当前位置:文档之家› 地缘政治论文:南海地缘政治与中国国家安全





【英文摘要】Geopolitical theory has a history of hundred

years. In different periods there are quite different mainstream theories, such as the sea power theory of Alfred Mahan, land power theory of Halford John Mackinder and rimland theory of Nicholas John Spykman. Evolution of geopolitical theory illustrates that research on the international relationship in the sphere of geographical conditions is the constant focus of geopolitical theory. The greatest significance of geopolitical theory is to help foreign policy makers to make strategies and policies regarding to the national security, by which security circumstances can be probed.Since the 1960s and 1970s, some Southeast Asian countries, especially Vietnam, Philippine and Malaysia began to occupy the islands in South China Sea by the convenience of distance. Also they began to explore the energy resources in the sea area around. Spratly islands are the most controversial areas, which were divided by these countries. For several times, conflicts and even wars broke out due to the disputes of sovereignties of islands, ownership of sea area and the exploration of oil and energy. In the 21st century, there are two new trends in this issue. One is ASEAN began to involve in the South China Sea dispute. Represented by the interests of Southeast Asian countries, ASEAN mainly negotiate with China

in terms of the disputes in the South China Sea. In

2002,Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea was signed by ASEAN and China. The other is the engagement of great powers like U.S outside this region. By strengthening its military power and cooperation with Southeast Asian countries, U.S indeed plays pivotal role in this region, though it is far away from this region.This thesis tries to probe the geopolitical theory in the South China Sea dispute, by doing the research on evolution of geopolitical structure in South China Sea and detect its influence on Chinese national security. Accordingly, some possible solutions will be provided.Firstly is the Introduction to this paper, which is mainly consists of purpose and valuation of the study, achievement and present situation of the study, the framework and the research methodology of this paper, and so on. The first chapter is the introduction of theory. Firstly the thesis will define two items:geopolitics and geopolitical structure, then the evolution of geopolitical theory will be introduced. Based on that, analysis skeleton will be taken out as well as two main variables:geography and politics. Also the inter-relationship of these two variables will be analyzed. In the last part of this chapter some main roles of geopolitical study will be

analyzed. The second chapter will do the research on the factors of Southeast Asian countries in the issue of geopolitics of South China Sea. In the first part of this chapter the evolution of South China Sea dispute will be introduced. Then the thesis will analyze the policies of Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam, Philippine and Malaysia. Also ASEAN’s involvement will be included. Finally the reasons for their policies will be analyzed. The third chapter will do the research on the engagement in the South China Sea of great powers from outside. Here U.S will be my research objective. Firstly the thesis will introduce the history of the engagement of U.S in this region. After that the reasons for its engagement will be analyzed in the perspective of geopolitics. Finally the influence of its engagement will be introduced. In another words, to what extent the power distribution and security environment have been changed. The fourth chapter of this thesis will do some research on China’s counter measures according to the geopolitics in South China Sea. Firstly the thesis will analyze China’s security interests regarding to the South China Sea dispute. Then the challenges and influences of geopolitics of South China Sea towards China will be introduced. Finally, the solutions will be provided. In the conclusion part of the thesis,

based on the summary of the content, the thesis will also

predict the future of South China Sea geopolitics.


【英文关键词】Geopolitics South China Sea Dispute National Security



















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