当前位置:文档之家› 研究生入学考试英语命题预测试卷(二)


Section ⅠUse of English
Read the following text.Choose the best word(s) for each
numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.( 10
points )
Health implies more than physical fitness. It also implies
mental and emotional wellbeing. An angry, frustrated,
emotionally 1 person in good physical condition is not 2
healthy. Mental health, therefore, has much to do 3 how a
person copes with the world as s/he exists. Many of the
factors that 4 physical health also affect mental and
emotional wellbeing.
Having a good selfimage means that people have positive 5
pictures and good, positive feelings about themselves, about
what they are capable 6, and about the roles they play. People
with good selfimages like themselves, and they are 7 like
others. Having a good selfimage is based 8 a realistic 9 of
ones own worth and value and capabilities.
Stress is an unavoidable, necessary, and potentially healthful
10 of our society. People of all ages 11 stress. Children
begin to 12 stress during prenatal development and during
childbirth. Examples of stressinducing 13 in the life of a
young person are death of a pet, pressure to 14 academically,
the divorce of parents, or joining a new youth group. The
different ways in which individuals 15 to stress may bring
healthful or unhealthy results. One person experiencing a
great deal of stress may function exceptionally well 16
another may be unable to function at all. If stressful
situations are continually encountered, the individuals
physical, social, and mental health are eventually affected.
Satisfying social relations are vital to 17 mental and
emotional health. It is believed that in order to 18, develop,
and maintain effective and fulfilling social relationships
people must 19 the ability to know and trust each other,
understand each other, influence, and help each other. They
must also be capable of 20 conflicts in a constructive way.
1. A. unstable B. unsure C. imprecise D. impractical
2. A. normally B. generally C. virtually D. necessarily
3. A. on B. at C. to D. with
4. A. signify B. influence C. predict D. mark
5. A. intellectual B. sensual C. spiritual D. mental
6. A. to be doing B. with doing C. to do D. of doing
7. A. able better to B. able to betterC. better to able D.
better able to
8. A. on B. from C. at D. about
9. A. assessment B. decision C. determination D. assistance
10. A. ideality B. realization C. realism D. reality
11. A. occur B. engage C. confront D. encounter
12. A. tolerate B. sustain C. experience D. undertake
13. A. evidence B. accidents C. adventures D. events
14. A. acquire B. achieve C. obtain D. fulfil
15. A. respond B. return C. retort D. reply
16. A. why B. when C. while D. where
17. A. sound B. allround C. entire D. whole
18. A. illuminate B. enunciate C. enumerate D. initiate
19. A. access B. assess C. process D. possess
20. A

. resolving B. saluting C. desolving D. solving
Section ⅡReading Comprehension
Part A
Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each
text by choosing A, B, C or D Mark your answers on ANSWER
SHEET 1(40 points)
Text 1
As we have seen in earlier chapters, the American definition
of success is largely one of acquiring wealth and a higher
material standard of living. It is not surprising, therefore,
that Americans have valued education for its monetary value.
The belief is widespread in the United States that the more
schooling people have, the more money they will earn when they
leave school. The belief is strongest regarding the
desirability of an undergraduate university degree, or a
professional degree such as medicine or law following the
undergraduate degree. The money value of graduate degrees in
“nonprofessional” fields such as art, history, or philosophy
is not as great.
This belief in the monetary value of education is supported by
statistics on income. Ben Wattenberg, a social scientist,
estimated that in the course of a lifetime a man with a
college degree in 1972 would earn about ¥380 000 more than a
man with just a high school diploma. Perhaps this helps to
explain survey findings which showed that Americans who wished
they had led their lives differently in some way regretted
most of all that they did not get more education.
The regret is shared by those who have made it to the top and
by those who have not. Journalist Richard Reeves quotes a
black worker in a Ford automobile factory.
When I was in the ninth grade, I was getting bad grades and
messing around. My father came home in the kitchen one night
with a pair of Ford work pants and he threw them in my face.
“Put these on,” he said, “because you’re going to be wearing
them the rest of your life if you don’t get an education.”
Douglas Fraser, the president of the United Auto Workers
Union, regretted not finishing high school so much that he
occasionally lied about it. He told Richard Reeves about his
pride in graduating from high school, but then a few minutes
later he said:
I wasn’t telling the truth about high school. I never
finished. I quit in the twelfth grade to take a job… It’s
funnyafter all these years, I still lie about it. Because the
fact is, I still think it was a stupid thing to do. I should
have finished my education.
Even a man like Fraser, a nationally known and successful
leader, was troubled by regrets that he did not climb higher
on the educational ladder.
21.What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Americans place a high value on education.
B.Americans believe it is possible, though difficult, to be
successful without an advanced degree.
C.Americans believe that the more the education, the higher
the salary.
D.A basic American value is acquiring material wealth.
22.Which of the following degrees would probably be most
valued by Americans?

A.A master’s degree in literature.
B.A master’s degree in specialized fields.
C.A master’s degree in pure maths.
D.A master’s degree in anthropology.
23.The survey conducted by Ben suggested that people regretted
most having not got more education.
A.who hoped to teach
B.who were not content with their own way of living
C.who were proud of their social positions
D.who had quit high schools too early
24.When the factory worker in the third paragraph was a
teenager,his father.
A.wanted him to start earning a living
B.wanted him to study harder
C.wanted him to work with him at the Ford plant
D.wanted him to stop wearing such messy clothes
25. Which of the following is TRUE about Douglas Fraser?
A.He was proud to have finished high school.
B.He became a successful leader thanks to his education.
C.He wished he hadn’t dropped out of school.
D.He was a liar.
Text 2
The main idea of these business—school academics is appealing.
In a word where companies must adapt to new technologies and
source of competition, it is much harder than it used to be to
offer good employees job security and an opportunity to climb
the corporate ladder. Yet it is also more necessary than ever
for employees to invest in better skills and sparkle with
bright ideas. How can firms get the most out of people if they
can no longer offer them protection and promotion?
Many bosses would love to have an answer. Sumantrra Ghoshal of
the London Business School and Christopher Bartlett of the
Harvard Business school think they have one: “Employability.”
If managers offer the right kinds of training and guidance,
and change their attitude towards their underlings, they will
be able to reassure their employees that they will always have
the skills and experience to find a good job—even if it is
with a different company.
Unfortunately, they promise more than they deliver. Their
thoughts on what an ideal organization should accomplish are
hard to quarrel with: encourage people to be creative, make
sure the gains from creativity are shared with the pains of
the business that can make the most of them, keep the
organization from getting stale and so forth. The real
disappointment comes when they attempt to show how firms might
actually create such an environment. At its nub is the notion
that companies can attain their elusive goals by changing
their implicit contract with individual workers, and treating
them as a source of value rather than a cog in a machine.
The authors offer a few inspiring example of companies——they
include Motorola, 3M and ABB——that have managed to go some way
towards creating such organizations. But they offer little
useful guidance on how to go about it, and leave the biggest
questions unanswered. How do you continuously train people,
without diverting them from their everyday job of making the
business more profitable? How do you train people to be
successful elsewhere while still enco

uraging them to make big
commitments to your own firm? How do you get your newly
liberated employees to spend their time on ideas that create
value, and not simply on those they enjoy? Most of their
answers are platitudinous, and when they are not they are
26. We can infer from the passage that in the past an employee
A. had job security and opportunity of promotion
B. had to compete with each other to keep his job
C. had to undergo training all the time
D. had no difficulty climbing the corporate ladder
27 What does the writer of this passage think of the ideas of
Ghoshal and Bartlett?
A. Very instructive.B. Very inspiring.
C. Hard to implement.D. Quite harsh.
28 In their work, Ghoshal and Bartlett discuss .
A. changes in business organizations
B. contracts between employers and employees
C. employment situation
D. management ideas
29This passage seems to be a(n).
A. book reviewB. advertisement
C. news reportD. research paper
30. According to Chritopher Bartlett what will
A. Ability to lay out one’s talents to employers.
B. Skills and knowledge accumulated from school education.
C. Training opportunity and guidance offered by company.
D. Being creative and ready to share collective wisdom.
Text 3
To understand the failings of existing farm programs, it’s
important to understand the roots of the current farm crisis.
At the heart of the problem is money — how much there is and
how much it costs to borrow.
A farmer is a debtor almost by definition. In my own state,
it’ s not unusual for a wheat farmer with 1,000 acres to owe
several hundred thousand dollars for land and machinery. In
addition to making payments on these loans, it’s common for
such a farmer to borrow about $ 40,000 each spring to cover
fertilizer, diesel fuel, seed, and other operating expenses.
The months before the harvest will be anxious ones as the
farmer contemplates all the things that could bring: financial
hardship, bad weather, crop disease, insects, falling
commodity prices. If he has a good year, the farmer can repay
his loans and retain some profit; in a bad one, he can lose
his whole farm.
Money thus becomes one of the farmer’s biggest expenses. Most
consumers can find some refuge from high interest rates by
postponing large purchases like houses or cars. Farmers have
no choice. In 1989, for example, farmers paid $12 billion in
interest costs while earning $ 32 billion; last year they paid
$ 22 billion in interest costs, while earning only $ 20
billion. In a business in which profit margins are small, $
4,000 more in interest can mean the difference between profit
and loss. Since 1985, 100,000 family farms have disappeared,
and while interest rates have fallen recently, they still
imperil the nation’s farmers.
This is why the most basic part of our nation’s farm policy is
its money and credit policy——which is set by Paul Voicker and
the Fe

deral Reserve Board. The Federal Reserve Board’s
responsibility for nearly ruining our economy is wellknown.
What’s often overlooked is how the board’s policies have taken
an especially devastating toil on farmers. While high interest
rates have increased farm expenses, they’ve also undermined
the export market farmers have traditionally relied on.High
interest rates, by stalling our economic engines, have been a
drag on the entire world’s economy. Developing and thirdworld
nations have been particularly hard hit; struggling just to
meet interest payments on their loans from multinational
banks, they have had little cash left over to buy our farm
Even those countries that could still afford our farm products
abandoned us for other producers. Our interest rates were so
high that they attracted multinational bankers, corporations,
and others who speculate on currencies of different countries.
These speculators were willing to pay more for dollars in
terms of pesos, yen, or marks because those rates guaranteed
them such a substantial return.
31.This passage is intended to .
A.suggest effective means to deal with money crisis
B.satire the existing farm programs
C.argue against the current interest rates policy
D.advocate a modest attitude towards farmers
32.The author believes that .
A.high interest rates have an immediate effect on the farming
B.the Federal Reserve Board’s policies will stimulate the
export market
C.reduction of costs is a sure way to gain longterm
profitability to the farmers
D.radical reforms are essential for the increase of
33.Nowadays, developing and thirdworld nations rarely buy
American farm products mainly because .
A.they rely on their domestic markets and are selfsufficient
on the whole
B.there are small profit margins in the business
C.farm products offered by other producers are of higher
D.they have financial difficulty
34.Multinational bankers and corporations were willing to pay
more for dollars in terms of pesos and other currencies in the
hope of .
A.gaining a large profit
B.helping those poor nations
C.decreasing interest rates
D.overcoming financial hardships
35.By “A farmer is a debtor almost by definition.” is meant
that .
A.a “farmer” originally means a “debtor”
B.farmers have more to buy than workers or whatsoever
C.farmers have no choice but to pay high interest rates
D.farmers are vulnerable to natural disasters
Text 4
Among the many ways in which people communicate through
speech, public speaking has probably received more study and
attracted more attention than any other. Politicians
campaigning for public office, salespeople presenting
products, and preachers delivering sermons all depend upon
this form of public communication. Even people who do not make
speaking a part of their daily work are often asked to make
public speeches: students at graduation, for instance

, or
members of churches, clubs, or other organizations. Nearly
everyone speaks in public at some time or other, and those who
perform the task well often become leaders.
There are many reasons for speaking in public. A public
speaker may hope to teach an audience about new ideas, for
example, or provide information about some topic. Creating a
good feeling or entertaining an audience may be another
purpose. Public speakers, however, most often seek to persuade
an audience to adopt new opinions, to take certain actions, or
to see the world in a new way.
Public speakers usually know well in advance when they are
scheduled to make an address. Consequently, they are able to
prepare their message before they deliver it. Sometimes,
though, speakers must deliver the message unprepared, or off
the cuff, such as when they are asked to offer a toast at a
wedding reception or to participate in a televised debate or
When they do not have to speak unpreparedly, most speakers
write their own speeches. Politicians and business executives
sometimes employ professional writers who prepare their
speeches for them. These professional writers may work alone
or in small teams. Although the speaker may have some input
into the contents of the speech, the writers sometimes have a
great influence over the opinions expressed by their
employers. Regardless of how a speech is prepared, the person
who delivers it is given credit for its effect upon its
36.Public speaking is well known to the average people because
A. most of them have been trained as public speakers
B. such activities is prevalent in the society
C. most of them have to do it when they study at college
D. the passage does not mention the reason
37.Which of the following is rarely the purpose of public
A. To influence people’s ideas and behavior.
B. To enjoy the satisfaction from one’s own speech.
C. To persuade the audience to accept an idea.
D. To promote public interest
38.In paragraph 3, the expression “deliver the message off the
cuff ”means .
A. speak at a large reception
B. speak on television
C. speak according to the schedule
D. speak without preparation
39.Often the speech prepared by a professional writer for a
boss .
A. is very professional and tactful
B. expresses the writer’s idea of the matter
C. expresses the boss’s idea of the matter
D. expresses the ideas of both
40.No matter who writes a speech, the audience .
A.believe it expressed the speaker’s idea
B.know very well who the speaker is
C.know whose idea the speech really expresses
D.do not believe what the speaker says
Part B
In the following article,some sentences have been removed.For
Questions 41—45,choose the most suitable one from the list A—G
to fit into each of the numbered blank.There are two extra
choices,which do not fit in any of the gaps.
Lately, your job has taken up much of your time. You’ve even

arted bringing work at home and you keep working until the
wee hours (凌晨)of the morning. You spend Saturdays and Sundays
with your head bent on your work. And you’re supposed to spend
these days with your family, or friends, or for your
No longer do you work in order to live, but you now live in
order to work. Work is now the center of your daily life,
while the more important things have been relegated(转移,归入)to
the trunk of your car; or in the backseat, if things are still
not that worse.
A workaholic. This is what you have become. The only time you
don’t think of work is during the three or four hours a day
that you spend sleeping.41)_______________________
But little do you realize that by being too caught up with
work, you gradually forget the reasons why you work: your
family. Sure, you work to earn lots of money for them, but
when was the last time you spent a full hour of quality time
with your kids? Or your mom and dad? Or your friends? When was
the last time you did something you used to do and enjoy
before you mutated into a workaholic?
Here are a few tips to help you, the workaholic, refocus and
get the best out of life (and keep you healthy and alive in
the long run too!):
EIGHT HOURS OF SLEEP! Make it a point to get at least eight
hours of sleep and plenty of rest. While food has substitutes
in the form of natural medicines or artificial foods, there
are no substitutes for sleep and rest. 42)____________
STRICTLY FAMILY ON WEEKENDS! Resolve to make Saturdays and
Sundays strictly for family time. And stick to this! Mondays
until Fridays you make an excuse not to relax and spend time
with your family because it’s work time, why not make a
similar excuse for Saturdays and Sundays? "I can’t work today
because I’m spending time with my family."
GET SOME FOOD IN! Make sure you get food in your stomach.
Workaholics are known to be foodskippers. If you can’t afford
to get off your desk or from doing paperwork, have food
delivered to you. It’s always a good idea if you have crackers
on your drawer to ease the hunger pangs.
CONFINE WORK! Resolve to confine(限制,禁闭)work in your
office.43)___________.Practice working only within your
working hours. If you have an eighttofive working schedule,
stick to it.
WORK UP THOSE MUSCLES! Exercise, exercise, exercise! Set aside
at least an hour each day or every other day for exercise. You
body needs to be conditioned, and working nonstop isn’t going
to give it the proper physical conditioning it needs. Since
most workaholics tend to have their behinds stuck on their
chairs, it’s even more important that you get some exercise.
MAKE A PLAN! Plan your day. Work on only one or two things at
a time. It’s much easier to work on something and finish it
first and then move on to the next rather than do a number of
things all at the same time and never finish or accomplish
anything at th

e end of the day. Make out a list of priorities.
Write down things that need to be worked on immediately or are
urgent, keeping the least ones at the bottom of your list.
After you’ve done this, be guided by this list.
WORK TO LIVE! Always keep in mind that you work so you can
live and have a comfortable life.
45)_____________________.Don’t make work your life.
[A]Don’t believe that you can always "catch some sleep or rest
later." Your body cannot make up for lost sleep or rest time
because it is not physiologically possible.
[B]Always remember that you don’t live to work. Working is
just one of the many useful and fruitful activities you do
that enables you to live a good life and give your family (or
any of your dependents) their needs.
[C]Don’t strive for success at the expense of health.
[D]You’ve gotten too into working that you’ve forgotten how to
enjoy life and the many things it offers.
[E]You devote 16 hours of your day each day to working
furiously: making money, reaching goals, working on giving
your families the best, planning and mobilizing yourself for
[F]Don’t bring work to your home! Keep those files in your
office desk where they belong. If you work from home, keep
your work stuff in the confines of your home office. Keep them
there until the next day when you start work.
[G]Turning this activity into a habit will also help you
manage your time better, be more organized, and accomplish
Part C
Read the following text carefully and then translate the
underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be
written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)
In many developing countries, software piracy has become
pandemic. According to Software Publishers Association, 95% of
the software in Pakistan is pirated, 89% in Brazil, 88% in
Malaysia and 82% in Mexico. 46)Hundreds of tiny gizmo shops in
the mazelike streets of Seoul’s Yongsan electronics market
offer brandname U. S. made programs for a programer for a
fraction of the list price, including Lotus 1-2-3 for $ 7.50 (
suggested retail: $ 368). New Delhi’s largest pirate outlet is
a backroom operation that offers customers a catalog of nearly
400 titles and facilities for making copies for as little as $
4 a disk ( $ 2.50 for customers who bring their own floppies).
How to combat this rampant piracy? 47)The publishers’ first
approach was to control it through technical means——by putting
codes in their programs that prevented users from copying
This strategy worked for a while, or at least until determined
pirates found ways to get around it.48)But the codes also made
it difficult for legitimate users to copy programs onto their
hard drives. Copy protection became so unpopular that by 1986
most publishers had abandoned it as their first line of
defense. But they didn’t give up altogether. Through
associations like Softwa

re Publishers Association they began
picking off pirates one at a time, focusing on the biggest
abusers. 49)Software Publishers Association began running spot
checks and audits on major corporations, suing for damages
when they found firms had bought, say, a single copy of a
program and then made numerous unlicensed copies for its
employees. Software Publishers Association also opened a hot
line on which anybody can report the use of illegal software.
The organization now gets 20 to 30 calls a day, mostly from
former or disgruntled employees, and collects more than $ 3.5
million a year in fines and penalties.50)The washington based
Business Software Alliance is conducting similar operations
overseas, putting pressure on foreign governments to enforce
the copyright laws already on the books.
Section Ⅲ Writing
Part A
Your friend Tom bought a cat some days ago, not knowing how to
take good care of it ,thus he wrote to you for your advice.
Write him back with the following points:
1) express your surprise that he likes cat.
2) give him information concerning cat’ s living habit
(eating, sleeping, etc.)
3)remind him that cat is always a naughty and independent
animal so that he needs to be patient .
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2 . Do not
sign your own name at the end of the https://www.doczj.com/doc/4013780882.html,e "Jane"
instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)
Part B
Technology brought great convenience to our lives yet it also
created multiple social problems.What do you think about
technology?Please write about your opinion.Give two or three
examples to illustrate your point.
You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
Section Ⅰ Use of English
1. A. unstable
An angry, frustrated, emotionally unstable person in good
physical condition is not necessarily
unstable adj. (情绪)不稳定的。
B项unsure adj. 没有自信的, 不肯定的, 不确定的。C项imprecise adj. 不严密的,
不精确的。D项impractical adj. 不切实际的。
2. D. necessarily
要表达“并不一定”、“未必”的意思,通常用not necessarily的搭配。
3. D. with
Mental health, therefore, has much to do with how a person
copes with the world as it
have...(nothing, little, much, a lot) to do
What Im reading have nothing to do with you. 我在看什么,和你没有关系。
4. B. influence
Many of the factors that influence physical health also affect
mental and emotional wellbeing.很多影响体格健康的因素,同时也影响精神和感情的健康。
My teacher influenced my decision to study science.

My teachers influence made me study science at college.
Some women have bad influence upon their husbands.
He signified his content with a nod. 他以点头表示同意。
C项predict v. 预知, 预言, 预报。D项mark vt. 做标记于, 打分数, 标志。
5. D. mental
Having a good selfimage means that people have positive
mental pictures and good, positive feelings about themselves,
about what they are capable of doing, and about the roles they
mental adj. 精神的, 智力的,心智的。和physical相对。一般“精神病”被称作mental illness。
A项intellectual adj. 智力的, 有智力的, 显示智力的。作名词时意为“知识分子”。
B项sensual adj. 肉欲的, 色情的, 世俗的, 强调“通过感官感觉到”的。
C项spiritual adj.非物质的,精神的;灵魂的;宗教的;神圣的。和material相对。
6. D. of doing
capable of doing为固定搭配。大致相当于 be able to do。
7. D. better able to
People with good selfimages like themselves, and they are
better able to like others.那些对自己的形象有积极认识的人通常很欣赏自己,也更容易欣赏其他人。to
be able to的比较级,用to be better able to。其他次序都不对。
8. A. on
Having a good selfimage is based on a realistic assessment of
ones own worth and value and
be based on: 建立在……的基础上
9. A. assessment
10. D. reality
Stress is an unavoidable, necessary, and potentially healthful
reality of our society.压力是我们社会中无可避免的,而且有潜在的促进社会健康作用的现实存在。
表示“存在的现实状况”用reality(n. 真实, 事实, 本体, 逼真)。
A项ideality n. 理想。B项realization n. 实现;认识;领会。C项realism n. 现实主义。
11. D. encounter
People of all ages encounter stress.各个年龄段的人都会遇到压力。
A项occur vi. 发生, 出现。
B项engage vt. 使忙碌, 雇佣, 预定, 使从事于, 使参加。
C项confront ①面对;面临;遭遇。例如:
to confront danger (勇敢地)面对危险

I am confronted with many difficulties. 我面临很多困难。
12. C. experience
Children begin to experience stress during prenatal
development and during childbirth.儿童在出生之前,以及降临到世界的过程中都有压力的体验。
experience vt. 经验, 体验, 经历, 阅历。
A项tolerate vt. (主观上努力去)忍受, 容忍。B项sustain vt. 支撑, 撑住, 维持,
持续。D项undertake vt. 承担, 担任(也包含“主观努力”的意思)。
13. D. events
Examples of stressinducing events in the life of a young
person are death of a pet, pressure to achieve academically,
the divorce of parents, or joining a new youth
A项evidence n. 明显, 显著, 明白, 迹象, 根据,[物]证据, 证物。B项accident n. 意外事件,
(造成一定伤亡或者损失的)事故。C项adventure n. 冒险, 冒险的经历。
14. B. achieve
A项acquire和C项obtain作“获得”解时,一般后面都应该跟宾语。D项fulfil vt. 实践, 实行, 完成,
15. A. respond
The different ways in which individuals respond to stress may
bring healthful or unhealthy
B项return vt. 归还, 回报, 报告, 获得, 回答, 返回。C项retort v. 反驳, 反击。D项reply
vi. 答复, 回击, 报复, 答辩,回答。
16. C. while
One person experiencing a great deal of stress may function
exceptionally well while another may be unable to function at
all. 在巨大的压力下,有的人可能会应对非常自如,但是另一个人就完全无法正常运转。
While I understand what you say, I cant agree with you.
You like tennis, while Id rather read. 你爱打网球,但我爱看书。
Some people like fat meat, whereas others hate it.
17. A. sound
Satisfying social relations are vital to sound mental and
emotional health.让人满意的社会关系对于良好的精神和情绪健全至关重要。
sound此处意为“完好的,健全的 ”,类似wholesome。B项allround adj. 多方面的, 多才多艺的。
18. D. initiate
It is believed that in order to initiate, develop, and
maintain effective and fulfillin

g social relationships people
must possess the ability to know and trust each other,
understand each other, influence, and help each
initiate vt. 创始;发起
A项illuminate vt. 照明, 照亮, 阐明, 说明。B项enunciate v. 阐明,
清晰发言。C项enumerate v. 列举。
19. D. possess
20. A. resolving
They must also be capable of resolving conflicts in a
constructive way.他们必须有能力以建设性的方法来解决冲突。
solve a problem 解决一个问题
Section II Reading Comprehension
Part A
Text 1
monetary adj. 钱的;货币的;金融的quit v. 离开;退出;放弃(思想、行动等)
desirability n. 值得弄到手的东西statistics n. 统计,统计数字
findings n. 调查(或研究)的结果pants n. 裤子
occasionally adv. 偶然地,非经常地mess around [美俚]浪费时间,混日子

25.C参见本文倒数第2段Douglas Fraser
Text 2
appealing 吸引人的
sparkle 闪耀
nub 要点
elusive 难捉摸的
platitudinous 平凡的
Para.2:伦敦商学院的Sumantrra Ghoshal 和哈佛商学院的Christopher Bartlett
Paras.3-4:作者认为Sumantrra Ghoshal和Christopher
26A从第一段的句子“it is much harder than it used to be to offer good
employee job security and an opportunity to climb the
corporate ladder.”可以看出,过去一个好的职员很容易获得事业保险(job
security)和晋升的机会(opportunity to climb the corporate
ladder),工作上的竞争并不残酷,所以 B“必须和别人竞争”不对,
C“必须总是接受培训”过去没有,D故意曲解了句子的意思。因此答案应该是 A。
27C从第三段“Unfortunately, they promise more than they
deliver.”可以看出作者对Ghoshal 和
28D根据文中提到的,Ghoshal 和
29A这是一篇书评,从最后一段,“The author offers a few example of
companies…but they offer little useful guidance…”可知。
Text 3
diesel n. 柴油机
contemplate vt. 注视;沉思vi. 冥思苦想
multinational a. 多民族的,多国家的
speculator n. 思维者;推理者;投机者;投机商
substantial a. 物质的;实质的
imperil vt. 使处于危险,危害

32.A作者认为高利率政策对农业有直接影响。参考文章第四段。 “While high interest rates have
increased farm expenses, they’ve also undermined the export
market farmers have traditionally relied on.”
33.D否定选择项A、B、C。由倒数第二段最后一句:“ Developing and thirdworld nations
have been particularly hard hit; struggling just to meet
interest payments on their loans from multinational banks,
they have had little cash left over to buy our farm products.”
可知,越来越少的发展中国家和第三世界国家购买美国的农产品是因为负担不起:could not
35.C该题为推理题。本文主要讲了高利率给农民带来的危害,而对于高利率,“Most consumers can find
some refuge from high interest rates by postponing large
purchases like houses or cars. Farmers have no
Text 4
sermon n. [宗]布道,讲道,训诫
cuff n. 掌击,一巴掌;袖口;护腕
toast n. 祝酒;干杯;祝酒词
the world in new
38.Doff the cuff 是一个美国俚语,意为:即兴地;非正式地。D的意思

Part B
Part C
l-2-3 , 售价为7.5美元。
47 .出版商首先采取的手段是通过技术途径来控制;即在其程序中编入密码,以防止用户仿制。
Section Ⅲ Writing
Dear Tom,
It was a good surprise to hear that you were beginning to
raise a cat. I hear somebody said you didn’t like pets.
Clearly the words are proved to be wrong now.
Since your cat is only two months’ old, you’ d better buy the
food which is special for kitten. And you need to feed it four
times a day. Place its food plate and water bowl in a fixed
place, and do remember to provide it fresh and clean water. It
is cat’ s nature to be active at night, so don’t be surprised
that your kitten has slept for a whole afternoon and chasing
everywhere when you are asleep at night.
And something to remind you. Cat is not so quiet as a dog.
Please try not to let your telephone wire or electric wire
draw his attention, or he would play with it all the time and
make trouble.
I don’ t know whether you are clear. If any questions, don’ t
bother to come to ask me.
Yours sincerely,
November 12th,2004
The 20th century saw many great inventions,such as

airplanes,motion pictures,television,telephone,computer,the
Internet,to list just a few.Each of these inventions bears
witness to the amazing advancements in technology in the past
century.These inventions made our lives much easier and much
more enjoyable.
However,progress in technology is always a doubleedged
sword.People invented pesticides to kill pests but pesticides
can pollute the environment by entering the water supplies and
harming birds that eat the dead insects.Cell phone has greatly
facilitated communication yet it has been proved that it poses
danger to users’health.What’s more,cell phones often go off
during movies,concerts,classes,meetings,and libraries and
create public nuisance.Automobiles have become an
indispensable tool to the modern man but they consume great
amounts of fuel,and create enormous
environmental problems.Also,many people are killed in car
accidents every year.Internet links tens of millions of people
around the world but people are so addicted to the Internet
today that they don ’t go out and do exercises.
In a word,technology can be put to good use only when it’s
used properly.People often find it hard to balance the
convenience brought by modern technology and its potentially
harmful effects.I believe the average people should be
educated about the potential harmness of technology and should
always use it with a mind to promoting the teamwork spirit.

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