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1 制成品manufactured goods

2 资本货物capital goods

3 国际收支balance of payments

4 经常项目current account

5 有形贸易项目visible trade account

6 无形贸易项目invisible trade account

7 贸易顺差trade surplus

8 贸易逆差trade deficit

9 易货贸易barter

10 补偿贸易compensation trade

11 反向贸易counter-trade

12 组装生产assembly manufacturing

13 工商统一税industrial and commercial consolidated tax

14 合资企业joint venture

15 延期付款deferred payment

16 买方信贷buyer credit

17 卖方信贷supplier credit

18 软贷款(低息贷款)soft loan

19 最惠国待遇MFN treatment (Most Favored nation treatment)

20 永久性正常贸易关系PNTR(Permanent Normal Trading Relations)

21 国民收入NI(National Income)

22 国民生产总值GNP(Gross National Product)

23 国内生产总值GDP(Gross Domestic Product)

24 国际复兴和开发银行IBRD(International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)国际开发协会IDA(International Development Association)

25 国际金融公司IFC(International Finance Comporation)

26 经济合作和发展组织OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)

27 国际清算银行BIS(Bank for International Settlement)

28 欧洲经济共同体EEC(European Economic Community)

29 欧洲联盟EU(European Union)

30 外商直接投资FDI(Foreign Direct Investment)


1 substantially :dramatically,significantly,considerably

2 subsequently:afterwards

3 exacerbate:deteriorate,worsen;aggravate;make worse

4 withdraw:cancellation

5 theme:principle

6 in return for:in exchange for

7 disrupt:interrupt

8 destined:designed

9 pronounced:marked

10 in the wake of:following;after with

11 undue:too much;unbearable

12 reverse:change to the opposite

13 buoyant:brisk

14 outcome:result

15 boost:stimulate;promote;develop

16 recover:rebound

17 facilitate:make easy

18 run-down:reduction

19 mount exhibitions:hold exhibitions

20 insofar as:to the extent

21 bottlenecks:obstacles


1. During the 1950s China exported agricultural products to the USSR and East European countries in return for manufactured goods and the capital equipment required for the country…s industrialization programme which placed emphasis on the development of heavy industry.


2. The growth of foreign trade was distrupted again during the Cultural Revolution when agricultural and industrial production fell sharply and transportation constraints became more serious.


3. Exports grew much faster than imports during this period not only because of the stro ng emphasis placed on exporting by China…s economic planners,but also because a number of industrial projects were postponed in 1979. Official recognition that foreign technology could play a major role in modernizing the Chinese economy has caused imports to rise by more than 50 per cent in 1978,placing undue strain on the national economy.


4. Chinese official stress the importance of introducing advanced technology to domestic industry,but the need is for technology of varying degrees of sophistication,not necessarily for advanced technology as that term is understood in the West.


5. There are no official statistics covering the invisible account of the balance of payments,but the size of the visible trade surplus during

1981-1983 and a pronounced increase in earnings from tourism suggest that the current account has been in surplus over the past few years.


6. Goods are produced according to a sample provided by the customer,while strong encouragement is given to compensation trade whereby a foreign seller supplies raw materials and equipment and receives manufactured goods,produced by the equipment provided,in

return .Compensation trade differs from barter or counter-trade insofar as there is a direct link between the equipment supplied from abroad and the manufactured product. Assembly manufacturing began in 1978 and particular forms of foreign trade are eligible for exemption from customs duties and taxation.


7. The debt problems confronting a number of developing countries have reinforced China…s determination to introduce foreign technology by means of direct investment and concessionary finance rather than by raising substantial sums of money on the international capital markets. The authorities do not consider it appropriate to incur large amounts of external

debt until a number of practical bottlenecks in the economy,such as an inadequate transport network and energy constraints,have been tackled. 许多发展中国家面对的债务问题使中国在引进外国技术时下了这样的决心:采用直接投资和优惠付款方式融资,而不是在国际资本市场筹集大额的资金。在经济中的许多实际瓶颈,如运输网络的不足和能源缺乏被克服以前,官方认为招来大笔外债的做法是不妥当的。



1.The special Economic Zone 经济特区

2.a well-placed source 一位高层消息灵通人士

3.infrastructure 基础设施

4.capital stock 实际资本

5.consumer goods 消费品

6.preferential tax rate 优惠税率

7.cooperative enterprise 合作(经营)企业

8.ETDZ (Economic &Technical Development Zone )经济技术开发区

9.entrepreneurship 企业家精神

10.means of production 生产资料

11.stock-taking 评估

12.Allocation of resources 资源配置

13.macroregulation and control 宏观调控

14.fiscal policies 财政政策

15.tight monetary policy 紧缩的货币政策

16.working capital 运营资本

17.basic policy 基本国策

18.technical transformation 技术革新


1.in piecemeal form:piece by piece;gradually 逐渐的

2.showpiece: a prime or outstanding example 典范

3.pipedream:fantasy;daydream;dream that cannot be realized 白日梦

4.from scratch:from the very beginning 从零开始,从最初开始

5.grassroots:basic level 基层

6.the dust settles:the confusion ends 尘埃落定

7.in the driver…s seat:in the dominant position


1.A clearly confident China has rolled up a large section of its bamboo curtain,declared itself “open to the outside world” and hung signs on nearly

all its cities inviting foreign investors to come and do serious business.


2.The literally,this does not make more sense as the parts of the coast which have not been “opened” are simply not ready for the demands of

foreign businessman.


3.In the SEZs,which are being built almost from scratch,foreigners can invest in anything which the state deems useful for the country,be it,

for example,production of goods for export or construction of private-housing estates.


4.So,while comprehensive framework for the country“s modernization has been provided by the central committee”s 21 October 1984 de cision to

reform the economic structure,it will be some time before the dust settles and local authorities and foreign investors can deal with one another in

a systematic way.


5.Stock-taking of the open policy will come later this year when the National People…s Congress discusses the seventh five-year plan,which will

run to the end of the decade.




1.economic heavyweight 举足轻重的经济强国

https://www.doczj.com/doc/426369851.html,mercial hub 商业活动中心

3.Per capita 人均

4.Gross National Product 国民生产总值

5.punitive import tariff 惩罚性进口关税

6.securities 有价证券

7.real estate market 房地产市场

8.“ Greater China”trade bloc “大中华”贸易集团

9.conglomerate 跨行业公司

10.consortium 国际财团

11.GATT:General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定



2.is bustling with:is filled with



5.clear:earn a net profit

6.deal a hard blow t strike heavily


8.retaliation:return of ill treatment for ill treatment;revenge;reprisal

9.career out of control:run out of control


1. A farfetched prediction?The new American administration doesn't think so. Bill Clinton has appointed China hands to top Asia posts at the state and Treasury departments. When critics called the appointments a slight to Japan,the leading Pacific economic power,U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger Altman explained the administration's reasoning:by early in the next century,he said ,China may replace Japan in importance to the U.S. as an economic partner. Japan recognizes the rise of China. As a warning shot in an intensifying rivalry,Tokyo last week put punitive import tariffs on Chinese steel.


2.With the U.S. Congress due to consider the renewal of China's most-favored nation trade status in June,officials in Beijing fear the trade imbalance could surpass human rights as a source of U.S. opposition to preferred status for China. "The trade surplus itself will be the NO.1 problem this year." Says one Chinese official. "After Japan,we'll be first in line for relation."


3.However,even as the party promotes growth as a national priority,it worries about going too far. Inflation has recently climbed back into double digits,and the party press is issuing strident warnings,urging restraint on buyers and sellers alike. Rapid development is overwhelming China's antique transport networks.




1.centrally-planned economy 中央计划经济

2.market economy 市场经济

3.disinflationary anti-inflationary)policies 反通货膨胀政策

4.deflation 通货紧缩

5.short-term dollar interest rates 短期美元利率

https://www.doczj.com/doc/426369851.html,modity market 商品市场

7.nominal (dollar)terms 名义(美元)价

8.constant (dollar)terms 不变(美元)价9.business cycle 商业周期

10.weighted average 加权平均数

11.hard currencies 硬通货

12.fiscal adjustment 财政调整

13.portfolio investment 有价证券投资

14.market diversification 市场多元化

15.tight credit policy 紧缩的信贷政策

16.exchange-rate devaluation 汇率贬值

17.accommodative monetary policy 融通性货币政策

18.yield curve 收益曲线

9.per capita GDP 人均国内生产总值

20.GATT:General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定

21.EMS:European Monetary System 欧洲货币体系

22.GDP deflator 消除国内生产总值通货膨胀因素指数(GDP 平减指数)

23.CMEA (Comecon):Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 经互会

24.LIBOR:London Inter-Bank Offered Rate 伦敦同业银行优惠利率

22.per capita income 人均收入

23.multilateral trade agreements 多边贸易协定

24.Portfolio investment 证券投资

25.cyclical deceleration in investment spending 生产总值通货膨胀因素指数

26.the population-weighted growth rate 人口加权增长率


1.in a row:in succession

2.easing:slowing down;decrease

3.momentum:force of movement

4.underlying:being at the basis of

5.slackening:slowing of speed


7.moderate inflation:ease inflation

8.robust:strong and healthy



11.edge down:move slowly down


13.spike:abrupt increase


15.rein in:control

16.bottoming-out:reaching the lowest point before rising again (止跌回升)



1.International conditions for growth in developing countries deteriorated in 1991. The Seven major industrial countries (the G-7)experienced a significant slowdown in GDP growth-from

2.8 percent in 1990 to 1.9 percent during 1991 as recession gripped Canada,the United Kingdom,and the United States and growth rates slowed in Continental Europe and Japan. In important respects. The slowdown was different from those that occurred during the 1970s and 1980s. Rather than reflecting the effect of disinflationary policies,weakness in demand was more closely related to the loss of momentum that had built up during the long period of expansion that began in 198

3. In addition,a common factor underlying the slowdown in many industrial countries was the cyclical deceleration in investment spending.


2.Although the weakness in demand in the United States led to a sharp decline in short-term dollar interest rates—a positive development for many developing countries—it also contributed to a drop of over 6 percent in nominal commodity prices and to a slackening,to 3 percent,in the growth of world trade. These trends were compounded by worsening economic conditions in the soviet Union and its successor states,where a growing shortage of foreign exchange led to a compression of import from Eastern Europe and an acceleration of certain commodity exports to earn hard currencies.


3.Financial stress brought on by excessive debt in the household and corporate sectors was an example of another kind of structural problem,in particular for the economies of Japan and the United States. Financial institutions in these two countries adopted more conservative lending policies,curtailing financing of higher-risk projects such as commercial construction and highly leveraged corporate transaction. A number of weaker institutions were also consolicated through bankruptcy,merger and reorganization.


4.The major risk facing this highly trade-oriented region is the potential for sluggishness or disruption in world-trade flows. Economic weakness in some of the region's traditional export markets has underlined the importance of market diversification,including a further strengthening of ties within the region. Increasingly buoyant intraregional trade in East Asia may be viewed as evidence of an ongoing process of “market-oriented” regional integration,a development that could partially offset lackluster progress in the area of multilateral trade agreements.





1 trade representative 贸易谈判代表

2 government procurement 政府采购

3 NAFTA (North America Free Trade Agreements )北美自由贸易协定

4 trade sanctions 贸易制裁

5 trade hawks 贸易中主张强硬路线的鹰派人物


1.tough:uncompromising (不妥协的,强硬的)

2.discrimination:unfair treatment





7.be bullied into doing:be forced to do

8.is awake t is conscious of

9.amenable to responsive to

10.a ragged start:a poor start




14s.drawn-out:prolonged and boring


16. prompting:provoking

17. tactical:skillful

18. underpinning:foundation

19. peeved:annoyed

20. embrace:acceptance


1.WASHINGTON-The Clinton administration is drawing the first lines of a tougher U.S. policy on trade,signaling to Europe and Japan that it will demand fairer treatment for American exports and is prepared to see relationships with U.S. trading partners get worse before they get better.


2.The strongest signal came last week,when Mickey Kanter,the U.S. trade representative,moved quickly to cite the 12-nation European Community for “intolerable” discrimination against U.S. companies seeking government contracts within the community. The administration wil l begin retaliating in six weeks if EC policies remain unchanged.



3.Administration officials see little risk that this more aggressive policy could escalate into a full-fledged trade war that would shock the world's

fragile economies. Thus,the administration will not be deterred by complaints that it has moved to"protectionism."


4.In some ways,Mr. Clinton and his advisers are following the same well-trod path as the Bush administration,which threatened sanctions

against the Community last year and walked away from GATT negotiations rather than sign an agreement that would provide only small gains for U.S. companies.




1 the single market 统一大市场Maastricht Treaty 马斯特里赫特条约

2 barrier-free market 无壁垒市场free-trade zone 自由贸易区

3 referendum 公民复决投票merger 兼并

4 budget cuts 预算削减political and economic integration 政治经济一体化

5 deregulation 放松管制privatization 私有化


1 big bang:strong and powerful effect;impact (不同凡响的效果)

2 sour:worsen backlash:a strong adverse reaction

3 be bursting to:be eager to (迫不及待地… )skid:slide;fall

4 gush about:talk about with excessive enthusiasm (滔滔不绝地谈论)

5 translate into:transform into hang over:impend over;threaten


1.Yet in its current dour mood,Europe risks almost overlooking the revolutionary step forward it has taken in creating the world's largest and

wealthiest barrier-free market — and on a continent where,for centuries,economic battles have led to some of history's bloodiest wars. But perhaps the major reason is the dark economic clouds now hanging over Europe. One of the central justifications for the single market was its ability to create greater prosperity,but it is making its debut just as Europe traverses one of its roughest economic storms in years.


2. The single market is central to the community's progress,but it is by no means certain that it could stand alone,says one senior EC official

here,"if the political will to continue moving forward fails,we can anticipate more strains in the marriage contract that ultimately would strike at what we've accomplished."




1.free trade 自由贸易

2.trade sanctions 贸易制裁

3.fiscal packages 财政一揽子计划managed trade 管理贸易

4.trade balance 贸易差额

5.multilateral rules 多边规则

6.economic cycle 经济周期

7.budget deficit 预算赤字

8.trade reprisals 贸易报复

9. market share市场份额

10.White Paper白皮书

11.vested interests既得利益

12.civil service行政部门


14. Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)日本通商产业省

15. households save 家庭储蓄

16. economic cycle 经济周期

17. parts and components 零件、部件、零部件


1. draw the line: set limits; refuse to go as far as or beyond (划定界限;不肯做到或超越某种程度)

2. die down: disappear gradually

3. foreshadow: is a sign of; represents; indicates

4 capitulate to: yield to

5. thrust: principal concern or objective

6. geared to: adjusted to

7. take sb to task for: reprimand sb for; criticize sb for

8. is at pains to: makes a great effort to; works hard to

9. of its own accord: voluntarily; spontaneously

10. export-driven: export-led; export-oriented

11. in due course: at the right time

12. cave in to: give in to


1. The strongest signal came last week,when Mickey Kanter,(the U.S. trade representative), moved quickly to cite the 12-nation European Community for (“intolerable” discrimination against U.S. companies) seeking government contracts within the community. The administrati on will begin retaliating in six weeks if EC policies remain unchanged.


2. Administration officials see little risk that this more aggressive policy could escalate into a full-fledged trade war that would shock the world's fragile economies. Thus,the administration will not be deterred by complaints that it has moved to “protectionism”.


3.In some ways, Mr. Clinton and his advisers are following the same well-trod path as the Bush administration,which threatened sanctions against the Community last year and walked away from GATT negotiations rather than sign an agreement that would provide only small gains for U.S. companies. 从某种程度上,克林顿先生和他的顾问们正在走一条人们熟悉的与布什政府相同的路。布什政府去年曾威胁对欧共体实行制裁,并退出了关贸总协定的谈判,没有答署只会给美国公司带来小量收益的协定。

4. Once, when Japan faced pressure from abroad, it would either give in reluctantly or keep quiet and hope that the fuss would die down. No longer, it seems. The Clinton administration strongly believes in exerting such pressure. Its policy is to open some Japanese markets (which it deems to be closed) by setting import targets—an approach to trade policy that supporters call “results-oriented”. This ugly term foreshadows uncertain consequences. Fa r from capitulating to this new thrust of American trade policy, Japan is taking a stand that could lead to a trans-pacific confrontation.


5. In addition to the customary dry analysis, this year?s edition will put Japan?s side of an argument that has, until now, been dominated by American and European critiques. It follows another MITI report, published this week that takes America, the European Community and other large trading partners to task for 指责某人their “unfair trading practices”. Both reports argue for trade governed by multilater al rules and call for the completion of the Uruguay round of trade talks.


6 It is this persistent surplus, more than anything, that has provoked anger in Washington—and Mr. Clinton?s remark that “the possibility of obtaining

real, even access to the Japanese market is somewhat remote”.


7 Having argued that criticism of the trade surplus in Washington is misconceived, MITI?s forthcoming paper goes on to predict that the surplus will, of

its own accord, gradually diminish in size and relevance.


8.Analysis by Mr. Har aoka?s office explains the recent rise in Japan?s trade surplus as follows: because of the recession衰退at home, Japan has seen a

decline in expensive imports of luxuries, which were enormously fashionable during the second half of the 1980s. This effect has been compounded, thanks to slow growth elsewhere, by low prices for the international commodities that Japanese industry depends upon. Exports of Japanese machinery, on the other hand, withstood the downturn quite well because the Asian economies that buy them continued to boom.


9. On trade and other issues, Japan has caved in to outside pressure countless times before, and may do so again. The White House seems to be

counting on this. It, and Congress, would be better advised to concentrate on reducing America?s budget deficit. That would r educe the trade deficit regardless of Japan?s trade policies. Threats of trade reprisals, even if they force Japan to give way, will not.




1.state-of-the-art technology 最先进的技术

2.Silicon Valley 硅谷

3.insolvent (v.) 无偿付能力 insolvency (n.) 无偿付能力

5. market forces 市场力量

6. licenser 许可证颁发者、转让人

7. antidumping 反倾销

8. surge(-ing) 汹涌、涌出、这里译为迅速崛起*

9. churn out 艰苦(费力)的做出

10. affiliate 联号

11. vulnerable 脆弱的、敏感的*

12. business setback 商业(企业)挫折

13. rein in 控制,放慢, 止住

14. contribution to 贡献

15. step on the toes 触怒

16. tax breaks 税额优惠

17.the lion’s share 最大份额


1 delve into: make researches into

2. is poised for: is ready for

3.churn out: produce in large quantities

4. clout: influence; power

5. be lost on: fail to influence or attract the attention

6. of edge: advantage

7. upset one's apple cart:

spoil one's plan

8. house of cards: a structure, plan or situation which is too badly arranged to succeed

9. the lion's share: the largest portion

10. curb money market:

a market for trading in securities not listed on a stock exchange



1.In California?s Silicon Valley Koo?s white-frocked research scientists delve into the mysteries of state-of-the-art semiconductor technology. In Jubail, Saudi Arabia, the company is putting the final touches on a sprawling new petrochemical complex. It is an impressive display of global reach, and a harbinger of things to come. As one of Koo?s lieutenants puts it: “Our future lies in becoming a truly global company.”


2. And it faces a gantlet of other obstacles, ranging from an unwieldy bureaucracy and a volatile political climate to a chronic shortage of investment capital and heavy commitments to military spending. Still, the comparisons with Japan, Inc. are more than empty flattery; in fact, they signal Korea?s gathering clout.


3. Park committed Korea to exporting its way out of poverty, and his strategy was as simple as it was effective: shower the coun try?s fledging conglomerates with huge subsidies, government-backed loans and official favors and turn them in to the world?s suppliers of bargain-basement textiles, footwear and light industrial goods.


4.Their often helter—skelter expansion has created monopolies in many industries and resulted in widespread inefficiency; some companies are run by managers whose qualifications are limited to their family ties to the founder. And because most of this expansion has been financed through borrowed money, the chaebol have grown increasingly vulnerable to business setbacks and changes of economic climate. As a Western banker in Seoul bluntly puts it: “It?s a house of cards.”


5. Seoul?s born-again faith in market forces shows up in other areas as well. For one thing, the government is trying hard to reform its cumbersome financial system, now so antiquated and inefficient that it could threaten the country?s future prosperity. By far the most pressing problem is a chronic shortage of development funds. After a decade of heavy international borrowing—and increasingly burden-some interest payments—Seoul now hopes to become more self-sufficient in capital. It has allow ed official interest rates to float more freely, largely in an effort to siphon funds out of the country?s illegal but sprawling “curb money” market. And it has already sold off all state-owned banks in the expectation that private managers can make them more efficient and more useful in channeling money to cash-strapped South Korean investors.




1. GCC (Gulf Co-operation Council) 海湾合作委员会

2. OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)石油输出国组织

3. sovereignty dispute 主权争端

4. Ramadan 斋月

5. carbon tax 双重税

6. tenders 招标

7. reexports 再出口;复出口

8. certificate of origin 原产地证明书

9. loss leader philosophy 亏本招徕方式

10. semi-wrought 半成品

11. crude oil 原油


1. add weight to one's voice:add to one's influence

2. head off: prevent

3. be forthright about: be straightforward about

4. is riding high on: is having great success

5. spin-off: derived effect; by-product

6. show teeth: show power; show effective means of enforcement 显示威力;显示效力

7. up for grabs: available for anyone to take or win 群起而争的;待价而沽的


1. Major development plans have resumed in Abu Dhabi?s oil and gas sector and Dubai?s trade figures are soaring as more compa nies adopt the emirate as their regional base. Yet, below the surface calm, defence is still of great concern. The topic dominated discussions at the GCC summit in Abu Dhabi in December, and in February the government announced its biggest-ever investment in defence equipment at IDEX 1993, an exhibition held in Abu Dhabi.


2. The appointment of an experienced UAE diplomat, Shaikh Fahim Bin Sultan al-Qassimi, as GCC secretary-general from 1 April will add weight to the UAE?s voice in the organization. Shaikh Fahim has already shown in recent public statements that he is inclined to be for thright about the threat posed by the UAE?s neighbours across the Gulf.

4月1日,阿联酋资深外交家Shaikh Fahim Bin Sultan al-Qassimi被任命为海湾合作委员会秘书长,这将会增加阿联酋在该组织的发言权。Shaikh Fa-him在最近的公开讲话中表明,他倾向于直面海湾邻国的威胁。

3. In Abu Dhabi, the economy is riding high on the spin-off from government plans to invest $5,000 million—6,000 million to increase oil output by 600,000 barrels a day to 2.6 million barrels a day by the late 1990s. The only sour note has been struck by new energy tax proposals in the US and the EC. Talks on the subject between GCC/OPEC oil ministers and EC officials are due to be held on 11 May. Diplomats say that OPEC is hoping to head off the threatened taxes, which may slow the growth in demand for oil and compromise Gulf capacity expansion plans. “It?s a carbo n tax, and the misunderstanding has arisen largely because the West has not thought it through prop erly,” one diplomat says. “The initial reaction from OPEC was pretty tough but now seems to have softened a bit. Obviously they are reacting against a threat to their main source of livel ihood,” he adds.


4. The central bank has begun to show new teeth with the announcement on 5 April of the rules defining capital and the ratio of risk-weighted assets to capital, which come into effect on 1 July. According to the new regulations, the minimum capital to risk-weighted assets ratio is to be 10 per cent—2 per cent higher than the minimum level recommended by the Basle committee on banking supervision.


5. Interest i n imports from China is high. The Chinese consulate?s commercial section in Dubai reported a continual stream of visitors in the run-up to the exhibition from companies wanting to do business for the first time with China. More than 4,000 Chinese traders visited the emirates on government and private missions last year. As a result of this activity, China?s exports to the UAE have almost doubled from $279.5 million in 1990 to $552.7 million in 1992, according to Chinese government statistics. Dubai?s statis tics show that China was the fifth largest supplier in 1990.


6. It is no coincidence than government departments in the various emirates are welcoming bids from consultants that are new to the area. Easily lured away from the recession-hit West by the notion that the streets of Abu Dhabi and Dubai are paved with gold, there companies are tending to submit very low offers to gain a foothold in the area. And, of course, the authorities are delighted to accept.


7. While there undoubtedly is work about and the outlook for the UAE is bright, the ever increasing competition among consultants and contractors means that margins are being squeezed. In the opinion of one major local consultant, the only way forward is to diversi fy: “Indefinitive projects at lucrative

fees are finding it harder and harder. Diversification into project management in the oil and gas sector is the only way to secure continuity of work and revenues and keep international caliber consultants on the gro und.”




1. anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施

2. countervailing duties 反补贴税

3. government procurement 政府采购

4. barriers to trade (trade barriers) 贸易壁垒

5. intellectual property 知识资产

6. trade liberalization 贸易自由化

7. WTO: World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织

8. CAP: Common Agricultural policy 共同农业政策

9. on a conservative estimate 据保守估计

10. trade in services 服务贸易

11. in prospect 期望中的


1. carry one's heart in one's boots:

feel afraid and worried 提心吊胆

2. subsidy: money granted by government to an industry to keep prices at a desired level

3. allow for: take into consideration

4. snag: bog down停顿, impede 阻碍


1. In the past few days differences between the United States and the European Community on farm trade have narrowed almost to nothing. As a result the world is now close to concluding the Uruguay round of GATT talks. That deal is admittedly far from perfect, a series of messy compromises. The cause of free trade will have many more battles to fight. Never mind. On a conservative estimate the Uruguay round would permanently raise global welfare by more than $100 billion a yea r, spur economic growth everywhere (especially in the world?s poorest countries) and extend competition to hither to sheltered, and therefore backward, parts off all economies. By any standards, it would be a hugely valuable achievement.


2. If it is a small matter to France?s t hat the Uruguay round should fail, so long as they keep their subsidies, that is understandable. What is shameful is that their government appears to agree with them, even though most of the French economy (including many of the c ountry?s more efficient farmers) would gain handsomely from a successful round. Jean-Pierre Soisson, the farm minister, has said France may block the EC?s acceptance of a new farm-trade deal, and thereby wreck the round. This position is politically alarming as well as economically indefensible. Other EC governments must see off France, and start hailing a gain for liberal trade.


3. A separate, long-running dispute over oilseeds does still pose a threat. Unlike cereals and other farm goods, which the Uruguay round aimed to bring within the GATT?s jurisdi ction for the first time, oilseeds (which are used for making cooking oil, margarine and animal feed) already fall within it. Twice America has complained to GATT that Europe is in breach of its undertakings; twice GATT has ruled against the EC. America wants the Community to cut its oilseeds output by nearly half over the next six years. The EC is willing to cut, but not by that much. Here too, the gap between the two sides appears to have narrowed a lot during the past few days.


4. Governments need to reflect on the broader deal that, because of this progress in the farm-trade talks, has once again moved within their grasp. In 1985, just before the round was launched, America?s chief trade negotiator set out the administration?s goals for the talk s. They were suitably ambitious. On nearly every heading, the round as it now stands has delivered.






3.client state(在经济或政治方面依靠某一大国的)附属国

4.debt service (interest payment)利息付款


6.take title取得所有权

7.convertible currency可兑换货币

8. debt service 债息支付

9. debtor 债务人

10. creditor 债权人

11. The United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference 联合国货币金融会议

12. IMF (International Monetary Fund)国际货币基金组织

13. compensation agreements 补偿贸易协定

14. clearing agreements 清算协定

15. counterpurchase 回购


1. proceeds: money gained from the sale of something 收入,收益

2. dip into: spend; use up 动用(存款)

3. break down: collapse

4. pay a premium for: pay a higher price for

5. hammer out: talk about in detail and come to a decision; produce by hard work 经详细讨论得出;经过大量工作而做出决定


https://www.doczj.com/doc/426369851.html,merce among nations a modern era; the constrained trading between imperial powers and their colonies began to break down. World markets opened to all countries, and multilateral trade flourished. Generally a country could sell its goods in the best market it could find, and buy what is needed from the least expensive supplier. Moreover, since currencies were convertible, most transactions could be completed with cash. Barter was as antiquated as the horse-soldier. Or so it seemed.


2. During the past few years, however, the international monetary system has begun to strain under a variety of economic changes. One

important cause is the enormous burden of debt carried by Third World countries, today estimated at $ 800 billion. “The plain fact is that many countries are broken,” say David Yoffie, assistant professor at Harvard University?s Graduate School of Business Administrati on.


3. Nations also use countertrade as a camouflaged means of subsidizing exports. For instance, if a Middle Eastern country wanted to increase its oil exports, says Yoffie, it could simply lower its price. Such a move would, however, weaken the cartel. But if a country sells its oil at the OPEC list price,

and in an interconnected deal quietly arranges to pay a premium for imported goods, both parties in the transaction benefit—at the expense, of course,

of other oil producers. Up to a quarter of all OPEC oil transactions today have some kind of countertrade provisions attached.


4. Clearing Agreements tend to be bilateral pacts between governments, an exchange of products to meet an agreed-upon value of trade. Large volumes of Western goods reach Russia through a clearing arrangement between the Soviet Union and India. Because India needs to export more to

the Soviet Union to balance its imports, it has opened the door for some western firms that otherwise might not be able to sell to the U.S.S.R.


5. U.S. government officials worry that the explosive growth in countertrade will weaken the world trading system. By concealing the real prices and

costs of transactions, says one U.S. trade representative, the various forms of barter may conceal and help perpetuate economic inefficiencies in the marketplace.




1. market share 市场份额

2. test market试销市场

test marketing试销

3. coupons 赠券

4. price promotion 价格促销

5. hard sell 强行推销手段

6. franchise 特许经营权

7.soft drink软饮料,即不含酒精,一般经过碳酸化



9.baby boomer生育高峰期出生的人


11.exclusive contract独家经销合同


1. be spoiling for (a fight): be very eager (to fight) 一心想;切望

2. pick on: single out, esp. for sth. unpleasant

3. live up to: keep to the high standards of

4.make way for: allow room for 让位

5. Flagship brand: leading brand; chief brand

6. work off: dispose of

7. niche: a suitable place

8. let much to chance: let chance to 9.decide; let luck to decide


1. In the U.S. soft drink industry, where

1% of the market is worth $ 300 million in retail sales, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo don?t wag e mere market share battles. They fight holy wars. These days the fighting is on

two fronts. One is on the vast plains of the cola business, where the reformulation of Coke has Pepsi on the defensive. The other is in the back alleys of the smaller, non-cola market. Until now these have been dominated by other companies. As growth

of high-calorie colas slows, however, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are invading

new territory.






2. It?s too early to tell how the reincarnated Coke is selling, since many bottlers are still working off old inventories. But the company isn?t leaving much to

chance. Coca-Cola will back new coke with more than $ 70 million of advertising this year, vs. the $ 50 million or so PepsiCo will spend on its flagship brand. Over the long term, however, many industry analysts believe the Coke reformulation will do little to dramatically change either Coke?s or Pepsi?s market share.


3. The company?s new formula was designed partly to keep Coke?s sales growing overseas. Compared with Americans, who guzzle more soda than water,

the rest of the world is still in the sipping stage. Coca-Cola?s goal is to kick up its slowing growth rate outside the U.S. from about 3% a year to 10%. Company executives think a less filling, more “guzzleable” new Coke will help.


4. Even if consumers swill the new sodas by the liter in test markets, however Coca-Cola and PepsiCo still face a struggle in persuading bottlers

across the nation to take the products. One of the biggest battles in the soda wars, in fact, may not be for drinkers but for bottlers. Bottlers have a symbiotic but occasionally fractious relationship with the syrup makers.



5. The bottlers may no to along. Much of the expense of introducing a new product—blitzing consumers with coupons and offering deep discounts to

retailers to get the product on the shelves—is borne by the bottler. He is reluctant to walk away from his investment in an existing brand to pony up for something new. That may be especially so in the case of the fruit juice sodas. Because syrups made


6. The battle to unseat smaller brands, dominate niches, and shove competing products out of distribution will be costly and exhausting, and could go on

for years. But the large companies will surely squeeze into every market they can, hoping it will be worth the pinch.




1.luck draw幸运抽奖

2.fast food shops快餐店


4.the wet market出售未经加工的肉、鱼、禽蛋的市场

5. shipment 交运的货物量

6. wholesaler 批发商

7. retailer 零售商


1. outlets: a store or dealer through which a product is marketed

2. monopolize: have complete control of

3. wholesaler: a middleman who sells goods in large quantities chiefly to retailers for retail to the public


1. Chinese consumers prefer the deeper color of brown egg yolks—often considered essential to the color of many Chinese dishes. Chinese-style restaurants a find that brown eggs are morepopular with customers.


2. However, U.S. white eggs now face growing competition from European eggs. The U.S. market share of the hotel and restaurant market dropped

from 92 per cent in 1981 to 58 per cent in 1985, while the EC market share increased from zero to 28 per cent in the same period. Because of this loss of market share due to subsidized competition. USDA recently announced an Export Enhancement Program to facilitate the sale of 44

million eggs to Hong Kong.


3. Hong Kong has about 15 egg importers. The largest is the Hong Kong eggs and Products Company, which monopolizes the import of Chinese eggs, both fre and preserved. Others import from different sources.


4. At the retail level, eggs are sold through the wet markets, hawkers, grocery stores and supermarkets. About 70 per cent of eggs are consumed in the home a the remaining 30 per cent goes to hotels, restaurants, fast food outlets and bakeries.


5. Major suppliers to the Hong Kongegg market are making greater efforts to increase the competitiveness of their products in order to maintain or expand mar shares.


5. Although brown eggs continue to dominate the market, the rapid expansion of fast food outlets in the territory could help boost the demand for white eggs, mak the prospects for shell egg imports brighter.





2.financial futures以期货方法进行交易的有价证券

3.money market货币市场

capital market资本市场

4.the service sector服务部门

5.export quota system出口配额制

6.the equity market /equity /common stock ordinary share 一般股票市场/以出售普通股票方法所筹集的公司资金/普通股票


( United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)

8. temperate 适中的, 非极端的

9. to cope with 妥善处理成功应付

10. dollar-denominated 以美元标价的

11. take its toll 造成损失

12.protectionism 保护(贸易)主义


1. yield:amount produced; a result of profit

2. rally: prices stopped dropping and became firm

3. asset: something that has value


1. Prices are in many cases at, or near, historic lows in real terms as markets struggle to cope with floods of surplus produce. And—with most

soothsayers forecasting flat, or still lower, prices—the markets themselves have lost much of their allure.


2. Speculators who profited handsomely from the price volatility of the 1970s have deserted soft commodities for the newer excitement of financial

futures or the security and big yields afforded by the equity and money markets.




1.discount rate贴现率



4.spot market现货市场


6.closing price收盘价

7.terminal prices期货价格

8.futures market期货市场

9.place of origin原产地


1. bearish: showing or expecting a fall in the prices of shares

2. cargo: goods carried in a ship, aircraft or other vehicle

3. fluctuate: rise and fall; change irregularly

4. quotation: statement of the current price

5. prevail: be widespread; gain victory


1. Conditions prevailed on the physical market reflecting increased offers and a low level of enquiry. What little business was concluded was done at very competitive levels, in line with lower east asian advices, according to trade sources. Futures activity remained at a virtual standstill.



2. Values rose initially on poor weather but lost ground on expectations that the British potato marketing board would announce disappointing consumption figures. In the event, there was no publication, and values recovered before meeting resistance at higher levels.



3. Unstable crude prices in turn prompted falls in platinum and gold, the latter to its lowest since early September, aggravated by the withdrawal of investm support as the dollar regained ground.



致各位有志成为研究生的朋友们,先祝福你们在未来的考研中取得好成绩,英语复习分为3个部分,分别是词汇的学习、外刊的学习和作文的学习。语法学习穿插在这3个部分,特别是在外刊中(长难句)。选择的外刊(如The Economist,The New York Times,Newsweek,Financial Times,Science,ISIS,The Guardian,CNN等)长度均与考研真题文章长度相当或稍长,难度与考研文章难度一致,适合锻炼提升英语综合能力;每篇文章附有(一)核心词汇、(二)难句解析(语法)、(三)全文翻译、 The Meaning of Bill Gates(Part 1)As his reign at Microsoft comes to an end, so does the era he dominated①. WHEN Bill Gates helped to found Microsoft 33 years ago there was a company rule that no employees should work for a boss who wrote worse computer code than they did. Just five years later, with Microsoft choking on its own growth, Mr. Gates hired a business manager, Steve Ballmer, (who had cut his teeth at Procter & Gamble, which sells soap②.) The founder had chucked his coding rule out of the window③. In becoming the world’s richest man, Mr. Gate’s unswerving self-belief has repeatedly been punctuated by that sort of pragmatism. (But those qualities have never been on such public display as they were this week, when the outstanding businessman of his age stepped back from a life’s work④.) As Microsoft’s non-executive chairman, Mr. Gates will devoted most of his efforts to his charitable foundation, where he will pit himself against malaria and poverty, rather than Google and the Department of Justice⑤. But it is also pragmatic—and a little poignant. Mr. Gates has reveled in the day-to-day details of running his firm. (To let it all go is to acknowledge that his best work at Microsoft is behind him. It is to accept that the innovator’s curse is to be transitory⑥.) …… 1.As his reign at Microsoft comes to an end, so does the era he dominated. As的用法:【结合词汇】 as. conj [时间] 当…时,随着……之际I met the chief as I was coming here.

-外刊选读AI in society详解-田静Shadow

AI in society — the unexamined mind 人工智能走向社会—无法检验的思维 AI = artificial intelligence 人工智能 from The Economist February 17, 2018 第一段: Science fiction is littered with examples of intelligent computers, from HAL 9000 in "2001: A Space Odyssey" to Eddie in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". One thing such fictional machines have in common is a tendency to go wrong, to the detriment of the characters in the story. HAL murders most of the crew of a mission to Jupiter. Eddie obsesses about trivia, and thus puts the spacecraft he is in charge of in danger of destruction. In both cases, an attempt to build something useful and helpful has created a monster. 从《2001太空漫游》中的哈儿到《银河系漫游指南》中的艾迪,科幻小说中一直不乏智能计算机的戏份。这类虚构机器的一个共同特点是容易出问题,给故事中的人物造成损害。在一次飞往木星的任务中,哈儿杀害了大部分宇航员。艾迪则执着于细枝末节,险些导致它控制的太空船解体。这两个故事中,人们试图打造得力的机器助手,不料却创造出了怪物。


新高考高中英语学习—读外刊17学知识,积累英语作文写作素材:新青年工作不仅仅是为了薪水 (含生词、难句、语法等知识点拓展) 说明:这些都是精选的美文和分析(主要选自voa, bbc, cnn经典语篇)。 当然,我不仅仅是提供单纯的语篇,一般列出所有的生词、难句并配上相关拓展。 读者:高中或以上(基本上都是经典名篇,我努力选取易懂的)(孙三五编辑) 导语 这篇文字改变了我的一些看法。 虽然说我一直和十七八岁的中学生相处,但是没有考虑过新一代大学生在就业时的想法。是不是奔着薪水去? 大西洋月刊这篇报道颇有含金量,说:现在年轻人追求的职业带来的社会责任感,不仅仅是薪水了。 这篇文字算不上新闻,但是蛮有启发的。之前白岩松说:如果说80后是为了改变命运去生存,那么90后就是为了理想去折腾,所有我们更看后90后。 Mullen-Mechtly’s efforts caught the attention of those technologists, and he was offered a full-time job at JPMorgan Chase, where programs including Code for Good have been integral to the corporate culture for at least a half-dozen years. Today, Mullen-Mechtly is a software engineer with the firm, and that early experience as a participant in Code for Good continues to inform the way he thinks about himself as an employee. It’s also changed his perception of the impact his technical skills can have on the world: Now he knows that he can use them in a corporate environment where giving back is as integral to the culture as earning profits.


旺旺英语 Lesson 15 Weekly Commodities (telex) 每周商品行情 Commodities 1商品行情(-) econews by Kate Kavanagh Oil prices seesaw to three-month low in “big bang week London”, Oct. 31 (afp)—the attention of commodities dealers was last week captured initially by events on the stock exchange, where Monday’s big bang was muffled by computer failures, but turned later to the troubled oil market. (法新社)10月31日电:在“伦敦大爆炸改革周”中,石油价格起伏不定,跌至三个月来的最低点。——上周商品交易者们的注意力先是被股票交易所发生的事情吸引,那里的计算机出了故障从而抑制了周一的“大爆炸改革”;但随后,交易者们的注意力又转向了混乱的石油市场。 The unexpected departure of sheik ahmed zaki yamani from his post as Saudi Arabian oil minister aggravated existing uncertainty concerning the future direction of oil prices in view of severe world oversupply. 在国际市场严重供大于求的情况下,沙特阿拉伯石油部长亚马尼的突然离职使本来就起伏不定的油价变得更加难以预料。 Unstable crude prices in turn prompted falls in platinum and gold, the latter to its lowest since early September, aggravated by the withdrawal of investment support as the dollar regained ground. 动荡的原油价格反过来又加速了白金和黄金的降价,而且由于美元重收失地,投资者纷纷撤回投资,黄金还降到了九月初以来的最低点。 Sterling’s decline lent some support to the base metal sector, where lead and zinc rallied on the continuing lack of a solution to the labour dispute affecting australia’s broken hill mines. 英镑的贬值使贱金属的价格有所上升。由于影响到澳大利亚Broken Hill矿山的劳工纠纷迟迟得不到解决,贱金属里的铅和锌的价格止跌回升。 Coffee fluctuated wildly on uncertainty over brazil’s role in the market but sugar and cocoa kept to a narrow range in quiet conditions. 咖啡的价格由于巴西在市场上的角色不稳定而疯狂波动,可是糖和可可的价格在平静中起伏不大。 The grain sector was dulled by the prospect of lower-than-expected soviet imports this season, despite improved british export figures. 本季度,尽管英国的出口量增加了,谷物市场还是因为苏联的进口比预想的低而显得清淡。 Commodities 2 商品行情2 Econews(London) Gold: lower. After coming in for early support on news of strike action affecting mines belonging to gold fields of south Africa, values declined in line with platinum and new york advices as miners were encouraged to return to work by management promises of negotiation. The fall in oil prices also brought pressure to bear but good resistance at around the 400 dollars per ounce level permitted a brief rally. However, values suffered a late decline to below 400 dollars per ounce in line with new york as the dollar strengthened on news of a decline in the u.s. budget trade and a cut in the bank of japan’s discount rate. 黄金:跌了。由于南非金矿受到罢工影响,黄金的价格上升,但随后资方承诺谈判,矿工复工,使得其价值又随着白金的贬值和纽约交易所的行情报告跌了下来。油价的下降同样给市场带来了压力,但在每盎司大约400美元的水平上的强力支撑使金价短时止跌。然而,美国国家预算批准的海外采购的减少和日本削减银行贴现率的消息使美元变得坚挺,金价随后下降到每盎司400美元以下,和纽约交易所标明的价格一样。 Latest figures from the south African chamber of mines showed a 4.6 per cent drop in gold production during the first nine months of 1986 to 488,854 kilos against 504,996 during the same 1985 period. 南非矿业协会的最新数字表明,1986年前9个月的黄金产量与1985年同期相比,下降了4. 6%,由504,996公斤减少到481,854公斤。


外刊阅读十一选十语篇精选 (1) Distinctly different orcas found in seas near Chile For decades, there were tales from fishermen and tourists, even lots of photos, of a mysterious killer whale that just did not look like all the others, but scientists had never seen one. Now they have. An international team of researchers says they found a couple dozen of these distinctly different orcas roaming in the oceans off southern Chile in January. Scientists are waiting for DNA tests from a tissue ___1___ but think it may be a distinct species. Officials at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration felt confident enough to (大肆宣扬) the discovery of the long ___2___ killer whale last week. Some outside experts were more cautious,___3___the whales are different, but saying they would wait for the test results to answer the species question. This is the most different looking killer whale I have never seen”, said Robert Pitman, a NOAA marine ecologist in San Diego. He was part of the team that ___4___ the orcas off Cape Horn at the tip of South America. How different? The whale’s signature large white eye pat ch is tiny on these new guys, ___5___ noticeable. Their heads are a bit more rounded and less sleek than normal killer whales and their dorsal fins are narrower and pointed. They probably eat mostly fish, not marine mammals such as seals, as other killer whales do, Pitman said. Fishermen have ___6___ about how good these whales are at (偷捕) off fishing lines. Pitman said they are so different they probably can not breed with other killer whales and are likely a new species. At 20 to 25 feet long, they are slightly smaller than most killer whales. In the Southern Hemisphere, killer whales are considered all one species, ___7___ in types A through C. This one is called type D or (亚南极的) killer whales. Michael McGowen, marine mammal curator at the Smithsonian Institution, said calling it a new species without genetic data may be___8___. Still, he said, “I think it’s pretty remarkable that there are still many things out there in the ocean like a huge killer whale that we don’t know about.” Scientists have heard about these distinctive whales ever since a mass stranding in New Zealand in 1955. Scientists ___9___ thought it could be one family of killer whales that had a specific mutation, but the January discovery and all the photos in between point to a different type, Pitman said. He said they are hard to find because they live far south and

备战2020年高考 外刊精读与练习 专题 8 (教案)

备战 2023年高考外刊精读与练习专题8(教案)Talking to strangers 与陌生人聊天 语篇导读 我们中的许多人每天都有一部分时间被陌生人包围着,无论是在上下班的路上,还是坐在公园或咖啡馆里……但他们和我们只保持着陌生人的关系。然而,新的研究证据表明,与新认识的人开始一段对话可能对健康大有益处。本文讨论与陌生人交谈的好处。 Step 1 Vocabulary词汇表 converse 交谈,对话 pluck up the courage 鼓起勇气 strike up 开始(交谈) solitude 独处 interact 交往,交流 social connections 社会关系uncomfortable 不舒服的,难受的intimidated 发怵的,害怕的underestimate 低估 negative voice (头脑里)负面的声音,消极的思想chat 聊天 connect with 与……建立良好的关系wellbeing 健康 mood 心情 introvert 性格内向的人 anxious 焦虑的 extroverts 性格外向的人 come out of your shell 变得不再自闭,融入外部世界 (make) small talk 闲聊,寒暄

Step 2 原汁原味享受阅读 ‘It’s good to talk’, so some people say. When I commute into London, there are certainly plenty of people conversing on their mobile phones – sometimes too loudly – discussing and sharing personal details with a friend. For me, it’s strange that they talk as though the person is sitting next to them, when they don’t even acknowledge the person who is actually sitting beside them. Many of us spend part of each day surrounded by strangers, whether on our daily commute, or sitting in a park or a cafe. But most of them remain just that – strangers. However, new evidence has shown that plucking up the courage to strike up a conversation might be good for our health. Nicholas Epley from the University of Chicago and Juliana Schroeder from the University of California are behavioural scientists. They looked at this silent relationship and whether solitude is a more positive experience than interacting with strangers, or if people misunderstand the consequences of distant social connections. They found that many people feel uncomfortable and intimidated talking to others and their research suggested that when we make an initial conversation “we consistently underestimate how much a new person likes us.” It seems we carry a negative voice in our head telling us all the things that could go wrong and why someone wouldn’t want to converse with us. Their research involved an experiment with a group of Chicago commuters and found that “every participant in our experiment who actually tried to talk to a stranger found the person sitting next to them was happy to chat.” From this and other research, the conclusion is that connecting with strangers is surprisingly pleasant and it has a positive impact on our wellbeing. Gillian Sandstrom, a social psychologist from Essex University in the UK, told the BBC that “people are in a better mood after they reach out and have a conversation, however minimal.” It’s true that talking can make you feel happier and happiness can lead to better mental health. However, if you’re an introvert, the thought of speaking to someone new might make you anxious. But the American research found “both extroverts and introverts are happier when they are asked to behave in an extroverted ma nner.” So maybe, if you’re a loner, it’s time to come out of your shell and make some small talk with a stranger – it could be the beginning of a new friendship. Step 3 测验与练习 Task 1 Answer the following questions according to the passage. 1. According to the article, how can talking to a stranger be better for our health? Talking to strangers can put you in a good mood and make you feel happier, and happiness can lead to better mental health. 2. Why might we not want to speak to a stranger? We carry a negative voice in our head telling us all the things that could go wrong and why a stranger wouldn’t want to converse with us. 3. True or false? Commuters in Chicago involved in a social experiment found that people they sat next to were willing to talk to them. True. An experiment with a group of Chicago commuters found that “every participant in our experiment who actually tried to talk to a stranger found the person sitting next to them was happy to chat.” 4. In another experiment, in what way did introverts behave that made them happier?

外刊选读business terms汇总

外刊选读business terms 合资企业joint venture 企业家精神entrepreneurship 增长boom 衰退recession/ slump 中国经济迅速发展boom 崛起emerge as an important growth pole 通货紧缩deflation 亚洲开发银行Asian Development Bank 猛增jump 贸易顺差trade deficit 移动电话mobile phone 个人电脑personal computer 破产的bankrupt 购买力平价purchasing power parity 跨国公司multinational 供应链supply chain 贸易环境trade environment 全球化globalization 自由浮动float freely 提高购买力boost purchasing power 货币升值revaluation 提高生产率lift productivity 增值appreciation 利润margin 电子产品electronics 消除erase 利润幅度profit margin 竞争力competitiveness 双边经济关系bilateral economic ties 部门sector 品种更多的商品 a wider range of goods 定价能力pricing power 支配地位dominance 电讯telecommunication 贸易顺差trade surplus 钉住peg with 冲击impact/buffet 企业business Lesson 2 现场on the spot 样品间showroom 创新的商品innovation good 增长的销售额boost sales 研究和开发research and development 智囊团think tank 劳动密集型的labour-intensive 品牌brand 倾销dump 猛增soar 便携式电脑laptop 出口才干export prowess 管理和经营的专门知识技能 Managerial and operational expertise 生产能力production capacity 亚洲金融危机the Asian financial crisis 规模效益economies of scales 逐步停止[生产] phase out 王牌the ace in the hole 调查survey 相当多的利润 a decent profit 放松贸易限制loosen trade restrictions 最高管理层top management 达到设计和质量的标准 to be up to current standards in industrial design and quality Lesson 3 黑洞black hole 世界工厂world’s workshop 扩大生产expand production 增加产量boost output 给与享用……的权利[机会] To be given full access to 专利patent 收购acquisition 合并consolidation 使……并入…… Merge ....into .... [大宗的]收入revenue 咨询公司consultancy 向海外转移生产shift production overseas 高端产品high-end product 加入[世贸组织]

外刊阅读 20200129

Lack of ‘black box’ could hinder Kobe Bryant crash investigation National Transportation Safety Board investigator Carol Hogan examines wreckage Monday from the California helicopter crash that killed former NBA basketball player Kobe Bryant and eight others. (James Anderson/National Transportation Safety Board/AP) By Ian Duncan and Luz Lazo Jan. 29, 2020 at 12:36 p.m. GMT+8 As investigators try to determine the cause of the helicopter crash that killed Kobe Bryant and eight others Sunday, they could be hindered by the aircraft’s lack of “black box” recorders —key safety technology the National Transportation Safety Board has been urging federal aviation authorities to require for more than a decade.

高中英语外刊--语法填空24篇 学生版-尖子生必备

AlphaGo (1) (strike) again, defeating Ke Jie, the world’s number one Go(围棋) player, 3-0. After his defeat, the young Chinese prodigy said AlphaGo sees the universe of Go (2) he could only see a small area around him. This win, coupled with last year’s victory over Lee Se-dol(李世石), shines a light on the awe-inspiring advancements of technology and places AlphaGo among the greatest Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems (3) (create) to date.The AI industry is certainly making great advancements, constantly surprising the public with new and interesting tools and making life easier. Twenty years ago, just connecting to the Internet was a headache. Now, we can do just about anything on our phones, (4) online banking to live video-streaming. The shifting sands of technology have placed so many paths in front of humanity (5) it is hard to predict even the immediate future. We may talk about how AI can make our lives better, but we must also consider the risks. Many stories and films revolve around the theme of AI vs. humans. One that comes to my mind now is The Terminator(终结者). The film is about an AI system called Skynet, (6) was developed to protect humans. What the programmers did not expect was that Skynet began to think. It came to the conclusion that humans were a danger to its existence, so it started a global nuclear war and tried to “terminate(使终结)” humanity. AlphaGo’s recent achievements highlight the possibilities (7) technology and AI can bring about. They also serve to remind us of the questions and risks we (8) not have had time to think about. Some of us used to doubt the possibility of creating an actual “thinking” AI system, or (9) (assume) that humans will always be able to outsmart an AI system, but certain facts have now been placed in front of us. (10) that’s left to be done is adapt the actual “thinking” part of advanced AI systems like AlphaGo for more fields. Once that happens, human beings will be pretty much obsolete(被淘汰的). If we do not fully understand the risks of AI systems, we might be flying too close to the “sun,” and like Icarus in Greek mythology, we will fall. A Special Menu for Kids Japan is a food heaven which has a unique food culture. You can find food from different countries worldwide in this island nation, and it is also very good at (1) (combine) foreign food with its own traditional food. You may even find some food which (2) only be found in Japan. One of them (3) (call) “Okosama Lunch,” or “Kids’ Lunch.”In major


外刊时文选读 Text 1 Weekly Address: Ensuring Hardworking Americans Retire with Dignity WASHINGTON, DC —In this week’s address, the President reiterated his commitment to middle-class economics, and to ensuring that all hard-working Americans get the secure and dignified retirement they deserve. While most financial advisers prioritize their clients’ futur es, there are some who direct their clients towards bad investments in return for backdoor payments and hidden fees. That’s why earlier this week the President announced that he is calling on the Department of Labor to update rules to protect families from conflicts of interest by requiring financial advisers to put their clients’ best interest before their own profits.The President emphasized his promise to keep fighting for this policy and for others that benefit millions of working and middle class Americans. Hi everybody. In America, we believe that a lifetime of hard work and responsibility should be rewarded with a shot at a secure, dignified retirement. It’s one of the critical components of middle-class life – and this week, I took new steps to protect it. Six years after the crisis that shook a lot of people’s faith in a secure retirement, our economy is steadily growing. Last year was the best year for job growth since the 1990s. All told, over the past five years, the private sector has added nearly 12 million new jobs. And since I took office, the stock market has more than doubled, replenishing the 401(k)s of millions of families. But while we’ve come a long way, we’ve got more work to do to make sure that our recovery reaches more Americans, not just those at the top. That’s what middle-class economics is all about—the idea that this country does best when everyone gets their fair shot, everybody does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules. That last part—making sure everyone plays by the same set of rules—is why we passed historic Wall Street Reform and a Credit Card Bill of Rights. It’s why we created a new consumer watchdog agency. And it’s why we’re taking new action to protect hardworking families’ retireme nt security. If you’re working hard and putting away money, you should have the peace of mind that the financial advice you’re getting is sound and that your investments are protected. But right now, there are no rules of the road. Many financial advisers put their clients’ interest first – but some financial advisers get backdoor payments and hidden fees in exchange for steering people into bad investments. All told, bad advice that results from these conflicts of interest costs middle-class and working families about $17 billion every year. This week, I called on the Department of Labor to change that – to update the rules and require that retirement advisers put the best interests of their clients above their own financial interests. Middle-class families cannot afford to lose their hard earned savings after a lifetime of work. They deserve to be treated with fairness and respect. And that’s what this rule would do. While many financial advisers support these basic safeguards to prevent abuse, I know some special interests will fight this with everything they’ve got.But while we welcome different perspectives and ideas on how to move forward, what I won’t accept is the notion that there’s nothing we can do to make sure that hard-working, responsible Americans who scrimp and save

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