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3.(2013·高考四川卷改编) 普通酵母菌直接利用淀粉的能力很弱,有人将地衣芽孢杆菌的α-淀粉酶基因转入酵母菌中,经筛选得到了可高效利用淀粉的工程酵母菌菌种(过程如图甲所示)。


体培养基应以________作为唯一碳源。②、③过程需重复几次,目的是________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________。












英语随堂反馈答案 篇一:牛津英语九年级上册Unit 7英语随堂反馈提高卷(含答案) 9上Unit 7英语随堂反馈提高卷 (整卷满分为90分) Class ____________Name ____________ 一、单项填空 (15分) ( ) 1. Guilin is ___ attractive city. It’s ____ nice place that many tourists go there every year. A. an; so aB. a; a soC. a; a suchD. an; such a ( ) 2. When you get the paper back, pay special attention to what _______.A. has marked B. has been marked C. had marked D. had been marked ( ) 3. Mr Wu is considered _______ our model. He puts all his effort _______ his career.A. to; to B. as; into C. as; to D. like; to ( ) 4. _____ the sun was not up yet, many people were already taking exercise in the square.A. As B. If C. ThoughD. Because ( ) 5. —I haven’t been to Shanghai for years. —You really need to pay a visit, and you’ll find changes there are _______ imagination (想象). A. beyondB. withC. withoutD. for ( ) 6. Paul is really considering _______ himself to _______ those children in the earthquake-hit area.A. to devote, teaching B.


本两周一共听课8节,语文3节、数学3节、英语1节,其中优秀3节、良好4节、一般1节;作为家常课应体现:朴实——不追求花俏的形式,不追求过意的做作;扎实——着眼于知识点的掌握,关注基本知识和基本技能;真实——反映课堂的真实现象,不刻意地去掩盖失误。本课从家常课的要求来看总体情况比较好,反映在以下几个方面: 1、教师能做好必要的课前准备,重视课堂文化的建设,倡导平等民主的课堂氛围,课堂常规比较扎实,师生交流、生生交流信息畅通,多向有效。朱艳老师的教态亲和、大方,能够比较自然地融入学生,与学生共同享受课堂生活;徐晓兰老师整堂课师生情绪饱满,课堂气氛和谐,较好地展现了“新课堂”的风采。顾惠芬老师能注意采用多样的评价语言,调动学生的积极性,课堂气氛比较活跃,张玉清老师师能及时表扬、激励,有效调控课堂秩序,培养学生良好的课堂习惯。 2、认真研读教材,理解教材的编写意图,能联系学生已有的知识经验来设计教学,注意突出重点、突破难点。尤丽娟老师的课以写字教学作为主要内容,将写字与生字识记、积累词汇结合起来,写字训练比较扎实。朱丽英老师能把握每一练习的设计思路,按照“口算——笔算——简算——文字题——应用题”的思路来组织教学,符合知识的发展规律和学生的认知规律。 3、教师上课思路清晰,富有智慧,能根据学生的认知起点和课堂生成情况调控教学过程。朱琳老师自身素质较好,上课精神饱满,口齿清晰,有较好的课堂组织能力。 几点需要关注的问题: 1、课前准备: 从听课的情况看,教师应用多媒体辅助教学的覆盖面不足50%,相对于我校的硬件来说是很不正常的。计算机的应用最终应该落实到课堂,落实到学生的发展,希望大家要积极用起来。 部分教师对教材把握不够,对教案不熟,导致课中有关知识点的教学不到位,训练不扎实。 2、课案设计: 表现为一味执行教材而不研究如何突破教材、超越教材,如有的教师的练习课就是完成书上题目,题目做完了,也就下课了,教师对教学设计投入精力不足。 3、课堂规范: 由于有些教师平时比较忽视课堂规范训练,因此课堂中学生倾听、思考、合作、交流的现代学习习惯不能很好养成。而这些学习规范的好坏将直接影响课堂教学的质量。课堂规范的训练注重抓两个方面:一是严格要求,我经常走过六(1)班教室,发现龚老师上课时,学生始终注意力集中,是龚老师讲得特别精彩,非也,而是她的严格要求,这也许是她教学高质量的“法宝”;二是表扬激励,特别是低年级,要学会“骗”,善意的“骗”,如朱艳老师的课中“刚才**同学发言的时候,老师发现***听得最认真!”“老师发现第三组的同学表现最好……”;希望大家一定要重视课堂规范的训练,重视良好学风的形成。 4、课堂生成: 面对课堂生成性资源,教师应该能敏锐地把握,有效地处理。这一方面需要充分预设,备课时要充分估计学生,设计多种策略;另一方面就是要锤炼自己的教学艺术,在不断经历中不断完善。 5、课堂评价:


《学英语随堂反馈》提高练习Unit 5-6 of 7A 一、单项填空 ( ) 1. — Have you seen _______ iPad? I left it here this morning. — Is it _______ white one? I think I saw it somewhere. A. an; the B. the; / C. an; a D. the; a ( ) 2. My uncle gives me _______ flowers as a gift. How sweet! A. little B. few C. a little D. a few ( ) 3. —_______ sleep do you think is necessary for a Grade 9 student? — 8 hours at least. A. How often B. How long C. How many D. How much ( ) 4. Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was expected to land in Beijing _______ the morning of March 8. A. in B. on C. of D. at ( ) 5. —It’s 7:30 in the morning now. I believe Da Runfa is _______. —Let’s go and buy some food. A. close B. closed C. opened D. open ( ) 6. —Mom, why is Dad easy to get angry these days? —I think he has _______ work pressure (压力). A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too ( ) 7. —How did you _______ the movie last night? —Oh, both interesting and meaningful. A. find B. feel C. think D. find out ( ) 8. Look! Some salad (沙拉) _______ here and some hamburgers _______ on the table. A. is;is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is ( ) 9. —_______ do you usually have a Halloween party? —After the dinner. And _______ do you eat mooncakes to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival? A. What; how B. How; why C. When; what D. When; why ( ) 10. _______ great news that The Three-body Problem got Hugo Award in 2015! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a ( ) 11. —We need to book two more rooms for the first week in November. —_______. The hotel is not busy then. A. Never mind B. My pleasure C. It doesn’t matter D. No problem ( ) 12. There _______ some milk and eggs on the table. A. has B. have C. is D. are ( ) 13. He never _______ a hat even if (即使) it is winter. A. wears B. be in C. in D. puts on ( ) 14. How many _______ and how much _______ can you see on the table? A. meat, water B. orange, lemons C. apples, bread D. pears, cakes ( ) 15. —Do you know _______ the girl in red is? —I’m not sure. Maybe a teacher. A. when B. how C. where D. what ( ) 16. —_______?—I want to buy a pair of shoes for my son. A. Where do you go B. How do you want for your son C. How much do you have D. What can I do for you ( ) 17. This unit _______ us about how to dress for a party. A. says B. tells C. speaks D. talks ( ) 18. Can you tell me how _______ Hua Mulan? A. dress up B. to dress up C. can dress up as D. to dress up as ( ) 19. —Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest bus stop? —Go down this road. It’s about _______ walk. A. five minute’s B. five minutes’ C. five-minutes D. five-minute ( ) 20.—_______? —Thank you. But I’m full now.


随堂听课活动总结 本学期,为了进一步加大教学常规的管理力度,深化课堂教学的管理过程,督促教师规范课堂教学活动,提高课堂教学这一主阵地的效益,我校举行了随堂听课活动。对中小学语文、数学科近二十人的课堂教学听课检查。我受听课小组的委托,对听课成员的评议情况进行了整理,现简要总结如下: 一、本次教研活动的出发点: 要求教师出原生态课,不搞形式,不折腾,平时怎么上就怎么讲,真实反应教师的“教”,真实反应学生的“学”。评课标准:不看形式,不看外在表现,看教师的教学目标是否明确,容量是否恰当,方式是否有力,指导是否到位;看学生的学习状态,思维状况,课堂收获。目的是通过听评课探究我校教研与成绩提高的结合点,以此带动和推进我校整体教学水平迈向一个新的台阶。 二、取得的成效: 本次听课涉及中小学语文、数学的每位老师,所听授课完全是原汁原味的随堂教学。通过此次活动,我们深入了解了当前我们学校的课堂教学与学生课堂学习的现状。从各个听课成员反馈的情况来看,我校的课堂教学工作整体是良好的。主要体现在以下几方面: 1、绝大多数教师工作热情高,态度端正,具有很强的敬业精神。课堂上精神饱满,语言有激情,课后能主动交流,态度谦恭,体现出很强的上进心和求知欲。 2、大多数教师都能认真钻研教材,课前做好充分的准备,在教

学过程设计上也能注重学生的生活实际;课堂上教学方法灵活多变,积极调动学生学习积极性,课堂气氛较为活跃,注意引导学生自主学习,也能尽量照顾到大多数学生,体现了“以学生为主体,以教师为主导”的新课程的教学理念。 3、教材内容把握较好,语言流畅、标准,表达清晰、易懂。对学生良好语言表达习惯的形成和能力的提高,具有很强的示范引领作用。 4、从整体上看,多数教师课堂教学目标明确,重难点突出。知识能力培养落实到位;课堂教学容量合理。教学进度合理,同年级同学科教学进度基本一致。 5、多数教师备课充分全面,教案书写规范具体,作业布置及批改科学而及时。 6、特别值得一提的是: 语文教学中的略读课,它既是语文教学的重要组成也是精读课的深化和拓展,其目的在于使学生能够在老师的指导下对基础知识、阅读方法以及经验等进行自觉、准确的掌握,再实现知识到技能的转化。田玉波老师对略读课文的处理符合这一要求,目标明确,以培养学生自学能力为目的,放手大胆的让学生进行自读,并加以指导。首先对略读课文侧重于阅读知识和方法技巧进行指导。然后通过把知识问题化,问题学习化的形式让学生有目的的读课文,不同的阅读完成不同的学习目标:第一遍略读整体感知,第二遍略读明确文章写了哪些事,有选择的读抓住重点,回读查缺补漏。教学流程顺畅,学生兴趣浓厚,

牛津译林版九年级英语下册9BUnit 2随堂反馈提高卷(含答案)

Unit 2随堂反馈提高卷 一、单项填空(15分) ( ) 1. Do you know _______ man, whose son is _______ astronaut? A. the; an B. a; an C. /; the D. the; / ( ) 2. Bernard Shaw was a great English writer who died _______. A. at his age of 94 B. at age of 94 C. in the age of 94 D. at the age of 94 ( ) 3. The boy had already lived in England for a year, _______ he had a big advantage _______ the other students. A. so; on B. but; on C. so; over D. and; over ( ) 4. In order _______ for the meeting, my sister forced herself to get up early this morning. A. not to be late B. not being late C. to be late D. being late ( ) 5 —I wonder when you _______ the new watch. —Well, I _______ it for two weeks. A. have bought; have had B. bought; have bought C. bought; have had D. have bought; have bought ( ) 6. What do you think _______ him _______ his mind? A. make; change B. makes; change C. make; to change D. makes; to change ( ) 7. —_______ do you know about Columbus? —Oh, he is the great man who discovered America. A. How B. Who C. What D. Which ( ) 8. Not only the twins but also their cousin Jim _______ been to Japan, but _______ of them can speak Japanese. A. have; neither B. have; none C. has; neither D. has; none ( ) 9. The number of people who _______ English as a second language _______ more than 750 million. A. learns; are B. learn; is C. learns; is D. learn; are ( ) 10. —A new shop _______ for a week nearby. Let’s have a book to read there. —Good idea. But it doesn’t _______ on Mondays. A. opened; opened B. has been opened; open C. has opened; opened D. has been open; open ( ) 11. —Who do you think _______ as the new chairperson of our students’ union? —I’ve no idea. A. to choose B. will choose C. will be chosen D. to be chosen ( ) 12. Mary’s brother _______ the navy in 2011 and _______ the navy since then. A. joined; has been in B. joined in; has joined in C. joined in; has been in D. joined; has joined ( ) 13. —_______ you _______ the Beatles’ story? —Yes. And their songs are popular. A. Did; hear B. Do; listen to C. Have; heard of D. Have; listened ( ) 14. The test is _______ difficult _______. A. so; that few of us can pass B. so; that few of us can pass it C. too; for any one of us to pass it D. too; for anyone of us to pass ( ) 15. —Bob, can you spare me a few minutes right now? I have to ask you some questions. —_______. A. It’s a pleasure B. Ask, please C. Help yourself D. Yes, go ahead 二、完形填空(10分) Granny Sarya lived outside Moscow. Her only son 1 to Afghanistan (阿富汗) and was killed in action there. Soon after that, her husband lost his job. The old man was always 2 food and clothes. And on a winter night he went out alone when Sarya was asleep. The next morning he was 3 dead in a cold lake. And his worn-out coat was hung in a tree not far away. Sarya was so 4 that she nearly took her own life. Things got worse and worse after that. She always lived in hunger and cold. She had hoped that the government could help her but she 5 . It was a cold windy night. The old woman couldn’t fall asleep at all. She had to get up. She decided to


一、选择填空 1.Bill’s sister has _____ MP4. A. an B. the C. / D. a 2.What does your sister like _____ _breakfast ? A. with B. in C. for D. at 3.What’s your brother’s name ? ____name is Victor Green. A. He B. She C.Her D.His 4.What are _____ under the chair ? They are books . A.the B. this C. those D. that 5.Can you ____your tennis racket to me ? A. bring B. call C. take D. like 6.His uncle plays tennis very _______ A.good B. fine C. nice D. well 7.Linda ____7basketball games every evening. A. looks B. look C. watch D. watches 8.Mom, ____my friend, Jane. A. she is B. here is C. he is D. this is 9.Mrs Green has three daughters, ___she loves them very much. A. but B. for C. and D. with 10. I can’t play ping-pong.It is _ A. difficult B. fun C. interesting D. relaxing 11.I like carrots, but Mona doesn’t like _____ A. it B.them C. this D. these 12.Does Peter have a tennis racket ? ___________. But he has some tennis. A.Yes, he does B.Yes, he is C.No, he isn’t D.No, he doesn’t 13. How is your grandmother,Tom? ________. A. She is 62 years old B. She is OK C. I'm fine D. sorry 14.It’s October 10th. Lucy is _______ years old now. Today is her ______ birthday. A. twelve twelvth B. twelve twelve C. twelfth twelve D. twelve twelfth 15. He usually watches TV S aturday evening. A.on B.in C.at D.for 16. ___your brother___ a baseball? A. Do,has B. Does, have C. Does has D. Don't have 17. --_____is my computer game? ---It’s in the drawer.

《学英语随堂反馈》提高卷 Unit 7 of 7B

《学英语随堂反馈》提高卷 Test for Unit 7 of 7B 一、单项填空 ( ) 1、 Don’t drive so fast! We must slow down when we drive _______ the tunnel (隧道)、 A、 past B、 across C、 over D、 through ( ) 2、 _______ important information she gave me yesterday! A、 What a B、 How C、 What an D、 What ( ) 3、—Do you hear there was _______ fire in the hospital last night? —Yes、 _______ fire was terrible、 A、 the; The B、 /; A C、 the; A D、 a; The ( ) 4、 Lisa is a little poor at Chinese、 I think she needs _______ it every day、 A、 practise to speak B、 to practise speaking C、 practise speaking D、 to practise to speak ( ) 5、—Can’t you sing this song in English? —_______、 Let me sing it for you、 A、 Yes, I can B、 No, I can’t C、 Yes, I can’t D、 No, I can ( ) 6、 I could not _______ out because I _______ my leg、 A、 get; hurt B、 get; hurted C、 got; hurt D、 got; hurted ( ) 7、 I often hear the little girl _______ in her room、 Listen, she _______、 A、 singing; is singing B、 sing; singing C、 sing; is singing D、 is singing; is singing ( ) 8、 Zhang Hua spends _______ on English、 Now he is _______ at it、 A、 enough time; enough good B、 enough of time; enough good C、 enough of time; good enough D、 enough time; good enough ( ) 9、 Mr Liu was glad that the girls there _______ the violin、 A、 can play B、 are able to play C、 were able to play D、 could be able to play ( ) 10、—Excuse me, Sir、 But smoking is not allowed (允许) here、—Sorry, I didn’t see the sign、 I’ll _______ my cigarette (香烟) at once、 A、 put out B、 put away C、 put up D、 put off ( ) 11、 Don’t leave the TV _______、 A、 on B、 off C、 close D、 open ( ) 12、—_______ the man there be our English teacher? —He _______ be, but I’m not sure、 A、 May; mustn’t B、 Can; may C、 Can; can’t D、 May; can’t ( ) 13、 All of us hope _______ the award、 A、 her to get B、 her getting C、 she get D、 she will get ( ) 14、 _______ exciting news! We will have a _______ holiday after the exam、 A、 What an; two months B、 How an; two months C、 What; two-month D、 How; two months’ ( ) 15、 My mother is ill _______ hospital、 I have to look after her _______ hospital、 A、 in; in the B、 in; in a C、 in the; in D、 at the; at ( ) 16、—When did you _______ from your brother? —Well, I _______ from him last month、 A、 hear a letter; got B、 get; heard C、 get a letter; heard D、hear; heard a letter


玛纳斯县电厂学校“家长开放日”活动反馈表 贵家长:您好! 真诚地感谢您百忙之中抽出时间来参加这次“家长开放日活动”!您的参与是对我们学校工作的支持,您的意见和建议对我校的发展尤为重要。请您结合本次“家长开放日”活动如实填写这张反馈表,感谢您的参与和支持! (请在您赞同的观点的()里打“√”) 1、开放日活动所听的课中,您认为上得最好的课是 语文()数学()英语()体育()音乐()其他() 2、听完课后,您对老师的表现 满意()较满意()一般()不满意() 3、听完课后,您对您孩子今天课上的表现 满意()较满意()一般()不满意() 4、您对教师关爱学生、教育学生的态度 满意()较满意()一般()不满意() 5、您对教师教育教学的能力和水平 满意()较满意()一般()不满意() 6、您对此次“家长开放日”活动的满意度: 满意()较满意()一般()不满意() 7、您认为有必要进行家长开放日活动吗?为什么? 8、您对学校管理的总体印象 非常满意()满意()基本满意()不满意() 9、您想对班主任或任课教师说的是: 10、您对学校、班级目前的教育、教学及管理工作有何意见或建议:

谢谢您对本次活动的支持与配合!我们将根据您所提出的宝贵意见,认真反思,总结经验,改进不足,不断促进学校发展。 玛纳斯县电厂学校 玛电学校家长开放日听课记录表 温馨提示: 为了让孩子们的课堂活动正常、有序地进行,届时请您配合做好以下事项: 1、听课时,请您准时参加,认真听课,不要交谈,将手机置于调为震动或者关机状态,不接打电话。 2、听课后,我们准备了一份《家长听课记录表》和《反馈意见表》请您填写宝贵意见(请自备笔填写); 3、当天家长可以带目的地观看孩子在校的学习表现,当然这可能并不是最真实的,因为有您的存在,多少会给孩子带来影响。当我们看到孩子有异常表现时,请您不用惊讶和担心;当发现孩子有进步时,请给予他(她)及时的鼓

牛津译林版-英语-九上-3单元 Teenage problems 随堂反馈提高卷

Unit 3 Teenage problems 英语随堂反馈提高卷 Class ____________ Name ____________ (整卷满分为90分) 一、单项填空(15分) ( ) 1. —Look! She’s running so fast! —Hard to _______ her legs were once broken. A. know B. imagine C. realize D. find ( ) 2. I don’t doubt _______ she can do it well, but I doubt _______ she is willing to do it. A. that; that B. if; if C. that; if D. if; that ( ) 3. Half of the class _______ done most of the work. The left _______ rather difficult. A. have, is B. has, is C. have, are D. has, are ( ) 4. There is nothing _______. A. for us to worry B. of us to worry C. for us to be worried D. for us to worry about ( ) 5. ––_______ we go camping this summer holiday? ––Nothing _______ be better! A. Will; need to B. Shall; could C. Could; must D. Shall; have to ( ) 6. Could you tell me _______? A. who can help us organize the show B. how long you have bought the car C. what was your favourite subject D. how many students are there in your class ( ) 7. —Nobody but you _______ late for school this morning. —Sorry , I _______ to school when it began to rain heavily. A. was; went B. were; was going C. was; was about to go D. is; am going ( ) 8. —_______ I take my umbrella with me?


随堂听课评课记录 听课、评课是教学研究的有效手段。在倡导大力开展校本教学研究的今天,大力开展听课评课活动、研究并改进教学中存在的问题尤其显得重要。以下是随堂听课评课记录,欢迎阅读。 一、复习导入。 1、师:小朋友,想去梅花山看梅花吗?先来读一读该课的词语,读对了词语,咱们就去看梅花。 2、(课件出示生字词) “开火车”读生词,齐读生词。 二、精读课文。 1、过渡:现在,就让咱们跟随小作者去看梅花吧。 2、学习第一自然段。 ⑴出示课文的第一自然段。(出示课件) 红笔标出:“盛开的梅花,你挨着我,我挨着你,像蓝天下的片片彩云,那一朵一朵的梅花,晶莹透亮,散发出淡淡的清香。” 指名读句子。 自由读。(用自己喜欢的方式读,边读边想) 【评:在教学过程中教予学生读书的方法,引导学生变机械的阅读为思考性的阅读】 ⑵小朋友,你们读了这句话想到了什么?说说看。 指名说。师生交流:(出示课件) ①盛开的梅花,你挨着我,我挨着你,像蓝天下的片片彩云。

“盛开”完全开放,“你挨着我,我挨着你”是说花非常之多之密,“像蓝天下的片片彩云”是说花儿色彩绚丽,开遍山坡。 ②“那一朵一朵的梅花,晶莹透亮,“散发出淡淡的清香”。 “晶莹透亮”写出梅花的光亮可爱,“散发出淡淡的清香”写出梅花的香味雅而不俗,沁人心脾。联想到那首王安石的《梅花》:遥知不是雪,为暗香有来。“暗香”就是指这淡淡的清香。 教师根据学生的回答,用红笔标出“片片”、“清香”、“淡淡”、“彩云”、“晶莹特亮”、“挨着”。 【评:充分发挥学生在课堂上的主体性。学生生动化的语言,教师机智地引导,让学生从文本对话中再现生动形象的梅花山画面,“一千个读者就有一千个哈姆雷特”,每个学生在自己的眼中构建了一个美丽的梅花山,更好地辅助学生理解课文,读好课文。】 ⑶指导朗读 ①师:小朋友们想象中的梅花上可真是美不胜收阿!让我们一起去看看吧! (播放配音录像) 【评:先在文本对话中引发学生的思考,进行自我艺术世界的构建,再给学生以视觉的冲击,完善艺术世界的构建,使学生更好地理解课文。】 ②“盛开的梅花,你挨着我,我挨着你,像蓝天下的片片彩云”。(出示课件) 梅花多吗?美吗?


学英语随堂反馈提高卷Test for Unit 3 of 9A Class ____________ Name ____________ (整卷满分为90分) 一、单项填空(15分) ( ) 1. —Look! She’s running so fast! —Hard to _______ her legs were once broken. A. know B. imagine C. realize D. find ( ) 2. I don’t doubt _______ she can do it well, but I doubt _______ she is willing to do it. A. that; that B. if; if C. that; if D. if; that ( ) 3. Half of the class _______ done most of the work. The left _______ rather difficult. A. have, is B. has, is C. have, are D. has, are ( ) 4. There is nothing _______. A. for us to worry B. of us to worry C. for us to be worried D. for us to worry about ( ) 5. ––_______ we go camping this summer holiday? ––Nothing _______ be better! A. Will; need to B. Shall; could C. Could; must D. Shall; have to ( ) 6. Could you tell me _______? A. who can help us organize the show B. how long you have bought the car C. what was your favourite subject D. how many students are there in your class ( ) 7. —Nobody but you _______ late for school this morning. —Sorry , I _______ to school when it began to rain heavily. A. was; went B. were; was going C. was; was about to go D. is; am going ( ) 8. —_______ I take my umbrella with me? —_______ better to do so. The weather is changeable. A. Must; You’d B. Shall; It’s C. Need; You’d D. Would; It’s ( ) 9. Little Tom seems to know who _______ to get more pocket money. A. can he talk to B. he can talk C. to talk to D. to talk ( ) 10. Why not _______ your teacher for help when you can’t finish _______ the story by yourself? A. to ask; write B. to ask; writing C. ask; writing D. asking; to write ( ) 11. Being _______, the novel written by a famous teacher sells _______. A. very worth of being read; good B. well worth reading; good C. well worth reading; well D. very worth reading; well ( ) 12. Let me _______ if you have any problems _______ the problems. I’ll try my best to help you. A. to know; to work out B. know; working out C. know; worked out D. knew; working on ( ) 13. Fred loved Maths, but believe it or not, he _______ passed the last exam. A. only B. easily C. almost D. hardly ( ) 14. ––Excuse me, could you tell me _______?––Yes. It’s about twenty minutes’ walk. A. how long it takes to go to the park B. how far it is from here to the park C. how does it take to go to the park D. how far is it from here to the park ( ) 15. ––You must be very excited about going to New York for further study. ––, but I am afraid I won’t do well because my English is poor. A. I’m sorry B. Certainly not C. I don’t know yet D. Well, I should be 二、完形填空(10分) I had said goodbye to my husband, Joe, so often, but this time was 1 _ . We now had our first child. After nights of talks, we made the difficult decision that Joe would go by himself to Alabama for the six-month training course, and I would stay behind with our new son. It was important that I 2 _ my teaching position near our home. Also some friends could come for help. On Joe’s 3 _ evening at home, I bathed little Joey and was heading the bedroom when Joe gently

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