems,some other objective functions have been addressed in previous work[6][7][8].Though the formulations of the functions are di?erent from each other,they are all mainly focusing on considering the accuracy of both major-ity class and minority class.In order to deal with the problem caused by the skewed data distribution,three methods are commonly proposed.First,under-sampling[9][10]method balances the ratio of the classes by sampling a small num-ber of patterns from the majority class.Not only can under-sampling method elevate the classi?cation performance but also reduce the time complexity since it samples a small number of patterns from the majority class.However,under-sampling method also has a potential disadvantage of distorting the distribution of the majority class.If the sampled patterns from the majority class does not represent the original distribution,it may degenerate the classi?cation perfor-mance.This potential drawback comes true when the number of minority class patterns is very small.Second,over-sampling method[8][11]balances the ratio of the classes by copying patterns from the minority class.Since over-sampling does not lose the information on all patterns,it can achieve a relatively high performance.However,the required time to train the classi?er increases since the number of patterns used in training is much larger than the number of the original patterns.Third,modifying-cost method[4]dictates that misclassi?ed patterns originally belonging to the minority class receive larger penalty than those belonging to the majority class.Modifying cost method can handle the data imbalance without changing the original data distribution.When data is highly imbalanced,however,its e?ect on the classi?cation performance is not as good as that of under-sampling method or over-sampling method.

In this paper,we propose an Ensemble of Under-Sampled SVMs,EUS SVMs. Although SVMs show a good generalization ability in many pattern classi?cation tasks,its performance can be boosted by adopting an ensemble scheme[12].In addition,the ensemble scheme can lower the variation of each individual classi?er so that the performance of the classi?er can be more stable.Thus,EUS SVMs can integrate the strength of both SVMs and the ensemble scheme.EUS SVMs build multiple di?erent training sets by sampling patterns from the majority class and combining them with the minority class patterns.Each training set is used for training an individual SVM classi?er.The output of the ensemble is produced by aggregating the outputs of all individual classi?ers.By adopting the ensemble technique,EUS SVMs can not only make up for the sampling dependency of under-sampling method,but also achieve a reasonable time complexity compared to over-sampling method.We apply EUS SVMs to two synthetic and six real data sets,and the results show that EUS SVMs outperform the other methods.

The rest of this paper is structured as follows.In section2,we demonstrate the e?ect of data imbalance with synthetic data sets and performance of three approaches.In section3,we introduce the propose method,EUS SVMs.In sec-

Fig.1.The class boundary of4×4checker board data sets(Set A)with SVMs base classi?er

tion4,we present the experimental settings and analyze the result.In section5, with a conclusion,we discuss future work.

2The E?ect of Data Imbalance

Before we start,let us consider a performance measure appropriate for imbal-anced data sets.Suppose that positive patterns are the patterns belonging to the minority class and that negative patterns are the patterns belonging to the majority https://www.doczj.com/doc/7310388240.html,ual classi?cation tasks use simple accuracy computed by

(T P+T N)

(T P+F N+F P+T N)when TP,TN,FP,FN represent true positive,true negative,

false positive,and false negative respectively.However,as mentioned in Section 1,simple accuracy heavily relies on TN(True Negative)rather than TP(True Positive)when data is imbalanced.Thus,the classi?er tends to classify most patterns as negative to achieve a high simple accuracy.In order to prevent this, some other performance measures are have been considered[6][7][8].In this paper, we adopt Geometric Mean,which considers both the accuracies of the minority class and the majority class equally.A+,the accuracy of the minority class,is computed by(T P)

(T P+F N)

.A-,the accuracy of the majority class,is computed by

(T N) (F P+T N).Then,geometric mean is computed by


A synthetic data set was generated to understand the e?ect of data imbalance on the SVM classi?er when the number of minority class patterns is not so small in an absolute term.Six4×4checker board data sets(Set A)were generated. The number of minority class patterns is320for all data sets.The ratio of the classes varies from1:1to1:50.The class boundary of each data set using SVM as a base classi?er is shown in Fig.1.The solid line represents the class boundary determined by the SVM classi?er.When the number of each class’s patterns is not so much di?erent(Fig.1(a)),the generated class boundary is good enough to represent the original class boundary.As the degree of imbalance increases(Fig.1(b)),however,the boundary of the majority class invades the area of the minority class.When data imbalance is extreme(Fig.1(c)),the majority class pushes out the minority class,so the area of the minority class assigned by the classi?er is very small.The performance of this experiment is shown in Fig.

Class Ratio

Fig.2.The performance of the SVMs with various imbalance ratios

2.As the degree of imbalance increases,the accuracy of the minority class(A+) decreases rapidly and so does the geometric mean.Simple accuracy,however, tends to increase despite the decrease of A+.This is mainly because the e?ect of the accuracy of the majority class(A-)on simple accuracy is much greater than A+when the degree of imbalance is high.This clearly shows that simple accuracy is inappropriate as a performance measure in data imbalance cases.

Fig.3shows the performances and the elapsed times of existing methods, under-sampling,over-sampling,and modifying cost.Since set A1,whose class ratio is1:1,is the set having the perfect balanced data,we evaluated the geomet-ric mean and the elapsed time of the set A1for“no sampling”only.Modifying cost method,as shown in Fig.3,has little e?ect on increasing the performance of the classi?er in terms of geometric mean compared to no sampling.Modifying cost method even takes very long time to train the classi?er in comparison with no sampling method when the degree of imbalance is very high.Both under-sampling and over-sampling seem to cope with the di?culties caused by data imbalance in terms of geometric mean,especially over-sampling representing the highest values in all cases.In terms of time complexity,however,over-sampling is very sensitive to the number of patterns while under-sampling is robust to it.Since over-sampling increases the number of the minority class patterns so that it equals to the number of the majority class patterns,the number of to-tal training patterns becomes twice the number of the majority class patterns. Under-sampling,on the other hand,decreases the number of the majority class patterns so that it equals to the number of the minority class patterns.There-fore,as the degree of imbalance increases,training time of under-sampling does not increase.

When the number of minority class data is not su?cient,however,the sam-pled data from the majority class may not represent the entire distribution of the majority class.Therefore,under-sampling may perform badly when there are only a few minority class patterns.Therefore,we generate another synthetic data set to see what happens to under-sampling when the number of minority class patterns is small in an absolute term.To do this,we generated?ve4×4 checker board data sets(Set B)having only80minority class patterns.Since1:1 and1:3were found to be not seriously imbalanced,we removed these ratios and

Class Ratio(Minority Class:Majority Class)10101010Class Ratio(Monirity Class:Majority Class)

Fig.3.Geometric mean and elapsed time of existing methods

Fig.4.A+,A-,(a)su?cient minority class added a new method of two data minority class Fig.achieved good sets imbalance.However,note minority class the class while the accuracies of the majority class and the minority class are not so much dif-ferent in Set A(su?cient minority class patterns).Since the number of patterns sampled from the majority class was not enough to represent the whole distrib-ution of the majority class,the minority class invaded the area of the majority class where the majority class’s patterns were not selected.Thus,the classi?er overestimated the area of the minority class and resulted in high A+and low A-.This phenomenon usually happens when a high degree of imbalance occurs with the small number of minority class patterns.

3EUS SVMs:Ensemble of Under-Sampled SVMs

Under-sampling uses only one training set consisting of the sampled majority class patterns and all minority class patterns.In this case,the boundary between two classes is vulnerable to the selected majority class patterns,which results

Fig.5.The procedure of EUS SVMs

do partition the training data into majority and minority class

for i=1to N(the number of ensemble population)

build the majority subset by random sampling from the majority class whose size is equal to that of minority class

construct the training subset by combining the majority subset and minority class train an SVM with the training subset


do combine N outputs of ensemble by a pre-determined rule

Fig.6.EUS SVMs Algorithm

in a low and unstable performance.If we employ multiple training sets,major-ity class patterns have better chances to be included in the training sets.The more patterns included in the training sets,the less likely to distort the data distribution.Thus,we propose an ensemble approach.

Given the two data sets of the minority class and the majority class,the majority class patterns are sampled without repetition to construct a subset of majority class.The number of patterns in the majority subset is equal to the number of the minority class patterns(See Fig.5and Fig.6).The sampling is repeated until predetermined number(N)of majority class subsets are built. Note that each majority subset sampling is performed using the entire majority class patterns.Each majority subset is then combined with the minority class patterns to construct a training data subset,which is perfectly balanced.Each training data subset is used for constructing an individual classi?er.Finally,the outputs of all individual classi?ers are aggregated to produce the output of the ensemble.

Fig.7.Class boundaries determined by no-sampling method with SVMs in4×4checker board data set(Set B)[(a)-(e)]and spiral data set[(f)-(j)]

Table1.Description of real data sets

Data Set Minority









Vehicle321762984625.65% Ann-thyroid13933,4883,581 2.60%

Ann-thyroid231913,4883,679 5.19%


Mammography26010,92311,183 2.32%

4Experimental Settings and Results


We used two synthetic problems and six real data sets to verify the e?ectiveness of EUS SVMs.Five4×4checker board data sets(Set B)and?ve spiral data sets were generated.Fig.7shows the class boundary of each set when a single SVM classi?er is trained with no sampling.Six real data sets with imbalance problem were selected from UCI Machine Learning Repository[13].Many of the data sets have more than two classes.Since our object is to deal with imbalance, we corrected them into two-class problems.Vehicle2(3)refers to a problem where only class2(3)is treated the minority class while the rest is treated as the majority class.Similarly,Ann-thyroid13(23)refers to a problem where class 1(2)is the minority class while class3is treated as the majority class.Since sick-euthyroid and mammography data sets originally consist of two classes,we used them without any class modi?cation1.Only Ann-thyroid data set has both train data set and test data set.Other data sets were tested using5-fold cross validation.The overall description of real data sets are shown in Table1.

1We would like to thank professor Nitesh V.Chawla for providing us with mammog-raphy data set.

4.2Ensemble Aggregation Methods

The output of EUS SVMs can be di?erent depending on the aggregation method of the ensemble.In our experiment,we employed three aggregation methods to determine the output of EUS SVMs.First is majority voting.Each individual classi?er votes for one of the candidate outputs.The candidate output that has the largest votes becomes the representative output of the ensemble.Second is weighted voting.Once all individual classi?ers are?nished training,each has its own training error.The output of an individual classi?er with small training error contributes to the output of the ensemble more than an individual clas-si?er with large training error.Third is function value aggregation.As SVM is originally designed for two class classi?cation,it has a binary output.The bi-nary output comes from the absolute value of the objective function of SVM. When the objective function value is converted into the binary value,important information on the pattern is lost such as how far the pattern is from the class boundary.The bigger the absolute value,the further the pattern from the class boundary.Therefore,in function value aggregation,the output of the ensem-ble is determined by adding all the objective function values of the individual classi?ers.

4.3Experimental Results

Note that the geometric means of“no sampling”in4×4checker board data set(Set B)are0.732,0.663,0.498,0.335and0.316corresponding to the imbal-ance ratios of1:5,1:10,1:30,1:50,and1:100respectively.The geometric means of“no sampling”in spiral data set are0.756,0.724,0.700,0.568,and0.524cor-responding to the imbalance ratios of1:5,1:10,1:30,1:50,and1:100respectively. The experimental results of under-sampling method and three EUS SVMs with synthetic data sets and real data sets are shown in Fig.8and Table2respectively.

Three results can be summarized as follows.First,both under-sampling and EUS SVMs are e?ective to deal with data imbalance.They signi?cantly outper-

(a) 4X4 Checker Board Data set (Set B)(b) Spiral Data Set

Fig.8.Geometric means of(a)4×4checker board data set(Set B)and(b)spiral Data set(MV:Majority Voting,WV:Weighted Voting,FVA:Function Value Aggregation)

Table2.Geometric means of no-sampling,under-sampling and three EUS SVMs with real data sets(MV:Majority Voting,WV:Weighted Voting,FVA:Function Value Ag-gregation)

Data set












Vehicle30.81610.85030.86720.86430.8663 Ann-thyroid130.92010.96640.96680.96710.9701 Ann-thyroid230.93750.95890.96990.97120.9684 Sick-euthyroid0.85990.89350.90660.90790.9087 Mammography0.74870.90010.90790.90800.9110 form“no sampling”,especially when the degree of imbalance increases.Second, although both under-sampling and EUS SVMs work well on the imbalanced training sets,EUS SVMs outperform under-sampling in all cases especially when the original class boundary is very complicated and when the degree of imbal-ance is high as with spiral data sets.Third,there is no signi?cant di?erence between the ensemble aggregation methods.

Two implicit characteristics of EUS SVMs result in better classi?cation per-formance.First,EUS SVMs use multiple training sets with balanced patterns. This reduces the possibility of sampling distorting the data distribution so that the classi?er is prevented from over-?tting to the minority class.Second,the ensemble pursues diversity to increase the generalization ability by employing a number of individual classi?ers.Thus,the classi?cation performance can be better than that of a single classi?er.


Data imbalance is one of the issues that have been widely researched in pattern recognition and machine learning?elds.In this paper,we investigate the e?ect of data imbalance on the performance of the classi?er using2-dimensional synthetic data sets.Among under-sampling,over-sampling,and modifying cost methods, under-sampling was found to be the best method in terms of both classi?cation performance and time complexity.Under-sampling,however,is likely to distort data distribution when there are a very small number of minority class patterns in a highly imbalanced data set.In order to overcome the drawback of under-sampling,we proposed Ensemble of Under-Sampled SVMs(EUS SVMs).On two synthetic and six real data sets with various degrees of imbalance,EUS SVMs outperformed under-sampling in all cases in terms of geometric mean.

There are some limitations of our work,which lead us to future work.First, we randomly generated patterns from the majority class to build an ensemble training set.More sophisticated sampling methods can be considered to represent the data distribution better.Second,we did not focus on minority class since

there are a small number of patterns in the minority class.In order to boost the classi?cation performance,some over-sampling methods,such as noise addition,

can be implemented when constructing ensemble training sets. Acknowledgement

This work was supported by grant No.R01-2005-000-103900-0from the Basic Research Program of the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation,the Brain Korea21program in2006and partially supported by Engineering Research Institute of SNU.


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产品规格书 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 深圳云里物里科技股份有限公司 Version V4.1发布时间 2018-04-25 MODEL NO/DESCRIPTION 产品名称:蓝牙模块MS50SFA1C 产品型号:MS50SFA1C


目录 版本说明 (2) 1.概述 (4) 2.应用领域 (5) 3.电气参数 (5) 4.模块尺寸图 (6) 5.引脚定义 (6) 6.模块配置 (7) 6.1透传模块出厂默认值 (7) 6.2蓝牙服务UUID (7) 6.3UUID描述 (7) 6.4工作模式 (7) 6.5模块应用示意图 (8) 7.透传数据【服务UUID:0xFFF0】(APP端) (8) 8参数设置说明 (8) 9.模块测试 (112) 10.支持的设备 (14) 11.PCB设计说明 (145) 12.注意事项 (15) 13.包装信息 (155) 14.质量保证 (166)

1.概述 MS50SFA1C串口模块采用nRF52810芯片,通过UART(串口)操作可以实现模块与手机之间数据传输。本模块从模块,具有命令控制可以修改模块的广播名称,修改广播间隔和连接间隔。使用该模块用户可以快速把数据以蓝牙方式进行传输。 正面反面 产品特征 远距离:10-60米(空旷环境) BLE协议栈深度优化,睡眠功耗1uA以下 传输速率最块可达7Kbps 支持串口指令配置 支持Android4.3+,7+ 无需MFi

2.应用领域 该模块主要用于短距离的数据无线传输领域。可以方便的和PC机的蓝牙设备相连,也可以与智能手机之间的数据互通。避免繁琐的线缆连接,能直接替代串口线。 ※健身器材设备,如跑步机,健身器等 ※医疗器械设备,如脉博测量计,心率计等 ※家用休闲设备,如遥控器,玩具等 ※办公用品设备,如打印机,扫描仪等 ※商业设备,如收银机,二维码扫描器等 ※手机外设配件,如手机防丢器等 ※汽车设备,如汽车维修仪等 ※其它人机交互设备 3.电气参数 参数测试值备注 工作电压 1.8-3.6V直流 工作频率2400-2483MHz可编程 频率误差+/-20KHz Null 发射功率-40~+4dBm可调整 接收灵敏度-96dBm Null 接收电流 4.6mA标准模式 发射电流 4.6mA发射功率为0dBm时 睡眠功耗1uA以下Null 遥控距离10-60米BER<0.1%,空旷 天线50ohm Null 模块尺寸16*12*2mm Null 存储大小192KB


每个插画师成长的历程和生活的背景都不同,不过有些东西却是相同的。 要成为插画师首先得问自己为什么要做插画? 成为插画师第一的要素是喜爱画画。 没有哪一个大师被拉出来问到最后是不喜欢画画的。 而光喜爱还是不够的,能把自己的兴趣爱好当做工作那自然是大多人的梦想。不过很多时候人都觉得做自己喜爱的事就轻松,其实,往往正相反。 常常做自己喜爱的事得花费你更大的精力和付出。 有一次我对一个朋友说我最近几天连着开夜车画画,快累得趴下了。 那朋友说“反正这是你喜欢的事情啊。” 没搞措,我喜欢的是画画,而不是累趴下。 因为你在做你爱好的事,所以如果顶不住压力,就完全可以把它当作一般的兴趣爱好,有时间就画,累了就撒手,几个月几年不画到时候有了感动了再来画几笔。这也没什么不可以。 但是那只是兴趣。 不能成职业。 没有几个出色的插画师没被累趴下过,没有画到吐血为止. 有次看到一个插画师在网上说到“若你每天早上睁开双眼,能想到一件除了插画也能养活自己的差事,那我就劝你别做插画师。” 说的言辞很极端,但是却有很多事实。 若你要做插画师,就得一遍一遍地不停的问自己“我真的喜爱画画吗?” 大家可以联想一下樱木花道后背受伤后挣扎地站起来扶着晴子的肩,很认真地说“我是真的喜欢篮球。”那个场景。 插画是平面设计里的一种,不管你同意也好不同意也好。 如果把什么东西都画得像照片一样那用相机不是更快吗? 去查一下写实派的插画师们,他们不是就一味地要画得“像”。 而且现在都讲究个性化,所以要画出自己的风格是很重要的。 有个叫Frank Stockton 的插画师说“你可以用3到5年训练成画功,而且变得很好,但你需要用一生时间去找到你的风格。” 要记住,我们每个人都是一个独立的个体,又是互相影响着。 上帝造人的时候就是把你造成你,他造成他,连双胞胎都不是完全一样,你又何必努力去成为另一个人呢? 我们要去谦卑地学不同人的画风,但要去找到自己的笔迹。 这就不是三言两语那么简单的了。 有时你画出来的东西和你所效仿的高手不一样,你该感到高兴,因为你就是你。从前我刚开始学蓝调吉他的时候,那本书上也说没有人能弹出 B.B King 的音色


治疗性ERCP对胆胰疾病的治疗价值【摘要】目的:探讨治疗性胰胆管造影术(ERCP)对胆胰疾病的治疗价值。方法:回顾性分析2001年6月至2006年6月经ERCP 治疗的胆胰疾病100例资料。结果:100例中,肝外胆管结石51例,取石成功49例,2例巨大结石碎石困难行ERBD治疗后,结石缩小或消失。27例恶性胆道梗阻行ENBD或ERBD后,黄疸均有不同程度缓解。20例良性乳头狭窄行EST后治愈。2例乳头蛔虫嵌顿用网篮取出。结论:治疗性ERCP对胆胰疾病的治疗具有微创、安全、有效等优点,值得临床推广应用。 【关键词】逆行胰胆管造影内镜治疗胆胰疾病 随着内镜技术的发展,内镜下逆行胰胆管造影术(ERCP)已越来越多地用于胆胰疾病的治疗。本文对我院近5年所做的100例治疗性ERCP资料进行回顾性分析,以评价治疗性ERCP对胆胰疾病的治疗价值。 1资料与方法 1.1一般资料 本组100例治疗性ERCP中,男41例,女59例,年龄25岁~83岁,平均年龄62.6岁。临床表现主要有上腹痛、黄疸、发热、皮肤瘙痒等。既往有胆囊切除或胆总管探查史者39例。所有患者术前均经腹部B超、CT或MRCP检查,确诊或拟诊为胆胰系统疾病。本组中肝外胆管结石51例(单发21例,多发30例),包括7例胆总管残留结石(T管不能拔除);胆管、壶腹、胰头癌共27例;良性乳头狭窄20


1.2治疗 术前准备:空腹6h以上,术前咽部麻醉,肌肉注射山莨菪碱10mg,地西泮5mg~10mg,哌替啶50mg。器械:OLympusTJF240电子十二指肠镜,拉式乳头切开刀、针状刀,取石网蓝、碎石器、取石球囊,PSD20型高频发生器,塑料支架、金属支架等。方法:患者取左侧半俯卧位,内镜进入十二指肠降段后拉直镜身,使乳头位于视野中央。先行ERCP检查,根据胰胆管病变情况采取相关治疗。对于胆总管结石患者行乳头括约肌切开术(EST)和取石术,术后多数行鼻胆管引流术(ENBD)。对胆道恶性梗阻患者行胆道内支架置入术(ERBD)或手术前行ENBD减黄。对良性乳头狭窄行EST治疗。 2结果 本组肝外胆管结石51例,取石成功49例,其中1次取净46例,2次取净3例,包括机械碎石7例。其余2例胆总管巨大结石(直径≥2.0cm)碎石困难行ERBD治疗,分别随访0.5a、1.5a无症状,其中1例B超检查提示结石消失,1例结石缩小。27例恶性胆道梗阻患者中,17例行ERBD,其中置入塑料支架15例,金属支架2例。10例行ENBD 术,其中3例为手术前减黄。置入支架或ENBD术后,患者黄疸均有不同程度缓解,其中1例胆管癌患者ERBD术后存活期达27个月。20例良性乳头狭窄患者行EST术后治愈。2例乳头蛔虫嵌顿用网蓝取出。并发症:并发穿孔1例,经内科保守治疗后痊愈,无一例死亡。


F8913D ZigBee 模块技术规范 产品特点---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------文档版本密级 V1.3 简介 F8913D ZigBee 模块是一种物联网无线数据终端,利用ZigBee 网络为用户提供无线数据传输功能。 该产品采用高性能的工业级ZigBee 方案,实现数据透明传输功能;低功耗设计,最低功耗小于1uA ;提供5路I/O ,可实现数字量输入输出;其中有3路I/O 可实现模拟量采集、有2路I/O 可实现脉冲计数等功能。 该产品已广泛应用于物联网产业链中的M2M 行业,如智能电网、智能交通、智能家居、金融、移动POS 终端、供应链自动化、工业自动化、智能建筑、消防、公共安全、环境保护、气象、数字化医疗、遥感勘测、军事、空间探索、农业、林业、水务、煤矿、石化等领域。 工业级应用设计 ◆采用高性能工业级ZigBee 芯片 ◆低功耗设计,支持多级休眠和唤醒模式,最大 限度降低功耗◆支持UART 接口 ◆电源输入:DC 2.2~3.6V 稳定可靠 ◆WDT 看门狗设计,保证系统稳定 ◆采用完备的防掉线机制,保证数据终端永远在 线 功能强大 ◆支持ZigBee 无线短距离数据传输功能◆具备中继路由和终端设备功能 ◆支持点对点、点对多点、对等和Mesh 网络◆网络容量大:65000个节点 ◆节点类型灵活:中心节点、路由节点、终端节 点可任意设置;◆发送模式灵活:广播发送或目标地址发送模式 可选 ◆通信距离大◆提供5路I/O ,可实现5路数字量输入输出;3 路模拟量输入、2路脉冲计数功能


林小池 测试: 1、开发项目计划变更通知不到位,导致测试人员从其他项目剥离后无任务安排;——项目变更通知不到位 2、测试组处于被动告知,个别项目需求测试内容是与开发多次交流后得知,需求与开发内容脱节;——项目需求开发过程设计发生变更甚至推翻原有方案 研发: 1、能够直观获取了解前后版本修改内容的对比,便于更快确认修改的内容; 产品: 1、需求既定的情况下,并且经过内部开发技术评审,在时间允许的情况下的开发内部变更都必须互相知晓,保证开发过程中产品需求与用户真实需求的落实的一致性。 2、评审会议是内部明确需求的会议,不是产品的独角戏,所有与会者必须高度的熟悉需求及方案,评审通过后,原则上不允许变更; 3、希望研发内部也能尽量有详细开发文档的留存; 4、研发在熟知需求,开发完成之后要求自测,测试组能有一定的决策,并能对开发提测内容有初步用户体验,对不符合使用习惯或业务逻辑有偏差、样式有区别原型的功能需求提出整改建议。 5、在有产品人员出具的需求文档中,应该以需求文档为业务文档为用户需求,并以之为蓝本,进行开发,研发进行不对该需求中的方案及逻辑、规则进行随意变更; 陈莹莹 1、小池展示的原型文档相对完整,且有益于项目交接,但此文档单次输出时间较长,是否能适用于我们现有的开发流程?对开发和测试的工作是否有很大的推进作用? 2、如何解决项目开发时间紧的情况下保证开发流程的完整性? 3、如果解决开发与测试在需求评审过程中的主动性? 陈家辉 1、对已有系统业务细节无法很好的掌握,一个是历史的需求文档缺失或者记录的不够详细,第二个是代码那边的提交记录,好像代码迁移之后就没了,一些不明确的改动不知道是因为哪个需求改动的


ERCP相关技术诊治胰胆道疾病517例临床观察目的:探讨经内镜逆行胰胆管造影术(ERCP)及相关技术在胰胆道疾病诊 治中的有效率及安全性,旨在提高ERCP成功率及减少并发症的发生。方法:回顾性分析本院2010年1月-2014年3月经ERCP相关技术诊治的517例胰胆道疾病患者的临床资料。结果:517例中插管成功496例,成功率95.94%,发生并发症25例,发生率4.84%。结论:ERCP及其相关技术对胰胆道疾病具有极高的诊断治疗价值,具有安全、有效、并发症较少的特点,是目前治疗胰胆道疾病的理想方法。 内镜下逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)能直接显示胰胆管形态,对胰胆道疾病有极高的诊断价值,并且随着内镜及相关微创器械的发展,ERCP及其相关技术现已广泛应用于内镜下的介入治疗,成为消化内镜微创治疗的典型代表。本院2010年1月-2014年3月应用ERCP技术诊治胰胆道疾病患者517例,现报告如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料517例患者中男273例,女244例,年龄21~92岁,平均66.7岁,其中胆管结石263例,单发结石113例,多发结石150例;肿瘤157例,其中壶腹及乳头肿瘤37例,肝门部胆管癌28例,肝、胆总管癌69例,胰头癌16例,胆囊癌5例,胆管良性肿瘤(黏液腺瘤)2例;SOD及胆管末端炎性狭窄71例,胆总管中下段狭窄4例,肝总管狭窄2例,肝门部胆管狭窄1例;慢性胰腺炎8例,胆道蛔虫2例,胰腺分裂症2例,另有14例胆胰管未见异常。 1.2 方法术前禁食6 h,术前3 h及术后12 h持续静脉滴注奥曲肽(301例)或生长抑素(216例),手术当日及术后3 d应用抗生素(三代头孢类联用喹诺酮类),碘过敏试验,术前15 min静脉注射地西泮针10 mg,654-2针5 mg及肌肉注射哌替啶针50 mg。 采用Fujinon ED-200XU型电子十二指肠镜,造影剂为30%复方泛影葡胺针(碘过敏试验阳性者采用碘海醇),术中吸氧,心电监护。 术中先行ERCP检查,凡取结石、乳头狭窄、化脓性胆管炎,均予拉式乳头切开刀行EST;常规插管困难者,予预切开。胆管结石患者EST后网篮取石,如结石过大或结石以下胆管狭窄取石困难者,使用碎石装置碎石或行胆道内置管引流(ERBD)后3~6个月再行治疗性ERCP取石。肿瘤患者综合病情及身体状况置入胆道支架或行ENBD后转外科手术治疗。 术后禁食水24 h,其中137例术后给予吲哚美辛栓0.05纳肛;均严密观察血压、粪色、心率以判断有无消化道出血;注意有无发热、腹痛、呕吐等症状,根据症状行血淀粉酶、血常规、粪常规、血培养等检查,如有异常,定时复查直至正常为止。


初稿(原画) 画线 在普通的复印纸上用G-PAN描绘出大约200dpi大的图片,(100%原始尺寸)然后扫描输入电脑。(由于是大概画个轮廓,所以也没必要用钢笔。) 根据以上的样子,将路径的交换在图中表示出来。我在这里画线是因为这里正是我要进行线条修改的部分,所以我的铅笔画跟大家一样都是粗线条的,因此这个阶段的作品视觉效果不是很理想。 线条修改(本次讲座主要介绍的内容。)

下图用红色圆圈圈出来的是需要修改的线条部分。 所圈出来的部分在勾画线条的时候一定要进行修改!!。为了方便CG加工制作,可以使用通过复印机复印后的图片,然后开始线条修改阶段。 下面图片已经进行了修改。(去除路径方向箭头)

线条修改的阶段需要注意线条的平衡,把动作路径(方向)放大处理、然后开始修改。。(原来稿子难看的地方经过放大,此时可以看得一清二楚) 但是这还不是完整的线条修改。 为了今后在线条修改结束后的填色,有必要将缺失的线条部分修补完整。 注意:路径(方向)的移动和图象扩大处理之后很难再进行变更,所以这个阶段就此结束。 主线条应该进行着色。(但是,此CG没有进行着色。) 下面的图片为是线条修正前的样子。 在扫描过后通过“明暗对比”(CONTRAST)将多余的部分(指原稿里的微细的多余线条)去除。 经过反复的多余线条的去除和缺失线条修正,此时留下的就是主要线条。本人

从以前开始就一直使用这种修改方法。 现在就是修改后的图片。 在进行点、线的细致修改整理后,赋予线条体现强弱(粗细)的生命力。 不同物体的边界线越粗,线的延伸视觉,眼神(视觉角度)和光源方向的线条以及物体的厚度(即立体效果)表现的就越突出。。而同一物体以及山的曲线则越细越好。另外弧线的描画也是越细越好! 注意这几点就可以正式进行线条的修改了。 修改前后的比较 修正前的图片修改后的图片 ☆向初学者建议 修正的方法的快捷键是: 按『D』键、基本色的背景色变为黑白、然后用画刷修改(BRUSH)。最好不要用Air-brush进行修改,因为这样有可能将线条的边界去除。当然这样看个人画风


ERCP在胆胰疾病中治疗价值的研究进展 发表时间:2016-11-15T16:40:58.317Z 来源:《健康世界》2016年第20期作者:杨恒颖马思雨王小俊俞尧费素娟刘磊[导读] ERCP又称经内镜逆行性胰胆管造影术,是将十二指肠镜插至十二指肠降部。 江苏省徐州医科大学江苏省 221000 摘要:自从1968年Mccune报道ERCP以来,ERCP逐渐成为了诊断和治疗胆胰疾病的一项重要手段[1]。随着核磁共振胰胆管成像术等影像技术的进展,ERCP演变为一项胆胰疾病微创治疗技术。然而,随着ERCP的广泛应用,它的缺点也慢慢显露。本文通过综述ERCP在胆胰疾病中治疗价值的研究进展为其临床应用提供借鉴。 关键词:ERCP;胆胰疾病;治疗价值;进展 ERCP又称经内镜逆行性胰胆管造影术,是将十二指肠镜插至十二指肠降部,找到十二指肠乳头,由活检管道内插入造影导管至乳头开口部,注入造影剂后X线摄片,以显示胰胆管技术。随着操作技巧的完善和配件的改进,ERCP在EST(内镜乳头括约肌切开术)、胆道取石术、ENBD(鼻胆管引流术)、ENPD和ERBD(内镜下胆汁内引流术)等技术中取得了较好的临床疗效,有着创伤小、手术时间短等优点。因此,广受患者欢迎。但是ERCP术后可能引起胆道感染和出血、急性胰腺炎和穿孔、高淀粉酶血症、胆瘘等并发症,也逐渐受到重视。现将相关文献综述如下: 1.ERCP在临床上取得了较好的效果 1.1 经内镜处理胆道疾病 通过EST碎石取石术处理胆道结石,可以取得良好的效果。经内镜处理胆管结石特别是胆囊切除术后胆管残余结石已经得到公认。恶性胆道梗阻的治疗主要为姑息性治疗,手术前行ENBD或者ERBD,可以达到减黄的效果。急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎主要是由胆总管结石引起的,通过ERCP取石可以降低胆道内压力,降低病死率。可以行ENBD或者ERBD置入支架,并且可以随时检查引流效果,冲洗胆道。赵秋等研究表明,鼻胆引流联合内支架引流对肝移植术后胆瘘有确切疗效[2]。 1.2经内镜处理胰腺疾病 Classen等首先提出了EST治疗胆源性胰腺炎[3],与手术相比,24h内行ERCP治疗的风险将大幅降低。通过ERCP治疗后,血清淀粉酶水平将在24h内大幅度下降。Smits、Cremer等论证了内镜治疗慢性胰腺炎的可能性,并且在国外已被广泛应用[4、5]。 2.ERCP的常见并发症及风险因素 术后胆管炎为最常见的并发症,主要与胆汁的流出不全和肝移植史有关[6]。术后胰腺炎主要由Oddi括约肌功能紊乱所致[7]。而且年轻女性、近期有过急性胰腺炎病史,操作不熟练以及过程中多次进管或者时间超过5-10min均可使术后胰腺炎的发生率增加[8]。 参考文献: [1]ASGE guideline:the role of ERCP in diseases of biliary tract and the pancrease.Gastroinetest Endosc,2005,62:1-8. [2]赵秋,覃华,李荣香,等.ERCP对肝移植术后胆瘘诊治作用的前瞻性临床观察.中华消化内镜杂志,2005,22:150-153. [3]Classen M,Ossenberg FW,Wurbs D,et al.Pancreatitis:an indication of endoscopic papillotomy.Endoscopy,1978,10:222-223. [4]SmitsME,Badiga SM,Rauws EA,et al.Long-term results of pancreatitis stents in chronic pancreatitis.Gastrointest Endosc,1995,42:461-467. [5]Cremer M,Deviere J,Delhaye M,et al.Stenting in severe chronic pancreatitis:results of medium-term follow-up in seventy-six patients.Endoscopy,1991,23:171-176. [6]Cotton PB,Connor P,Rawls E,et al.Infection after ERCP and antibiotic prophylaxis:a sequential quality-improvement approach over 11 years.Gastrontest Endosc 2008;67:471-5. [7]Freeman ML,Nelson DB,Sherman S et https://www.doczj.com/doc/7310388240.html,plication of endoscopic biliary sphincterotomy.N Engl J Med 1996;335:909-18. [8]Pfau PR,Banerjee S,Barth BA,et al.Sphincter of Oddi manometers.Gastrointest Endosc 2011;74:1175-80.

慧翰模块规格书FLC-BTMDC732-I2UE2 Specification_0.1

FLC-BTMDC732-I2UE /E2 Specification Type: Preliminary Document Number: FLC-BTMDC732-I2UE/E2-001 Version: 0.1 Release Date: June 10, 2009 Flaircomm Technologies Inc. Address: 4F Keyuan Building, No.5 Bibo Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Zone, Shanghai, PRC, 201203 Telephone:86-21-51088733 Fax:86-21-62494858 https://www.doczj.com/doc/7310388240.html,

Release Record Version Number Release Date Comments 0.1 June 10, 2009 Preliminary



胰腺疾病 胰腺解剖 胰腺是人体第二大腺体,长17~20cm,宽3~5cm,厚1.5~2.5cm,斜向左上方紧贴于第1~2腰椎体前面,分为胰头、颈、体、尾4部分,除了胰尾被浆膜包绕外,其余部分均位于腹膜后。胰头较为膨大,嵌入十二指肠环内,其下份向左突出,并绕至肠系膜上动静脉后方的部分称钩突,此处有2-5支小静脉汇入肠系膜上静脉。肠系膜上静脉前方的部分为胰颈。胰体在胰颈和胰尾之间,占胰的大部分,其后紧贴腰椎体,当上腹部钝挫伤时受挤压的机会大。胰尾是胰左端的狭细部分,行向左上方抵达脾门,脾切除时胰尾易受损伤而形成胰瘘。 胰管也称主胰管,直径2-3mm,横贯胰腺全长,由胰尾行至胰头,沿途接纳小叶间导管。大多数人胰管与胆总管汇合形成“共同通道”,下端膨大部分称Water壶腹,开口于十二指肠乳头,其内有Oddi括约肌,这种共同通道是胰腺疾病和胆道疾病互相关联的解剖学基础。在胰头部胰管上方有副胰管,收纳胰头前上部的胰液,开口于十二指肠小乳头。 胰头血供来源于胃十二指肠动脉和肠系膜上动脉的胰十二指肠前、后动脉弓。胰体尾部血供来源于脾动脉的胰背动脉和胰大动脉,通过胰横动脉构成胰腺内动脉网。胰的静脉多与同名动脉伴行,最后汇入门静脉。胰腺受交感神经和副交感神经双重支配,交感神经是胰腺疼痛的主要通路,副交感神经传出纤维对胰岛、腺泡和导管起调节作用。 胰腺具有外分泌和内分泌功能,胰腺的外分泌为胰液,主要由各种消化酶和水、碳酸氢盐,内分泌来源于胰岛,胰岛是大小不等、形状不定的细胞集团,主要分布在胰体尾,胰岛有多种细胞,以B细胞为主(分泌胰岛素),其次是A细胞分泌胰高血糖素,D细胞分泌生长抑素,G细胞分泌胃泌素。 胰腺炎: 一、急性胰腺炎:按病理分类可分为水肿性和出血坏死性,前者病情轻,预后好,后者病情险恶,死亡率高,不仅表现为胰腺的局部炎症,而且常常涉及全身的多个脏器。 1、致病危险因素:以胆道疾病为主,占50%以上,称胆源性胰腺炎,西方则以饮酒为主。 a 胆道疾病:胆道结石向下移动可阻塞胆总管末端,此时胆汁可经“共同通道”反流入胆管,可损伤胰腺,引起胰腺组织坏死,产生急性胰腺炎。胆道蛔虫以及因炎症或手术器械引起的十二指肠乳头水肿或狭窄、Oddi括约肌痉挛等。 b 过量饮酒:酒精可直接损伤胰腺,还能刺激胰液分泌,并可引起十二指肠乳头水肿和Oddi括约肌痉挛,造成胰管内压力增高,细小胰管破裂,胰液进入腺泡周围组织,自我消化。 C 十二指肠液反流:十二指肠内压力增高 D 创伤因素、胰腺血循环障碍 E 其他因素;如饮食、感染、高脂血症、高血钙、妊娠有关的代谢等。少数胰腺炎找不到病因,成为特发性胰腺炎。 二、发病机制与病理生理 正常情况下,胰液中的酶原在十二指肠内被激活方有消化功能,在上述致病因素存在时,各种胰酶将通过不同途径相继提前在胰管或者腺泡内被激活,将对机体产生局部和全身损害。在局部对胰腺及周围组织产生自身消化,造成组织细胞坏死,破坏血管壁和胰腺导管,可使胰腺出血和坏死。脂肪酶将脂肪分解成脂


全程护理干预运用于无痛性ERCP术胆胰疾病患者治疗中对其术后并发症发生率的影响探讨 发表时间:2017-03-19T15:53:22.217Z 来源:《医师在线》2016年12月上第23期作者:关娟[导读] 分析对胆胰疾病患者行无痛性ERCP治疗或检查时实施全程护理干预对减少术后并发症的有效性。 芜湖市第二人民医院内镜中心安徽芜湖 241000 摘要目的:分析对胆胰疾病患者行无痛性ERCP治疗或检查时实施全程护理干预对减少术后并发症的有效性。方法:筛选70例因患胆胰疾病在我院接受无痛性ERCP术检查或治疗的患者为研究对象,随机分组,一组施予全程护理干预(分析组,35例),一组施予常规的护理(对比组,35例),比对两组护理的效果。结果:分析组并发症发生的几率是5.7%,与比对组的22.9%比对明显较低,分析组住院天 数较对比组短,护理满意度评分较对比组高,(P<0.05)。结论:对实施无痛性ERCP术的检查或治疗的患者实施全程护理,可使并发症减少,从而使患者住院时间缩短。 关键词:胆胰疾病;无痛ERCP术;全程护理;并发症对患有胆胰疾病的患者实施诊断或治疗时,目前临床上大多采用ERCP术,此种方法属于微创手术的一种,对患者的创伤较小,术后患者可在短时间内恢复[1]。但在术后,患者可能会出现一些并发症,对术后顺利恢复造成影响,因此,临床上需注重护理干预的配合。为了进一步对此类患者的有效性护理方法进行总结,本次研究选择70例患者进行对照分析,分为两组后分别施予不同的护理,现将研究进行如下呈现: 1.对象以及方法 1.1研究的对象 在因患胆胰疾病进入我院接受无痛ERCP术检查或治疗的患者中选择70例为此次研究对象,期限是2015年9月份至2016年9月份。男性例数/女性例数=37/33,26岁-68岁,均值是(47±6.5)岁。所选患者均明确没有ERCP术禁忌症,已将合并机体其他严重疾病、认知障碍等患者排除在外。为了便于对照分析的进行,随机将70例患者分成分析组与对比组,各为35例,客观性对两组一般资料进行比对,差异不突出,(P>0.05),可在下文进行对比研究。 1.2护理方法 分析组35例患者接受全程护理干预:(1)手术之前的护理,首先,协助医生对患者病情、机体状况进行全面评估,对手术禁忌症、适应症进行明确,并协助、指导患者将各项术前需要进行的检查完成。其次,给予心理情绪方面的干预,告知患者病情的实际情况与治疗措施,尤其注重介绍ERCP术的有效性、需要配合的要点等,使患者对治疗充满信心。同时,注重患者心理情绪的观察,将负性情绪可能对手术效果产生的影响告知患者,并给予其安慰与鼓励,使患者感受到关心与爱护,从而促进其负性情绪的缓解。最后,将术前各项准备工作做好,术前6至8小时,嘱咐患者不要饮食,对静脉通道进行建立,对手术中可能会存在的护理风险进行评估,并将应急处理的准备做好。 (2)实施手术时的护理,首先,在充分满足手术要求的前提下,尽量将患者姿势调整为最舒适的状态。其次,手术操作进行的过程中,注重吸痰措施的实施,对患者心率、血压、呼吸等进行严密监测,若有异常出现,及时告知医生。最后,整个护理操作中,注重动作的轻柔性,严格无菌操作,对术后感染进行预防。 (3)完成手术之后的护理,第一,患者返回病房后,对其生命体征、病情进行监测,尤其注重尿量、腹部疼痛、体温等监测,并将引流管的相关护理工作做好,对引流液数量、颜色等进行观察,有异常出现及时与医生联系。第二,手术后,患者需进行24小时的绝对卧床休息,此过程中需禁饮食,给予口腔方面的护理,随后依据患者实际情况,给予饮食方面的指导。第三,注重并发症的护理,胆管炎、急性胰腺炎、穿孔、胆道损伤等是此种手术术后的常见并发症,护理人员需注重这些并发症早期症状的判断,有并发症前兆时,及时处理。 对比组35例接受常规护理,如入院时给予指导、健康教育,协助做好手术准备,术后给予常规性看护等。 1.3观察指标 (1)观察、记录两组出血并发症的具体情况,并对比。(2)记录与比较两组住院的时间,并将我们医院自主制作的护理满意度评价表发给患者,对患者对本次护理服务满意情况进行调查,共100分,分数与满意度呈正比。 1.4数据处理 本次以SPSS20.0软件进行数学统计分析,其中,患者住院时间、护理满意度评分则由“( ±s)”展开研究,并发症以“(n/%)”进行分析,两组客观比对后,若有差异性出现,标明(P<0.05)。 2.结果 2.1比对两组并发症发生的情况 分析组发生并发症的几率是5.7%,对比组是22.9%,两组比对,分析组明显较低,(P<0.05),如表1。 2.2比较两组住院时间、护理满意度评分 分析组患者经(9.8±2.3)天的住院后出院,对比组经(15.5±4.6)天的住院后出院;分析组护理满意度评分是(98.1±1.3)分,对比组是(75.2±3.5)分。两组比对,分析组住院天数较短,护理满意度评分较高,(P<0.05)。 3.讨论

CWDM 模块规格书

CWDM Module Product Description: Huichen’s WDM modul is based on thin film filter (TFF)technology, Packaging options include fiber type and integration of taps and detectors for a complete coarse wavelength division multiplexing solution.The products areGR-1221 and GR-1209 qualified and Rohs compliant. Features: ●Low insertion loss ●Wide pass band ●High channel isolation ●High stability and reliability ●Epoxy free on optical path Application: ●Line monitoring ●WDM network ●Telecommunication ●Cellular Application ●Fiber optical amplifier Performance Specification:

1. Excluding connectors; add 0.3dB as a pair of connectors. 2. Package dimension is for Mux or Demux separately Device Schematic Drawing (unit: mm): C: (Φ5.5 x L38) E: (100L x 80W x 10H)


产品规格书Product Specification 客户名称: 产品型号:HCX-M75133WW-57 产品名称:注塑防水模组 产品描述:3灯5730冷白色外壳带PC罩防水注塑模组 客户确认核准审核制作 张历运卢干民张远

一、产品特点: 线路板采用高导热玻钎板,光衰小,稳定,LED寿命长高达3万小时以上; LED采用优质5730芯片,亮度高,确保高光效、低耗; 采用防火级PVC优质材料注塑,生产工艺及防水性能好; 采用外置恒压12V电源,电源转换效率高; 多种安装方式,螺丝固定或者背面贴胶,安装,维修方便; 二、应用范围: 1.招牌,广告,灯箱;大型卖场、连锁便利店; 2.办公室、会议室等办公楼内照明; 3.展览馆、图书馆、学校、工厂、机场、停车场等公共照明。 三、光参数: `光电参数 型号LED光源发光颜色色温(K) 电压 ( V ) 功率 ( W ) 光通量 ( LM ) 光效 (LM/W) 发光角度 ( °) HCX-M75133 WW-57 SMD5730 正白 6000-7000 12 1.35 130 105 130 7000-8000 冷白9000~12000 其它参数 标准级联数(PCS)外壳材料驱动方式 重量 (20pcs/g) 使用寿命 工作环境 (℃) 储存温度 (℃) 防护等级 20 PVC 恒压12V 230 5年-25-+60 -25-+70 IP66 备注:①测试环境温度为25±2℃; ②以上数据为典型值,产品的实际参数可能会不同于典型数据。 四、光斑图及配光曲线图: 光斑图配光曲线

五、外形尺寸图(单位:mm): 六、连接示意图: 七、安装说明: 安装产品之前,确保安装表面清洁干净; 采用连接示意图中方案(单端供电)时:模组标准联级数量20pcs,不可超量串接。用户也可以根据实际需求单个剪断; 模组安装时先将模组底部背胶的离型纸撕下,贴到灯箱或广告标识内初步固定,然后可以采用模组两边打玻璃胶的方式固定; 当模组与模组需要连接时,先用斜口钳居中剪断两模组间的电源线,剥皮10mm左右,并将对应颜色(红白相间线接电源正极,白色线接电源负极)线剥皮部分的导线拧成一股,然后拧入接线头进行绝缘防护,最后检验电源线拧入接线头后的导通性和牢靠性,以徒手不能将电源线从接线头拔出为宜; 当尾端模组有线材导体裸露时,先用斜口钳将两根电源线剥皮约10mm,并拧入接线头进行绝缘防护; 为保证防水和防腐,电源线拧入接线头后,建议用单组份硅胶(或者用中性玻璃胶,或者用防水脂)注入接线头,覆盖电源线的裸露铜线进行防护; 模组不可完全裸露在户外使用,请勿带电触摸、带电作业; 建议使用通过了相关安规认证的开关电源(带短路保护,过压保护,过流保护)。


1目的及适用范围 1.1为规范产品研发过程,提高产品研发的效率、质量, 降低研发成本,特制定本程序; 1.2本程序文件适用于侏罗纪公司产品研发; 1.3本程序文件由侏罗纪公司制定,其解释权及修 改权属于; 1.4本程序文件从2017年月日起执行; 2职责 2.1产品部负责产品研发; 2.2质量控制部负责对组件开发过程中的里程碑产生的 相关成果和文档进行质量控制,并将符合规范的成果 放入资源中心存档; 2.3技术支持部和市场部负责宣传材料和用户手册的制 作,以及和产品销售流程的衔接环节和动作;

3产品研发流程 3.1CEO从公司战略规划决案中形成产品规划,下发给产 品部; 3.2产品(副)总监接到产品规划后,依据产品规划委托 产品经理进行产品研发立项; 3.3执委会对产品立项进行评审,若评审未通过,相关文 档放入资源管理部备案; 3.4若立项评审通过,质量控制部对立项进行质量检验, 若质检未通过,产品经理修改立项报告; 3.5若质检通过,产品经理开始制订项目计划,同时质量 控制部将立项相关文档放入资源管理部归档; 3.6产品经理将项目计划提交给产品(副)总监评审,若 未通过,产品经理修改项目计划; 3.7若评审通过,产品总监安排研发项目资源; 3.8产品经理获得研发项目资源后,进行需求分析,并将 相关成果交技术委员会进行内容评审; 3.9若内容评审未通过,产品经理修改需求分析;若内容 评审通过,质量控制部对《需求分析说明》进行质量 检验; 3.10若质检未通过,产品经理修改《需求分析说明》,若

质检通过,相关成果和文档放入资源管理部归档,同时产品经理带领研发相关人员进行总体设计; 3.11产品经理和研发人员完成总体设计后将相关成果交 技术委员会进行内容评审; 3.12若内容评审未通过,产品经理修改《总体设计说明》; 若内容评审通过,质量控制部对《总体设计说明》进行质量检验; 3.13若质检未通过,产品经理修改《总体设计说明》,若 质检通过,相关成果和文档放入资源管理部归档,同时产品经理和研发人员进行程序设计/测试; 3.14完成程序设计/测试后,产品经理将相关成果交质量控 制部进行功能测试,若测试未通过,产品经理修改相关成果,若测试通过,质量控制部对相关成果和文档进行质量检验; 3.15若质检未通过,产品经理修改相关成果和文档;若质 检通过,质量控制部将相关成果和文档放入资源管理部门归档; 3.16同时产品研发组制作软件,技术支持部和市场部制作 宣传材料,之后,技术支持部对销售人员进行内部培训,市场部申请并取得著作权; 3.17市场部在取得著作权后制作用户/技术手册;


+++SAI制作+++ 原作者:ryo 原图地 址:https://www.doczj.com/doc/7310388240.html,/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=46954 81 歡迎轉載但必須保留原內容和署名完整(轉帖時請在日志下留下轉載信息便于管理員查看,謝謝) -------------------------------

------------------------------- 初次见面,我叫ryo 这次将由我来给大家进行SAI讲座 因为我自己也还在摸索绘画方法的途中这次的讲座希望大家仅当做是参考 可以的话请大家看到最后(′ω`*) +++环境+++ Windows XP/内存1.5GB 使用软件:SAI (平时润饰时也用PhotoshopElements) 数位板:intuos3 ■画面介绍?粗略■ ------------------------------- 先介绍一下我最先制作好的画面 分辨率是1024X768

*注:(←RGB滑触↑用这里进行改制 便签工具↑手颤的修正) 颜色用RGB滑触制作,将经常使用的颜色放进便签里 手颤修正设为13.这个数值越大线条的越不显得颤动 画面可以用window进行改制,所以大家就以自己能更方便地绘图为方向来改变看看吧 我的情况是把layer相关的panel放在右边让Status bar不显示 那么,就让我们一起来绘制关键的画吧 ■粗略地画出一张图■ 这次我们不使用Scanner而从最初开始就用SAI进行绘制 【文件】→【新画板】打开500×650的画板 把自己脑海中浮现出来的东西画出来 最初没有考虑到背景,想着「过会儿再说吧」(笑) 我觉得使用接近黑色的颜色比较能不违和地画出来 还有,这个粗图的阶段如果画太复杂的话下笔的时候会搞不清楚要将线条牵到哪里 所以请大家整理到自己能弄清楚的程度 画好粗图后就把这个layer选为保留不透明度

HUAWEI EM770W模块规格书

EM770W UMTS M2M 无线模块 产品描述 1 EM770W 模块总体介绍 1.1 本章概述 本章对EM770W UMTS M2M 无线模块进行了总体介绍,包括: ● EM770W UMTS M2M 无线模块外观 ● EM770W UMTS M2M 无线模块功能 ● EM770W UMTS M2M 无线模块应用框图 ● 缩略语 EM770W UMTS M2M 无线模块外观 EM770W UMTS M2M 无线模块具有简约、小巧的外观,其外观如图1.2 1-1所示。 1.3 EM770W EM770W 图1-1EM770W UMTS M2M 无线模块外观 UMTS M2M 无线模块功能概述 UMTS M2M 无线模块的功能特点如下:

EM770W UMTS M2M 无线模块 产品描述 900/900/850和GPRS/GSM1900/1800/900/850频段; 补充业务; 口,接口信号包括: - 电源 1路4线串口); 1路输入输出音频信号(只支持话柄); IM 卡); ● ● ● ● 表● 支持UMTS 2100/1● 支持语音、短信、数据、电话本、● 支持内置TCP/IP 协议栈; ● 支持FOTA 功能; ● 提供通用Mini PCI Express 接- 2路UART 接口(支持1路7线全串口、- - 1路USIM 卡信号(支持3.0v 或1.8v US - 1路高速USB2.0接口 - PCM 接口等 提供主集天线、分集天线接口; 支持标准AT 指令集和华为扩展AT 指令集;支持特殊USIM 卡业务; 符合ROHS 环保认证要求。 1-1 EM770W UMTS M2M 无线模块产品特性 产品特性 描述 工作频段 UMTS: Quad band, 850/900/1900/2100MHz 100MHz GSM/GPRS/EDGE: Quad 850/900/1800/1900MHz HSUPA /HSDPA: 850/900/1900/2band,最大发射功率 EGSM/GPRS 850 SM/GPRS 900 Class 1 (+30dBm ±2dB) for GSM/GPRS 1800 2dB) for GSM/GPRS 1900 100, WCDMA FDD BdI +1/-3dB) for UMTS 1900, WCDMA FDD BdII MA FDD BdVIII CDMA FDD BdV Class 4 (+33dBm ±2dB) for Class 4 (+33dBm ±2dB) for EG Class 1 (+30dBm ±Class 3 (+24dBm +1/-3dB) for UMTS 2Class 3 (+24dBm Class 3 (+24dBm +1/-3dB) for UMTS 900,WCD Class 3 (+24dBm +1/-3dB) for UMTS 850,W 正常工作温度:-10℃~+65℃ 受限工作温度:-20℃~+70℃ 工作温度 存储温度::-40℃~+90℃ 电源电压 3.0V ~3.6V (推荐值3.3V ) 待机模式:<3mA 功耗(电流) 语音模式(平均):250mA

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