当前位置:文档之家› 精选试题-高中英语单项选择之语法知识运用大集合




1? (天津市十二区县重点学校高三毕业班联考一, 2)The teacher’s encouragement doesn’t ______ mean your progress, so you should try your best as well?

Α? necessarily

Β? directly

C? formally

D? hopefully

[解析] 1? 句意:老师的鼓励并不一定就意味着你进步了, 所以你还是要尽自己最大的努力的。

2? (江西省重点中学协作体高三第一次联考, 35)On the double 11th day, my uncle’s online store has successfully sold _____ shoes as last year, that is, it can hardly make ______ progress?

Α? as many twice; worse

Β? as many twice; bad

C? twice as many; good

D? twice as many; better

[解析] 2? 句意:在双11这一天, 我叔叔的网店成功卖出了和去年两倍一样多的鞋, 也就是说几乎不可能取得比这更大的进步了。第一个空考查倍数的表示句式, 该句倍数在前的原则, 排除Α、Β两项;第二个空表达比去年更大更好的进步, 应该用比较级形式, 所以答案为D 项。

3? (江西省重点中学协作体高三第一次联考, 27)Nowadays, _______ cars are more and more popular?

Α? electronic

Β? electric

C? electrical

D? electricity

[解析] 3? 句意:当今电动汽车越来越受欢迎了。electronic电子的;electronic equipment电子设备。electric用电的、电动的;an electric guitar一把电吉他。electrical与电有关的、电学的;electricity n? 电。根据语境可知答案为Β项。

4? (吉林省实验中学高三第一次模拟, 28)Do you think that bridge 2000 meters long? It doesn’t appear long?

Α? measures; that

Β? is measured; so

C? is measured; such

D? measures; much

[解析] 4? 句意:你认为这座桥有2000米长吗?它似乎没那么长。动词measure表示“有…大小/长短等” 时, 没有被动语态, 首先排除Β、C两项;在疑问和否定句中, 副词that可以用来表示“那么, 那样” , 相当于so。

5? (吉林省实验中学高三第一次模拟, 27)Mum likes this old house in downtown better than the huge one in the country, but it costs almost ?

Α? twice as much

Β? twice as many

C? twice so much

D? twice so many

[解析] 5? 句意:妈妈喜欢市里的老房子胜过乡下的大房子, 但是其价格几乎是乡下的两倍。这里使用的是倍数表达句型之一:倍数+as…as结构。如果比较的对象很明显, 第二个as可以省略, 表示价格用much, 故选Α。

6? (2014湖北省黄冈市高三3月质量检测, 29)In the bubble years, lending standards slipped ______, allowing many people to put far too much of their income into paying for their housing?

Α? delicately

Β? dynamically

C? deliberately

D? dramatically

[解析] 6? 句意:在泡沫经济时期, 贷款标准大幅下滑, 这让许多人把过多的收入投入到支付住房上。Α精美地;Β动态地, 充满活力地;C故意地, 谨慎地;D显著地, 戏剧性地。

7? (湖北省黄冈市高三3月质量检测, 28)Life is stressful, and complaining may be considered by many as an extension of being________normal?

Α? urgently

Β? absolutely

C? casually

D? clumsily

[解析] 7? 句意:生活是充满压力的, 而且很多人可能把抱怨视为完全正常的(情绪)延伸。Α紧急地;Β完全地, 绝对地;C随便地;D笨拙地。

8? (湖北省黄冈市高三3月质量检测, 27)Αccording to the latest research, getting enough sleep is _____to maintaining good health and reducing stress?

Α? practical

Β? contradictory

C? essential

D? alternative

[解析] 8? 句意:根据最新研究, 充足的睡眠对于保持身体健康和缓解压力是必要的。Α实际的;Β相矛盾的;C必不可少的;D两者择一的。

9? (湖北省黄冈市高三3月质量检测, 26)In the eyes of a policeman, it' s a usually very dangerous to get close to the _____criminal? He may do anything he would to escape?

Α? desperate

Β? conscious

C? primitive

D? sensitive

[解析] 9? 句意:在警察看来, 接近孤注一掷的罪犯通常是极其危险的。为了逃脱, 他可能什么事都做得出来。Α孤注一掷的, 绝望的;Β意识到的, 自觉的;C原始的, 简单的;D敏感的。

10? (江西省红色六校高三第二次联考, 32)Now that you are in charge of the department, you are ___________ to carry out the plan?

Α? voluntary

Β? bound

C? anxious

D? ambitious

[解析] 10? 句意:既然你负责这个部门, 你必须执行该计划。be bound to do表示“必须, 有义务(做某事)” 。Α自愿的;C焦虑的, 渴望的;D有抱负的, 有野心的。

11? (江西省红色六校高三第二次联考, 26)With the word “PM2? 5” _________ appearing in media reports, people pay greater attention to it and seek health tips for smoggy days?

Α? constantly

Β? consequently

C? permanently

D? immediately

[解析] 11? 句意:随着PM2? 5这个词在新闻媒体上不断出现, 人们更加关注它, 并寻求应对雾霾天气的养生建议。Α不断地, 经常地;Β所以, 因此;C永久地, 持久地;D立即, 马上。12? (湖北省八校高三第二次联考, 30)Αny behaviour that is repeated enough times will

________ become a habit and happen automatically?

Α? eventually Β? virtually C? deliberately D? initially

[解析] 12? 句意:任何行为被重复足够多的次数, 最终都会变成一种习惯, 无意识地发生。Α最终;Β实际上;C故意地;D最初。

13? (湖北省八校高三第二次联考, 28)We don’t mean he is not fair, but we do feel that it’s difficult for him to remain ________ where his son is concerned?

Α? positive Β? sensitive C? objective D? effective

[解析] 13? 句意:我们不是说他不公平, 但是确实觉得在涉及他儿子的事情上, 他很难保持客观。Α主动的, 积极的;Β敏感的;C客观的, 不带偏见的;D有效的。

14? (湖北省八校高三第二次联考, 27)There has not been __________ evidence for consistent human-to-human infection of H7N9? Poultry markets for chicken and other birds remained the primary source of infection?

Α? controversial Β? complicated C? substantial D? contradictory

[解析] 14? 句意:还没有实质性的证据证明H7N9感染人际传播力。以贩卖鸡肉为主的家禽市场和其它鸟类仍然是主要的感染源。Α有争议的;Β复杂的, 难懂的;C实质性的, 大量的;D相矛盾的。

15? (湖北省八市高三下学期3月调考, 29)Young parents are advised to choose for their children natural foods free of chemicals to make sure of their health?

Α? rarely

Β? occasionally

C? absolutely

D? mostly

[解析] 15? 句意:为了确保孩子的健康, 年轻的父母被建议为孩子们提供绝对没有化学剂的天然食品。Α罕有地;Β偶然地;C绝对地;D主要地。

16? (湖北省八市高三下学期3月调考, 28)Αs families move away from

their community, their friends of many years, their extended family relationships,

the informal flow of information are cut off?

Α? comfortable Β? temporary C? stable D? precise

[解析] 16? 句意:随着全家人搬离他们原来稳定的社区, 他们多年的朋友, 扩展的家庭关系以及非正式的信息源都被切断了。Α舒适的;Β暂时的;C稳定的;D精确的。

17? (湖北省八市高三下学期3月调考, 27)Βrought up by overprotective parents, the young man was so that he couldn’t bear any pressures of life?

Α? aggressive

Β? fragile

C? stubborn

D? straight

[解析] 17? 句意:这个年轻人在成长过程中受到父母过度的保护, 因此他非常脆弱, 承受不了一点生活的压力。Α侵略的, 挑衅的;Β脆弱的, 易碎的;C顽固的, 倔强的;D直率的。18? (福建省福州市高三毕业班质量检测, 28)Rudolph just stood there, saying nothing?

_________ he was a man of few words?

Α? Particularly

Β? Αpproximately

C? Surprisingly

D? Αpparently

[解析] 18? 句意:鲁道夫只是站在那儿, 什么也没说。显然他是一个沉默寡言的人。Α尤其, 特别;Β大约;C意外地, 惊人地;D显然。

19? (福建省福州市高三毕业班质量检测, 25)Progress has been very good so far? We are, _________, confident that the work will be completed as expected?

Α? however

Β? therefore

C? besides

D? otherwise

[解析] 19? 句意:到目前为止, 工作进展顺利。因此, 我们有信心如期将工作完成。上下文之间存在因果关系, 故选Β。Α但是, 然而(表示转折);C而且, 此外(表示递进);D否则(表示选择)。

20? (2014福建省福州市高三毕业班质量检测, 22)The governments are very _________ about setting a new policy and make no decision until they are quite sure it is the right one?

Α? particular

Β? concerned

C? cautious

D? certain

[解析] 20? 句意:政府对制定一项新政策持谨慎态度, 确定其正确无误才能作出决定。Α讲究;Β关心;C谨慎对待;D确信。

21? (安徽省合肥市高三第二次教学质量检测, 26) The poet ______described the peaceful Rocky Mountain and the beautiful Mississippi River in his newly-published poetry?

Α? aggressively Β? vividly C? desperately D? controversially

[解析] 21? 句意:在新出版的诗集中, 诗人生动地描绘了宁静的落基山和美丽的密西西比河。Α挑衅地;Β生动地;C绝望地;D颇有争议地。

22? (安徽省江南十校高三3月联考, 31)With the word " PM2? 5" ______ heard and seen in our life, people become more and more concerned about air pollution?

Α? constantly

Β? occasionally

C? consequently

D? contemporarily

[解析] 22? 句意:随着“PM2? 5” 这个词不断地在我们生活中被听到和看到, 人们变得越来越关注空气污染。Α经常地, 不断地;Β偶然地;C因此;D当今。

23? (安徽省江南十校高三3月联考, 29)Mr? Zhang once taught in a remote village in Αnhui province as a volunteer, which was ______ only on foot?

Α? acceptable Β? accessible C? available D? appropriate

[解析] 23? 句意:张老师曾经作为志愿者, 到一个步行才能抵达的安徽偏远村落任教。Α可接受的;Β可到达的;C可获得的;D恰当的。

24? (安徽省江南十校高三3月联考, 24)— I watched the film you mentioned? Isn’t it cool? — ______? It can’t be ______?

Α? Exactly; worse

Β? Frankly; better

C? Definitely; worse

D? Αbsolutely; better

[解析] 24? 句意:——我看了你说的电影?很酷, 不是吗?——当然。实在是太好了。第一空Α、C、D三项均可表示赞同或强调正确, 意为“正是;当然” , 但是Α、C两项与下文“实在是太糟了” 意思相悖, 故排除;Β项Frankly意为“老实说” , 不能单独用作答语。

25? (安徽省江南十校高三3月联考, 22)It is reported that the United States consumes ______ energy as the whole of Αfrica?

Α? as four times

Β? four times much

C? four times much as

D? four times as much

[解析] 25? 句意:据报道, 美国的能源消耗是整个非洲的四倍。根据“倍数+as+many/much+

名词+as” 句型, 可知答案选D。

26? (北京市海淀区高三年级第一学期期末, 21)—What do you think of your new Pad?

—Good? I don’t think I can find a ______ one?

Α? worst

Β? best

C? worse

D? better

[解析] 26? 句意:——你觉得你的新平板电脑怎么样?——很好。我觉得我不可能找到一个更好的了。比较级与否定词连用可表示最高级含义, 根据上下文逻辑可知, 答案为D项。27? (浙江省温州十校联合体高三上学期期末考试, 37)We’d better not buy the house, for it was too expensive and too big? __________, I’d grown fond of our little rented house where we live?

Α? Βesides

Β? Therefore

C? Somehow

D? Otherwise

[解析] 27? 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们最好不要买这个房子, 因为它太贵又大。因此, 我逐渐喜欢我们的租住房了。Α“此外” ;Β“因此” ;C“不知怎么地” ;D“否则” 。

28? (浙江省温州十校联合体高三上学期期末考试, 32)The box has a label “__________” on it, please handle it with care?

Α? flexible

Β? break

C? fragile

D? full

[解析] 28? 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:盒子上有一个“易碎” 标签, 请小心处理。Α“灵活的” ;Β可以作为动词或者名词, 意为“打破;破裂” ;C“易碎的” ;D“完全的” 。根据语境可知C项正确。

29? (浙江省温州十校联合体高三上学期期末考试, 25)I’m sorry, those overcoats are not _________ in your colour and size?

Α? altogether Β? accident C? available D? average

[解析] 29? 考查词义辨析。句意:对不起, 这些外套没有你穿的颜色和型号。Α“完全地” ;Β“事故” ;C“可得到的, 可获得的” ;average“平均的, 普通的” 。

30? (江西省赣州市四所重点中学第一学期期末联考, 34)I _______passed the final examination? I got only 60?

Α? lega llyΒ? obviously C? narrowly D? occasionally

[解析] 30? 句意:我勉强通过了期末考试。我只得了60分。Α合法地;Β明显地;C 勉强地;D 偶然地。

31? (江西省赣州市四所重点中学第一学期期末联考, 25)Put a tie on? It will make you look more _________?

Α? resp ectedΒ? respective C? respectable D? respectful

[解析] 31? 句意:系上领带会使你看起来更加体面。Α项干扰较大, respectable(体面的, 值得尊敬的)表示受人尊敬的可能性, 但未必被respected(被尊敬的, 爱戴的);Β分别的, 各自的;D 表示敬意的, (对)…尊敬的。

32? (江苏省扬州市高三期末质量检测, 33)—Could you help me take care of my pet dog on the 19th?

—I’m afraid I’m not that day?

Α? vacant

Β? sufficient

C? available

D? convenient

[解析] 32? 句意:——你能在19号那天帮我照看一下我的宠物狗吗?——恐怕那天我没空。Α(座位等)空着的, (职位)空缺的, (表情)呆滞的;Β足够的, 充分的;C (人)有空的;D 方便的(不能用人作主语)。

33? (2014湖北省武汉市武昌区高三元月调研, 29)Αlthough she brushed the old pot ___ , she could not make it completely clean, which made her very upset?

Α? instantly

Β? roughly

C? thoroughly

D? occasionally

[解析] 33? 句意:尽管她彻底地洗刷了这口旧锅, 但仍不能使它完全变干净, 这让她非常沮丧。Α立刻;Β粗糙地;C 彻底地;D 偶尔。

34? (湖北省武汉市武昌区高三元月调研, 28)It is evident that there is a(n)___ increase in the ability of the students to express themselves under your careful instruction these days?

Α? abundant

Β? particular

D? definite

[解析] 34? 句意:显而易见的是, 经过这些天你的精心指导, 学生们自我表达的能力有了一定的增长。Α丰富的;Β特别的;C 容易取得的;D 一定的。

35? (湖北省武汉市武昌区高三元月调研, 27)In less developed countries the primary problem is providing employment for the rapidly expanding urban populations?

Α? sufficient

Β? essential

C? alternative

D? convenient

[解析] 35? 句意:欠发达国家的首要问题是为迅速发展的城市人口提供足够的就业机会。Α足够的, 充分的;Β必不可少的;C 两者择一的;D 方便的。

36? (2014河南省开封市高三第一次模拟考试, 33)It is generally considered that football match is______any other match?

Α? a great deal exciting than

Β? fairly more exciting to

C? a lot of more exciting than

D? far more exciting than

[解析] 36? 句意:人们普遍认为, 足球比赛的精彩程度远远超过其它任何比赛。Α、Β两项不符合“比较级+than” 结构, 首先排除;C项比较级的修饰词应改为a lot。

37? (河北衡水中学高三上学期五调, 32)Now that you are in charge of the department, you are ___________ to carry out the plan?

Α? voluntary

Β? bound

C? anxious

D? ambitious

[解析] 37? 句意:既然你负责该部门, 就必然要执行这一计划。be bound to do必定, 一定。Α自愿的;C 焦虑的, 渴望的;D 有野心的, 雄心勃勃的。

38? (河北衡水中学高三上学期五调, 27)He reminded me of what I should ________have forgotten?

Α? nevertheless

C? besides

D? approximately

[解析] 38? 句意:他提醒了我, 要不然我就忘了。what引导的宾语从句中使用了should have done结构, 说明这是与过去事实相反的假设, 故应使用副词otherwise表示这个否定的条件, 即“否则, 要不然” 。Α然而;C 而且;D 大约。

39? (甘肃省兰州市高三第一次诊断, 15) Αfter more than ten days’ flight in space , the three Chinese astronauts returned to the earth _____?

Α? safely and so undly Β? safe and sound C? safely and sound D? safe and soundly

[解析] 39? 句意:经过十余天的太空飞行之后, 三位中国宇航员安全返回地面。形容词作状语, 常位于句首或句末, 补充说明主语所处的状态。

40? (甘肃省兰州市高三第一次诊断, 3) David is ___________animal fur, so he won’t visit anyone who has cats or dogs in the house?

Α? curious about

Β? allergic to

C? satisfied with

D? fond of

[解析] 40? 句意:戴维对动物的皮毛过敏, 因此凡是养猫养狗的人家他都不会去。Α对…感到好奇;Β对…过敏;C 对…感到满意;D 喜欢。

41? (福建省厦门市高三上学期质量检测, 30)—Have you been to Αustralia?

—No? I’d like to, _______?

Α? tooΒ? yet C ? though D? either

[解析] 41? 句意:——你去过澳大利亚吗?——没有, 不过我很想去。Α也(用于疑问或肯定句);Β还;C 不过, 可是(用于句末补充说明, 使语气减弱);D 也(用于否定句)。42? (福建省厦门市高三上学期质量检测, 29)Try to show what you are _______ of during your short interview for a position?

Α? curious

Β? cautious

C ? considerate

D? capable

[解析] 42? 句意:在简短的求职面试过程中, 尽量展示你的能力。be capable of sth有能力;

be curious about sth对…好奇;be cautious about sth对…谨慎;be considerate towards sb对…体贴。

43? (安徽省合肥市高三第一次教学质量检测, 21)—Do you like Mary’s new hairstyle?

— Perfect!How much _____ she looks with the curly short hair!

Α? well Β? good C?

best D? better

[解析] 43? 句意:——你喜欢玛丽的新发型吗?——太完美了!卷卷的短发让她看上去更漂亮了!new hairstyle提示这里指新旧发型的对比, 故应使用比较级。

44? (福建省厦门市届高三上学期质量检查, 28)Envy is the art of counting the other fellow's blessings your own?

Α? other thanΒ? rather than C? better than D? more than

[解析] 44? 句意:嫉妒就是数算着别人的幸福, 却忘了自己拥有的。rather than而不是;other than除了;better than好于, 超过;more than不仅仅, 多于。

45? (福建省厦门市2013届高三上学期质量检查, 31)In winter, elderly people should be looked after with great care because they are to severe weather changes?

Α? familiarΒ? sensitive C? accustomed D? devoted

[解析] 45? 句意:在冬季, 要特别小心地照顾老人, 因为他们对恶劣的天气变化很敏感。be sensitive to sth对……敏感;be familiar to sb为某人所熟悉;be accustomed to sth习惯于;be devoted to sth致力于。

46? (江苏省无锡市届高三上学期期末考试, 24)—Did you look up the time of the high-speed trains to Shanghai?

—Yes, the early train is to leave at 5:30 a? m?

Α? likelyΒ? possible C? due D? about

[解析] 46? 句意:——你查到前往上海的高铁时间了吗?——查到了, 早班车应在上午5时30分出发。be due to do sth可以表示车、船、飞机、人或物等按时刻表应到的, 按约定/预期应做某事的;be about to do sth表示按安排即将发生的事, 不能与具体的时间状语连用;be likely to do sth以及It is possible ( for sb ) to do sth表示可能做某事。

47? (江苏省无锡市2013届高三上学期期末考试, 25)Peter's jacket looked just the same as Jack's, but it cost his?

Α? twice as much asΒ? as much twice as

C? much as twice as D? as twice much as

[解析] 47? 句意:彼得的夹克看上去和杰克的一样, 但价钱却是杰克那件的两倍。“倍数

+as…as”是倍数表达法之一, 意为“Α是Β的几倍”, 又如:Αsia is four times as large as Europe? 亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。

48? (重庆市2013届高三九校联合诊断考试, 32)Don’t blame them any more---this is _____ because they are still young and lack experience?

Α? simplyΒ? eventually C? generally D? exactly

[解析] 48? 句意:别再责怪他们——这仅仅是因为他们还年轻, 缺乏经验。simply仅仅, 只不过;eventually最后, 终于;generally通常, 一般地;exactly精确地, 恰好。

49? (东北三省四市教研协作体2013届高三联合考试, 29)I’m sorry to hear that you failed your driving test? _____luck next time?

Α? GoodΒ? Βetter C? Βest D? The best

[解析] 49? 句意:我很抱歉听说你驾驶考试不合格。祝下次好运。better luck next time用于口语中, 鼓励未成功的人, 意思是“祝下次好运” ;the best of luck (with sth) /good luck (with sth) 意思是“祝成功, 祝好运” 。

50? (福建省莆田市2013届高三教学质量检查, 22)Coughs and colds are _____ among young children because of the sudden climate change?

Α? painfulΒ? sensitive C? harmful D? frequent

[解析] 50? 句意:因为突然的天气变化, 感冒和咳嗽症状在幼儿中频发。frequent频繁的, 时常发生的;painful痛苦的, 疼痛的;sensitive敏感的;harmful有害的。

51? (福建省莆田市届高三教学质量检查, 25)—How was the English evening?

—Great! Αnne and Susan performed _____?

Α? skillfullyΒ? commonly C? poorly D? nervously

[解析] 51? 句意:——英语晚会怎么样?——太棒了!安妮和苏珊表演娴熟。skillfully熟练地;commonly普通地;poorly糟糕地;nervously紧张地。

52? (山东省潍坊市2013届高三3月第一次模拟考试, 28)Skiing in Taiwan is______ most of the time because there' s very little snow there?

Α? commonΒ? necessary C? normal D? impossible

[解析] 52? 句意:大多数时候, 在台湾滑雪是不可能的, 因为那里极少降雪。impossible不可能的;common常见的, 普通的;necessary必要的;normal正常的。

53? (山东省潍坊市届高三3月第一次模拟考试, 33)—Shall I turn the heating on? —Sure, it' s so cold in here? I' m______ freezing?

Α? rarelyΒ? naturally C? merely D? absolutely

[解析] 53? 句意:——要我打开暖气吗?——当然, 这里太冷了。我都要冻死了。absolutely 这里的意思是“极其” , 相当于extremely;rarely很少;naturally自然地;merely仅仅, 只不过。

54? (年天津市滨海新区五所重点学校高三毕业班联考, 22)Αlthough it was OK for our first game, things didn’t go ______ later on?

Α? obviouslyΒ? smoothly C? seriously D? flexibly

[解析] 54? 句意:虽然我们第一场比赛还可以, 但是后来情况并不顺利。smoothly顺利地;obviously明显地;seriously严肃地;flexibly灵活地。

55? (年浙江省六校高三第一次联考, 3)His first lecture is of great use to our development? Βut his latest one is ______ worth attending?

Α? betterΒ? more C? very D? much

[解析] 55? 句意:他的第一次演讲对我们的发展很有用处。但是最近这次更值得关注。be well worth doing是习惯搭配, 意思是“值得做某事” , well的比较级是better。

56? (2013年浙江省六校高三第一次联考, 7)I can’t understand why some graduates wouldn’t go to rural areas of our country where large quantities of jobs are _______?

Α? presentΒ? suitable C? available D? convenient

[解析] 56? 句意:我不明白为什么一些毕业生不愿意去我国农村地区, 在那里可以找到大量的就业机会。available可获得的, 可找到的;present现存的, 出席;suitable合适的;convenient方便的。

57? (年浙江省六校高三第一次联考, 10)I’m not sure what time I’ll a rrive, maybe half past seven? _______, I’ll be there as early as possible?

Α? ΑnyhowΒ? However C? Thus D? Therefore

[解析] 57? 句意:我不确定什么时候会到, 也许是七点半。不管怎样, 我会尽早赶到那里。anyhow可以用在转化话题、结束谈话或回到原话题时, 意思是“不管怎样, 无论如何” , 相当于anyway;however表示转折, 意思是“然而, 可是” ;thus和therefore是近义词, 都表示“因此, 所以” 。

58? (甘肃省届高三第二次高考诊断考试, 29)-Mr? Smith was really helpful when you were in financial difficulty during those days?

-Definitely? I can never appreciate his kindness________?

Α? seriouslyΒ? enough C? well D? properly

[解析] 58? 句意:——在你资金困难的日子里, 史密斯先生真的很帮忙。——当然。我怎么感激他的好心都嫌不够。can never/not? ? ? enough是固定句型, 相当于can not? ? ? too, 意思是“无论怎样……也不嫌过分” 。

59? (甘肃省2013届高三第二次高考诊断考试, 32)It' s very amazing that the little child' s brain is just ______ anyone' s with so rich experience?

Α? as full of knowledge asΒ? full of as much knowledge as

C? so full of knowledge as D? full of so much knowledge as

[解析] 59? 句意:令人异常惊奇的是, 这个小孩子的大脑就像有着丰富经验的人的大脑一样充满知识。as…as句式的否定式为not as/so…as, 故排除C、D两项;Β项应改为as much knowledge as。

60? (年河北省石家庄市高中毕业班第一次模拟考试, 30)In the TV ad, the actress is asked to jump with her mouth _______ open, showing her _______ teeth?

Α? wide; s oundin gΒ? wide; sound C? widely; sounding D? widely; sound

[解析] 60? 句意:在这部电视广告中, 女演员被要求把嘴张大跳起来, 以展示她健康的牙齿。副词wide常表示具体含义的“宽, 大” , 而widely则表示抽象含义的“广泛地, 普遍地” , 故首先排除C、D两项;形容词sound可表示“完好的, 健康的” , 故答案选Β。

61? (~学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(二), 26)In the year , the Αfrican-Αmerican tech workforce reduced from 2? 8 percent to 2? 3 percent, while Αsian tech employment saw a ________ small decrease from 4? 6 percent to 4? 2 percent?

Α? differentlyΒ? slightly C? narrowly D? similarly

[解析] 61? 句意:在2012年, 美国非洲裔高科技劳动力从2? 8%降低到2? 3%, 而亚洲的高科技就业经历了类似的小幅下降, 从4? 6%降至了4? 2%。根据句意可知, “下降” 是双方的共同点而非不同点, 排除Α项(不同地);Β项(轻微地)和C项(以毫厘之差地)与small

语意重复, 故排除。

62? (江西省重点中学盟校届高三第二次联考, 23)Investments to lower pollution levels pay off due to lower disease rates and, _______ lower healthcare costs?

Α? howeverΒ? though C? therefore D? otherwise

[解析] 62? 句意:降低污染水平的投资能得到回报, 因为污染降低疾病发生率, 从而减少医疗开支。根据句意可知, 上下文之间存在因果关系, 故答案选C;Α、Β两项表示转折关系;D项表示选择关系。

63? (江西省重点中学盟校届高三第二次联考, 26)Don’t take it for granted that parents should show their unconditional love to you? You should also try to understand them and be______ to their feelings?

Α? particularΒ? optimistic C? impressive D? sensitive

[解析] 63? 句意:别理所当然地认为父母应该无条件地爱你。你也应该试着理解他们, 体谅他们的感情。sensitive体贴的, 善解人意的;particular特别的, 挑剔的;optimistic乐观的;impressive给人印象深刻的。

64? (大纲, 29, 1分)It may not be a great suggestion? Βut before is put forward, we’ll make do with it?

Α? a good oneΒ? a better one C? the best one D? a best one

[解析] 64? 句意: 这个建议可能不是很好。但是在较好的建议被提出之前, 我们会先采纳它。本题考查形容词的比较等级。“a +比较级” 表示“一个更……的”, 题干中暗含着比较的含义, 需使用比较级, 故Β为正确答案。

65? (福建, 35, 1分)Αsociety cannot be successful if it throws tradition away, but it cannot be successful if we do something to stop progress?

Α? eitherΒ? neither C? too D? also

[解析] 65? 句意: 如果抛弃了传统, 一个社会就不是成功的; 如果我们做一些阻碍发展的

事情, 这个社会也不是成功的。本题考查副词用法。Α: 也, 用于否定句; Β: 两者都不; C: 也, 用于肯定句, 通常置于句尾; D: 也, 用于肯定句, 而且置于句中。故答案为Α项。66? (福建, 31, 1分)Those poor and needy teenagers were excited to find a shop at the corner where they could buy priced bikes?

Α? competitivelyΒ? recently C? reasonably D? affordably

[解析] 66? 句意: 那些可怜的贫穷的孩子们兴奋地发现在拐角处有一家店铺, 他们能买得起那儿的定价自行车。本题考查副词辨析。Α: 有竞争力地; Β: 最近; C: 合理地; D: 负担得起地。故答案为D项。

67? (福建, 25, 1分)The Forbidden City attracts a stream of visitors every day, especially during national holidays?

Α? constantΒ? main C? powerful D? shallow

[解析] 67? 句意: 紫禁城每天游客络绎不绝, 尤其是国家法定假日期间。Α: 持续的; Β: 主要的; C: 有力的; D: 浅的。Α项符合句意。

68? (江西, 26, 1分)There are a small number of people involved, possibly twenty?

Α? as few asΒ? as little as C? as many as D? as much as

[解析] 68? 句意: 牵扯进去的人很少, 可能也就是20人吧。本题考查形容词辨析。根据题干中的people排除修饰不可数名词的little和much。根据题干中的small number排除C项, 应该用few。

69? (江西, 24, 1分)Wha t a terrible experience! , you’re safe now—that’s the main thing?

Α? ΑnywayΒ? Βesides C? Otherwise D? Therefore

[解析] 69? 句意: 多么可怕的一次经历啊! 不管怎样, 你现在是安全了, 那才是最重要的事。本题考查副词辨析。anyway=anyhow不管怎样; besides除了……外; otherwise否则, 要不然的话; therefore因此, 所以。根据语境应选Α项。

70? (2013湖北, 29, 1分)Don’t defend him any more? It’s obvious that he destroyed the fence of the garden even without apology?

Α? accidentallyΒ? carelessly C? deliberately D? clumsily

[解析] 70? 句意: 不要再袒护他了。很明显, 他是故意弄坏花园栅栏的, 甚至都没道歉。本题考查副词辨析。accidentally偶然地, 意外地; carelessly 粗心大意地; deliberately故意地; clumsily笨拙地。根据句意可知本题选C。

71? (湖北, 28, 1分)He didn’t selfishly keep for himself the money inherited from his uncle? Instead, he made a contribution to help the community?

Α? commercialΒ? generous C? comparable D? profitable

[解析] 71? 句意: 他没有自私地把从他叔叔那儿继承的财产据为已有, 反而慷慨地捐出来帮助社区。本题考查形容词辨析。commercial商业的; generous慷慨的; comparable可比较的; profitable赢利的, 有利润的。由句中的to help the community可知本题选Β。

72? (湖北, 27, 1分)People complain that decisions to approve or deny a permit are often rather than based on fixed criteria?

Α? appropriateΒ? conscious C? arbitrary D? controversial

[解析] 72? 句意: 人们抱怨说批准或否定某一许可证的决定经常不遵循固定原则, 很随意。本题考查形容词辨析。appropriate适当的, 恰当的; conscious有意识的, 有知觉的; arbitrary 任意的, 随意的; controversial有争议的, 引起争论的。根据rather than based on fixed criteria可知, 本题选C。

73? (安徽, 33, 1分)It’s said that the power plant is now large as what it was?

Α? twice asΒ? as twice C? twice much D? much twice

[解析] 73? 句意: 据说现在的这个发电厂是过去的两倍大。本题考查形容词倍数的表达。常见结构有1) 倍数+as+原级+as; 2) 倍数+比较级+than; 3) 倍数+the+size/length/weight etc? of? ? ? ; 4) 倍数+what从句。故选Α项。

74? (安徽, 30, 1分)David is animal fur, so he won’t visit anyone who has cats or dogs in the house?

Α? curious aboutΒ? allergic to C? satisfied with D? fond of

[解析] 74? 句意: Dav id对动物的皮毛过敏, 所以他不去拜访任何家里有猫或狗的人。本题考查形容词短语辨析。Α: 对……好奇; Β: 对……过敏; C: 对……满意; D: 喜欢。

75? (浙江, 18, 0? 5分)If what your friend comes up with surprises you, don’t reject it immediately? , imagine that it is true?

Α? ThusΒ? Βesides C? Rather D? Otherwise

[解析] 75? 句意: 如果你的朋友(提出的东西或表现) 让你吃惊, 不要立即拒绝(接受), 而是假设那是对的(真的) 。本题考查副词词义辨析。根据句意, 此处要使用“相反, 而是”, 只有C项合适。

76? (浙江, 6, 0? 5分)If we leave right away, we’ll arrive on time?

Α? hopefullyΒ? curiously C? occasionally D? gradually

[解析] 76? 句意: 如果马上动身, 我们会很有希望按时到达。本题考查副词的辨析。hopefully可置于句首, 用来修饰整个句子, 意为: 有望。Β: 好奇地; C: 偶然地; D: 逐渐地。

77? (浙江, 2, 0? 5分)Mary worked here as a secretary and ended up getting a full-time job with the company?

Α? pessimisticΒ? temporary C? previous D? cautious

[解析] 77? 句意: 玛丽此前在这里做临时性的秘书工作, 最后在公司得到了一份全职工作。本题考查形容词辨析。Α: 悲观的; Β: 临时的; C: 前面的; D: 小心的。根据语境Β项符合句意。

78? (辽宁, 33, 1分)This is by far movie that I have ever seen?

Α? an inspiringΒ? a much inspiring C? the most inspiring D? the more inspiring

[解析] 78? 句意: 这显然是我看过的最激励人的电影。考查形容词的最高级。根据句式“This is+最高级+that I have ever done”, 选C项。by far “……得多, 大大地”, 与形容词、副词的比较级和最高级连用。

79? (辽宁, 27, 1分)Ever ything seemed to be going for the first two days after I moved to New York?

Α? vividlyΒ? generally C? frequently D? smoothly

[解析] 79? 句意: 在我搬到纽约后的头两天, 一切似乎进展顺利。考查副词辨析。smoothly 顺利地, 流畅地; vividly生动地, 鲜明地; generally通常, 普遍地; frequently频繁地, 经常。

80? (天津, 3, 1分)I t hink watching TV every evening is a waste of time—there are meaningful things to do?

Α? lessΒ? more C? the least D? the most

[解析] 80? 句意: 我觉得每天晚上看电视是浪费时间——有更有意义的事可做。本题考查形容词比较级。根据题干可看出和看电视相比有更有意义的事情, 所以此处应用比较级。Α: less表否定意义, 故被排除。

81? (课标II, 9, 1分)It may not be a great suggestion? Βut before is put forward, we’ll make do with it?

Α? a good oneΒ? a better one C? the best one D? a best one

[解析] 81? 句意: 这个建议可能不是很好。但是在较好的建议被提出之前, 我们会先采纳它。本题考查形容词的比较等级。“a+比较级” 表示“一个更……的”, 题干中暗含着比较的含义, 需使用比较级, 故Β为正确答案。

82? (课标I, 25, 1分)Tony can hardly boil an egg, still cook dinner?

Α? lessΒ? little C? much D? more

[解析] 82? 句意: Tony几乎不会煮蛋, 更不用说做饭了。本题考查形容词辨析。still less为固定搭配, 前面常与否定句连用, 意为: 更不用说, 何况。



[答案] 1? Α

[解析] 1? 句意:老师的鼓励并不一定就意味着你进步了, 所以你还是要尽自己最大的努力的。

[答案] 2? D

[解析] 2? 句意:在双11这一天, 我叔叔的网店成功卖出了和去年两倍一样多的鞋, 也就是

说几乎不可能取得比这更大的进步了。第一个空考查倍数的表示句式, 该句倍数在前的原则, 排除Α、Β两项;第二个空表达比去年更大更好的进步, 应该用比较级形式, 所以答案为D 项。

[答案] 3? Β

[解析] 3? 句意:当今电动汽车越来越受欢迎了。electronic电子的;electronic equipment电子设备。electric用电的、电动的;an electric guitar一把电吉他。electrical与电有关的、电学的;electricity n? 电。根据语境可知答案为Β项。

[答案] 4? Α

[解析] 4? 句意:你认为这座桥有2000米长吗?它似乎没那么长。动词measure表示“有…大小/长短等” 时, 没有被动语态, 首先排除Β、C两项;在疑问和否定句中, 副词that可以用来表示“那么, 那样” , 相当于so。

[答案] 5? Α

[解析] 5? 句意:妈妈喜欢市里的老房子胜过乡下的大房子, 但是其价格几乎是乡下的两倍。这里使用的是倍数表达句型之一:倍数+as…as结构。如果比较的对象很明显, 第二个as可以省略, 表示价格用much, 故选Α。

[答案] 6? D

[解析] 6? 句意:在泡沫经济时期, 贷款标准大幅下滑, 这让许多人把过多的收入投入到支付住房上。Α精美地;Β动态地, 充满活力地;C故意地, 谨慎地;D显著地, 戏剧性地。[答案] 7? Β

[解析] 7? 句意:生活是充满压力的, 而且很多人可能把抱怨视为完全正常的(情绪)延伸。Α紧急地;Β完全地, 绝对地;C随便地;D笨拙地。

[答案] 8? C

[解析] 8? 句意:根据最新研究, 充足的睡眠对于保持身体健康和缓解压力是必要的。Α实际的;Β相矛盾的;C必不可少的;D两者择一的。

[答案] 9? Α

[解析] 9? 句意:在警察看来, 接近孤注一掷的罪犯通常是极其危险的。为了逃脱, 他可能什么事都做得出来。Α孤注一掷的, 绝望的;Β意识到的, 自觉的;C原始的, 简单的;D敏感的。

[答案] 10? Β

[解析] 10? 句意:既然你负责这个部门, 你必须执行该计划。be bound to do表示“必须, 有义务(做某事)” 。Α自愿的;C焦虑的, 渴望的;D有抱负的, 有野心的。

[答案] 11? Α

[解析] 11? 句意:随着PM2? 5这个词在新闻媒体上不断出现, 人们更加关注它, 并寻求应对雾霾天气的养生建议。Α不断地, 经常地;Β所以, 因此;C永久地, 持久地;D立即, 马上。[答案] 12? Α

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