当前位置:文档之家› 第十二章 习惯用语(刘振民语法高清版)

第十二章 习惯用语(刘振民语法高清版)





(1)require sb.to do sth.

(2)require of sb.to do sth.

(3)require that从句(要求用虚拟语气动词)

(4)require of sb.sth.(如例E10—16)

12—1 The federal government requires hospitals to tell a medical patient of their challenge their discharge if they feel they are being sent home prematurely legal right to

(A)hospitals to tell a medical patient of their

(B)hospitals to tell medical patients that they have a

(C)hospitals to tell medical patients that there is a

(D)that hospitals tell a medical patient of their

(E)that hospitals tell a medical patient that they have a

题解:根据未划线部分的them、they可断定A、D、E中的a medical patient与之不对应。仅B、c符合require的第一种表达。但C中that从句中用there be句型使得a right与medial patients之间的逻辑关系模糊化了。而B中,用they作主语,清楚地把a right和medial patients联系起来。答案:B

12—2 Senator Lasker has proposed legislation requiring.that employers should retain all older workers indefinitely or show just cause for dismissal

(A)that employers should retain all older workers

(B)that all older workers be retained by employers

(C)the retaining by employers of all older workers

(D)employers’ retention of all older workers

(E)employers to retain all older workers

题解:B、C、D的表达均导致未划线部分的show just cause for dismissal不知作何成分,作何解释,因为找不到其并列成分;A、E都符合require的用法,但A中should多余,选E。该句just是形容词,意为“正当的”。答案:E

12—3 One of the most powerful driving forces behind recycling is the threat of legislation that would require companies that they take more responsibility for the disposal of its products

(A)that they take more responsibility for the disposal of its products

(B)that they should take more responsibility for disposing of products

(C)having to take more responsibility for disposing of their products

(D)to take more responsibility for the disposal of their products

(E)taking more responsibility for their product’s disposal

题解:require的用法,排除C、E。A中its指代有误,应用their;B中should多余符;D中既合repuire的用法,又符合responsibility for的用法。答案:D

12—4 Because of the enormous research and development expenditures required to survive in the electronics industry,an industry marked by rapid innovation and volatile demand, such

firms tend to be very large.

(A)to survive

(B)of firms to survive

(C)for surviving

(D)for survival

(E)for firms’ survival

题解:require的用法,马上可排除C、D、E。A看似很简洁,很多人不假思索地就选了A。而当你读完全句,看到句末的such firms后,就会发现A有缺陷,若A对,则such firms中的firms应在此之前出现过,但前面并无firms出现。选B符合用法(2),同时出现了firms. 答案:B

12—5 Section 13(J)of the Securities Exchanges Act of 1934 requires anyone who buys more that 5 percent of a company’s stock make a public disclosure of the purchase.

(A) make

(B) will also make

(C)to make

(D) must make

(E) must then make



(1)propose + n.(如8—15)

(2)propose to do sth.

(3)propose that{如1—3)

(4)propose doing sth.(如E5—6)

如:I proposed that the culprits be fired.

She proposed to catch the early train


(1)make A1 A2 (A1,A2均为物)

12 7 make +n·+adj·(变形:make + adj.+n.,当n.为一长串名词短语时)

(3)make (e it adj.(for sb.)to do sth.

(4)make do勉强,凑合

12—6 As the price of gasoline rises,which makes substituting alcohol distilled from cereal grain attractive, the price of bread and livestock feed are sure to increase.

(A) which makes substituting the distillation of alcohol from cereal grain attractive

(B) which makes substituting alcohol distilled from cereal grain attractive

(C) which makes substituting alcohol from cereal grain an attractive substitute

(D)making an attractive substitution of alcohol distilled from cereal grain

(E)making alcohol distilled from cereal grain an attractive substitute

题解:A、B、C中which指代前一个句子,违反GMAT公理,E符合make和第一种用法。A1为alcohol distilled from cereal grain; A2为an attractive substitute。D句意混乱。答案:E

12—7 The exhibition of art from Nubians, the site of a black civilization that goes back to the fourth millennium B.C., makes clear the Nubians combined artistic elements from Egypt to that of sub-Saharan Africa.

(A)the Nubians combined artistic elements from Egypt to that

(B)that the Nubians combined artistic elements from Egypt to that

(C)the Nubians combined artistic elements from Egypt with that

(D)that the Nubians combined artistic elements from Egypt with that

(E)that Nubians combined artistic elements from Egypt and those

题解:根据句意,划线部分是一个完整句子,因此A、B、C错(均为短语)。而E 中用and 不当,因为combine之后一般跟with。本句是第二种用法,因make的宾语(宾语从句)过长,因而把宾补clear 提前。

12-8 The aim of the new regulations is to make it easier for prospective homeowners to have funds available for energy improvements in their new houses.

(A) to make it easier for prospective homeowners to have

(B)to make easier for prospective homeowners the having of

(C)making it easier for prospective homeowners so they can have

(D)that prospective homeowners more easily can have

(E)for prospective homeowners to more easily have

题解:the,aim一般跟动词不定式作表语,B不符合make的用法;c中making的出现,使本句变为正在进行时,改变句意;so they can have同样改变句意。D中用that从句代替动要至定式,不符合aim的用法,同时m。re easily的位置不当。E中省略make, 改变了句意。

12-9 Federally imposed restrictions on how much they may pay small savers has made difficulties for savings banks as they are competing with such unregulated investment vehicles as money market certificates.

(A)has made difficulties for savings banks as they are competing with such

(B)have made difficulties for savings banks competing with such

(C)have made difficulties for savings banks as they are competing with

(D)have made it difficult for savings banks to compete with such

(E)have made it difficult for savings banks as they are competing with such

题解:仅D符合make的用法,本题同上题一样,是make的第三种用法。答案:D 12—10 On the Great Plains,nineteenth-century settlers used mud and grass to build their homes, doing it without timber and nails.

(A)settlers used mud and grass to build their homes,doing it without

(B)settlers,using mud and grass to build their homes,did it without

(C)settlers used mud and grass to build their homes,making them while not having

(D)settlers used mud and grass to build their homes,making do without

(E)settlers’ homes were built of mud and grass,making d0 without

题解:A中it指代有误,应该用them指代homes;同时doing it的动宾搭配不当;B的错误同A一样,并且还把句子的主要内容即谓语部分改为了现在分词短语表伴随状况,而将原来的伴随状况变成了主句的谓语成分,改变了句子的主次。E中使用了被动语态,违反了主动优先原则;同时making作前句的伴随状况在逻辑上不通。C、D比较,C中有两个缺陷:(1)them指代homes,而making homes与前面的build their homes重复;(2)现在分词短语与主句的逻辑不清,故选D。分词短语表伴随,即“在没有木材和钉子的情况下,凑合着建造了家”。本句是make的第四种用法。答案:D

sth.eosts sb.money(energy…) (偶尔也出现人作主语的情况)

the eost to sb./sth.of doing sth.对某人而言做某事的代价

12—1l It has been estimated that the annual cost to the United States of illiteracy in 1ost

industrial output and tax revenues is at least $ 20 billion a year.

(A)the annual cost to the United States of illiteracy in lost industrial output and tax revenues is at least $ 20 billion a year

(B)the annual cost of illiteracy to the United States is at least $ 20 billion a year because of lost industrial output and tax revenues

(C) illiteracy costs the United States at least$20 billion a year in lost industrial out put and tax revenues

(D) $20 billion a year in lost industrial output and tax revenues is the annual cost to the United States of illiteracy

(E)lost industrial output and tax revenues cost the United States at least$20 billion a year because of illiteracy


12—12 Executives and federal officials says that the use of crack and cocaine is growing rapidly among workers,significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, which already are a cost to business of more$100 billion a year.

(A) significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse,which already are a cost to business of

(B) significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse,which already cost business

(C) significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse,already with business costs of

(D) significant in compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse,and already costing business

(E) significant in compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse,and already costs business


12—13 Migraine,the most debilitating common form of headache,afflicts perhaps 18 million Americans,who collectively lose 64 million workdays a year, and they cost the nation $50 billion in medical expenses and lost work time.

(A) a year,and they cost the nation$50 billion in medical expenses and lost

(B) a year and thus cost the nation$50 billion in medical expenses and lost

(C) a year,80 as to cost the nation$50 billion in medical expenses and lost

(D) a year that costs the nation$50 billion in lost medical expenses and

(E) a year,which thus cost the nation$50 billion in lost medical expenses and

题解:由题意知,cost和lose是定语从句中的并列谓语动词;A中they的出现不仅多余,且改变了句子的结构,句意随之改变。C中so as to的目的状语与主句之间用逗号隔开是不允许的,且SO as to表目的,与句意不符。D中有两个缺陷:(1)cost的原动作执行者本是Americans,现在却变成了a year,改变了句意(逻辑搭配也不当);(2)lost本用于修饰work time却改为修饰medical expense,也改变了句意。E中同样有两个缺陷,(1)cost的动作执行者变成了64 million workdays;(2)同D(2)。B正确,大意是:从整体上讲,这些美国人一年要损失掉64 million个工作日,若以医疗费用和损失工作时间计价,他们花去了这个国家500亿美元。答案:B

12—14 The United States petroleum industry’s cost to meet environmental regulations is projected at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum by the end of this decade

(A) The United States petroleum industry’s cost to meet environmental regulations is projected at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum by the end of this decade.

(B) The United States petroleum industry’s cost by the end of the decade to meet environmental regulations is estimated at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum.

(C)By the end of the decade,the United States petroleum industry’s cost of meeting environmental regulations is projected at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum.

(D)To meet environmental regulations,the cost to the United States petroleum industry is estimated at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum by the end of this decade.

(E) It is estimated that by the end of the decade the cost to the United States petroleum industry of meeting environmental regulations will be ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum.

题解:仅E符合cost的第二种用法(作名词),同时,你也可以用时间状语by the end of the decade要求的谓语动词时态来判定(查看时态一章)。在此时间状语下,谓语动词只能用将来时。而A、B、C、D无一例外地使用一般现在时;E不仅符合将来时态,同时it is estimated that的表达也符合习惯表达(在GRE中,也有类似cost的表达:an analysis of the cost to employees of complying with such laws). 答案:E


(1) 作名词时,之后经常跟动词不定式作其修饰成分

(2) 作动词时。aim to do sth.

(3) 作过去分词修饰名词时,aimed at/for doing sth。

12—15The Baldrick Manufacturing Company has for several years followed a policy aimed

at decreasing operating costs and improving the efficiency of its distribution system.

(A) aimed at decreasing operating costs and improving

(B) aimed at the decreasing of operating costs and to improve

(C) aiming at the decreasing of operating costs and improving

(D)the aim of which is the decreasing of operating costs and improving

(E) with the aim to decrease operating costs and to improve

题解:B、C中用the decreasing of的方式把动名词名词化,改变了句意,同时若的确需


但表达不够简洁。答案:A,用aimed at修饰policy,做补充解释。答案:A 6.以下动词之后一般常跟动词不定式作宾语:continue,forbid,try,believe,expect,estimate, seem,appear,prohibit, afford,ask,attempt,choose,consent,decide,desire,determine, dislike,fail,help,hope,intend,learn,manage,mean,offer,plan,pledge,prefer,prepare,pretend, promise,refuse,venture,want,wish

12—16 The new contract forbids a strike by the transportation union

(A) forbids a strike by the transportation union

(B) forbids the transportation union from striking

(C) forbids that there be a strike by the transportation union

(D) will forbid the transportation union from striking

(E) will forbid that the transportation union


的用法。A中用by表明了a strike的动作执行者。答案:A

12—17 The coast Guard is conducing tests to see whether pigeon can be trained to help find survivors of wrecks at sea.

(A)to see whether pigeon can be trained to help

(B)to see whether pigeons can be trained as help to find

(C)to see if pigeons can be trained for helping to find

(D)that see if pigeon are able to be trained in helping to find

(E)that see whether pigeons are able to be trained for help in finding

题解:仅A符合train sth.to do sth.的用法。答案:A

12—18 In one of the most stunning reversals in the history of marketing,the Coca—Cola Company in July 1985 yielded to thousands of irate consumers demanding that it should bring back the original Coke formula.

(A)demanding that it should

(B)demanding it to

(C) and their demand to

(D) who demanded that it

(E) who demand it to

题解:demand的用法有三种:demand + that 从句;demand sth.; demand to do sth. 在此句中,只能用第一种用法,排除B、C、E,在demand 之后的that 从句中,要求用虚拟语气的原形动词。A中should多余。答案:D

语法点提示:yield to sth.屈服于某事物

12—19 No state law forbids an employer from rejecting a job applicant or to dismiss an employee based on the results of a lie detector test.

(A) an employer from rejecting a job applicant or to dismiss

(B) an employer to reject a job applicant or dismiss

(C)that employers reject a job applicant or dismiss

(D)the rejection by an employer of a job applicant or dismissal of

(E) rejection by employers of a job applicant or dismissal of

题解:本句是forbid sb.to do sth.的用法。答案:B

12—20 Quasars。at billions of light—year from Earth the most distant observable objects in the, universe,believed to be the cores of galaxies in an early stage of development.

(A) believed to be

(B) are believed to be

(C) some believe them to be

(D) some believe they are

(E) it is believed that they are

题解:此句缺谓语动词,因此C、D、E结构全错,A中用主动语态错,应换为B中的被动语态。本句为believe to be的用法。答案:B

12—21 Paleontologists believe that fragments of primate jawbone unearthed in Burma and estimated at 40 to 44 million years old provide evidence of a crucial step along the evolutionary path that led to human being.

(A) at 40 to 44 million years old provide evidence of

(B) as being 40 to 44 million years old provides evidence of

(C)that it is 40 to 44 million years old provides evidence of what was

(D)to be 40 to 44 million years old provide evidence of

(E)as 40 to 44 million years old provides evidence of what was

题解:根据estimate to do的用法,只能选D。或用主谓一致原则,排除B、c、E,再


12—22 Along with the drop in producer prices announced yesterday,the strong retail sales figure released today seem like it is indicative that the economy, although growing slowly, is not nearing a recession.

(A) like it is indicative that

(B) as if to indicate

(C)to indicate that

(D) indicative of

(E) like an indication of

题解:由seem to do的用法,选C。答案:c

7.以下动词之后常带动词不定式作宾补:advise,allow,ask cause,challenge,compel, enable, encourage, expect,find-force,invite,let,mean,oblige,order,permit, persuade , remind, request,region,teach,train,want,wish, warn

12—23 Wisconsin,Illinois,Florida,and Minnesota have begun to enforce statewide bans prohibiting landfills to accept leaves, brushes, and grass clippings.

(A) prohibiting landfills to accept leaves,brush,and grass clippings

(B) prohibiting that landfills accept leaves,brush,and grass clipping。

(C) prohibiting landfills from accepting leaves,brush,and grass clippings

(D) that leaves,brush,and grass clipping cannot be accepted in landfills

(E) that landfills cannot accept leaves,brush,and grass clippings



12—24 During the first one hundred fifty years of the existence of this republic,no one expected the press was fair;newspapers were mostly shrill,scurrilous,and partisan.

(A) was

(B)to be

(C) of being

(D) should be

(E)had to be


12—25 When congress reconvenes,80me newly elected members from rural states will try

and establish tighter restriction for the amount of grain farmers are to be allowed to grow and to encourage more aggressive sales of United States farm produces overseas.

and to encourage more

(A) and establish tighter restriction for the amount of grain farmers are to be allowed to grow

and to encourage

(B) and establish tighter restriction on the amount of grain able to be grow by farmers and encouraging

(C)establishing tighter restriction for the amount of grain farmers are allowed to grow and to encourage

(D)to establish tighter restriction on the amount of grain capable of being grown by farmers

and encouraging

(E)to establish tighter restriction on the amount of grain farmers will be allowed to grow and

to encourage

题解:由try to do sth.的习惯表达,可排除A、B、C。D中:grown与encouraging形

式不搭配,句意无法理解。E中:符合allow to do sth.的习惯用法,farmers之前省了定语

从句的引导词that,代the amount of grain。答案:E


Because paper of all kind is the biggest single component of municipal trash,many municipalities have tried recycling to reduce the cost of trash disposal

(A) Because paper of all kinds is the biggest single component of municipal trash, many municipalities have tried recycling to reduce the cost of trash disposal.

(B) Because paper of all kinds is the biggest single component in municipal trash,many municipalities tried to recycle so that the cost of trash disposal is reduced.

(C)Because paper of all kinds are the biggest single components in municipal trash, many municipalities have tried to recycle to reduce the cost of trash disposal.

(D)All kinds of paper are the biggest single components of municipal trash, and so many municipalities have tried recycling to reduce the cost of trash disposal.

(E)All kinds of paper is the biggest single component of municipal trash,so many municipalities have tried to recycle so that the cost of trash disposal could be reduced.

题解:根据主谓一致原则,C中的all kinds + paper与&re不对应;D中and多余;

B、C、E中to recycle之后无宾语,不符合recycle作为及物动词的用法;而B、E中用SO that

不如用动词不定式表目的更为简洁。选A,用try sth.to do sth.的用法。答案A 12—27 As envisioned by researchers,commercial farming of lobsters will enable fisheries to

sell the shellfish year-round,taking advantage of off.season demand,standardize its sizes and colors,and to predict sales volume in advance.

(A)taking advantage of off.season demand,standardize

(B)taking advantage of off-season demand,to standardize

(C)taking advantage of off-season demand,standardizing

(D)take advantage of off-season demand,standardizing

(E)take advantage of off-season demand,to standardize

题解:本句是enable sb.to do sth.的习惯用法。根据动词不定式平行结构的第一个to sell

和最后一个to predict的形式,则要求与其平行的中间部分同样要补进to,而D、E中take



且两个现在分词之间缺and连接。选B,表明standardize与sell和predict并列。答案:B 8.Order:

(1)order sb.to do sth.

(2)order that从旬(要求用虚拟语气动词)

12—28 The concept of the grand jury dates from the twelfth century,when Henry II of England ordered panels of common citizens should prepare lists of who were their communities’ suspected criminals.

(A) should prepare lists of who were their communities’ suspected criminals

(B) would do the preparation of lists of their communities’ suspected criminals

(C)preparing lists of suspected criminals in their communities

(D)the preparing of a list of suspected criminals in their communities

(E)to prepare lists of suspected criminals in their communities

题解:由order的用法,可断定C、D错。而A、B中均有两个缺陷:(1)order之后的宾语从句中要求用虚拟语气的动词;而should和would多余;(2)A中who were their communities’ suspected criminals的表达不如E中的suspected criminals in their communities表达简洁;B中do the preparation的表达不当,不如直接用动词prepare更好。答案:E 12—29 Despite protests from some waste—disposal companies.state health officials have ordered the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches to be measured and that the results be published.

(A)the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches to be measured and that the results be

(B)that seawater at popular beaches should be measured for their levels of bacteria, with the results being

(C)the measure of levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches and the results to be

(D)seawater measured at popular beaches for levels of bacteria,with their results

(E)that the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches be measured and the results

题解:本题是order的另一用法:order + that从句。本句的原意是表明measure和publish 两个动作同等重要,因而应处于同等位置。A:相平行的两个部分形式不对应;B、D中用由with引入的独立结构成分把本属于同等重要的成分变为了从属关系,改变了句子的重心。同时D不符合order的习惯用法,E对。两个that从句并列,突出了两者同等重要的位置,results之后省略了be。答案:E

12—30Foreign investors, because of their growing confidence in their capability for making profitable investments in the United States, have been led to move from passive involvement in commercial real estate partnership to active development of their own increasingly ambitious projects.

(A) Foreign investors,because of their growing confidence in their capability for making profitable investments in the United States.have been led

(B) Foreign investors,growing confident about their capability for making profitable investments in the United States has

(C) Growing confidence in their ability to make profitable investments in the United States has led foreign investors

(D) Growing confidence in their ability for making profitable investments in the United States have led foreign investors

(E) Growing confidence about their capability for making profitable investments in the United States,foreign investors have been led

题解:本句中考到了几个重要词组的搭配:(1)confidence in sth.,而不用介词about;

(2)ability to do sth.,而不是ability for doing sth.;(3)capability for doing sth.;(4)sth.1ead sb.to do sth.由用法(1)排除E,由用法(2)排除D;B中Foreign investors与谓语has led 逻辑搭配不当;A、B比较,A有两个缺陷:(1)表达不够准确及不够简洁,如because of等;

(2)lead to很少用被动语态,并违反了主动优先原则。答案:C


(1)permit doing sth.

(2)permit sb.to do sth.

12—3l A representative of the Women’ s Bureau of the United States Department of Labor contends that employers who offer benefits which permit that employees can balance home and

work responsibilities better, realizing gains in attendance,recruiting,and retention.

(A)which permit that employees can balance home and work responsibilities better,realizing

(B) which permit employees balancing home and work responsibilities better will realize

(C) that permit employees to balance home and work responsibilities better will realize

(D) that permit employees a better balance between the responsibilities of home and work,thus realizing

(E) such that employees are permitted a balance between home and work responsibilities,and they will realizing

题解:permit一般有以上两种用法:但没有“permit +that从句”的用法。因此马上可断定仅C符合。当然,我们还可以用另外一种方法来判别:A、D、E中均未出现宾语从句的谓语动词,从而句子结构都不完整。B、C比较,B有两个缺陷:(1)定语从句中的先行词是benefits,且是限定性从句,用which引导违反了公理的原则;(2)permit sb.doing sth.用法不妥。答案:c

12—32 Federal legislation establishing a fund for the cleanup of sites damaged by toxic chemicals permits compensating state governments for damage to their natural resources but does not allow claims for injury to people.

(A) compensating state governments for damage to

(B) compensating state governments for the damaging of

(C) giving state governments compensation for damaging

(D) giving compensation to state governments for the damage of

(E)the giving of compensation to state governments for damaging

题解:C、D、E中用give compensation for的表达不够简洁,不如直接用动词形式compensate。B中:the damaging of sth.的用法不符合习惯表达,而A中的damage to sth.才符合表达习惯。答案:A

语法点提示:permit doing sth.

12—33 If the proposed expenditures for gathering information abroad are reduced even further, international news reports have been and will continue to diminish in number and quality.

(A)have been and will continue to diminish

(B)have and will continue to diminish

(C) will continue to diminish, as they already did,

(D) will continue to diminish,as they have already

(E) will continue to diminish

题解:本题主要考核对continue的理解。请注意:如果说continue to do sth.,该句话有两重含义:(1)该动作已经发生了;(2)并暗示此动作还会持续,直到将来。因而A、C、D的表达都存在着同义重复。B中:其助动词并列表明共用同一个动词continue,但显然,have+动词原形continue的用法是错误的。答案:E


(1)decide to do sth.

(2)decide that此处decide的意思为“断定,认定”

(3)decide on sth.选择。选定某物

12—34 Joplin’s faith in his opera“Tremonisha”was unshakable;in 191 1 he published the score at his own expense and decided on staging it himself.

(A) on staging it himself

(B)that he himself would do the staging

(C)to do the staging of work by himself

(D)that he himself would stage it

(E)to stage the work himself

题解:由decide的用法,可断定:A用动名词staging不对;B、D用that从句,含意错误。而B,C中的do the staging搭配不妥,显然不如用动词stage简洁、准确。the work指代the score. 答案:E

语法点指示:faith in sth.;at one’s own expense 自己花钱



(2)作名词:give credit to sb.for sth.意思同上。此处credit是名词

12—35 Egyptians are credited as having pioneered embalming methods as long ago as 2650 B.C.

(A) as having

(B) with having

(C)to have

(D) as the ones who

(E) for being the ones who


12—36 Pablo,Picasso,the late Spanish painter,credited African art with having had a strong influence on his work.

(A) with having had

(B) for its having

(C)to have had

(D) for having

(E) in that it had



(1)rule on + sth.对(就)某事做出裁决

1 was asked to rule on the ease of a British sailors.

(2)rule that+宾语从旬:that从旬是对裁决的内容的表述(如4—6)

12—37 In a 5-to 4 decision,the Supreme Court ruled that two upstate New York counties owed restitution to three tribes of Oneida Indians for the unlawful seizure of their ancestral lands in the eighteenth century.

(A) that two upstate New York counties owed restitution to three tribes of Oneida Indians for the unlawful seizure of

(B) that two upstate New York counties owed restitution to three tribes of Oneida Indians because of their unlawful seizure of

(C)two upstate New York counties to owe restitution to three tribes of Oneida Indians for their unlawful seizure of

(D) on two upstate New York counties that owed restitution to three tribes of Oneida Indians because they unlawfully seized

(E) on the restitution that two upstate New York counties owed to three tribes of Oneida Indians for the unlawful seizure of

题解:由题意,排除D、E用on的用法;C中用owe sth.to do的用法大错特错,因为owe sth.to中的to是介词,而非动词不定式的标志。B、C中的unlawful之前的their是多余的;同时,their的出现使得指代混乱;本来句末未划线部分的their很清楚地指代threetribes,而B、C在unlawful之前加上their,此their却是指代New York counties;这样使得后一个未划线的their与此their指代不一致,产生指代矛盾。A为正确答案,for短语的逻辑主语明确,是two counties。答案:A

语法点提示:owe sth.to sb.欠某人某物(to是介词)

13.Compare with和Compare to:


12—38One noted economist has made a comparison of the Federal Reserve and an automobile as racing through a tunnel,bouncing first off one wall,then the other:the car may get where it is going,but people may be hurt in the process.

(A) made a comparison of the Federal Reserve and an automobile as racing through a tunnel,bouncing

(B) made a comparison between the Federal Reserve and a11 automobile racing through a tunnel,bouncing

(C) compared the Federal Reserve with an automobile as racing through a tunnel and which bounced

(D) compare the Federal Reserve to an automobile racing through a tunnel,bouncing

(E) compared the Federal Reserve with an automobile that races through a tunnel and it bounce

题解:本句的大意是:(美国)联邦储备局就好比是一辆在地道中行驶的汽车,一会儿碰到地道的一面墙上,一会儿又碰到另一面墙上;尽管汽车可能仍然保持在它的行驶道上,但是车内的人可能在此过程中受伤。由此大意,我们知道:此处是一个比喻句:因此应选用compare to而不是compared with,排除C、E。A、B用make a comparison仍然是强调“比较”之意。而且A中of与and显然不搭配:D为正确答案。bouncing短语表伴随状况。答案:D 14.Consider:

(1) consider A1 A2(A1、A2均为物):认为A1是A2

(2) consider sth.to be adj.

如:They consider themselves to be very lucky.

12—39 Critics of the trend toward privately operated prisons consider corrections facilities to be an integral part of the criminal justice system and question if profits should be made from incarceration.

(A)to be an integral part of the criminal justice system and question if

(B) as an integral part of the criminal justice system and they question if

(C) as being an integral part of the criminal justice system and question whether

(D) an integral part of the criminal justice system and question whether

(E) are an integral part of the criminal justice system,and they question whether

题解:根据consider的第一种用法,排除A、B、C。由句意,consider与question 是平行的动词,因而E中they多余。答案:D

15.Model:model A1 after A2以A2为模型。创造出A1

12—40 According to his own account,Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi,the sculptor of the Statue of Liberty。modeled the face of the statue like his mother’s and the body like his wife’s.

(A) modeled the face of the statue like his mother’s and the body like his wife’s

(B) modeled the face of the statue after that of his mother and the body after that of his wife

(C) modeled the face of the statue like his mother and the body like his wife

(D) made the face of the statue after his mother and the body after his wife

(E) made the face of the statue look like his mother and the body look like his wife


16.V.+as:think of…as;be seen…as;depict…as:perceive…as;regard as;be acclaimed…as;be prized as(E3—9)

12—41 Although films about the American West depict coyotes as solitary animals howling mournfully on the tops of distant hills, in reality these gregarious creatures live in stable groups that occupy the same territory for long periods.

(A)films about the American West depict coyotes as solitary animals howling mourn fully on the tops of distant hills

(B) in films about the American west coyotes are depicted to be solitary animals that howl mournfully on the tops of distant hills

(C)coyotes are depicted as solitary animals howling mournfully on the tops of distant hills in films about the American West

(D) films about the American West depict coyotes as if they were solitary,mournfully howling animals on the tops of distant hills

(E) films about the American West depict coyotes to be solitary and mournfully howling animals on the tops of distant hills

题解:B、E中的depict sth.to be不符合depict的习惯用法。D中用as if并用动词were 改变了句意(暗示它们并不是一种孤独的动物)。A、C从句意上看,均可以接受。但A用主动语态,C用被动语态;由主动优先原则,选A。答案:A

12—42 The Audubon Society and other conservation groups, concerned over what they have perceived to be the serious threatening of the environment as posed by the police of the government,are preparing for a major political effort.

(A)have perceived to be the serious threatening of the environment as

(B)perceived as the serous threat to the environment as

(C)perceive being the serious threat to the environment

(D) are perceiving as the serious threatening of the environment

(E)perceive as the serious threat to the environment

题解:由perceive A1 as A2(A1、A2均为物)的用法,就可直接找到答案E。不过,我们还可以用别的方法来解题:A、D中的the serious threatening的表达不对,因为此处若需名词化,名词形式threat可直接替换threatening;C中being多余;而B改变了句意,无端地出现了一个同级比较;同时比较前后的比较句不具可比性;比较前的物体是what(把what 从句中的what还原到宾语位置上);比较后是一个过去分词短语:posed by…;E中posed by 跳跃修饰the thereat。答案:E

12—43 An artistic presence of the first order,one frequently ranked with Picasso,Stravinsky,and James Joyce,Mar the Graham was acclaimed as a great dancer long before her innovative masterworks made her the most honored of American choreographers.

(A) Mar the Graham was acclaimed as

(B) Mar the Graham was acclaimed to be

(C) Mar the Graham’s acclaim is as

(D) Mar the Graham’s acclaim to be

(E) Mar the Graham’s acclaim was in being


12—44 Most nations regard their airspace as extending upward as high as an aircraft can fly;

no specific altitude,however,has been officially recognized as a boundary.

(A) as extending

(B) as the extent

(C)to be an extent

(D)to be an extension

(E)to extend


注意此处第一个as(划线部分的)是作为“regarded...as”结构的一部分。后面的as high as

中的as是同级比较的结构:airspace指“领空”。此处用extending upward表明了领空是一个

动态的而非静态的概念。这一判断可由未划线部分的an airplane can fly及no specific altitude has been officially recognized as a boundary"暗示出来。答案:A

12—45 Many South regard the pre-Hispanic civilizations of Peru as the most impressive in South America.

(A)regard the pre—Hispanic civilizations of Peru as

(B)regard the pre—Hispanic civilizations of Peru to be

(C)regard the pre—Hispanic civilizations of Peru to have been

(D)consider that the pre.Hispanic civilizations of Peru are

(E) consider the pre—Hispanic civilizations of Peru as


17.Liken:liken A1 to A2(A1、A2均为物)把A1比作A2

12—46 The colorization of black.and—white films by computers is defended by those who own the film rights,for the process can mean increased revenues for them;many others in the film industry,however,contend that the technique degrades major works of art,which they liken to putting lipstick on a Greek statue·

(A) which they liken to putting lipstick on a Greek statue

(B) which they liken to a Greek statue with lipstick put on it

(C) which they liken to lipstick put on a Greek statue

(D)likening it to a Greek statue with lipstick put on it

(E)likening it to putting lipstick on a Greek statue

题解:在A、B、C中which均指代major works of art,把其代入,就会发现A1和A2

并不存在相似性进行类比。如:A中:A1为major works,为一物体;而.A2:putting lipstick

是一动名词短语,强调动作。B暂时放一下,呆会儿再讨论。C中:A1为major works,A2


表伴随结果,从语法分析,此结构是可以接受的。其中it指the technique,也就是首句的主语:the colorization of black—and.white films by computers。把此指代代回D、E中:D中:

Al为the colorization;A2为a Greek statue,两者同样没有相似处,因为A1是一过程——彩

色化,而A2为一事物;B、E进行对比:B中,A1为major works,而A2为a Greek statue。

从表面上看似乎是有可比性的。而E中:A1为the colonization of black-and-while films,A2

为putting lipstick on a Greek statue。如果我们选B,并不能看出“主要的艺术作品”和“被涂有口红的一座古希腊雕像”有何明确的相似处以致可以被用来作为类比的对象?而E选项的出现,使我们恍然大悟。“使黑白电影彩色化”当然是能够被比作为“给一座古希腊雕像涂口红”,因为它们都是degrades major works of art。答案:E

18.Merge:merge A1 with A2把A1和A2结合起来

12—47 Recent excavations suggest that the ancient peoples of the Italian peninsular merged the cult of Damia-a goddess of fertility and the harvest——with Venus.

(A) with Venus

(B) and Venus

(C) with that of Venus

(D) and Venus’s

(E) and Venus’s cult

题解:由用法可直接选出C。A中未补出that of,使得A1和A2逻辑上不对应。答案:C

19.Take turns doing sth.轮流做某事

12—48 The original building and loan associations were organized£Ls limited life funds,whose members made monthly payments on their share subscriptions,then taking turns drawing on the funds for home mortgages.

(A) subscriptions,then taking turns drawing

(B) subscriptions,and then taking turns drawing

(C) subscriptions and then took turns drawing

(D) subscriptions and then took turns。they drew

(E) subscriptions and then drew,taking turns

题解:A、B中,若现在分词短语作伴随状语结果成立,那么then或and then就为多余的。何况从句意上说,动作take turns与动作made是并列的,用现在分词形式从根本上改变了句意。D、E结构混乱,句意改变。答案:C


1.be in danger of doing sth.处于做某事的危险状况中

12—49 Health officials estimate that 35 million Africans are in danger of contracting trypanosomiasis, or“African sleeping stickiness”,a parasitic disease spread by the bites of tsetse flies.

(A) are in danger of contracting

(B) are in danger to contract

(C)have a danger of contracting

(D) are endangered by contraction

(E)have a danger that they will contract


2.be intended to do企图,打算做某事

12—50 Alaska regularly deposits some of its profits from the sale of oil into a special fund, with the intention to sustain the state's economy after the exhaustion of its oil reserves.

(A) fund,with the intention to sustain the state’s economy after the exhaustion of its oil reserves

(B) fund,the intention of which to sustain the state’s economy after they have exhausted their oil reserves

(C) fund intended to sustain the state’s economy after oil reserves are exhausted

(D) fund intended to sustain the state’s economy after exhausting its oil reserves

(E) fund that they intended to sustain the state’s economy after oil reserves are exhausted

题解:A、B中用with短语及非限定性从句的表达不够简洁;同时B中they、their无指代对象;E中they同样无指代对象,that不知在从句中作何成分;C、D用intended to do 过去分词短语修饰fund,表达简洁有效。但D中用after exhausting its oil re.serves的表达有误,会让读者误以为fund是exhausting的逻辑主语,其实却不是。C中用after引导的从句清楚表明了句意。答案:C

类似的表达还有:be disinclined to do sth.;be suppressed to do sth.3.be isolated from与…分离。处于孤立状态

12—51 Intuits of the Bering Sea were in isolation from contact with Europeans longer than A1euts or Intuits of the North Pacific and northern A1aska.

(A) in isolation from contact with Europeans longer than

(B) isolated from contact with Europeans longer than

(C) in isolation from contact with Europeans longer than were

(D) isolated from contact with Europeans longer than were

(E) in isolation and without contacts with Europeans longer than

题解:根据比较中补出动词原则,排除A、B、E(此处,若不补出were就必然改变句意,请读者自行分析);C、D比较,由于be in isolation from不如be isolated from简洁,所以选D。答案:D

4.be responsible for对…负责

a responsibility to do sth.;have/take responsibility for doing sth.

12—52 According to a ruling by the state supreme court.the owner of polluted land is liable for the cleanup of the property even if.the owner did not have the responsibility that pollution occurred before the title changed hands.

(A)the owner did not have the responsibility that pollution

(B)the owner is not responsible for pollution that

(C) it was not the owner’s responsibility that pollution would have

(D)the responsibility of the owner is not that pollution

(E)the responsibility was not the owner’s that pollution would have


5.have(no)grounds for doing sth./be

grounds for doing sth.有理由做某事

12—53 By showing that South Africa does not have free market and is in fact a king of collectivist welfare state for Whites only,Sowell argues that American conservatives have no valid ideological grounds to be in sympathy with the Pretoria regime.

(A)to be in sympathy with

(B)to sympathize with

(C) for sympathizing with

(D)that they should sympathize with

(E)that they should have sympathy for


6.aid(n.)in doing sth./be helpful in doing sth.在做某事上是有帮助的

12—54 Among the objects found in the excavated temple were small terra.cotta effigies left by supplicants who were either asking the goddess Bona Dea’s aid in healing physical and mental ills or thanking her for such help.

(A) in healing physical and mental ills or thanking her for such help

(B) in healing physical and mental ills and to thank her for helping

(C) in healing physical and mental ills,and thanking her for helping

(D)to heal physical and mental ills or to thank her for such help

(E)to heal physical and mental ills or thanking her for such help

题解:由习惯用法可排除D、E;由either…or结构,排除B、C,选A。(E7—6,R21有类似用法) 答案:A

12—55 According to United States Air Force officials, a cannon shooting dead chickens at airplanes has proved helpful to demonstrate what kind of damage can result when jets fly into a flock of large birds.

(A) shooting dead chickens at airplanes has proved helpful to demonstrate

(B) shooting dead chickens at airplanes has proved itself helpful as a demonstration of

(C) shooting dead chickens at airplanes proves itself helpful as demonstrating

(D)that shoots dead chickens at airplanes proves itself helpful to demonstrate

(E)that shoots dead chickens at airplanes has proved helpful in demonstrating

题解:如果知道helpful in doing sth.的用法,就可直接选出答案E。但是我们还可以用其他办法来解此题。(1)cannon之后用现在分词短语修饰不妥。因为若是那样,就意味着“该炮一直都在射击死鸡”,表明了一连续性动作。这与常理不符。而用that从句就表明了一模糊的时间概念,在此句中更为准确。(2)prove之后的itself多余。答案:E 7.the sale of sth.to somewhere销售某物到某地

12—56 One of Ronald Reagan’s first acts as President was to rescind President Carter’s directive that any chemical banned on medical grounds in the United States be prohibited from sales to other countries

(A)that any chemical banned on medical grounds in the United States be prohibited from sales to other countries

(B)that any chemical be prohibited from sale to other countries that was banned on medical grounds in the United States

(C)prohibiting the sale to other countries of any chemical banned on medical grounds in the United States

(D)prohibiting that any chemical banned on medical grounds in the United States is sold to other countries

(E)that any chemical banned in the United States on medical grounds is prohibited from being sold to other countries

题解:若知道sale此习惯搭配,就可直接得到答案:C(只不过of sth.与to somewhere 的位置互换了,因为sth.有很长的后置限定词)。同样,我们也可以用其他方法来解此题:(1)prohibit一般有两种用法:prohibit sth.和prohibit sb.(sth.)from doing sth.。因此,我们可排除D,因为其中的prohibit + that不符合习惯表达的用法。还可排除A、B,因为其中的prohibit from sale的用法也不符合习惯表达。B中后一个that从句离其先行词any chemical 太远,易造成歧义。E中that从句用现在时与主句时态不对应。答案:C 8.ability of sb.to do sth.

12—57 Not since Calileo suffered the“scurvy humor”of the Inquisition has a religious organization so effectively curbed the ability of a major scientist that he could pursue fl theory.

(A)has fl religious organization so effectively curbed the ability of a major scientist

that he could pursue

(B)did fl religious organization so effectively curb the ability of a major scientist that

he could pursue

(C)has a religious organization so effectively curbed the ability of a major scientist to


(D)did a religious organization so effectively curb the ability of a major scientist to


(E)has fl religious organization so effectively curbed whether a major scientist had

the ability that he could be pursuing


9.the effect(impact。influence)of Al on A2 A1对A2的影响

12—58 In the mid-1920’s the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company Was the scene of an intensive series of experiments that would investigate changes in working conditions as to their effects on workers’ performance.

(A) that would investigate changes in working conditions as to their effects on workers’ performance

(B) investigating the effects that changes in working conditions would have on workers’ performance.

(C) for investigating what are the effects in workers’ performance that changes in working conditions would cause

(D)that investigated changes in working conditions’ effects on workers’ performance.

(E)to investigate what the effects changes in working conditions would have on workers’ performance.

题解:E中what从句中无谓语动词(would have是定语从句中的谓语动词),结构不完整:A中改变句意,变为“调查工作条件的变化”。C,D的表达都是笨拙的,且不符合表达习惯,B为正确答案,与我们所列的用法稍有出入,但本质effects on sth.的结构未变,只不过此处effects是由一定语从句修饰的。答案:B

10·the need for sb.to do sth.对某人来说做某事的需求

12—59 As litigation grows more complex.the need that experts explain technical issues becomes more apparent.

(A)that experts explain technical issues becomes

(B) for experts to explain technical issues became

(C) for experts to explain technical issues becomes

(D)that technical issues be explained by experts became

(E)that there be explanations of technical issues by experts has became


11.the replacement of Al by/with A2 A2 对A1的替代

(a replacement for sth.如1—6:replace sth.with/by sth.)

12—60 Poor management,outdated technology,competition from oversea,and.steel's replacement to materials like aluminum and fiber-reinforced plastics have all been cited as causes

for the decline of the United States steel industry.

(A) steel’s replacement to materials like

(B) the replacement of steel by such materials as

(C)the replacing of steel with materials of

(D)the replacing of steel by means of materials like

(E)to replace steel by materials such as


12.the resistance of Al to A2 A1对A2的阻力,抵制力(查阅例题E7—3)

13.the possibility of doing sth.及the possibility that clause(同位语从句)

12—61 The expected rise in the price of oil could be a serious impact to industrialized nations and severely diminish the possibility~to have an economy free of inflation.

(A) be a serious impact to industrialized nations and severely diminish the possibility to have

(B) seriously impact on industrialized nations and severely impede the possibility to have

(C) seriously impact on industrialized nations and severely impede the possibility of having

(D)have a serious impact on industrialized nations and severely impede the possibility to have

(E)have a serious impact to industrialized nations and severely diminish the possibility of having



C有两个缺陷:(1)impact做“影响”解释时,一般只作为名词而非动词,C中的seriously impact用法不妥;(2)impede意为“阻止”,在此处与possibility搭配与句意不符;而用diminish



14.the ri:ght of sb.to do sth.

1 2—6

2 Not until the Enlightenment.some 200 years ago,had society seriously questioned the right of the state that it could execute its citizens.

(A)had society seriously questioned the right of the state that is could execute

(B)did society seriously question the right of the state that it could execute

(C)had society seriously questioned the right of the state for the executing of

(D)did society seriously question the right of the State t0 execute

(E)had society seriously questioned whether the state had a right that it could execute



15.the use of sth.to do sth.

12—63 The National Transportation Safety Board has recommended the Use of fail-safe mechanisms on airliner cargo door latches assuring the doors are properly closed before takeoff and to prevent them from popping open in flight.

(A) assuring the doors are properly closed

(B) for the assurance of proper closing

(C) assuring proper closure

(D)to assure closing the doors properly

(E)to assure that the doors are properly closed

题解:根据用法,排除A、B、C。D、E比较,由于assure之后不跟动名词,而跟that 从句,排除D。答案:E

16.1ikelihood of sth.或likelihood that从句(同位语从句)

1 2—64 Many psychologists and sociologists now contend that the deliberate and even brutal aggression integral to some forms of competitive athletics increase the likelihood of imitative violence that erupts among crowds of spectators dominated by young adult males

(A) increase the likelihood of imitative violence that erupts

(B) increase the likelihood that there will be an eruption of imitative violence

(C) increase the likelihood of imitative violence erupting

(D) increases the likelihood for imitative violence to erupt

(E) increases the likelihood that imitative violence will erupt



(1)sb./sth.is likely to do sth.

(2)It is likely that从句(从旬中多用将来时)

l 2—65 Although the coordination of monetary policy can help facilitate the orderly financing of existing imbalances,it is unlikely that its effects on their size is significant in the absence of an appropriate fiscal adjustment.

(A) it is unlikely that its effects on their size is significant

(B) it is unlikely that the size of their effect would be significant

(C) affecting their sizes are not likely to be significant

(D)the significance of their effect on its size is unlikely

(E) its effect on their size is not likely to be significant


18.at the invitation(request)of sb.在某人的邀请(要求)下

12—66 At the invitation of Kwarume Nkrurnah, W.E.B.Du Bois settled in Gharla,and became the editor of the Encyclopedia Africana.

(A) At the invitation of

(B)When he was invited by

(C) An invitation coming from

(D) An invitation that came from


19.it is estimated that…据估计

it is anticipated that…据预测

12—67 Machines replacing human labor, there was wide anticipation that the workweek would continue to become shorter.

(A) Machines replacing human labor,there was wide anticipation that

(B) When machines replaced human labor,there was wide anticipation

(C) As machines replaced human labor,it was widely anticipated that

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