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英文名称High V oltage Direct Current Transmission-A Review, Part I 中文名称高压直流输电系统发展综述(第一部分)





2014年3 月1 日

Electricity Transmission Co., Al Behira, EGYPT, Eng. Okba86@Gmail. com

2 Ph.D., Member, IEEE, GM, Electrical Engineering Dept., Abu-Qir Fertilizers & Chemical Industries Co., Alexandria, EGYPT,MohammedSaied((i)Gmail. com

3 Full-Prof., Member, IEEE, Electrical Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, EGYPT

摘要:高压直流(HVDC)技术和概念发展的里程碑主要是在20世纪50年代。由于采用了高功率晶闸管开关(1960-1970年),直流输电技术水平在20世纪80年代达到了一个显著的高度。经典的高压直流输电使用基于晶闸管的电流的整流转换器(LCC)技术。功率半导体开关的出现在1980 - 90年代,把开关功能特别是IGBTs IGCTs,和在这个领域持续进展,介绍了传统的(二级)电压源变换器(VSC)技术和各种各样的配置,多层次、多模块VSCs,也为电力系统应用中可行的转换技术。


















例如,开关操作浪涌,是严重的瞬态过电压的高压输电线路。交流传动的高峰值正常峰值电压的2 - 3倍,在直流输电是正常电压的1.7倍。交流传动的高峰值正常峰值电压的2 - 3倍,在直流输电是正常电压的1.7倍。此外,在特高压直流输电比高压交流输电线路具有较小的电晕和无线电干扰在下面的部分中,是在高压直流输电系统与传统的交流传输系统的比较中进行。

A. 传输损耗比较



抵消换流站的成本就越高。Fig.l。一个显示典型的曲线之间的交流和直流传输成本比较,考虑: 终端站的成本;










IV. 高压直流输电对高压交流电压稳定性

长传输线路被要求提供的电源,主要负荷中心或现有的传输网络的最近的连接点。对于长距离传输的大容量电源的几个技术和经济问题必须要考虑可制成最佳的决定。电压稳定一般来说是将被考虑的其中一个主要技术问题[50] - [51]。几种方法,用于获得稳定的直流系统中,也提出了在文献[51]-[59]。用于HVDC系统的最共同的电压稳定索引是最大值可利用的力量(地图),重要有效的短路比率(CESCR)和电压刚性系数(VSF)。

最大功率方法,它决定了地图和电压灵敏度方法确定最佳[52]中描述粘胶短纤。这两个方法一致,即地图点达到时粘胶短纤接近无限,如果转换器操作不断的消光角和恒功率控制模式。的基本曲线稳定性方程方程也派生考虑负荷特性和系统参数。这些方法应用于[53]确定最不利荷载特征对降低功率/电压稳定的利润。这是通过分析负荷特性的影响最大功率不稳定(dP / dI)和直流系统的绘制。短路比率(SCR)或CESCR也被考虑当HVDC系统的刚性系数,但是只合适评估AC系统的冲击对稳定裕度HVDC [60]。

作者[59]介绍了一个新的索引(dqt/eig_min)电压对AC/DC系统的稳定性分析的。该指数是用于将系统划分为柔软且非软模态系统。后者被定义为系统常数dQt / eig_分钟前的发展,反之亦然。






然而,需要更深入的分析解释,需要考虑和直流输电系统的控制问题。不恰当的控制计划发射,灭绝,和重叠角导致换向失败或雅可比矩阵的奇异性。因此,PoC基于这种方法是不可靠的用于直流电压稳定和暖通空调系统的比较。在一个特定的总线的DVAC / DQ的因素是在AC和DC系统常用的电压稳定性指标[51],[54] - [55]。然而,它从未被用于高压交流和直流输电系统之间的比较。



在许多情况下需要更多的交流线路提供相同的权力在同一距离由于系统稳定性的局限性。此外,长途AC 线路通常需要中间交换站和无功补偿。这可以增加交流输电变电站成本的地步,这是媲美的特高压直流输电[29]。



1) 每一路导线能承担较大的电量



4) 更窄的通行权。


6) 节省大约在线路施工30%。











17) 在DC线的低短路潮流。










自1954年中国内地瑞典哥特兰岛之间的第一个商业项目[30]的调试,高压直流输电已逐渐成为一项成熟的技术交流系统互连。高压直流输电技术的应用是由一些特殊的条件下高压直流输电是最可行的,也可能是唯一的解决办法有道理的。这些应用包括大容量输电长距离,子船用电缆传输,异步系统间的连接[64]。特高压直流输电的应用程序可细分为以下不同的基本类型[29],[37]和[64] 。






另一方面,为在距离的交流输电,有在缆绳容量的下车由于当前的费用它易反应的组分,因为缆绳比AC架空线有更高的电容并且降低感应性。虽然这可以由中间分流器报偿补偿对地下缆绳以增加的费用,如此做就不是实用的为水下缆绳[65]- [66]。











电站结构紧凑,主要安置在室内进行选址在市区比较容易。此外, VSC提供的动态电压支持可能经常增加毗邻交流输电[29的]能力。


I) 大块能量输电通过长途架空线。





6) 当很远从消费者时,位于连接可更新的能源,例如水力发电,矿嘴、太阳,风力场或者热石地热能。7)脉冲宽度调制(PWM)可用于基于VSC的HVDC技术相对于基于晶闸管常规高压直流。这种技术非常适用于风电连接到电网。


VII. 不同的高压直流输电系统方案 [69]-[73]



B .单极的远距离传输















D .多端直流输电系统





High Voltage Direct Current Transmission -A Review, Part I

Mohamed H. Okba1, Mohamed H. Saied2, M Z. Mostafa3, and T. M Abdel- Moneim3

1 M.Sc. Candidate, Electrical Engineering Dept., Testing, Measurement, and Protection Sect., Egyptian Electricity Transmission Co., Al Behira, EGYPT, Eng. Okba86@Gmail. com

2 Ph.D., Member, IEEE, GM, Electrical Engineering Dept., Abu-Qir Fertilizers & Chemical Industries Co., Alexandria, EGYPT,MohammedSaied((i)Gmail. com

3 Full-Prof., Member, IEEE, Electrical Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, EGYPT

Abstract-Major milestones in the development of high voltage direct current (HVDC) technologies and concepts were achieved in 1950s. Thanks to the high power thyristor switches (1960-70s), the HVDC technologies reached a significant degree of maturity in 1980s. The classical HVDC uses thyristor-based current-sourced line-com mutated converter (LCC) technology.The advent of power semiconductor switches in 1980-90s, with turn on-off capabilities especially the IGBTs and IGCTs, and the on-going progress in this field, have introduced the conventional (two-level) voltage-source converter (VSC) technology and its variety of configurations, multi-level and multi-module VSCs,also as viable converter technologies for power system applications.

The DC system is experiencing significant degree of reemergence due to its potential to either directly address, or to facilitate resolving a large number of existing and anticipated interconnected AC power system steady-state and dynamic issues.

HVDC technology made possible to transfer bulk power over long distances. In part I of this two-parts paper, comparative evaluations, studies, and review of HVDC versus HV AC transmission systems, are presented. Applications, different schemes of HVDC systems are also outlined.

Index Terms- HVDC converters, HVDC converter technologies, Hierarchal Level, HVDC system components,HVDC schemes, HVDC transmission.

transmission line was constructed with DC. Despite the initial supremacy of the DC, the alternating current (AC) supplanted the DC for greater uses. This is because of the availability of the transformers, poly-phase circuits, and the induction motors in the 1880s and 1890s [1]-[2].The ever increasing penetration of the power electronics technologies into power systems is mainly due to the continuous progress of the high-voltage high-power fully-controlled semiconductors [3]-[14].

Transformers are very simple machines and easy to be used to change the voltage levels for transmission, distribution, and stepping down of electric power. Induction motors are the workhorse of the industry and work only with AC. That is why AC has become very useful for the commercial and domestic loads. For long transmission, DC is more favorable than AC because of its economical, technical, and environmental advantages. In general, high voltage direct current (HYDC)transmission systems can be classified in several ways; on the basis of cost, flexibility, and operational requirements.

The simplest HVDC scheme is the back-to-back interconnection, where it has two converters on the same site and has no transmission lines. These types of connections are used as inter-ties between two different AC transmission systems.

The mono-polar link connects two converter stations by a single conductor line and the earth or the sea is used as the returned path. The most common HYDC links are bipolar,where two converter stations are connected with bipolar conductors (±), and each conductor has its own ground return.The multi-terminal HYDC transmission systems have morethan two converter stations, which could be connected is seriesor parallel [15]. II. RELIABILITY AND CONTROLLABILITY EV ALUATIONS OF


Modern power systems are very complex technical structures. They consist of large number of interconnected subsystems and components each of which interact with, and influence, the overall systems reliability. One defmition of reliability is the ability of a component or a system to perform required functions under stated conditions for a stated period of time [16]. Reliability assessments of electrical systems are performed in order to determine where and when new investments, maintenance planning, and operation are going to be made. Power system reliability is often divided by the two functional aspects of system adequacy and security. Adequacy is the ability of the power system to supply the aggregate electric power and energy requirements of the customer at all times, taking into account scheduled and unscheduled outages of system components. Security is the ability of the power system to withstand sudden disturbances such as electric short circuits or non-anticipated loss of system components [16].

A reliability model that includes the whole complexity of the entire electrical power system would be impossible to implement. The analysis would be far too complex and the results would be very difficult to interpret. Instead it is preferable to separate the system into three hierarchal levels(HL): generation(HLl), generation and transmission(HL2),and distribution(HL3). Each level can then be modeled and evaluated individually [16]. A study of HL2 is also referred to as a composite system reliability assessment and this can include both adequacy and security analysis. Reliability assessments of HYDC systems can be modeled and evaluated separately and then included into HL2 to evaluate the effect of the overall system reliability. In reliability assessments of such HVDC systems, it is of great importance to know the technicalities of the system, in order to model it. The next section describes the HVDC systems details.

The IEEE Standard is a guide for the evaluation of the HVDC converter stations reliability [17]. It promotes the basic concepts of reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) in all phases of the HVDC station's life cycle. The intention of introducing these concepts of RAM in HVDC projects is to provide help in: i)

system as a single system.

On the other hand, the controllability of HVDC links offers firm transmission capacity without limitation due to network congestion or loop flow on parallel paths. Controllability allows the HVDC to 'leap-frog' mUltiple 'choke-points' or bypass sequential path limits in the AC network. Therefore, the utilization of HVDC links is usually higher than that for extra high voltage ( EHV) AC transmission lowering the transmission cost per MWh. By eliminating loop flow,controllability frees up parallel transmission capacity for its intended purpose of serving intermediate load and providing an outlet for local generation [29].


As the rapid development of renewable energy generation,like wind and solar power generation, and high electrical power generated at long-distances, it is urgent to feed these distributed energy back to power grid through an economic and environmental way. Actually, AC is very familiar for

industrial and domestic loads, but it has some limitations for long transmission lines. Moreover, as the city power load is increasing, the capacity of grid need to be expanded, despite that the overhead AC lines have already occupied much transmission space. In a word, a new transmission approach is needed to solve these and other problems, the DC transmission, which is being used in several projects [30],[31]-[32], and [33]-[34]. Switching surges, for example, are the serious transient over voltages for the high voltage transmission lines. In case of AC transmission the peak values are 2 to 3 times normal crest voltage, where for DC transmission it is 1.7 times normal voltage. In addition to, the HVDC transmission has less corona and radio interferences than that of HV AC transmission line [35]-[37]. In the following section, comparisons of the HVDC with the conventional AC transmission systems are carried out.

A. Transmission Costs Comparison

The cost of any AC or DC transmission lines usually includes the cost of main components, such as; right-of-way ( ROW), which is the amount of landscape that might be occupied during installations of towers, conductors, insulators,terminal equipment, in addition to the operational costs such as losses of transmission lines. For given operational constraints of both AC and DC lines, DC lines has the ability to carry as much power with two conductors as AC lines with three

conductors of the same size. Moreover, DC lines require fewer infrastructures than AC lines, which will consequently reduce the cost of DC lines' installation.

1) Economic Considerations:

For a given transmission task, feasibility studies are carried out before the fmal decision of implementing of a HY AC or HVDC system. Whenever long distance transmission is discussed, the concept of "break-even distance" arises. This is where the savings in HVDC line costs offsets the higher converter station costs. Fig.l.a shows typical cost comparison curves between AC and DC transmissions, considering:

? Terminal station costs,

? Line costs, and

? Capitalized value of losses.

The DC curve is not as steep as the AC curve because of considerably lower line costs per kilometer. For long AC lines,the cost of intermediate reactive power compensation has to be taken into account. The break-even distance is in the range of 500 to 800 km depending on a number of other factors, like country-specific cost elements, interest rates for project fmancing, loss evaluation, cost of right-of-way, etc. [38]-[42].

Fig. l.b shows the power capacity versus distances for both AC and DC systems.

1) Environmental1ssues:

[40]-[41]. This reduces the visual impact and saves land compensation for new projects. It is also possible to increase the power transmission capacity for

existing rights of way.



Fig. I. Comparison between AC and DC systems, (a) Cost comparison curves,

(b) Power capacity versus distances.

Tower structures of DC and AC overhead transmission lines are shown in Fig. 2.There are some environmental issues must be considered for the converter stations. These issues are focused in [43]-[45]. The use of ground or sea return paths in monopolar operation, electromagnetic compatibility, visual impact, and audible noise are explained in [46]-[48]. In [49],an overview of the engineering methods, tools, and design solutions is introduced. Verification methods used in HVDC converter stations design considering acoustic requirements are also explained.



Long transmission lines are required to deliver the power to the major load centers or the nearest connection point of the existing transmission network. For long transmission of bulk power several technical and economic issues have to be considered before an optimal decision can be made. V oltage stability in general is one of the main technical issues to be considered [50]-[51]. Several methods, used to obtain the stability margin of a HVDC system, are well presented in the literature [51]-[59]. The most common voltage stability indices used for HVDC systems are maximum available power( MAP), critical effective short circuit ratio ( CESCR) and voltage stability factor (VSF).

stability equations are also derived taking into account load characteristics and system parameters. These methods are applied in [53] to determine the most unfavorable load characteristics with respect to degrading power/voltage stability margins. This is done by analyzing the impact of load characteristic on maximum power instability( dP/dI) and MAP of the HYDC system. The Short Circuit Ratio ( SCR) or CESCR are also considered as stability factors for an HYDC system, but only appropriate to evaluate the impacts of AC system on the stability margin of HVDC [60].

Authors in [59] introduced a new index ( dQt/eig_min) for voltage stability analysis of AC/DC systems. This index is used to classify the system into soft and non-soft modal systems. The latter is defmed as the system with constant dQt/eig_ min for all the SCRs and vice versa for the former.

This index also serves as a basis to decide the type of reactive power compensation and HVDC control strategy.


Fig.2. Typical transmission line structures for approximately 1000 MW.

While the above mentioned indices can be used to compare voltage stability margins between HVDC systems, they are not applicable for HV AC and HVDC comparison. In [56], authors extend the conventional point of collapse (PoC) method developed for AC systems to detennination of saddle-node bifurcation in systems including HVDC links. In [57], a comparison of the performance of the PoC and continuation methods for large AC/DC systems is presented. The proposed continuation method is applied in the two free software packages for stability studies; (UWPflow) and ( PSAT) [61][63].

A nonlinear programming approach for estimating the voltage stability in AC/DC systems based on the above mentioned algorithms is presented in [59] where PoCs are found by solving an optimization problem for several test systems. However, more in-depth analytical explanation is

required, and control issues of HVDC systems need to be considered. Inappropriate control schemes of firing, extinction,and overlap angles results in commutation failure or singularity in the Jacobian matrix. Therefore, PoC based on this method is not reliable to be used in the comparison of voltage stability of HVDC and HV AC systems. The dVac/dq factor at a particular bus is a commonly used voltage stability index in both AC and DC systems [51], [54]-[55]. However, it has never been used for comparison purposes between HV AC and HVDC systems.


Although the rationale for selection of HVDC is often economic, there may be other reasons for its selection. In many cases more AC lines are needed to deliver the same power over the same distance due to system stability limitations.Furthermore, the long distance AC lines usually require

long cable circuits, bypass network congestion, share utility rights-of-way without degradation of reliability, and mitigate environmental concerns. In all of these applications, HVDC nicely complements the AC transmission system. The following points highlight different advantages and disadvantages of the HVDC systems [29].

A. Advantages

1) Greater power per conductor.

2) Simpler line construction and smaller transmission towers.

3) A bipolar HVDC line uses only two insulated sets of conductors, rather than three.

4) Narrower right-of-way.

5) Require only one-third the insulated sets of conductors as a double circuit AC line.

6) Approximate savings of 30% in line construction.

7) Ground return can be used.

8) Each conductor can be operated as an independent circuit.

9) No charging current at steady state.

10) No Skin effect.

11) Lower line losses.

12) Line power factor is always unity.

13) Line does not require reactive compensation.

14) Synchronous operation is not required.

15) Distances are not limited by stability.

16) May interconnect AC systems of different frequencies.

17) Low short-circuit current on D.C line.

18) Does not contribute to short-circuit current of an AC system.

19) Controllability allows the HVDC to 'leap-frog' multiple 'choke-points' .

20) No physical restriction limiting the distance or power level for HVDC underground or submarine cables

21) Can be used on shared ROW with other utilities

22) Considerable savings in installed cable and losses costs for underground or submarine cable systems [29].

B. Disadvantages

1) Converters are expensive.

2) Converters require much reactive power.

3) Multi-terminal or network operation is not easy.

4) Converters generate harmonics and hence, require filters.

5) Break-even distance is influenced by the costs of right-of-way and line construction with a typical value of 500 km[38]-[40].


HVDC has gradually become a mature technology for AC system interconnection since the commissioning of the first commercial project between Mainland Sweden to Gotland island in 1954 [30]. The applications of HVDC technology are justified by some special conditions where HVDC is the most feasible or may be the only solution. Such applications include bulk power transmission over long distances, sub-marine cable transmission, and asynchronous systems inter-connection [64].HVDC transmission applications can be broken down to the following different basic categories [29], [37] AND [64].

A. Long Distance Bulk Power Transmission

As shown above, HVDC transmission systems often provide a more economical alternative to AC

HVDC than with AC transmission.

B. Cable Transmission

Unlike the case for AC cables, there is no physical restriction limiting the distance or power level for HVDC underground or submarine cables. Underground cables can be used on shared ROW with other utilities, without impacting reliability concerns over use of common corridors. Saving

advantages of underground and submarine cable systems 'have been shown previously, knowing that depending on the power level to be transmitted; these savings can offset the higher converter station costs at distances of 40 km or more.

On the other hand, for AC transmission over a distance,there is a drop-off in cable capacity due to its reactive component of charging current, since cables have higher capacitances and lower inductances than AC overhead lines.Although this can be compensated by intermediate shunt compensation for underground cables at increased expense,it is not practical to do so for submarine cables [65]-[66].

C. Asynchronous Ties

With HVDC transmission systems, interconnections can be made between asynchronous networks for more economic or reliable system operation. The asynchronous interconnection allows interconnections of mutual benefit while providing a buffer between the two systems. Often these interconnections use back-to-back converters with no transmission line [67].

Asynchronous HVDC links effectively act against propagation of cascading outages in one network from passing to another network.

Higher power transfers can be achieved, with improved voltage stability in weak system applications, using capacitor commutated converters. The dynamic voltage support and improved voltage stability offered by voltage source converter( VSC) based converters permits even higher power transfers without as much need for AC system reinforcement. VSC converters do not suffer commutation failures, allowing fast recoveries from nearby AC faults. Economic power schedules

which reverse power direction can be made without any restrictions since there is no minimum power or current restrictions [68].

D. Offihore Transmission

Self-commutation, dynamic voltage control, and black-start capability allow compact VSC HVDC transmission to serve isolated and orphaned loads on islands, or offshore drilling and production platforms over long distance submarine cables.This capability can eliminate the need for running uneconomic or expensive local generation or provide an outlet for offshore generation such as that from wind.

The VSC converters can operate at variable frequency to more efficiently drive large compressor or pumping loads using high voltage motors. Large remote wind generation arrays require a collector system, reactive power support, and outlet transmission. Transmission for wind generation must often traverse scenic or environmentally sensitive areas or bodies of water. Many of the better wind sites with higher capacity factors are located offshore. VSC based HVDC transmission not only allows efficient use of long distance land or submarine cables but also provides reactive support to the wind generation complex and interconnection point


E. Power Delivery to Large Urban Areas

Power supply for large cities depends on local generation and power import capability. Local generation is often older and less efficient than newer units located remotely. Air quality regulations may limit the availability of these older units. New transmission into large cities is difficult to site due to right-of-way limitations and land use constraints. Compact VSC-based underground transmission circuits can be placed on

supplying voltage regulation and dynamic reactive power reserve. Stations are compact and housed mainly indoors making siting in urban areas somewhat easier. Furthermore,the dynamic voltage support offered by the VSC can often increase the capability of the adjacent AC transmission [29].

These applications can be summarized as follows:

I) Power transmission of bulk energy through long distance overhead lines.

2) Power transmission of bulk energy through sea cables.

3) Fast and precise control of energy flow over back-to-back HVDC links, creating a positive damping of electromechanical oscillations, and enhancing the network stability, by modulating the transmitted power.

4) Linking two AC systems with different frequencies using asynchronous back-to-back HVDC links, which have no constraints with respect to systems' frequencies or phase angles.

5) Multi-terminal HVDC links are used to offer necessary strategically and political connections in the traversed areas of the potential partners, when power is to be transmitted from remote generation locations, across different countries, or different areas within one country.

6) Link renewable energy sources, such as hydroelectric,mine-mouth, solar, wind farms, or hot-rock geothermal power, when are located far away from the consumers.

7) Pulse-Width Modulation ( PWM) can be used for the VSC based HVDC technology as opposed to the thyristor based conventional HVDC. This technology is well suited for wind power connection to the grid.

8) Connecting two AC systems without increasing the short circuit power, that the reactive power does not get transmitted over a DC links. This technique is useful in generator connections, various applications of an HVDC system shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Various applications of HVDC systems.


A. Back-To-Back Converters

The "Back-to-back" indicates that the rectifier and inverter are located in the same station. Back-to-back converters are mainly used for power transmission between adjacent AC grids which cannot be synchronized. They can also be used within a meshed grid in order to achieve a defined power flow.

constraints prevent the use of electrodes. In such cases, a metallic return path is used in spite of increased cost and losses.

C. Bipolar Long-Distance Transmissions

A bipolar is a combination of two independent poles in such a way that a common low voltage return path, if available, will only carry a small unbalance current during normal operation. This configuration is used if the required transmission capacity exceeds that of a single pole. It is also used if requirement to higher energy availability or lower load rejection power makes it necessary to split the capacity on two poles. During maintenance or outages of one pole, it is still possible to transmit part of the power. More than 50% of the transmission capacity can be utilized, limited by the actual overload capacity of the remaining pole, while require only one-third the insulated sets of conductors compared to a double-circuit AC line.

Other advantages of a bipolar solution over a solution with two monopoles are reduced cost, due to one common or no return path, and lower losses. In [74]-[76] the bipolar HVDC system configuration has been modeled. The reliability models in these three papers are similar to each other but the objectives in the papers differ.

1) Bipolar With Ground Return Path:

This is a commonly used configuration for a bipolar transmission system. The solution provides a high degree of flexibility with respect to operation with reduced capacity during contingencies or maintenance, upon a single-pole fault,the current of the sound pole will be taken over by the ground return path and the faulty pole will be isolated. Following a pole outage caused by the converter, the current can be commutated from the ground return path into a metallic return path provided by the HVDC conductor of the faulty pole.

2) Bipolar With Dedicated Metallic Return Path For

Monopolar Operation:

If there are restrictions even to temporary use of electrodes,or if the transmission distance is relatively short, a dedicated LVDC metallic return conductor can be considered as an alternative to a ground return path with electrodes.

3) Bipolar Without Dedicated Return Path For Monopolar

Operation:A scheme without electrodes or a dedicated metallic return path for monopolar operation will give the lowest initial cost;Monopolar operation is possible by means of bypass switches during a converter pole outage, but not during an HVDC conductor outage.

4 shows different HVDC Schemes [29].

D. Multi-terminal HVDC System

In this configuration, there are more than two sets of converters. A multi-terminal CSC-HVDC system with 12-pulse converters per pole is shown in Fig. 5. In this case,converters 1 and 3 can operate as rectifiers, while converter 2 operates as an inverter. Working in the other order, converter 2can operate as a rectifier and converters 1 and 3 as inverters.By mechanically switching the connections of a given converter, other combinations can be achieved [77].

Fig. 5. Multi-terminal CSC-HVDC system- parallel connection.


Comparative evaluations, studies, applications, different schemes, and review of HVDC versus HV AC transmission systems, are presented in this part of the two-parts paper.

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