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(2017·南通、泰州高三一模)Given that motivation is so central to our lives,what do we truly understand about how it operates and about its role in our lives? The assumption is that it's driven by a positive,external reward.Do this,get that.But the story is much more complex.

One of the most striking aspects of motivation is that it often drives us to achievements that are difficult,challenging and even painful.You may think that you would be happy to spend all your time sitting on a white-sand beach drinking and that as long as you get to fill your days this way,you would be happy forever.But while a few days of enjoyment might be fun from time to time,I can't imagine that you would be satisfied by spending your days,weeks,months,years and even your life this way.

Research that examines the differences between meaning and happiness finds that the things that give us a sense of meaning don't necessarily make us happy.Moreover,people who report having meaningful lives are often more interested in doing things for others,while those who focus mostly on doing things for themselves report being only superficially(表面的)happy.The essential quality of “ meaning” has to do with having a sense of being involved in something bigger than the self.

We all know people obtain a great sense of meaning even in the most unpleasant of circumstances.Many volunteers spend portions of their lives working in dangerous,war-torn areas trying to keep disease and death from innocent civilians or teaching orphans to read.Their pain is real;their sense of doing something truly meaningful is substantial(重大的).They show how our deep-rooted desire to believe that our lives have purpose beyond our lifespan drives us to work extra hard,even to the point of our own personal suffering,in order to gain more meaning.

The point is that these seemingly odd and irrational(不合理的)motivations get us to do things that are complex,difficult and unpleasant.But they go beyond helping people in need.They motivate us in every aspect of our lives—whether in our personal relationships,in our individual pursuits or in the workplace.


1.According to the author,which of the following about motivation is TRUE?

A.Motivation is simply driven by external rewards.

B.Motivation is largely determined by social responsibilities.

C.Motivation enables us to gain more financial returns.

D.Motivation drives us to struggle for achievements.


★2.According to the research,which of the practices gives us a sense of meaning?

A.Reading a classic novel in the leisure time.

B.Enjoying sunshine and comfort on the beach.

C.Accompanying terminal patients in hospital.

D.Listening to popular music in the sitting room.

C[考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“Moreover,people who report having meaningful lives are often more interested in doing things for others ...The essential quality of ‘meaning’has to do with having a sense of being involved in something bigger than the self.”可知,认为自己的生活有意义的人通常更乐于为别人服务,而意义的本质其实是要参与到超乎自我的更重要的事情中去。


★3.The example of people's voluntary work in Para.4 mainly indicates that________.

A.experiencing personal suffering is a necessary part of our growth

B.voluntary work serves the purpose of adding happiness to our lives

C.it's our duty to help people in need to get out of their sufferings

D.life's great rewards come from our experience of tough circumstances

D[考查推理判断。根据第四段第一句话中的“people obtain a great sense of meaning even in the most unpleasant of circumstances”可知,作者认为在最让人感到不愉快的环境里人们也会获得强烈的意义感。作者在本段所举的例子中也强调了这些志愿者们所处的环境的危险和恶劣,但他们却致力于帮助他人,做有意义的事情,在帮助他人的同时实现了自己的人生价值。这些都说明了最艰苦的环境造就了生活中伟大的奖赏。故选D。]

★4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.People should make sacrifices for social benefits due to their short lifespan.

B.The value and impact of motivation goes beyond our social circle and existence.

C.Helping people in need is the most important goal of a human being nowadays.

D.Superficially happy people usually put others first rather than focus on themselves.

B[考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“But they go beyond helping people in need.They motivate us in every aspect of our lives—whether in our personal relationships,in our individual pursuits or in the workplace.”可知,动机的价值和影响力超出我们的社交圈子和社会存在。故选B项。]


(2017·南京、盐城高三一模)In 1880,the traveler and journalist Lafcadio Hearn was living in New Orleans and writing for a couple of local papers,Daily City Item and the Times-Democrat.Hearn sensed that New Orleans exists in a state of insidious disintegration(蜕变)—“crumbling into ashes”—thanks to its dangerous geography and its “frauds and maladministration”.And yet, Hearn wrote to a friend,“It is better to live here in sackcloth and ashes than to own the whole state of Ohio.”New Orleanians have always resembled New Yorkers;they tend to share the sense that to live anywhere else would lead inevitably to a stupid and pitiable existence beyond the bounds of understanding.

In part,the spirit of New Orleans is rooted in the city's below-seal-evel unsteadiness,the condition of looking out—and even up—at the water all around you,the knowledge that water saturates(浸透)the ground you stand on.Katrina,the

fierce hurricane that destroyed the Gulf Coast on August 29,2005,tested the self-possession of every citizen who survived it.More than eighteen hundred people did not survive it,and hundreds of thousands lost their homes.The storm and the terrible flooding that followed—a natural disaster worsened by a range of manmade disasters—revealed much that had been fragile,or rotten,in Hearn's time and grew worse with every decade:shabby civil engineering;corruption and inefficient government institutions; and it turned out that an Administration in Washington witnessed for days a city drowning—a largely black city drowning—and reacted with annoying indifference.And yet,in the face of abandonment—in hospitals,on rooftops,on highway overpasses—the residents of New Orleans behaved with resilience(不折不挠).Rebecca Solnit,an acute observer of Katrina and its aftermath,has written,“The belief that a Hobbesian war of all-against-all had broken loose justified treating the place as a crime zone or even an unfriendly country rather than a place in which grandmothers and children were trapped in frightful conditions,desperately in need of food,water,shelter and medical attention.”

Alec Soth,a photographer who lives in Minneapolis and travels the Midwest and the South with the energy of a latter-day Walker Evans,did not join the artists who came to New Orleans a decade ago to capture what he calls the “eye candy of rot and ruin”.Instead,he waited,preferring to capture the city of water ten years later,a city in a state of both persistent suffering and persistent renewal.Soth shows us the upsetting image of a freestanding column—all that is left of a house in the hard-hit Lower Ninth Ward—but he moves toward a vision of promise,a lonely figure at his leisure,staring into the waters of today's New Orleans.


5.New Orleanians are similar to New Yorkers in that ________.

A.they refuse to leave their homeland

B.they exist in insidious disintegration

C.they possess dangerous geography

D.they have a sense of boring existence

A[考查细节理解。根据第一段最后一句“New Orleanians have always

resembled New Yorkers;they tend to share the sense that to live anywhere else would lead inevitably to a stupid and pitiable existence beyond the bounds of understanding.”可知,新奥尔良人和纽约人往往认为住在其他任何地方将不可避免地导致愚蠢、可悲的存在,由此可判断,新奥尔良人和纽约人的相似之处在于他们都拒绝离开他们的家乡。故选A项。]

★6.What can we know from the hurricane Katrina and its damaging consequences?

A.A range of manmade disasters led to the fierce hurricane.

B.The hurricane happened following a terrible flooding.

C.The American government failed to provide help and support.

D.The residents of New Orleans have a deep hatred for governors.

C[考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“...it turned out that an Administration in Washington witnessed for days a city drowning—a largely black city drowning—and reacted with annoying indifference.”可知,在飓风袭击城市,导致城市被淹时,政府并没有提供支持和帮助。故选C项。]

★7.Why did Alec Soth refuse to join other artists to take photos of New Orleans a decade ago?

A.He also treated New Orleans as a crime zone.

B.He had high expectations of the future of New Orleans.

C.He couldn't put up with the suffering the hurricane caused.

D.He was traveling the Midwest and the South with Walker Evans.

B[考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“Instead,he waited,preferring to capture the city of water ten years later ...a lonely figure at his leisure,staring into the waters of today's New Orleans.”可推知,十年前Alec Soth拒绝跟其他艺术家一起拍摄受到飓风袭击的新奥尔良的图片,因为他关注的是这座城市十年后的情景,他对新奥尔良的未来有很高的期待。故选B项。]


(2017·常州高三一模)The domestic cat is a contradiction.No other animal has developed such a close relationship with human,while at the same time demanding and getting such self-determining movement and action.The cat manages to remain a tame(驯化的)animal because of the process of its upbringing.By living both with

other cats(its mother and brother and sisters)and with human(the family that has adopted it)during its babyhood,it is considered to belong to both species.It is like a child that grows up in a foreign country and as a consequence becomes bilingual(双语的).The young cat becomes bimental.It may be a cat physically but mentally it is both feline(猫科的)and human.Once it is fully adult,however,most of its responses are feline ones,and it has only one major reaction to its human owners.It treats them as pseudo(假的)parents.

This is rather different from the kind of bond that develops between human and dog.The dog sees its human owners as pseudo parents,as does the cat.On that score the process of attachment is similar.But the dog has an additional link.Canine(犬科的)society is group-organized;feline society is not.Dogs live in packs with tightly controlled status relationships among the individuals.There are top dogs,middle dogs,and bottom dogs and under natural circumstances they move around together,watching and following one another the whole time.So the adult pet dog sees its human family both as pseudo parents and as the dominant(主宰的)members of the pack,hence its well-known reputation for obedience and loyalty.Cats do have a complex social organization,but they never hunt in packs.In the wild,most of their day is spent in individual stalking(潜行追踪).Going_for_a_walk_with_a_human,therefore,has_no_appeal_for_them.And_as_for_“coming_to_heel”_and_learning_to_“sit”_and_“stay”,they_are_simply_not_interested.Such_drills_have_no_meaning_for_them.

Because of this difference between domestic cats and domestic dogs,cat-lovers tend to be rather different from dog-lovers.As a rule cat-lover have a stronger personality bias(偏向)toward working alone,away from larger group.Artists like cats;soldiers like dogs.The highly-praised “group loyalty” phenomenon can't be seen in both cats and cat-lovers.If you are a company person,a member of the gang,or a person picked for the military team,the chances are that at home there is no cat curled up in front of the fire.The ambitious politician,the professional athlete,these are not typical cat-owners.It is hard to picture football players with cats in their laps—much easier to imagine them taking their dogs for walks.

Those who have studied cat-owners and dog-owners as two distinct groups report that there is also a gender bias.The majority of cat-lovers are female.This bias is not surprising in view of the division of labor obvious in the development of human societies.Prehistoric males became specialized as group-hunters,while the females concentrated on food-gathering and childbearing.This difference contributed to a human male “pack mentality”that is far less marked in females.Wolves,the wild ancestors of domestic dogs,also became pack-hunters,so the modern dog has much more in common with the human male than with the human female.

The argument will always go on—feline self-sufficiency and individualism against canine camaraderie(同志之情)and good-fellowship.But_it_is_important_to_ stress_that_in_making_a_valid_point_I_have_caricatured(凸显)the _two_positions. In_ reality_ there_are_many_people_who_enjoy_ equally_the_company_of_ both_cats_and_dogs.And_all_of_us,or_nearly_all_of_us,have_both_feline_ and_canine_elements_in_our_personalities.We_have_moods_when_we_want_to_be_ alone_and_thoughtful,and_other_times_when_we_ wish_to_be_in_the_ center_of_a_ crowded ,noisy_room.


8.The primary purpose of the passage is to________.

A.advocate dogs as making better pets than cats

B.distinguish the different characteristics of dogs and cats

C.show the poor nature of dogs because of their loyalty characteristics

D.emphasize the role that human plays in the personalities of domestic pets

B[考查写作意图。根据文章第二段第一句“This is rather different from the kind of bond that develops between human and dog.”及文章第三段第一句“Because of this difference between domestic cats and domestic dogs,cat-lovers tend to be rather different from dog-lovers.”可知,这篇文章的主要意图是通过对比来区别猫和狗的不同特点。]

9.According to the passage,the domestic cat is a contradiction because________.A.it possesses the physical characteristics of both feline and human

B.it can't be tamed and will always keep its wild habits

C.it refuses to be dominated despite living comfortably with human

D.although it plays the part of a pet,it really dominates human beings

C[考查细节理解。根据文章第一段第一、二句“The domestic cat is a contradiction.No other animal has developed such a close relationship with human,while at the same time demanding and getting such self-determining movement and action.”可知,家猫是一种矛盾体。一方面,没有其他动物能像它们一样和人类培养出如此密切的关系,另一方面,它们更为苛求获取自主决定的动作和行为,而不是一味地服从主人,故选C项。尽管它们和主人生活得很舒适,然而它们又拒绝被统治。]

★10.The underlined sentences in the second paragraph are used to stress________.A.the disharmonious relationship between cats and human beings

B.a difference between cats and dogs that emphasizes cats' nature

C.the ignorance of dogs,which makes them more loyal pets

D.the laziness of cats that keeps them from being pack animals


★11.The author suggests in the third paragraph that cat-lovers are ________than dog -lovers.

A.less dependent

B.less creative

C.more successful

D.more out-going

A[考查推理判断。根据文章第三段第二句“As a rule cat-lover have a stronger personality bias(偏向)toward working alone,away from larger group.”


★12.The fourth paragraph indicates that human females ________.

A.preferred to raise domestic dogs to help with food-gathering

B.developed independent roles that required less group behavior

C.had to gather food because they were not strong enough to hunt

D.were negatively affected by the division of labor of human societies

B[考查推理判断。根据文章第四段倒数第二句“This difference contributed to a human male ‘pack mentality’ that is far less marked in females.”可知。]

★13.The underlined four sentences in the last paragraph provide ________.A.a summary of the points made earlier

B.a reason for the statements made earlier

C.an adjustment of the position taken earlier

D.an example of the main points made earlier


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