当前位置:文档之家› 2008年高考英语试题(浙江卷)








1.– Are you all right?

– ______.

A. That’s OK

B. I think so

C. Take it easy

D. It’s very kind of you

2. ______ apple fell from the tree and hit him on ______ head.

A. An; the

B. The; the

C. An; 不填

D. The; 不填

3. I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times______.

A. as much

B. as many

C. so much

D. so many

4. ______wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way.

A. Anyone

B. The one

C. Whoever

D. Who

5. I don’t believe you’ve already finished reading the book — I ______it to you this morning!

A. would lend

B. was lending

C. had lent

D. lent

6. Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from ______ their parents speak at home.

A. what

B. that

C. which

D. one

7. –What’s that noise?

–Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine ______.

A. was tested

B. will be tested

C. is being tested

D. has been tested

8. Yesterday she sold her car, ______ she bought a month ago.

A. whom

B. where

C. that

D. which

9. –I’d like some more cheese.

–Sorry, there’s ______ left.

A. some

B. none

C. a little

D. few

10. ______that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the forest.

A. Not realized

B. Not to realize

C. Not realizing

D. Not to have realized

11. You ______ be hungry already — you had lunch only two hours ago!

A. wouldn’t

B. can’t

C. mustn’t

D. needn’t

12. There are plenty of jobs ______ in the western part of the country.

A. present

B. available

C. precious

D. convenient

13. It is one of the funniest things ______ on the Internet so far this year.

A. finding

B. being found

C. to find

D. found

14. American Indian ______ about five percent of the U.S. population.

A. fill up

B. bring up

C. make up

D. set up

15. Dogs have a very good ______ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an



A. sense

B. view

C. means

D. idea

16. Don’t promise anything ______ you are one hundred percent sure.

A. whether

B. after

C. how

D. unless

17. Everything was perfect for the picnic ______ the weather.

A. in place of

B. as well as

C. except for

D. in case of

18. Running a company is not ______ a matter of hiring people — they also need to be trained.

A. simply

B. partly

C. seriously

D. equally

19. Why are you so anxious? It isn’t your problem ______.

A. on purpose

B. in all

C. on time

D. after all

20. —Shall we go out for dinner tonight?


A. You are right

B. It must be funny

C. That sounds great

D. Have a nice time



In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live. These things come to represent, in fact, what I call __21__and love.

I don’t reme mber my father ever getting into a swimming tool. But he did __22__the water. Any kind of __23__ride seemed to give him pleasure. __24__he loved to fish; sometimes he took me along.

But I never really liked being on the water, the way my father did. I liked being __25__the water, moving through it, __26__it all around me. I was not a strong __27__, or one who learned to swim early, for I had my __28__. But I loved being in the swimming pool close to my father’s office and __29__those summer days with my father, who __30__ come by on a break. I needed him to see what I could do. My father would stand there in his suit, the __31__person not in swimsuit.

After swimming, I would go __32__ his office and sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk, where he let me __33__anything I found in his top desk drawer. Sometimes, if I was left alone at his desk __34__ he worked in the lab, an assistant or a student might come in and tell me perhaps I shouldn’t be playing with his _35__. But my father always __36__and said easily, ―Oh, no, it’s __37__.‖ Sometimes he handed me coins and told me to get __38__ an ice cream…

A poet once said, ―We look at life once, in childhood,; the rest is __39__.‖ And I think it is not only what we ―look at once, in childhood‖ that determines our memories, but __40__, in that childhood, look at us.

21.A. desire B. joy C. anger D. worry

22.A. avoid B. refuse C. praise D. love

23.A. boat B. bus C. train D. bike

24.A. But B. Then C. And D. Still


25.A. on B. off C. by D. in

26.A. having B. leaving C. making D. getting

27.A. swimmer B. rider C. walker D. runner

28.A. hopes B. faiths C. rights D. fears

29.A. spending B. saving C. wasting D. ruining

30.A. should B. would C. had to D. ought to

31.A. next B. only C. other D. last

32.A. away from B. out of C. by D. inside

33.A. put up B. break down C. play with D. work out

34.A. the moment B. the first time C. while D. before

35. A. fishing net B. office things C. wooden chair D. lab equipment

36. A. stood up B. set out C. showed up D. turned out

37. A. fine B. strange C. terrible D. funny

38. A. the student B. the assistant C. myself D. himself

39. A. memory B. wealth C. experience D. practice

40. A. which B. who C. what D. whose




Adrian’s ―Amazing Race‖ started early when his parents realized that he, as a baby, couldn’t hear a thing, not even loud noises. In a special school for the hearing-impaired (听觉受损的),he learned sign language and got to mix with other disabled children. However, the sight of all the disabled children communicating with one another upset his mother. She wanted him to lead a normal life. So after speaking to an advisor, she sent him to private classes where he learned to read lips and pronounce words.

Later on, Adrian’s parents decided to send him to a regular school. But the headmaster tried to prevent them from doing so, saying regular school couldn’t take care of a special needs students. His parents were determined to take the risk and push him hard to go through his work everyday because they wanted to prove that, given the opportunity, he could do anything. Adrian made the grade and got accepted. It was a big challenge. The pace (节奏)was faster so he had to sit at the front of the class and really pay attention to the teacher, which wasn’t always easy. But he stuck to it and did a lot of extra work after school.

The efforts made by Adrian and his parents paid off. Adrian graduated with good grades and got into a top high school. He also achieved a lot in life outside school. He developed a love for the outdoors and went to Nepal to climb mountains. He even entered the World Yacht Race 05/06--- being the first hearing-impaired Asian to do so.

But none of these achievements would have been possible without one of the most important lessons from his mother.‖ ―If you believe in yourself and work hard, you can achieve great results.‖ She often said.

41. How did Adrian communicate with other children in the special school?

A. By speaking.

B. By using sign language


C. By reading lips

D. By making loud noises

42. Adrian’s parents decided to send him to a regular school because .

A. they wanted him to live a normal life

B. they wanted to prove the headmaster wrong

C. he wouldn’t mix with other disabled children

D. he wasn’t taken good care of in the special school

43. How did Adrian finally succeed in his study?

A. He did a lot of outdoor activities.

B. He was pushed hard to study every day.

C. He attended private classes after school.

D. He worked very hard both in and after class

44. Why is Adrian’s life described as an ―Amazing Race‖?

A. He did very well in his study

B. He succeeded in entering a regular school

C. He reached his goals in spite of his disability

D. He took part in the World Yacht Race 05/06



A. Jaime

B. Jayne

C. Miko

D. Paola.

46. Which of the following people would feel most uncomfortable without the news media?

A. Steve.

B. Jaime

C. Roger.

D. Tomas

47. How many of them mentioned that they would miss food or drink?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

A Brown University sleep researcher has some advice for people who run high schools: Don’t start classes so early in the morning. It may not be that the students who nod off at their desks are lazy. And it may not be that their parents have failed to enforce (确保) bedtime. Instead, it may be that biologically these sleepyhead students aren’t used to the early hour.

―Maybe these kids me being asked to rise at the wrong time for their bodies,‖ says Mary Carskadon, a professor looking at problem of adolescent (青春期的) sleep at Brown’s School of Medicine.

Carskadon is trying to understand more about the effects of early school time in adolescents. And, at a more basic level. she and her team are trying to learn more about how the biological changes of adolescence affect sleep needs and patterns.

Carskadon says her work suggests that adolescents may need more sleep than they did at childhood, no less, as commonly thought.

Sleep patters change during adolescence, as any parent of an adolescent can prove. Most adol escents prefer to stay up later at nigh and sleep later in the morning. But it’s not just a matter of choice –their bodies are going through a change of sleep patters.

All of this makes the transfer from middle school to high school—which may start one hour earlier in the morning ---- all the more difficult , Carskadon says. With their increased need for 大耳朵宗旨:免费实用,让您身边10位朋友也来大耳朵您能做到吗?

sleep and their biological clocks set on the ―sleep late, rise late‖ pattern, adolescent are up against difficulties when it conics to trying to be up by 5 or 6 a.m. for a 7:30 a.m. first hell. A short sleep on

a desktop may be their body’s way of saying. ―I need a timeout.‖

48. Carskadon suggests that high schools should not start classes so early in the morning because ________.

A. it is really tough for parents to enforce bedtime

B. it is biologically difficult for students to rise early

C. students work so late at night that they can’t get up early

D. students are so lazy that they don’t like to go to school early

49. The underlined phrase ―nod off‖ most probably means ― _______‖.

A. turn around

B. agree with others

C. full asleep

D. refuse to work

50. What might be a reason for the hard transfer middle school to high school?

A. Adolescents depend more on their parents.

B. Adolescents have to choose their sleep patterns.

C. Adolescents sleep better than they did at childhood.

D. Adolescents need more sleep than they used to.

51. What is the test mainly about?

A. Adolescent heath care.

B. Problems in adolescent learning.

C. Adolescent sleep difficulties.

D. Changes in adolescent sleep needs and patterns.


For a while, my neighborhood was taken ever by an army of joggers(慢跑者). They were there all the time: early morning, noon, and evening. There were little old ladies in gray sweats, young couples in Adidas shoes, middle-aged men with red faces. ―Come on!‖ My friend Alex encouraged me to join him as he jogged by my house e very evening. ―You’ll feel great.‖

Well, I had nothing against feeling great and if Alex could jog every day, anyone could. So I took up jogging seriously and gave it a good two months of my life, and not a day more. Based on my experience, jogging is the most overvalued form of exercise around, and judging from the number of the people who left our neighborhood jogging army. I’m not alone in my opinion.

First of all, jogging is very hard on the body. Your legs and feet a real pounding(追击)ruining down a road for two or three miles. I developed foot, leg, and back problems. Then I read about a nationally famous jogger who died of a heart attack while jogging, and I had something else to worry about. Jogging doesn’t kill hundreds of peopl e, but if you have any physical weaknesses, jogging will surely bring them out, as they did with me.

Secondly, I got no enjoyment out of jogging. Putting one foot in front of the other for forty-five minutes isn’t my idea of fun. Jogging is also a lonely pastime. Some joggers say, ―I love being out there with just my thoughts‖Well, my thoughts began to bore me, and most of them were on how much my legs hurt.

And how could I enjoy something that brought me pain? And that wasn’t just the first week: it was practically every day for two months. I never got past the pain level, and pain isn’t fun. What a cruel way to do it! So many other exercises, including walking, lead to almost the same results 大耳朵宗旨:免费实用,让您身边10位朋友也来大耳朵您能做到吗?

painlessly, so why jog?

I don’t jog any more, and I don’t think I ever will. I’m walking two miles three times a week at

a fast pace, and that feels good. I bicycle to work when the weather is good. I’m getting exercise, and I’m enjoying it at the same time. I could never say the same for jogging, and I’ve fo und a lot of better ways to stay in shape.

52. From the first paragraph, we learn that in the writer’s neighborhood ______.

A. jogging became very popular

B. people jogged only during the daytime

C. Alex organized an army of joggers

D. jogging provided a chance to get together

53. The underlined word ―them‖(Paragraph 3) most probably refers to _____.

A. heart attacks

B. Back problems

C. famous joggers

D. physical weaknesses

54. What was the writer’s attitude towards jogging in the beginning?

A. He felt it was worth a try.

B. He was very fond of it.

C. He was strongly against it.

D. He thought it must be painful.

55. Why did the writer give up jogging two months later?

A. He disliked doing exercise outside.

B. He found it neither healthy nor interesting.

C. He was afraid of having a heart attack.

D. He was worried about being left alone.

56. From the writer’s experience, we can conclude that______.

A. not everyone enjoys jogging

B. he is the only person who hates jogging

C. nothing other than jogging can help people keep fit

D. jogging makes people feel greater than any other sport.


A simple piece of clothesline hangs between some environmentally friendly Americans and their neighbors.

On one side stand those who see clothes dryers(干衣机) as a waste of energy and a major polluter of the environment. As a result, they are turning to clotheslines as part of the ―what-I –can do environmentalism(环境保护主义).‖

On the other side are people who are against drying clothes outside, arguing that clotheslines are unpleasant to look at. They have persuaded Homeowners Associations (HOAs) access the U.S. to ban outdoor clotheslines, because clothesline drying also tends to lower home value in the


neighborhood. This had led to a Right-to-Dry Movement that is calling for laws to be passed to protect people’s right to use clotheslines.

So far, only three states have laws to protect clothesline. Right-to-Dry supporters argue that there should be move.

Matt Reck, 37, is the kind of eco-conscious(有生态意识的) person who feeds his trees with bathwater and reuses water drops from his air conditioners to water plants. His family also uses a clothesline. But on July 9, 2007, the HOA in Wake Forest, North Carolina, told him that a dissatisfied neighlzir had telephoned them about him clothesline. The Recks paid no attention to the warming and still dried their clothes on a line in the yard. ―Many people say they are environmentally friendly but they don’t take matters in their own hands,‖ says Reck. The local HOA has decided not to take any action, unless more neighbors come to them.

North Carolina lawmakers are saying that banning clotheslines is not the right thing to do. But HOAs and housing businesses believe that clothesline drying reminds people of poor n eighborhoods. They worry that if buyers think their future neighbors can’t even afford dryers, housing prices will fall.

Environmentalists say such worries are not necessary, and in view of global warming, that idea needs to change. As they say, ―The clothesline is beautiful‖. Hanging clothes outside should be encouraged. We all have to do at least something to slow down the process of global warming.‖57. One of the reasons why supporters of clothes dryers are trying to ham clothesline drying is that


A. clothes dryers are more efficient

B. clothesline drying reduces home value

C. clothes dryers are energy-saving

D. clothesline drying is not allowed in most U.S. states

58. Which of the following best describes Matt Reck?

A. He is a kind-hearted man.

B. He is an impolite man.

C. He is and experienced gardener.

D. He is a man of social responsibility.

59. Who are in favor of clothesline drying?

A. housing businesses.

B. Environmentalists.

C. Homeowners Assoc iations.

D. Reck’s dissatisfied neighbors.


60. What is mainly discussed in the text?

A. Clothesline drying: a way to save energy and money.

B. Clothesline drying: a lost art rediscovered.

C. Opposite opinions on clothesline drying.

D. Different varieties of clotheslines.


61. Dear Molly,

I have a problem. My parents are always talking to me about studying. They want me to study harder so I can go to a good school. I know studying is very important, but my parents put too much pressure on me. How can I explain to my parents that I need some free time?

------ Overworked

62. Dear Molly,

My best friend Tony is a nice young man, but he has a bad habit. He is always late. No matter where he is going to what he is doing, he is never on time. Once he turned up thirty minutes late for a meeting! What can I do to break him of this bad habit?

------ Worried

63. Dear Molly,

I have a new roommate named Louis. He is a good friend of mine, but he is driving me crazy because he is very untidy. He leaves his dirty clothes everywhere, and he never makes his bed.

I am extremely neat. What can I do?

----Unhappy 64. Dear Molly,

My cousin plays computer games a lot and he keeps on talking to me about various games. I don’t have any i nterest at all, but I find it difficult to stop him without hurting his feelings. Would you kindly give me some advice?

--- Shy 大耳朵宗旨:免费实用,让您身边10位朋友也来大耳朵您能做到吗?

65. Dear Molly,

I’m feeling upset these days because the result of my last English exam was not as good as I had expected. My teacher comforted me, saying ―Don’t worry. You can do better next time.‖ But I’m still feeling bad. I need your help.







Dear xx,

Next time when he begins talking, you might interrupt him with a smile, saying ―That’s interesting, but I hope you understand this is my time to relax. I read to do some reading now.‖He may sense your unwillingness and stop talking.





第一节:单词拼写(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)


66.This cake t delicious. Would you like a try?

67. Lucy was badly hurt in a traffic a last week.

68. Yesterday Michael a to his boss for being late.

69. These books b to Sarah--- I must give them back to her.

70. Mum is cooking in the k while Dad is watching TV.

71. About 71 percent of the ear th’s surface is e by water.

72. I u go to bed at 10:00 p.m., but I stayed up till 11:00 last night.

73. Plants and a , including humans, need food and water to survive.

74. He was p of the Olympic Gold Medal he won for his country.

75. Each student is allowed to borrow two books at a time from the school l .

第二节短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)

此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉, 在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。




Last winter vacation, some of my classmates decide to 76.

travel with their friends, while I chose to take par-time job 77.

to gain experience and earn some money. I learned from my 78.

teacher that a nearby company was looking after students 79.

with good handwriting to write address on envelope. The 80.

pay were 10 cent per envelope. I headed for the company, 81.

feeling sue I would easy finish 300 envelops in five hours and 82.

to earn the money. Actually, I only finished 200. Now, I 83.

fully understand how hard is to earn money. Getting out 84.

of the classroom is indeed necessary for we all. 85.




人们完成工作的方式通常有两种:独立完成和合作完成。两种方式各有特点。请你以―Working Individually or Working in a Team‖为题,按照以下要点写一篇英语短文:





Working Individually or Working in a Team

There are basically two ways to get work done.


2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(课标全国卷Ⅲ) 英语 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Welcome to Holker Hall & Garden Visitor Information How to Get to Holker By car: Follow brown signs on A590 from. J36, M6. Approximate travel times: Windermere—20 minutes, Kendal—25 minutes, Lancaster—45 minutes, Manchester—l hour 30minutes By rail: the nearest station is Cark-in-Cartmel with trains to Carnforth. Lancaster and Preston for connections to major cities & airports. Opening times Sunday-Friday(closed on Saturday) 11:00 am-4;00pm, 30 March-2nd November. Admission Charges Hall & Gardens Gardens Adults: £12.00 £8.00 Gropes: £9.00 Special Events

Producers Market 13th April Join us to taste a variety of fresh local food and drinks. Meet the producers and get some excellent recipe ideas. Holker Garden Festival 30th May The event celebrates its 22nd anniversary with a great show of the very best of gardening, making it one of the most popular events in the gardening. National Garden Day 28th August Holker once again opens its gardens in aid of the disadvantaged. For just a small donation you can take a tour with our garden guide. Winter Market 8th November This is an event for all the family! Wander among a variety of shops selling gifts while enjoying a live music show and nice street entertainment. 21. How long does it probably take a tourist to drive to Holker from Manchester? A.20 minutes. B. 25 minutes. C.45 minutes. D. 90 minutes. 22. How much should a member of a tour group pay a visit to Hall & Gardens? A. £12.00. B. £9.00. C. £8.00 D. £5.50 23. Which event will you go to if you want to see a live music show? A. Producers Market. B. Holker Garden Festival C. National Garden Day. D. Winter Market B Cities usually have a good reason for being where they are, like a nearby port on river. People settle in these places because they are easy to get to and naturally suited to communications and trade. New


2008年高考全国卷Ⅰ英语试题解析 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15 B. £9.15 C. £9.18 答案是B。 1. What is the weather like? A. It’s raining. B. It’s cloudy. 2. Who will go to China next month? A. Lucy. B. Alice. C. Richard. 3. What are the speakers talking about? A. The man’s sister. B. A film. C. An actor. 4. Where will the speakers meet? A. In Room 340. B. In Room 314. C. In Room 223. 5. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. In a restaurant. B. In an office. C. At home. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. Why did the woman go to New York?


绝密★使用完毕前 2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(北京卷) 英语试卷 本试卷共15页,共150分。考试时长120分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。 1. What does the man want to be in the future? A. A soldier. B. A lawyer. C. A teacher. 2. What does the girl want? A. Sweets. B. Books. C. Pencils. 3. When did the two speakers plan to meet Jane? A. At2:00. B. At2:15. C. At2:30. 4. what will the woman do tonight? A. Go to the park. B. Play basketball. C. Work at a bookstore. 5. what is the woman doing? A. Offering help. B. Asking for information. C. Making an introduction. 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分) 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. Where do the two speakers work? A. At a store. B. At a hotel. C. At a school. 7. Where does the woman come from?


绝密★启用前试卷类型:A 2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(广东卷) 英语 本试卷共12页,三大题,满分135分.考试用时120分钟 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色笔迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、考场号、座位号填写在 答题卡上。用2B铅笔讲试卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡相应的位置上。将条形码横贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上学科网对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置 上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将试题与答题卡一并交回。 I 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1—15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Parents feel that it is difficult to live with teenagers. Then again, teenagers have 1 feelings about their parents, saying that it is not easy living with them. According to a recent research, the most common 2 between parents and teenagers is that regarding untidiness and daily routine tasks. On the one hand, parents go mad over 3 rooms, clothes thrown on the floor and their children’s refusal to help with the 4 . On the other hand, teenagers lose their patience continually zxxkwhen parents blame them for 5 the towel in the bathroom, not cleaning up their room or refusing to do the shopping at the supermarket. The research, conducted by St. George University, shows that different parents have different 6 to these problems. However, some approaches are more 7 than others. For example, those parents who yell at their children for their untidiness, but 8 clean the room for them, have fewer chances of changing their children’s 9 . On the contrary, those who let teenagers experience the 10 of their actions can do better. For example, when teenagers who don’t help their parents with the shopping don’t find their favorite drink in the refrigerator, they are forced to 11 their actions. Psychologists say that 12 is the most important thing in parent-child relationships. Parents should 13 to their children but at the same time they should lend an ear to what


全国卷高考英语真题 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

绝密★启用前 2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 本试卷共150分,共14页。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。注意事项: 1.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用毫米黑字迹的签 字笔书写,字体工整,笔迹清楚。 3.请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 4.作图可先用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。 5.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)

做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题,每小题分,满分分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt A.£B.£C.£ 答案是C。 1.What will the woman do this afternoon A.Do some exercise. B.Go shopping. C. Wash her clothes. 2.Why does the woman call the man A .To cancel a flight. B. To make an apology. C. To put off a meeting. 3.How much more does David need for the car A.$ 5,000. B.$20,000. C.$25,000.


2008年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国卷I) 英语 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15 B. £9.15 C. £9.18 答案是B。 1. What is the weather like? A. It’s raining. B. It’s cloudy. 2. Who will go to China next month? A. Lucy. B. Alice. C. Richard. 3. What are the speakers talking about? A. The man’s sister. B. A film. C. An actor. 4. Where will the speakers meet? A. In Room 340. B. In Room 314. C. In Room 223. 5. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. In a restaurant. B. In an office. C. At home. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 1


2010年高考英语全国卷二 https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f12496730.html,/yyzb/wjxz/2010/06/2010-06-1120293.html 2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国卷二) 英语 第一卷(选择题) 第一部分英语知识运用 第一节语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. come A. cold B. cock C. comfort D. improve 2. dead A. eager B. great C. least D. health 3. united A. use B. ugly C. upstairs D. put 4. ours A. outside B. cousins C. nervous D. clocks 5. thirty A. theatre B. thus C. although D. feather 第二节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 6. --Is it all right if I keep this photo? --______. A. No, you don't B. No, it shouldn't C. I'm afraid not D. Don't keep it 7. Tom was about to close the window his attention was caught by a bird. A. when B. if C. and D. till 8. My mother opened the drawer to the knives and spoons. A. put away B. put up C. put on D. put together 9. Barbara is easy to recognize as she's the only one of the women who evening dress. A. wear B. wears C. has worn D. have worn 10.--Have you finished the book? --No, I've read up to the children discover the secret cave.



2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试新课标II卷 英语 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。考试结束后,将本试卷和答案卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1.答第I卷前考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.选出每小题答案前,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号框,不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑. A Arriving in Sydney on his own from India, my husband, Rashid, stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.

During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping. He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone. He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers, including his passport. He reported the case to the police and then sat there,lost and lonely in strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one. Late in the evening, the phone rang. It was a stranger. He was trying to pronounce my husband’s name and was asking him a lot of questions. Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶)that had been left out on the footpath. My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents. Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers. Her parents had carefully sorted them


绝密★启用前 2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。第一卷1至l4页。第二 卷15至16页。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一卷 注意事项: 1. 答题前.考生在答题卡上务必用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,并贴好条形码。请认真核准条形码上的准考证号、姓名租科目。 2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,在试题卷上作答无效 .........。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的 答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题l 5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、c三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有l0秒钟的时间来回答有关 小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A£19.15 8£9.15 C£9.18 答案是B。 1 What will Dorothy do on the weekend? A Go out with her friend B Work on l her paper C Make some plans 2. What was the normal price of the T-shirt? A.$15 B.$30. C.$50.

3 What has the woman decided to do On Sunday afternoon? A To attend a wedding B To visit an exhibition C To meet a friend 4 When does the bank close on Sa turday? A At l:00 pm B At 3:00 pm C At 4:00 pm 5 Where are the speakers? A In a store B In a classroom C At a hotel 第二节(共15小题;每小题1 5分,满分22 .5分) 听下面5段对话或独自。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6 What do we know about Nora? A She prefers a room of her own B She likes to work with other girls C She lives near the city center. 7 .What is good about the flat? A It has a large sitting room B It has good furniture C It has a big kitchen 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8 Where has Barbara been? A Milan


2008年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(北京卷)英语 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 1. What did the man win in his dream? A. A holiday. B. A new car. C. Some money. 2. Will the woman come to the party? A. Maybe. B. No C. Certainly 3. How long has the woman been an author? A. About 30 years. B. About 40 years. C. About 70 years. 4. What does the woman want? A. A radio. B. Some pens. C. Some batteries. 5. What is the woman doing? A. Asking for information. B. Asking for an apology. C. Asking for help. 第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 6. How many coats does the woman want? A. 25. B. 30. C. 50. 7. What is the order number for gloves? A. P25G5. B. P26T5. C. P28D5. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. Which city has the woman visited recently? A. New York. B. London. C. Paris. 9. What does the woman like about the city? A. City life. B. Weather. C. Environment. 听第8段材料,回答第10至11。 10. When will it rain? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. At night. 11. What will cause delays for traffic coming into town? A. Rain. B. A fog. C. Bridge repairs. 听第9段材料,回答第12至14题。 12. Why did the woman go to the bank? A. To buy a new house. B. To meet the manager. C. To make an appointment. 13. What happened in the parking lot? A. The woman quarreled with a stranger. B. The woman failed to get her car parked in time. C. The woman backed her car into the wrong place. 14. What did the woman think of the man when she first saw him? A. Selfish. B. Clever. C. Respectful. 听第10段材料,回答第15至17题。 15. How does the woman think about her work? A. It is very good. B. It is hard to say now. C. It keeps her very busy. 16. Where does the woman live now? A. In her workplace. B. In the city center. C. In a big apartment. 17. What are the two speakers talking about? A. The woman’s life in a new city. B. The woman’s travel experience. C. The woman’s co-workers. 听第11段材料,回答第18至20题。 18. What is the woman’s view on smell? A. It is personal. B. It is concrete. C. It is strange. 19. What is special about smells? A. They are as pleasant as music. B. They can last about thirty days. C. They make things more memorable. 20. What is the woman’s most favorit e smell? A. Smell of the sea. B. Smell of her garden. C. Smell of aircraft fuel. 第二部分:知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:单项填空(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21. John promised his doctor he ________ not smoke, and he has smoked ever since. A. might B. should C. could D. would. 22. —Have you read book called Waiting for Anya? —Who _______ it? A. writes B. has written C. wrote D. had written 23. —Did you return Fred’s call? —I didn’t need to ____ I’ll see him tomorrow. A. though B. unless C. when D. because 24. ______ that she was going off to sleep, I asked if she’d like that little doll on her bed. A. Seeing B. To see C. See D. Seen 25. It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which _____ of the parents spoke the language. A. none B. neither C. both D. each 26. After the long journey, the three of them went back home, ______. A. hungry and tiredly B. hungry and tired C. hungrily and tiredly D. hungrily and tired 27. The hotel wasn’t particularly good. But I ____ in many worse hotels. A .was staying B, stayed C. would stay D. had stayed 28. I’ll give you m y friend’s home address,I can be reached most evenings. A. which B. when C. whom D. where 29. No decision about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed. A. will be made B. is made C. is being made D. has been made 30. The companies are working together to create they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st century. A. which B. that C. what D. who


2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(浙江) 英语试题 选择题部分(共80分) 第一部分:英语知识应用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:单项填空(共20小题,每小题0.5分,满分10分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 1. ---I am going to Spain fort a holiday soon. --- ______. A. It’s my pleasure B. Never mind C. Leave it alone D. Good for you 2. The paper is due next month, and I am working seven days ______ week, often long into ______ night. A. a; the B. the; 不填 C. a; a D. 不填;the 3.An average of just 18.75cm of rain fell last year, making ______ the driest year since California became a state in 1850. A. each B. it C. this D. one 4.Joe is proud and ______, never admitting he is wrong and always looking for someone else to blame. A. strict B. sympathetic C. stubborn D. sensitive 5.I don’t become a serious climber until the fifth grade, ______ I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree. A. when B. where C. which D. why 6.We most prefer to say yes to the ______ of someone we know and like. A. attempts B. requests C. doubts D. promises https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f12496730.html,st week a tennis ball hit me on the head, but I tried to _______ the pain, believing that it would go away sooner or later. A. share B. realize C. ignore D. cause 8.“Every time you eat a sweet, drink green tea.” This is _____ my mother used to tell me. A. what B. how C. that D. whether 9.No matter how carefully you plan your finances, no one can _____ when the unexpected will happen. A. prove B. imply C. demand D. predict 10.While staying in the village, James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything ______ . A. in return B. in common C. in turn D. in place 11.Sofia looked around at all the faces: she had the impression that she _____ most of the guests


刷题(二) 第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) A man who knows how to write a personal letter has a very powerful tool. A letter can be enjoyed, read and 21 . It can set up a warm conversation between two people far apart (远离的);it can keep a 22 with very little effort. I will give 23 .A few years ago my older brother and l were not getting 24 .We had been close as 25 but had grown apart. Our meetings were not 26 ; our conversation was filled with arguments and quarrels: and every effort to clear the air seemed to only 27 our misunderstanding. Then he 28 a small island in the Caribbean and we 29 touch. One day he wrote me a letter. He described his island and its people, told me what he was doing, said how he felt, and encouraged me to 30 . Rereading the letter, I was 31 by its humor(幽默)and clever expressions. These were all qualities for which I had 32 respected my older brother but 33 he no longer had them. I had never known he could write so 34 . And with that one letter we became friends 35 . It might never have occurred to 36 to write me if he had not been in a place where there were no 37 . For him, writing was a necessity. It also turned out to be the best way for us to get back in touch. Because we live in an age of 38 communication(通讯), people often 39 that they don’t always have to phone or email. They have a 40 . And that is to write. 21. A. received B. rewritten C. returned D. reread 22. A. record B. promise C. friendship D. secret 23. A. an example B. a lesson C. an experience D. a talk 24. A. through B. together C. along D. away 25.A.brothers B. children C.fellows D.classmates 26. A.normal B. necessary C.pleasant D.possible 27. A.deepen B. start C.express D.settle 28. A.toured B. stopped C.reached D.m 29. A.lost B. kept in C.needed D.got in 30.A. think B. write C.enjoy D.read 31.A.driven B. beaten C.surprised D.honored 32. A.never B. seldom C.sometimes D.once 33. A.realized B. judged C. thought D. expected. 34. A.well B. often C. much D. soon 35. A.later B. anyhow C. too D. again. 36. A.us B. anyone C. someone D. my brother 37. A.mail services B. transport services C. phones D. relative 38. A.poor B. easy C. popular D. busy 39. A.believe B. decide C. argue D. forget 40.A. habit B. choice C. method D. plan 第二部分:阅读理解(共25小题。第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题1分;满分45分) A When I was six, Dad brought home a dog one day, who was called “Brownie”, My brothers and I all loved Brownie and did different things with her. One of us would walk her, another would feed her ,then there were baths, playing catch and many other games .Brownie, in return, loved each and every one of us. One thing that most touched my heart was that she would go to whoever was sick and just be with them. We always felt better when she was around. One days, as I was getting her food, she chewed up(咬破) one of Dad’s shoes, which had to be thrown away in the end. I knew Dad would be mad and I had to let her know what she did was Wrong. When I looked at her and said, “Bad girl.” She looked down at the ground and then went and hid. I saw a tear in her eyes. Brownie turned out to be more than just our family pet. She went everywhere with us. People would stop and ask if they could pet her. Of course she'd let anyone pet her. She was just the most lovable dog. There were many dines when we'd be out walking and a small child would come over and pull on her hair. She never barked (吠) or tried to get away. Funny thing is she would smile. This frightened people because they thought she was showing her teeth. Far from

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