当前位置:文档之家› 2014年浙大远程英语(2)在线作业6




1.Many people said that it was not a very serious film, but it was good ___________.

A control

B entertainment

C discussion

D fortune


2.___________________, the less time you have to see them.

A The more people you know

B More you know people

C The more you know people

D More people you know


3.He is no better at English __________ I am.

A as

B so

C than

D lest


4.After he had been in prison Peter was _____________ the black sheep of the family.

A taken in

B lifted off

C regarded as

D marveled at


5.Write clearly ____________ everybody can understand you correctly.

A because

B since

C in that

D so that


单选题6.Kelly loved her husband _____________ he drank too much.

A despite that

B in spite of

C for fear that

D now that


7.Studies in the US show girls are _____________ better on spoken tasks than boys.

A ordinarily

B slightly

C supply

D fashionably


8.The reason for all the changes being made ___________ to us yet.

A has not explained

B do not explain

C has not been explained

D were not explained


9.__________ Napoleon once said, attack is the best method of defense.

A As

B If

C Though

D So


10.The ___________ is to make people aware of the brand value.

A trust

B aim

C supply

D chance


11.He should be ____________ for the fire that destroyed the house.

A respectful

B scared

C accused

D responsible


12.She didn't go shopping last night becuase she ___________ her father.

A need to look after

B had to look after

C should have looked after

D would have to look after


13._____________ these experiments are interesting and useful, it is important to remember that they may not always tell us much.

A When

B While

C Unless

D Until


14.Many people thought of the war as a / an _____________ one.

A curious

B forgetful

C lonely

D aggressive


15.The president as well as a number of professors ____________ asked to attend the party.

A was

B were

C be

D being


16.- Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!

- _______________ This is not the end of the world.

A Good luck.

B Go ahead.

C Cheer up.

D No problem.


17.- Why don't you have a try? - I'm afraid I can't do it. - _______________.

A I don't believe.

B Good luck!

C You know yourself well.

D Come on! You can do that.


18.- You look really cool today! - ___________

A Thank you.

B I am not cool.

C No, just so so.

D Are you kidding! 正确答案:A

19.- What's your point of view on cloning (克隆)? - ______________

A No way.

B I am against it.

C No point.

D That's none of your business.


20.- I'd be interested to know your thoughts on online shopping. - ____________________

A I am interested, too.

B What is your question?

C I think it is convenient.

D Thank you for your interest.



21. A French student went to London for his holiday. He thought, “I know a little English. I think people can understand me!”

One day he went to a restaurant and sat down 1 the table. He wanted to 2 a cup of tea and some eggs. Soon the waiter came up to him and asked. “Can I help you?” “A cup of tea and ...” He could not remember the English word for eggs. He looked around but 3 was eating eggs. Then he saw a picture-book on the table next to him. There was a picture of a cock on its cover(封面). He showed the picture to the waiter. “What’s the English word for this?”he asked. “A cock.”answered the waiter. “What do you call a cock’s wife?” he asked again. “A hen.” “And what do you call a hen’s children?” “Chicks.” “And what do you call chicks 4 they are born?” “Eggs!”“Very well.” said the French student happily. “Bring me two eggs and a cup of tea, please.” Then he sat down 5 a smile on his face.

1.A. with B. before C. nobody D. have E. at

2.A. with B. before C. nobody D. have E. at

3.A. with B. before C. nobody D. have E. at

4.A. with B. before C. nobody D. have E. at

5.A. with B. before C. nobody D. have E. at

正确答案:1-E, 2-D, 3-C, 4-B, 5-A


22.Marco Polo was an explorer and merchant whose account (描述) of his travels in Asia was the primary source for the European image of the far East until the late 19th century. Marco’s father, Niccolo, and his uncle Maffeo had traveled to China (1260-1269) as merchants. When they left Venice (威尼斯) to return to china, they were accompanied (陪伴) by 17-year-old Marco.Traveling across central Asia, in 1275 the Polos arrived in Shangdu, the summer capital of Kublai Khan (忽必烈汗), Marco soon became a favorite of the Khan and for 17 years lived in china in his service.Toward the end of this time the Polos increasingly desired to return home, but the Khan was unwilling to let them go. In 1292, however, he consented and allowed them to sail to Persia (波斯) on a mission, and they were finally able to reach V enice in 1295.Shortly thereafter Marco was captured (俘虏)in a battle and put into prison for a short time. In prison he dictated an account of his experiences to Rustichello, a well-known writer. Then the book The Travels of Marco Polo came out.The book was full of details but people were shocked and did not believe the stories in the book. Later on lots of reports by other travelers to china developed western interest in Far Eastern trade and influenced people like Christopher Columbus.

1. The Polos in Paragraph 2 refers to ___________.

A. Marco Polo himself

B. Marco Polo and his wife

C. Marco Polo and his father

D. Marco Polo, his father and his uncle

2. The word consented in Paragraph 3 probably means ___________.

A. argued

B. agreed

C. desired

D. discussed

3. Finally the Polos could leave for home because ________________.

A. they fooled the king into believing they would return.

B. they took the king with them to have business trips together.

C. they promised to complete a task for the king.

D. they captured the king in a battle and put him in prison.

4. What is said about the book The Travels of Marco Polo?

A. Marco Polo told his story to Rustichello who actually wrote the book.

B. People did not understand the book because of the different language.

C. People believed the details described in the book and became interested in China.

D. The book directly influenced the Western travelers like Christopher Columbus.

5. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. To compare people's lives in the east and the west.

B. To review Marco Polo's book The Travels of Marco Polo.

C. To show the Polos loved travelling around the world.

D. To introduce how Marco Polo inspired western people to travel to the Far East.

正确答案:1-D, 2-B, 3-C, 4-A, 5-D


23. “Dreams may be more important than sleep. We all need to dream,” some scientists say. Dreams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time. People have several dreams each night. Dreams are like short films. They are usually in colour. Some dreams are like old films. They come to us over and over again. That may be because the dreamer is worrying about something. Dreaming may be a way of trying to find an answer.

Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams. They may have been thinking about

their work all day. These thoughts can carry over into dreams.

Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream. But often we can’t remember the dream. Dreams can disappear quickly from memory.

Too much dreaming can be harmful. The more we sleep, the longer we dream. The mind is hard at work when we dream. That is why we may have a long sleep and still wake up tired.

1. It may be less important to sleep than to dream.

A. T

B. F

2. Dreams and films are usually very long.

A. T

B. F

3. Some people often dream about their work because they may be thinking about their work all day.

A. T

B. F

4. The main idea of the story is people like to sleep.

A. T

B. F

5. Dreams are always good for our health.

A. T

B. F

正确答案:1-A, 2-B, 3-A, 4-B, 5-B


Unit One 4. Translation Directions: translate each of the following sentences from English to Chinese. 1. All things are difficult before they are easy. 1) 凡事总是由难而易。 2. Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up. 2) 历史每重演一次,代价就增加(一分)。 3. Even young people with little money do not want to buy cheap furniture that they may soon dislike. 3) 就连手里没多少钱年轻人也不想买便宜家具,因为对这些便宜家具很快就会厌倦。 4. Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in powerful or moving words. 4) 伟大的作家不仅拥有为大的思想,还能用有力、感人的语言表达这些思想。 5. In no other region in the world can you find such rare animals as giant pandas. 5) 像大熊猫这样的珍稀动物在世界其他地区你是找不到的。 6. Luckily, the planes appear to be quite safe. 6) 很幸运,这些飞机安全降落了。 7. Most of the plants like water and sunshine. 7) 大多数植物都喜欢水和。 8. Semiconductor chips are small in size and light in weight. 8) 半导体芯片体积小而且重量轻。 9. The evolution theory explains the differences in sleep among animals. 9)进化论解释动物之间的睡眠差异。 10. The library is to be closed because it needs redecorating. 10)图书预定要关闭,因为它需要重新装修。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/497066262.html,position: 要求在30分钟,根据下面所给的题目和中文提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80字的作文。 Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists? 1.校园是否应对游客开放,人们看法不同。你的观点; 2.阐述你的理由; 3.结论,重申观点。 It is true that many university campuses, especially those of the famous ones, have recently become the new tourist attractions. Some people are quite in favor of the campus’ opening to tourists while others are opposed to it. The opening of campus will stimulate the tourist industry, but the easier access to campus will lead to some ac cidents or safety problems which will interfere in students’ life. In my opinion, campuses can be open to tourists once a week, say, on Saturday or Sunday. This suggestion, I believe, is quite workable because it could kill two birds with one stone. For one thing, campuses could attract many tourists on weekends, thus boosting the tourism.


浙大远程教育英语第六次 在线作业答案 The following text is amended on 12 November 2020.

作业分数为:100分 1.【Unit Six (2)】She didn't go shopping last night becuase she ___________ her father. A need to look after B had to look after C should have looked after D would have to look after 正确答案:B 2.【Unit Six (2)】The ___________ is to make people aware of the brand value. A trust B aim C supply

D chance 正确答案:B 3.【Unit Six (2)】_____________ these experiments are interesting and useful, it is important to remember that they may not always tell us much. A When B While C Unless D Until 正确答案:B 4.【Unit Six (2)】The president as well as a number of professors ____________ asked to attend the party. A was B were


18年浙大远程《经济学》在线作业 1.【第1章】公民个人依法缴纳个人所得税,此行为使公民成为()主体。 A 民法 B 民法和经济法 C 经济法 D 民法或经济法 正确答案:C 2.【第1章】经济管理主体主要为()。 A 国家权力机关 B 政府 C 特殊企业 D 经授权的其他组织 正确答案:B 3.【第1章】经济法的主体是指在国家协调经济运和地过程中依法()的当事人。 A 享有经济权利 B 承担经济义务 C 享有经济权利和承担经济义务 D 享有经济权利或承担经济义务 正确答案:C 4.【第1章】下列事项中,一般不作为经济法律关系主体的社会组织是()。 A 企业内部组织 B 私营企业 C 个体工商户 D 党团组织 正确答案:D 5.【第1章】以下可以成为经济法主体的是()。 A 企业

B 供销合作社 C 国家机关 D 个体工商户 正确答案:ABCD 22.【第4章】我国企业破产的界限是资不抵债。 正确错误 正确答案: 错 23.【第4章】我国现行破产法既适用公司企业,也适用合伙企业和个人独资企业。 正确错误 正确答案: 错 24.【第4章】破产债权人在规定的时间内没有进行破产债权申报的,即丧失了破产财产的分配权。 正确错误 正确答案: 错 25.【第4章】破产管理人由人民法院或债权人会议指定。 正确错误 正确答案: 错 6.【第1章】下列属于经济法的主体制度内容的是()。 A 经济性行业组织法 B 中央银行法 C 特殊经济组织法 D 合作制及集体所有制组织法 正确答案:ABCD 7.【第2、3章】有限责任公司是股东以()为限对公司承担责任,公司以()对公司债务承担责任的公司。 A 个人全部财产;其特定财产 B 其出资额;其全部财产 C 其出资额;其经营财产 D 其个全部财产;其全部资产

浙大远程英语作业Unit 9

Unit Nine 1. Writing 你的一位外国朋友给你来信,打算到中国旅游。你给他回信,提出旅游建议。你的回信应包括下列内容: 1. 接到朋友的来信; 2. 你对旅游的安排计划及理由; 3. 表达你希望见到朋友的心愿。 Dear David, I’m glad to know you want to make a tour in China. Now I’m living in Shanghai, and there are so many famous place here. I have made a plan for your visit in Shanghai. First we can go to the Peples’ Square,the most famous place place in Shanghai. Then we can go to Y u Garden, which I think you have heard before. If you have enough time ,you can visit Expo 2010. And you are welcome to stay at my home for several days. I’m looking forward to your coming to Shanghai.I am sure you will like this city. Y ours, Wang Ming 2. Choose the best answer to each of the following items. 1) The university is trying to make more accommodation(住处) ___b____ for the residents. A. afford B. available C. apparently D. approximately 2) The difference between the public and private services is very ___a___ in this country. A. sharp B. difficult C. vast D. wide 3) ____b___ of the two boys has passed the history examination. A. None B. Neither C. Nor D. No 4) We have to put the trip off. It’s too expensive and ____c___ the weather is not fine. A. therefore B. however C. on the other hand D. afterwards 5) John will take a job wherever he can find ___d____. A. any B. that C. some D. one 6) Mary varies her appearances, as well as her hair color, ___a____ on the mood she is in. A. depend B. depending C. hold D. holding 7) We know that sun eclipse will ___a____the weather on the earth. A. influence B. identify C. impress D. locate 8) The difference between the public and private schools is very ___b____ in this area. A. wide B. sharp C. difficult D. loose 9) ____a___ of the boys has passed the test; they’ve got such bad luck. A. Either B. All C. Neither D. No 10) She's the only child in her family, but they didn't really ___d____ her. A. hurt B. damage C. harm D. spoil 3.Read the following passages and decide which of the following is the best answer to each of the questions or statements.


第6章计算机网络基础(单选题) 完成下列题目,这些题目与期末考试题或将来的统考题类似,请同学们认真做一遍。注意:上传你所做的答案后就可以下载我的参考答案。 一.计算机网络的形成与发展、网络的分类、网络拓扑结构、资源共享 1、计算机网络是___A___相结合的产物。 A.计算机技术与通讯技术 B.计算机技术与信息技术 C.计算机技术与电子技术 D.信息技术与通讯技术 [解析]应该选A。又问:计算机网络是计算机与___B___相结合的产物。(A.各种协议 B.通信技术 C.电话)答:选B。 2、下列有关计算机网络叙述错误的是___D___。 A.利用Internet网可以使用远程的超级计算中心的计算机资源 -- 对,属于资源共享 B.计算机网络是在通信协议控制下实现的计算机互联 C.建立计算机网络的最主要目的是实现资源共享 D.以接入的计算机多少可以将网络划分为广域网、城域网和局域网 [解析]网络划分为广域网、城域网和局域网是按网络所覆盖的范围来划分的,所以D是错的。 3、最早的(第一阶段)计算机网络系统,有____A____个主机。 A.1 --- 以一台主机为中心的远程联机系统, B.2 C.10 D.几十台 [解析]略。 4、____B____被认为是Internet的前身。(请看解析) A.万维网 B.ARPANET --- 是美国国防部早期研究开发的一个网络,称为“阿帕网” C.HTTP D.APPLE [解析]略。 5、当前普遍使用的Internet IP版本是____C____。(参考p.225) A.IPv6 --- 下一代网络的IP版本为IPv6 B.IPv3 C.IPv4 ---目前使用网络的IP版本为IPv4,在IPv4中,IP地址为32位 D.IPv5 [解析]略 6、LAN通常是指___B___。 A.广域网 B.局域网 C.资源子网


您的本次作业分数为:100分词汇结构 1.He turned over in his head the idea __________ by David. A proposed B proposing C to be proposed D having proposed 正确答案:A 词汇结构 2.The tea is hot; he ____________ here before. A is B will have been C had been D may have been 正确答案:D 词汇结构 3.I'm filled with _____________ to go back home. A desire B search C opportunity D praise 正确答案:A 词汇结构 4.The laws __________ everyone no matter that their races or colors are. A laugh at B apply to C lift up D object to

词汇结构 5.I don't think we should ___________ any more time to this question. A spend B cost C devote D waste 正确答案:C 词汇结构 6.I wouldn't _____________ my money into his company. A discover B invent C draw D invest 正确答案:D 词汇结构 7.This is a ___________ regarding China in your eyes. A secret B service C suspect D survey 正确答案:D 交际英语 8. - I don't care much for fish. - ______________. A Me neither. B I'm so sorry. C I think so too. D I care.


英语(2)第1次 您的本次作业分数为:100分题 1. In considering people for jobs, we give ________ to those with some experience. A conference B review C preference D apology 正确答案:C 2.They are preparing for war on a large ________. A bank B size C degree D scale 正确答案:D 3.There was nothing in the letter of ________ importance. A peculiar B necessary C basic D particular 正确答案:D 4.I’m surprised by the sense of ________ he has with children. A easiness B ease C rest D alarm 正确答案:B 5.Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, ________ schools in the south are relatively poor. A which B as C for D while 正确答案:D 6. I really hope to discuss and ________ the problems with you. A explain B explore C experience D export


浙江大学远程教育学院考查课 《法律基础》课程作业 姓名:学号: 年级:学习中心:————————————————————————————— 一、简答题(共5小题,每小题6分,共30分) 1.法律制定的概念及程序? 答: 法律制定的概念: 法律制定,又称立法,广义的法律制定泛指有关国家机关在其法定的职权范围内,依照法定程序,制定、修改、补充、废止规范性文件的活动。狭义的法律制定专指国家最高权力机关制定、修改、补充、废止基本法律和法律的活动。 法律制定的流程: 法律制定程序即立法程序,是指有法律制定权的国家机关在创制、认可、修改或者废止规范性法律文件的活动中所必须遵守的步骤和方法。狭义的立法程序仅指国家最高权力机关创制、认可、修改或废止法律的程序。广义的立法程序包括一切具有立法权的国家机关创制、认可、修改或废止规范性法律文件的程序。根据《中华人民共和国人民代表大会议事规则》和《全国各国人民代表大会常务委员会议事规则》的有关规定及我国的立法实践,我国最高权力机关及其常设机关立法的基本程序包括:法律案的提出、法律草案的审议、法律草案的表决与通过、法律的公布等。 2.简述宪法的概念及特征。 答: 宪法的概念: 宪法是一个国家的根本大法,是特定社会政治经济和思想文化条件综合作用的产物,集中反映各种政治力量的实际对比关系,确认政治成果和现实的民主政治,规定国家的根本任务和根本制度,即社会制度、国家制度的原则和国家政权的组织以及公民的基本权利义务等内容。国家内部政治力量的对比关系的变化对宪法的发展变化起着直接作用,国际关系也对宪法发展趋势有所影响。 宪法的特征: 1、现代概念中宪法是公民与国家的契约,它在国家的法律体系中拥有最高的地位,因此它是国家的根本法,拥有最高的法律效力。 2、宪法规定的事项主要有国家政治架构,政府组成与职能,权力制衡模式和公民的权利等。 3、宪法最为重要的意义在于它是一部权利宣言书。



在线:英语(2)第3次Unit Three 1.Parents and teachers are all very sorry that he never takes anything ________. A possibly B seriously C probably D completely 正确答案:B 单选题 2.The astronaut did many experiments in the spaceship, which are ________ much help for knowing space. A of B for

C in D to 正确答案:A 单选题 3.All the signs are extremely ________—he’ll be well again soon. A miserable B passive C instant D positive 正确答案:D 单选题 4.Not until I began to work ________ how much time I had wasted. A didn’t I realize

B I didn’t realize C did I realize D I realized 正确答案:C 单选题 5.The Sahara Desert (撒哈拉沙漠) is a ________ barrier between North and Central Africa. A harmful B rapid C narrow D natural 正确答案:D 单选题 6.He told me that he ________ to see us the next day.


词汇与结构2013 1.It’s a good idea. But who’s going to ____________ the plan? I think John and Peter will. ? A carry out ? B get through ? C take in ? D set aside 词汇与结构2013 2. She has reached the key point ______ a change is needed. ? A which ? B that ? C as ? D where 交际英语2013 3.--Please help yourself to the seafood. -- ______ ? A No,I can't. ? B Sorry,I can't help.

? C Well, seafood don’t suit for. ? D Thanks, but I don’t like the seafood. 交际英语2013 4.--Can you go to the concert with us this evening? -- _______ ? A No, I already have plans. ? B I’d love to, but I am busy tonight. ? C No, I really don’t like being with you. ? D I’m ill, so I shouldn’t go out. 词汇与结构2013 5.The Chinese women volleyball players ___________ both in and out of China. ? A are thought good of ? B are highly thought of ? C are well thought ? D are ill thought of 词汇与结构2013 6. Do you know a cloudy sky is not always a ______ of rain?

浙大远程 2013在线作业英语(1)第1次

您的本次作业分数为:100分词汇与结构2013 1.Two thousand dollars ______ enough for the car. ? A being ? B were ? C are ? D is 正确答案:D 词汇与结构2013 2.There will be _______ soon. I’m afraid I can’t go. ? A rain ? B rainy ? C raining ? D rains 正确答案:A 词汇与结构2013 3.This is _______ film I have ever seen. ? A a wonderful ? B the most wonderful ? C wonderful ? D most wonderful 正确答案:B 词汇与结构2013 4.The region has plenty of coal resources ______ lacks enough water. ? A which ? B as long as

? C moreover ? D while 正确答案:D 交际英语2013 5.--Hey, Tom, what’s up?--_______________. ? A Yes, definitely! ? B Oh, not much. ? C What is happening in your life? ? D You are lucky. 正确答案:B 词汇与结构2013 6.It was getting _______, he had to stop to have a rest. ? A very darker ? B dark and dark ? C darker and darker ? D darkest and arkest 正确答案:C 交际英语2013 7.--Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? -____________________________________________. ? A I’d rather sit here if you don’t mind. ? B Sorry, I don’t like either. ? C Certainly, why not? ? D Yes, I like these two places. 正确答案:A 词汇与结构2013


您的本次作业分数为:100分 1.【Unit Four (2)】She didn't know ____________ information had been known by the public. A how much B how many C however D how old 正确答案:A 2.【Unit Four (2)】The weight of the moon is only about ___________ of the earth. A one eighty B one the eighty C one of the eighty D one eightieth 正确答案:D 3.【Unit Four (2)】Why does your brother want a new job ____________ he's already got a very good one? A where B when C which D that 正确答案:B 4.【Unit Four (2)】Canceling the conference will make a very bad ___________. A impression B program

C pressure D imagination 正确答案:A 5.【Unit Four (2)】___________ way shall we go? By the stream(小溪) or through the wood? A Which B what C Whose D How 正确答案:A 6.【Unit Four (2)】Ten minutes ___________ an hour when one is waiting for a phone call. A seem B seems C seemed D seeming 正确答案:B 7.【Unit Four (2)】We hope that most students will make a _____________ transition (过渡) into college. A rough B real C solid D smooth 正确答案:D


翻译: 请将下列五句英文分别翻译成中文。 1. Some people take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in the town, with its cinemas, shops, dance halls and restaurants. 有些人对乡村的事物不感兴趣:对他们来说,幸福在于城镇的电影院、商店、舞厅和餐馆。 那些热衷于城镇的电影院、商店、舞厅和餐馆的人对乡村的事物不感兴趣。 2. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for walk. 很快到了我的朋友帶杰克去散步的时间了。 3. To mark students' test papers, a checking machine is used. 为了给学生的试卷评分,用了一台阅卷机。 4. Whoever disobeys the law will be punished. 违者必罚。 5. With all his savings gone, he started to look for a job. 他用完了所有的存款,然后開始找工作了。 写作:请按照要求完成一篇英文作文,字数不少于80字。 标题:Parents Are the Best Teachers 内容需包括以下方面: 1.提出“父母是最好的老师”的观点,你的看法; 2.解释其中的原因; 3.重申观点。 As we all know, in our life, we have many different teachers, but the best teachers, I think, are our parents. My view is based on such reasons. They are the first people we meet. They teach us how to eat, and then how to walk. They teach us to speak, and they give us communication skills and so many others. They try their best to teach us, and develop our own learning skills. On the other hands, their words and actions will deeply affect our minds and decisions. Leading by example is an important way our parents teach us social skills, morals and how to get along with others. I believe that most of us have seen a public-interest advertisement on CCTV. The scene is about below: a young mother comes back home, after busy working for a whole day, she feels very tired. But she still washes feet carefully for her mother. All these have been seen by her little son behind the door. After his mother finish, the little child carries a basin of water slowly for his mother, and said “Mum please wash your feet.” All these tell us that the parents’ good actions will give a good example for their children. In our life, we follo w many people to study. Because every person we meet has something that we can learn. However, the greatest teachers in our lives will be our parents, because they were our first and most important teachers.


窗体顶端 您的本次作业分数为:94分词汇结构 1.【Unit Two (2)】Within a few hours I noticed a large number of fish __________ at the water surface. A appearing B touching C producing D interpreting 正确答案:A 词汇结构 2.【Unit Two (2)】The rain was ___________ we could hardly move forward. A so heavy that B such a heavy that C such heavy and D so heavy and 正确答案:A 词汇结构 3.【Unit Two (2)】Judged _________ her appearance, she can't be over 30. A in B with C to D by 正确答案:D 词汇结构 4.【Unit Two (2)】He came to Peking University _________ a visiting scholar several years ago. A as B such as C as to

D as well 正确答案:A 词汇结构 5.【Unit Two (2)】There were __________ in some of the distant fields which i thought to be sheep. A lines B dots C pieces D palms 正确答案:B 词汇结构 6.【Unit Two (2)】You will learn that I can be a better friend to you than ________ sent you here. A those people B people C who D those who 正确答案:D 词汇结构 7.【Unit Two (2)】"Not particularly!" he said __________, as though it mattered very little. A actually B magically C lightly D spiritually 正确答案:C 词汇结构 8.【Unit Two (2)】Energy is ____________ makes things work. A what B which C all what


您的本次作业分数为:100分单选题 1.【第1章】按照不同级别管理者对管理信息的需要,通常把管理信 息分为以下三级()。 ? A 公司级、工厂级、车间级 ? B 工厂级、车间级、工段级 ? C 厂级、处级、科级 ? D 战略级、战术级、作业级 正确答案:D 单选题 2.【第1章】EDPS是以下哪个术语的简称? ? A 电子数据处理系统 ? B 单项数据处理阶段 ? C 综合数据处理阶段 ? D 管理信息系统 正确答案:A 单选题 3.【第1章】()反映了某个企业、组织或部门所涉及的数据本身的 内容,同时也反映了数据之间的联系。 ? A 数据库

? B 数据文件(表) ? C 文件系统 ? D 数据结构 正确答案:A 单选题 4.【第1章】从管理决策问题的性质来看,在运行控制层上的决策大 多属于()的问题。 ? A 结构化 ? B 半结构化 ? C 非结构化 ? D 以上都有 正确答案:A 单选题 5.【第1章】DSS是以下哪个术语的简称? ? A 决策支持系统 ? B 群体决策支持系统 ? C 智能决策支持系统 ? D 管理决策系统 正确答案:A

单选题 6.【第1章】管理信息系统的应用离不开一定的环境和条件,这里所 说的“环境”具体指的是()。 ? A 组织所处的自然环境 ? B 组织所处的社会环境 ? C 组织内外各种因素的综合 ? D 组织所处的自然环境和社会环境的综合 正确答案:C 单选题 7.【第1章】局域网与使用调制解调器进行计算机通信的远程网相 比,它的信息传送速度要()。 ? A 高得多 ? B 低得多 ? C 差不多 ? D 无法比较 正确答案:A 单选题

浙大远程 2013在线作业英语(1)第7次

您的本次作业分数为:94分词汇与结构2013 1. As his personal secretary, I have ______ to his office. ? A way ? B system ? C advance ? D access 正确答案:D 交际英语2013 2.--What would you like to have, meat or fish? --____________________________________. ? A Either will do ? B Yes, I like meat ? C Yes, I like fish ? D No, they are not my favorite 正确答案:A 词汇与结构2013 3.--What will you buy for your boyfriend’s birthday? --I want to buy a ______ wallet for him. ? A black leather small ? B small black leather ? C small leather black ? D black small leather 正确答案:B 词汇与结构2013 4. I prefer classic music ___ pop music.

? A than ? B on ? C with ? D to 正确答案:D 交际英语2013 5.--I can't repair your recorder until tomorrow, I'm afraid.--That's OK, there's _______. ? A no problem ? B no wonder ? C no doubt ? D no worry 正确答案:A 交际英语2013 6.--Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock "n" roll? I am preparing for tomorrow's exam. --________. ? A It’s none of your business. ? B What are you doing? ? C Sure. Sorry to disturb you. ? D No, I don’t think so. 正确答案:C 词汇与结构2013 7.A woman came in, ______ by her daughter. ? A followed ? B following ? C follow ? D being followed 正确答案:A


2016年秋浙大远程《基础英语》在线作业 1.【第01单元】The notice ______ “No smoking”. A is told B reads C tells D is read 正确答案:B 2.【第01单元】All the furniture in the house ______ to the landlord. A is belonged B belongs C belonging D are belonged 正确答案:B 3.【第01单元】I thought that honesty ______ the best policy. A was B is C being D be 正确答案:B 4.【第01单元】If it _____ tomorrow, I won’t go to the cinema. A will rain B rains C is raining

D rained 正确答案:B 5.【第01单元】The earth ______ round the sun in 365 days . A moves B moved C is moving D move 正确答案:A 6.【第01单元】As a general rule, snakes ______ unless offended. A will not be biting B do not bite C are not biting D have not bitten 正确答案:B 7.【第01单元】—Do I have to take this medicine ? —It _____ so terrible. A tastes B is tasting C is tasted D has tasted 正确答案:A 8.【第01单元】I ______ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the New Year. A will play B have played

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