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Basic Structure for Contents

Note: The main headings give the project reader an overall view of the report. They also act like an outline of the report. From Page2 onwards, Zhang Ling further elaborates each of the main headings. Page2,3 and 4 now look like this:(course book P143).


I have been teaching for eight years. I n my teaching I’ve found there are some problems . especially the problem that some of my students in rural areas are not interested in remember

English. I’ve told them time and again the importance of remembering English word and urged them to take all kinds of methods. However they always forget vocabularies. I’ll finish my study in Cangzhou Radio~TV University .I hope I can solve the problems that have troubled me for some time through the action research so that I can apply my knowledge and theory into practice .which I learned from Cangzhou RadioTV University.


Process Report--1

Student:Liu Lili

Stage 1: Identifying a problem

Tutor’s Comments: (problems and suggestions)

Tutor ___________ Date ____________ Score ____________


Language is a communication tool. And the purpose for learning English in China has changed in recent years due to the Open Door Policy. V ocabulary is one of language element, If people leave vocabulary, we can’t express idea, If people don’t have much vocabulary, you can’t listen ,speak, read ,write well. The size of the vocabulary of a person to a certain extent that the English level of this person.


Process Report--2

Student Liu Lili

Stage 2: Problem analysis

Tutor’s Comments: (problems and suggestions)

Tutor ___________ Date ____________ Score ____________


In my opinion, there were four main mistakes. Firstly, some students only lay stress on language, grammar and structure teaching, but ignore vocabulary teaching. Secondly, some students only can remember meaning of vocabulary but ignore situational .Thirdly, some students don’t know about culture difference between China and western countries . Fourthly, some students can’t grasp the regular of word formation. so they were not interested in it at all.

The Problems had been troubling me for a long time and now I was determined to work towards the solution to the problem. I started off by making an analysis of the problems. In this period, I use the following methods: the analytic method, cause analysis, socratic dialogues and questionnaire survey

2.2 Project objective

The project objective is to enhance learners’ interest in oral practice.

2.3Project hypothesis

It is hypothesized that learners’ interest in remembering words.

2.4 Project rationale

The following rationales are mentioned: communicative approach in vocabulary teaching, PPP model, communicative speaking activities, t he learners’ roles and responsibilities, the role of the teacher, the role of good lesson planning


Process Report--3

Student: Liu Lili

Stage 3: Project design

Tutor’s Comments: (problems and suggestions)

Tutor ___________ Date ____________ Score ____________


3.1 Objectives

The objective of this research is to pay attention to mistakes for vocabulary teaching.

3.2 Subjects

The subjects are 45 rural middle school students in Song zhuangzi Middle School inCangzhou3.3 Materials

The materials are based on the Go For It for Grade 9.

3.4 Activity Plan


Process Report--4

Student: Liu Lili

Stage 4: Project implementation

Tutor’s Comments: (problems and suggesti ons)

Tutor ___________ Date ____________ Score ____________


4.1 Project Implementation

The objective of this research is to recognize students’mistakes and the importaces of remembering words. The subjects are 45 rural middle school students in Songzhuangzi Middle School in Cangzhou. And the materials are based on the Go For It for Grade 9. Week 1, Activity 1,Discuss the importances and mistakes of vocabulary teaching

The objective: to discuss the importance and mistakes of vocabulary teaching

T eaching process:

Step 1 Lead in [ T:(the teacher says) ; S: (the students say)]

T: We all know if you can’t remember word, you can’t listen. Speak .read .write well.

S: But we must have grammar –oriented tests, we must do some homework.

T: Through your answer, I know your mistakes.

Step 2 Presentation

( Ask some other students discuss the same question.

Step 3 Practice

Have the students work in pairs, Discuss the question .

Step 4 Groupwork

Divide all the class into six groups, and ask them to work in groups .

Homework: We can’t remember what reasons they are.

Week 2, Activity 2, Students only remember the surface of the words’ meanings. Ignoring the situational

The objective: to stimulate the students’ discuss the examples bout ignoring the situational. Teaching process:

Step 1 lead in

Teacher writes two examples on the blackboard.

Step 2 Presentation

1 .I am very thirsty. I want to drink some water.

2. The flowers are dry, I must water them now.

Step 3 Practice

Ask them to practice the conversation in pairs. Discuss the nature of water.

Step 4 Do a survey

Divide the students into four groups, Discuss the nature of a certain word. Homework: Let students find the similar examples.

Week 3, Activity 3, Let students understand culture differences between China and western country.

Teaching process:

Step 1 Lead in

T:Do you like dogs? What’s it differences because of culture?

Step 2 Presentation

The teacher give some examples on the blackboard .

1.Love me ,love my dog.{爱屋及乌}

2.Every dog has his day.{凡人皆有得意日}

3.Luckdog {幸运儿}




Step 3 Groupwork

Divide the students into 4 groups . Discuss the diffenences for dogs .At last the teacher give the summary .In western countries, people appreciate dogs’ courage and honest. The person is treated a dog. But Chinese all hate dogs. So for a same thing ,different culture background, their opinons are different. he students talk to other students in the class and find three people who have to follow these rules. Write their names in the chart.

Homework: Let students find some similar examples.

Week 4 , Activity 4, Let students grasp the regular word formation

The objective: to let students grasp word formation to remember vocabulary…

Teaching process:

Step 1 Lead in

T: Do you know what made of word is ? Do you recognize root , prefix and suffix?

Step 2 Presentation

The teacher says word is made of root, prefix and suffix. They are three element parts. Prefix is the most important part. Suffix is the secondary part .Words formation methods has many kinds of forms. eg.

1 .prefix+root

Pro +pel -propel

{向前}{推} {推进}

2 root +suffix

Port +able -portable

{拿走} {可以的} {可携带的}

Step 3 Practice

T: discuss the words above. At last the teacher give summary. Though the examples we know an English word aren’t meaningless and isolated , They are some organic combination that include the specific meaning. we should remember their meanings significance. Homework: After class everyone find two examples about word formation.

4.2 Data Analysis

The results of the two questionnaires are presented in Graph 1 and Table 1. Graph 1 shows the comparison of degree of interest before and after the implementation of the project. And table 1 shows students’ preference to types of vocabulary teaching. After four weeks’ research, I designed Questionnaire Two that was partly based on Questionnaire One designed before research. By now, I was more awake of the usefulness of the vocabulary teaching I designed. I especially hoped to know what my students had gained and which methods they preferred. The fact that the degree of interest increased from 38.5% before implementation of the project to 57.6% after it shows that the activities to enhance students’ vocabulary teaching were effective.

The objective of our research is to enhance my students’ interest in doing vocabulary teaching, such a result (from 44.5% to70.1%) is very encouraging. It proves that the implementation of the solutions is fruitful and effective.


Process Report--5

Student:Liu Lili

Stage 5: Project evaluation

Tutor’s Comments: (problems and suggest ions)

Tutor ___________ Date ____________ Score ____________


After I thought seriously and had exchanged views on the project with my students, I find

out that although students understand the importance of word and mistakes, there is still much that needs further improvement. Only when I make continuous reflection in my teaching, can I make greater progress. The most frequently mentioned problems can be summarized as the following three:

Firstly, the problem of the nature of word training: the students need more practice in nature. Secondly, the students can’t use word formation.

Thirdly, the relationship between remember vocabulary and grammar-oriented exam: most of my students say “I hope I can improve my speaking ability and pass grammar-oriented exams.” So let student know importance of vocabulary.


Process Report--6

Student Liu Lili

Stage 6: Final report

Tutor’s Comments: (problems and suggestions)

Tutor ___________ Date ____________ Score ____________


Identifying a problem

Language is a communication tool. And the purpose for learning English in China has changed in recent years due to the Open Door Policy. In the past, everyday communication was not the main goal because one didn’t need to listen and speak in English. but now remembering vocabulary is very important. The students should not only express themselves, they can also communicate in different cases according to the culture. But in my teaching, some of my students who have high grades in English are not good at remember English words .Some can not express themselves in English.

Problem analysis

In my opinion, there were four main reasons that accounted for students’ Firstly, some students only lay stress on language ,grammar and structure, ignore vocabulary teaching. . Secondly, some students wanted to recite vocabulary, but they don’t how to recite words or

sometimes they know surface of the word , they can’t use them.

. Fourthly, some students didn’t think the remembering words is useful to their

grammar-oriented exam, so they were not interested in it at all.

The Problems had been troubling me for a long time and now I was determined to work towards the solution to the problem. I started off by making an analysis of the problems.

2.1.1 The analytic method

My Problem is how do students increase the size of vocabulary

Why some don’t, while others do?

Who are the some that don’t? And who are the others that do?Moreover, “my students” is in contrast with “my colleagues’ students”. This prompted me to made a chain of reflections: What about some of my colleagues’ students? Is it also the case that they aren’t interested in oral practice? If, on the other hand, all of my colleagues’ students are interested, then my problem is actually caused by myself, not by my students. Probably the training I gave students was poorly designed.

2.1.2 Cause analysis

I did the Cause Analysis on both “teacher’s side” and “students’ side”. I analysised the four main reasons of students not being interested in remembering words. Teacher’s side – that is myself.

About the first reason: Some students can’t remember vocabulary or today they can remember tomorrow they forget.

I should check the vocabulary first in class.

About the second reason: Some students wanted to remember , but they didn’t know how to remember

Probably I am not prepared for the situational of words I only teach them the surface meaning.

About the third reason:Some “low students” lacked confidence, who are weak at the traditional grammar-oriented written exam.

I didn’t encourage these students that remembering can make them enjoy English, can make they have enough confidence. And these were very important to every English learner’s. About the fourth reason:Some students didn’t think the vocabulary teaching useful to their

grammar-oriented exam, so they were not interested in it.

I didn’t tell the students that the relationship between oral practice and grammar ---- You can’t learn grammar rules well just by listening, understanding, taking notes or by remembering what the teacher teaches. If you speak and use by oral way these useful sentences which contain the key grammar after you’ve understood these grammars, you will master these grammars much better. And this will give you a big help on your grammar-oriented exam. The students’ side

Firstly , Students can’t distinguish the nature of word.

Secondly students can’t grasp the methods

Thirdly students don’t pay attention to letter’s rule of combination and pronunciation. Fourthly offer more encouragement to the “low students” with low marks on the “gramma r exams” to grow confidence; try to design some oral activities to improve the students’ ability on the “grammar exam” .

2.1.3 Questionnaire survey:

I designed one questionnaire and distributed to my students before conducting the research and required that they finish it within 20 minutes. All of them, 22 students, returned their questionnaires that were left anonymous. When all these data came in, I made some statistical evaluation. The result showed that 100% of the students thought the vocabulary teaching

was important and that about 80.5% of the students thought word practice was quite necessary for their future development, which indicated that the students have been fully awarded of the importance and necessity of oral practice. But they might encounter difficulties, such as the language level is higher than the students’, so they lost their confidence and interest.

After making the above analysis, I’ve got the result that inadequate teaching design is mainly responsible for students’ lack of interest and method in remembering words. So in my future teaching, I will try to improve my vocabulary teaching design through adding some items to improve the students’ pronunciation, giving them more encouragement and more detailed instructions for their words . etc.

2.2 Project objective

The project objective is inquiring the methods of remembering words.

2.3 Project hypothesis

It is hypothesized that learners’the size of vocabulary can be enhanced by well-designed work.

2.4 Project rational

2.4.1 Communicative approach in teaching speaking

Since 1960’s, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has developed into a comprehensive teaching and learning methodology. So in today’s teaching, the goal o f CLT is to use language for communicative purposes. To our English teachers English teaching focuses no longer on the mastery of grammar structures and vocabulary, but on a more comprehensive training of communicative competence. PPP model

“ The P PP procedure has come in for considerable criticism over the last few years, especially as a model for teacher trainees to follow.” (Harmer, 2003) The procedure of an oral lesson aiming at teaching new language items can be idealized into three stages known as the PPP model. Follow the PPP model, the new language should first be presented to the students in meaningful contexts and make sure they understand what it means and how it used, that is the first stage P resentation; then students P ractice the new language on the following stage;

finally students are given the opportunity to integrate the new language items with the old through activities that give free and extensive expression aimed at developing fluency. That is the last stage P roduction. Communicative speaking activities

Littlewood (1981) divides communicative speaking activities into two types: functional communication activities and social interaction activities.For beginning language students, Littlewood points out that it is necessary to also include what he calls pre-communicative activities, which are more structural and allow the learner to practice the forms of the language. The learners’ roles and responsibilities

Tricia Hedge (2002) pointed out that one of the perspective on learner- centeredness is “ encouraging learners to take on a greater degree of responsibility for their own successful learning, not only by contributing to course or activity design …, but also by continuing their learning outside class, at home, or in self-access facilities.” What is language? I think that

Language is the art of speaking. So when you are learning English, you are a person, who is learning by doing it; you are a person, who is working by using it and you are a person, who lives in it. Make English study a part of your daily routine, the same as eating or brushing your teeth. Mere exposure to English will not enable you to speak English. Speaking English will teach you English! The role of the teacher

I will let the students know that as a teacher in speaking classroom, I’m not just a teacher –the person who just gives you knowledge, I have many roles in one. Jeremy Harmer says, “Within the classroom teacher’s role may change from one activity to another, or from one stage of an activity to another. If we are fluent at making these changes our effectiveness as teachers is greatly enhanced.” (Harmer, 2003) So teacher is playing different roles at different times. In the PPP model, I should have greater control at the presentation stage and often act as a demonstrator. At the practice stage, I am expected to be an organizer, a conductor and a monitor. At the production stage when the situation is more student-directed, I should play the role of a stimulator and a helper. In learner-c entered teaching, “that is teaching which makes the learners’ needs and experience central to the educational process.” (Harmer, 2003) So “If (the teacher) is indeed wise, he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the thres hold of your own mind.” (Gibran, 1991)

2.4.2 The role of good lesson planning

“Lesson planning is an art of combining a number of different elements into a coherent whole so that a lesson has an identity which students can recognize, work within, and react to …” (Harmer, 2003) As for teachers, lesson planning is not optional, it is essential preparation for teaching. It is a matter for the teacher what to teach, and how. (Davies, 2002)

A good lesson plan follows the principles of variety, flexibility, learnability, and linkage. (Wang & Cheng, 2000) That means teachers are expected to plan some different types of activities in order to keep students’ interest in learning with high motivation, and never monotonous; and to adopt different methods and techniques rather than to be a slave to one methodology. The lesson plan should be neither too hard nor too easy. Doing things that are beyond or below the students’ coping ability will diminish their motivation (Schumann, 1999). Language learning needs recycling and reinforcement, so the stages and steps should be

planned to be linked with one another.

Project design

3.1 Objectives

The objective of this research is to inquiring the methods of remembering words

3.2 Subjects

The subjects are 45 rural middle school students in Songzhuangzi Middle School in Cangzhou 4.3 Materials

The materials are based on the Go For It for Grade 9.

3.4 Activity Plan

4.1 Project Implementation

The objective of this research is to recognize the mistakes and grasp the methods for


The subjects are 45 rural middle school students in Songzhuangzi Middle School in Cangzhou And the materials are based on the Go For It for Grade 9.

I designed four activities to be tried out in four weeks .and these activities are reported as follows.

Week 1, Activity 1, Discuss the importances and mistakes of vocabulary teaching

The objective: to stimulate the students’ discuss the examples about ignoring the situational.

Teaching process:

Step 1 Lead in [T:(the teacher says) ; S: (the students say)]

T: We all know if you can’t remember you can’t listen. speak. read .write well.

S: But we must have some tests, we must do some homework.

T: Though your answer, I know your mistakes.

Step 2 Presentation

( Ask some other students discuss the same question.

Step 3 Practice

Have the students work in pairs, Discuss the question .

Step 4 Groupwork

Divide all the class into six groups, and ask them to work in group

T:if you can’t remember vocabulary ,you can’t read the questions.

Week 2, Activity 2, Students only remember the surface of the words’ meanings. Ignoring the situational

The objective:to stimulate the students’ discuss the examples about ignoring the situational.

Teaching process Step 1 lead in

Teacher writes two examples on the blackboard.

Step 2 Presentation

1. I am very thirsty. I want to drink some water.

2. The flowers are dry, I must water them now.

Step 3 Practice

Ask them to practice the conversation in pairs Discuss the nature of water.

Step 4 Do a survey

Divide the students into four groups, Discuss the nature of a certain word. Homework: Let students find the similar examples

1. I am very thirsty. I want to drink some water.

2. The flowers are dry, I must water them now.

Homework: Find word that has similar use

Week 3, Activity 3, Let students understand culture differences between China and western country

The objective: to stimulate the students’ discuss the examples about ignoring the situational.

Teaching process:

Step1 Lead in

T Do you like dogs? What’s it differences because of culture?

Step 2 Presentation

The teacher give some examples on the blackboard .

1.Love me ,love my dog.{爱屋及乌}

2.Every dog has his day.{凡人皆有得意日}

3.Luckdog {幸运儿}




Step 3 Groupwork

Divide the students into 4 groups . Discuss the diffenences for dogs .At last the teacher give the summary .In western country , people appreciate dogs’ courage and honest. The person is treated a dog .But Chinese all hate dogs. So for a same thing , different culture background, their opinons are different. The students talk to other students in the class and find three people who have to follow these rules. Write their names in the chart.

Homework: Let students find some similar examples.

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