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CDB High Sour Kai/Xuanhan Block Gas Field Project
鲲池倒班公寓边坡垮塌处理方案 Method Statement of Collapse Disposal in Kunchi Living Quarter
Document. No. : CDB-0000-TEC-PLN-SC2-000-00075-00
2011.4 DATE
For construction DESCRIPTION
Zhang Yu CHK
He Yuanshen APPR
APPROVED BY: He Yuanshen DATE: 2011.4 Document Control No. Project CDB Area 0000 Discipline TEC
Type PLN
Originator SC2
Package 000
Sequence-Sht 00075-00
Rev. U01

川东北高含硫气田工程 Chuandongbei High-Sulfur Gas Field Project
Method Statement of Collapse Disposal in Kunchi Living Quarter
川庆油建公司川东北高含硫气田工程施工项目部 SPC Chuandongbei High-sulfur Gas Field Project Construction Department
版次 Rev. 编制 COMPILED 审核 REVIEWED 日期 DATE 日期 DATE 日期 DATE 2011-3-31 2011-3-31 2011-3-31

鲲池倒班公寓边坡垮塌处理施工方案 Method Statement of Collapse Disposal in Kunchi Living Quarter
目 录 Contents
1. 2. 工作范围 SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................................................. 1 相关活动和方案 RELATED ACTIVITIES & METHOD STATEMENTS........................................................ 1 2.1. 2.2. 3. 相关程序文件和方案 RELATED PROCEDURES AND METHOD STATEMENTS ................................................. 1 主要标准规范 MAIN STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................ 1?
健康、安全与环境 HEALTH 、SAFETY &ENVIRONMENTAL.................................................................... 1 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 风险评估 RISK ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................... 1 HSE 要求 HSE REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 1 应急救援 EMERGENCY RESPONSE .................................................................................................................. 2?
4. 5.?
培训和人员资质 TRAINING AND COMPETENCY OF PERSONNEL............................................................ 3 处理方案 DISPOSAL METHOD............................................................................................................................ 3 SLOPE COLLAPSE ON SITE............................................................................................ 3?
5.1 现场边坡垮塌情况 5.2 处理方案设计
DISPOSAL METHOD DESIGN ................................................................................................. 4?
5.3 挡土墙施工方案 RETAINING WALL CONSTRUCTION METHOD STATEMENT....................................... 8 6. 7. 质量监视 QUALITY SURVEILLANCE................................................................................................................ 8 人员安排 PERSONNEL .......................................................................................................................................... 8 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 8. 9. 10. 11. 组织机构 ORGANIZATION ................................................................................................................................ 8 工作职责 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................ 9 沟通 COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 9?
设备 EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................................. 9 材料 MATERIALS................................................................................................................................................... 9 报告和记录 REPORTING AND RECORDS..................................................................................................... 9 行动关闭 CLOSE OUT OF ACTIVITIES....................................................................................................... 10?

鲲池倒班公寓边坡垮塌处理施工方案 Method Statement of Collapse Disposal in Kunchi Living Quarter
工作范围 SCOPE OF WORK 此方案适用于鲲池倒班公寓深基坑施工作业及边坡处理。 相关活动和方案 RELATED ACTIVITIES & METHOD STATEMENTS
2. 2.1.
相关程序文件和方案 Related Procedures and Method Statements 《健康环保和安全管理体系》HSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CDB-0000-HES-PCD-SC2-000-00001-00 《应急救援总预案》General Emergency Plan CDB-0000-HES-PLN-SC2-000-00001-00 《高处作业安全管理标准》Safety Management Standard for Work at Height CDB-0000-HES-PCD-SC2-000-00006-00 《交通安全管理标准》Traffic Safety Management Standard CDB-0000-HES-PCD-SC2-00019-0000-00 《个人防护用品管理标准》Management Standard for Individual Protective Article CDB-0000-HES-PCD-SC2-000-00008-00 《工具箱会议标准》Standard for Toolbox Meeting CDB-0000-HES-PCD-SC2-000-00009-00 《挖掘作业安全管理标准》Safety Management Standard for Excavation Operation CDB-0000-HES-PCD-SC2-000-00016-00 《作业许可管理标准》Work Permit Management Standard CDB-0000-HES-PCD-SC2-000-00017-00 《临时用电管理标准》Safety Management Standard for Temporary Power Use CDB-0000-HES-PCD-SC2-000-00018-00 《事故管理程序》Accident Management Procedure CDB-0000-HES-PCD-SC2-000-00014-00 2.2. 主要标准规范 Main Standards and Specifications 《锚杆喷射混凝土支护技术规范》GB50086-2001, 《建筑基坑支护技术规程》JGJ120-99,《建筑地 基基础工程施工质量验收规范》GB50202-2002, 《地基基础设计规范》GB50007-2002 “Drawings ,Technical code for shotcrete anchor bolts shore” GB50086-2001, “Technical specification for retaining and protection of building foundation excavations ” JGJ120-99, “ Code for acceptance of Construction quality of building foundation.”GB50202-2002. “ Foundation design standard ” GB50007-2002 3. 3.1. 符。 All individual tasks mentioned in this method statement will be subject to individual JSA, risk assessments and toolbox talks by CONTRACTOR In-Situ before work commences on a daily basis. 3.2. HSE 要求 HSE Requirements 3.2.1. 作业前应根据作业内容办理相关许可,如综合作业许可、开挖作业许可等。 Handle relevant PTW before work commence, such as general work permit, excavation work permit, etc.. 3.2.2. 所有人员都应参加了适应的安全培训并佩戴 PPE,如作为最低要求的安全帽,钢头鞋,安全眼镜和 工作服以及根据具体情况需要穿戴的安全手套、高亮背心以及面罩等。 All personnel participating will take appropriate safety training and properly wear PPE as minimum requirements as hard helmet, steel toe boots, safety glasses and coverall. Safety gloves, high visibility vest and facial shield will be required for specific works. 3.2.3. 临时用电安全措施,配电箱布置。安排专人负责管理(持证电工)配电箱等,并有日检查记录。 Safety measures for temporary power use and arrangement of distribution box. Assign people (certified electrician) to manage the generator and distribution boxes, etc. and have daily inspection records. 健康、安全与环境 HEALTH 、SAFETY &ENVIRONMENTAL 风险评估 Risk Assessment 此方案中的所有单项工作都应与承包商的单项 JSA,风险分析和每天开始工作前进行的工具箱会议相

鲲池倒班公寓边坡垮塌处理施工方案 Method Statement of Collapse Disposal in Kunchi Living Quarter
工作场所应设置警示、标识牌,必要时设置硬维护以防止擅自入内。 Warning sign, tag board will be set up at work area; hard barricade maybe required when it is necessary to avoid accessing into it without permit. 3.2.5. 作业现场必须按照每 50 名作业人员:1 名安全员的比例进行配备,以保证现场人员、物资的安 全。 Provide safety officer in a proportion of 50 workers: 1 safety officer on worksite to ensure safety of personnel and material. 3.2.6. 作业过程中,每名员工有权利且有义务对不安全行为 “叫停”。 During working, every employee has right and responsibility to “STOP” the unsafe behaviors. 3.2.7. 现场文明施工管理,需要规划临时设施、管道堆放地点并有序摆放。 House keeping on site. Make plan for temporary facilities and pipe laydown area and make sure they are placed orderly. 3.2.8. 作业现场非指定区域禁止吸烟,现场设置吸烟点。 No smoking in operation area, except the designated smoking area which will be set on site. 3.2.9. 在任何有运输车辆进出的施工地点,设置车辆监护员,特别是在倒车、卸货时。 Any transportation vehicle entering or exiting construction location should have vehicle guardian, especially when backing or unloading. 3.2.10. 确保在实施前所有的相关活动和方案都已获批准,否则应立即停止。 Ensure all relevant activities and method statements be approved before execution, otherwise they will be stopped at once. 3.2.11. 承包商应负责此方案中所描述活动的执行。 Contractor shall be responsible for execution of activities described in this Method Statement. 3.2.12. 施工时由 3 名专职安全员进行监护,安全员监视点位如图。当有危险时立即通过呼喊的方式提醒 施工人员有危险,立即撤退。 Three full-time safety inspectors should be presented on site during construction, the supervision point is showed on diagram below. Loudly shout to warn construction workers away from dangers. 3.2.4.
安全警示绳 Rope safety alert
监视点 supervision site
监控点布置图 Supervison point layout 3.3. 应急救援 Emergency Response 施工作业现场配备急救箱。急救箱内包含的内容应符合川东北项目要求。 First-aid kit will be needed on construction site. The contains in first-aid kit will be conforming to requirements of Chuandongbei Project. 在施工中若发生紧急事件,按照《事故管理程序》CDB-0000-HES-PCD-SC2-000-00014-00 进行上报。 If emergency happens in construction, report procedure will be accordance with Accident Management Procedure CDB-0000-HES-PCD-SC2-000-00014-00. 如遇到任何医疗、安保意外或安全事件、事故,工作人员应按照相关程序联系以下人员。联系人先后 顺序的选择应本着对处理事件或伤者最有利的方式。

鲲池倒班公寓边坡垮塌处理施工方案 Method Statement of Collapse Disposal in Kunchi Living Quarter
Workers will contact following personnel in accordance with corresponding procedures if any unexpected medical, security incidents or accidents happen. The sequence of contact shall be based on the best interest of handling the incidents or the injured. 联系单位(所在地址) 联系电话 Contact (location) Tel Number CDB 南坝安全控制中心 139********;0818-******* CDB Nanba safety control center 救护中心联系电话(南坝境内) 151********;0818-******* Emergency center ( in Nanba) 应急救援按照《应急总预案》CDB-0000-HES-PLN-SC2-000-00001-00 执行。 Execute emergency response in accordance with General Plan of Emergency Rescue CDB-0000-HES-PLNSC2-000-00001-00. 如果现场发生突然的边坡垮塌,立即呼叫医疗小组,立即清点人数,确定遇险人数和位置。立即启动 应急响应程序,实施紧急救援。 Immediately call for emergency team once the sudden collapse happens on site; count the personnel and ensure the number and their positions. Launch the emergency response procedure to execute rescue. 具体处理程序如下:监护人报告现场情况,确定有无人员被埋,如有被埋,立即确定被埋人员的数量 及所埋位置。如有人员被埋,立即组织人员进行抢救,主要依靠机械清理垮塌土体。若被埋人员晕厥,立 即进行心肺复苏,然后送医院治疗。 The specific procedure is as follows: report the site situation to the watchman, make sure that if someone gets embedded, and immediately find out the number of people and their position. If someone gets embedded, immediately carry out rescue operation; clean the collapse soil mainly by excavator. If the embedded person is faint, try CPR and send them to hospital. 实施者:监护人及安全员报告情况并呼叫救援小组,应急小组制定救援方案,并立即实施救援,经过 急救培训的人员进行心肺复苏等急救。 Executors: the watchmen and safety inspectors report the situation and call for rescue teams and emergency teams to work out rescue method statement; carry out the rescue operation; try CPR by the trained personnel. 现场急救人员:急救人员有一名医生和一名经过急救培训人员组成,现场急救医生由天然气新厂内的 医生担任,另外一名急救人员有已经过培训的现场施工员李飞(联系电话:155********)担任。 Site first-aid personnel: the first-aid team has one doctor and one trained first-aid personnel, the doctor is the doctor employed in the New Plant, the trained first-aid personnel is the site construction worker Li Fei (Telephone:155********). 4. 培训和人员资质 TRAINING AND COMPETENCY OF PERSONNEL 承包商为所有人(包括其分包商人员)提供所有的监督人员和必要的 HSE 培训,确保所有人员在进场 施工前都必须经过入场培训且合格。并且根据施工需要列出该项作业的培训,做一个培训计划,如 IIF 的 培训、动火作业培训、三级教育等。 CONTRACTOR shall provide all Supervisors, the required HSE training to all personnel including SUBCONTRACTOR personnel. All personnel shall have an HSE Passport prior to mobilization to site. Make list and plan for specific trainings according to construction demands, such as IIF training, hot work training, level 3 training, etc.. 任何人在接受相应培训前都不能擅自动用设备或从事相关工作。特殊工种作业人员(如起重工、操作 手等)必须取得相应工作的资质证件,且报审合格。 Any one will not use the equipment or perform any work before getting appropriate training. Operators of special works (like craneman, welder, electrician, NDT personnel) must obtain relevant qualification certification of corresponding works and qualified in verification before work. 5. 处理方案 DISPOSAL METHOD 5.1 现场边坡垮塌情况 SLOPE COLLAPSE ON SITE

鲲池倒班公寓边坡垮塌处理施工方案 Method Statement of Collapse Disposal in Kunchi Living Quarter
5.2 处理方案设计
在建筑物的南面采用小型挖机(PC60)修建一个临时施工通道至塌方土体上方,通道距离西面 挡土墙 3000mm,通道宽度为 2600mm。 (将上部不稳定的土体进行清除,然后采用挖机从土方 的上面开始将垮塌的土体移除,倒土至回填土区域,多余土方转至指定临时堆土位置,由多功 能挖机转走。) Set a temporary construction access to the top of collapsed area by small size excavator (PC60) on the south of the building. The access is 3000mm away from the retaining wall on the west with the width of 2600mm.(Remove the unstabel soil and excavate the collapsed soil from the top by excavator, pour the soil to backfilling area and transport the extra soil to appointed temporary soil pour site by multiple excavator). 第一层边坡开挖 1800mm 深,根据鲲池倒班宿舍地勘报告、地基基础设计规范 6.6.2 土质边坡坡 度允许值,坚硬粘土高度在 5 米内采用 1:0.75~1:1,本方案为确保安全采用 1:1,如图。 Excavate 1800mm deep of the first layer slopea; in accordance with the geographic report of Kunchi Living Quarter and the subgrade foundation design regulation 6.6.2--the allowabel value of soil sloping angle,we apply 1:0.75~1:1 in the gumbo area within 5m in height; as to ensure safety, we apply 1:1 in this method statement,illustrated on diagram.

鲲池倒班公寓边坡垮塌处理施工方案 Method Statement of Collapse Disposal in Kunchi Living Quarter
开挖第一层边坡示意图 First layer slope excavation 第一层边坡完成后,为增强边坡稳定性,对 1:1 边坡采取打入间隔 1m、深度 2m~2.5m 梅花型锚 杆(HRB335B16)。 After the completion of first layer slope, to strenghten the stablity, erect 2m~2.5m blossom anchor (HRB335B16)in deepth in every 1m on the 1:1 slope. 首先制作锚杆钻头,用长 15cm~25cm 32 钢管和长 10cm~15cmHRB335B25 钢筋焊接而成,如 下图: Firstly fabricate the anchor bit, which is welded by 15cm~25cm long 32 steel pipes and 10cm~15cmHRB335B25 long rebar. See diagram below:
长15cm~25cm 32钢管 长15cm~25cm 32钢管 长10cm~15cm 25钢筋
长10cm~15cm 25钢筋

鲲池倒班公寓边坡垮塌处理施工方案 Method Statement of Collapse Disposal in Kunchi Living Quarter
然后用电风镐锤击; Then hammer with electrical pneumatic picks; 先用长 0.7-1.3mHRB335B16 钢筋一头穿入钻头,另一头套入电风镐套筒中,调整水平角度, 利用电风镐的震动压力,将其打入土中,直至钢筋尾部 10cm 左右; Pass one end of the 0.7-1.3m long HRB335B16 rebar through the anchor bit, put another end into the casing of electrical pneumatic picks; adjust the longtitude, pump it into soil till 10cm of the rebar end with the vibration of electrical pneumatic picks. 取出长 1.3m 的钢筋, 再换长 2.3m 钢筋插入已打入土中的钻头, 同样用电风镐将其打入土中, 直至钢筋尾部 10cm 左右,取出钢筋(钻头留在土体当中) ,成孔过程完成; Pull out the 1.3m long rebar, pump the 2.3m long rebar into the anchor bit with electrical pneumatic picks till 10cm of the rebar; pull out the rebar (leave the bit in soil), then the drilling process is done. 成孔后灌入素水泥浆(灌浆时应把灌浆机管头插至孔底,慢速灌至孔口,然后缓慢拔出灌浆 机管头) ,插入预先做好的锚杆,然后补灌部位未灌满的空洞,锚杆完成。 Pouring the neat cement into the holes (It should insert the tube head of grouting machine into hole bottom, slowly grout till the orifice and slowly pull it out); insert the prefabricated anchor rod and replenish the uncompleted hollow. 为进一步增强边坡稳定性,挂钢丝网,上铺设 60mm~80mm 细石混凝土保护。 Hang on the steel wire , pave 60mm~80mm fine stone concrete for protection. 护坡每清理 1.8m 高度的土体就做一次,第二层从反方向退后开挖。以保证土体不被地表水侵 蚀。边坡的角度采用自然边坡角度 45(1:1)。具体施工过程如下图所示。 Repeat the action mentioned above after clearance of every 1.8m in height. Excavate the second layer from the opposite direction. As to ensure the soil from damaging by surface water, the slope angle should be the natural slope angle 45(1:1). The specific construction process, per diagram below.
锚杆 Anchor Φ16,L=2000mm~2500mm
间 隔 1m 、 深 度 2m~2.5m 梅 花 型 锚 杆(HRB335B16) 2m~2.5m blossom anchor ( HRB335B16 ) in every 1m.
施工过程示意图 Construction process diagram

鲲池倒班公寓边坡垮塌处理施工方案 Method Statement of Collapse Disposal in Kunchi Living Quarter
锚杆示意图 Anchor diagram 在塌方区上面采用细石混凝土封顶,防止雨水从边坡顶上向下渗透,如下图。 Cover the top of collapse area with concrete to prevent rain water permeation from top.
细石混凝土封顶 Topping with fine stone concrete
其余未发生塌方区域的坡脚处采用 C15 混凝浇筑或土方回填,使其坡脚稳定,确保其余边坡不 因坡脚不稳定而再次发生新的垮塌,并及时排出基坑内积水,具体如下。 In order to stabilize the slope toe and to ensure no further collapse take place again, pouring C15 concrete or backfilling with soil to the un-collapsed area; timely drain off water of the foundation pit. The specific methods are as follows.

鲲池倒班公寓边坡垮塌处理施工方案 Method Statement of Collapse Disposal in Kunchi Living Quarter
红色 Red: 高 0.9m C15 混凝土 C15 concrete, 0.9m height
黄色 Yellow: 高 0.8m 土方回填 Backfilling, 0.8m in height 高 0.1m C15 混凝土封层 C15 concrete topping, 0.1m in height
5.3 挡土墙施工方案 RETAINING WALL CONSTRUCTION METHOD STATEMENT 根据现场情况,为减小土体塌方几率,在边坡处理完后,对地下室剪力墙先施工 1.5m 高,增设止水 钢板,拆模后对剪力墙外侧迅速进行土方回填,进一步加固边坡。 In order to reduce the collapse, after the completion of sloping process, conduct the construction in accordance with the site condition. Firstly conduct the construction of basement shearing wall to 1.5m in height, set waterproof steel plates; timely backfill the external of retaining wall after removing the form and to strengthen the slope. 6. 质量监视 QUALITY SURVEILLANCE 承包商应对其活动的整体质量负责。承包商的 QA 经理对日常活动负责。 CONTRACTOR is responsible for the overall quality of this activity.CM. 蜀渝 QC 人员应在现场监视工作的质量状况。 Shuyu QC personnel will be available at site to monitor the quality of the work. 7. 人员安排 PERSONNEL 7.1. 组织机构 Organization 由川庆油建川东北高含硫气田工程施工项目部下设的作业班组完成。组织机构如下: Construction will be completed by the installation team affiliate to Chuandongbei High-Sulfur Gas Field Project Management Department. The organization is as follows:
施工主管(方勇) Construction foreman(Fang Yong)
HES 管理人员(王明科) HESmanager(Wang Ming ke)
QA/QC 管理人员(李飞) QA/QCmanager(Li Fei)
技术人员(王奕博) Technician(Wang Yibo)
施工协调(赖刚) Construction coordinator(Lai Gang)
作业班组 Workteam

鲲池倒班公寓边坡垮塌处理施工方案 Method Statement of Collapse Disposal in Kunchi Living Quarter
工作职责 Responsibilities 岗位/职务 Position 施工主管 Construction Foreman HSE 经理 HSE manager QA/QC 经理 QA/QC manager 技术员 Technician 施工协调员 Construction Coordinator 作业班组 Working group 工作职责 Responsibilities 为所有的施工活动负责,负责并介绍本方案下的分包商活动。 Responsible for all the construction activities, and responsible for and present the activities of subcontractors under this method statement. 负责并介绍分包商活动中所有的安全事务和安全监视。 Responsible for and present all the safety issues and safety monitoring in the activities of subcontractors. 监视工作情况并确保所有测试都得以实施并向 SPC 项目部报告。 Monitor the work and ensure all tests are implemented and report to SPC project department. 负责所有的工作的技术支持。 Responsible for the technical support of work. 负责工作中与其他相关单位的协调。 Responsible for the coordination with other relevant units. 执行各项标准规范、操作规程、方案要求,实施作业。 Perform the work in accordance with all standard specifications, operation specifications and method statement requirements.
沟通 Communications 现场作业队应建立好与 SPC 项目部、华成监理以及 CDB 团队等的联系方式。现场团队中的沟通使用 手机进行。Field operation requires a sufficient and efficient connection with SPC Project Department, Huacheng Supervision and CDB team. Mobile phones will be used among communication of site management team. 设备 EQUIPMENT
执行工作用到的设备如下表所列。进场前,必须对设备进行检查且得到 CDB 的认可,以确保他满足 所有的安全要求。所有的设备、工具检验证书必须保存在安全易取的地方或设备中。现场必须定期做检查 日志。The equipments to be used in work are listed as following. They must be inspected and approved by CDB before mobilization to guarantee all safety requirements being satisfied. All the inspection certificates of equipments/ tools must be kept at safe and accessible place or in equipment. Meanwhile, site inspection log should be taken regularly. 主要设备清单 List of Main Equipment PC60 挖机 PC60 excavator 多功能挖机 multiple excavator 电风镐 electrical pneumatic picks 自动灌浆机 Auto grouter 搅拌机 mixer machine 运输车 transport vehicle 9. 材料 MATERIALS 执行工作用到的材料如下表所列, 应根据地方标准和相关规定检查验收。 Materials to be used in work are listed as following, which will be inspected and accepted according to local standards and relevant provisions.
List of Materials 材料清单 水泥 cement 沙石 sand 钢丝网 steel wire gauze HRB335 B16 钢筋 HRB335 B16 rebar 10. 报告和记录 REPORTING AND RECORDS 根据合同提交日报、周报和月报。 Apply daily, weekly and monthly progress reports according to the contract.

鲲池倒班公寓边坡垮塌处理施工方案 Method Statement of Collapse Disposal in Kunchi Living Quarter
按照雪佛龙及中石油要求,做好相关竣工资料记录。 Do well record for relevant close-out data in accordance with requirements of Chevron and CNPC. 11. 行动关闭 CLOSE OUT OF ACTIVITIES 所有移交档案相关的 QC 表格都将由分包商编制,保留。 All relevant QC forms for the handover dossier will be initially compiled and maintained by the Subcontractor. 关闭所有的许可,清单和不符合项记录等。 Close out of all permits, punch-lists and records of unqualified items.

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