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九年级饮食(Food and Drink)话题专项复习(鲁教版)

九年级饮食(Food and Drink)话题专项复习(鲁教版)
九年级饮食(Food and Drink)话题专项复习(鲁教版)

饮食(Food and Drink)话题专项复习



在掌握了各类食物、饮料的名称之后,还应当了解饭桌上的礼节与习惯表达,当你应邀去朋友家做客时,你一定希望自己在席间能对主人的殷勤款待应付自如;同时如果你是主人时,你也一定希望自己的款待能使你的客人满意。因此你必须熟练地掌握席间交际用语;当你去外国人的家做客时,你还必须知道中西方文化在请客吃饭或饮食方面的差异。这个话题的主要内容有: a. Meat b. Soups c. Vegetables d. Staple food (rice, bread, noodles, cake) e. Drinks f. Fast foods g. Snacks (ice cream, chips, etc.) h. Eating customs (ways of eating, kinds of food, times to eat, table manners, chopsticks, knife, fork) i. Ordering and offering different foods and drinks j. Likes and dislikes (favorite food, favorite drinks, etc.)

1. 有关饮食方面的常用句型有:


A: What would you like to have/eat? 你想吃点什么?

B: I’d like some chicken./I’d love some chicken/I’d like to have(ea t) some chicken.


A: Help yourself to the chicken. 请随便吃点鸡肉。/

B: Thank you. It is nice /delicious/unusual. 谢谢。味道很好/很美/很有特色。A: Would you like some more chicken? Do you want some more chicken? / Would you like some more chicken to eat (have)? / Have some chicken, please? 不想再来点鸡肉吗?

B: No more, thank you/ No, I won’t have any more, thank you.(I’m full, thank you/ Thank you, I have had enough.)不要了,谢谢。

A: What (how) about some tea? / Would you like some tea to drink?喝点茶,吗?

B: Yes, please. Just a little.好的,只要一点点。


a). Can I have the table by the window? 我们可以坐在窗边的那张桌子吗?

b). Is it possible to have dinner now? 现在可以就餐了吗?

c). Are you ready to order? Sir. 您准备点菜了吗?先生?

d). Anything to drink? 喝什么饮料?

e). Do you want any soup? 要汤吗?/ Anything cold? 有凉菜吗?

f). What kind of fish do you prefer? 你喜欢哪种鱼?

g) Show me the menu, please. 请把菜单给我看看。

h). I think I’ll start with the soup. 我想我开始先来份汤。

i). Don’t go easy on the garlic. 不要放太多的大蒜。

j). I’m sorry, but I’m really full up. 对不起,我真的吃饱了。

k). It’s very nice, but I don’t think I should. 这非常可口不过我想我不该再吃了。l). Give me the bill, please. 请把帐单给我。

m). I’m going to pay, waiter! 我来付,服务员!

n) A: What’s on today’s menu?今天菜单上有什么菜?

B: There is porridge, steamed bread, steamed rice, beans, and salted vegetables for breakfast. And for lunch we’re going to have fried noodles, meat, fish, bean curd, eggs and many others.


3). 注意以下功能句:

(A)表示该干什么了: It’s time for (supper).

(B)表示“渴了”“饿了”: I’m thirsty. I’m hungry.

(C)表示怎么样:What about something to drink / eat?.


What do you have for breakfast/ lunch/ supper?

What would you like for supper?

What does your friend have for breakfast?

What would your friend like for supper?


What would you like? I’d like a bottle of apple juice.

Would you like something to drink? Oh, yes.


Can I help you, madam? Yes, I want some rice.

Do you have any ice cream?


What’s your favorite food? My favorite food is rice.

What would you like to have/eat? I’d like ------.

Do you like drinking milk? Yes, I do.

Which do you like better coffee or tea?






What is a healthy diet?

A: Do you want to say something about food and drink?

B: Yes, I particularly want to talk about a healthy diet. If one wants to work well in his profession he should enjoy good health. Eating is very important for one's health. But you should know what should be eaten and what should not be eaten.

Every person needs water and a diet of healthy foods. These foods should contain some fat, some fibre, a little salt and so on.

People need energy to live. They eat different kinds of foods which change into energy. The energy is measured in calories. Even when you are asleep, you are using energy---about 65 calories an hour. While you are at school, or walking home, your body is burning up 100 calories an hour. When playing football or basketball, you might be using 400 calories an hour. On sports Day, during the relay race, you will use most of all, perhaps as much as 650 calories an hour.

A: I think the Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world. It contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables.

B: Yes, it is rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat. The Chinese eat less sugar than many other countries in the world. That is why lots of people in China have healthy white teeth.

In England, the most popular food is fish and chops. Sometimes people cook this food at home, but usually they go to a fish and chip shop. They put the food in paper bags, and take it home, or to their work place. Sometimes they eat it in the park or on the roads. This “take-away food”is very popular, not only in England, but also in many other countries.

People in the western world do not eat such healthy foods as in China. They eat too much fat and sugar and don’t take enough exercises. Because of this, they put on weight very easily. Their diet contains a lot of fat in the form of potato crisps, potato chips, butter, cream and chocolate. They eat a lot of sugar in the form of cakes, soft drinks, sweets and so on. The result is that many of them become fat. And some have bad teeth. In some parts of Britain, one person in ten, by the age of thirty, has no teeth left!

A: But now in China many young people like to have western food. Even young couples regard it a special treatment for their children to dine in a western restaurant.

B: Yes, I think western food is too expensive. The foods in hamburger restaurants are high in fat, sugar and salt. All these things are eaten a lot in the West. They are not a healthy diet. As a result, many westerners die at an early age from heart illnesses. Many of them have weight problems. They also have bad teeth, because of the sugar which they are always eating. Look at a cup of Coca Cola. There is as much sugar in it as eight pieces of sugar. Sugar is not a necessary part of a healthy diet.”

. Chinese food

A: Confucius once said: "Eating is the most important part of life." And Chinese food is the important part in Chinese culture. Could you say something about Chinese food?

B: OK. There are various kinds of Chinese food that differs greatly from region to region. One interesting thing about traveling in China is to try out different food. Food is a central part of the Chinese culture, as you said just now. Chinese way of cooking is one of the greatest methods of cooking. Many elements have influenced its development. The Chinese people enjoy eating good food at all levels of society. A delightful and delicious meal creates happiness, harmony, mental and physical well-being. That's why you can find restaurants everywhere in China.

A: And there are Chinese restaurants in every corner of the world.

B: Chinese food in western countries is usually quite westernized. The dishes are

cooked to the taste of the westerners. They are not traditional Chinese food. If one wants to know Chinese food, he should come to China.

A: I find that foreigners hesitate to eat many things in Chinese food. What the reason for that? Why many things that are thrown away in western countries can be eaten in China?

B: Hunger and hardship played a large role in the development of Chinese cooking. There has been a large population in China. For thousands of years China has suffered from poor harvests. People would cook everything eatable to stay alive. Many strange and unbelievable things such as wood ears, sea cucumbers, tree leaves, etc. were discovered and added to Chinese food. The lack of food also taught people how to avoid waste.

A: It is said that Chinese food is healthier and tasteful.

B: That's true. Most Chinese dishes are cooked with meat and vegetables together, so the foods are less rich than Western style food. Vegetables stay bright by cooking them for a short time over high heat, either in their own juice or in a small amount of water. That's why the dishes look colourful.

A: You said that Chinese food differs from region to region. Could you say some kinds of it?

B: OK. Beijing food is the most famous food of China, particularly known for Beijing Duck. It is because the Imperial cooking was based out of there. The northern part of China has a cold climate unsuitable to grow rice, so Northern Chinese eat more bread than those in the south.

Guangdong food is typically steamed or boiled. It is a very healthy food since it uses less oil. Most of Guangdong food is cooked with seafood, pork, chicken and vegetables, but it could include almost anything.

Sichuan food is another kind of Chinese food. It is a very hot food. Many Sichuan dishes are prepared using chili pepper oil, which gives a special taste to the food. The most famous Sichuan dish is the Gongbao chicken, fried with peanuts and chili pepper. Dongbei food is another kind which usually is in great quantity in a big bowl.We have many other kinds. To know it well the best way is to go to the restaurants in China.


1.根据提示写出How to be a polite guest for an American Dinner Party.

提示:1.Buy a small gift 2.Be on time 3.Praise your host(男主人)or hostess(女主人) for the meal. 4.Don’t stay too long! 5.Say thank you.

How to Be a Polite Guest for an American Dinner Party Being a polite guest of an American dinner party, you should follow those things. First, you should buy a small gift such as flowers or wine for your host or hostess, because flowers stand for warm friend-ship. Second, arrive on time. If the dinnertime is 7:00, don’t arrive before 6:30 or after 7:30 without calling. Third, during dinner, be sure to praise your host or hos tess for their dishes, such as “It’s nice.” “Very delicious.” “I like it very much.” etc. After you finish eating, you shouldn’t stay too long. Finally, thank your host or hostess for the dinner when you leave.


2. 当今节食的人越来越多,节食可以防止肥胖,避免许多由于肥胖带来的不便和疾病。同时节食让人以健康的方式进食。除了这些好处外,节食可以让许多年轻女孩苗条。然而过度节食也是相当有害的,有些女孩为了有漂亮的身材,常常过度节食,甚至不管自己的健康状况。这种做法往往有损健康。

结合以上内容,谈谈自己对节食的看法,写一篇120词左右的短文。Today, there are more and more people going on a diet. It keeps people from growing too fat and saves them from many inconveniences and diseases related to being overweight. At the same time, it provides people with sufficient nutrition to keep them in a fit condition. Besides its good effect on people’s heal th, going on a diet can also help many young girls become slim and be able to look good in the latest fashions.

However, if carried too far, going on a diet could become extremely dangerous. Some young girls risk their lives to lose weight because they are eager to have a beautiful figure. The risk can damage their health and even can be life threatening.

On the whole, being on diet has its positive effects, it also has its bad side-effects. The proper way on diet is to put your health first. If it is good for your health, stick to it, if not, just give it up.

范文点评:本文观点正确,论证有力;采用了对比手法,说服力强;Today, there are more and more people going on a diet.直接点题,为引出下文做好铺垫。if carried too fat省略运用恰当。On the whole起承上启下的作用。本文正确运用了较多较为复杂的句型结构,值得学习。

3.以“Bread in China”为题,写一篇短文。(字数100左右)

提示:1 面包是从欧洲传到中国的。2 欧洲人教中国人用许多不同的方法制作面包。3 制作面包的原料是面粉,奶酪,鸡蛋,水等等。4 随着时间的流逝中国人逐渐喜欢上了这种方便(convenient)而又营养丰富的(nutritious)食品。bakery面包房mobile流动车

Bread in China

Bread was brought to China from Europe. The Europeans taught the Chinese to prepare bread in many different ways. But bread is mostly made of flour. The flour is mixed with cream, eggs, water and other things, and then made into bread.

As time went on, the Chinese liked this convenient and nutrient food. There were more and more customers in the bakeries; there was not enough room for so many people. So mobile bakeries began to appear in the streets.

Today, bread is so popular in China that most of the owners in the bakeries are Chinese.


4.以Different people, different diet.为题写一篇短文,比较不同地区人们的饮食习

Sichuan food and Canton food. People in the southeast prefer rice, meat with vegetables, fish and soup. They have formed the custom of drinking soup before meals and like to put sugar in the dishes while people in the north hate sugar in dishes. The most popular food in the northeast is pork stewed with beancurd, cabbage, bean noodles or pickled cabbage. They also eat steamed bread and noodles often. People in the west like noodles most and often cook meat, like beef and mutton in big pieces and serve on big plate with strong wine. They prefer black tea. Food in the southwest is spicy and hot. For example, hot pot is very popular all over China now. They also like smoked meat and sausages.



please, have, some chicken, I, have, enough, thank you

A: Have some chicken, please.

B: Thank you, I have had enough

1).I, can, you, get, a cup of tea, just, a little


B:____________________________________________________________ 2). what about, have drink, good idea,

A: ____________________________________________________________

B: ____________________________________________________________ 3). what, you, would like, to eat, I, two eggs, a glass of milk, please

A: ___________________________________________________________

B: __________________________________________________________

4). please, help, yourself, to, some fish, just, a little, please

A: ___________________________________________________________

B: ___________________________________________________________ 5). you, would like, more, some , bread, I, be full, thank you,

A: __________________________________________________________

B: ___________________________________________________________

2. Answer the following questions回答下列问题,写成文段

1)Can you cook any food? What’s it? Can you write down how you cook this food?

2)Do you know how to make tea?If you don’t,ask your mother and write it down.

3) Have you ever had any western food? How do you like it? Why? If not,

wh at’s your

favorite Chinese food?Can you prepare it by yourself?

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________ _________________________

3. 命题作文: 谈谈你对饮食习惯的看法。

4. 思维拓展作文题

Chinese food is healthy/ delicious/ good The difference between Chinese food and western food I’ve learned to make stir-fried egg/ rice/ vegetables/ meat I love beef noodle soup Can you find beef in beef noodle soup Hot pot is very popular here What is fast food Children like western fast food Why the western fast food is so popular in China Chinese people can’t do without vegetables or staple food Chinese fast food Fast food in front of the school gate Having dinner with my family/ friends At teahouse with friends The shop by the school gate We love ice-cream The food store near my home Eating custom in China Learning to use folk and knife/ chopsticks The food/ drink I love /hate Learning to cook Food in the north /south My mother is a wonderful cook Cooking while mother is not at home My father’s menu for the week Food / eating in the school dining hall



1).A: Can I get you a cup of tea? B: Yes. Just a little.

2).A: What about having a drink? B: Good idea.

3).A: What would you like to eat? B: I’d like two eggs and a glass of milk, please.

4).A: Help yourself to some fish, please. B: Just a little, please.

5).A: Would you like some more bread? B: I’m full, thank you.



Today, I want to write something about our life habits. Taking eating for example, everyone is familiar with it, but how much do they know about it? Maybe some of us just don’t care about such matters. We all know when we should eat and how much we should eat, but not the balance of diet. If someone just eats a little, he doesn’t store enough energy for daily activities. If we turn things aroun d, eating too much may not only result in disease but also bring other problems, such as overweight, weariness. So a healthy diet is necessary for us if we want to have good health. Generally speaking, a balanced diet includes meat, vegetables, fruit and staple food with a regular quantity at certain times.


鲁教版九年级化学下册中考知识点 第七单元常见的酸和碱 第一节酸及其性质 一、如何识别酸 1、电离 (1)定义:物质溶于水后离解成自由移动的离子的过程 (2)、溶液导电的原因:溶液中存在自由移动的离子 (3)、电离方程式:(溶于水) ①HCl=H++Cl- ②H2SO4=2H++SO42- 2、由①②得:酸:电离时生成的阳离子全部是氢离子的化合物。例:硝酸、碳酸、硫酸、盐酸、醋酸等 二、酸的性质 1、盐酸和硫酸的物理学性质(浓) (1)盐酸(物理性质) 无色、透明有刺激性气味的液体,密度比水大,打开浓盐酸瓶塞,瓶口出现白雾,说明浓盐酸具有挥发性,工业盐酸因具有杂质而略显黄色。 (2)、硫酸(物理性质) ①无色、粘稠油状的液体,密度比水大,具有吸水性,因此可用作某些气体的干燥剂。 ②稀释浓硫酸:把浓硫酸沿玻璃棒慢慢引流到水里,切不可将水注入浓硫酸。 2、盐酸和硫酸的化学性质(稀) 因为盐酸和硫酸在溶液中都能电离出氢离子,所以化学性质相似。 (1)酸与指示剂的作用 酸能使紫色的石蕊变成红色,使无色酚酞不变色,使蓝色石蕊试纸变成红色 (2)酸+金属——盐+氢气 ③Na2CO3=2Na++CO32- ④CuSO4=Cu2++SO42- 由③④得:盐:电离时生成金属离子和酸根离子的化合物。例:氯化钠、硫酸铜、碳酸钠等 A、化学方程式

Mg+2HCl=MgCl2+H2↑ Fe+2HCl=FeCl2+H2↑现象:铁的表面有气泡产生,溶液有无色变成浅绿色 Zn+2HCl= ZnCl2+H2↑ 2Al+6HCl=2AlCl3+3H2↑ Mg+H2SO4=MgSO4+ H2↑ Fe+H2SO4=FeSO4+H2↑现象:铁的表面有气泡产生,溶液有无色变成浅绿色 Zn+H2SO4= ZnSO4+H2↑ 2Al+3H2SO4=Al2(SO4)3+3H2↑ B、用途:验室制氢气 (3)、酸+金属氧化物——盐+水 ①化学方程式 Fe2O3+6HCl=2FeCl3+3H2O 现象:铁锈消失,溶液有无色变为黄色 Fe2O3+3H2SO4=Fe2(SO4)3+3H2O现象:铁锈消失,溶液有无色变为黄色 ②用途:金属除锈 (4)、酸+盐——另一种酸+另一种盐 ①化学方程式 2HCl+Na2CO3=2NaCl+H2O+CO2↑用于检验碳酸根离子 HCl+AgNO3=AgCl↓+HNO3用于检验氯离子 H2SO4+BaCl2=BaSO4↓+2HCl用于检验硫酸根离子 ②实例:检验一瓶无色溶液中含有碳酸根离子 取无色溶液少许注入试管,向试管中加入稀盐酸,将产生的气体通入澄清石灰水,如果石灰水变浑浊,证明产生二氧化碳,因此证明原溶液中含有碳酸根。 (5)、复分解反应 ①定义:两种化合物在溶液中互相交换成分,生成另外两种化合物的反应。中和反应是复分解反应中的一种。 ②复分解反应发生的条件:生成沉淀、气体、水 第二节碱及其性质 一、如何识别碱 (1)电离方程式: ⑤NaOH=Na++OH- ⑥Ca(OH)2=Ca2++2OH-


初中英语各年级语法要点 六年级语法要点 1.26个字母 2.人称代词、物主代词(my, your, his, her/he she it they….) 3.指示代词(this, that, these, those) 4.方位介词(in, on, under…) 5.一般现在时(My favorite subject is science. I want to be an actor. I’d like some noodles.) 6.一般疑问句:Do you have…? Do you like…? Do you want to…) 7.特殊疑问句(What’s your telephone number? How much…? When is your birthday?...What time….Where is your pen pal from? Why do you like koalas?) 7.情态动词can(Can you play the guitar?) 七年级英语语法要点 1.现在进行时(I’m watching TV. It’s raining.) 2.特殊疑问句(wh at does he look like? How often…? What’s the matter? How do you get to school? How do you make a banana milk shake? What do you think of game shows?) 3.一般过去时(How was your weekend? How was your school trip? Where did you go on vacation? When was he born? 4.祈使句( Don’t eat in class.) 5.比较级、最高级(I’m more outgoing than my sister. What’s the best radio station?)6.一般将来时(What are you doing for vacation? I’m going to be a basketball player.)7.情态动词could表有礼貌问答(Could you please clean your room?) 8.反意疑问句(It’s a nice day, isn’t it?) 八年级语法要点 1.一般将来时(Will people have robots? 2.情态动词should would (What should I do? Where would you like to visit?)


九年级英语话题复习话题一个人与家庭(Individuals and family) 子话题1— 个人及家庭成员信息(Personal and Family Member’s Information) 7A Unit 1 My name’s Gina. 7A Unit 2 This is my sister. 7A Unit 8 When is your birthday. 子话题2—兴趣与爱好(Interest and Hobbies) 7A Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 7B Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 9 Unit 9 I like music that i can dance to. 子话题3—外貌及变化(Appearance and Changes) 7B Unit 9 What does he look like? 8A Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 9 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 话题二人际交往(Interpersonal Communication)子话题1—问题与建议(Problems and Advice) 8B Unit 1 What’s the matter? 8B Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? 子话题2— 邀请与决定(Invitation and Decision Making) 8A Unit 9 Can you come to my party?


九年级化学(鲁教版)下册教学计划 一、指导思想 以国家颁布的《全日制义务教育化学课程标准》确定的培养目标为依据,结合初中毕业生学业考试复习指南(化学),强化学生基础知识,训练学生思维方式,培养学生实验技能,提升学生应试水平,贯穿“从生活走向化学,从化学走向社会”理念,突出化学知识与生活、社会、科技之间的联系,拓展学生化学思维。 二、教学内容 鲁教版九年级化学下册第7~11章。 三、学生分析 本人所教化学学科有两个班,大部分学生没有养成良好的学习习惯、行为习惯,学习成绩较差,对问题的分析能力、计算能力、实验操作能力存在严重的不足,尤其是所涉及知识拓展和知识的综合能力等方面不够好,学生反应能力弱。以上情况主要原因是学生在九年级前各科成绩都较差,没有学会如何分析问题,学习方法不对,且不会进行知识的梳理,对所学化学知识不能进行归纳系统化,导致学生掉队,同时学生面临毕业和升学的双重压力等,致使许多学生产生了厌学心理。教师要做好每一个学生的工作,使他们在各自原有的基础上不断发展进步。 四、教材分析 现行教材体系的第一个特点是分散难点,梯度合理,又突出重点。以学生生活中离不开的水、空气、溶液,以及碳等引入,学习元素和

化合物知识,同时有计划地穿插安排部分基本概念,基本理论和定律。这样使教材内容的理论与实际很好地结合,有利于培养学生运用化学基本理论和基本概念解决生活和生产中常见的化学问题的能力,还可以分散学习基本概念和基本理论,以减轻学习时的困难。为了有利于教师安排教学和便于学生学习和掌握,每章教材的篇幅力求短小,重点较突出。 第二个特点,突出了以实验为基础的,以动手操作能力要求,每一块中都有有许多学生实验和实验探究,同时又注意了学生能力的培养。 五、目标任务 1.让化学知识联系生产、生活、自然、社会现象等实际,使学生学以致用。 2.使学生学习一些常见金属材料、溶液及酸碱盐的基础知识,掌握部分化学实验和化学计算基本技能,并了解化学在生产中的实际应用。 3.继续激发学生学习化学的兴趣,培养学生科学严谨的态度和科学的方法。培养学生动手和创新精神。使学生初步运用化学知识来解释或解决简单的化学问题,逐步养成自己动手操作的能力、观察问题和分析问题的能力。 4.针对中考新动向,把握中考改革的方向,培养学生适应中考及答题的各种技能技巧。 5.重视基础知识和基本技能,注意启发学生的智力,培养学生的


鲁教版2020届九年级上学期英语期末考试试卷B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、语音辨析 (共2题;共4分) 1. (2分)The boy thinks he shouldn't _______what to do because he is 18 now. A . tell B . tells C . telling D . be told 2. (2分) ! Our grandpa is sleeping. A . Go ahead B . Be careful C . Keep quiet D . Speak loudly 二、单项选择 (共18题;共36分) 3. (2分)— Where did you go ________ vacation? — I went to New York City. A . to B . of C . on D . for 4. (2分)We have never visited the place, but we have it. A . stood for B . belonged to C . kept on D . heard about 5. (2分)One important aim of our school is to prepare us for the future ________ we can face all the challenges with confidence. A . so far B . so that

C . even if D . so as to 6. (2分)Tony is ________ student. A . an 11-year-old B . an eleven-years-old C . a 11-year-old D . a eleven-year old 7. (2分)— How old is your son? —________. We want to have a special party for his ________ birthday. A . Nine; nine B . Nine; ninth C . Ninth; ninth D . Ninth; nine 8. (2分)I won't buy it because it's too ______. A . expensive B . more expensive C . most expensive D . much expensive 9. (2分)We played catch and ________ maple syrup. A . made B . making C . makes D . make 10. (2分)______ look outside, Bruce. Look at the blackboard. A . Not B . Don't C . Can't D . Doesn't 11. (2分)Let's _______ after school.


初三英语话题复习课的评课稿 各位领导老师,大家上午好! 钱老师上的是一个话题复习课,这是在一轮复习基础之上的复习课.他将整个初中教材中关于人的话题进行整合,把人分为Ordinany people 和Great people 两类进行复习教学。课堂设计以教材为基础,但不拘泥于课本.利用多媒体创设情景,使学生感悟和体验,教学内容与生活的内在联系,培养学生语言技能和语言运用能力。这是一个开放的话题,是学生真实运用语言的过程,是学生真正自主学习的过程,也是一个快乐的享受学习的过程。这是一个大胆的尝试,是一个新的设想,同时对教师也提出了一个更高的要求。 1. 钱老师教学基本功扎实,整堂课都是用英语进行组织教学,语言清晰,表达准确。 2. 导入新颖,过度自然.教者在Say you say me的歌声中,自然引出本节课的课题,以自我介绍引出话题简述,给人以一种耳目一新的感觉。 3. 教学流程设计合理,针对中考适时进行能力训练,如在介绍普通人的品质时,复习跟人有联系的语法知识,让学生操练运用一些形容词,以及描写人的句型,增强学生实际运用语言的能力;在介绍伟人时,适时增加了听的训练等。在谈论people around as 的同时,尽量使听说读写的形式多样化。 4.在整个教学过程中,教者始终注意及时鼓励,及时点评,及时纠错。最后不失时机地进行爱国主义教育,使People around as 这一主题得到进一步升华,让学生由衷地说出:We are proud we are Chinese. 同时激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生知道,只要努力就会成功。使整堂课的教学达到了高潮,让学生在学习中真正体验到学习的乐趣。这是一节不可多得的成功的复习课。 不足之处:1. 如能将圣诞树上单词的红色改为白色,效果更好. 2. 板书还欠规范. 以上仅为个人观点,不足之处敬请商榷!希望今天的复习课能使大家学有所获! 优点:本节课教学目标明确,系统地归纳复习了定语从句,精心设计练习,讲练结合,让同学们在练中进步,并适当联系中考考点,突破难点,同时创设和谐宽松的氛围,激发学生的潜能,让学生体验到成功的喜悦。而且黄老师教学经验丰富,基本功扎实。 不足之处:传统教学课堂容量小,实间浪费比较多。作为复习课,利用多媒体教学,可以扩大课堂教学容量,提高课堂教学效率。 反思;黄老师的这节课氛围宽松和谐,师生互动多,讲解详细具体。在讲课过程中,黄老师没有只就题讲题,而是注意英语知识点之间的联系。听完黄老师这节语法复习课,我觉得怎样让语法课摆脱传统语法课的枯燥,同时又能让整节课更有效果,更具有效性,如何让学生更好地进行自我思考,充分发挥学生的自主性,是教师应该思索的问题韩金煌老师的课教学重点难点突出,板书工整,教态自然,气氛活跃,师生配合好,是一堂难得的优质课。黄文炳老师的课课堂师生互动活跃,教师基本功扎实,讲解循序渐进,整节课体现学生为主,教师为辅的课改精神,同时全面提高学生的听、说、读、写的综合能力。 优点:韩老师的这堂课归纳全面,练习精心设计,讲练结合,由简到难,深入浅出。充分利用多媒体辅助教学,增加了课堂容量,提高了复习有效性。 存在问题:利用多媒体教学普遍存在的问题:容易使学生患上“看课”的毛病,尤其是水平低下的学生较难很好掌握全部知识点。 反思:一支粉笔,三尺讲台的传统的课堂教学虽然比较费时费力,但在英语课堂中也有很多不可否认的优势。而多媒体教学虽然有很多优点,但也同时也存在不少问题,听了韩老师的课后,我在想,如何能够把这两种教学优势有机的结合,发挥最好的教学作用,最大程度地提高教学有效性,是否也是我们应该考虑的问题? 优点:本节课教学设计合理,目标明确,重点突出,联系中考,突破难点,精心设计练


鲁教版初中英语教材结构分析 张店二中宋锋 一、教材的编排结构及编写意图 鲁教版初中英语教材分六年级上、下册,七年级上、下册,八年级上、下册及九年级 全册,共七册。其中,六年级上、下册及七年级上、下册每册各10个单元,八年级上、下册每册各8个单元,九年级全册共12各单元。每个单元分为Section A、Section B和Self Check 三部分,八年级和九年级教材在每个单元后面各增加一篇Reading。 Section A 这部分以一幅展示新功能在实际生活中运用的图画开篇,该图引出了学生在操练新语言 时需要用到的重点词汇。所有重点单词都在图中描绘出来,因此学生不需要解释或翻译就能 理解它们。新的表达方式呈现在人物头上的气泡中,从而使学生很容易理解和操练新语言。 接下来是几个循序渐进的操练活动。学生独立、结对或组成小组完成多中练习,每个 活动都围绕着目标语言,以一种简单而容易理解的方式展开。 每单元第二页的下端呈现的是一个语法聚焦框,该表格清晰呈现了对本单元语法点使 用的总结。第三页以一个互动活动结束,该活动采用游戏或其它全班活动的方式,学生在互相合作使用目标语言中完成本部分的学习。 Section B 这部分在循环A部分所呈现的语言同时,引出新的词汇。同时,B部分的活动帮助学生整合新的目标语言和前面单元学过的语言。这一循环强化了前面的语言学习,同时为新语言学习提供了更多操练的机会。 Self Check 这部分为自我检测,学生可以在课堂上完成,也可以作为课后作业完成。这些活动让 学生复习了所有重点词汇以及新学的语法项目。 Reading 通过一篇长篇课文的学习,进一步强化巩固本单元的语法和其它知识点,同时提高学 生的阅读理解的能力和写作能力。 二、各册教材主要话题、单元语言结构以及语言功能目标列表 六年级英语(上) 本教材共有10个单元,每单元分为Section A、Section B和Self Check三部分。 教材各部分编排结构及编写意图 Section A 1a呈现本单元的重点单词、语法结构及功能1b呈现任务型听力练习 1c结对练习核心对话 2a、2b呈现的是多种听力练习 2c呈现不同任务的结对练习 Grammar Focus呈现语法功能重点 3a—4b提供多种课堂活动 Section B 1a词汇扩展 1b新旧知识的综合运用


第一单元 步入化学殿堂 第一节 奇妙的化学 一.化学研究对象 化学是一门研究物质的组成与结构、性质与变化、用途与制法的自然科学 【知识解读】 1 2所示,一个水分子是由 两个氢原子与一个氧原子构成的。 3.同种物质的组成与结构相同,组成相同的物质不一定是同一物质。一氧化碳和二氧化碳都是由碳元素与氧元素组成的,但是,一个一氧化碳分子是由一个碳原子与一个氧原子构成的,一个二氧化碳分子是由一个碳原子与两个氧原子构成的,如图 。所以,虽然他们组成相同 但是结构不同,而不是同一物质。 4、 二.物质的变化与性质(重点) 【知识解读】 1、物理变化与化学变化 据变化过程中的现象、变化前后物质的性质对比来判断是否有新物质生成。中考中,常考的事例都是生活中和初种化学教材中大家熟悉的例子。 2、物理性质与化学性质 性质与变化的关系:性质决定变化。性质表示一种变化发生的可能性,变化表示这种变化正在或已经发生。例如,碗易打碎,描述的是性质,碗仍然完好无损;而碗打碎了,描述是变化,则碗已经成为了碎瓷片。同时要注意,一些物理性质如物质的颜色、形状、状态、密度、气味、味道等 组成与结构 性质与变化 用途与制法 决定 决定 变化 性质 没有生成新物质的变化 生成新物质的变化 不需要发生化学变化就能表现出来的性质 物质发生化学变化时表现出来的性质 物质

不需要发生任何变化就能表现出来。 物理性质与化学性质的判断:首先,判断描述的是变化还是性质,如果描述的是性质,再假设发生了变化,如果发生的变化是化学变化,则描述的是化学性质;如果发生的是物理变化或不能发生变化,则描述的是物理性质。 三.绿色化学(热点) 绿色化学又称环境无害化学、环境友好化学、清洁化学。绿色化学的理想是不再使用有毒、有害物质,原料百分之百地转变成产物,生产对环境友好的产品。绿色化学是一门从源头上阻止污染的化学。最符合绿色化学要求的基本反应类型是化合反应。 第二节化学之旅 一、科学探究 科学探究一般包括:提出问题、建立假设、收集证据(包括设计实验方案、进行实验等)、获的结论、交流评价这样几个环节 二、实验现象和实验结论 描述实验的基本方法包括三个方面:实验操作过程、实验现象、实验结论 【知识解读】 1、实验现象是通过人体感觉器官直接观察感觉到的,如:发光、放热、变色、产生气体、生成沉淀等;实验结论是通过对现象的分析推理而得到的。 2、在描述时实验现象和实验结论不能混淆,常见的是现象中有结论,尤其是在描述现象时,不能出现生成物的名称。 3、“白烟”是由固体小颗粒组成的,“白雾”是由小液滴组成的。在现象描述时不能将二者混淆。 三、探究蜡烛的燃烧: 1、观察蜡烛燃烧:①点燃蜡烛,蜡烛先熔化,再气化,最后燃烧;②蜡烛燃烧时,有黄色的火焰,冒出少量的黑烟,释放出大量的热量;③蜡烛熄灭时,冒出有刺激性气味的白烟;④蜡烛熄灭后,熔化的石蜡逐渐凝固。 2、检验蜡烛燃烧的产物:①在火焰上方罩一个冷而干燥的烧杯,烧杯内壁有水雾出现,说明蜡烛燃烧有水生成。②在火焰上方罩一个干燥的烧杯,一会儿,迅速将烧杯倒置,倒入少量澄清石灰


《第二节几种常见的碱》教案 教学目标 知识与技能 1、知道常见氢氧化钠、氢氧化钙主要的物理性质和用途。 2、认识氢氧化钠、氢氧化钙的腐蚀性及使用的安全注意事项。 3、能由探究实验知道碱的相似化学性质。 过程和方法 1、运用实验、观察等方法进行探究,并比较、归纳和概括氢氧化钠和氢氧化钙的性质。 2、能应用氢氧化钠和氢氧化钙的性质解释或解决一些实际问题。 情感态度与价值观 1、通过对氢氧化钠和氢氧化钙的性质的探究,保持和增强对化学现象的好奇心和探究 欲,发展学习化学的兴趣。 2、通过讨论、实验进一步发展善于合作、勇于实践的科学精神。 教学重点 氢氧化钠、氢氧化钙的物理性质与用途以及碱的相似化学性质。 教学难点 氢氧化钠、氢氧化钙与非金属氧化物反应的化学方程式。 教学过程 创设问题情境:魔术表演引入:“清水变牛奶”,让学生通过已知的化学知识解释,并 写出相应的化学反应方程式。再表演“不吹自大的气球”。 提问:气球为什么不吹自大哪?想知道其中的奥秘吗?通过今天的学习就能解释出其中 缘由。今天外面学习的内容是——常见的碱。 首先来认识氢氧化钠,让学生观察氢氧化钠固体。 提问:如何取用氢氧化钠,能直接用手拿吗?为什么?引导学生观察被氢氧化钠腐蚀的 鸡爪。正是由于氢氧化钠的强的腐蚀性,由此我们俗称氢氧化钠为?如果不慎将氢氧化钠沾 到皮肤上该如何处理呢?引导学生观察,然后互相交流。 观察、思考并对已学知识的回顾Ca(OH)2+CO2=CaCO3↓+H2ONaOH有强烈的腐蚀性在使用NaOH时必须十分小心。

进行化学药品的安全知识教育。激发学生提出问题和研究问题的热情。 将氢氧化钠固体放到水中溶解,让学生触碰试管外壁,让学生知道氢氧化钠固体溶解放 热的现象。 氢氧化钠放入水中溶解放热,把它放在空气中又会如何?用两只表面皿把氢氧化钠固体 颠换,让学生观察氢氧化钠不久就沾在表面皿上,从而得知氢氧化钠会潮解。 提问:潮解是不是化学反应呢?为什么? 氢氧化钠还有哪些用途呢?引导学生阅读氢氧化钠的用途。其实氢氧化钠还可以做叶脉 书签,课本有制作叶脉书签的家庭小实验。 认识完氢氧化钠,我们再来认识另外一种常见的碱——氢氧化钙。在检验二氧化碳时用到的澄清石灰水就是氢氧化钙的水溶液提问:同学知道氢氧化钙是如何制取的吗?它俗称什么? 实验展示:氧化钙和水反应,并要求学生写出化学方程式。 提问:除了氢氧化钠、氢氧化钙之外,常见的碱还有哪些,并写出他们的化学式?这些 碱都具有哪些相似的化学性质呢?我们通过化学实验进一步进行探究。 请一位学生来完成实验,观察学生的实验操作是否规范并进行相应指导。 实验:NaOH、Ca(OH)2溶液中分别滴加石蕊试液和酚酞试液。 引导学生归纳实验的结论。 结论:(1)碱溶液能使紫色石蕊试液变蓝色,无色酚酞试液变红色。 提问:细心的同学应该发现两只试管内的溶液颜色深浅有所不同,这是什么原因呢?这个问题我们留作课后思考。 氢氧化钙可做建材,利用到它什么性质呢?同学们能写出相应的化学反应方程式吗?氢 氧化钠密封保存仅仅是因为潮解的原因吗?展示一瓶氢氧化钠溶液,提示学生注意观察。提问:氢氧化钠溶液试剂瓶口有一些白色固体,请同学分析一下白色固体可能是什么?其中又 涉及到什么化学反应呢?注意把碱的一些性质联系起来。 上面两个化学反应有什么共同之处?三氧化硫与碱的反应与上面两个反应相似,试写出三氧化硫与氢氧化钠的化学方程式。 结论:(2)碱溶液能与某些非金属氧化物反应。 问题:硫酸厂排放的废气中含有二氧化硫,为了周围居民的安全,利用我们已知的化学知识帮居民解决这个问题。 通过刚才的学习,谁能揭晓“不吹自大的气球”的秘密?注意联系一些已学的物理知识


Unit6_____________________________________ 一、单词: 1.做家务______________________ 2.做作业_______________________3几乎从不______________________ 4.一年一次_______________ 5.一周两次______________________ 6.一天三次____________________________ 7.上网____________________ ______________________ _______________________ 8.你最喜欢的节目是什么?_________________________________________________________________ 9.充满____________________10.摇摆舞__________________________11.他可能在家_____________________ _________________________________12.至少_______________13.垃圾食品_________________________ 14.结果______________________15.他们当中的百分之20_________________________________________ https://www.doczj.com/doc/732937077.html,= ___________________22.although==___________________ ____________________(不能___________) 23.浏览_____________________24.穿过森林__________________________25.下决心做……..______________ ______________________________ _______________________________26.body(复数)____________________ 27.例如________________28.共同_____________29.die(过)__________(形)_________(名)_______(现在分词)__ 30.write(作家)___________31.去看牙医____________________32.在杂志上______________________________ 33.多于______________ _________34.少于_______________35.指向_________________ _______________ 二.我们学过的频度副词或词组: _____________________________________________________________________________


九年级英语总复习资料 一、被动语态: 1.总述:英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。 1)主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。 巧记为:主动、主动、主语去动。 例如:Many people speak English. 谓语speak的动作是由主语many people来执行的。 2)被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。 巧记为:被动、被动、主语被动。 例如:English is spoken by many people. 主语English是动词speak的承受者。 2.被动语态的构成 被动语态由“助动词be+动词的过去分词”构成。人称、数和时态的变化是通过be的变化表现出来的。现以teach为例说明被动语态的各种时态的构成。 ①一般现在时之被动语态的动词形态: am/is/are+taught 现在被教 ②一般过去时之被动语态的动词形态: was/were+taught 过去被教 ③一般将来时之被动语态的动词形态: will/shall be+taught 将来被教 歌诀:被动语态be动词,体现时态是关键;过去分 词跟后面,被动语态才完全。 3.被动语态的用法 (1)不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁。 例如:Some computers were stolen last night. 昨晚,一些电脑被盗了。(不知道是谁偷的) The window was broken yesterday. 昨天,窗户被打破了。(不知道是谁打破的) This book was published in 1981. 这本书出版于1981年。(没必要说出执行者) (2)强调动作的承受者,而不强调动作的执行者。 例如:This book was written by him. 这本书是他写的。 Eight hours a day for sleep must be guaranteed. 应用歌诀:谁做动作不知道,说出谁做没必要; 动作受者要强调,被动语态运用到。 4.主动语态变被动语态的方法: (1)主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语,是代词时, 改宾格为主格。 *(2)把谓语变成被动结构(be+过去分词) (根据被动语态句子里的主语的人称和数,以及原来 主动语态句子中动词的时态来决定be的形式)。 (3)把主动语态中的主语放在介词by之后作宾语,是 代词时,改主格为宾格。 例如:All the people laughed at him. =He was laughed at by all the people. They make the bikes in the factory. =The bikes are made by them in the factory. 歌诀:宾变主语主变宾,by宾短语随后跟。关键谓 语动词动,be和“过分”来使用。 5.含有情态动词的被动语态 含有情态动词的主动句变成被动句时,由“情态动词 +be+过去分词”构成。 歌诀:情态动词变被动,要牢记住三部分,情态加 be加“过分”。 例如:We can repair this watch in two days. = This watch can be repaired by us in two days. You ought to take it away. =It ought to be taken away by you. They should do it at once. = It should be done by them at once.


鲁教版九年级化学下册精品教案大全 到实验室去:探究酸和碱的化学性质 课标要求: 1.能在教师的指导下根据实验目的选择实验药品和仪器,并能安全操作; 2.初步学会根据物质的性质检验和区分一些常见的物质; 3.知道常见酸、碱的主要性质。 内容和学情分析: 九年级的学生思维活跃、协作能力比较强;通过新授课的学习已经具备了基本的实验操作技能,掌握了酸的基本性质。只是在借助酸的性质解决实际问题时还存在一定的欠缺;在具体实验方案的设计、评价以及试剂的选择上还存在迷惘现象。综上分析,安排本节实验课旨在提高学生的综合素质。 实验建议: 建议进行本节实验时,变“验证性实验”为“探究性实验”。可借助下面的情景素材“学生做中和反应的实验,直接向氢氧化钠中加入稀盐酸,一段时间后发现忘了加酚酞,于是取反应后的溶液加入酚酞,发现酚酞不变色,就得出了恰好完全中和,所得溶液呈中性的结论”。引导学生设计实验探究反应后的溶液的酸碱性。 探究目标: 1.通过实验进一步认识酸、碱的化学通性; 2.初步学会使用酸碱指示剂和pH试纸检验溶液的酸碱性; 3.初步学会运用间接观察法收集证据,感悟探究物质化学性质的一般思路和方法。 重点、难点: 1.通过实验进一步认识酸、碱的化学通性; 2.学会借助酸碱指示剂、pH试纸或pH计检验溶液的酸碱性。 实验准备: 仪器:试管、试管架、试管夹、玻璃棒、烧杯、洗瓶、表面皿、药匙、镊子、火柴、酒精灯、胶头滴管、pH试纸、点滴板、白瓷板(pH计或数字传感器);



鲁教版2020届九年级上学期英语期末模拟考试试卷IA卷 一、听句子,选出与句子内容相符的图画选项。 (共1题;共1分) 1. (1分)选出与其意思相符的图片() A . B . C . 二、听对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项 (共5题;共10分) 2. (2分)When did Alice go to the beach? A . Last Thursday. B . Last Friday. C . Last Saturday. 3. (2分)What does the woman like doing after dinner? A . Running. B . Walking. C . Jogging. 4. (2分)Where can they listen to music at school? A . In the hallways. B . In the classroom. C . In the computer rooms. 5. (2分)What's the weather like today? A . It's warm. B . It's cool. C . It's cold.

6. (2分)据所听到的内容选择正确答语() A . By shaking hands. B . By bowing. C . By kissing her. 三、听下面两段长对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、 (共2题;共13分) 7. (7分)听第一段对话,回答下列2题。 (1)Who is the boy? A . The man's brother. B . The man's uncle. C . The man's cousin. (2)What does Tony like doing at home? A . Cleaning the room. B . Watching TV. C . Reading books. 8. (6分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)What club is Peter in? A . The art club B . The sports club C . The music club (2)How long does Peter stay in the club every day? A . Two hours. B . Three hours. C . Four hours (3)How does Peter go home? A . By bus. B . By bike. C . By subway. 四、短文理解 (共1题;共10分) 9. (10分)听短文,选择正确答案

人教版九年级英语专题复习 话题复习--(购物)导教案设计(含答案)

新目标九年级话题复习—购物 学习目标: 1.复习与“购物”话题相关的词汇、短语和重点句型。 2.掌握分析利弊型的议论文结构,并运用到话题写作中。 3.学会辨证看待生活中的事物,培养独立思考的品质。 课前自学 一、单词。 美元n. __________ 种类n. __________ 优点n. __________ 缺点n. __________ 特价n. __________ 尺寸n. __________ 服务n. __________ 款式n. __________ 方便的adj. __________ 简单的adj. __________快速的adj. __________安全的adj. _________ 危险的adj. __________ 细心的adj. __________ 在线的adj. __________ 接收v. _________购物v. __________ 选择v. __________ 支付v. __________ 节省v. _________二、短语。 由于______________________ 外出____________________ 排队____________________ 准备现金____________________ 打包商品_______________________ 网上购物__________________________ 建立__________________ 总而言之______________________ 需要做某事____________________ 一方面...另一方面_______________ 三、句子。 1.Different people have different ideas.不同的人有不同的意见。 2.Online shopping has both advantages and disadvantages.网络购物有优点也有缺点。 3.She likes shopping online, because it’s easy and convenient.她喜欢购物,因为它既简单又方


Unit 1 Have you ever been to an amusement park? 一..重点难点释义 1. Me neither=Neither have I . 我也没去过。(1)英语中表示后者与前者情形相同,“也不……”时,常用neither引起的倒装句Neither+助动词/系动词be/情态动词+主语。 eg:--I'm not tall. Neither is she. =She's not tall, either. 我个子不高,她个子也不高。 --They can't cook. Neither can we. =We can't cook, either. 他们不会做饭,我们也不会。 (2)如果表示后者与前者情形相同,“也……”常用so引起的倒装句, so+助动词/系动词be/情态动词+主语。 eg:--My friends are happy. So am I.=I'm happy, too./I'm also happy. --They will leave by air. So will you. =You will also leave by air. 2 hear, hear of, hear from *hear 为动词,有听见和听说之意。作“听见”解,只强调结果。作为:“听说”解,其后一般跟从句。**hear of 听说,听到,其后跟名词或从句。 --My grandma can't hear very well. --I hear that they miss us very much. --I heard him singing in the next room. --Have you ever heard of Edison? 3. be famous for ,be famous as与be famous to **be famous for 因为……而出名/著名,for后接表示特点、特长的名词,表示人或物闻名的原因--The village is famous for its green tea. **be famous as 以……身份出名,as后一般接表示职业的名词。 --HanHong is famous as a pop singer.韩红以流行歌曲而闻名。 **be famous to 对某人来说是著名的,to后常接人。--The pop singer is famous to the young people. 4 different 不同的。其名词是difference。 be different from …与。。。不同:--My ideas is different from yours.我的观点与你的不一样。 5.around作为介词,“在……周围,到处,大约 eg:--I traveled around the world.我周游了世界。-It's around/about ten o'clock.大约有10点了。 5.mean 表示“意味着”用来表示人的言论或行为,某一标志或词语的意思所指。 eg:--What do you mean? 你的话是什么意思。 -What does this word mean? =What's the meaning of this word?这个词是什么意思? 6. have problems (in) doing “做谋事很费劲”。in在句中可省略,后面接动词+ing形式。problem是可数名词,在句型中作“困难、麻烦”解,这里problems还可以用difficulty或trouble代替,但这两个词在句型中作不可数名词用。eg:--We had some problems getting to the top of mountain. 7. seem “好像、似乎”,其后加形容次。eg:--He seems unhappy today.他今天好像不高兴。1)seem to do something. eg:--He seems to be happy. 他好像很高兴--My mother seemed to know that. 我妈妈好像知道那件事。4)It seem that + eg:--It seems that he is happy.=He seems (to be) happy 他好像很快乐 8. have been a/an+n. 成为一个……Jim has been a soldier for 3 years. 9. all the time始终,一直。例如: She is later for work all the time no matter where she works. 10. take different routes走不同的路线 route n.路;路线。例如: We came by a longer route than usual.我们走了一条比通常要长的路来的。 11.has been to…表示“去过某地”,可以和once, twice, never, ever等词连用。 ——Where have you been? 你去哪里了?——I have been to the library. 12. have/ has gone to…“去了某地”,指说话时某人已离开此地,在去某地的路上或已到达某 地,因此这个句型通常用第三人称作主语,不能与once, twice never等连用。 —Where is Jim?—He has gone to the library. (去图书馆了) 13. awake: adj. 醒着的;wake: v. 醒,叫醒……wake up 14. whenever 无论何时Whenever we see him, we speak to him. 15. almost: 几乎,差不多Almost all of us have seen the film 16. temperature 温度take one’s temperature 量体温 17. dark “黄昏,黑暗”,是名词,也可用作形容词。It’s getting darker and darker. dark 也可指“深色的”。dark blue/ green 18. population:名词“人口”W hat’s the population of China? The population of China is larger than that of Japan. 19. a quarter “一刻钟,1/4”,three quarters 3/4,相当于three fourths. △分数的表达法:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,若分子大于1时,分母的序数词要用复数形式。 例如:1/3:one third, 或a third 2/5:two fifths 6/7:six sevenths 1/2:one half或a half 注意:“某整体的几分之几”作主语时,谓语动词应与分数所修饰的名词一致。例如: 1)Three fourths of the water is by me. 3)One half of the students are on the playground. 20. around the world 遍及全世界”,相当于all over the world或者across the world. 21. more than表示“超过,多于”,相当于over 22. *It’s fun to do sth.fun为不可数名词,表示“乐事,有趣的事”。It’s fun to fly kites here 二.短语 1. 太空博物院space museum 2. 游乐场amusement park 3. 水上乐园water park 6. 呆在某个地方have been in 7. 既不也不;两者都不neither …nor … 9. 迪斯尼人物Disney character 10. 主题公园 a theme park 11. 当然of course 12. 过山车 a roller coaster 13. 以┉…为主题be themed by 14. 四处走动walk around 16. 迪斯尼巡游Disney Cruise 17. 兜风take a ride 18. 在船上on board 21. 空中乘务员 a flight attendant 22. 导游 a tour guide 23. 象……这样的such as 24. 考虑think about 25. 胜于,而不是rather than 26. 在东南亚in Southeast Asia 27. 度假take a holiday 28. 在一方面on the one hand 29. 在另一方面on the other hand 33. 做某事有困难have some problem (in)doing38. 全年all year round 34. 不管还是;whether or 35. 夜狩night safari 36. 在白天during the daytime 37. 在更自然的环境里in a more natural environment 39. 靠近be close to Unit 2 一、知识点 1.Check in : 在旅馆的登记入住。Check out: 在旅馆结账离开。 2.By: ①通过…..方式(途径)。例:I learn English by listening to tapes. ②在…..旁边。例:by the window/the door ③乘坐交通工具例:by bus/car

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