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III. Cloze ( 1.5×20 )

The other day, I happened to meet someone I hadn’t seen for many years. I couldn’t believe the change in him. In fact, he didn’t even seem like the ___51___ person.

When I first knew Bill, back in ___52___, he was one of the most carefree (无忧无虑的) people I had ever ___53___. He was always ready to have a party. He thought ___54___ of going out for beer at three o’clock in the morning or driving 50 miles to see an old ___55___ he really liked. Bill and I were in the same class in college, and ___56___ was never dull when he was ___57___. With him there was one wild ___58___ after another. Sometimes I wonder how we ___59___ to study for our exams.

Last week I was in Houston on business and I ran into Bill in the bar at the hotel. ___60___, I wasn’t even sure it was ___61___. Was this short-haired businessman really the same person? I wasn’t really sure until I came near him but it indeed was Bill. Now he works for a bank. He ___62___ most of the evening about his job, his new car and his house. How he had changed! Back when we were in college, the ___63___ thing Bill cared about was possessions. Now they seemed to be his main ___64___. Although I have changed quite a bit myself, somehow, I never ___65___ Bill changing so much. My image of him ___66___ the one I had formed ___67___ the time when were college students together.

I suppose it’s ___68___ to expect people to remain the same, especially ___69___ I have changed so much myself. But I must say that I enjoyed the old Bill much more than the new Bill. Maybe he ___70___ the same way about me.

51. A. proper B. same C. usual D. right

52. A. childhood B. the army C. his thirties D. college

53. A. considered B. supposed C. met D. expected

54. A. nothing B. much C. most D. none

55. A. man B. hospital C. movie D. country

56. A. learning B. life C. work D. fun

57. A. in B. out C. away D. around

58. A. adventure B. mistake C. chance D. joke

59. A. decided B. intended C. managed D. hoped

60. A. First of all B. At first C. Now and then D. All the time

61. A. that B. us C. there D. him

62. A. thought B. talked C. argued D. spent

63. A. first B. last C. next D. only

64. A. interest B. event C. subject D. problem

65. A. forgot B. minded C. liked D. imagined

66. A. remained B. reminded C. suggested D. became

67. A. since B. from C. at D. till

68. A. unnecessary B. foolish C. common D. unusual

69. A. because B. that C. how D. when

70. A. felt B. acted C. looked D. discovered

IV. Reading: (2×15)


Hillary Clinton, 59, with her famous “I’m in, and I’m in to win2008 Race”, began her email to supporters, saying “I want you to join me not for the campaign but for a conversation about the future of our country. Let’s talk, let’s chat.”

Mrs. Clinton said that she would focus on “practical changes” in foreign, domes tic and national security policy, such as finding “a right end” to the Iraq war, expanding health insurance, pursuing greater energy independence and strengthening Social Security and Medi-care, which satisfies many American people.

In her statement, Mrs. Clinton also frankly talked about an issue that worries her a lot. Whether she can, in fact, win the presidency, some voters still associate her most with the Clinton government.

“I have never been afraid to stand up for my beliefs,” Mrs. Clinton said on the Website. “After nearly $70 million spent against my campaigns in New York and two wins, I can say I know how Republicans think, how they operate, and how to beat them.”

If successful, she would be the first female nominee (被提名人) of a major American political party, and the first wife of a former president to seek a return to the White House. President Bill Clinton left office in 2000 after two terms marked by economic expansion and a series of official examination of his personal life and the Clinto ns’ business dealings. But the success and shadows of those years will likely affect Mrs. Clinton, who was once an important adviser and caused some disagreements in his government.

Yet Mrs. Clinton has become a major political figure in America.

71. By saying “I’m in to win”, Hillary probably means that ____________.

A. she is online to get people’s support to run for presidency

B. she is going to run for election and work hard to win

C. she is online to get more support and she’s sure she’ll w in

D. she has decided to run for president and work hard to win

72. It can be inferred from the passage that ____________.

A. Clinton left office only because of his personal life

B. Hillary was once deeply involved in her husband’s government

C. all her voters strongly support her and believe in her

D. the whole election campaign costs Hillary nearly $ 70 million

73. What many American people are deeply concerned about is _____________.

A. how to solve the energy problem

B. when and how to find a proper solution to the Iraq war

C. what practical things Hillary will do for them

D. how to strengthen Social Security and Medicare

74. The author’s attitude towards Hillary is _______________.

A. critical

B. positive

C. negative

D. objective


Is Organic Farming the Way to Protect the Planet?

In the Western world there is a debate about the value and effectiveness of organic farming. It is generally believed that farms that rely on chemical fertilizers and pesticides are more efficient. But is this true? At first sight it seems that it is. Studies in Britain, America and Australia have shown that concentrated modern farming methods produce as much as 40% more than the more traditional methods that severed mankind well for thousands of years.

However, if you look at the evidence another way, new studies are beginning to show another picture. This new research argues that organic farms actually expand the amount grown each year. This is because the research looks at the quality of the soil as well as the crops grown. They argue that we must reduce fertilizers and pesticides as they damage the soil and increase pollution. A spokesman said, “Organic farming makes the soil more fertile and prevents the soil from being carried away by wind or water, while conventional methods have the opposite effect… Only if we change to organic farming methods will we be able to continues to increase the amount of crops grown.

This advantage of organic farming increased when you examine the farmers’ costs. Organic methods may produce smaller crops. However, they don’t need expensive chemicals. If farmers also use natural pest controls and improve their growing techniques, it will eventually give organic farmers an economic advantage.

So Western farmers are listening to this advice and more and more are turning to organic farming. Hopefully these ideas will also convince some farmers in developing countries that their best interests lie in organic farming also. Maybe then farming will become the profitable occupation that was always meant to be!

75. The main purpose of this text is ___________________.

A. to tell readers that there is a debate in the Western world

B. to explain how chemical fertilizers and pesticides cause pollution

C. to show farmers how to reduce the cost of farming

D. to make it known that organic farming is actually more efficient

76. Many people think it more efficient to use chemical fertilizers because ___________.

A. the output is about 40% more than traditional methods

B. crops grow much faster than using traditional methods

C. farmers don’t have to do as much work as they used to

D. the cost of arming is lower than with traditional methods

77. Some farmers in developing countries ________________.

A. need to turn to Western farmers if they want to increase their output.

B. don’t think organic farming will bring them more money.

C. have been getting smaller crops because of chemical fertilizers.

D. should improve their growing techniques before becoming organic farmers.


A lot of us lose life’s tough battles by starting a frontal attack---when a touch of humor might well enable us to win. Consider the case of a young friend of mine, who

was trapped in a traffic jam on his way to work shortly after receiving a warning about being late for the job. Although there was a good reason for Sam’s being late---serious illness at home---he decided that this by-now-familiar excuse wouldn’t work any longer. His boss was probably already pacing up and down preparing a dismissal(免职) speech.

Yes, the boss was. Sam entered the office at 9:35. The place was as quiet as a locker room; everyone was hard at work. Sam’s boss came up to him. Suddenly, Sam smiled and stretched out his hand. “How do you do!” he said. “I’m Sam Maynard. I’m applying for a job, which, I understand, became available just 35 minutes ago. Does the early bird get the worm?”

The room exploded in laughter. The boss clamped off a smile and walked back to his office. Sam Maynard had saved his job---with the only tool that could win, a laugh.

Humor is a most effective, yet frequently neglected, means of handing the difficult situations in our lives. It can be used for patching up (修补) differences, apologizing, say ing “no”, criticizing, getting the other fellow to do what you want without his losing face. For some jobs, it’s the only tool that can succeed. It is a way to discuss subjects so sensitive that serious dialogue may start a quarrel. For example, many believe that comedians on television are doing more today for racial and religious tolerance than people in any other field.

78. The main idea of this text is __________________.

A. early bird gets the worm

B. Sam Maynard saved his job with humor

C. humor is important in our lives

D. humor can solve racial discriminations (歧视)

79. Why was Sam late for his job?

A. He was ill.

B. He got up late.

C. He was busy applying for a new job

D. He was caught in a traffic jam.

80. The underlined phrase “clamped off” in the third paragraph probably mean ________.

A. tried to hold back

B. tried to set up

C. charged

D. gave out

81. Which of the following statements can we infer from the text?

A. Sam was supposed to come to his office at 8:30.

B. It wasn’t the first time that Sam came late for his work.

C. Humor is the most effective way of solving problems.

D. Many lose life’s battles for they are lacking in a sense of humor.


People are afraid of confronting (对抗冲突) another person because they will meet with such a situation where they have very little control over what will happen. So people remain silent. They hope the problem will go away. However, the silent treatment makes it worse with their resentment building like a saving account that collects interest daily until it bursts into am unnecessary fight.

Most folks aren’t very skilled in what they say, either. They may start with something like, “You make me angry,” implying it’s your fault. In return, you feel threatened, and when that happens, you react like the forest creatures and possibly take defensive action.

So, you need to know how to deal with conflict to feel confident about confronti ng someone. When someone is doing something that’s upsetting you, first, determine the source of the conflict for you, says Ursiny, author of the Coward’s Guide to Conflict. “Is it what they did, the way they did it, a difference in personality or poor com munication?”

Then make sure that you will act by taking the other into account. Your purpose is to inform, not to attack. Preserve a relationship while getting your point across. Do that soon after the incident (unless you need time to cool off ) by:

1. Focusing on the specific behavior: “You arrived 10 minutes late to our meeting.” ---not, “You are unreliable.”

2. State how that made you feel: “I was angry.”

3. State the consequences: We couldn’t start because you had the data we needed.”

People will be more open if you carefully introduce your comments. In the situation with my client, I suggested she start with, “I want to have a good working relationship. This isn’t easy to bring up, but…” Most people will appreciate your sincerity.

Instead of just focusing on what you are afraid will happen, consider the good that could occur, and your conversation just could lead to a better relationship than you had before.

82. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. How to Mend a Troubled Friendship.

B. How to Take the Lead in the Difficult Situation.

C. How to Deal With Conflict.

D. How to Introduce Your Comments.

83. The underlined word “resentment” in paragraph 1 refers to ____________.

A. silence

B. fear

C. worry

D. anger

84. What should we do to deal with conflict according to paragraph 4?

A. Get your point across by taking the other into account.

B. Consider the good that could take place.

C. Think over the source of the conflict.

D. Stick to our own point of view.

85. We can learn from the passage that ______________.

A. poor communication can lead to a worse situation

B. getting your point across will make you work in a good mood.

C. remaining silent in a troubled situation is a way to deal with conflict.

D. people will appreciate your sincerity by your pointing out others’ mistakes directly.

III. Cloze: (1.5×20)

51---55 BDCAC 56---60 BDACB 61---65 DBBAD 66---70 ACBDA IV. Reading: (2×15)

71---74 DBCD 75---77 DAB 78---81CDAB 82---85 CDAA


* 完型填空与阅读理解专项练习家长签名: 一.完型填空 A I walked along the sea for about an hour until I began to feel hungry. It was seven. By that time, I was not far from a favourite restaurant of mine, where I often went to eat two or three times a week. I knew the owner well. I went into the restaurant, which was already crowded, and ordered my meal. While I was waiting, I looked 1 to see if I knew anyone in the restaurant. Then I saw a man sitting at a corner table near the door keeping looking in my direction (方向), as if he knew me. I certainly didn’t know him, for I never forgot a 2 . The man had a newspaper __3 in front of him. But I could see that he was keeping an 4 on me. When the waiter brought my soup, the man was 5 puzzled (迷惑) by the familiar (熟悉) way that the waiter and I called each other. He became even more puzzled as 6 went on. He could see that I was well 7 in the restaurant. At last he got up and went into the kitchen. After a few minutes he came out again, 8 for his meal and left. When I had finished, I called the owner of the restaurant over and asked him 9 the man had wanted. The owner told me he was a detective(侦探). “Really?”I was 10 . “He was certainly 11 in me. But why?” I asked. “He followed you here because he thought you were a man he was looking 12 ,”the owner said. “When he came into the kitchen, he showed me a 13 of the wanted man . He certainly looked like you! Of course, since we 14 you here, I told him that he had made a mistake.”It’s 15 I came to a restaurant where I am known, or I might have been arrested! 1. A. for B. at C. around D. like 2. A. name B. face C. person D. friend 3. A. open B. closed C. opened D. close 4. A. orange B. arm C .apple D. eye 5. A. badly B. fast C. quickly D. clearly 6. A. Program B. story C. time D. news 7. A. taken B. made C. known D. brought 8. A. paid B. paying C. spent D. cost 9. A. that B. what C. when D. which 10. A. worried B. surprised C. surprising D. sad 11. A. interested B. Interesting C. worried D. sure 12. A. up B. like C. at D. for 13. A. book B. photo C. paper D. magazine 14. A. know B. see C. hear D. look at 15. A. bad B. good C. lucky D . Best B There was a robbery near Harry's home one night. Harry was looking out of his window 1 . He saw a robber run out of a shop and he saw the robber 2 his mask . He saw his face. Harry told his father what he had seen. When the police came, Harry and his 3 went to talk to them. "I saw the robber," Harry told the police. "I can 4 him. He was about fifty years old. He __5 a big red nose. His ears were big. He was quite tall and thin. He had 6 wrong with his right leg." " 7 do you know that ?" one of the policemen asked Harry. "He limped (跛行)," Harry said. "What was he wearing?" the other policeman asked.


2011届高三英语完型阅读专项训练 制卷:杨文娟石宏波 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 “Down-to-earth” means someone or something that is honest, practical and easy to deal with. It is 36 to find someone who is down-to-earth. A person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk to and 37 other people as equals. A down-to-earth person is just the 38 of someone who acts important and proud. Down-to-earth persons 39 be important members of society, of course. 40 they do not l et their importance “go to their heads”, that is to say, they do not 41 themselves to be better persons than others of less importance. Someone who is filled with his own importance and pride, often without cause, is 42 to have “his nose in the air”. T here is 43 way person with his nose in the air can be down-to-earth. Americans 44 another expression that means almost the same as “down-to-earth”. The expression is “both-feet-on-the-ground”. Someone with both-feet-on-the-ground is a person with a good 45 of reality. He 46 what is called “common sense”. He may have 47 , but he does not allow them to 48 his knowledge of what is real. The opposite kind of 49 is one who has his “head-in-the-clouds”. A man with his head-in-the-clouds is a dreamer whose 50 is not in the real world. 51 , such a dreamer can be brought back to earth. 52 words from a teacher can usually bring a daydreaming student down-to-earth. Usually, the person who is down-to-earth is very 53 to have both-feet-on-the-ground. 54 we are down-to-earth and have both our feet on-the-ground, we act honestly and openly toward others. Our lives are like the ground below us, solid and 55 . 36. A. pleasant B. impossible C. common D. surprising 37. A. meets B. welcomes C. loves D. accepts 38. A. case B. kind C. opposite D. example 39. A. must B. may C. should D. can’t 40. A. But B. So C. Though D. And 41. A. wish B. expect C. desire D. consider 42. A. said B. told C. asked D. made 43. A. some B. a C. no D. every 44. A. discover B. find C. make D. use 45. A. understanding B. wish C. reason D. expectation 46. A. demands B. lacks C. has D. likes 47. A. fortunes B. dreams C. plans D. disadvantages 48. A. block B. protect C. own D. gain 49. A. idea B. expression C. attitude D. person 50. A. mind B. life C. body D. head 51. A. Always B. Therefore C. However D. Sometimes 52. A. Sharp B. Sweet C. Cruel D. Bad 53. A. possible B. probable C. likely D. able 54. A. Though B. Whether C. When D. Unless 55. A. strong B. fast C. happy D. wet 第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案。 A Governors, lawyers and business leaders have to deal with scientists, and every educated person finds his views affected by science. Yet our science teaching of non-scientists, in school and college, has built up mistaken ideas, dislikes, and the common boast(自夸), “I never did understand science.” Even those students who arrive at colleges with plans to become scientists


完形填空与阅读理解 一、完形填空: Frank was a very talkative little boy. He never saw a new thing __1___ asking a great many questions about it. His ___2___was very patient and kind. When it was ___3___to answer his questions, she would do so. Sometimes she would s ay, “You are not ___4___enough to understand that, my son. When you are ten years old, you many ask me about it, and I will tell you.” The first time Frank saw an hourglass(沙漏),he was very much interested, but he did not know ___5____it was. His mother sai d, …An hourglass is made in the ___6____of the figure 8. The sand is put in at one end, and runs through a small hole in the ___7___. As much sand is put into the glass as will run through in an hour. When Frank watched the little stream of sand, he was impatient, ___8__it would not run faster. “Let me __9___it, mother,” said Frank:“it is lazy, and will never get through.” “Oh yes, it will,my son,”said his mother. “The sand moves down little by little, but it moves all the time. “ “When you look at the ___10__of the clock, you think they go very slowly, and so they do; but they never ____11____.” “While you are playing, the sand is running, grain(颗粒) by grain.The hands of the clock are moving, second by second. At night, the sand in the hourglass has run through twelve times. The hour hand of the clock has moved all around its face. This is because they keep working every ___12____. They do not stop to think how much they have to do, or how long it will ___13___them to do it. Now Frank?s mother wanted him to learn a little poem, but he said, “Mother, I can ___14 __do it. His mother said, “Study all the time. Never stop to ask how long it will take to learn it. You will be able to say it very soon.” Frank __15___his mother?s advice. He studied line after l ine, very busily; and in one hour and half he knew the poem perfectly. 1.A. without B. except C. for D. About 2. A. father B. brother C. mother D. sister 3. A. easy B. proper C. impossible D. useless 4. A. popular B. wise C. friendly D. old 5. A. what B. why C. how D. who 6. A. for B. shape C. Time D. number 7. A. middle B. back C. front D. top 8. A. so B. because C. before D. until 9. A. kick B. touch C. drop D. shake 10.A. faces B. Time C. hands D. surface 11.A. stop B. worry C. walk D. talk 12.A. year B. minute C. day D. month 13.A. bring B. leave C. take D. offer 14.A. finally B. easily C. carefully D. hardly 15.A. refused B. allowed C. followed D. forgot


初二上英语完型填空与阅读理解训练8 完形填空 We live in computer age(时代). People 21 scientists, teachers, writers and even students use computers to do all kinds of work. But more than 30 years ago, 22 couldn't do much. They were very big and expensive. Very 23 people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and 24 . But they can do a lot of work; many people like to use them. Some people 25 have them at home. Computers become very important because they can work 26 than people and make fewer mistakes. Computers can 27 people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to 28 . Teachers use them to help teaching. Students use them to 29 . Computers can also remember what you 30 them. Computers are very useful and helpful. They are our friends. Do you want to have a computer? ( )21. A. like B. as C. and D. with ( )22. A. students B. scientists C. teachers D. computers ( )23. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( )24. A. cheap B. cheaper C. more expensive D. expensive ( )25. A. even B. still C. already D. yet ( )26. A. fast B. faster C. slow D. slower ( )27. A. help B. make C. stop D. use ( )28. A. write B. play C. study D. learn ( )29. A. sing B. study C. dance D. watch ( )30. A. put in B. put on C. put into D. put up 阅读理解 A Potato chips are very popular in the world. Do you know how they were invented (发明)? In 1853, a native (本土的) American named George Crum made the first potato chips. Crum was a chef (厨师) in an expensive restaurant in Saratoga Springs, New York. One day, a customer (顾客) did not like the French fries. He said they were cut too thick. That day Crum was in a bad mood, so he cut the potatoes really, really thin and he cooked them for a long time until they were very crispy (酥脆的). He wanted to make the customer dislike them. But the customer loved them very much and asked for more. Other people wanted Crum’s potato chips. Now, there was a new food on the menu—Saratoga chips. Soon Crum opened his own restaurant and made his special chips. It took a long time to make potato chips. People peeled the potatoes by hand. Then in 1920, the automatic (自动的) potato peeler changed everything. Now it was faster and easier to make potato chips. Now potato chips were not a specialty. They were a popular snack food, but only in the north. A salesman named Herman Lay wanted to sell potato chips in the south. He sold potato chips in bags. His business grew. Today, Americans eat a lot of potato chips every day. 阅读短文, 判断正(T)误(F)。 ()46. At first the French fries were very thin. ()47. To make the customer angry, George Crum made the first potato chips. ()48. Before 1920, it was not easy to make potato chips. ()49. George Crum invented (发明) a kind of machine which could peel potatoes. ()50. It was George Crum who brought the potato chips to the south.


初一完型阅读测试 A Hello, everybody! MY name is Pi. I am a 16-year-old boy. My father has a ___ and we live near his zoo. I ___ animals. I can be their ___ friend. One day, I can’t __ my parents. I lose everything. I have to be on the sea___ a big tiger. We need __ and water. We become friends, ___ we take an unusual (不平常的)trip together. After many days, ___ get to Mexico. But the tiger goes to a forest. I can’t ___ him again. DO you want to ___ more about me? Please go to see the movie Life of PI (少年派的奇幻漂流)。 1. A zoo B shop C house D library 2. A need B want C love D watch 3. A big B good C healthy D beautiful 4. A like B find C meet D have 5. A in B on C for D with 6. A food B fruit C books D computers 7. A or B so C but D and 8. A I B you C we D they 9. A ask B see C help D thank 10.A eat B take C know D lose B 根据短文内容和首字母提示,在文中空白处填入一个恰当的单词,使短文完整,通顺。 My name is Bright Eyes. I have four legs. I have a brown fur(皮毛) w_______ while patches (斑块). My tail is very s_____ , but my two ears are very long. And I have red e_______ . Guess what I am. Yes! I am a rabbit. I c_______ from a pet shop. Now I l_______ with the Green family. MY home is the back garden. I can run and p______ games all day long. There is a dog next door. H______ likes me. I like him, t_______. Today I am very h________ because Mrs. Green buys a new rabbit from the pet s______. We’ll become good friends. 1._____________ 2._____________ 3._____________ 4._____________ 5._____________ 6._____________ 7._____________ 8._____________ 9._____________ 10._____________ C HI! I am Wang Gang. This is my first day at new school. It is all new to me. In the morning, I see some boys and girls. I want to say hello to them, but I’m very shy (害羞). At this time, a girl comes to me. She is in a purple jacket. And there is a green pen in her hand. “Good morning! “ she says. “ Good morning!” I smile. “What’s your name?”“I am thirteen years old.” We have a nice talk. Oh, I have a new friend now. And I’m very happy. 1.Who writes the passage? A Liu Ying B Wang Gang’s teacher. C Wang Gang D Liu Ying’s father. 2.This is Wang Gang’s ___day at the school. A last B third C second D first 3.What is Liu Ying’s hand? A eraser B pen C pencil D key 4.How old is Liu Ying? A 13 years old. B 14 years old C 15 years old D 16 years old 5.Wang Gang is ____ to have a new friend. A sad B happy C tired D excited D Hello, everyone! My name is Bob. I have a good friend. His name is Paul. He is a yellow dog. I like him very much. Every morning Paul runs with me, and we play in the park every afternoon. Paul is very fat. He likes eating beef hamburgers for breakfast . For dinner, he likes fish. Paul likes red. He has two red hats. Look! They are on my bed. But Paul is lost now. Please help me. My telephone number is 312-3216. MY e-mail address is paul2013@sina, com. Many thanks! 1.Paul is ____. A Bob’s brother B a dog C Bob’s classmates D a cat 2.Paul ___every morning. A runs with Bob B plays with hats C eats hamburgers D watches TV 3.Paul’s hats are on the ____. A desk B chair C bed D wall 4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A Paul is Bob’s friend. B Bob’s telephone number is 312-3216 C Paul has two red hats D Bob likes eating beef hamburgers and fish 5.Bob writes the passage to____ . A thank Paul B Introduce(介绍)Paul C ask for help D show his love


完形填空题与阅读理解题 ( A) One night, a shopkeeper called Romero 1 closed his store on Fifth Street in New York, and was 2 home alone. On the way he remembered he had left his wallet at the store. He went back 3 it. When he was ready 4 the door of the store, he heard a noise inside and saw someone 5 quietly towards the freezer. “ A thief !” , he thought. He was 6 frightened that he was trembling a little, 7 he didn’t want the thief to steal all his money. He said to 8, “God bless me ! I must calm down”At that moment, the person opened the top of the freezer and hid inside. Mr. Romero had an idea. He sat on the top of the freezer and called the police on the phone. The thief tried 9 out, but he couldn’t . when the police 10, Mr. Romeo was still sitting on the freezer, and the thief was freezing inside. A last , the thief, who was freezing, was caught by the policemen. ( )1. A. care B. careful C. carefully D. careless ( )2. A. driving B. drive C. drives D. driven ( )3. A. with B. to C. for D. without ( )4. open B. to open C. for opening D. opened ( )5.A . move B. moving C. moved D. had moved ( )6. A, as B. too C. so D. very ( )7. A, thought B. but C. because D. and ( )8. A. himself B. him C. it D. the thief ( )9. A, getting B. got C. get D. to get ( )10. A. got to B. reached C. arrived D. arrived ( B) Every day some people are killed while they are crossing the roads. 1 of these people are old people and children . Old people are often killed because they can’t see or 2 very well. Children are killed because they are not 3 . They forget to look and listen before they 4 the roads. A car or a bus can’t stop 5 . If a car is going very fast, it will travel many metres 6 it stops. Some people don’t always understand this. They think a car can stop 7 a few metres. It is difficult 8 how fast a car is moving. The only way to cross the roads safely is to look 9 ways, right and left. Then if the roads are 10 , you can cross them. ( )1. A. Much B. Most C. More D. many ( )2. A, hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard ( )3. A. care B. carefully C. careful D. more carefully ( )4.A. across B. come C. cross D. crossing ( )5. A, fast B. quickly C. quick D. fastly ( )6. A, before B. while C. after D. later ( )7. A. in B. on C. at D. under ( )8. A. to know B. know C. knew D. to knew ( )9. A, all B. each C. both D. either ( )10. A, full B. empty C. busy D. free 二、阅读理解: 阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容选择最佳答案。 (1) Mary and Peter like sports. Peter likes skating(溜冰) best. They are going to skate on Saturday. It’s 7.30 now, and they are listening to the weather report on the radio. “Friday is going to be cold and cloudy, but it’s not going to rain. The temperature is going to fall down. It’s going to snow. Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon and Sunday are going to be clear, cold and sunny.” Mary and Peter are glad. The wea ther is going to be good for a skate. ()1. What’s Peter’s favourite sport? A. Swimming. B. skiing C. Skating. D. Running. ()2. When will they go to skate? A. Today. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday. D. On Friday. ()3. What are they doing now? They are _____. A. listening to the music B. doing their homework C. talking about the weather D. listening to the weather report ()4. What’s the weather like on Friday? It will be _____. A. hot B. snowy C. rainy D. warm ()5. Which is right? A.P eter is making a weather report. B.They can’t go to skate on Saturday. C.Saturday is going to be a fine day. D.The radio doesn’t say it’s going to be cold on Sunday. (2) Helen Keller lived in the USA. She was a great woman. When she was a baby, she was badly ill. After many weeks, the doctor said, “ She is better, but now she can’t see and she can’t hear, either.”Her parents were very sad. After a few years, things got worse. She heard nothing. She didn’t understand anything. Then one day a teacher came to live with Helen and her family. The teacher helped Helen learn about words. Helen was very clever and soon she learned to spell her first word. When she was older, she went to college (大学). Later, Helen became very famous. She helped many blind(瞎) and deaf(聋) people. Helen was a very old woman when she died. But the world remembers her today as a brave and wonderful woman. She was blind and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear.

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