当前位置:文档之家› 船舶英语











1、HULL PART 船体部分

1、1 结构Structure

船厂dockyard/shipyard 船坞dock/boatyard

船东ship-owner 船舷Ship's side

船码头quay/dock 船的栏杆Ship's rail

船舱hold 甲板Deck

船籍Ship's registry 住舱甲板accommodation deck

船首bow 梁拱甲板arch deck

船梯ladder 载货甲板cargo deck

船尾stern 首楼甲板Forecastle deck

上甲板Upper deck

下甲板Lower deck

主甲板Main deck

货舱甲板Hold deck

桥楼甲板Bridge deck

水密甲板Watertight deck

驾驶甲板Navigation deck 铜-钢复合板Copper sheathing steel plate 艇甲板Boat deck 甲板边板Deck stringer plate

罗经甲板Compass deck 斜板Sloping plate

板Plate 加强板Reinforcement plate

舭板Bilge plate 舵板Rudder plate

船底板Bottom plate 舷侧外板Side plate

船外板Shell plate 裙板Skirt plate

船首外板Bow plate 首柱板Stem plate

肘板Bracket plate 首柱板Stern plate

舱壁板Bulkhead plate 平台platform

槽形舱壁板Corrugated bulkhead plate 机舱平台Engine-room platform 舷墙板Bulwark plate 分段Block

围板Coaming plate 首段Bow block

连续板Connection plate 中段Midship block

尾段Stern block 甲板下纵桁Underdeck girder

左舷port 舭纵桁Wing girder

右舷Starboard 支柱Pillar

纵桁Girder 肋骨Frame

型材桁Bar girder 基础台架Base frame

中底桁Bottom center girder 支架Bear frame

中内龙骨Bottom center line girder 舭肋骨Bilge frame

底桁材Bottom girder 船底肋骨Bottom frame

旁桁材Bottom side girder 首肋骨Bow frame

甲板纵桁Deck girder 肘板框架肋骨Bracket frame

横桁Cross girder 球鼻首肋骨Bulbous bow frame

水平桁Horizontal girder 球曲型肋骨Bulbous frame

舱口边梁Hatch coaming girder 主肋骨Chief frame

机座纵桁Engine girder 首肋骨Fore frame

桁架梁Girder frame 舭纵桁舭纵骨Bilge longitudinal

舯部肋骨Middle frame 船底纵骨/纵桁bottom longitudinal

尖舱肋骨Peak frame 船底腹板纵桁bottom web longitudinal

加强筋Stiffened frame 甲板纵桁Deck longitudinal

横框架肋骨Transverse frame 内底纵桁/纵骨Inner bottom longitudinal 肋距 F.S.(frame space) 舷侧纵桁/纵骨Shell side longitudinal


双层底顶纵骨Top longitudinal of double bottom

斜舱壁纵骨Slopping-bulkhead longitudinal

舱舷边舱Tank Wing tank

结构structure 尾尖舱after peak tank

附属结构Accessory structure 尾部水舱after water tank

全焊结构All-welded structure 辅助水柜Auxiliary water tank

中部结构Amidships structure 辅助压载水舱Auxiliary water ballast tank 泊位结构Berthing structure 污水舱Bilge tank

底部龙骨结构Bottom keel structure 底舱Bottom tank

船首部结构Bow structure 底边舱Bottom side tank

支撑结构Braced structure 货油压载舱Cargo and ballast tank

桥楼结构Bridge structure 循环水槽Circulating flow water tank

首楼结构Forecastle structure 循环滑油舱

压载水舱Circulating lubricating oil tank Ballast water tank

构架结构Framed structure 清洁压载舱Clean ballast tank

纵桁结构Girder structure 冷凝水柜Condensate catch tank

人孔manhole 干舱Dry tank

饮用水舱Drinking water tank 密封圈Sealing ring

污水舱Bilge tank 铰链Hinge

应急淡水柜Emergency fresh water tank 把手Handle

首舱Fore tank 平衡块Balance block

首尖舱Fore peak tank

斜边舱Hopper side tank 1、2 welding 焊接

液舱Liquid tank 坡口groove

龙骨舱Keel tank 单面坡口Single groove

右舷舱Starboard tank 双面坡口Double groove

顶边水舱Topside tank Ⅰ形坡口Square groove

顶边翼舱Topside wing tank V 型坡口Single v groove

小舱口盖Small hatch cover U 型坡口Single u groove

水密舱口盖Water-tight small hatch cover

X 形坡口Single v groove

风雨密舱口盖Weather-tight small hatch cover

K 形坡口Single bevel groove

Y 形坡口Single v groove with broad rood face

填充金属Filler metal

坡口面Groove face 热影响区Heat-affected zone(HAZ)

坡口角度Groove angle 过热区Overheated zone

焊缝倾角Weld slope 焊合线Bond line(fusion line)

接头根部Root of joint 焊接区Weld zone

根部间隙Root gap 焊缝区Weld metal area

钝边Root face 焊缝weld

焊接接头Welding joint 连续焊缝Continuous weld

对接接头Butt joint 断续焊缝Intermittent weld

角接接头Corner joint 纵向焊缝Longitudinal weld

T 形接头T-joint 横向焊缝Transverse weld

搭接接头Lap joint 对接焊缝隙Butt weld

十字接头Cross shaped joint 角焊缝Filled weld

母材Base metal(parent metal) 并列断续角焊缝Chain intermittent fillet

交错断续角焊缝Staggered intermittent fillet

弧焊整流器Arc welding rectifier

焊缝正面Face of weld 自动焊Automatic welding

焊缝背面Back of weld 埋弧自动焊Submerged arc welding

焊缝宽度Weld width 半自动焊Semi- automatic welding

焊缝长度Weld length 氩弧焊Argon-arc welding

焊缝余高Reinforcement 二氧化碳气体保护焊CO2 gas shielded arc welding 焊脚Leg(of a fillet weld) 氧乙炔焊Oxy-acetylene welding

焊脚长度Leg length 气割Gas cutting

套管接头Muff joint 碳弧气刨Carbon arc air gouging

手工电弧焊Manual arc welding(shielded metal arc welding)

水下切割Underwater cutting

直流电弧焊Direct current arc welding 等离子弧切割Plasma arc cutting 交流电弧焊alternating current arc welding

连续焊Continuous welding

弧焊变压器Arc welding transformer 断续焊Intermittent welding

点焊Sport welding

对接焊Butt welding 分段退焊Back step welding

角焊Fillet welding 分段多层焊Block welding

搭接焊Lap welding 深溶焊Deep penetrating welding

返修焊Re-welding 跳焊Skip welding

补焊Repair welding 陶质衬垫焊Ceramic backing welding

定位焊Tack welding 引弧Striking the arc

封底焊Back sealing welding 焊接工艺参数Welding condition

打底焊Backing welding 焊接电流Welding current

堆焊Surfacing(overlaying) 焊接电压Welding voltage

塞焊Plug welding 焊接速度Welding speed

槽焊Slot welding 电弧电压Arc voltage

盖面焊Consmetic welding 焊丝间距Wire spacing

前倾焊Forward welding 空载电压Open circuit voltage

后倾焊Backward welding 熔化速度Melting rate

送丝速度Wire feed rate 层间温度Inter-pass temperature

气体流量Gas flow rate 焊后热处理Post-weld heat treatment

焊丝伸出长度Wire extension 锤击Peening

极性Polarity 全焊透Full penetration welding

正极/阳极Positive electrode 熔池Weld-pool

负极/阴极Navigate electrode 熔深Penetration

左焊法Leftward welding 弧长Arc length

右焊法Rightward welding 喷射过渡Spray transfer

电流密度Current density 短路过渡Short circuiting transfer

线能量Heat input 熔滴过渡Metal transfer

预热Preheat 焊缝成形Appearance of weld

后热Post-heat 焊缝成形系数Form factor of weld

预热温度Preheat temperature 熔敷系数Deposition coeffcient

后热温度Post-heat temperature 熔敷效率Deposition efficiency

熔合比Penetration ratio 立焊Vertical position welding

等速送丝Constant wire-feed system 仰焊Overhead position welding 变速送丝alternate wire-feed system 立向上焊Vertical up welding 电弧静特性Static characteristic of arc

立向下焊Vertical down welding

电弧动特性dynamic characteristic of arc

单面焊Welding by one side

焊接性试验Weldability test 双面焊Welding by both side

焊接结构Welded construction 单道焊Single-pass welding

焊道Bead 多道焊Multi-pass welding

焊层Layer 多层焊Multi-layer welding

正接(正极性)Straight polarity 焊接材料Consumables

反接(反极性)Reversed polarity 焊条Electrode

焊接位置Position of welding 焊条药皮Coating

平焊Flat position welding 酸性焊条Acid electrode

横焊Horizontal position welding 碱性焊条Basic electrode

低氢型焊条Low hydrogen type electrode 焊丝盘Wire reel

铁粉性焊条Iron power type electrode 铜冷却板Cu-cooling plate

重力焊条Gravity electrode 铜滑块Copper shoe

焊剂Flux 切割Cutting

熔炼焊剂Fused flux 焊接工作台Welding bench

烧结焊剂Sintered flux 焊接变位机Positioner

焊丝Wire 送丝机构Wire feeder

药芯焊剂Flux-cored wire 行走机构Traveler

保护气体Shielded gas 焊接车间Welding shop

焊剂垫Flux backing 引弧板Run-on tab(end tab)

重力焊条Gravity electrode 引出板Run-off tab(end tab)

焊剂漏斗Flux-hopper 定位板Strong-back

流量计Flow meter 焊接衬垫Welding backing

干燥箱Dryer 敲渣锤Chipping hammer

面罩Helmet 条虫状气孔Wormhole

焊工手套Welding glove 密集气孔Porosity

焊钳Electrode holder 针尖状气孔Pinhole

焊枪Welding gun 白点Fish eye (flake)

导电嘴Tip 切口Kerf

喷嘴Nozzle 咬边Undercut

焊矩Torch 焊瘤overlap

焊接缺陷Welding defect 凹坑Pit

未焊透Incomplete penetration 烧穿Burn through

未熔合Incomplete fusion 未满焊Incomplete filled groove

渣Slag 清根Back chipping

夹渣Slag (slag inclusion) 清渣Slag removal

夹杂物Inclusion 焊接烟尘Weld fume

气孔Blow hole 电光性眼炎Eye-flash

焊接性Weldability 横裂纹Transverse crack

碳当量Carbon equivalent 纵裂纹Longitudinal crack

未焊满Incomplete filled groove 焊趾裂纹Toe crack

焊接裂纹Weld crack 机械性能试验Mechanical property test 热裂纹Hot crack 试板Test piece

冷裂纹Cold crack 试样Specimen

氢致裂纹Hydrogen –induced crack 侧弯Side bend

延迟裂纹Delayed crack 弯曲Bending

层状撕裂Lemellar tearing 横向拉伸Transverse tensile

弧坑裂纹Crater crack 宏观试样Macro-etching specimen

根部裂纹Root crack 微观试样Micro-examination specimen

再热裂纹Reheat crack 破断试验Fracture test

热影响区裂纹Heat-effected zone crack 抗裂试验Cracking test

晶间裂纹Intercystalline crack 脆性断裂Brittle fracture

塑性断裂Plastic fracture 焊接方法Welding process

焊接残余裂纹Welding residual stress 焊接工艺Welding technology

消除应力Stress relieving 焊接操作Welding operation

焊接变形Welding deformation 焊接顺序Welding sequence

角变形Angular distortion 焊接方向Direction of welding

外观检查Visual examination 常用缩语

无损探伤Non-destruction testing(N.D.T.)


超声波探伤Ultrasonic inspection 药芯电弧焊FCAW

射线探伤(X 光)Radiographic inspection(X-rayinspection)


磁粉探险伤Magnetic particle inspection


渗透探伤Penetrate inspection 手工电弧焊SMAW

熔池Weld-pool 埋弧自动焊SAW

焊机(焊接电源)Weld source

钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊TIG 机舱部分ENGINE ROOM PART

熔化极惰性气体保护焊MIG 一、机舱设备Machines and equipment in engine room 活性气体保护焊MAG 1、主机Main engine

手工电弧切割SMAC 1)主机油底壳The sump tank of M.E.

2)主机飞轮Fly wheel of M.E


2、发电机Generator engine

1)应急发电机Emergency generator engine



1)组合锅炉The composite boiler

2)锅炉安全阀The safety valve of boiler

3)燃烧器Oil burner unit 3)主空气瓶Main air reservoir

4)水位表Water level gauge 4)应急空气瓶Emergency air reservoir

5)水位控制器Water level controller 5、控制空气瓶Control air reservoir

6)过量蒸气调节阀Excess steam pressure control valve

6、空气干燥器Air dryer

4、舵机7、分油机Oil purifier

1)舵机间Steering room 1)燃油分油机Fuel oil purifier

2)舵机装置Steering-gear 2)柴油分油机Diesel oil purifier

3)手操舵装置Trick wheel plant 3)滑油分油机Lubricate oil purifier

4)油缸Oil cylinder 4)排渣Sludge discharge

5)反馈装置Feedback device 8、制淡装置Fresh water generator



舵叶Rudder blade

10、油水分离器Oil water separator

舵杆Rudder stock

11、生活污水处理器Sewage treat plant

上舵承Rudder carrier

12、大气冷凝器Atmosphere condenser

热水井Cascade and inspection(hotwell)

5)主机燃油供给泵Main engine fuel oil supply pump

滑油自清滤器The automatic back-flash

lubricating oil filter

6)主机燃油增压泵Main engine fuel oil booster pump

燃油单元Fuel oil unit 7)主机十字头泵Main engine cross head pump

1)主机燃油单元Fuel oil unit of M.E 8)付机海水泵Generator engine sea water pump

2)付机燃油单元Fuel oil unit of A.E 9)付机缸套水泵Generator engine cylinder cooling water pump 3)粘度计Viscosity controller 10)锅炉给水泵Feed water pump of boiler

泵Pump 11)锅炉燃油泵Fuel oil pump of boiler

1)主机滑油泵Main engine lubricating oil pump

12)分油机供给泵Fuel oil supply pump of purifier

2)主机缸套水泵Main engine cylinder cooling water pump

13)制淡海水泵Sea water pump of fresh water generator


Main engine cylinder cooling water preheating pump

14)压载泵Ballast pump

4)主机海水泵Main engine sea water pump 15)舱底消防泵Bilge and fire pump

17)油渣泵Sludge oil pump 2、柴油澄清舱Diesel oil setting tank

18)柴油输送泵Diesel oil transport pump 3、燃油日用柜Fuel oil daily tank

19)燃油油输送泵Fuel oil transport pump 4、燃油澄清舱Fuel oil setting tank

20)汽缸油输送泵Cylinder oil transport pump 5、滑油澄清舱Lubricating oil setting tank 21)淡水输送泵Fresh water transport pump 6、滑油储藏舱Lubricating oil store tank 22)热水循环泵Hot water circulating pump 7、滑油循环舱Lubricating oil circulating tank 23)饮水日用泵Drinking water pump 8、燃油溢油舱Fuel oil overflow tank

舱底消防总用泵Bilge, fire and G.S pump 9、燃油油渣舱Fuel oil sludge tank

喷淋泵Sprinkling pump 10 燃油深舱Fuel oil deep tank

停泊海水泵Harbor sea water pump 11 滑油污油舱Lubricating dirty oil tank

12 滑油溢油舱Lubricating oil overflow tank


All kinds of tank 13 滑油油渣打舱Lubricating oil sludge tank

1、柴油日用柜Diesel oil daily tank 14 主机淡水膨胀水箱

M.E fresh water expansion tank

15 付机淡水膨胀水箱

A.E fresh water expansion tank

16、淡水压力柜Fresh water pressure tank 1、滑油系统Lubricating oil piping system

17、热水压力柜Hot water pressure tank 2、燃油系统Fuel oil piping system

18、饮水压力柜Drinking water pressure tank

3、海水系统Sea water piping system

19、淡水舱Fresh water tank 4、缸套水系统Cylinder cooling water piping system

20、饮水舱Drinking water tank 5、启动空气系统Start air piping system

21、锅炉水舱Boiler water tank 6、控制空气系统Control air piping system


Purify operating water tank 7、排气系统Exhaust piping system

23、汽缸油日用柜Cylinder oil daily tank 8、日用供水系统Daily water piping system


Gravity tank of tube oil 9、蒸汽系统Steam piping system

25、排气水封箱Exhaust seal water tank 10 、锅炉给水和凝水系统

Feed water and condensate of boiler piping system

26、蒸馏水水舱Distilling water tank 11、燃油净油系统Fuel oil purified piping system

27、污水井Bilge well 12、燃油输送系统Fuel oil transport piping system

三、各种管系系统All kinds of pipes

舵销Rudder pintle 13、滑油净油系统Lubricating oil purified piping system

舵杆衬套rudder stock liner 14、滑油输送系统Lubricating oil transport piping system

舵杆轴套Sleeve for rudder stock 15、舱底压载系统Ballast and bilge water piping system 舵销承衬套Bush for rudder pintle 四、仪表类Instructions

舵销轴套Sleeve for rudder pintle 1、压力表Pressure gauge

上舵承底座Rudder carrier seat 2、真空表Vacuum gauge

舵销承座Pintle bearing 3、温度计Thermometer

舵杆承座Rudder stock bearing 4、吨位表DWT gauge

挡圈Retaining ring 5、遥测表Distant survey gauge

舵柄Tiller 6、液全器Level switch

7)舵角The angle of rudder

5、空压机Air compressor

1)主空压机Emergency air compressor


7、传感器Sensor 12、机控室Engine control room

五、其它Others 13、台虎钳Vise (=vice)

1、风机Fan 14、表铜截止阀Bronze close valve

2、防海生物装置Anti-foul STM plant 15、表铜截止止回阀

Bronze check valve

3、泡沫柜Air foam tank 16、铸铁截止阀Cast iron stop valve

4、中间轴Middle shaft 17、铸铁截止止回阀

Cast iron check and stop valve

5、尾轴Propeller shaft 18、调节阀Adjustable valve

6、螺旋桨Propeller 19、溢流阀、安全阀Relief valve

7、中间轴承Line shaft bearing 20、减压阀Reducing valve

8、泡沫灭火机Foam fire extinguisher 六、材料Material

9、饮水消毒装置Sterilizer plant 1、管子Pipe

10、主配电板Main switch board 2、无缝钢管Seamless steel pipe (tube)

11、机舱集控台Engine room control console 3、紫铜管Purple copper pipe

4、铁法兰Iron flange 18、支架(马脚)Clamp

5、铜法兰Copper flange 19、油漆Paint

6、盲板法兰Blind-flange 20、备件Spare parts


8、双头螺丝Stud 七、生产工具Produce tool

9、螺帽(螺母)Nut 1、图纸Drawing

10、不锈钢螺丝Stainless steel bolt 2、活络钣Adjustable spanner

11、垫片(床)Gasket 3、令司板(梅花钣)Ring spanner

12、橡皮床Gum gasket 4、开口钣Open –ender spanner

13、纸箔床Paper copper gasket 5、管子钳Pipe wrench

14、紫铜床Purple copper gasket 6、凿子Chisel

15、石墨床Black lead gasket 7、锒头Hammer

16、青铅床Black lead gasket 8、锉刀File

17、佛纳Feeler gauge 9、螺丝刀Screwdriver

10、油漆滚筒Paint roller 4、首先请检查安装说明和电气绝缘

11、油漆刷子Paint brush Please check the condition of installation and insulationfirst

12、钢锯Hacksaw 5、我们准备将油水分离器动转

13、套筒扳手Socket spanner Now we will run the oily-water separator

14、手电筒Torch 6、请检查动转情况

15、钻头driller Please check the running condition


1、早上好good morning Now we will do the function test about alarm and safetydevice

2、今天我们准备交验油水分离器8、设备交接基本结束Today we will test the oily-water separator. Now the test is over

3、请跟我来9、请部有何修改意见?Please fellow me. Do you have any question ?

10、非常感谢17、这里增加一只落水斗Thanks Add a drain plug here

11、再见18、请用空气压缩空气吹干Good bye Please dry it by the compressed air

12、请把这对法兰撬紧松开19、我将回车间支拿肥皂水Please tighten/release the flange I will com to my workshop to take some soap water


The piping is from to the G/E unit This system is very important ,please check it carefully

14、这对法兰/接头在漏21、请交验收整改意见This flange /connection is linking Please check your rema rks

15、这路系统的试验压力是7 公斤22、天太热了,请休息一会

The test pressure of the piping system is 7 b ar It’s too hot ,please take a rest

16、这里请加强please make a clamp here 23、我负责这项工作I am in charge of this job


一、常用词汇Words and expression 模拟Analog(ue)

2182 千赫值班接收机

2182KHz watch receiver 锚灯Anchor light

A 异常Abnormal 风速风向仪Anemorumbometer

应答Acknowledge 阳极Anode

有功功率Active power 天线Antenna

执行器Actuator 天线馈线连接器Antenna feeder connector

调整Adjust 天线引入绝缘端子Antenna leading –in insulator

空气断路器Air circuit breaker 天线共用器Antenna multicoupler

报警系统Alarm system 天线调谐器Antenna tuner

交流电Alternating current 电焊机Arc welder

电流表ammeter 声音的Audible

放大器Amplifier 自动海图标绘仪Auto chart plotter

自动舵Auto pilot


自动雷达标绘仪Automatic radar plotting aid

球鼻首警告灯Bulbous bow warning light

自动电话Automatic telephone 汇流排Bus(-)bar

电压自动调节器Automatic voltage regulator 汇流排Bus –tie –in 自动化系统Automation system 蜂鸣器Buzzer

压载控制台Ballast control console C、电缆Cable

镇流器Ballast 电缆填料函Cable gland

底座Base 敷设电缆Cable laying

电池Battery 电缆管Cable pipe (conduit)

铃Bell 电缆扎带Cable strap

弯曲Bend 电缆托架Cable tray

床头灯Berth light 校准器Calibrator

失电Black out 电容capacitor

刹车Brake 阴板Cathode

电刷Brush 警告牌Caution plate

顶灯Ceiling light 通讯Communication

中央处理器Central processing unit 计算机Computer

通道Channel 接头Connector

充电器Charger 恒电流Constant current

充放电板Charging&discharging board 消耗Consumption

海图灯Chart table light 触头Contact

检查Check 接触器Contactor

芯片Chip 控制箱Control box

清洁Clean 控制箱Controller

雨雪清除器Clear view screen 芯线Core

二氧化碳释放报警CO2 release alarm 角灯Corner light

同轴电缆Coaxial cable 计算器Counter

线圈Coil 电流Current

冷库呼叫Cold store calling D、损坏Damage

危险气体报警箱Dangerous gas detecting

&alarm box

双极单刀开关Double pole single way switch

白昼信号灯Daylight signal light 双极双刀开关Double pole two way switch 去耦Decoupling set 天线收发转换开关Duplexer

台灯Desk light 值班水手呼叫Duty sailor calling

控测器Detector 接地Earth

拨号Dial 接地排Earth bar


Digital select –call receiver

测深仪Echo sounder

调光器dimmer 电工试验板Electric test panel

直流电Direct current 电机员Electrical engineer

直接起动Direct –on –line starting 电极Electrode

磁盘Disk 应急照明分电箱Emergence lighting distribution box

显示Display 应急示位标Emergence position indicating radiobeacon

遇险信息控制器Distress message controller 应急停Emergence stop

多普勒记程仪Doppler speed log

应急配电板Emergency switch board 馈电品Feeder panel

机舱报警Engine alarm 滤波器Filter

集控台Engine control console 火警复显器Fire alarm repeater

机舱监测报警Engine room monitoring&alarm system

防火风闸控制单元Fire damper control unit

轮机员呼叫Engineer calling panel 火警检测箱Fire detecting box

轮机员安全Engineer safety system 火焰探头Flame detector

增强群呼叫收讯机Enhance group call receiver 闪光灯Flash light

交换机Exchanger 浮充电Float charge

防爆灯Explosion proof light 强光灯Flood light

延伸报警板Extension alarm panel 流程图Flow chart

故障Failure 流量开关Flow switch

故障Fault 荧光灯Fluorescent light

反馈Feed back 雾笛Fog horn


熔丝Fuse 感温探头Heat detector

填料Gasket 底座Holder

通用报警General alarm 电笛、喇叭Horn

发电机Generator 病房呼叫Hospital calling

发电机屏Generator panel 照明Illumination

(铜)锣、钟Gong 白炽灯Incandescent light

全球卫星定位导航GPS navigator 指示器Indicator

组合灯板Group alarm light pillar 卫星 B 站INMARSAT B station

组合起动屏Group starter panel 卫星 C 站INMARSAT C station

电罗经Gyro compass 输入输出Input /output

卤素灯Halogen light 安装Install

听筒Handset 仪表Instrument

硬件Hardware 绝缘胶带Insulating tape

航向Heading 绝缘Insulation

接口、界面Interface 限位开关Limit switch

连锁Interlock 连接Link

中断Interrupt 负载Load

逆变器Inverter 劳莱收信机Loran receiver

接线盒Junction box 磁罗经Magnetic compass

键盘Keyboard 主机电子调速器Main engine electronic governor

灯泡Lamp 主机功率、纽力仪Main engine power& torque unit

液位开关Level switch 主机遥控系统Main engine remote control system

液位传感器Level transmitter 主机转速表Main engine revolution meter

灯Light 主机安全系统Main engine safety system

灯柱Light column 主机增压器转速表Main engine turbo-charger speed meter 照明分电箱Light distribution box 主配电板Main switchboard

避雷针Lighting arrester 手动手册Manual

标记Mark 移动Move

桅杆Mast light 万用表Multimeter

母子钟Master& slave clock 铭牌Name plate

匹配箱Matching box 窄频直接打印机Narrow-band direct printer

测量Measure 航行灯Navigation light

兆欧表Megohmmeter 导航系统Navigation system

仪表Meter 航行监控台Navigation watch console

话筒Microphone 航行警告收信机NAVTEX receiver

镜向灯Mirror light 负极Negative

监视器Monitor 网络Network

莫斯键Morse key 标称值Nominal value

电动机Motor 常闭Normally closed

塑壳断路器Moulded case circuitbreaker

常开Normally open

鼠标Mouse 失控灯Not under-command light

欧姆表Ohm gauge 正极Positive

欧姆收信机Omega receiver 功率、电源Power

车钟记录仪Order printer 电力分电箱Power distribution box

示波器Oscilloscope 功率因素Power factor

过电流Over current 优先卸载Preferential trip

过载Overload 压力开关Pressure switch

巴拿马动河操舵灯Panama canal steering light 压力传感器Pressure switch 并联、并车Parallel 一次系统Primary system

相Phase 打印机Printer

光敏电阻Photo resister 程序Program

测速传感器Pick up 螺旋桨警告灯Propeller warning light

插头Plug 广播Public addressor

左舷灯Port light 脉冲Pulse

便携电话Portable telephone 按钮Push button

雷达Radar 电阻Resistance

雷达应答器Radar transponder 逆功率Reverse power

收音机Radio 旋转灯Rotating light

无线电测向仪Radio direction finder 舵角指示器Rudder angle indicator 随机存取存储器Radio system 运转灯Running lamp

额定Random access memory 屏幕、屏蔽Screen

无功电流Rated power 螺丝刀Screwdriver

插座Receptacle 搜索灯Search light

录音机、记录仪Recorder 二次系统Secondary system

整流器Rectifier 串联Series

继电器Relay 屏蔽Shield

复位Reset 船名灯Ship name light

岸电箱Shore connection box

短路Short circuit

展示、给-----看Show 电磁阀Solenoid valve

分励脱扣Shunt trip 消音Sound off

停车Shut down 声力电话Sound power telephone

签字Sign 空间加热器Space heater

信号集合箱Signal acquisition unit 扳手Spanner

信号灯Signal light 喇叭Speaker

单边带收发机Single side band transceiver


电笛Siren 右舷灯Starboard light

慢车Slow down 起动Start

烟气探测报警箱Smoke detecting &alarm box 起动带Start

感烟探头Smoke detector 尾灯Stern light

插座Socket 停止Stop

软件Software 苏伊士运河尾灯Suez canal stern light

电烙铁Soldering iron 支撑物supporter

开关Switch 验电笔Test pen

打开Switch on 试验程序Test procedure

关闭Switch off 热敏电阻Thermistor

同步屏Synchronizing panel 热电偶Thermocouple

同步表Synchronoscope 温度计Thermometer

转速表Tachometer 恒温计Thermostat

录音机Tape recorder 触摸屏Touch panel

车钟Telegraph 轨迹球Trackball

电视Television 收发机Transceiver

温度开关Temperature switch 传感器Transmitter

温度传感器Temperature transmitter 变压器Transformer

接线柱Terminal 脱扣Trip

接线排Terminal board 欠电压Under voltage

试验Test 不中断电源Uninterrupted power source

卸载Unload 二、会话Dialog and conversation

超高频VHF telephone 船东o- owner

视觉的Visual 验船师s-survey

电压Voltage 检验员q-quality inspector

电压表Voltmeter 电工e-electrician

壁灯Wall light 1、检验电缆敷设

瓦特Watt Inspection cable laying

波道Waveguide 你能带我去看机舱电缆敷设

气象传真收信机Weather fax receiver Q: could you show me cable laying of engine room? 驾控台Wheel speed &directionindicator


风速风向仪Wind speed &direction 上去,最后是上平台indicator

绕组Winding Q: Ok ,Let’s go .first ,we will check cable layi ng of

lower floor .then ,go upstairs until upper platform

刮雨器Window wiper



Q:you see here .these cables on the cable tray are out of order Yes, no problem


E:I’ll put them in order later 通知我,我会再来检察院查。谢谢合作!

花铁板下的电缆要穿电缆管。I’ll write some remarks on the inspect onThe cable hole the floor should b e run in cablepipe

Report .please inform me after you modify these items ,andI’ll come here to check again, thank you for your cooperation !

对的,是穿电缆管,你可以逐一检查没关系。再见E: you are welcome Bye-bye

E: Ok ,they are run in cable pipe .you couldcheck one by one




S: here ,could you add some metal cable strapson the vertical cable tray?Which motors shall we check t oday?




You look at the megohmmeter .the insulationWe are going to check the motors of main L.Opump ,M/E camshaft L.O pump ,M/E jacket coolingwater pump ,M/E L.T

fresh cooling waterpump ,main sea water pump etc.Of the motor is good


Please open the cover of junction box on themotor could you switch on and start the motor on the MSB afterclose the cover?

E:OK. 好。E: all right


This wire is loose .please tight it .could you measure the insulation of the motor? Please show me the t hree-phase working current of the motor

是。Q: yes


Where is the electric diagram of the starter?


船舶英语 目 录 一.职位及工种 (Titles and type of work) (1) 二、柴油机类 (Words about diesel engine) (3) 三、船舶机械类 (Words about marine machinery) ·· 11 四、阀门(Words about valve) (14) 五、泵类(Words about pump) ·········· 16 ' 六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery ) (18) 七、工具类(Word about tools) (20) 八、常用物料(Material in common use) 26 九、常用紧固件 (Part of fixation in common use) (28) 十、常用油类(Oil in common use) (28) 十一、常用量词 (Quantifier in common use) (29) 十二、国家名称(Name of country) 。 30 十三、常用缩语 — (abbreviation in common use) (31) 十四、船用动态常用单词(marine tends word) 32 十五、船舶机电设备操作词汇 (manipulate of marine equipment) ·33 十六、故障常用单词 (words about malfunction) (35) 十七、保养检修常用词汇 (Words about maintain and examination) 38 十八、常用数字(Numeral in common use) 40 十九、时间、季节与方向 、 (Time 、Season and Direction) (42) 二十常用词组(Phrases in common use )·45 二十一、常用动词和例句 (Verb in common use and example) (48) 二十二、问候和常用表达语 (Greeting and common expression) (67) 二十三、主机提交过程用语 (Delivery expressions for main engine) 68 二十四、空压机和空气系统用语 (Air compressor and Air system) (75) 《 二十五、锅炉提交用语 (Delivery expressions for boiler) (77) 二十六、锚绞车提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for anchor windlass) 79 二十七、舵机提交过程用语 (Steering gear delivering) (87) 二十八、付机提交过程用语 (Delivery expression for A/E ) (91) 二十九、救生艇提交过程用语 (Delivery expressions for lifeboat) ··92 三十、其他提交项目 ; (Delivery expressions for other items) (95) 三十一、甲板机械系泊试验 (Mooring test for deck machinery) (96) 三十二、机舱设备系泊试验 (Mooring test for the equipment in E/R) (98) 三十三、谈论故障常用语 (Expressions for trouble ) (100) 三十四、谈论检修常用语 (Expressions for overhaul) (101) 三十五、谈论试验和检验 . (Talking about test & check) (103) 三十六、谈论技术要求 (Talking about technology required) (105) 一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work) 1.船长 Captain 2.大副 Chief officer 3.二副 Second officer 4.三副 Third officer 5.四副 Fourth officer 6.水手长 Boatswain 7.水手 Sailor & Seaman 8.木匠 Carpenter 9.轮机长 Chief engineer 10.大管轮 Second engineer 11.二管轮 Third engineer 12.三管轮 Fourth engineer 13.机匠长 Chief motorman 15.机匠 Fitter * 16.加油工 Oil man 17.大电 Chief electrician 18.电工 Electrician 19.车间主任 Workshop director 20.工长 Section chief 21.班长 Fore man 22.钳工 Fitter 23.主管工程师 Engineer in charge 24.机务&船东 Superintendent &Super &Owner 25.助理工程师 Assistant engineer 》 26.验船师(机)Register 27.验船师(船)Surveyor 28.油漆工 Painter 29.焊工 Welder 30.大橱 Chief cook 31.物料员 Store keeper 32.加油工 Oiler 33.机工 Mechanic 34.甲板员 Deck man 35.电线工 Wireman · 36.外包工 Laborer 37.铸工 Molder 38.管子工 Pipe fitter 39.起重工 Crane operator 二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine) 1.主机 Main engine 2.二冲程柴油机 Two-stroke diesel engine 3.四冲程柴油机 Fore-stroke diesel engine 4.高速柴油机 High speed diesel engine 5.中速柴油机 Middle speed diesel engine [ 6.低速柴油机 Low speed diesel engine 7.气缸盖(缸头) Cylinder head 8.安全阀 Safety valve 9.释放阀 Relief valve 10.示功阀 Indicator valve 11.示功考克 Indicator cock 12.空气起动阀 Air starting valve 13.起动空气分配器 Air starting distributor 14.油头(燃油喷射器) Fuel injector 15.排气阀 Exhaust valve , 16.气缸套 Cylinder liner 17.冷却水套 Cooling water jacket 18.气缸注油器 Cylinder lubricator 19.活塞 Piston 20.活塞头 Piston crown 21.活塞裙 Piston skirt 22.活塞销 Piston gudgeon pin 24.活塞杆 Piston rod 25.活塞环 Piston ring 26.活塞环槽 Piston ring groove ( 27.压缩环 (气环) Compression ring 28.刮油环 (油环) Oil scraper ring 29.减磨令 Wear ring (copper ring) 30.伸缩管(水拉管) Telescopic pipe 31.活塞冷却空间 Piston cooling space 32.填料箱(函) Stuffing box 33.填料箱密封环Sealing ring for Stuffing box 34.填料箱压缩环 Pressure ring for Stuffing box 35.填料箱刮油环Scraper ring for Stuffing box 36.扫气箱 Scavenging receiver * 37.扫气口 Scavenging port 38.排气口 Exhaust port 39.十字头 Cross head 40.十字头销 Crosshead pin 41.十字头轴承 Crosshead bearing 42.十字头滑块 Crosshead slipper 43.滑块 Guide shoe 44.十字头导板 45.连杆 > 46.连杆大端轴承 47.连杆小端轴承 48.曲柄轴承 Crank bearing 49.曲柄销 Crank pin 50.曲轴 Crank shaft 51.曲轴颈 Crank journal 52.曲柄臂 Crank web 53.拐档差 Crank deflection 54.主轴承 Main bearing 55.主轴颈 Main journal : 56.轴承瓦 Bearing bush 57.上轴瓦 Upper bearing bush 58.上轴瓦 Upper half 59.下轴瓦 Lower bearing bush 60.下轴瓦 Lower half 61.推力轴承 Thrust bearing 62.推力块 Thrust pad 63.推力盘 Thrust disc 64.推力轴 Thrust shaft 65.底座 Bed plate - 66.机架 Frame 67.曲柄箱 Crank case 68.曲柄箱导门 Crank case door 69.曲柄箱防爆门 Explosion-proof Crank case. 70.定时齿轮 Timing gear 71.飞轮 Flying wheel 72.凸轮 Cam 73.凸轮轴 Cam shaft 74.喷油凸轮 Fuel injection cam 75.链条 Chain | 76.链条轮 Chain wheel 77.链条箱 Chain box 78.推杆 Push rod 79.摇臂 Rocker arm 80.排气阀 Exhaust valve 81.吸气阀 Suction valve 82.排气总管 Exhaust manifold 83.进气总管 Air inlet manifold 84.高压燃油管 High pressure fuel pipe 85.活塞冷却水管 Piston cooling water pipe 、 86.法兰 Flange 87.贯穿螺栓 Tie bolt (tie rod) 88.端盖 Side cover 89.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump 90.燃油泵 Fuel oil pump 91.滑油泵齿轮 Gear for lubricating oil pump 92.燃油泵齿轮 Gear for fuel oil pump 93.叶轮 Impeller 94.柱塞 Plunger 95.导杆 Guide rod # 96.导套 Sleeve 97.滚动轴承 Ball bearing 98.滑动轴承 Sliding bearing 99.推力滚动轴承Thrust ball bearing 100.推力面 Thrust surface (thrust side) 101.盘车机 Turning gear 102.增压器 Turbocharger 103.涡轮机(透平) Turbine 104.涡轮 Turbine wheel 105.涡轮叶片 Turbine blade ¥ 106.喷嘴 Nozzle 107.废气叶轮 Exhaust impeller 108.废气叶轮片 Exhaust blade 109.废气端 Exhaust side 110.透平端 Turbine side


船舶英语词汇 dugout 独木舟 barge 驳船 kayak (爱斯基摩人的)木排 outrigger 桨叉架船 rowing boat 划艇(美作:rowboat) gondola (意大利的)长平底船 whale mother ship 捕鲸母船 hydrofoil 水翼船 catamarans 双体船 dredger 挖泥船 boat 船 brig, brigantine 双桅船 canoe 小船,独木舟 caravel 快帆船 cargo boat 货船 coaster 近海贸易货船 cod-fishing boat 捕鳕鱼船 whaler 捕鲸船 collier 运煤船 battleship 战船 shallop 小型战船 coastguard cutter, coastguard vessel 巡逻艇,缉私艇revenue cutter 缉私船 patrol boat 巡逻艇 minelayer 布雷艇 minesweeper 扫雷艇 torpedo boat 鱼雷艇 frigate 轻护航舰 gunboat 炮舰 submarine 潜水艇 destroyer 驱逐舰 corvette 轻巡洋舰 cruiser 巡洋舰 aircraft carrier 航空母舰 ferry, ferryboat 渡船,渡轮 fishing boat 渔船 freighter 货船 galleon 大型帆船 galley 大划桨船 hovercraft 气垫船 icebreaker 破冰船 launch 艇 lifeboat 救生艇 lighter 驳船 liner, ocean liner 远洋班轮 merchant ship, merchantman 商船 motorboat 摩托艇


中华人民共和国海事局 2009年第5期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第48期) 科目:轮机英语试卷代号:803 适用对象:无限、近洋航区3000KW及以上船舶大管轮 (本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间为100分钟) 答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。第1题至82题,每题1分,第83题至94题,每题1.5分。 一、单项选择题: 1. The reason why more and more of the large merchant vessels are being powered by medium-speed diesel engines is . A. they operate between 150 and 450 rpm B. they are connected to the propeller by gearing C. their smaller size and weight D. they can be connected directly to the propeller without gearing 2. The closing of the exhaust valves used on a modern, large, low-speed, main propulsion diesel engine may be directly provided by . A. large conical springs B. compressed air pressure C. hydraulic pressure D. exhaust gas pressure 3. One of the factors limiting the amount of toad which can be put on a modem marine diesel engine is the . A. governor sensitivity B. exhaust temperature C. fuel injection pressure D. speed of the cam shaft 4. The desirable properties or a marine fuel oil should inc lude . A. high flash point and high viscosity B. low flash point and high viscosity C. low heating value and high sulphur content D. high heating value and low sulphur content 5. As the plunger moves upwards in the barrel, injection will commence once the plunger bas the spill ports and the pressure builds up. A. opened up B. closed off C. lined up D. taken off 6. In an auxiliary diesel engine bypass type lubricating oil system, the main lube oil pump forces . A. all of the oil used by the engine through a filter B. some of the oil used by the engine through a filter C. some of the oil used by the engine through a centrifuge D. all of the oil used by the engine through a centrifuge 7. Because the circulating water is in a closed loop, is installed to cater for expansion and contraction of the water at different conditions of operation. A. an expansion joint B. a drain tank C. a head tank D. a contraction tank 8. The high air velocity leaving the compressor of an exhaust gas turbocharger is converted to pressure in the . A. inlet nozzle ring B. turbine wheel blade C. diffuser passages D. inlet volute 9. is usually driven by the engine camshaft and supplies pilot air to the cylinder air start valve. A. An air receiver B. An operating valve C. An automatic valve D. An air distributor 10. Diesel engines driving alternators operating in parallel must maintain a set frequency regardless of load changes. The governor characteristic used to accomplish this is known as . A. actuation B. sensitivity C. compensation D. promptness 11. By comparing the exhaust gas temperature of each cylinder, the operator can determine if the load is balanced throughout the engine. The device most commonly used is a . A. tachometer B. pyrometer C. dynamometer D. calorimeter 12. When the ship is going to enter into the harbor, ____. A. change from heavy fuel oil to diesel oil for main engine B. pumping out bilge water C. change sea chest from high level one to lower level one D. test emergency generator 13. If the jacket water temperature rises rapidly above normal in a diesel engine, you should first . A. place standby cooler in operation B. reduce engine toad C. check thermostatic valve D. clean sea water strainer 14. Air cocks, usually positioned at the in a circulating system, is used to get rid of the air in the system. A. bending joint B. expansion tank C. weld D. the highest point 15. Which of the following conditions could contribute to the cracking of a diesel engine cylinder head? A. Leaking seal ring B. Insufficient heat transfer from the exhaust valves C. Blocked cooling water passages to the head D. Excessive scavenging air provided to the engine 16. of an engine crankshaft can be detected by measuring deflections of' crank webs for each unit of the engine. A. Misalignment B. Length C. Strength D. Stresses 17. can be a direct cause of faulty operation of diesel engine fuel injection nozzles. A. Excessive fuel nozzle holder cooling B. Sediment in the fuel supply C. Distortion of the fuel spray pattern D. Improper atomization of the fuel 18. When fuel is injected late into a diesel engine cylinder . A. the exhaust will be clear B. fuel consumption will be low C. all the fuel will be burned at top dead center D. fuel consumption will be high 19. A large change in ambient temperature, or using an oil of a viscosity different than the one recommended by the manufacturer in a mechanical hydraulic governor, will result m the need to adjust the . A. pilot valve opening B. compensating needle valve C. compensating spring tension D. accumulator spring tension 20. Which of the following factors tends to increase scale formation on the saltwater side of a heat exchanger used in a diesel engine cooling water system? A. Baffle plates that have been bent during prior removal. B. Leaks m the cooler tube nest. C. Operating the engine while maintaining a high sea water outlet temperature. D. A punctured sea water strainer supplying cooling water to the heat exchanger. 21. If the scavenge fire is of a more major nature, if there is a risk of the fire extending or if the scavenge trunk is adjacent to the crankcase with risk of a hot spot developing it sometimes becomes necessary to the engine. A. stop B. start C. speed up D. slow down 22. In an operating diesel engine, which of the following conditions is an indication of a leaking air starting valve?


一、船舶类型常用英语 ship, vessel 船,船舶 boat, craft 艇 sampan 舢板, 小船manpowered boat 人力船 sailor; sailing boat 帆船 motor sailor 机帆船 power-driven ship 机动船 paddle steamer, paddle wheel vessel 明轮船 screw ship; propeller vessel 螺旋桨船airscrew ship; aerial propeller vessel 空气螺旋桨船hovercraft; aircushion craft 气垫船hydrofoil 水翼船 hydrojet propelled boat, water jet boat 喷水船steamship; steamer 蒸汽机船 motor ship 内燃机船 diesel ship 柴油机船electrically-propelled ship 电力推进船 steam turbine ship 汽轮机船 gas turbine ship 燃气轮机船nuclear-power ship 核动力船 deck ship 甲板船 flush deck ship 平甲板船 raised quarter-deck ship 尾升高甲板船 well-deck ship 半舱船 single side ship 单舷长大舱口船three-island ship 三岛式船 double shell ship 双壳船 riveted ship 铆接船 welded ship 焊接船transversely framed ship 横骨架式船longitudinally framed ship 纵骨架式船combined framed ship 混合骨架式船 sea-going vessel 海船 ocean-going vessel 远洋船 coaster 沿海船 channel ship 海峡船 inland waterway vessel 内河船 civil ship; merchant ship 民用船;商船transport ship 运输船pleasure yacht 游艇passenger ship 客船 coasting passenger and cargo ship沿海客货船passenger and auto-car carrier 旅客及汽车运输船tourist ship; passenger carrier 旅游船 cargo ship; freighter 货船 cargo liner 定期货船tramp ship 不定期货船container ship 集装箱船full-container ship 全集装箱船semi-container ship 半集装箱船multi-purpose container ship 多用途集装箱船general cargo ship/vessel/carrier 杂货船 bulk (cargo) carrier 散货船 ore carrier 矿砂船 grain carrier 运粮船 coal carrier; coaler 运煤船lumber(timber) carrier 运木船 cattle carrier 运牲畜船multi-purpose ship 多用途船 liquid cargo ship 液体货货船chemical tank 化学品液货船 liquid chemical tanker 液体化学品船 liquefied gas carrier 液化气体船 liquefied petroleum gas tanker (LPG) 液化石油气运输船 liquefied natural gas tanker (LNG) 液化天然气运输船tanker; oil tanker 油轮 super tanker 超级油轮 VLCC (very large crude carrier) (吨位在20万至30 万吨之间的) 巨型油轮 ULCC (ultra-large crude carrier) (吨位在30万至50万吨之间的) 超巨型油船 refrigerated ship; cold storage ship 冷藏船roll-on/roll-off ship (RO/RO ship) 滚装船 ferry 渡船passenger ferry 旅客渡船 freight ferry 货物渡船 fishing vessel(boat) 渔轮 trawler 拖网渔轮 barge carrier; lighter aboard ship(LASH)载驳船barge; lighter 驳船 deck barge 甲板驳 well-deck barge 半舱驳 double shell barge 双壳驳 single side barge 单舷长大舱口驳 oil barge 油驳container barge 集装箱驳船 RO/RO barge 滚装驳船 liquefied gas barge 液化气体驳 hopper barge 开底泥驳 split hopper barge 对开泥驳pusher; pushboat 顶推船;推船 working ship 工程船 tug; tugboat; towboat 拖船


船舶专业英文词汇No.1船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(一) a faired set of lines 经过光顺处理的一套型线 a stereo pair of photographs 一对立体投影相片 abaft 朝向船体 abandonment cost 船舶废置成本费用 accommodation 居住(舱室) accommodation ladder 舷梯 adjust valve 调节阀 adjustable-pitch 可调螺距式 admiralty 海军部 advance coefficient 进速系数 aerostatic 空气静力学的 aft peak bulkhead 艉尖舱壁 aft peak tank 艉尖舱 aileron 副鳍 air cushion vehicle 气垫船 air diffuser 空气扩散器 air intake 进气口 aircraft carrier 航空母舰 air-driven water pump 气动水泵 airfoil 气翼,翼剖面,机面,方向舵 alignment chock 组装校准用垫楔 aluminum alloy structure 铝合金结构 American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社 amidships 舯 amphibious 两栖的 anchor arm 锚臂 anchor chain 锚链 anchor crown 锚冠 anchor fluke 锚爪 anchor mouth 锚唇 anchor recess 锚穴 anchor shackle 锚卸扣 anchor stock 锚杆 angle bar 角钢 angle of attack 攻角 angle plate 角钢 angled deck 斜角甲板 anticipated loads encountered at sea 在波浪中遭遇到的预期载荷


A A&C.P.=anchors and chains 锚与锚链试验合格 a.a.r.=against all risks 综合险,保全险 AB=anchor bolt 锚栓,系紧螺栓 ab- (前缀)(厘米-克-秒CGS电磁制单位)绝对,电磁 abac 坐标网,列线图 aback 1.向后2.逆帆.3.停船4.使船向后退 abacus 1.顶板,冠板2.算盘3.列线图 abaft在船尾部,在---后面,向船尾;~the beam在船正横以后(的方向) abampere (A)电磁安培(CGS电磁制电流单位,=10安培=1毕奥) abandoner 放弃者,弃船者;SHIP~弃船船员, abandonment 1.弃船,放弃.2.(商)委付(将残余保险物权转移给保险人以领取全部赔偿金额)3.放弃货载4.(油)废井 abase 1.落帆.2.降旗 abate 1.减退(指潮或水位),缓和(指风)2.废除,撤消3.减价,还价 abatement 1.减退(指潮或水位),缓和(指风) ,抑制2.作废,撤消3.减价,减税;NOISE ~噪声抑制,消声;~OF TAXES 减税 A-battery 丝极电池,甲电池 ABB=air-blast circuit breaker 空气吹弧断路器 ABB=automatic back bias 自动反馈偏压 abbreviation 缩写,略语,简号2.(数)约分,简化 ABC=automatic bandwidth control 自动带宽控制 ABC=automatic bias compensation 自动偏压补偿 ABC=automatic bias control 自动偏压控制 ABC=automatic binary computer 自动二进制电子计算机,自动二进制电脑 ABC=automatic boiler control 锅炉自动控制 ABC=automatic brightness control 自动亮度控制 ABCC=automatic brightness contrast control 自动亮度对比控制,自动亮度反差调整abcoulomb 电磁库仑(CGS电磁制电荷单位,=10库仑=1毕奥秒) ABCU=automatic bridge control system for unattended engine room (ABS) (美国船级社船级标志)驾驶室遥控无人机舱(注明无人时限) ABD=advance base dock (美)前沿基地浮船坞 abd=aboard 在船上,去船上 ABDC=after bottom dead center 下死点后 abeam 正横(与船的中线面成直角),横向;OBJECT~物标正横;WIND~横风 aberration 1.像差2.光行差3.偏差,反常 abfarad 电磁法拉(CGS电磁制电容单位=10-9法拉) abhenry 电磁亨利(CGS电磁制电感单位=10-9亨利) abide 1.忍受(风浪),坚持顶浪2.等待(其它船)3.(商行船被风浪所阻(海损用词) ability 性能,能力 ability ~of righting(船舶)扶正能力,复原能力;~to deposit weld熔敷焊接能力;~to self-stow自收藏能力(的); ability absorbing~吸收能力;accelerating~加速性能; ability adaptive~自适应能力;adhesive~粘着性;


船舶英语 目录 一.职位及工种 (Titles and type of work) (1) 二、柴油机类 (Words about diesel engine) (3) 三、船舶机械类 (Words about marine machinery) ·· 11 四、阀门(Words about valve) (14) 五、泵类(Words about pump) (16) 六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery) (18) 七、工具类(Word about tools) (20) 八、常用物料(Material in common use) 26 九、常用紧固件 (Part of fixation in common use) (28) 十、常用油类(Oil in common use) (28) 十一、常用量词 (Quantifier in common use) (29) 十二、国家名称(Name of country) 。 30 十三、常用缩语 (abbreviation in common use) (31) 十四、船用动态常用单词(marine tends word) 32 十五、船舶机电设备操作词汇 (manipulate of marine equipment) ·33 十六、故障常用单词 (words about malfunction) (35) 十七、保养检修常用词汇 (Words about maintain and examination) 38 十八、常用数字(Numeral in common use) 40 十九、时间、季节与方向 (Time、Season and Direction) (42) 二十常用词组(Phrases in common use)·45 二十一、常用动词和例句 (Verb in common use and example) (48) 二十二、问候和常用表达语 (Greeting and common expression) (67) 二十三、主机提交过程用语 (Delivery expressions for main engine) 68 二十四、空压机和空气系统用语 (Air compressor and Air system) (75) 二十五、锅炉提交用语 (Delivery expressions for boiler) (77) 二十六、锚绞车提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for anchor windlass) 79 二十七、舵机提交过程用语 (Steering gear delivering) (87) 二十八、付机提交过程用语 (Delivery expression for A/E) (91) 二十九、救生艇提交过程用语 (Delivery expressions for lifeboat) ··92 三十、其他提交项目 (Delivery expressions for other items) (95) 三十一、甲板机械系泊试验 (Mooring test for deck machinery) (96) 三十二、机舱设备系泊试验 (Mooring test for the equipment in E/R) (98) 三十三、谈论故障常用语 (Expressions for trouble) (100) 三十四、谈论检修常用语 (Expressions for overhaul) (101) 三十五、谈论试验和检验 (Talking about test & check) (103) 三十六、谈论技术要求 (Talking about technology required) (105) 一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work) 1.船长 Captain 2.大副 Chief officer 3.二副 Second officer 4.三副 Third officer 5.四副 Fourth officer 6.水手长 Boatswain 7.水手 Sailor & Seaman 8.木匠 Carpenter 9.轮机长 Chief engineer 10.大管轮 Second engineer 11.二管轮 Third engineer 12.三管轮 Fourth engineer 13.机匠长 Chief motorman 15.机匠 Fitter 16.加油工 Oil man 17.大电 Chief electrician 18.电工 Electrician 19.车间主任 Workshop director 20.工长 Section chief 21.班长 Fore man 22.钳工 Fitter 23.主管工程师 Engineer in charge 24.机务&船东 Superintendent &Super &Owner 25.助理工程师 Assistant engineer 26.验船师(机)Register 27.验船师(船)Surveyor 28.油漆工 Painter 29.焊工 Welder 30.大橱 Chief cook 31.物料员 Store keeper 32.加油工 Oiler 33.机工 Mechanic 34.甲板员 Deck man 35.电线工 Wireman 36.外包工 Laborer 37.铸工 Molder 38.管子工 Pipe fitter 39.起重工 Crane operator 二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine) 1.主机 Main engine 2.二冲程柴油机 Two-stroke diesel engine 3.四冲程柴油机 Fore-stroke diesel engine 4.高速柴油机 High speed diesel engine 5.中速柴油机 Middle speed diesel engine 6.低速柴油机 Low speed diesel engine 7.气缸盖(缸头) Cylinder head 8.安全阀 Safety valve 9.释放阀 Relief valve 10.示功阀 Indicator valve 11.示功考克 Indicator cock 12.空气起动阀 Air starting valve 13.起动空气分配器 Air starting distributor 14.油头(燃油喷射器) Fuel injector 15.排气阀 Exhaust valve 16.气缸套 Cylinder liner 17.冷却水套 Cooling water jacket 18.气缸注油器 Cylinder lubricator 19.活塞 Piston 20.活塞头 Piston crown 21.活塞裙 Piston skirt 22.活塞销 Piston gudgeon pin 24.活塞杆 Piston rod 25.活塞环 Piston ring 26.活塞环槽 Piston ring groove 27.压缩环 (气环) Compression ring 28.刮油环 (油环) Oil scraper ring 29.减磨令 Wear ring (copper ring) 30.伸缩管(水拉管) Telescopic pipe 31.活塞冷却空间 Piston cooling space 32.填料箱(函) Stuffing box 33.填料箱密封环Sealing ring for Stuffing box 34.填料箱压缩环 Pressure ring for Stuffing box 35.填料箱刮油环Scraper ring for Stuffing box 36.扫气箱 Scavenging receiver 37.扫气口 Scavenging port 38.排气口 Exhaust port 39.十字头 Cross head 40.十字头销 Crosshead pin 41.十字头轴承 Crosshead bearing 42.十字头滑块 Crosshead slipper 43.滑块 Guide shoe 44.十字头导板 Crosshead guide plate 45.连杆 Connecting rod 46.连杆大端轴承 Bid end bearing 47.连杆小端轴承 Small end bearing 48.曲柄轴承 Crank bearing 49.曲柄销 Crank pin 50.曲轴 Crank shaft 51.曲轴颈 Crank journal 52.曲柄臂 Crank web 53.拐档差 Crank deflection 54.主轴承 Main bearing 55.主轴颈 Main journal 56.轴承瓦 Bearing bush 57.上轴瓦 Upper bearing bush 58.上轴瓦 Upper half 59.下轴瓦 Lower bearing bush 60.下轴瓦 Lower half 61.推力轴承 Thrust bearing 62.推力块 Thrust pad 63.推力盘 Thrust disc 64.推力轴 Thrust shaft 65.底座 Bed plate 66.机架 Frame 67.曲柄箱 Crank case 68.曲柄箱导门 Crank case door 69.曲柄箱防爆门 Explosion-proof Crank case. 70.定时齿轮 Timing gear 71.飞轮 Flying wheel 72.凸轮 Cam 73.凸轮轴 Cam shaft 74.喷油凸轮 Fuel injection cam 75.链条 Chain 76.链条轮 Chain wheel 77.链条箱 Chain box 78.推杆 Push rod 79.摇臂 Rocker arm 80.排气阀 Exhaust valve 81.吸气阀 Suction valve 82.排气总管 Exhaust manifold 83.进气总管 Air inlet manifold 84.高压燃油管 High pressure fuel pipe 85.活塞冷却水管 Piston cooling water pipe 86.法兰 Flange 87.贯穿螺栓 Tie bolt (tie rod) 89.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump 90.燃油泵 Fuel oil pump 91.滑油泵齿轮 Gear for lubricating oil pump 92.燃油泵齿轮 Gear for fuel oil pump 93.叶轮 Impeller 94.柱塞 Plunger 95.导杆 Guide rod 96.导套 Sleeve 97.滚动轴承 Ball bearing 98.滑动轴承 Sliding bearing 99.推力滚动轴承Thrust ball bearing 100.推力面 Thrust surface (thrust side) 101.盘车机 Turning gear 102.增压器 Turbocharger 103.涡轮机(透平) Turbine 104.涡轮 Turbine wheel 105.涡轮叶片 Turbine blade 106.喷嘴 Nozzle 107.废气叶轮 Exhaust impeller 108.废气叶轮片 Exhaust blade 109.废气端 Exhaust side 110.透平端 Turbine side 111.转子轴 Rotor shaft 112.油泵 L.O.pump 113.换向装置 Reversing device 114.换向伺服期 Reversing servomotor 115.压气机(鼓风机) Blower 116.膨胀接 Expansion joint 117.调速器 governor 118.飞重 Flying weight 119.补偿阀 Compensate valve 120.针阀 Needle valve 121.开口销 Cotter pin 122.轴封 Shaft seal 123.机械密封 Machinery seal 4

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