当前位置:文档之家› 2015安徽省高三第二次高考模拟考试英语参考答案





1—5 BCBBC 6—10 CBBCA 11—15 CAACB 16—20 ABABC


21. D 考查情景交际。句意:----嗨,玛丽,下星期天上午和我们一起烧烤怎么样?----非常抱歉,我有事要忙。A项意为“视情况而定”;B项意为“我没兴趣”;C项意为“我愿意”;D项意为“我那时会忙得不可开交”。根据I'm terribly sorry可排除A、C项,B项不太礼貌,D项“到时候我会很忙”是委婉拒绝,故选D。

22. A 考查定语从句。句意:支持小规模的地方农场的慢餐运动正在大多数西方世界迅速增长。先行词是The Slow Food Movement,且此句是非限制性定语从句,故用which引导。

23. D 考查时态。句意:他这份运务员的工作丢了,因为之前他在追赶一只猫以阻止它横穿饭桌时摔断了左腿。由语境可知,break这一个动作发生在lose之前,故用过去完成时。

24. C 考查名词辨析。句意:他说他建立这个协会的最初动机是给那些缺少资金和技术的人提供帮助。根据语境可知,空格处填motivation,该词意为“动机、动力”;commitment意为:“承诺、保证”;inspiration意为“灵感、鼓舞”;impression意为“印象、印记”,不符合语境。25. B 考查副词辨析。句意:布莱克先生只是偶尔去礼堂做礼拜,但是他笃信宗教。根据语境可知,空格处填occasionally,表示“偶尔”。

26. A 考查名词性从句。句意:自从劳拉进入教室后,她就大哭起来。然而,我们没有人知道究竟是什么让她感到不安。从句子结构可知,know后面跟宾语从句,宾语从句中缺少主语,所以用what来引导。

27. C 考查非谓语动词。句意:为了更好学好法语,我想你应该多找机会尽可能听听人家说法语。hear sth. done意为“听见某事被做”,speak和French是被动关系,所以用过去分词。28. A 考查代词。it指代“同一物”;one指代同名异物,表示“同一类中的一个”,为泛指;that 指代同名异物,为特指。句意为:那个村子的苹果非常可口,我经常早上会吃一个。由题干意思可知此处所填词表示“同类中的一个”,因此答案选A项。

29. B 考查情态动词。句意为:——我离开期间万一Lily来找我,告诉她我很快就回来。—好的。根据句意可知,此处应用should,表示可能性。

30. D考查动词短语辨析。句意:根据新的交通法则,无视交通信号灯将导致6分的处罚,这是之前的两倍。adapt to意为“适应”;result from意为“由于,由……造成”;lie in意为“在于”;result in意为“造成,导致”。根据语境可知选项D项。

31. C 考查形容词辨析。句意:毫无疑问,如果我们想生活在一个更好的环境中,我们得从根本上改变对待环境的方式。sudden意为“突然的”;slight意为“轻微的,稍微的”;fundamental 意为“根本的,基本的”,符合语境;practical意为“实践的,实用的”。

32. B 考查连接词。句意:既然我们都不知道他的电话号码,只有找个人去把消息告诉他了。ever since意为“自从……”;now that意为“既然,因为”,符合语境;as soon as意为“一……就……”;

even though意为“尽管,即使”。

33. B 考查动词辨析。句意:他们中没有一个人知道为什么那个女孩不看就知道在隔壁房间的纸上写的内容,这确实难以解释。challenge“对……提出异议,向……挑战,怀疑,质疑,反对”符合语境。prevent“防止,制/阻止,妨碍”;interrupt“打断,中断,打扰,阻碍”;confuse “搞乱,使糊涂”。

34. A 考查介词辨析。句意:你愿意支持他帮助他渡过这段困难时期吗?through在本句中意为“穿过,渡过”符合题意。

35. D 考查情景交际。句意:----真遗憾!我驾照考试又没有过。----振作精神,毕竟你已经尽力了!根据语境可以判断答话人应该对对方加以安慰鼓励,故选D项,该项表示“振作精神”。完形填空

36. A 作者的下半生的精力主要放在个人的发展和追寻人生中最重要的支撑点。focus one’s energy on意为“集中精力于……”。

37. C 根据最后一段的“I wanted to do something important with my life –I wanted to make a difference”可知,作者一直在找寻人生中最重要的部分。所以空格处填important。

38. B 根据下文的“not because I didn’t want to learn”可知,作者在前期时间一直在努力想多学点东西,无奈自己有缺陷,无法集中精力学习。所以空格处填education。

39. D 根据上文“not because I didn’t want to learn”中的not可知,空格处填but,not … but…意为“不是……而是……”。

40. B 根据上文的“I dropped out of … and then …”可知,作者在小学时学习非常糟糕,最后在高中阶段便辍学了。所以空格处填eventually。

41. C 根据下文的“…my early twenties working at gas stat ions and doing labor jobs”可知,作者辍学后便在加油站上班并做一些体力活,下文的working和doing暗示前面用spend,该词的固定用法是spend some time (in) doing sth.。

42. A 根据上文的“The Internet had taken over everyone’s life”可知,在互联网时代,作者开始接触许多十年前都不可能发生的事情。be exposed to意为“暴露于、接触”。

43. D 根据语境可知,空格处填possible,语境意为“没有互联网,十年前这些事情不可能发生。”

44. B 根据下文的“History, politics, and science – I wanted to know everything”可知,作者的内心对知识的渴望非常强烈。所以空格处填knowledge。

45. C 正当作者非常渴望学习时,碰巧作者的母亲也打算去大学读书。所以空格处填happened,it happened that…意为“碰巧发生……”。

46. A 根据下文的“...to go as well but…”可知,母亲建议作者一起去读大学。

47. D 根据下文的“…afraid of…”可知,作者并不确定读大学能给自己带来什么,他也担心读书不能给自己带来什么。

48. A 根据下文的“I started moving up at my job”可知,就在作者犹豫的时候,他升职了。meanwhile意为“同时,此时此刻”,也可以用In the meantime。

49. C 根据上文的“I started moving up at my job”和下文的“my blue collars for white”可知,作


50. B 作者在公司呆了六年,母亲也大学毕业了。所以空格处填graduated。

51. D 母亲的大学毕业让作者更坚定一个信念:任何人都可以做任何事情。belief意为“信念,看法”。而thought意为“思想,想法”,不符合语境。

52. A 作者认为:自己接受的教育不多,自己的职业发展到这一步已经确实非常不容易。without doing意为“没有做……”。

53. C 根据下文的“I hated being…”可知,作者非常讨厌自己日常生活中的一些弊端问题。be sick of意为“讨厌,厌倦”。

54. B 根据下文的“with companies like Monsanto”可知,作者讨厌跟这些公司打交道,be associated with意为“跟……打交道,将……联想起来”。

55. D 根据下文的“my job and devoted my life to higher education”可知,一想到这些,作者决定辞职去接受更高等的教育了。所以空格处填quit,表示“放弃,辞职”。


56. C 细节理解题。根据第一段的“His goal was to promote the vehicle as an environmentally friendly travel option”可知,Satyen Das骑人力车从家里到喜马拉雅山山口,旅程花了他68天的时间,他此行的目的是倡导一种绿色出行的方式。所以答案选C项。

57. D 细节理解题。根据文章的内容及第四段的“But he always dreamed of setting an example for others, and wondered how to do it being poor and with little education”可知,尽管Satyen Das受的教育不多,家里贫困,但他梦想通过自己的努力为别人树立榜样,环境保护,人人有责。所以答案选D项。

58. A 词义猜测题。根据第四段的“Das started as a so-called “rickshaw wallah”under his father, who also pedaled a rickshaw for a living”可知,rickshaw wallah意为“靠踏人力车谋生的人”,所以答案选A项。

59. C 推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,Partha De为Satyen Das感到骄傲,因为他取得了非常好的成绩。所以答案选C项。

60. B 细节理解题。根据Specific Regulations第3条规定中的“Personal grills shall be used in specific picnic areas only.”可知在指定的区域可以烧烤。

61. C 细节理解题。根据文章中的“Excepted from the forbidding are animals specifically trained to assist the disabled”这一句话可知,用来帮助残疾人的动物可以进入公园,而其它动物不能。所以答案选C项。

62. A 词义猜测题。画线词所在句的下一句提到未燃尽的燃料及灰烬应以此方式处理掉以防对公园财产造成损失,由此可推知在离开烧烤区之前应将火彻底熄灭。故答案为A项。

63. D 推理判断题。由本文第一段的写作语气可知,该管理规定应是由政府相关部门对公园等一些休闲娱乐场所的规定,应属于政府文件。

64. C 细节理解题。根据第一段的“Now, scientists have found that these prehistoric creatures were somewhere in the middle, according to a new study”这一句话可知,恐龙既不属于热血动物也不属


65. D 推理判断题。根据第四段内容可推知,恐龙的生活方式没有热血动物那么活跃。所以答案选D项。

66. A 推理判断题。根据第四段的内容可知,作者在第四段介绍了热血动物和冷血动物的特点,然后引出恐龙的特点,所以这段的主要目的是介绍恐龙的主要特征。所以答案选A项。

67. D 细节理解题。根据最后一段的“The prehistoric creatures now join a group …includes great white sharks, leatherback turtles and tuna.”这两句话可知,恐龙属于中温动物,其中包括great white sharks, leatherback turtles和tuna,所以答案选D项。

68. A 细节理解题。根据第三段的“…without an y evidence that this huge investment is making a difference”这一个信息可知,阅读和数学的测试结果表明:英国在教育领域里的巨大的投资并没有发挥出其应有的作用。所以答案选A项。

69. C 推理判断题。根据第四段的“…they are really worried about the problem and some schools’ unwise measures”这一个信息可知,教师对学校的不明智的举措感到担忧。所以答案选C项。

70. B 细节理解题。根据第五段的内容可知,学生还是非常认可这些先进设备的,他们认为这些设备改变了课堂教学的氛围并且给他们的大学学习和工作做好了准备。所以答案选B项。71. D 推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,作者认为:教学应该和现代技术同时进步,同时发展,否则教室里先进的设备也无法发挥其应有的作用。所以答案选D项。

72. C 细节理解题。根据第二段的“However, she only made it to test how she could create a beautiful dress with trash”可知,Kristen制作第一件衣服只是为了试验一下自己的创造能力。故选C项。

73. A 推理判断题。根据第四段的“Today the company that has offices in Palm Beach, Florida and New York City…”可知,Garbage Gone Glam 是Kristen创办的公司名称。故选A项。

74. C 细节理解题。根据第四段的“Instead, she seeks it from companies that have manufactured more than they need …”可知,Kristen不再为原材料发愁,一些公司已经大批量生产。故选C 项。

75. B 细节理解题。根据最后一段的“… whether they can be cleaned is a little unclear”可知,Kristen 还不太确定的是这些衣服能否清洗。故选B项。



81.Arrange 82.Divide83.extra84.sure85.Conclusion/Summary



One possible version:

As we all know, Chinese people have a tradition of giving and receiving red envelopes during Spring Festival face to face. However, this year, giving and receiving red envelopes via QQ is gaining its popularity. People can receive one from our friends, relatives, or even some strangers.

Some people think that it is a good way of expressing care or love towards each other and that people may get relaxed and entertained through this way. While others think that people become more attached to their mobile phones, which will do harm to their health.

In my view, I think giving and receiving red envelopes via QQ will add more pleasure to our holiday but we should limit our time in using mobile phone or we will become a member of Phubbing.


Text 1

M: Excuse me, how much is it to post a letter by ordinary mail?

W: Let me see. Eh… Only 80 cents, sir.

Text 2

W: I want to go to the concert tonight, but it starts at 7:30, and I have to work until 5:30. There won’t be enough time to go home for dinner.

M: I’ve got an idea. I’ll pick you up after work and we’ll eat downtown. That’ll save us a lot of time. Text 3

M: What do you think of today’s TV programs, Mary?

W: They’re terrible. Most of the programs are a complete waste of time. I doubt if there will be many people interested in them.

Text 4

W: Betty is the apple of her father’s eye.

M: I’m afraid that she will become a spoiled child someday.

Text 5

W: I read the book from cover to cover in two days. It’s about a robot’s family which lived in Japan.

I’d like to read it again sometime.

M: Is that amazing? I can’t wait to read it.

Text 6

M: Have you travelled much in America?

W: No, not much. But I travel quite a lot in Washington D.C. every day.

M: What do you think of Washington’s traffic?

W: I think the underground is OK because it’s fast and comfortable. But I also like the buses, especially for short journeys.

M: But don’t you think the buses are rather slow?

W: Yes, I do. Particularly in rush hours.

M: What about the taxis?

W: Taxis often get us in traffic jams, and besides, they’re too expensive.

M: Well, what do you think is the best way to travel in Washington?

W: The underground, I think.

Text 7

W: Do you have any plans for the summer, Jim?

M: Yeah. I’ll be visiting some historical and cultural relics in Europe in late July.

W: Really? What for?

M: Our history teacher asked us to have a research in relics worldwide. He said it is beneficial for us to know more about history. So I want to visit those in Europe one by one.

W: What are you going to do while you are there?

M: Well, I will take photos and then find more information about them online at night.

W: Maybe it will cost too much for you to do that.

M: My parents have decided to support me, and my mother will accompany me all the way.

W: You have a great mother. Have a good time.

M: Thank you.

Text 8

W: Good afternoon.

M: Good afternoon. Have you got any records of modern guitar music?

W: We’ve got a lot of them. Which ones are you looking for?

M: I’m looking for some records of Julian Bream. I saw them in your window last week but there are different records now.

W: Excuse me, aren’t you American?

M: No, I’m Canadian. My father gave me the same records. But I broke them. They were in my suitcase. I sat on my case and broke the records. I came here last week and saw the records.

W: Let’s look for the records. I put some new records on the window yesterday. I took the Bream records out and put them on that shelf. Yes, the records are over there on the shelf.

M: How much are those three?

W: They’re four pounds fifty pence.

Text 9

W: Why are you so upset today, Charlie? Cheer up!

M: Oh, Iris, it’s about the job with the PR company.

W: It’s a great opportunity. You should be happy with the offer.

M: But my mother won’t allow me to accept any part-time job. I’m afraid she will say no again.

W: why? It’s unfair. You can learn a lot from it.

M: She says a part-time job takes so much time and energy that I won’t be able to focus on my study. W: That may be true. But I’m sure you’re able to find a balance between them. Why not try it?

M: I turned down quite a few offers before for her sake. But I’m a senior now; I don’t want to miss the chance this time.

W: I agree with you but I think you really need to talk to your mother and tell her what’s on your mind.

M: I’ll try, but what if she insists?

W: Just let her know that the experiences will be both amazing and rewarding. And more importantly, you can manage both your study and the job.

M: OK, I’ll do that. Thank you, Iris.

W: Sure. Good luck, Charlie!

Text 10

Welcome to the History and Archaeology website. This website has been set up with the aim of providing answers to all questions about History and Archaeology you might have, and is full of links and resources about it. For anyone interested in history there is an endless amount of material to enjoy. For those with an interest in any of the World Wars can find a great deal of information to discover, clubs to join, and activities to get involved in. You can sign up to the group, and meet lots of like-minded people. Or you can become an archaeologist and discover even more things to add to the vivid picture we already have about so many different eras of history.

A nd if you aren’t so interested in actually doing all the work yourself, but really enjoy seeing and even owning, there are endless fairs and forums for you. You can get hold of items from the more recent wars, such as things that have been kept from this c entury’s two world wars, or you can get hold of items from wars as distant as those fought in the middle ages. We are always happy to hear your thoughts about our History and Archaeology website.

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