当前位置:文档之家› 【备战2014】广西贺州市2014高考英语写作与完形填空训练(4)及答案






1. 文章必须包括以上主要内容,可以适当增减细节,使内容连贯;

2. 词数100~120左右。


Our school lies at the foot of a small hill. A little river passed by it. A chemical works was built south of our school two years ago. A great deal of poisonous gas had been sent out into the air and a large amount of waste water had been poured into the river. The terrible pollution had done great harm to us as well as to the surroundings.

Now , the government has tak en many steps to protect our surroundings and prevent it from being polluted. Now , as you see , our school looks like a beautiful garden. In our school yard there are green trees and all kinds of flowers all the year round.


某中学生英语报社正开展一场题为“Young teach ers or elderly teachers,which do you prefer?”请你依据下面表格所提供的要点写一篇短文,向该报社投稿。




Opinions are divided on this question.

One possible version:

Opinions are divided on this question. Some students may like elderly teachers' teaching because they think eld erly teachers have more teaching experience and that they tend to be patient and careful with explanations. However, I prefer to be taught by young teachers. Firstly, we students have much in common with them. So they are our friends as well as our teachers. Secondly, they are more .energetic and enthusiastic. Usually they can make their classes lively and interesting. Besides, they are more ready to accept or create new ideas, including teaching. Thirdly, most young teachers devote themselves to their work, making them teach creatively and effectively.

In a word, I prefer young teachers to elderly teachers.


This afternoon we had a P.E lesson. Our teacher led us to practise long jump.When the bell rang.we gathered on the playground. After the warming-up exercises,the teacher told us the way of long jump and gave us an example. Then we followed the teacher and practised one after another. Soon came my turn and I fel t nervous. I failed the fist time,but I wasn't discouraged.I kept on thinking the teacher's words and practising. At last I managed to jump over three meters.

From this class I come to realize that one can succeed if he has perseverance.




When I was in my early twenties,I moved away from my home state of Wisconsin to attend graduate school.I chose to go to the University of Arizona in Tucson and __36__ there.Upon landing in early June,I was shocked by the lack of __37__ and the burning desert heat.After less than two days in that __38__,I called my parents to question whether I had made the __39__ choice and to announce that I was __40__ considering coming home.My father,in a calm and __41__ voice,indicated that I always had a __42__.I could always com e home and be welcome there.But in fact,we both __43__I wouldn't come home at the time.Needless to say,I chose to __44__.

Many years have passed.My father's __45__ words remain with me.Knowing that I can always __46__,I've be en able to __47__ several challenging situations—unemployment,divorce and even the __48__ of my only son.I have also used these words in many cases where others need to know that someone __49__ and that they do have a choice.

Whether __50__ is earthly,spiritual,or some sense of calm,knowing that we can come home

will be just enough to __51__ us on our way.

It __52__ me,in a way,of the prodigal son(回头的浪子)who found __53__ and love upon returning home.While we don't have to be like him and hit bottom in life,it is good to know that we can wander and experience pains and __54__ in life but we still have a home where love,support and comfort __55__.

36.A.flew B.drove C.walked D.cycled

37.A.blue B.yellow C.brown D.g reen

38.A.family B.refuge C.environment D.desert

39.A.new B.right C.last D.difficult

40.A.naturally B.fortunately C.obviously D.seriously

41.A.gentle B.weak C.supportive D.pleasant

42.A.choice B.dream C.friend D.request

43.A.pretended B.expected C.knew D.forgot

44.A.graduate B.regret C.return D.continue

45.A.surprising B.encouraging C.interesting D.moving

46.A.wander outside B.hang around C.come home D.move away

47.A.face up to B.get away with C.make sure of D.look out for

48.A.return B.growth C.arrival D.loss

49.A.worries B.cares C.leaves D.stays

50.A.health B.marriage C.church D.home

51.A.help B.stop C.protect D.teach

52.https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b18500299.html,rms B.reminds C.warns D.rids

53.https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b18500299.html,fort B.interest C.food D.money

54.A.regrets B.complaints C.sufferings D.pleasures

55.A.survive B.exist C.fall D.disappear

36.A从下文的“Upon landing”可知,作者是坐飞机去那儿的,所以用flew。

37.D从下文提到的“burning desert heat”可知,这里是不毛之地,所以缺乏绿色(green)。










46.C每次当作者面对(face up to)挑战的时候,他知道他总是可以回家(come home)得到慰藉。wander outside表示“在外闲逛”,hang around表示“到处游荡”,move away表示“移走”,都不符合语境。

47.A参见46题解析。get away with表示“做(坏事)而未受处罚”,make sure of表示“确信……”,look out for表示“当心,提防”,都不符合语境。

48.D结合上文的“unemployment,divorce”可知,这些都是人生中的失意之事,而丧子之殇(loss of my only son)则更是人生的大悲。




52.B remind sb.of sth.是固定表达,表示“让某人想起某事”,这里表示“我想起了一个回头的浪子的故事”。









假设你是李华,于2010年6月3日搭乘国外某航空公司航班(flight number BA793)回国后,发现遗失了一个行李箱(suitcase)。现请用英文给该航空公司写一封信,请他们帮你寻找。









Dear Sir,

_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear Sir,

Today, I’m writing to tell you that I lost a suitcase in flight number BA793 when I was on board on June 3, 2010. Frankly, there are some books that are wanted in reviewing NMET, some cash, a credit card and two bank cards in it. As you know, I’ m a student and I need money to buy something to eat.If I don’t eat something, I have no energy to review lessons. All in the suitcase matters to me, so I would like you to do me a favor to see whether you could find it. Besides, I won’t put my heart to study unless it is found. Thus, I’m looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



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