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1.The excerpt from Chapter 10 of Sons and Lovers ends with the conflict between Paul and his mother. The conflict is possibly caused by Paul and his mother‘s different views towards _____.

A. Paul‘s father

B. art

C. life

D. Paul‘s brother

2.The _____ can be regarded as one of the themes of Joyce‘s story ―Araby‖.

A. loss of innocence

B. childish love

C. awareness of harsh life

D. false sentimentality

3.After reading ―Araby‖, one more feel the story has a _____ tone.

A. joyous

B. harsh

C. solemn

D. painful

4.In ―Araby‖, Joyce‘s diction evokes a sort of _____ quality that characterizes the boy on this otherwise altogether ordinary shopping trip.

A. religious

B. moral

C. sentimental

D. vulgar

5.The major concern of _____ fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature.

A. D. H. L awrence‘s

B. J. Galsworthy‘s

C. W. Thackeray‘s

D. T. Hardy‘s

6.The mission of _____ drama was to reveal the moral, political and economic truth from a radical reformist point of view.

A. T. S. Eliot‘s

B. J. Galsworthy‘s

C. B. Sh aw‘s

D. W. B. Yeats‘

7.Irving was best known for his famous short stories such as _____.

A. Rip Van Winkle

B. Young Goodman Brown

C. Life of Goldsmith

D. Life of Washington

8.Melville‘s _____ is an encyclopedia of everything, history, philosophy, religion, etc.

A. The Old Man and the Sea

B. Moby–Dick

C. White Jacket

D. Billy Budd

9.Mark Twain created, in _____, a masterpiece of American realism that is also one of the great books of world literature.

A. Huckleberry Finn

B. Tom Sowyer

C. The Gilded Age

D. The Mysterious Stranger

10.American literature produced only one female poet during the nineteenth century. This was _____.

A. Anne Bradsteet

B. Jane Austen

C. Emily Dickinson

D. T. S. Eliot

11.The main theme of _____ The Art of Fiction reveals his literary credo that representation of life should be the main object of the novel.

A. Henry James‘

B. Mark Twain‘s

C. Theodore Dreiser‘s

D. William Howells‘

12.In the 1920s, O‘Neill established an international reputation with the plays ______.

A. The Emperor Jones

B. Anna Christle

C. The Hairy Ape

D. all of the above

13.In 1954, _____ was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature for hi s ―mastery of the art of modern narration.‖

A. T. S. Eliot

B. Ernest Hemingway

C. John Steinbeck

D. William Faulkner

14.―The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.‖ This is the shortest poem written by _____.

A. T. S. Eliot

B. Robert Frost

C. Ezra Pound

D. Emily Dickinson

15.In Robert Frost‘s famous poem ―Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening‖, there are four lines like these: ―The woods are lovely, dark and deep, /But I have promises to keep, /And miles to go before I sleep, /And miles to go before I sleep‖. The second sleep refers to _____.

A. die

B. calm down

C. fall into sleep

D. stop walking

16.Of the following American poets, whose work was first recognized in England and then in America?

A. Robert Frost

B. Walt Whitman

C. Emily Dickinson

D. Wallace Stevens

17.―For I have had too much / Of apple-picking: I am overtired / Of the great harvest I myself desired‖. From these lines we can conclude that the speaker _____.

A. is happy about the harvest

B. is tired of the work of apple-picking

C. is not tired when seeing the harvest

D. becomes indifferent of the job

18.Chinese poetry and philosophy had great influence on _____.

A. Robert Frost

B. Ralph Waldo Emerson

C. Ezra Pound

D. Emily Dickinson

19.The Hemingway code heroes are best remembered for their _____.

A. indestructible spirit

B. pessimistic view of life

C. war experiences

D. masculinity

20.Lots of people rushed to Gatsby‘s party at the weekend and they clustered around Gatsby‘s wealth like ____.

A. gluttons

B. flies

C. insects

D. moths


1.Read the quoted part carefully and answer the questions in English.

It may be that the gulfs will wash us down;

It may be we shall touch the Happy Tales,

And see the great Achilles, whom we knew,

Tho‘ much is taken, much abides, and tho‘

We are not now that strength which in old days

Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are;

One equal temper of heroic hearts,

Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

A. The passage is taken from t he poem ―___________‖.

B. The author of the poem is ____________.

C. The poem is written in the form of _________.

D. The speaker is __________.

2.Read the quoted part carefully and answer the questions in English.

Whether fagged by the three days‘ runn ing chase, and the resistance to his swimming in the knotted hamper he bore; or whether it was some latent deceitfulness and malice in him: whichever was true, the white Whale‘s way now began to abate, as it seemed, from the boat so rapidly nearing him onc e more; though indeed the whale‘s last start had not been so long a one as before. And still as Ahab glidede over the waves the unpitying sharks accompanied him; and so pertinaciously stuck to the boat; and so continually bit at the plying oars, that the blades became jagged and crunched, and left small splinters in the sea, at almost every dip.

A From which novel is the paragraph taken?

B What is the name of the author?

C Who is Ahab?

D What is the theme of the novel?

3.Read the quoted part carefully and answer the questions in English.

Standing on the bare ground, ----- my head bathed by the blithe air and uplifted into infinite space, ------- all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God.

A. Which work is this fragment taken from?

B. How do you understand the philosophical ideas in this words?

4.Read the quoted part carefully and answer the questions in English.

―if he be not apt to beat over matters, let him study the lawyer‘s cases, so every defect of the mind may have a special receipt.‖

A. what does ―beat over matters‖ mean?

B. what does ―receipt‖ refer to?

C. from which essay does the above sentences come?

5.Give brief answers to the question in English.

What is Lyrical Ballads?

Why is Lyrical Ballads regarded as a landmark in English poetry?

6.Give brief answers to the question in English.

Do you think the two collections of poems written by William Blake are the same? If not, what is the difference?

7.Give brief answers to the question in English.

What are some of the general artistic features of Walt Whitman‘s poetry?

8.Give brief answers to the question in English.

Can we say that when Brown (Hawthorne‘s Young Goodman Brown)enters the dark forest he is really enter his own evil mind? If yes (or no), please explain.

9.This monologue, a psychological exploration of life and death, reveals the character of Hamlet as a man of contemplation rath er than action. With the intolerable burden of the duty to revenge his father‘s death and the challenge of evil forces, Hamlet seems to withdraw into a mental world which is thrown into a conflict or a choice between life and death. The philosophical speculation mixed up with a deep pessimistic outlook resists against action at first, but later awakens the hero out of his melancholy to a sense of the ―enterprise of great pith and moment‖, indicating that he is to do something for what he concerns himself wi th.

10.Write no less than 150 words on the following topic in English.

Make a comparison between Henry James‘ realism and Mark Twain‘s realism.






【正确答案】 A. Ulyssess

B. Afred Tennyson

C. Dramatic Monologue

D. Ulysses


【正确答案】 A. Moby – Dick

B. Herman Melville

C. The Captain of the whaling ship

D. The rebellious struggle of Captain Ahab against the over-whelming, mysterious vastness of the universe and its awesome sometimes merciless forces.


【正确答案】 A. Nature

B. Emerson regards nature as the purest, and the most sanctifying moral influence on man, and advocated a direct intuition of a spiritual and immanent God in nature. The soul has completely transcended the limits of individuality and become part of the Over soul. Emerson sees spirit pervading everywhere, not only in the soul of man, but behind nature, throughout nature.


【正确答案】 A. make through exam of things.

B. cure, prescription

C. of studies Francis Bacon


【正确答案】 A. It is a collaboration of Wordsworth and Coleridge, the major representatives of the Romantic Movement.

B. In the book, they explored new theories and innovated new techniques in poetry writing. They saw poetry as a healing energy; they believed that poetry could purify both individual souls and the society. The preface to the second edition of the Lyrical Ballads acts as a manifesto for the new school. Wo rdsworth‘s poems in the Lyrical Ballads differs in marked ways from his early poetry, notably the uncompromising simplicity of much of the language, the strong sympathy not merely with the poor in general but with particular, dramatized examples of them, and the fusion of natural description with expressions of inward states of mind.


【正确答案】 A. No

B. The two collections of poems written by William Blake, ―Sons of Innocence‖ and ―Sons of Experience‖, hold the similar subject-matter, but the tone, emphasis and conclusion differ.


【正确答案】 Walt Whitman was an important poet in American literary history. His originality lies first of all in his use of the poetic form free verse, by means of which he becomes conversational and casual. He usually uses the firs t person pronoun ―I‖ to stress individualism, and oral language to acquire sympathy from the common reader. His topics are sometimes sexual but his themes are far more than sexual.


【正确答案】Hawthorne‘s stories are generally read as allegories symbolic of human experience, so is ―Young Goodman Brown‖. Allegorically Brown‘s night journey to the forest could be taken as a journey of the mind into the dark region of evil. It is especially true if we allow for some very important details about the light and the shadow, the dreamlike atmosphere, the words and phrases he uses to describe what Brown has experienced in the forest, none of which seems to be substantially solid or physically present.


【正确答案】 This monologue, a psychological exploration of life and death, reveals the character of Hamlet as a man of contemplation rather than action. With the intolerable burden of the duty to revenge his father‘s death and the challenge of evil forces, Hamlet seems to withdraw into a mental world which is thrown into a conflict or a choice between life and death. The philosophical speculation mixed up with a deep pessimistic outlook resists against action at first, but later awakens the hero out of his melan choly to a sense of the ―enterprise of treat pith and moment‖, indicating that he is to do something for what he concerns himself with.


【正确答案】 Although James and Twain both worked for realism, there were obvious differences between them. In thematic terms, James wrote mostly of the upper reaches of American society, whereas Mark Twain dealt largely with the lower strata of society. Technic ally, James pursued psychological realism, but Mark Twain‘s contribution to the development of realism and to American literature as a whole was partly through his theories of

Local Colorist in American fiction, and partly through his colloquial style.

Henry James believed that reality lies in the impressions made by life on the spectator, and not in any facts of which the spectator is unaware, such realism is therefore merely the obligation that the artist assumes to represent life as he sees it, which may not be the same life as it ―really‖ is. James shifted the ground of realistic art from the outer to the inner world.

Mark Twain preferred to represent social life through portraits of local places which he knew best. He drew heavily from his own rich fund of knowledge of people and places. He confined himself to the life with which he was familiar. By quoting from his own experience, Mark Twain managed to transform into art the freedom and humor, in short, the finest elements of western culture.



1.D. Father and son in the medieval period, it is Chaucer alone who, for the first time in English literature, presented to us a comprehensive _____ picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of valid _________ from all walks of life in his masterpiece ―the Canterbury Tales‖.

A. visionary/women

B. romantic/men

C. realistic/characters

D. natural/figures

2.Humanism sprang from the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the antique authors and is frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its conscious, intellectual side, for the Greek and Roman civilization was based on the conception that man is the _____ of all things.

A. measure

B. king

C. lover

D. rule

3.Many people today tend to regard the play ―The Merchant of Venice‖ as a satire of the hypocrisy of

___________ and their false standards of friendship and love, their cunning ways of pursuing worldliness and their unreasoning prejudice against _____.

A. Christians/Jews

B. Jews/Christians

C. oppressors/oppressed

D. people/Jews

4.Which of the following plays does not belong to Shakespeare‘s great tragedies?

A. Romeo and Juliet

B. King Lear

C. Hamlet

D. Macbeth

5.Which statement about the Elizabethan age is not true?

A. It is the age of translation.

B. It is the age of bourgeois revolution

C. It is the age of exploration

D. It is the age of the protestant reformation.

6.Una in The Faerie Queene stands for ______.

A. chastity

B. holiness

C. truth

D. error

7._____ first make blank verse the principle instrument of English drama.

A. Shakespeare

B. Wyatt

C. Sidney

D. Marlowe

8.―The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune‖ is an example of _____.

A. allegory


C. metaphor

D. irony

9.In ―Not only sole, but on thy soul, harsh Jew, /Thou mak‘st thy knife keen‖, Gratiano (a character in The Merchant of Venice) uses a rhetorical device called _____.

A. hyperbole

B. homonym

C. paradox

D. pun

10.In The Faerie Queene Spenser impresses us with his skillful blending of religious and historical _____ with chivalric _____.

A. symbolism … lyricism

B. allegory … romance

C. elegy … narrative

D. personific ation … irony

https://www.doczj.com/doc/5315838238.html,ton‘s paradise Lost took its material from ______.

A. the Bible

B. Greek myth

C. Roman myth

D. French romance

12.Christopher Marlowe wrote all the following plays except _____.

A. Tamburlaine the Great

B. The Jew or Malta

C. Cymbeline

D. The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus

13.Which of the following plays by Shakespeare is NOT a comedy?

A. The Merchant of Venice

B. A Midsummer Night‘s Dream

C. As You like It

D. The dactyl

14._____ is the most common foot in English poetry.

A. The iamb

B. The anapest

C. The trochee

D. The dactyl

15.―In a dream vision, Arthur witnessed the loveliness of Gloriana, and upon awakening resolves to seek her.‖ The two literary figures ―Arthur‖ and ―Gloriana‖ are from ______.

A. The Fairie Queene

B. Remeo and Juliet

C. Dr. Faustus

D. Paradise Lost

16.In ―Sonnet 18‖, William Shakespeare _____.

A. meditates on man‘s mortality.

B. eulogizes the power of artistic creation

C. satirizes human vanity

D. presents a dream vision

17.The 18th century witnessed that in England there appeared two political parties, _____, which were satirized by Swift in his ―Gulliver‘s Travels.‖

A. the Whigs and Tories

B. the Senate and the House of Representative

C. the upper House and lower House

D. the House of Lords and the House of Commons

18._____ compiled the ―The Dictionary of the English language‖ which became the foundation of all the subsequent English dictionaries.

A. Ben Johnson

B. Samuel Johnson

C. Alexander Pope

D. John Dryden

19.The publication of ―______‖ marked the beginning of Romantic Age.

A. Don Juan

B. the Rime of the Ancient Mariner

C. The Lyrical Ballads

D. Queen Mab

20.In 1805, Wordsworth comple ted a long autobiographical poem entitled ―_____‖.

A. Biographic literary

B. The Prelude

C. Lucy Poems

D. The Lyrical Ballads

21.Which is Shelley‘s masterpiece?

A. Queen Mab

B. Prometheus Unbound

C. Prometheus Bound

D. The Revolt of Islam

22.Which is Shelley‘s work of literary criticism?

A. An Essay on criticism

B. A Defence of Poetry

C. On the Necessity of Atheism

D. Of studies

23.In the 19th century English literature, a new literary trend ______ appeared and it flourished in the forties and in the early fifties.

A. Romanism

B. naturalism

C. realism

D. critical realism

24.The greatest English critical realist novelist was _____, who criticized the bourgeois civilization and showed the misery of the common people.

A. William Makepeace Thackeray

B. Charles Dickens

C. charlotte Bronte

D. Emily Dickinson

25._____ was a critical realist and also a severe exposer of contemporary society. His novels, such as ―Vanity Fair‖ , are mainly a sat irical portrayal of the upper strata of society.

A. George Eliot

B. Elizabeth Gaskell

C. William Makepeace Thackeray

D. John Bunyan

26.Dickens takes the French Revolution as the background of the novel ―______‖.

A. A Tale of Two Cities

B. Great Expectations

C. Hard Times

D. David Copperfield

27.The renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, which one of the following is not such an event?

A. The rediscovery of ancient roman and Greek culture.

B. England‘s domestic rest.

C. new discovery in geography and astrology.

D. the religious reformation and the economic expansion.

28.―So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,/ so long lives this , and this gives life to thee.‖ What does ―this‖means?

A. lover

B. time

C. summer

D. poetry

29.The giant Moby Dick may symbolize all except .

A mystery of the universe

B sin of the whale

C power of the great nature

D evil of the world

30.In Shelley‘s to a skylark‖, the bird, suspended b etween reality and poetic image, pours forth an exultant song which suggests to the poet .

A. both celestial rapture and human limitation

B. both image creation and profound meaning

C. both music and words

D. both inspiration and skill of writing

31.―Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless?...‖

The above quoted passage is most probably taken from .

A Great Expectations

B Wuthering Heights

C Jane Eyre

D Pride and Prejudice

32.―And n ow he stared at her so earnestly that I thought the very intensity of is gaze would bring tears into his eyes; but they burned with anguish, they did not melt‖ are found in .

A. Wuthering Heights

B. Jane Eyre

C. Gulliver‘s Travels

D. Paradise Lost

33.Theodore Dreiser is generally regarded as one of America‘s .

A. naturalist

B. realists

C. modernists

D. romanticists

34.The first two lines of Dennison‘s poem ―Break, Break, Break‖ on thy cold grey stones, o sea!‖ the repeated word ― break‖ suggests .

A. joy

B. fear

C. fondness

D. hatred

35.―O prince, O chief of my throned powers,/ that led th‘embattled seraphim to war/Under thy conduct, and in dreadful deeds/ Fearless, endangered heaven‘s perpetual king‘‖ In the third line of the above passage quoted from Melton‘s Paradise Lost, the phrase ―thy conduct‖ refers to conduct.

A. god‘s

B. Satan‘s

C. Adam‘s

D. Eve‘s

36.Who exerts the single most important influence on literary naturalism?

A. Emerson

B. jack London

C. Theodore Dreiser

D. Darwin

37.In terms of Elegy written in a country churchyard, which is wrong?

A. the author employs metaphor in this poem

B. the author excessively expresses his personal melancholy

C. here he reveals his sympathy for the poor and the unknown.

D. he mocks the great ones who despise the poor and bring havoc on them.

38.Most of Thomas Hardy‘s novels are set in Wessex-- .

A. a crude region in England

B. a fictional primitive region

C. a remote rural area

D. Hardy‘s hometo wn

39.―place me on sunium‘s marbled steep,/ where nothing, save the waves and I, / may hear our mutual murmurs sweep;/ there, swan- like, let me sing and die;/ a land of slaves shall neer be mine --- dash down you cup of samian wine!‖ these lines are tak en from .

A. The Isles of Greece by Byron

B. Elegy Written In a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray

C. The Solitary Reaper by William Wordsworth

D. Song for the Luddites by George Gordon Byron


1.Reading Comprehension:

It was you that broke the new wood,

Now is a time for carving.

We have one sap and one root---

Let there be commerce between us.


A. What is the title from which these lines are taken?

B. Who does ―you‖ refers to?

C. What is the meaning of ―broke are new wood‖?

2.Read the quoted part carefully and answer the questions in English.

By this time Mrs. Morel was trembling violently. Struggles of this kind often took place between her and her son, when she seemed to fight for his very against his own will to die. He took her in his arms. She was ill and pitiful. ―Never mind, Little,‖ he murmured. ―So long as you don‘t feel life‘ paltry and a miserable business, the rest doesn‘t matter, happiness or unhappiness.‖

She pressed him to her.

―But I want you to be happy,‖ she said pathetically.

―Eh, my dear ----- say rather you want me to live.‖

A. This passage is taken from the novel ―_____‖.

B. The author of the novel is _____.

C. ―He‖ in the passage refers to _____, and he is the _____ of Mrs. Morel.

D. The relationship of the two characters as implied in the passage is something of the type of _____.

3.Reading Comprehension:

―This is my letter to the World

That never wrote to Me---

The simple News that Nature told---

With tender Majesty‖.

A. Who is the author of the stanza?

B. Which period does the poem belongs to?

C. What idea does the poem express?

4.Reading Comprehension:

―Men of England, wherefore plough

For the lords who lay ye low?

Wherefore weave with toil and care

The rich robes your tyrants wear?‖


A. Identify the poem and the poet.

B. In one or two sentences interprets the implied meaning of the stanza.

C. Which period does the poem belongs to?

5.Questions and Answers:

What do you think of the relationship between William Faulkner and American south literature?

6.Questions and Answers:

Being a period of the great flowering of American literature, the romantic period is called ―the American renaissance‖. Briefly discuss what the features of American literature in this period are.

7.Questions and Answers:

What are the characteristics of the romantic literature? Please discuss the above question in relation to one or two examples.

8.Questions and Answers:

George Bernard Shaw is the leading playwright of his time, what‘s his viewpoint on literature?

9.Topic Discussion, write no less than 150 words in English.

Moby-dick is one of the few books in American literature that has produced an exciting effect upon readers, try to discuss the symbolism in the book.

10.Topic Discussion, write no less than 150 words in English.

Discuss ― enlightenment movement‖.






【正确答案】 A. A Pact

B. Walt whit man

C. made experiments with the conventions of the traditional poetry.


【正确答案】 A. Sons and Lovers

B. D. H. Lawrence

C. Paul / Son

D. Oedipus Complex


【正确答案】 A. Emily Dickinson

B. the realistic period

C. the poem expresses Dickinson‘s anxiety about her communication with the outside world.


【正确答案】 A. A song: men of England, Percy Bysshe Shelley

B. the poem is not only a cry calling upon the working people of England to rise up against their political oppressors, but also an address to point out to them the intolerable injustice of economic exploitation,

C. The romantic period.


【正确答案】 A. Most of his works are set in the American south.

B. He emphasizes the southern subjects and consciousness in his works.

C. His works has managed successfully to show a panorama of the experience and consciousness of the whole southern society.


【正确答案】A. The whole nation had a strong sense of optimism and the mood of ―feeling good‖, Giving birth to the spectacular out burst of romantic feeling.

B. The English counterpart exerted a stimulating impact on the writers of the young nation.

C. Taking foreign influence into consideration, the great works of American writers still carried typically American Romanist color.

D. The young nation had brought forth its own philosophy, transcendentalism, stressing man‘s capacity of knowing truth intuitively, and of attaining knowledge transcending the reach of the sense.


【正确答案】 A. In poetry writing, the romanticist employed new theories and innovated new techniques, for example, the Preface to the second edition of the ―Lyrical Ballads‖ acts as a manifesto for the new school.

B. The romanticist not only extols the faculty of imagination, but also elevates the concepts of spontaneity and inspiration.

C. They regarded nature as the major source of poetic imagery and the dominant subject.

D. Romantics also tend to be nationalistic.


【正确答案】 A. His playwrights have a variety of subjects. His early plays were mainly concerned with social problems and directed towards the criticism of the contemporary social, economic, moral and religious evils.

B. Shaw followed the great traditions of realism. As a realistic dramatist, he took the modern social issues as his subjects with the aim of directing social reforms.

C. One feature of his characterization is that he makes the trick of showing up one character vividly at the expense of another; another one is that his characters are the representatives of ideas and points of view.

D. Much of Shavian drama is constructed around the inversion of a conventional theatrical situation.


【正确答案】 A. The Pequod is the microcosm of human society and the voyage becomes a search for truth.

B. The white whale, Moby Dick, symbolizes nature for Melville, for it is complex, unfathomable, malignant, and beautiful as well.

C. For the character Ahab, however, the whale represents only evil.

D. Moby Dick is like a wall, hiding some unknown, mysterious things behind.

E. Ahab wills the whole crew on the Pequod to join him in the pursuit of the big whale so as to pierce the wall, to root out the evil, but only to be destroyed by evil.

F. In this case, by his own consuming desire, his madness. Moby Dick is still a mystery, an ultimate mystery of the universe, inscrutable and ambivalent, and the voyage of the mind will forever remain a search, not a discovery, of the truth.


【正确答案】 It was a progressive intellectual movement, which flourished in France and swept through the whole Western Europe, the movement was a furtherance of the renaissance from the 14th century to the mid-17th century. The purpose of the movement was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas, it celebrated reason of rationality, equality and science, and it advocated universal education. Literature at the time became a very popular means of public education.



1.―All is not lost: the unconquerable will, and the study of revenge, immortal hate, and courage never to submit or yield: and what is else not to be overcome?‖

A. Dr. Faustus

B. Paradise Lost

C. Paradise Regained

D. Tamburlaine

2.Who, disregarding grammar and punctuation, always used ―i‖ instead of ―I‖ to refer to himself as a protest against self importance?

A. Cummings

B. Wallance Stevens

C. F. Scott. Fitzgerald

D. Ernest Hemingway

3.Which of the following best descri bes the speaker of T.S Eliot‘s ―the love song of J. Alfred Prufrock‖?

A. He is a man of an action.

B. He is a man of apathy.

C. He is a man of inactivity.

D. All the above are not true.

4.William Wordsworth asserts that poetry originates from .

A. form

B. thoughts

C. artistic devices

D. emotion

5.―My Last Duchess‖ is a poem that best exemplifies Robber Browning‘s .

A. sensitive ear for the sounds of the English language

B. excellent choice of words

C. mastering of the metrical devices

D. use of the dramatic monologue

6.―Man shall find grace.‖ But he must lay hold of it by an act of free will. The freedom of the will is the keystone of ____‘s creed.

A. Milton

B. Jonathan Swift

C. Henry Fielding

D. Samuel Johnson

7.In Coleridge‘s ―The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,‖ the mariner suffers the horror of death, because _____.

A. he experiences a shipwreck

B. he is tortured with starvation

C. he undergoes much suffering

D. he kills an albatross

8.Henry Jame‘s fame generally rests upon his novels and stories with _____.

A. international theme

B. national theme

C. European theme

D. regional theme

9.In Hardy‘s ―Wessex‖ novels, there is an apparent _____ touch in his description of the simple and beautiful though primitive rural life.

A. nostalgic

B. humorous

C. romantic

D. sarcastic

10.Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between _____ and _____ centuries.

A. 14th-mid--17th

B. 16th-mid--17th

C. 14th-mid--18th

D. 16th-mid--19th

11.Of the following poems by T.S.Eliot, which is hailed as a landmark and a model of the 20th century English poetry?

A. Poems 1909----1925

B. The Hollow Men

C. Prufrock and Other Observations

D. The Waste Land

12.―It is not so expressed, But what of that? Twere good you do so much for charity.‖ ―What of that‖ in the above

sentence means _____.

A. this is very important

B. this is not important

C. this is true

D. this is not true

13.Which of the following poems is a landmark in English Poetry?

A. ―Lyrical Ballads and Samuel Taylor Coleridge‖ by Will iam Wordsworth.

B. ―I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud‖ by William Wordsworth

C. ―Remorse‖ by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

D. ―Leaves of Grass‖ by Walt Whitman.

14.Which of the following writings is praised by Hemingway as a book from which ―all modern American

li terature comes‖?

A. Tom Sawyer.

B. Huckleberry Finn.

C. The Gilded Age.

D. Life on the Mississippi.

15.In which of the following works, Hemingway presents his philosophy about life and death through the depiction of the bull-fight as a kind of microcosmic tragedy?

A. The Green Hills of Africa.

B. The Snows of Kilimanjaro.

C. To have and Have Not.

D. Death in the Afternoon.

16.The protagonist of the poem ―Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock‖ is a kind of tragic figure caught in a sense of deafted idealism an d tortured by satisfied desires. Of the following descriptions of him, which isn‘t suitable for him?

A. He is neurotic.

B. He is self-important.

C. He is illogical.

D. He is a man of an action.

17.―Shall I compare thee to a summer‘s day? /Thou art more l ovely and more temperate: /Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, /And summer‘s lease hath all too short a date‖, the above beautiful sonnets was written by _____.

A. John Donne

B. John Milton

C. William Shakespeare

D. Francis Bacon

18.Here is a s entence from an essay, ―Read not to contradict and confuse, nor to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider‖. The essay must be _____.

A. Of Studies by Francis Bacon

B. The Advancement of Learning by Francis Bacon

C. Novum Organum by Francis Bacon

D. Essays by Francis Bacon

19.Which of the following is considered to be a better-structured novel?

A. Women in Love

B. Sons and Lovers

C. The Rainbow

D. Lady Chatterley‘s lover

20.With so many poems such as ―The Sparrow‘s Nest,‖ ―To a Skylark,‖ ―To the Cuckoo‖ and ―To a Butterfly‖, William Wordsworth is regarded as a ―____‖.

A. poet of genius

B. royal poet

C. worshipper of nature

D. conservative poet

21.In the first part of Gulliver‘s Travels, Gulliver told his experience in _____.

A. Lilliput

B. Brobdingnag

C. Houyhnhnm

D. England

22.―To be, or not to be----that is the question; whethertis nobler in the mind to suffer. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?‖ Who said these words?

A. King Lear

B. Romeo

C. Antonio

D. Hamlet

23.―to be so distinguished is an honor, which, being very little accustomed to favors from the great, I know not well how to receive or in what terms to acknowledge.‖

A. ironic

B. jealous

C. delightful

D. humorous

24.In the theatrical world of the neoclassical period, was the leading figure among the host of playwrights.

A. William Blake

B. Richard Brinsley Sheridan

C. Ben Johnson

D. George Bernard Shaw

25.Among the works by John Milton, which is indeed the only generally acknowledge epic in English literature since Beowulf?

A. Paradise Regained

B. Samson Agonists

C. Areopagitica

D. Paradise Lost

26.Which writing is a typical example of Shakespe are‘s pessimistic view towards human life and society in his late years?

A. The Tempest

B. King Lear

C. Hamlet

D. Othello

27.Who, one of the most important poets in his time, is a leading spokesman of the ―imagist movement‖?

A. J. D. Salinger

B. Ezra Pound

C. Richard Wright

D. Ralph Emerson

28._____ lays the foundation for modern science with his insistence on scientific way of thinking and fresh observation rather than authority as a basis for obtaining knowledge.

A. Francis bacon

B. Thomas hardy

C. Charles dickens

D. William Blake

29.Alexander pope strongly advocated , emphasizing that literary works should be judged by classical rules of order, reason, logic, restrained emotion, good taste and decorum.

A. idealism

B. neoclassicism

C. romanticism

D. sentimentalism

30.Dickens‘s works are characterized by a mingling of and pathos.

A. metaphor

B. passion

C. satire

D. humor

31.―self-conceited‖, ―cruel‖ and ―tyrannical‖ are most likely the names of the characters in .

A. Robert Browning‘s My Last Duchess

B. Christopher Marlowe‘s Dr. Faustus

C. Shakespeare‘s love‘s Labour‘s lost


1. The 18th-century England is known as ( ) (浙0710) A. the Age of Puritanism B. the Age of Reason C. the Era of Capitalism D. the Age of Glory 2. English Enlighteners in the 18th century held ________ as the yardstick for the measurement of all human activities and relations. (一)1 A. property B. education C. emotion D. reason 3. In the Enlightenment Movement, the progressive representatives intended ______. (浙0810) A. to call the people to fight against poverty and hardship B. to tell people to economize and to accumulate wealth C. to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas D. to instruct people to obtain their present social status through hard work 4. As to education, the enlighteners thought that ______. (浙0310) A. human beings were limited, dualistic, imperfect, and not capable of rationality and perfection through education. B. universal education was unnecessary. C. if the common people were well educated, there would be great chance for a democratic and equal human society. D. most of the human beings were perfect themselves, so only a few needed further education. 5. Why did the enlighteners regard education the major means to improve the society and the people? ( ) (浙0710) A. Because most of the human beings were perfect themselves, so only a few needed further education. B. If the common people were well educated, there would be great chance for a democratic and equal human society. C. Because universal education was limited , dualistic, imperfect, and unnecessary. D. Because human beings were not capable of rationality and perfection through education. 6. About reason , the enlighteners thought _____. (浙0210) A. reason or rationality should be the only, the final cause of any human thought and activities B. reason couldn't lead to truth and justice C. superstition was above reason and rationality D. equality and science is contrary to reason and rationality 7. In the field of literature, the Enlightenment Movement brought about the tendency of ( ) A. realism B. puritanism C. neoclassicism D. romanticism 8. Which of the following statements about Neo-Classicism and Enlightenment Movement is true? A. The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the


绝密★考试结束前 全国2014年4月高等教育自学考试 英美文学选读试题 课程代码:00604 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。全部题目用英文作答。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2 B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 I. Multiple Choice(40 points in all, 1 for each) Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Mark your choice by blackening the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 1. Shakespeare has established his giant position in world literature with his ______ plays, 154 sonnets and 2 long poems. A. 27 B. 38 C.47 D. 52 2. john Milton’s literary achievement can be divided into three groups: the early poetic works, the middle prose pamphlets and the last ______. A. romances B. dramas C. great poems D. ballads 3. The novels of ______ are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower— class people. A. John Milton B. Daniel Defoe C. Henry Fielding D. Jonathan Swift


English Literature Questions on The Canterbury Tales 1. Lines 1-18 are the introduction to the weather. Why did the author write so many words to describe it? To answer why so many pilgrim go to the Canterbury at the same time. 2. Summarize the main idea of lines 19-34. A group of pilgrims came across at the Canterbury and go together. 3. How many people are there in the group of pilgrims? Thirty 4. Based on Prioress 's portrait, can you give a possible reason why she is undertaking this pilgrimage? She wants to look for the worldly love. 5. What details does the narrator use in describing the Prioress, and in what order? 1, Facial expression2,voice 3,etiquette 4 ,sympathy and charity 5 ,appearance 6,dress 7 ,personal accessories.. 6. Why does the Wife of Bath go on pilgrimage?


英美文学选读-阶段测评4 成绩:30分 一、Multiple Choice 共40 题 题号: 1 本题分数:2.5 分 ( )is generally regarded as the forerunner of the 20th—century “stream—of—consciousness” novels and the founder of psychological realism. A、Theodore Dreiser B、William Faulkner C、Henry James D、Mark Twain (P498.para.2)亨利.詹姆斯是美国现实主义文学大师,他的作品往往涉及美国之外的主题,其作品的风格是“心理活动”。被誉为20世纪美国意识流文学的先驱。 标准答案:C 考生答案:D 本题得分:0 分 题号: 2 本题分数:2.5 分 Closely related to Dickinson’s religious poetry are her poems concerning( ),ranging over the physical as well as the psychological and emotional aspects of death. A、love and nature B、death and universe C、death and immortality D、family and happiness (P518para2)迪金森的诗歌涉及宗教和爱情两方面,而其涉及宗教的诗歌往往是以死亡和永恒为主题的,所以答案是C。 标准答案:C 考生答案:A


Chapter I The Renaissance Period Definitions of the Literary Terms: 文艺复兴时期的界定 1. The Renaissance: The Renaissance marks a transition from the medie val to the modern world. Generally, it refers to the period between the 14 th & 17th centuries. 历史文化背景It first started in Italy, with the flowering of painting, sculpture & literature. From Italy the movement went to emb race the rest of Europe. The Renaissance, which means "rebirth" or "reviva l," is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, such as the re-discovery of ancient Roman & Greek culture, the new discoverie s in geography & astrology, the religious reformation & the economic expa nsion. The Renaissance, therefore, in essence is a historical period in whic h the European humanist thinkers & scholars made attempts to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe, to introduce new ideas that e xpressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, & to recover the purity of the early church from the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. 2. 文艺复兴到英国比较晚的原因The Renaissance was slow in reaching Englan d not only becaus e o f England?s separation from the Continent but also be cause of its domestic unrest. It was not until the reign of Henry VIII that the Renaissance really began to show its effect in England. With Henry VII I?s encouragement the Oxford reformers, scholars and humanists introduc ed classical literature to England. 15th century, began the English Renaissa nce, which was perhaps England?s Golden Age, especially in literature. 人文主义H umanism: Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. It sprang from the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the ancient author s and is frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its consci ous, intellectual side, for the Greek and Roman civilization was based on s uch a conception that man is the measure of all things. Through the new l earning, humanists not only saw the arts of splendor and enlightenment, b ut the human values represented in the works. Renaissance humanists fou nd in the classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see th at human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfections, and that the world they inhabited was thei rs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy. Thus, by emphasizin g the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, they voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to enjoy the bea uty of this life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wond ers. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the b est representatives of the English humanists. The first period of the English Renaissance was one of imitation and assimi lation.


《英美文学选读》模拟试题(一) 一、单项选择题 1.The excerpt from Chapter 10 of Sons and Lovers ends with the conflict between Paul and his mother. The conflict is possibly caused by Paul and his mother’s different views towards _____. A. Paul’s father B. art C. life D. Paul’s brother 2.The _____ can be regarded as one of the themes of Joyce’s story “Araby”. A. loss of innocence 在所有有關童年故事中,孩子都是同叔叔同姨媽同住,父母則不在身邊—這便是一種象征,象征父母與孩子之間骨肉親情的隔絕和一種正常關系的缺 失. B. childish love C. awareness of harsh life D. false sentimentality 錯誤的多愁善感 3.After reading “Araby”, one more feel the story has a _____ tone. A. joyous B. harsh C. solemn D. painful 4.In “Araby”, Joyce’s diction evokes a sort of _____ quality that characterizes the boy on this otherwise altogether ordinary shopping trip. A. religious B. moral C. sentimental D. vulgar 5.The major concern of _____ fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature. A. D. H. Lawrence’s B. J. Galsworthy’s C. W. Thackeray’s D. T. Hardy’s 6.The mission of _____ drama was to reveal the moral, political and economic truth

自考英美文学选读 第一章 文艺复兴时期(英国)(课文翻译)

英美文学选读翻译(英语专业自考) 第一部分:英国文学 第一章文艺复兴时期 文艺复兴标志着一个过渡时期,即中世纪的结束和现代社会的开始。一般来说,文艺复兴时期是从十四世纪到十七世纪中叶。它从意大利兴起,伴随着绘画、雕塑和文学领域的百花齐放,而后文艺复兴浪潮席卷了整个欧洲。文艺复兴,顾名思义即重生、复苏,是由一系列历史事件激发推动的,其中包括对古希腊罗马文化的重新发现。地理天文领域的新发现,宗教改革及经济发展。因此,文艺复兴从本质上是欧洲人文主义者竭力摒弃中世纪欧洲的封建主义,推行代表新兴城市资产阶级利益的新思想,并恢复早期宗教的纯洁性,远离腐败的罗马天主教廷的一场运动。 文艺复兴浪潮影响到英国的速度比较慢,不仅因为英国远离欧洲大陆,而且还因为其国内的动荡不安。乔叟去世后的一个半世纪是英国历史上最动荡不安的时期。好战的贵族篡取了王位,使英国走上自我毁灭之路。著名的玫瑰之战就是极好的例子。后来理查三世的恐怖统治标志着内战的结束,在都铎王朝的统治下英国的民族情感又成长起来。然而直到亨利八世统治期间(1509-1547),文艺复兴的春风才吹入英国。在亨利八世的鼓励下,牛津的改革派学者和人文主义者们将古典文学引入英国。基于古典文学作品及《圣经》的教育重获生机,而十五世纪就被广泛传阅的文学作品则更加流行了。自此,英国的文艺复兴开始了。英国,尤其是英国文学进入了黄金时代。这个时期涌现出莎士比亚、斯宾塞、约翰逊、锡德尼、马洛、培根及邓恩等一大批文学巨匠。但英国的文艺复兴并未使新文学与旧时代彻底决裂,带有十四、十五世纪特点的创作态度与情感依然贯穿在人文主义与改革时代。 人文主义是文艺复兴的核心。它源于努力恢复中世纪产生的对古希腊罗马文化的尊崇。人文主义作为文艺复兴的起源是因为古希腊罗马文明的基础是以"人"为中心,人是万物之灵。通过这些对古代文化崭新的研究,人文主义者不仅看到了光彩夺目的艺术启明星,还在那古典作品中寻求到了人的价值。在中世纪的社会中,个人完全隶属于封建统治,没有独立和自由可言;在中世纪的神学理论中,人与周围世界的关系仅仅是人消极适应或消极遁世,不允许追求快乐,以备死后灵魂得以超脱。然而人文主义者们却从古代文化遗产中找到了充足的论据,来赞美人性,并开始注意到人类是光荣的生命,人自己可以不断发展,至善至美,而且人们生存的世界是属于他们的,供他们怀疑、探索以及享受。由此,人文主义者通过强调人类的尊严、强调今生今世的重要性,喊出了他们的信仰,即人类不仅有权利在今生今世美好生活,而且还有能力完善自我,创造奇迹。人文主义遍布英国思想领域的。标志是荷兰学者伊拉斯谟先后到牛津大学与剑桥大学讲授古典文化研究。托马斯·漠尔、克利斯朵夫·马洛和威廉·莎士比亚是英国人文主义的代表。


《英美文学选读》期末考试练习 一、搭配题 二、判断题 1.( F ) Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Antony and Cleopatra are Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies. 2.(T ) The Elizabethan Drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance. 3.( T) Paradise Lost is a long epic divided into 12 books. 4.( F) Captain Singleton, Moll Flanders, Colonel Jack, and A Journal of the Plague Year are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower-class people. 5.( T) Jonathan Swift defined a good style as “proper words in proper places.” 6.( T ) Henry Fielding has been regarded by some as “Father of the English Novel.” 7.( F) William Blake, William Wordsworth, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge are regarded as the “Lake Poets.” 8.( T ) The British Romantic period is an age of prose. 9.( T ) The major theme of Jane Austen’s novels is love and marriage. 10.( T ) The Victoria period has been generally regarded as one of the most glorious in the English history. 11.( F ) Far from the Madding Crowd is Thomas Hardy’s first novel. 12.( T ) Modernism rose out of skepticism and disillusion of capitalism. 13.( T ) The major themes of the modernist literature are the distorted, alienated and ill relationships between man and nature, man and society, man and man, and man and himself. 14.( T) The early poems of Pound and Eliot and Yeats’s matured poetry marked rise of “modern poetry.” 15.( T ) Shaw’s plays have one passion, and one only, that is, indignation. 16.( F) Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare’s four greatest tragedies. 17.( T ) The first period of the English Renaissance was one of imitation and assimilation. 18.( T ) Paradise Lost is John Milton’s masterpiece. 19.( F ) Captain Singleton, Moll Flanders, Colonel Jack, and A Journal of the Plague Year are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower-class people. 20.( T ) In Jonathan Swift’s opinion, human nature is seriously and permanently flawed. 21.( T) Henry Fielding was the first to write specifically a “comic in prose.”


《英美文学选读》模拟试题(二) 一、单项选择题 1.D. Father and son in the medieval period, it is Chaucer alone who, for the first time in English literature, presented to us a comprehensive _____ picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of valid _________ from all walks of life in his masterpiece “the Canterbury Tales”. A. visionary/women B. romantic/men C. realistic/characters D. natural/figures 2.Humanism sprang from the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the antique authors and is frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its conscious, intellectual side, for the Greek and Roman civilization was based on the conception that man is the _____ of all things. A. measure B. king C. lover D. rule 3.Many people today tend to regard the play “The Merchant of Venice” as a satire of the hypocrisy of ___________ and their false standards of friendship and love, their cunning ways of pursuing worldliness and their unreasoning prejudice against _____. A. Christians/Jews B. Jews/Christians C. oppressors/oppressed D. people/Jews 傳統的理論認為該劇的主題是褒揚安東尼奧Antonio與巴塞尼奧Bassanio之間的友誼,贊美鮑西婭Portia的完美:美貌,智慧與堅貞,並揭露了Jews--Shylock的貪婪與殘忍 但是經曆了几個世紀對對Jews不會平的待遇,今天許多人將該劇的主題看作chritains的hypocrisy ,為追求世俗利益而不擇手段以及對Jews不公正的偏見 補充閱讀 1) Bassanio——Portia 2) Antonio——Shylock The traditional theme of the play is to praise the friendship betweem Antonio and Bassanio, to idealize Portia as a heroine of greate beaulity, wit and loyalty, and to expose the insatiable greed and brutality o f the Jew. Tody, many people tend to regard the play as a satire of the christians’ hypocrisy and their false standards of frindship and love, their cunning way of pursuing worldliness(俗心, 俗气) and their unreasoning prejudice against Jews.


英美文学选读练习(一) I. Multiple Choice Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Write the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 1. Shelley’ s political lyrics ______ is not only a war cry calling upon all working people to rise up against their political oppressors, but an address to them pointing out the intolerable injustice of economic exploitation. A. “Ode to Liberty” B. “Ode to Naples” C. “Ode to the West Wind” D. “Men of England” 2. Jane Austen’ s practical idealism is that love should be justified by ______ and disciplined by self-control. A. reason B. sense C. rationality D. sensibility 3. Shakespeare’ s ______, an elaborate and fantastic story, is known as the best of his final romances. A. The Winter’s Tale B. The Tempest C. The Taming of the Shrew D. Love’ s Labour’ s Lost 4. “To be, or not to be - that is the question;/Whether’ tis nobler in the mind to suffer / The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,/Or to take arms against a sea of troubles ,/And by opposing end then?” These lines are taken from ______. A. King Lear B. Romeo and Juliet C. Othello D. Hamlet 5. John Milton’ s most powerful dramatic poem on the Greek model is ______. A. Paradise Lost B. Paradise Regained C. Samson Agonistes D. Lycidas 6. Because of her sensitivity to universal pattens of human behavior, ______ has


自考英美文学选读要点总结精心整理 [英国』Chapter1 The Renaissance period(14世纪至七世纪中叶)文艺复兴 1、Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance、人文主义是文艺复兴的核心。 2、 the Greek and Roman civilization was based on such a conception that man is the measure of all things、人文主义作为文艺复兴的起源是因为古希腊罗马文明的基础是以“人”为中心,人是万物之灵。 3、 Renaissance humanists found in then classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see that human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfection, and that the world they inhabited was theirs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy、人文主义者们却从古代文化遗产中找到充足的论据,来赞美人性,并开始注意到人类是崇高的生命,人可以不断发展完善自己,而且世界是属于他们的,供他们怀疑,探索以及享受。 4、 Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English


英美文学选读选择题 1. _______, a typical example of Old English poetry, is regarded as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. A. The Canterbury Tales B. Exodus C. Beowulf D. The Legend of Good Women 2. The work that presented, for the first time in English literature, a comprehensive realistic picture of the medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is most likely ______________. A.William Langlan d’ s Piers Plowman B.Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales C.John Gower’s Confession Amantis D.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 3. With classical culture and the()humanistic ideas coming into England, the English Renaissance began flourishing. A. French B. German C. Italian D. Greek 4. During the reign of_______, England started its Religious Reformation and broke away from Rome. A. Henry VII B. Henry VIII C. Edward VI D. Queen Elizabeth 5. The Protestant movement, which was seen as a means to recover the purity of the early church from the corruption and superstition of the Middle Ages, was initiated by _______. A. Francis Bacon B. Martin Luther C. Thomas More Utopia D. William Shakespeare 6.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events EXCEPT_________. A.the rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture B.the vast expansion of British colonies in North America C.the new discoveries in geography and astrology D.the religious reformation and the economic expansion 7. In Renaissance, the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to do the following EXCEPT ______. A. getting rid of those old feudalist ideas B. getting control of the parliament and government C. introducing new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie D. recovering the purity of the early church, from the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church 8. Which of the following is NOT regarded as one of the characteristics of Renaissance humanism? A. Cultivation of the art of this world and this life.


Network Education College, BLCU 《英美文学选读》模拟试卷一 注意: 1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。请监考老师负责监督。 2.请各位考生注意考试纪律,考试作弊全部成绩以零分计算。 3.本试卷满分100分,答题时间为90分钟。 4.本试卷分为试题卷和答题卷,所有答案必须答在答题卷上,答在试题卷上不给分。 I.Multiple Choice. (1 point for each, altogether 30 points) Directions:There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word that you think best complete the sentence. Write your answers on the answer sheet. 1. Among the great Middle English poets, Geoffrey Chaucer is known for his production of_______. [A] Piers Plowman [B] Sir Gawain and the Green Knight [C] Confessio Amantis [D] The Canterbury Tales 2. In "After Apple- Picking," Robert Frost wrote: "For I have had too much / Of apple -picking: I am overtired/ Of the great harvest I myself desired." From these lines we can conclude that the speaker is_______. [A] happy about the harvest [B] still very much interested in apple-picking [C] expecting a greater harvest [D] indifferent to what he once desired 3.With Howells, James, and Mark Twain active on the literary scene,_______became the major trend in American literature in the seventies and eighties of the 19th century. [A] Sentimentalism [B] romanticism [C] realism [D] naturalism 4. Of the following American poets in the twentieth century, the one who has the best knowledge of Chinese culture is _______. [A] Robert Frost [B] Allen Ginsberg [C] Ezra Pound [D] Cummings 5. _______is the first important governess novel in the English literary history. [A] Jane Eyre [B] Emma [C] Wuthering Heights [D] Middlemarch 6. The Hemingway Code heroes are best remembered for their_______. [A] indestructible spirit [B] pessimistic view of life [C] war experiences [D] masculinity 7. Which of the following is taken from John Keats’Ode to a Nightingale? _______

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