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House of Representatives众议院

Architect of the Capitol国会大厦

Congressional Budget Office国会预算办公室

General Accounting Office总会计署

Government Printing Office印刷局

Library of Congress美国国会图书馆

Office of Technology Assessment国会技术评估办公室Stennis Center for Public Service :Stennis公众服务中心二、EXECUTIVE BRANCH行政部门


Vice President副总统

Executive Office of the President总统行政办公室Council of Economic Advisers总统经济顾问委员会Council on Environmental Quality总统环境质量委员会National Economic Council国家经济委员会

National Security Council国家安全委员会

Office of Management and Budget管理与预算办公室Office of National AIDS Policy国家艾滋病政策办公室Office of National Drug Control Policy国家麻醉品控制政策办公室

Office of Science and Technology Policy科技政策办公室President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Boa rd总统国外


U.S. Trade Representative美国贸易代表

White House Office for Women’s Initiatives and Outreach白宫妇女办公室

Department of Agriculture农业部

Department of Commerce商业部

Department of Defense国防部

Department of Education教育部

Department of Energy能源部

Department of Health and Human Services卫生和公共事业部

Department of Housing and Urban Development住宅与城市发展部

Department of the Interior内务部

Department of Justice司法部

Department of Labor劳工部

Department of State国务院

Department of Transportation交通部

Department of the Treasury财政部

Department of Veterans Affairs退伍军人事务部Independent Establishments, Government Corporations, and Quasi-official Agencie s独立机构、政府法人社团和半官方中介机构

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation历史保护咨询委员会

Central Intelligence Agency中央情报局

Commission on Civil Rights民权委员会

Commodity Futures Trading Commission商品期货贸易委员会

Consumer Product Safety Commission消费者产品安全委员会

Corporation for National Service国家服务团Environmental Protection Agency环保局

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission平等就业机会委员会

Export-Import Bank of the United States美国进出口银行Farm Credit Administration农业信贷管理局

Federal Communications Commission联邦通讯委员会Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation联邦储蓄保险公司Federal Election Commission联邦选举委员会

Federal Emergency Management Agency联邦紧急事务管理局

Federal Labor Relations Authority联邦劳工关系局Federal Maritime Commission联邦海事委员会

Federal Reserve System联邦储备银行系统

Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board联邦退休储蓄和投资委员会

Federal Trade Commission联邦贸易委员会

General Services Administration总务管理局

Merit Systems Protection Board功绩制保护委员会National Aeronautics and Space Administration国家航空航天局

National Archives and Records Administration国家档案局National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities国家艺术人文基金会

National Labor Relations Board国家劳工关系委员会National Railroad Passenger Corporation国家铁路客运公司

National Performance Review国家绩效评估委员会National Science Foundation国家科学基金会

National Transportation Safety Board国家交通安全委员会Nuclear Regulatory Commission核管理委员会Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission职业安全与健康管理局

Office of Government Ethics政府道德办公室

Office of Personnel Management人事管理办公室

Office of Special Counsel特别检察官办公室

Overseas Private Investment Corporation海外私人投资公司

Peace Corps和平队

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation养老金受益担保公司

Postal Rate Commission邮政费率委员会

Railroad Retirement Board铁道职工退休委员会Securities and Exchange Commission证券交易委员会Selective Service System义务兵役管理部

Small Business Administration小企业主利益保护局Smithsonian Institution史密森学会

Social Security Administration社会保障部

Tennessee Valley Authority田纳西州河谷授权委员会

U.S. Agency for International Development美国国际开发署

U.S. International Trade Commission美国国际贸易委员会U.S. Postal Service美国邮政服务局

U.S. Trade and Development Agency美国贸易及发展署Voice of America美国之音


Supreme Court最高法院

U.S. Courts of Appeals美国地区法院

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit美国联邦巡回


U.S. District Courts联邦地方法院

U.S. Court of Federal Claims联邦申诉法庭

U.S. Court of International Trade国际贸易法院

U.S. Tax Court税务法院

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces武装部队地区法院

U.S. Court of Veterans Appeals退伍军人地区法院Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts美国法院行政管理办公室

Federal Judicial Center联邦司法中心

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