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Unit4 ma day Task新学期必备教案 (新版)牛津译林版七年级上

Unit4 ma day Task新学期必备教案 (新版)牛津译林版七年级上
Unit4 ma day Task新学期必备教案 (新版)牛津译林版七年级上

《Unit4 ma day Task》教案牛津版








Step One: Presentation

1. T:What do you think of your school?Do you like it?Is your school life interesting?Is it colourful?I have some pictures and posters here.What activity is this in the picture?Do you like it ?Why do you like it?Why don’t you like it? Why do you dislike it?

2.Teach the new word “dislike”e.g:

She doesn’t like basketball.

3.Make a happiness chart like Part A on Page52,according to the students’ answers.

4.T:Today ,let’s talk about our school activities.I want to know your likes and dislikes.Are you ready?Do you get ready for class? Teach “ready”and “get ready for”

e.g We are ready for the party.

Morning exercises help us get ready for the day.

Step Two: Read PartA

1.T:There are also many activities in Millie’s school. Do you want to know her likes and dislikes?Look at Millie’s happiness chart in PartA . Plese tell me: What activities does Mille love?

What activities does Mille like?

What activities does Mille dislike?

2.T:Plese read the rest of Parta.Can you tell me the reasons of her likes and dislikes?

(1)Why does she like morning exercises?

(2) Why does she love all her lessons?

(3) Why does she dislike basketball?

(4) Why does she love reading?

(5) Why does she like drawing?

(6) Why does she dislike homework?

3. Teach the new word “world”

e.g learn a lot about the world

all over the world

Step Four: Practice

1.Guide the students to finish partB according to the information in PartA.

2.Remind the students to pay attention to useful expressions in PartA.

3.Ask one student to read the diary, the other students check their answers.

4.Read it together.

Step Five:Students in role

1.T:Let u s do “students in role”.Just suppose that you are Mille.Why do you

like morning exercises? Plese give some other reasons.

2.Encourage the students to answer.

Step Six: Writing

1.T:Let’s read Mille’s diary .What does she write in the first

paragraph?(It’s about her loves.)

What does she write in the second paragraph? (About her likes.) What is Paragraph Three about?(About her dislikes.)

2.Work in groups of four.Discuss your likes and dislikes with your classmates

and tell the reasons.Then make your own happiness chart.

3. T:OK,try your best to write your own article .You can use some useful

expressions on Page52.You can also use Mille’s diary entry as a model.

4.Ask some students to read their own article.

Step seven Homework

1.To remember the new words ,phrases and sentences.

2.To read and recite the modle article.

To write an article according to Tom’s happiness chart.


外研社版必修二Module 2 NoDrugs教学设计

Module 2 No Drugs 1.教学目标(teaching objectives) a.Students can learn some words and phrases about cigarettes and drugs and use them to express the harm of drugs. b.Students can use related words, phrases and sentence patterns to make a poster to remind others of the harm of drugs. c.Students can know the harm of drugs and they can refuse them firmly and help those who are addicted to drugs. 2.学情分析(analysis of students) Students are in the second term of the tenth grade and they are not familiar with the English class which is taught by English in the whole 45 minutes. Students are full of enthusiasm and interest but they don’t know how to use English to think about things around them and they lack related vocabulary. In fact, students have known something about this topic and they have some thoughts to express. Thus, how to motivate them to express their opinions about drugs is my biggest task. In this class, I will carry out many different ways to lead them to think and express. 3.教学重难点(key points and difficult points) Key points a.Students can use what they learned to persuade others out of drugs. b.Students can grasp the skill of organize a narration and an exposition. Difficult points a.Students can understand and use properly the adverbial clauses. b.Students can write two short passages to persuade others to give up drugs both in the form of a narration and an exposition. 4.教学过程(teaching procedures) 教学活动 I. 导入(leading-in) Who are they? why were they put into prison? Do you know these things? What are they called?


牛津高中英语教学设计 单元:Unit 2 Wish you were here 板块:Welcome to the unit Thoughts on the design: 本节课是以看、听、说为主的口语教学课。英语口语课的教学任务是培养学生口头表达和交际的能力。如何搞好英语口语教学、培养学生的英语交际能力是实现英语学科教学目的的要害。美国心理学家布鲁纳认为:“成功的外语课堂教学应在课堂内创设更多的情景,让学生有机会运用自己学到的语言材料。”本单元内容是关于冒险及旅游的,本节课将利用电脑多媒体手段,以视听的形式给学生介绍世界各地的风光,营造英语教学的真实情景,提高学生运用英语进行交流信息和思想感情的能力,并为本单元后续内容的教学作知识和能力的铺垫。 Teaching aims:. After learning the content of this period, the students will be able to get some background knowledge about different places in the world, including the amazing sights and animals. Meanwhile, the students’spoken English will be trained, and their interest will be aroused by talking about traveling. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Greeting and Lead-in 1. Nowadays, more and more people are interested in traveling on holidays. They want to go to different places and different countries to get close to nature to enjoy beautiful scenery. Now, please enjoy some beautiful pictures, and then answer my questions. (Show ppt.5-8) ①Have you ever been to some places? ②What is the most exciting place you have ever been to? ③Try to describe the place for us. 2. Get the students to work in pairs and discuss the above questions. [Explanation] 旅游是学生们喜爱的话题,美丽的风光图片更能引起学生的兴趣,这个教学环节利用PPT展示世界各地风光,吸引学生谈论自己的旅游经历,锻炼他们的口语表达能力。 Step 2 Welcome to the unit Study the four pictures in the text boob, and provide the students with more detailed information about Africa, Australia, Brazilian rainforest and Gobi Desert. Africa—The grasslands of Africa are home to many animals, such as lions, elephants, zebras, giraffes etc. Animals live comfortably and peacefully there.(PPT10)


牛津高中英语教学设计 单元:Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained 板块:Task Thoughts on the design: 本节课是以提高分析数据图表能力、加强英语实践应用能力为目标的实践教学课。实践应用教学应当“有层次”先模仿后独立完成。 Teaching aims: After learning this period, the students will be able to know how to analyse statistics that gathered from questionnaires, and how to draw conclusions and make recommendations through the statistics. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in PPT4—7 We analyze the statistics gathered from a number of questionnaires before we use the information to write a report. Make sure that students know what can be obtained through analyzing the statistics. They can draw conclusions and make recommendations. Thus, they can discover what people are interested in, what they are doing or they want to do. Encourage students to think of more conclusions and recommendations about the example sentence. Conclusions 1. Many students know how to use an English dictionary. 2. Some students like to use an English dictionary. 3. An English dictionary is very useful. 4. It’s easy to get an English dictionary. 5. More… Recommendation Every student who is studying English should have an English dictionary. Step 2 Presentation 2 examples Example 1 PPT 8—10 Read the pie chart about students’ after school activities and analyse the statistics. And draw at least three more conclusions and make another three recommendations.

牛津译林版必修二unit1课程教学设计 Boy missing, police puzzled

Module 2 Unit 1 Reading Boy missing , police puzzled Chenhui Nov. 1. 2016 教学设想 对于学生来说,语言学习不仅仅是为了交际和提高语言运用能力,更是为了在高考中取得较好成绩,这是一个不可回避的话题。近几年的高考英语试卷,都对阅读能力提出了较高的要求,关于归纳、总结、辨析、推理等批判性思维题目的比重越来越大,而且这类题已经成为了学生失分的重灾区。因此,在日常阅读教学中帮助学生提升批判性思维能力已是迫在眉睫。因此,在课程上运用批判性阅读策略指导阅读教学,能有效提升学生批判性思维能力,从而满足学生自身的学习需求。 批判性阅读强调把预测、分析、概括、推理、判断、评价等批判性阅读策略应用于阅读过程中,不仅有利于提升读者的批判性思维能力,更有利于提升读者深层次阅读的能力。基于具体运用批判性阅读策略到真实课堂的初衷,我对这堂课进行了相应的教学设计。 第一、将批判性策略融入教学目标。 教学目标是任何一堂课首先要考虑的问题。在批判性阅读教学中,教学目标的设置需要体现出批判性阅读策略的应用,鉴于学生的认知水平,我的教学目标设定为:have a preliminary sense of using critical reading strategy in reading an newspaper article 第二、教学环节的设计涉及到分析、应用及创造这些认知过程。 因为课堂教学文本是阅读新闻报纸文章,我先选择相似但内容较简单的文本让学生阅读。在教师问题的引导下,学生能够自我总结出:在阅读新闻文章的首段,我们应该重点把握五个因素(人物、时间、地点、事件、情节)。在此基础上,学生能够将所总结的规律应用到新课程的学习中。最后,以读促写的环节能够促使学生实现知识迁移,解决新问题,培养他们的批判性思维。 第三、通过预测培养发散性思维。 预测是指读者根据文章提供的线索,包括文字和非文字,结合自己已有的认知结构和经验,对文本的主题、内容等做出的预先推测(张茹芳,2012)。我让

【学无止境】高中英语(译林牛津版)必修二教案 Unit3 Task writing a biographical article授课案

模块二Unit3:Task writing a biographical article授课 案 ●Task writing a biographical article This section consists of a series of activities which provide opportunities to learn and practice language skills. Each of the three steps is preceded by a skills building activity. Try to learn how to write a curriculum vitae and a biographical article. Skills building 1: listening for figures In this part you will learn when to use cardinal numbers or ordinal numbers and how to identify specific numbers when listening. You will also learn what words or phrases can be used to express an approximate number or to modify a number. Listen to an interview and fill in the figures you hear. 1. First let’s review different forms of numbers. Please give the ordinal form of the numbers below. ① 1-12 Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers formation one first/1st 1. 序数词1-3为特殊变化 two second/2nd 2. 4-12在基数词词尾加-th构成。 three third/3rd注意fifth, ninth, twelfth的词形变 four fourth/4th化。 five fifth/5th nine ninth/9th twelve twelfth/12th ② 13-19基数词在数词3-9后加-teen构成,其中13和15发生拼写变化,分别为thirteen, fifteen 13-19序数词在基数词后加-th构成。如:thirteen--thirteenth ③ 20-90整十位数在基数词2-9之后加后缀-ty构成,其中20,30,40,50拼写发生变化,分别为twenty, thirty, forty, fifty; 构成序数词时,将词尾y变成i加eth, 如:sixty—sixtieth/60th 十位数之间的数,由十位数加个位数构成,中间用连字符号。构成序数词时,十位数用基数词表示,个位数用序数词表示。如:21/ twenty-one→twenty-first/ 21st Note:

【学无止境】高中英语(译林牛津版)必修二教案 Unit3 词汇、语法讲学稿

模块二Unit3:词汇、语法讲学稿 Unit6 Amazing people 1.of all time 自古以来,有史以来 鲁迅是自古以来最著名的作家之一。 2.the world “世界上的人,人类”作主语,谓语用单数。 全世界的人都在关注着这次奥运会。watching the Olympic Games. 3.ever adv.①曾经,以前(用于疑问句,if从句)②无论什么时候都不(否定句)③到 底,究竟(特殊疑问句)④永远(肯定句) Have you ever heard of such a thing? None of us will ever forget this unusual day. What ever do you want ? If you ever have any problems, let me know. You will find me ever ready to help you. ever/ once Have you ever been to London? This is the most interesting film that I have ever seen. When ever did you lose it? The town isn’t as big as it was once. 4.adventurous adj.①(人)有冒险精神的②(事)充满危险的,惊险的 那是一次惊险的旅行。That is journey. 她的生活方式充满刺激。She lives in lifestyle. 她不够胆大。She isn’t enough. 5.bright adj. 光明的,明亮的,鲜艳的,聪明的,快乐而生气勃勃的 The leaves on the trees are bright green in spring. Don’t be so bad about your future. You should see the bright side of things. The doctor has a bright future before him. His teacher didn’t think Edision bright. She gave me a bright smile. The sun is brighter than the moon. bright/ wise/ clever 6.curious adj.①好奇的,求知欲强的be curious about sth , be curious to do, be curious that 小孩子会自然地对周围每一件事感到好奇。Children are naturally ~about everything around them 我很想知道他们在谈论什么。I’m curious to know what they are talking about. 我很想知道他如何处理这事的。I’m curious how he will deal with it. ②奇特的,难以解释的It is/ was curious that 真奇怪,他不辞而别。It is curious that he left without saying goodbye. curiously curiosity Don’t be too about things you’re not supposed to know. A. strange B. amusing C. curious D. conscious If you are about Australian cities, just read the book written by Dr. Johnson. A. interested B. anxious C. upset D. curious

高中英语(译林牛津版)必修二教案(江苏) 《Unit 1 Tales of the unexpected 2》

I.词语辨析: 1、possible / probable / likely possible:指客观上有可能性,但含有希望很小的意思;不能用人做主语。常用句式:It is possible to do sth. / It is possible for sb. to do sth. / make it possible for sb. to do sth. 另外:名词前有:all, every, the only, the best 及其它形容词的最高级修饰时,possible一般放于名词之后,作后置定语, 但也可以放于名词前。 e.g. This is the only way possible. They have tried every possible method to do the experiment. probable:probable比possible可能性大,“很有可能、大概”,所以我们可以这样说:“Probable is more possible than possible”。probable 指有实际的依据和逻辑上的合理性; probable 也不用人做主语。常用句式:It is probable that ….. e.g. It is probable that he will be late again. It seems probable that he will come. Such a thing is possible, but not probable. likely:表示从外表迹象进行判断有可能发生的事。常用以下句型: Sb. is likely to do sth. / It is likely that sb. will do sth. / Most(Very) likely sb. will do sth. e.g She is likely to go to the USA soon. It is likely that we’ll have another test. Very likely it will rain in no time. 2、separate / divide separate:指“把因某种原因而混在一起的人或物分开”。 e.g. I tried my best to separate the two fighting boys, but failed. Please separate these papers in half an hour. 常用句式:separate A from B e.g. Can you separate good apples from the bad ones for me? His whole family were separated from one another during the war. divide:指“把原为一体的整体分割开来,成为若干个小的个体”。常用句式:divide A into B:把A分成B. e.g. He divided the cake into four parts and gave each of us one. divide sth. between / among sb.:和某人分享/分担某物/事 e.g. We divide the rent among the three of us. 3、prevent / protect prevent:阻止、防止(事情的发生)。与from连用,from可省略。 e.g. The heavy rain prevented us(from)going to school. Nothing will prevent history(from)going forward. 含有“阻止、防止某人干某事”意思的词组还有: stop … (from) doing sth. = keep … from doing,在keep…from中,from不能省。 e.g. His illness stopped him (from) going to Kunming on business. His fear of darkness keeps him from going out at night. protect:保护,常用句式:protect sb. / sth. from ….:保护 4、add / add to / add … to / add up / add up to


牛津高中英语教学设计 单元:Unit 3 Amazing people 板块:Reading Thoughts on the design: 本节课是以听、说、读为主的课文阅读课。英语阅读教学中要突出“学”字, 培养学生从“学会”转到“会学”, 授之以法, 把学习的主动权交给学生。首先,教师指导学生认真预习,并写出自学笔记、提出自学中遇到的疑难问题,让学生就这一话题联系自己的实际作些准备, 以便课上参与讨论。例如,学生可以在预习时先完成问题A、C1、C2部分。其次,在课堂上要创造良好的参与条件, 提供合适的参与机会, 组织学生独立思考与集体讨论,以鼓励学生踊跃参与。再次,教师要指导学生理解篇章结构,把握文章主旨来培养学生预测信息的能力以及理解归纳的能力。 Teaching aims: After reading the text, the students will be able to know about a famous explorer, Howard Carter, who led a team to Egypt and made some unexpected discoveries in tombs. Besides, the students can learn from Carter’s perseverance. At the same time, the students will learn to predict what an article is about by just looking at the title and reading the first paragraph. Gradually, they will become better and more active readers by learning how to predict information in advance. And they are expected to master the strategy and become more competent readers. Teaching procedures: Step1 Lead-in 1. Part of the movie “the mummy” is shown and some related questions are raised. (PPT4:点击右下超链接标志播放视频:The Mummy) Where did the story happen? (Africa) What is it about? (Mummies) 2. Pictures of mummies are shown and some questions are put up. (PPT5-6:呈现木乃伊图片,让学生有感性认识) Do you know what mummies are? (They are the preserved bodies of dead kings.) How are these mummies found? And by whom? Today, we’ll read a passage about it. (PPT7:点击鼠标呈现课文标题) [Explanation] 由于学生对木乃伊知之甚少,教师通过播放电影片断、开门见山导入本课主题,让学生从上课一开始就动起来,充分调动了学生的学习热情和兴趣,帮助学生迅速了解话题。 Step 2 Prediction and fast reading 1.Prediction (PPT8:呈现问题,学生预测标题与文章间的关系) What might be the connections between “The curse of the mummy’”and the famous explorer? From your point of view, what might be dealt with in the following article? … (Student s’ different opinions are collected.) 2.Read the first paragraph and then tell the general idea of the 1st paragraph.(PPT9:点击鼠标 呈现以下阅读要求及答案,过程中会出现文字退出,再显现新问题的答案)


单元:Unit 3 Amazing people 板块:Word power Thoughts on the design: 本节课主要是以听、说为主的词汇教学课。主要从两个方面帮助学生扩大有关职业方面的词汇量:1、通过构词法中的派生法变成表示一些职业的词汇,也就是说在一些动词、名词、形容词等后加后缀,如-er、-or、-ist等,帮助学生对所学过的单词进行归纳,从中发现规律,同时,根据这些规则向他们介绍更多的符合这些规则的生词; 2、根据本单元的有关职业话题,引申出更多的有关生词。 Teaching aims: After learning “word power”, the students will be able to master words, especially words for jobs. Besides, the students can enlarge their vocabulary by learning word formation of nouns about jobs. At the same time, the students will know more about jobs. Teaching procedures: Step1 Lead-in Brainstorming. Show some pictures of people who hold different jobs and ask the students the following questions: (PPT4—PPT12) 1. Do you know their jobs? (Show some pictures of different people and ask them to tell the jobs they do. Basketball player, policewoman, teacher, doctor, singer, model, painter, photographer and driver) 2. What other jobs do you know? (The answer depends on what the students know and answe r.) [Expla nation] 通过看一些图片,让学生猜出图片中人物的工作,不仅让学生热身,而且让他们对本课时的内容有初步的了解,以便成功地导入主题。 Step 2 Vocabulary learning 1. Please look at the rules for word formation listed in the book. Add suffix to verbs, nouns or adjectives to form nouns. (PPT13—14) -er, -or, -ant, -ent, -ist are often added to verbs to form a noun about jobs -ist, -ian, -er are often added to nouns to form a noun about jobs -ist, -ian are often added to adjectives to form a noun about jobs (PPT15—17)

【学无止境】高中英语(译林牛津版)必修二教案 Unit3 语法竟教教案

● Grammar and Usage Here we will learn to recognize situations where the past perfect tense is used and the time expressions used together with the tense. We will also see how the tense is formed. You will read two stories and complete them using the correct verb forms. Pay attention to the differences between the past perfect tense and the simple past tense. Step 1: Past perfect tense Past perfect tense is used to indicate that one action occurred before another action in the past. In other words, past perfect tense indicates the first of the two actions. Form of Past Perfect [had] + [past participle] Examples: I had studied a little English when I came to the U.S. They had never met an American until they met John.


牛津高中英语教学设计 单 元:Unit 2 Wish you were here 板 块:Task Thoughts on the design: 本节课是以听、说、读为主的技能训练课。技能训练课应当从学生的实际水平出发,灵活运用教材所提供的资源,遵循学生的认知规律,逐步、分层进行教学。同时也要兼顾师生间的情感互动、学生的情感融入与兴趣的激发。在获得学生认可的同时,不仅要使学生有话可说,而且有话想说,从而实现以学生参与为主、教师协助为辅的技能训练目标。 Teaching aims: After having this period, students will be able to get information about dates and places through listening. Meanwhile they are supposed to improve their speaking skills by using what, where, when, who, why and how to form questions and dialogues. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in A: Ask students the following questions to have them focus on dates. One example is given for the students to know better what to do. What are great days to you? On what day do they fall? (The table is from PPT ) B: A quiz is also designed to make students more familiar with the countries and cities that will appear in the listening material, especially the pronunciation of some words. (Refer to PPT) [Explanation] 这个环节从“great days ”入手,充分调动学生的参与热情,大量地谈论日期以及当时的活动,实现了对于日期的复习,也较好地进行了“说”的热身,并自然地导入本课主题——travel 。并通过“quiz ”的方式让学生预先熟悉下面的听力训练中出现的一些地名和它们的发音,为下一步的听力降低难度、做好准备。 Step 2 Listening for dates and names of places Let students listen to the tape and fill in the table. (Refer to PPT) Great Day(s) Date / Time Period What to do Tomb Sweeping Day April 5th / 5th April To honour the dead … … … …


牛津译林版高中英语必修二Unit3《Amazingpeople》project 教案

Unit 3 Amazing people Period 6 Project 一.【设计思想】 通过多媒体呈现explorer 教学内容,帮助学生捕捉文章信息、理顺篇章结构,为呈现项目结果的写作提供范例,使学生进一步明确完成项目的具体要求,更好地完成学习任务. 二.【教学目标】 Improve English through doing a project. 三.【教学重难点】 1. Learn how to interview and write about a professional person. 2. Master some important and difficult language points, such as have fun, have a strong desire to do, not only…but also, look up to, live one’s dream and so on. 四.【教学环节】 【课堂导入】 Step1: Fast reading (Read the article quickly and then answer the following 3 questions) 1. What are Yang Liwei’s hobbies and dream?

_________________________________________ ___________________________________ 2. What subjects did Yang Liwei study when he was trained? _________________________________________ ___________________________________ _ 3. What do people think of Yang Liwei after his travel to the space? ________________________________________ ___________________________________ _ 【预习检查】 Remember the following important phrases 1.在太空 ____________________ 2.受到某 人的鼓励 ____________________ 3.和,也 ____________________ 4.参军 ____________________ 5.申请做某事____________________ 6.花费时

2017-2018学年 牛津版 必修二Unit 3 Amazing people-Reading教案

The curse of the mummy (Reading) Teaching objectives: 1) to make Ss have a better understanding of an amazing person ---the famous explorer Howard Carter 2) to improve students’ ability of summarizing the qualities of amazing people as well as cooperating to finish a talk show. 3) to encourage students to learn from those amazing people and become a successful student. Step 1 Lead-in 1. To introduce some amazing people as well as their good qualities 2. To introduce a famous explorer Howard Carter. Step 2 An analysis of the text 1. ( Para1~2) What good qualities did Howard Carter possess? 2. Questions(Para 3) 1. Where did Carter make the discovery? 2. Who playe d an important role in Carter’s most amazing discovery? 3. What were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun? Further questions: 1. Why did Lord Carnarvon choose Howard Carter among so many explorers? 2. Did they take the treasure away? How did they deal with the discovery? Why?

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