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Argument 高分范文对比1

Six months ago the region of Forestville increased the speed limit for vehicles traveling on the region's highways by ten miles per hour. Since that change took effect, the number of automobile accidents in that region has increased by 15 percent. But the speed limit in Elmsford, a region neighboring Forestville, remained unchanged, and automobile accidents declined slightly during the same six-month period. Therefore, if the citizens of Forestville want to reduce the number of automobile accidents on the region's highways, they should campaign to reduce Forestville's speed limit to what it was before the increase.




1. Forestville increased the speed limit for vehicles by ten miles per hour

2. the number of automobile accidents in that region has increased by 15 percent

3. the speed limit in Elmsford remained unchanged, and automobile accidents declined slightly during the same six-month period

结论是:if the citizens of Forestville want to reduce the number of automobile accidents on the region's highways, they should campaign to reduce Forestville's speed limit to what it was before the increase



现在再来看看最重要的the line of reasoning!

l 论据1,2之间作者建立了因果关系,特别注意开头的six month ago,那么我们就可以攻击它的时序性因果错误,找出他因,削弱论据1,2之间的因果联系.

l 论据3和论据1,2之间建立的是类比关系,不用多说,错误类比.

l 另外,研究作者由论据1,2,3推出结论的过程,即使1,2,3成立,那么是否还忽略了其他导致交通事故的原因?是否限速就一定能够减少交通事故?等等.



The argument is well-presented, but not thoroughly well-reasoned. By making a comparison of the region of Forestville, the town with the higher speed limit and therefore (这里省略higher)automobile accidents, with the region of Elmsford, an area of a lower speed limit and subsequently fewer accidents, the argument for reducing Forestville's speed limits in order to decrease accidents seems logical.(用了seem实际上就是说not logical)(语言上,可以看出长短句的结合非常好,复述句是结构很好的长句,但是指明逻辑错误的句子短,醒目,并且就在文章开头,开门见山!使用make a comparison of sth. with sth.来提示这个类比的关系,同时therefore和subsequently指示出了因果关系)


However,(进行转折,合理衔接,下面进入了论述,这就是所谓的clear transition)the citizens

of Forestville are failing to consider other possible alternatives to the increasing car accidents after the raise in speed limit. Such alternatives may include the fact that there are less (这个就是所谓的minor grammar error) reliable cars traveling the roads in Forestville,(车况的不同) or that the age bracket(年龄限制)of those in Elmsford may be more conducive to driving safely. (驾驶者本身的情况不同)It is possible that there are more younger, inexperienced, or more elderly, unsafe drivers in Forestville than there are in Elmsford. In addition, the citizens have failed to consider the geographical and physical terrain of the two different areas. (道路状况的不同)Perhaps Forestville's highway is in an area of more dangerous curves, sharp turns, or has many intersections or merging points where accidents are more likely to occur. It appears reasonable, therefore, for the citizens to focus on these trouble spots than to reduce the speed in the entire area. Elmsford may be an area of easier driving conditions where accidents are less likely to occur regardless of the speed limit.(首先上来攻击类比的问题,其实可以看出来,作者根本没有用什么高深的逻辑学知识,就是以交通事故为核心,找出两个城镇在交通状况,驾驶员年龄以及车况这三个方面的不同,从而攻击原文作者在这里进行的类比.我的收获是,不是必须用摸版在这里写,只要层次分明的详细描述这两个town的区别就可以,这样的语言写的比较具体,否则搬摸版上来,显得比较抽象和"虚")


A six-month period is not a particularly long time frame for the citizens to determine that speed limit has influenced the number of automobile accidents in the area. (时间不够长也不能急于下结论,同时削弱两者的因果联系)(语言上,这里其实并没有过渡,也许这一点并不影响6分的得分吧.)It is mentioned in the argument that Elmsford accidents decreased during the time period. This may have been a time, such as during harsh weather conditions, (驾驶的天气情况)when less people were driving on the road and therefore the number of accidents decreased. However, Forestville citizens, perhaps coerced by employment or other requirements, were unable to avoid driving on the roads. Again, the demographics of the population are important. (人口数量问题,就是前面分析题目时提到的基数问题)It is possible that Elmsford citizens do not have to travel far from work or work from their home, or do not work at all. Are there more people in Forestville than there were six months ago? If so, there may be an increased number of accidents due to more automobiles on the road, (把人口增加和交通事故增多联系起来,削弱了速度限制和交通事故增加的因果关系)and not due to the increased speed limits. Also in reference to the activities of the population, it is possible that Forestville inhabitants were traveling during less safe times of the day, (驾驶时间)such as early in the morning, or during twilight. Work or family habits may have encouraged citizens to drive during this time when Elmsford residents may not have been forced to do so.(批驳忽略他因的错误,这里的批驳还建立在两者对比的基础上,也就是说作者的批驳是建立在原文作者的这个错误类比的基础上,因为他认为这个类比是一个核心的错误.这就是官方说明里指出的:identifying a central flaw in the argument and developing that critique extensively)

Overall, the reasoning behind decreasing Forestville's speed limit back to its original seems logical as presented above since the citizens are acting in their own best interests and want to protect their safety. However, before any final decisions are made about the reduction in speed limit, the citizens and officials of Forestville should evaluate all possible alternatives and causes for the

increased number of accidents over the six-month period as compared to Elmsford.(结尾段改写开头段提出逻辑错误那句话,并且给出了作者的意见.即官方说明里说的:what change in the argument would make the reasoning more sound.)



This outstanding essay begins by noting that the argument "seems logical." It then proceeds to discuss possible alternative explanations for the increase in car accidents and provides an impressively full analysis. Alternatives mentioned are that

-- the two regions might have drivers of different ages and experience;

-- Forestville's topography, geography, cars, and/or roads might

contribute to accidents;

-- six months might be an insufficient amount of time for determining

that the speed limit is linked to the accident rate;

-- demographics might play a role in auto accidents;

-- population and auto density should be considered; and

-- the times of day when drivers in the two regions travel might be relevant.

(从这里可以看出阅卷者更注意的是你给出的他因和alternative explanations.)

The points are cogently developed and are linked in such a way as to create a logically organized essay. Transitions together with interior connections create a smoothly integrated presentation. For the most part, the writer uses language correctly and well and provides excellent variety in syntax. The minor flaws (e.g., using "less" instead of "fewer") do not detract from the overall high quality of the critique. (这里我们也应该可以解读出什么是所谓的minor flaws)This is an impressive 6 paper.




The argument above presents a sound case for arguing that if the region of Forestville wants to reduce the number of automobile accidents on the region's highways, they should consider reducing the speed limit to what it was before the increase in speed limit took place 6 months previously. However, there are some intermediate steps (中间步骤)that one could take before jumping to the conclusion that reducing the speed limit is the only way in which traffic accidents can be reduced.(这里的缺点就是没有提出核心的类比部分)(这两篇文章的共性就是都首先指出了作者的结论!)

First of all, I would examine the actual number of traffic accidents that occurred before and after the speed limit increase and compare this to the size of the region and its driving population. (这里一样考虑的是人口数量,同时本文的作者还注意到了交通事故的数量的基数问题,就像我刚才在题目分析里指出的.)For example, if the Forestville region's driving population is 1 million people, and the traffic accidents for a 6-month period before the speed increase totaled 100, then the 15% increase would amount to an additional 16 traffic accidents, or 116 total. For a population of 1 million, there may be other solutions to this increase besides reducing the speed

limit to what it was. (The comparison to the region of Elmsford would only be helpful if the regions driving demography is comparable in terms of size and scope.) A public education campaign emphasizing driver safety and safe driving techniques may suffice to reduce the number of traffic accidents. Especially considering that if the number of accidents relative to the population is somewhat small, it is a fairly safe driving population anyway.(这就是质疑结论的合理性)

In addition, I would consider lengthening the time of the study. Six months may be a relatively short period of time for which to study the rate of traffic accidents. Upon a closer examination of when the accidents occurred, one might ascertain that most of the driving accidents occurred within a month of raising the speed limit, but that there have been relatively few additional accidents since that first phase-in period. Lengthening the study to a one-year period would help adjust for any untypical statistics and paint a more accurate picture of the long-term affects of the speed limit increase.(关于调查时间的问题,指出调查的时间不够长使得得到的结论不可信)

I would also examine what else was occurring in the region during the period of the study. For example, was there a major highway construction project happening during this time which would have added to the unsafe nature of raod travel?(路况问题)Are there any alternative explanations for why the increase in traffic accidents could have occurred, or is the increase in speed limit the sole variable? Looking at the type of accidents that occurred, I would examine whether these are the types of car accidents one would expect from traveling at a faster speed to corroborate the cause and effect relationship.(这才是真正的实质,并不是所有的交通事故都是由超速引起的,这里削弱了速度限制和交通事故的联系)


As in the sample 6 essay, this writer sees some logic in assuming a connection between the higher speed limit in Forestville and the increase in auto accidents. Unlike the sample 6 essay, this response is neither as exhaustive in its analysis nor as impressively developed. The writer makes these points in the critique:

-- A statistical analysis might suggest that the 15% increase in

accidents is not as significant as it might seem.

-- A car safety education campaign might be a better way to solve the


-- A six month period might be too short a time on which to base major


-- Other factors could have caused the increase in accidents.

Although each of these points is developed and sensibly supported, the critique is not sufficiently full to warrant a score of 6. The essay demonstrates good control but not mastery of the elements of writing: it contains good variety in syntax, including effective use of rhetorical questions. The occasional flaws (e.g., the somewhat garbled syntax in paragraph 3: ".??爐ime for which to study the rate???") do not detract from the overall strong quality of the essay. For all of these reasons, this critique is strong but not outstanding, and thus merits a score of 5.




3.最重要的一点,5分作文更多的是孤立的看待了作者的论据,没有把分析和原文作者的推理的思路联系起来,质疑的更多是论据和结论的本身,忽视了the line of reasoning,而6分作文几乎都是围绕着作者的思路来批驳的.



The following appeared as a letter to the editor of a local newspaper.

"Five years ago, we residents of Morganton voted to keep the publicly owned piece of land known as Scott Woods in a natural, undeveloped state. Our thinking was that, if no shopping centers or houses were built there, Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as a natural parkland. But now that our town planning committee wants to purchase the land and build a school there, we should reconsider this issue. If the land becomes a school site, no shopping centers or houses can be built there, and substantial acreage(面积)would probably be devoted to athletic fields. There would be no better use of land in our community than this, since a large majority of our children participate in sports, and Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as natural parkland."


论据1:Five years ago, we residents of Morganton voted to keep the publicly owned piece of land known as Scott Woods in a natural, undeveloped state

论据2:if no shopping centers or houses were built there, Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as a natural parkland

论据3:If the land becomes a school site, no shopping centers or houses can be built there, and substantial acreage(面积)would probably be devoted to athletic fields

论据4:a large majority of our children participate in sports

结论:Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as natural parkland


1.从论据1,2到论据3的推理本身就可以质疑,既然5年前决定了不开发,那么必须有充足的理由确定现在的情况发生了改变.否则,不能说现在就必须reconsider this issue 2.论据3的本身推理有错误,没有证据表明学校建成了就no shopping centers or houses can be built there,剩余的能够兴建体育场的面积完全能够保证建立起shopping centers and houses.相反,也许是学校内的建成促进了购物和住房的发展(许多家庭为了孩子上学会在附近阻房子住,刺激两者发展)同时,我们是否有足够的经费建立体育场也是一个疑问.

3.a large majority of our children participate in sports不能说明大家参加的运动都必须在田径[运动]场上进行.也就是说田径场不能适合所有孩子的需要,同样,相对于park,school也不是适合所有市民的需要的.


This letter to the editor begins by stating the reasons the residents of Morganton voted to keep Scott Woods in an undeveloped state. The letter states that the entire community could benefit from an undeveloped parkland. The residents of the town wanted to ensure that no shopping centers or houses would be built there. This, in turn, would provide everyone in the community with a valuable resource, a natural park.

The letter then continues by addressing the issue of building a school on the land. The author reasons that this would also benefit the entire community as a natural parkland since much of the land would be devoted to athletic fields. The author of the letter comes to the conclusion that

building a school on the land would be the best thing for everyone in the community.(这种开头可以说是非常详细的复述了原文的内容,并且可以通过黑体的短语看出作者复述的顺序,写了137词,这里还没有进入正式的批驳,这是不是可以作为"开头就要开门见山点题"这样一个观点的反例呢?)

This letter is a one-sided argument about the best use of the land known as Scott Woods. The author may be a parent whose child would benefit from a new school,(学生家长方面)a teacher who thinks a school would boost the community,(教师方面)or just a resident of Morganton. (中立方面)Regardless of who the author is, there are many aspects of this plan that he or she has overlooked or chosen to ignore.(这个并列写的非常的妙,大家一定能体会出来overlook 和choose to ignore用在这里有怎么样的含义)作者本段其实在质疑原文作者的立场是否中立,如果不是中立的立场,而是利益涉及的一方,那么以后的论断就很难说服别人.

Using a piece of land to build a school is not the same thing as using it for a natural parkland.(首先就很明确的把build a school和 a natural parkland完全分离开,使后面原文作者的说法完全被推翻,这可以说是一个核心的问题) While all the members of the community could potentially benefit from a parkland, only a percentage of the population would realistically benefit from a new school.(两者的主要区别) The author fails to recognize people like the senior citizens of the community. What interest do they have in a new school? It only means higher taxes for them to pay. They will likely never to and utilize the school for anything. On the other hand, anyone can go to a park and enjoy the natural beauty and peacefulness. The use of the land for a school would destroy the benefit of a park for everyone. In turn, it would supply a school only to groups of people in exactly the right age range, not too young or too old, to reap the benefits.


Another point (自然的过度,没有用first, secondly……)the author stresses is that the use of the land for things like athletic fields somehow rationalizes(使......合理化) the destruction of the park. What about children who don't play sports? (首先考虑到不是所有的children都会使用运动场)Without the school, they could enjoy the land for anything. A playing field is a playing field. Children are not going to go out there unless they are into sports. (park和运动场的第二个区别)There are many children in schools who are not interested in or are not able to play sports. This is yet another group who will be left out of the grand benefits of a school that the author talks about.

The author's conclusion that "there would be no better use of land in our community than this...""is easily arguable. The destruction of Scott Woods for the purpose of building a school would not only affect the ambience of Morganton, it would affect who would and would not be able to utilize the space. If the residents as a whole voted to keep Scott Woods in an undeveloped state, this argument will not sway their decision. The use of the land for a school will probably benefit even less people than a shopping center would. The whole purpose of the vote was to keep the land as an asset for everyone. The only way to do this is to keep it in an undeveloped state. Using the land for a school does not accomplish this.(总结,重述,可以发现作者的总结没有丝毫和前面重复的说法,虽然说的是一样的意思!这一个总结段是总结全文的经典!)


This outstanding response begins somewhat hesitantly; the opening paragraphs summarize but do not immediately engage the argument. However, the subsequent paragraphs target the central flaws in the argument and analyze them in almost microscopic detail.


The writer's main rebuttal points out that "using a piece of land to build a school is not the same thing as using it for natural parkland." Several subpoints develop this critique, offering perceptive reasons to counter the argument's unsubstantiated assumptions. This is linked to a related discussion that pointedly exposes another piece of faulty reasoning: that using land for athletic fields "rationalizes the destruction of the park."

The extensively developed and organically organized analysis continues into a final paragraph that takes issue with the argument's conclusion that "there would be no better use of land in our community than this."

Diction and syntax are varied and sophisticated, and the writer is fully in control of the standard conventions. While there may be stronger papers that merit a score of 6, this essay demonstrates insightful analysis, cogent development, and mastery of writing. It clearly earns a 6.



The author's argument is weak. (本文的开头算是开门见山的分析)Though he believes Scott Woods benefits the community as an undeveloped park, he also thinks a school should be built on it. Obviously the author is not aware of the development that comes with building a school besides the facilities devoted to learning or sports. He does not realize that parking lots will take up a substantial area of property, especially if the school proposed is a high school. We are not given this information, nor the size of the student body that will be attending, nor the population of the city itself, so it is unclear whether the damage will be great or marginal.(质疑了建立学校对public land的影响)For a better argument, the author should consider questions like what sort of natural resources are present on the land that will not remain once the school is built? Are there endangered species whose homes will be lost? And what about digging up the land for water lines? It is doubtful whether the integrity of Scott Woods as natural parkland can be maintained once the land has been developed.(详细分析可能的情况和造成的影响!)It is true that a school would probably not cause as much damage as a shopping center or housing development, but the author must consider whether the costs incurred in losing the park-like aspects of the property are worth developing it, when there could be another, more suitable site.(权衡得失问题!)He should also consider how the city will pay for the property, whether taxes will be raised to compensate for the expense or whether a shopping center will be built somewhere else to raise funds.(建立学校的花费怎么解决?)He has not given any strong reasons for the idea of building a school, including what kind of land the property is, whether it is swampland that will have to be drained or an arid,

scrubby lot that will need extensive maintenance to keep up the athletic greens. The author should also consider the opposition, such as the people without children who have no interest in more athletic fields.(这就是也在质疑建立学校对那些没有孩子的人的影响,很明显,学校针对的人群必然小于park针的人群!)He must do a better job of presenting his case, addressing each point named above, for if the land is as much a popular community resource as he implies, he will face a tough time gaining allies to change a park to a school.


After describing the argument as "weak," this strong essay goes straight to the heart of the matter: building a school is not (as the argument seems to assume) innocuous; rather, it involves substantial development. The essay identifies several reasons to support this critique. The writer then points to the important questions that must be answered before accepting the proposal. These address

-- the costs versus the benefits of developing Scott Woods

-- the impact of development on Scott Woods

-- the possibility of "another, more suitable site"

The generally thoughtful analysis notes still more flaws in the argument:

-- whether the school is necessary

-- whether the selected site is appropriate

-- whether some groups might oppose the plan

Although detailed and comprehensive, the writer's critique is neither as fully developed nor as tightly organized (关键的问题是没有详细的展开和条理的组织)as a 6 essay. The response exhibits good control of language, although there is some awkward phrasing (e.g., ".??爂aining allies to change a park to a school"). Overall, this essay warrants a score of 5 because it is well developed, clearly organized, and shows 5-level facility with language.





现象解释型模板一 1. Recently,__________. 2. What amaze us most is_________. 3. It is true that_________. 4. There are many reasons explaining_________. 5. The main reason is________. 6. What is more__________. 7. Thirdly, __________. 8. As a result_________. 9. Considering all these,_________. 10. For one thing,________. 11. For another,_________. 12. In conclusion,__________. 现象解释型模板二 1. As is known to all,_______. 2. ________seem to get accustomed to_________. 3. In fact,_______. 4. The reasons of ________lie in several aspects. 5. Firstly, ________. 6. Secondly,________. 7. Thirdly,_________. 8. Finally,_________. 9. As a matter of fact,_________. 10. On the one hand,_________. 11. On the other hand,__________. 12. Therefore,___________. 对比选择型模板一 1. Recently, we may hear quite different opinions__________. 2. Most people take it for granted that________. 3. However, others hold________. 4. A dominant idea is that_______. 5. In this view,_______. 6. Nevertheless, the objectors think________. 7. They argue that________. 8. As to me, I prefer________. 9. On the one hand,________. 10.On the other hand,________. 11. Therefore,_________. 12. In conclusion,_________. 现象解释型模板三


工作检讨书范本 尊敬的各位领导: 由于本人的工作失误,导致出现了…………错误,给单位集体和工作秩序带来了一定的不良影响,我对此十分的愧疚。现在,我郑重对自己的错误行为进行深刻反思,深度挖掘犯下此次错误的原因,认真检讨自身思想、行为和作风中存在的各项问题,向组织表明改过自新、努力进步的决心,确保以后绝不会再犯类似错误,以优异成绩回报组织的信任和各位领导的关怀帮助。 (一)出现错误的原因 在承担本单位工作时,我因为疏忽大意,导致出现了………错误。出现该错误的主要原因是我本人工作态度不够端正,业务素质不够优秀,责任心有待加强。虽然存在非财会专业出身、接触工作时间短等客观原因,但自己确实存在学习意识淡薄、缺乏进取精神,思想态度不够端正、责任心有待加强等问题,这才是出现此次错误的最主要原因。我深知作为财会人员,拥有过硬的业务本领和系统的专业知识十分重要,可是因为自身的懒惰,平时不注意系统学习和主动向老同志请教,导致进步较慢、工作较为吃力,现在想来十分的后悔。作为财会人员,理应高度认识到自身工作的重要性、努力恪尽职守、精益求精,工作中不能出现任何的瑕疵,可是自己以前思想觉悟不高、认识不够深刻、态度 - 1 - 不够端正,导致工作作风不够踏实深入,以至于疏忽大意出现了此次错误,辜负了领导和同事们的信任。 (三)整改措施 犯了此次错误,不仅给单位的正常工作带来了不良影响,更辜负了领导和同志们对自己的一片苦心。我现在十分的内疚,深感自责。错误已经铸就,除了自责忏悔,更重要的应是思考如何改正错误。我会努力反省、认真自查,深刻反思自身问题与不足,并积极思考如何努力提高、改进工作,保证不在犯下类似错误。一是认真自省自查,深刻反省自身错误。对自己思想上、作风上的错误根源进行深挖细找,并认清其可能造成的严重后果。结合各位领导同志对自己的批评指正深刻自省自查,真正给自己“洗洗澡、治治病”,切实找出自己的病患所在、症结所在,努力改正克服,主动进步提高。 二是加强学习进步,不断提高业务能力。作为非财会人员出身,自己能力不足、知识不够,要想做好本职工作,必须努力加强学习提高,不断充电加餐。一方面要努力钻研专业知识,主动加强系统学习,通过自主学习提高自身业务能力;另一方面要向老同志虚心学习,多问多学多看,主动向领导咨询、向老同志请教,加强沟通交流,找准自身位臵、尽快融入角色。 三是端正工作态度,虚心接受批评指正。要不断的提高思想 - 2 - 认知,端正工作态度,该进工作作风,切实改掉懒惰、散漫等坏毛病,克服不够专心、马虎大意等缺点。并在工作中认真开展批评和自我批评,主动接受各位领导和同志们的监督指导,正确认识善意的批评指正,努力培养爱岗敬业、尽忠职守的正确观念。 - 3 -篇二:工作失误检讨书,工作失职检讨书,工作疏忽大意检讨书 检讨书 尊敬的各位领导、同志们: 在这次检查站值班工作中,因为疏忽麻痹大意,导致矿石被非法偷运过站而没有被发现。几天来,我认真反思,深刻自剖,为自己的错误感到了深深地愧疚和不安,在此,我谨向各位领导和同志们做出深刻检讨,并将我几天来的思想反思结果向各位领导和同志们汇报如下: 6月21日,这是我们值班的第三天晚上。由于前三天值班期间均没有发现任何非法偷运矿石的情况,因此就乐观的判断,经过这段时间县、乡的大力整治,非法偷运矿石的行为基本上得到了杜绝。所以在值班到晚上十二点多的时候因为困就把检查杆锁好睡了。后半夜也没有起来查看过往车辆,导致了这件事情的发生。通过这件事,我感到这是自己放松工作要求,忽视工作职责的结果。记得在接班之前,乡上各位领导曾反复嘱托,在值班期间要认真踏实,提


四级作文常考类型 1. 图画类作文:全英文提示+图片 一、四级作文常考类型4大类: 2. 谚语类作文:全英文提示+谚语 3. 图表类作文:英文(或中文)提示+图表 4. 提纲类作文:2-3个中文提示 二、4大类型作文框架+范文+通用句型 1. 图画类:全英文提示+图片 1)例题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of learning basic skills. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 1. 读懂题头要求 2) 写作步骤 2. 分析图片 3. 构建作文框架 4. 开始写作 3)写作框架:三段式 第一段:图画描述(细节描写)(背诵图片描述通用句型) 这是题目中明确要求的(a brief description of the picture),所以你不描绘图画,或者是图画信 息不全,扣分。描述的时候,你要把学生提问的那句话写出来,把老师教课的动作写出来,以及老

师听到学生挑衅性的提问之后的表情,也要写出来。 第二步:分析原因或利弊等(提炼图画的内涵)(一、二、三列举原因)孩子对老师教的知识,确切地说,是对老师教授的基本知识、非实用性知识的一种质疑。所以,你可以在第二段分析一下原因:为什么学生,也就是现代人的代言,对这种不能马上用于工作的、带来回报的、理论性的基础指示和技能不懈? 第三步:重申主题的重要性和做法(总结和启发)(呼吁并列举一至两点重要性)分析完了原因之后,你要回到主题,那就是我们不能忽视这些基本技能,要唤起大家对“基本技能的重要性”的认识。所以,这一段,你可以正面阐述为什么basic skills 如此的重要,就可以了。 4) 范文


幸福优秀议论文作文5篇 以下是为大家整理的幸福优秀议论文作文5篇的相关范文,本文关键词为幸福,优秀,议论文,作文,5篇,精品,文档,幸福,优秀,议论,您可以从右上方搜索框检索更多相关文章,如果您觉得有用,请继续关注我们并推荐给您的好友,您可以在论文资料中查看更多范文。 ★精品文档★ 幸福优秀议论文作文5篇 作文一:寻找幸福 幸福是什么?是蜂巢里的甜蜜,是枝头上的硕果,是一弯闪着皎洁光辉的新月,是一壶酝酿已久的美酒。幸福是什么?有着用不尽的钱,是幸福?有着沉鱼落雁的面孔,是幸福?衣食无忧的生活,就是幸福?也许是吧!但是,幸福的真正含义并不是在语文书中找到的。在哪儿呢?让我翻翻心中的小字典,再告诉你吧! 幸福就在生活中。当你与家人坐在一起吃晚饭时,算不算幸福呢?当你在明亮的教室里读书时,算不算幸福呢?当你在朝阳中奔跑时,算不算幸福呢?当你降临到这世上,能看到春风、夏雨、秋霜、冬雪时,算不算一种幸福呢?一个人,拿着笔又在找笔,是不是很可笑呢?

朋友啊,你就生活在幸福中呀!你到底寻找什么样的幸福呢? 流浪儿三毛说:有爸爸妈妈,有饭吃,就是幸福!听了这句话,你又怎么会不为所动,今天的我们与三毛相比,生活不就很幸福吗? 弥漫在周围的,不是硝烟,而是花香。笼罩在周围的,不是破布,而是丝绸。身在福中不知福的朋友,幸福伴随着你呀!温馨的家庭中,弥漫着幸福。夜晚学习,一杯牛奶送到你桌前,你的眼睛布满了血丝,还有两双眼睛,正露出关心的目光。快乐的校园里,笼罩着幸福的曙光。学生不必再 20XX全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作–独家原创 1/8 ★精品文档★ 战争中东躲西藏,在上课时,可以安心听讲,下课后,能在花园中吮吸那阵阵馨香 朋友啊!用心去体会幸福吧!幸福是一种感受,不是追寻的目标。用心去体会幸福,用心去交融幸福,用心去感受幸福,用心去享受幸福 幸福在哪儿?看!幸福在撒满幸福之光的心中呢!作文二:幸福很简单 拿破仑横扫世界,拥有了常人梦寐以求的一切,可他却说自己的一生没有快乐的日子;海伦、凯勒又聋又哑,饱受磨难,却认为生活是多么的美好,她享受着幸福快乐的每一天。可见,不同的人对幸福的感受不一样。那么,幸福是什么呢?


新闻评析角度 1、真实性分析 评价一篇新闻报道,内容就是否真实就是首先需要考虑的。真实就是新闻的生命,就是新闻报道的根本要求。 2、新闻价值分析 迅速而准确地判断某一事实的政治意义 及时判断某一事实就是否会引起读者的广泛兴趣 及时判断某一事实就是否新鲜,就是否会对全局产生积极的影响 及时判断同一新闻事件中的许多事实的重要性大小 善于从复杂的事实中瞧出事物发展变化的趋势,增强采访写作的计划性与新闻报道的预见性。 3、主题分析 新闻主题就是新闻作品的中心思想,就是记者认识与提炼新闻事实的思想结晶,就是新闻作品内容所具有的新闻价值与宣传价值的体现。 主题就是否符合新闻事实,事实就是否构成记者所定主题的依据。 主题就是否具有社会意义、针对性 主题就是否鲜明、深刻、集中 4、报道角度 新闻角度(视角):新闻记者发现、挖掘与表现新闻事实时的着眼点与侧重点。 如何评析: 就是否揭示事物本质或能说明问题,思想性的体现 就是否对某一方面工作具有影响或指导意义就是否适合受众心理 5、表达方法分析 (1)叙述就是消息写作使用的主要表达方法,包括顺叙、倒叙、插叙。准确恰当、清楚明白、有条不紊。 (2)描写——着眼于“样子”;以事实为基础,不能凭空想象。分为人物、场景与细节描写。就是新闻素描、现场目击这类消息体裁的主要使用手法。 (3)说明:常用来对新闻报道中的新闻事实有关背景资料进行介绍与解释,便于读者理解新闻内容。一般穿插在报道过程中。 (4)对比把相反或相对的新闻事件或同一事件的两个方面放在一起加以比较,或相映衬,明确就是非,表达主题思想。运用时应该恰当、鲜明、典型、有力。(5)设置悬念:做扣子、关子。在新闻作品中,由于所报道的新闻事实较为曲折或具有一定戏剧性,作者为增加可读性,趣味性,在作品中能够设置悬念,引起受众兴趣,然后再解释、解除悬念。悬念要与事实相关,做到简而精。 6、语言分析 新闻语言就是表达新闻事实的手段,传播新闻信息的载体,新闻报道要锤炼语言,准确地阐述事实,体现较高的美学价值。


员工犯错检讨书范文xx篇 亲爱的朋友,很高兴能在此相遇!欢迎您阅读文档员工犯错检讨书范文xx 篇,这篇文档是由我们精心收集整理的新文档。 相信您通过阅读这篇文档,通过我们各位思想的碰撞,一定会激发出您写作的动力。还有,阁下能将此文档加入收藏或者转发出去,是我们莫大的荣幸,更是我们继续前行的动力。 员工犯错检讨书范文x 尊敬的领导同志: 经过此次错误,我感到深深的自责和内疚之余,更认识到我这样行为的结果是严重的,对于经理指出的不诚信问题,也是我感到最内疚的一点。 然而,经过经理的严肃指正错误之后,我已经意识到再怎么遗憾和难过都对我弥补错误无济于事,第一我应该严肃地承认错误,认真地面对它,我必须努力地反省错误、检讨错误。我检讨错误之外,更应该积极地去承担因我犯错带来的一些影响,今后我一定要对自己的言行方面严加要求,尽力杜绝此类错误的发生。我必将以最最踏实的工作态度,诚实守信地对待未来的工作。 第一,今后我无论是在工作方面与严肃自律方面,我都要提起十分的重视。我发誓从今往后不再怠慢工作。此外,我还要在每周工作中认真对待工作的每个环节,积极地去发现一些工作中 -1- 存在的问题,去发现问题,解决问题,并且将所发生的工作问题,认真地写在每周的总结报告当中。 第二,我个人思维方面薄弱,思想不够成熟也是直接导致此次错误的原因之一,因此今后工作中,我要加强思维处事能力的培养。就我这次的错误而言,归根结底来说。经理的电脑换系统,我就怠慢工作,而我却未曾想到经理电脑终有修好的时候,其实从始至终我就不应该有怠慢工作想偷懒的投机心理。通过这次教训,今后我会认真地意识到问题的存在,认识思考事情发展,


1`.讨论观点类文章 (1)模版1 Different people have different views people think that_____,whereas others aegue that __________. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the opinion that one thing,I firmly believe that another, think of________,who/which_______. Taking all these factors into consideration,we may safely come to the conclusion if_______can we _______,just as the saying goes,________________. (2)模版2 In recent years there have been many reports of turns a new chapter of _________in China,and will have far-reaching effects in the forthcoming years. The biggest benefit,in my eyes,is addition,,______________. Apart from the benefits mentioned above,we should also face several unavoidable the first place, the second place,’s more, summary,we should_______________. (3)模版3 Nwadays more and more ______are commonly and widely used in everyday life,ranging from __________to_____________. The popularity of _______will have a great influence on the one hand, the other hand,__________.


优秀议论文范文:为理想而奋斗 优秀议论文范文:为理想而奋斗 活着的时候,疑虑牵挂着死;死的时候,有眷眷恋栈着生。无怪乎有多少的人一生都活得不安然,活得好累。 不论是陶渊明的《归去来兮》;庄子的《逍遥游》;还是司马迁的《史记》。哪一个不是为了自己的理想而努力奋斗的。 《归去来兮》的“既自以心为形役,奚惆怅而独悲”。 虽说陶渊明这些迫于无奈的做官只是为了让家人吃饭,但当陶渊明“既自以心为形役”时,他却亦然选择了辞官。即使自己这次当了不过八十多天的官,但当自己认识到过去的错误已经不可挽回时,同时也知道未来的事情现在补救还来得及,便坚决的选择了离开。他这种“不为五斗米折腰”的高尚品格,不仅仅使自己获得了心灵的自由,而且也为世人留下了珍贵的精神财富。 庄子的《逍遥游》——无所待。 庄子的《逍遥游》夸张无比,但正是在这夸张至极的文章中蕴含了大智慧。庄子所追求的逍遥游的意境,很可能是现实社会中所不存在的。但即使是不存在他也会去追求,只是因为那是他一生的理想吗?又或许,他知道自己所追求的理想在现实社会中根本不存在,便只好将它夸大的在他自己所写的文章中表现出来。在这个由他自己想象出来的世界里自由飞翔。 《史记》的史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚。 司马迁为了《史记》,用了将近二十年的时间,被后人尊为“圣经”。但他在写史记的过程中并不是很顺利。在此过程中他为李陵辩护了汉武帝,获罪被捕,被判宫刑,但司马迁为了完成父亲的遗愿,忍受“宫刑”。而且还在狱中待了三年,出狱后便又去写《史记》了。所以他又被后人称为“历史之父”。他的名着《史记》是中国第一部纪传体的史书,也是一部不朽的文学名着。这都要归功于司马迁坚持不懈的努力,一直不断的追求着父亲和自己的理想。 人总是要不断努力向上爬的,总是要不断的追求自己理想的,可能是为了现在,也可能是为了将来的自己。而且理想也并不是口头上说说就能够实现的,所以,人需要不断努力追求自己一生的理想。 理想是小舟,心是风,扬起风帆,驾着小舟,在风的推动下,向前航行,才能到达成功的彼岸。 世界上最快乐的事情,莫过于为理想而奋斗。


四级写作常见题型: 一、问题解决型二、现象解释型 三、对比选择型四、观点论证型 2009年12月真题 1)建设绿色校园十分重要 2)绿色校园不仅指绿环境 3)为了建设绿色校园,我们应该… 2008年12月真题 1)一次性塑料袋曾广为使用 2)由此带来的问题 3)限制使用一次性塑料袋的意义 名校校园正成为旅游新热点 1)校园是否应对游客开放,人们看法不同 2)我认为… a)社会上存在许多不诚实现象 b)诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实 一、问题解决型: It is generally accepted that + 问题。Therefore, how to +问题is worth paying more attention to. Some effective measures have been taken to +解决该问题. First/Above all+方法1。Secondly/Moreover+方法2Thirdly/In addition+方法3

As far as I am concerned+对问题做出总体评价。However, it’s worth noting that + 应该注意事项。Therefore, 点名主题,总结全文 模版例文 Create a Green Campus It is generally accepted that “Green campus” is, to some extent, a relatively new concept to us. Therefore, how to create a green campus is worth paying more attention to. Some effective measures have been taken to create a “green campus”. Firstly, as university students, we should take part in environmental protection activities. Secondly, we should abide rules of saving natural resources, such as water and electricity. Thirdly, we might as well attend lectures on “sustainable development” so as to raise the awareness of environmental protection. As far as I am concerned, “green campus” will do good to both the campus and the whole society. However, it is worth noting that some people still haven’t realized this point. Therefore, we should give publicity to the importance of creating a “green campus” and try our best to solve these problems. 二、现象解释型


错误检讨书范文4篇 尊敬的领导: 对于上班前饮酒错误,我觉得我主观的认识不深刻、觉悟不到位,给我犯下如此错误埋下了可能与隐患。这样的认识不深刻、觉悟不到位非常的要不得。而从发展眼光来看待此事,我个人这样的认识不深刻、觉悟不到位,如果不加以改正。如果还不能对班前饮酒错误做深刻认识与反省,任由这样散漫,会对自己今后的工作形成很大的不利因素。 在此,针对我思想觉悟方面的巨大不足,造成了此次班前饮酒错误的发生,我郑重地向单位领导表示深深地歉意。并郑重地向领导表示抱歉! 我思想觉悟不足,对安全工作规范没有极力恪守,此次错误也令自己感到心痛的错误。错误的发生,充分地暴露出我工作意识还需极大培养,工作方面还需认真刻苦努力。 此致。 犯错误检讨书范文 工作上犯错误的检讨书 尊敬的领导同志:

经过此次错误,我感到深深的自责和内疚之余,更认识到我这样行为的结果是严重的,对于经理指出的不诚信问题,也是我感到最内疚的一点。 然而,经过经理的严肃指正错误之后,我已经意识到再怎么遗憾和难过都对我弥补错误无济于事,第一我应该严肃地承认错误,认真地面对它,我必须努力地反省错误、检讨错误。我检讨错误之外,更应该积极地去承担因我犯错带来的一些影响,今后我一定要对自己的言行方面严加要求,尽力杜绝此类错误的发生。我必将以最最踏实的工作态度,诚实守信地对待未来的工作。 第一,今后我无论是在工作方面与严肃自律方面,我都要提起十分的重视。我发誓从今往后不再怠慢工作。此外,我还要在每周工作中认真对待工作的每个环节,积极地去发现一些工作中存在的问题,去发现问题,解决问题,并且将所发生的工作问题,认真地写在每周的总结报告当中。 第二,我个人思维方面薄弱,思想不够成熟也是直接导致此次错误的原因之一,因此今后工作中,我要加强思维处事能力的培养。就我这次的错误而言,归根结底来说。经理的电脑换系统,我就怠慢工作,而我却未曾想到经理电脑终有修好的时候,其实从始至终我就不


大学英语四级写作万能模板:现象类作文现象类作文 此类作文主要要求考生对某一社会现象实行解释并加以评论,其 基本结构是:首先说明现状;其次阐述这种现状产生或存有的原因;最 后做出分析,指出其影响,提出解决建议或总结观点。 a.现象阐释类作文关键句式 Recently, the phenomenon of…has become the focus of the public concern. 近年来,…现象引起公众极大地注重。 It is no easy/simple task to offer the reason for this phenomenon which involves more than one complicated factor. 要解释该现象的原因并不容易,因为其中涉及到很多复杂的因素。 Among all the important/ convincing reasons for…,one should be emphasized…在所有重要、有力的原因中,我们理应重点 注重… The significant effects of this phenomenon are undeniable, which can be concluded as the following aspects.这个现象的重 大影响是不可忽略的,可大致归结为以下几个方面: On one hand, …; On the other hand,… 一方面,…;另一方面,… 现象阐释类作文框架 Recently, the phenomenon of…has become the focus of the public concern. What are the reasons for the phenomenon? On my standpoint, there are several as follows. b.问题解决类作文关键句式


奋斗为话题的优秀议论文范文 人生需要不停地奋斗。一个不懂得奋斗的人,注定成不了大事。橙子在此整理了奋斗为话题的优秀议论文,供大家参阅,希望大家在阅读过程中有所收获! 为理想而奋斗作文800字 理想是指明灯,没有理想就没有坚定的方向,就没有生活!我要为理想而活,为理想而快乐,为理想而奋斗! 有人活着却没有理想,就犹如在地狱,有人活着却满怀理想,就犹如在天堂,没有理想的人就像行尸走肉,对生活的而感到不精彩,无味,而我是一个对生命充满希望,永不放弃,为理想而奋斗的人。 达尔文9岁时对他父亲说:我想世界上肯定还有许多未被人们发现的奥秘,我将来要周游世界,进行实地考察。为此他一直在积极准备,在希鲁兹伯里学校,校长斥责他是个想入非非的“不务正业”的学生。但是,在动植物和地质等方面进行了大量的观察和采集,经过综合探讨,终于形成了生物进化的概念。写出了《物种起源》。 司马迁,遵从父亲遗嘱,立志要写成一部能够“藏之名山,传之后人”的史书。就在他着手写这部史书的第七年,发生了李陵案。贰师将军李陵同匈奴一次战争中,因寡不敌众,战败投降。司马迁为李陵辩白,触怒汉武帝,被捕入狱,遭受残酷的“腐刑”。 受型之后,曾因屈辱痛苦打算自杀,可想到自己写史书的理想尚未完成。于是忍辱奋起,前后共历时十几年,终于写成著名的《史记》。开创我国纪传体通史的先河,史料丰富而翔实,历来受人们推崇。鲁

迅曾以极概括的语言高度评价《史记》:“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚。” 我的理想是当一名科学家,因为世界上有太多的秘密,我想用我自己的知识和努力来解码世间的秘密,顺便造福一下人类什么的,让史书上留下我的痕迹,几句话就好。 理想之路是充满荆棘的,而我就在这么一条荆棘的而且路边可能有几条狼狗的艰辛道路上。是的,作为一名初三的学生,我正处在所谓人生的关键时期,那一张纸上的内容需要我三年的知识来解码。这也决定着我是升入自己向往已久的一中继续走自己的理想之路还是回老家种田。而如今我要做的就是学好科学文化知识,为自己理想跨越的第x道坎 第2道大坎加足砝码。我相信,我曾经跨越过一次,这一次也一定能行。 人生需要奋斗 理想就像是一条长长的回旋阶梯,我们的每一次努力都会印刻在属于那个阶段的阶梯上,而我也从幼儿园,小学,中学一步一步走上来,而现在是上升到新高度的关键时刻,我要做的便是跨越过去。跨越过去。跨越过去。最终站在塔顶仰视万里无云的天空,回首。看到阶梯上曾经不断奋斗的自己,越来越好的自己。我相信我能做到我一定能做到。 人生像一首诗,应该多一些悠扬的抒情,少一些愁苦的叹息;人生像一幅画,应该多一些亮丽的着色,少一些灰色的基调;人生像一支歌,应该多一些昂扬的吟唱,少一些哀婉的咏叹。在最幸福的时刻,


新闻报道拍摄策划方 案

新闻报道拍摄策划方案 一.新闻体裁 系列报道、专题报道、特别报道 二.体裁分析 1.系列报道:围绕同一新闻题材、新闻主题从不同侧面、不同角度作多次、连续的报道,各条报道之间没有外在的时态连续,却集合在同一主题思想下,以求对新闻事实作比较系统、全面、深度的报道。(如:临沧脱贫攻坚系列报道、鉴证全面深化公安改革系列报道) 2.专题报道:对现实生活中某些具有典型意义和较高新闻价值的新闻人物、事件、问题、社会现象等,进行记录调查分析解释评述等,深入系统而又生动反映其发生发展和结果及影响的全过程,揭示主题的深刻意义。 3.特别报道:是针对特别事件和重大选题,以时序为主线,运用解释、对比、分析等手法,进行事件性报道,使观众全面了解

新闻事实。(如:2013清明记忆-清明节特别报道) 三.选题分析 1.题材分析 针对事件、人物、问题现象进行分析,发现亮点、寻找特别、确定主题。 2.角度分析 以最具代表性、典型性、示范性的事件、人物为切入口,从不同角度报道篇目的主题。 3.内容分析 以时间为维度,将本单位的工作亮点、工作经验、发展特点、发展成果、发展方向等,运用对比、分析的手法机进行报道。四.前期准备 1.搜寻相关资料,进行对比分析整理。 2.采访对象,与事件有关的不同职位、不同年龄的相关人员,使得采访内容具有深度。 3.采访内容,由浅入深、层层递进,支撑文章的说服力、确保报道的真实性。 五.方案的实施与运作 1.把采访内容进行总结整理。 2.写稿时要通过事实、人物、事件来体现,使文章主题突出。具有深度。 3.写作时选择切入点要细,注重事情或事件及人物,点和面结合的报道,使文章具有可读


充分理解错误的检讨书范文 有人要问了,为什么写检查也要写序那,那我就回答你吧。检查是 一种道歉的文体,自古检查都是把经过一说,在写上点道歉的话,敷 衍了事。但是今天这份检查非比寻常,所以当然要用不一般的格式了。 言归正传,咳咳.道歉是很有讲究的,比如华盛顿那小子,砍了树,道了个歉,不但没挨打,反而被人津津乐道,最后还混了个总统当当。虽然我没那个理想,不过如果道个谦还能有什么便宜占占还是不错的。嘿嘿。 再次言归正传,今天写这个,主要是因为老婆生气了。老婆生气了,主要是因为我惹她生气了。所以错的都是我。我能和她走到一起也很 不容易。不过道路是曲折的,好歹前途是光明的。虽然总有些磕磕绊绊,但还是感觉甜蜜的时候多吧。我说话确实比较不注意,老会让人 堵火,但是老婆每次都很快的原谅我。真是感动啊。 算了,序就写到这里吧。再不说正文老婆又该生气了正文来了。其 实今天的事算不上什么大事,老婆非给我来这么一出。真让我措手不及,不过凭着多年写检查的经验,再难应付的 情况也能从容面对,嗯。我从今天的事中充分理解到了自己的错误,经过个人总结,概括为以前几条: 1.个人主义太过强烈,对某些看似合理的要求没有即时的认同 2.答应哄着老婆却没有认真地完成好 3.最近原油价格不稳定导致心情有波动 4.电脑中病毒后上不了网使得我心情低落 5.午夜场也没什么好的,让人不爽

经本人深刻反省,特向老婆大人真诚的道歉。并保证今后不再犯类 似的错误。望您原谅! 篇二:犯错不认错的检讨书范文 帅气的玄德先生: 在经过你的眼里打击之下,我深刻的将自己重新的检讨了一次。虽 然说我从小就一直没少写过各种各样的检讨书。不过,第一次为了自 己而写一份深刻又带有成功性的检讨书。我才发现原来写一封检讨书 也是十分具有挑战性的事情。 在我怀着万分愧疚以及十二分后悔的心情写下这封检讨书。以向你 表达我深刻的认知以及在惹了你还打死也不认错,企图为自己辩解这 种恶劣的不知悔改的行为以及在这以后再也不敢尝试惹你的决心。 在经过了深刻的反省之后,我发现造成我犯下这次错误的原因,归 根结底,是源于小时候在家人的溺爱之下造成的结果。而并非是因为 自己当时一时的冲动而犯下的错误。正是因为在小的时候不愿意接受 家人的教导,一直反逆的不接受自己犯错的事实。并且养成了每当自 己犯下了明显的错误时,还要以不成文的谬论曲解大人的教导,以自 以为很有道理的言论为自己做垂死挣扎的辩解。以至于在犯下了“为 了顾及自己压根就存有的事实而辩解”这个错误之后。才深刻的明白到,自己之前的人生是多么的浑浑噩噩。 为了维护我可怜可悲又微不足道的女性自卑以及新时代女性那种 “打死也不承认自己错了”和“错了也不认错”的优秀品质。于是, 我十分成功的在你面前犯下了错误。并且还自以为写检讨很有经验的 我能轻松的解决一份检讨书,所以爽快的承诺自己写一封深刻的检讨。在写了第一份检讨之后,我才发现原来自己是有多么的幼稚和自不量力。这种幼稚又愚蠢的行为只能用自取其辱来形容。 原以为在我完成了第一封检讨并承认自己十分失败的检讨书之后, 心存一丝侥幸以为能躲过被你那最直接中肯又极具创伤力的点评。我


五大模板及高频套话 一、正反观点对比型: 1. 现象介绍; 2. 支持的观点; 3. 反对的观点; 4. 自己的观点。 When it comes to _____, different people may retain different views. Some people say that ___ is a good thing. They point out that __________. They also claim that __________. Thus, they suggest that __________. On the other hand, there are many people who say that _____. They maintain that__________. They also say that__________. In addition, they argue that __________. From my own perspective, both sides hold some water. But I am of the opinion that we should _______. 二、利弊分析型/影响分析型: 1. 现象或对象的介绍; 2. 分析其优点/有利的影响; 3. 分析其缺点/有害的影响; 4. 自己的观点。 Nowadays, ________ has been a part of our life and it has imposed both positive and negative effects on our lives. It is very easy to find out the advantages of it. First of all, _________. What is more, _____________. However, just as the saying goes, no garden is without weed. __________ also has its own demerits. In the first place, ______________. Besides, _________. To put all into the nutshell, I am of the opinion that its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages as long as people use it wisely. Currently, _________ has become an indispensable of our daily life. And it is no denying that it has exerted substantial impacts on us. It is quite easy for us to find the desirable effects of _______. First, __________. Second, __________. The most obvious effect is that _____________. Wonderful as ___________ is, it is unwise to ignore the side effects of it. For example, _________. From my perspective, we might as well ________________.


认识自己错误的检讨书 我们在工作中总会出现一些大大小小的错误,出现错误我们首先需要认识错误,然后 去改正,通常在认识错误的时候我们会写检讨书。下面我们来看看工作认识错误检讨书, 欢迎阅读借鉴。 尊敬的公司领导: 本人怀着万分的愧疚还有万分的懊悔向各位写下这样一份检讨书,我为自己实务操作 行为感到了极大的愧疚与不安,在此,本人向各位领导们做出深刻的检讨: 通过这样一起事故的发生,我感到本人责任心有待加强,然而亦是长时间以来对于自 己放松要求,工作纪律涣散的一种必然结果。本人身为代岗位人员,应需要严以律已,对 于自己更加严格的要求!但自己却不可以做好好好的约束自己,因为本人的失职,给单位 造成非常严重的安全隐患,假设出现事故的话,后果真的是难以想象~~~这也表明,本人 对于自己的工作位具备足够的责任心,也没有将自己的工作努力的做好。在本人的思想中 当中,依然是存有过一日是一日的想法,纯粹混日子的思想。如今,自己深刻的感到,此 乃是一个十分危险的倾向,同时亦是一个非常重要的苗头。 所以,这一次出现的事情让自己不单单是感觉到是本人莫大的耻辱,更加重要的是自 己感到对不起各位领导对于自己的信任,愧对领导对于自己的关心。 同时,要真心真意的感谢领导,假设不是领导第一时间发现,同时要求自己做出深刻 的反省的话,而是纵有自己继续的放纵的话,那么,后果是非常严重的,甚至都,没有办 法想象会出现这样的工作失误。所以,通过这样一件事情,在深深的感到痛心的同一时间,我亦感到了另外的一份幸运,感觉到了本人觉醒的及时,这在我未来的人生的发展道路之上,无疑是一次非常重要的转折点。因此,在这个地方,我在向各位领导做出深刻检讨的 同时,也向各位领导表示本人发自肺腑的感谢。 检讨人:XXX 时间:XXXX年XX月XX日 尊敬的领导同志: 您好,我怀着无比愧疚和遗憾的心情向您递交这份工作失职的检讨书。关于在xx下 沙物美超市的综合楼建设项目的监督工作中,因我个人的疏忽,我没有能充分地对工程全 部材料的样本可实品做样品检查。没有认真核查账本,也没有在检查之后向您如实汇报。 我可以说是犯了一个最低级,最原则性的错误。我有罪啊,连这么基础的工作都没有 做好,没有根据您的要求,把项目的进展情况着实地向了领导汇报。给公司造成了很大的 负面影响,也导致了一些损失,同时也愧疚陈总对我的信任和关照。


1`.讨论观点类文章 (1)模版1 Nowadays,there is a growing concern over such a phenomenon that_ . Different people have different views on_____.Some people think that_____,whereas others aergue that __________. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the opinion that ___________.For one thing,I firmly believe that ___________.For another,_____________.Just think of________,who/which_______. Taking all these factors into consideration(Form what has been discussed above),we may safely come to the conclusion that______.Only if_______can we _______,just as the saying goes,________________. (2)模版2 In recent years there have been many reports of ________.It turns a new chapter of _________in China,and will have far-reaching effects in the forthcoming years. The biggest benefit,in my eyes,is that_______.In addition,_______.Finally,______________. Apart from the benefits mentioned above,we should also face several unavoidable challenges.In the first place,_____________.In the second place,________.What’s more,_______________.In summary,we should_______________. (3)模版3 Nowadays more and more ______are commonly and widely used in everyday life,ranging from __________to_____________. The popularity of _______will have a great influence on ______.On the one hand,_________.On the other hand,__________. To conclude,____________are just like a double-edged sword.With them we may________.However,one point should be kept in mind that we should make sensible use,always being a master instead of slaving of them. 2.提出问题类作文写作模版 (1)模版1 It is quite natural for ________to ponder over the question of whether to _______________. Many _________will choose not to______________,generally for three reasons.On the one hand,___________.On the other hand,______________.Most importantly,__________.Nevertheless, oher people adopt a completely different view,thinking that_____________. Moreover,(此外) they further argue that___________. From what we have discussed above,we can draw the conclusion that the question quite depends on personal choice.In my own eyes,________. (2)模版2 When taking about whether _____________,we will be most surprised to fnd that the present situation is utterly complicated,For one thing ,__________.For another,_________. Three factors,in my point of view,account for this phenomenon.First and foremost,________.Secondly,____________.Last but not least,____________. As far as I am concerned,I firmly believe that____________,only when_____________. (3)模版3 A national debate has sprung up on_____________.Many people welcome it with applause and enthusiasm,believing that___________. However, those who strongly oppose the _________are not among the minority.They hold that______________.Moreover,____________.In aword,______________. From my perspective,________should be____________.On the one hand,personally I would argue that_____________.On the other hand,____________.In conclusion,____________. 3.评论反驳类作文写作模版 (1)模版1 Recently it seems that____________.MANY people,especially___________,think it will certainly do good to_____________because_____________.Moreover,_____ ____. Nevertheless,after careful consideration,I have to state that the above view is more than biased,given the following readons.First of

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