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开心学英语五下《Unit 4 Review 1》word教案


4 Review 1


T:(S1’s name),you read the first sentence?[S1:The window broke.]



T:Now listen to the tape.


T:The window…(用动作示意学生回答。)[broke.]

T:Circle the correct answer.(示范划圈)



T:(指着图A)Where were they?[Ss:They were in Canada.]


T:Now look at the other pictures. Can you fill in the missing words?


T:Now listen to the tape and check your answers。


3 热身活动

教师就图画向学生提问题,如:Who are they?等等。


T:Let’s read the passages。



T:(指着问题1)(S1’s name),can you read the question?[S1:Where was Tony last month?]

T:What’s the answer ,(S2’s name)?[S2:He was in China(last month)]

T:Read the other questions and write the answers on the page. 继续提问其余问题和完成短文B。

4 热身活动




T:Shop。I’ll play the tape. Let’s find the sound.


T:Can you find the words the sound ?Circle them.




Unit 1 My school Target I. Sentences: 1. There’s a hall, a gym···· 2. How many classrooms are there? There are twenty-five classrooms. 3. Of course, Gogo! 4. I have an idea. II. Words: a teachers’ office , a library,a playground, a hall,an art room,a music room, a gym ,a classroom; III. Sounds and words: [u:] room moon cool classroom school noodles Materials Picture Cards 1-8, a teachers’ office , a library,a playground, a hall,an art room,a music room, a gym ,a classroom;

The first period Step 1 Review 1. Do you know…? 2. How many words do you know? Step 2 V ocabulary Getting ready Put Picture Cards 1-8 on the blackboard. T: Look at the Picture Cards. Say each word as you hold up the Picture Cards T: Now listen and repeat. Hold up each Picture cards. And say the word. Give Ss time to repeat. Using the book T: Listen to the disc and repeat. Point to each subject as you say it. Play the disc and have Ss repeat each word. T: Is this an art room? (Point to a music room Picture card.) Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s a music room. Model if necessary. Repeat with several Picture Cards. T: Close your books. T: (Hold up various Picture Cards and repeat.) what is it? Ss: It’s a …. Extension activity Step 3 Practice 2 T: What can you see? (S1:A gym```) T: Now read the questions. Have Ss read the questions together.


2015-2016学年度第二学期五年级英语期末模拟练习题 班别:________ 姓名:___________ 学号:________ 成绩:_________ 力部分 一、听选单词、词组和句子。(共10分,每小题1分) ( ) 1. A. shop B. stop C. song ( ) 2. A. ball B. tall C. small ( ) 3. A. phone B. photo C. Elephant ( ) 4. A. how B. cow C. brown ( ) 5. A. make B. cake C. take ( ) 6. A. tree B. three C. feet ( ) 7. A. never B. ever C. letter ( ) 8. A. stay with friends B. play with friends C. meet some friends ( ) 9. A. once a week B. once a month C. once a year ( ) 10. A. What are you going to do? B. What does he do? C. Where are they going? 二、听问句,选答语。(共8分,每小题1分) ( ) 11. A. She reads a book. B. She’s going to read books. C. Yes, she is . ( ) 12. A. Yes, she is. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, I am. ( ) 13. A. Once a week. B. Yes, we do. C. We usually take a bus. ( ) 14. A. They sometimes take the bus. B. At 7:20. C. No, they don’t. ( ) 15. A. We’re going by bus. B. They are going by train. C. He’s going by plane. ( ) 16. A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I do. ( ) 17. A. We should eat something. B. We should help small children. C. We should fight with my friends. ( ) 18. A. I go fishing once a month. B. Yes, I love fishing. C. Once a year. 三、听录音,判断对错。对的写“ T ”,错的写“ F ”。(共8分,每小题1分) 19. ( ) 20. ( ) 21. ( ) 22. ( ) 23. ( ) 24. ( ) 25. ( ) 26. ( ) My name’s Sam. I’m __27_____. I’m from ___28_____. My favorite ___29______ is fishing. I often go with my dad on weekends. Tomorrow I’m going to have a __30____ with my ___31____. W e’re going to visit our ___32___ in Shenzhen. I’m going to make some model ___33____ with my cousin. It’s going to be lots of ___34_____.

What are you doing说课稿

What are you doing说课稿 一说教材: 我今天说课的内容是《开心学英语》第三册第九课。本课将学习现在进行时,现在进行时是一个重要的时态,常用于日常生活对话中。通过学习这个时态,学生将提高用英语进行交流的能力。 本课的教学目标:根据《新课标》中的阶段性目标和中年级儿童的年龄特点,我制定了以下的教学目标: 1. 认知目标:使学生掌握想知道别人正在做什么应该怎样用英语进行问答。 2. 教学目标:使学生能基本掌握现在进行时和现在分词的基本结构和用法。 3. 情感目标:使学生体验学习,参与,合作,竞争的乐趣。 4. 创新目标:在认知和技能掌握的基础上,发挥学生的想象力,通过动作表现正在做的事情。 本课重点:学习八个现在分词并能用现在进行时进行问答。 本课难点:三种不同形式的现在分词的特点和现在进行时的基本句子结构。 二。说教法和学法: 《新课标》倡导任务型教学模式,即让学生在教学活动中参与和完成真实的教学任务,从中体验学习的快乐。因此我采用“任务——探究——创造”型教学方法,让学生在有趣,开放式的语

言环境中,学会观察,思考,讨论和总结,把学生培养成为思想健康积极,有创造性的人材。 三。说教学过程: 新课标特别强调关注每个学生的情感,激发他们的兴趣,通过感知,体验,实践,参与和合作等方式,实现任务目标。 因此,我设计第一环节:导入——巧妙引导 在美丽的大海画面中,学生欣赏到一首着名的歌曲:I am sailing。歌词:“我在航行,我在飞翔”引出了本课学习的重点:现在进行时。通过任务设计:I am sailing. I am flying.和问题:What are you doing?很好地提出了本课的教学目标。 第二环节:新授——创设语言环境,激发学生兴趣 这一环节是本课的重难点,我使用形象生动的多媒体画面来展示,使现在分词和现在进行时的结构变得生动有趣。 大屏幕上,Gogo来到一个大房间,这个房间里有三扇门,Gogo依次打开了三扇门。在第一个门里,Gogo看到了sleeping,studying,painting,playing and eating这几个动作画面。为了让学生对现在分词和现在进行时有深刻的印象,我设计当每个动词出现在各图画的下方时,字母“ing”从右面慢慢向动词移动,当“ing”和动词结合成现在分词时,播放单词和句子的发音。 在第二个门里,Gogo看见一个妇女在购物,他问:“What ‘s she doing?”,“ing”从右边慢慢向“shop”这个词移动,当组成“shoping”时,一个商品从货架上跳下来挤进“shop”和“ing”


开心学英语五年级上册教案 Unit One Come with me ! Teaching objectives: 1.Enable to master the new words and the new language structures of these units. 2.Go over Student’s Book 4 3. Enable to describe and ask about possessions. 4. Enable to ask about needs. 5. Develop the four basic skills of the pupils. Teaching key points: Master the new words and the new sentence structures of these units. Teaching difficult points: Develop the pupils’ oral level. Teaching aids: Some pictures、a tape recorder and so on. Period 1 Teaching content: The vocabulary of Unit One Teaching aims: Master the new words. Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words. Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures. Teaching procedure: 一、Organization. 1、The whole class sing some English songs. 2、Check the presentation of the class. 二、Presentation. 1、By showing some pictures, the teacher lead out the new words“farmer”、“factory worker”、“aunt”、“uncle”、“cousin”、“calendar”、“dictionary”、“diary”one by one. 2、Lead them to read this word for several times. 3、Help them to see this word’s meaning. 4、Let them practice reading and writing these words. 三、Drill. 1、Lead them to read these words for several times. 2、Let them read after the tape. 3、Let them practice reading these words alone. 四、Consolidation.


新生儿窒息紧急事件应急预案 【应急预案】 1、临产后如发现胎儿宫内缺氧、宫内窘迫立即向家属交代病情,同时通 知二线值班医生采取适当措施纠正缺氧状态,根据具体情况尽快结束 分娩。二线值班医生接通知后10分钟到场。 2、阴道分娩准备接生时,立即通知新生儿科医生,新生儿科医生接通知 后5分钟内到场并做好窒息复苏准备工作。 3、剖宫产术中估计新生儿会发生窒息者,立即通知新生儿科医生,新生 儿科医生接到通知后5分钟内到达手术室,做好窒息准备工作。 4、新生儿科医生到产房或手术室后立即组织新生儿窒息复苏抢救小组, 以备用。抢救小组成员由包括新生儿科医生在内的至少3人组成,并 做好分工,由新生儿科医生领导。 5、病房发生窒息护士立即抱入产房行初步复苏,同时通知产科值班医生 及新生儿科医生。 6、发生新生儿窒息后,严格按窒息复苏抢救流程实施抢救。新生儿出生 5分钟仍未建立自主呼吸者,立即通知新生儿科主任到场指挥抢救。 并再次向家属交代病情。 7、窒息复苏10分钟仍未建立自主呼吸是立即通知医务科或总值班组织 我院抢救小组到场。并再次向家属交待病情。必要时联系转院。 8、窒息复苏后新生儿转儿科进一步诊治。 新生儿窒息复苏的应急预案及程序 【应急预案】 (一)立即通知医师,组成抢救小组进行抢救。 (二)保持呼吸道通畅,清除口鼻腔分泌物,心率<100次/分,给正压人工通气,心率<60次/分,胸外按压30秒,心率<60次/分,遵医嘱给予药物复苏,评价心率<60次/分,应配合麻醉师气管插管药物复苏,心率>60次/分,停止胸外按压,继续正压通气,如心率>100次/分,停止正压人工通气,评价皮肤颜色,四肢青紫或红润,继续观察紫绀、给氧、病情变化。 (三)准备各种抢救药物器械。 (四)复苏后,严密观察生命征及病情变化,加强保暖,做好记录。 【程序】 发现患儿呼吸暂停、心率小于100次/分 ↓ 检查,呼叫医生,摆好体位,垫高头肩部1.5—2cm, 置于鼻吸气位保持呼吸道通畅 ↓ 清除呼吸道分泌物,先口后鼻 ↓


广东版开心英语六年级(上)全册教案 Unit1 I wrote a long letter. 一教学目标 1.学会VOCABULARY 的单词。 2.复习巩固上学期学习的句型:―Did you…‖ 、“Yes, I did./No, I didn’t”、―What are you going to do? I’m going to...‖、“I’ll…” 3.懂得“air”、“ear”、“ere”在单词中的发音。 二教学重点 1 掌握“air”、“ear”、“ere”的正确读法和发音。 2 熟练运用句式“Did you…”、“I’ll…”进行交际。 三教学难点 1熟练运用句式“I’ll…”进行交际。 四. 教学用具 教学录音带自制课件学生自备的信封、邮票、课文中单词的实物 五教学过程 THE FRIST PERIOD (Vocabulary、Review、Practic1、Practic2) 1.revision : ●Say hello to the students ●Sing a song which they have learned in last term . 2.Presentation: ●Present the pictures of candy ice cream…with computer . ●Write down the Chinese 糖、雪糕…… ●Have students to work out the number-plus-classifier ●Take out all the objects and elicit all the nouns. 3.Practice(1) : ●Play a game and master the new words ●Line up a list of ―a‖ ,have Ss work out the English word of classifier, then learn the new words together. ●Games: Make friends (match the number-plus-classifier and the noun together.) 4.Practice(2) : ●T ask Ss a question and elicit Review. ●Listen to the tape ●Read together ●Redesign the dialogue ●Feedback 5.Conclusion:


Name:_________ Class:________ 1. Where were you last month? (China) ___________________________________ 2. Where were you yesterday? (Zhuhai) ___________________________________. 3. Where was Peter last Sunday? (Zhongshan) ___________________________________ 4. Where did you go last month? (Canada) ___________________________________ 5. Where do you come from? (Thailand) ___________________________________ 6. Where did you come from?( Thailand) ___________________________________ 7. What was the food like in Zhuhai? (tasty) ___________________________________ 8. What is the food like in Thailand? (spicy) ___________________________________ 9. Were you happy in Zhuhai last winter holiday? ___________________________________ 10. Are you going to school on summer vacation? ___________________________________ 11. Was your father at home yesterday evening? ___________________________________ 12. What did you do yesterday? (read) ___________________________________ 13. What did you eat this morning? (rice and tofu) ___________________________________ 14. What did Ben have for breakfast? (bread and juice) ___________________________________ 15. What did Lisa do yesterday? (make a model) ___________________________________ 16. What did they do after that?( sing songs) ___________________________________ 17. Where did you go last Sunday? (beach) ___________________________________ 18. Where did they go? ( park.) ___________________________________ 19. Where did Ben and Lisa go on the weekend? (shopping mall) ___________________________________ 20. Did you go to the beach last week? ___________________________________ 21. Did Gogo ride his scooter at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday? ___________________________________ 22. Did Jenny play video games at home on Thursday? ___________________________________ 23. When did Gogo ride his skateboard last week? (4 p.m. Friday) ___________________________________ 24. When did your mother go to bed? (10 o’clock) ___________________________________ 25. What happened? a)___________________ (typhoon) b)___________________ (Many trees fall) c)___________________ (hat) 26. What did you see? (see chairs in the air) ___________________________________ 27. What happened to the windows? (Many windows break) ___________________________________ 28. What happened to the girl?(see a snake)___________________________________ 29. What did people do the next day? (sweep the glass) ___________________________________ 30. What are you going to do tonight? (get a haircut) ___________________________________. 31. Are you going to write to your uncle? ___________________________________ 32. Is your uncle going to meet some friends? ___________________________________. 33. Is your mother going to surf the net on vacation? ___________________________________


广东版《开心学英语》四年级 What are you doing?说课稿 一·说教材: 我今天说课的内容是《开心学英语》第三册第九课。本课将学习现在进行时,现在进行时是一个重要的时态,常用于日常生活对话中。通过学习这个时态,学生将提高用英语进行交流的能力。 本课的教学目标:根据《新课标》中的阶段性目标和中年级儿童的年龄特点,我制定了以下的教学目标: 1. 认知目标:使学生掌握想知道别人正在做什么应该怎样用英语进行问答。 2. 教学目标:使学生能基本掌握现在进行时和现在分词的基本结构和用法。 3. 情感目标:使学生体验学习,参与,合作,竞争的乐趣。 4. 创新目标:在认知和技能掌握的基础上,发挥学生的想象力,通过动作表现正在做的事情。 本课重点:学习八个现在分词并能用现在进行时进行问答。 本课难点:三种不同形式的现在分词的特点和现在进行时的基本句子结构。

二。说教法和学法: 《新课标》倡导任务型教学模式,即让学生在教学活动中参与和完成真实的教学任务,从中体验学习的快乐。因此我采用“任务——探究——创造”型教学方法,让学生在有趣,开放式的语言环境中,学会观察,思考,讨论和总结,把学生培养成为思想健康积极,有创造性的人材。 三。说教学过程: 新课标特别强调关注每个学生的情感,激发他们的兴趣,通过感知,体验,实践,参与和合作等方式,实现任务目标。 因此,我设计第一环节:导入——巧妙引导 在美丽的大海画面中,学生欣赏到一首着名的歌曲:I am sail ing。歌词:“我在航行,我在飞翔” 引出了本课学习的重点:现在进行时。通过任务设计: I am sailing. I am flying.和问题:Wh at are you doing?很好地提出了本课的教学目标。 第二环节:新授——创设语言环境,激发学生兴趣 这一环节是本课的重难点,我使用形象生动的多媒体画面来展示,使现在分词和现在进行时的结构变得生动有趣。


广东人民开心学英语(三年级起点)四年级下册全册教案 Unit1 第1课时参考教案 一、教学内容 广东人民开心学英语(三年级起点)四年级下册 Unit1 My School 二、教学过程建议 (一)热身导入 1. Do you know…? 2. How many words do you know? (二)任务呈现 1. Getting ready Put Picture Cards 1-8 on the blackboard. T: Look at the Picture Cards. Say each word as you hold up the Picture Cards T: Now listen and repeat. (Hold up each Picture cards.) And say the word. Give Ss time to repeat. (三)课文学习 1. Using the book T: Listen to the disc and repeat. Point to each subject as you say it. Play the disc and have Ss repeat each word. T: Is this an art room? (Point to a music room Picture card.) Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s a music room. 2. Model if necessary. 3. Repeat with several Picture Cards. T: Close your books. T: (Hold up various Picture Cards and repeat.) what is it? Ss: It’s a … 4. Extension activity. (四)训练巩固 T: What can you see? (S1: A gym…)


新版开心学英语五年级上册期末练习题 一、填写完整单词并写出中文意思 1.Jan. 2.Feb. 3.Mar. 4Apr. 5.Aug. 6.Sept. 7.Oct. 8.Nov. 9.Dec. 二、写出下列单词的复数形式。 1.juice 2.rice 3.salt 4.sugar 5.meat 6.tofu 7.fruit 8.noise 9.boy 10. stamp 11. tooth 12.glue 13.coin 14.apple 三、根据提示完成下列句子。 1. What’s the _______ like today? It’s_______ . 今天的天气怎么样? 热。 2.What’s the________ like ________ ? 春天的天气怎么样? 3.______ ______rainy today?No, _____ _____. 今天下雨吗? 不是的。 4. What’s your _________ season? My ________season is fall. 你最喜欢的季节是哪个季节? 我最喜欢的季节是秋天。 5. ________winter holiday? It’s in _________ and _________. 什么时候是寒假? 一月和二月。 6. Is May_________June ? No, May is_________ June. 五月是在六月之后吗? 不是,五月是在六月之前。 7.______ ______we go ice-skating?We can go in ______ ______. 我们什么时候可以去溜冰? 寒假。 8.My is cooking 我的舅妈正在做早餐。. 9.I like and . 我喜欢蔬菜和水果。. 10. Tony need? He tofu. Tony需要什么?他需要一些豆腐


Ladies and Gentlemen,It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is《foreign language teaching and research press》Book,.let me talk about this lessson as thefollowing: 一、教材分析:Analysis of the Teaching material 二、教学目标:Teaching alms and demands: 三、教学重难点:Teaching keys and difficulties: 四、教学方法:Teaching methods: 五、教学工具:Teaching aids: 六、教学过程:Teaching procedures: 七、板书设计:Blackboard Design. 八、教学评价与反思 Now,let me talk about the teaching material first. 本课时所教的是外研社高一上学期使用的必修2Mudule6。本模块介绍了------------------------------------------------------------------这节课学习的是listening and vocabulary和speaking部分的内容,是本模块的第三课时,要求通过听的活动了解和学习有关----------------------------的词汇,培养表达结果,做总结的逻辑思维能力和获取信息的能力。Speaking讨论了-----------


1.足月儿的定义是(C) A.体重>2500g的新生儿 B.出生体重在同胎龄体重第10~90百分位者 C.胎龄>37周至<42周的新生儿 D.胎龄>40周的新生儿 E.胎龄>28周的婴儿 2.早产儿的定义是(A) A.胎龄>28周至<37周的婴儿 B.胎龄>37周至40周的新生儿 C.体重<2500g的婴儿 D.体重<1500g的婴儿 E.胎龄<28周 3.新生儿轻度窒息,评分为(C) A.10分 B.7~10分 C.4~7分 D.2~4分 E.0~3分 4.下列哪项不是新生儿窒息评分的内容(E) A.皮肤颜色B.心率C.呼吸D.肌张力E.拥抱反射 5.早产儿有呼吸暂停,主要是因为(B) A.肺泡数量相对少B.呼吸中枢相对不成熟C.肺泡表面活性物质少D.肋间肌肌力弱 E.膈肌位置高 6.光疗的副作用,除了(E)

A.发热B.皮疹C.腹泻D.脱水E.低血糖 7.在新生儿窒息复苏方案中,应首先采取哪一步骤(B)A.建立呼吸,增加通气B.尽量吸净呼吸道粘液,保持气道通畅 C.给肾上腺素D.维持正常循环,保证足够心输出量 E.以上都不是 8.以下哪项不是新生儿窒息的病因(D) A.母亲因各种疾病所致母血含氧不足 B.子宫、胎盘血流障碍 C.脐带血流受阻 D.颅内出血 E.分娩时用麻醉剂过量 9.新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病最常见的原因是(B) A.一氧化碳中毒 B.围产期窒息 C.产伤D脑血管栓塞E.贫血 10.诊断新生儿败血症最有帮助的检查是(C) A.血常规 B.尿常规 C.血培养 D.血气分析 E.腰穿脑脊液检查 11.以下哪项不是新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的治疗方法(C)A.供氧B.笨巴比妥控制惊厥C.青霉素抗感染D.脱水剂E.康复干预 12.新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病,控制惊厥首选(C) A.地西泮 B.劳拉西泮 C.苯巴比妥 D.苯妥英钠 E.卡马西平 13.新生儿败血症早期最主要的特点是(E) A.高热、拒乳B.血白细胞总数增高C.皮肤有感染灶 D.肝脾肿大E.缺乏特异症状 14.病理性黄疽应除外(E)

三年级下册英语教案-Unit 1 Big or Small 广东开心英语(粤人版)

Unit 1 Big or Small 【教学目标】 1.确保学生认识和理解一些基本单词的意义和简单口头运用。 2.需要掌握的词汇:big,small,they,sad,happy,tall,short,hot,cold。 3.学习使用本课重点句型: (1)I'm (big). (2)You're (small). (3)Are you (cold)? (4)He's / She's (happy). (5)We're / They're (sad). (6)Thank you. 4.鼓励学生大胆发言及表达。 5.培养学生对英文学科的兴趣。 6.增强学生听说读写译的能力。 【教学重点】 在学习了单词的基础上,以单词为载体,进行主要句型的学习,并了解其中的语法现象,根据具体情境,学会交流对话,侧重句型语法学习,交际意向和课外拓展为重点。 【教学难点】 学生处于小学阶段,对英语有了初步了解,词汇储备较少,对于学生的要求难点是在会读,会说的基础上,能掌握一些基本单词的拼写和造句,了解一定的语法内涵,与人进行简单沟通交流。 【教学方法】 1.音频,情景教学法。 2.Pair-work两人小组活动,Group-work小组活动,多媒体辅助教学。【教学准备】 课件、图片素材、音频文件、教学道具。

【教学过程】 The first period 1. Conversation: 1) Getting ready a) Smile and look happy. T: I'm happy. Repeat. [Ss: I'm sad.] b) Look sad. T: I'm sad. Repeat. [Ss: I'm small.] c) Crouch down so you are barely visible to the Ss. T: I'm small. Repeat. [Ss: I'm small.] d) Stand as tall as you can/stand on a chair and hold your arms out to your sides. T: I'm big. Repeat. [Ss; I'm big.] e) T (point to various Ss). Is (S1.'s name) happy or sad? Is (S2.'s name) big or small? f) As you ask the class questions, continue making clear gestures. Continue with various Ss until you have introduced the new words to Ss. 2) Using the book i. Open your books. (Point to the big Gogo in the first picture.) Is Gogo small?/Is Gogo big? ii. T: Let's listen together with your books closed. iii. Play the tape one time and ask Ss comprehension questions such as who is small? iv. Open the books and listen again. v. Have Ss follow along. vi. Play the tape again, pausing after each sentence and letting Ss repeat. 2. V ocabulary 1) Getting ready a) Put picture cards of happy, sad, heavy, light, hot, cold, big and small on the walls around the room. b) T: Look at the pictures and say: I'm happy! c) Model point if necessary. d) Continue with other words and gestures. 2) Using the book

开心英语 五年级上U5说课讲解

学习资料 一、选出下列每组不同类的单词 ( )1.A.ear B.pen C.pencil ( )2.A.eye B.school C.mouth ( )3.A.hands B.legs C.English ( )4.A.his B.her C.I ( )5.A.Friday B.Thursday C.basketball 二、选择 ( )1. your mouth. A.Open B.Opening C.Opens ( )2.Close your . A.feet B.legs C.mouth ( )3. her body. A.This is B.She is C.What is ( )4. do you get up? A.What B.What color C.What time ( )5.I am hot. the window(窗户),please. A.close B.Touch C.Open ( )6. you like science? Yes, I . A.Do, do B.Does; do C.Does; don’t ( )7.It’s time have lunch. A.for B.to C.are ( )8.I have two . A.mouth B.arms C.nose ( )9.These are her . A.foot B.nose C.hands ( )10.This is car. A.I B.they C.his 三、选词填空 1. (This, These) are her ears. 2.This (is, are) my arm. 3.An elephant has (two, four) (leg, legs). 4.This is (he’s, his) body. 5.That’s (a, an) ear. 6.I have two (ears, head). 7.What time (do, does) you get up? 8.Today is (Mom, Mom’s) birthday. 9.What do you do (in, on) Sunday? 四、连词成句 1.are, his, these, legs (.) 2.your, open, mouth, please (.) 3.touch, don’t, nose, my (.) 4.my, is, hand, this (.) 各种学习资料,仅供学习与交流

五年级英语下册 Unit3(1)教案 广东版开心

Teaching Objectives: 1. What a mess! There was a typhoon. What happened? Many trees fell. The wind blew away my hat. 1. Asking about and describing past events. 2. Vocabulary: saw, blew, fell, sat, broke, swept, took, came. 3. Sound and words: cat, cap, mad, fat, nap, sad. Teaching Key Points: 1. Vocabulary and Target. Teaching difficult points: 1. Asking about and describing past events. Teaching Comprehension: The First Period (Vocabulary Target) Step1: Warm up 1. Ask and answer: T: Hello, Peter. Where were you yesterday? S: I was in …… T: Hi, Mary. What did you do last night? S: I did my homework. 2. Ask and answer in pairs S1: What did …do ….? S2: ……. Step2: Vocabulary 1. Put Picture Cards 17-24 word side up on the board. 2. Write the simple from for each verb above the cards, e.g. see for saw, blow for blew, etc. 3. Listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each picture as you say it. 4. Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word. 5. T: (Point to the words and cards) Ss say the words. 6. Say the simple verb forms and have Ss say the corresponding past tense verbs. Step3. Target 1. Write broke on the board. 2. broke a glass. 3. T: What happened? (Point to broke on the board.) S: You broke a glass. 4. Ask individual Ss to read out the sentences. 4. Play the tape a few times, pausing after each sentence for Ss to repeat. 5. Put Ss into pairs and have them practice the dialogue. Step4. Play games 教师把学生卡和一些文具分别放进两个盒子里,然后在教室四处走动,并说:What happened?让学生从盒子里分别取出一张卡片和一件实物,并用这两样东西说一个句子,如:My pencil broke.等学生熟悉活动之后,请一位学生来提问:What happened?让另一位学生按上面的方法做出回答。然后让做回答的学生提问下一位同学:What happened? Step5. Homework

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