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1、The news spread abroad that a new campus would be built nearby.

附近将建一个新校区的消息广泛传开。[abroad ad.○1在国外,到国外→○2广为流传]

2、As the brand spokesman,he has special access to the press,radio and TV.作为品牌代言人,他和报界、电台、以及电视台都有特别的接触。[access n.○1通道,入口→○2(使用或见到的)机会,权利]

3、The United Nations conference agreed to “take note”of the Copenhagen Accord,but countries were not forced to endorse it.联合国会议已经同意以附注的方式通过《哥本哈根协议》,但是不强制要求各国必须签署该协议。[accord n./vi.一致,符合→n.协议]

Our society accords the family great importance.我们的社会赋予家庭以十分重要的地位。[vt.授予,给予]

4、Parliament has passed an act which makes such sports illegal.议会通过了一项议案,规定这些活动是非法的。[act n.○1行为,行动○2法案,法令] She’s been acting the devoted wife all day.她整天装作模范妻子的样子。[v.装作]

5、I esteem it a privilege to address such a distinguisted audience.我认为能像各位贵宾演讲十分荣幸。[address n./v.(写)地址 n./v.致辞,向...讲话]

His essay did not address the real issues.[v.设法解决,处理,对付] 6、He asked for an advance of his salary.他要求预付薪金。[advance n.○1提前,预先→○2预付,预支]

The Construction Bank gave/made her an advance of $500.建设银行贷给她500美元。[○3贷款,预付款]

The report advances the suggestion that safety standards should be improved.该报告建议应改进安全标准。[v.提出(建议等)]

7、It is important to know what colours look good against your skin.理解自己皮肤配什么颜色好看很重要。[against prep.○1对着,逆→○2以...为背景,衬托,对比]

8、Technological advances are the chief agents for change.技术进步是变革的主要推动力。[agent n.○1代理人→○2动因,原动力]

Soap is not the only cleaning agent.肥皂并不是唯一的清洁剂。[○3(化学)剂]

9、I found the new company most agreeable.我发现这个新同事极易相处。[agreeable a.○1同意的→○2易相处的]

The agreeable weather makes one feel happy.宜人的天气让人心情愉快。[○3惬意的,令人愉快的]

10、I hate the way he puts on air s.我讨厌他那种装腔作势的样子。[air n.○1空气→○2外观,神态,架子]

The weekly meeting enables employees to air their complaints.周会可以让雇员诉说他们的怨言。[v.○1晾干,(使)通风→○2(公开)发表]

11、The street was alive with people.街上熙熙攘攘。[alive a.○1活着的


That company is alive to the threat posed by foreign imports.那家公司了解外来进口商品所造成的威胁。[○3意识到的,注意到的]

12、To idle away one’s time amount s to killing oneself.虚度年华等于慢性自杀。[amount v.○1(to)合计,总共达→○2等同于,接近]

13、His wife is a famous anchor of CCTV9.他妻子是中央9台一名主持人。[anchor n.○1锚→○2给人安全感之物→○3主持人]

My beliefs are firmly anchor ed in reality.我的信念牢牢扎根于现实之中。[v.○1抛锚→○2(使)固定住,(使)稳固]

She anchor s the evening news for eight years.他主持了八年晚间新闻报道。[○3担任(某固定电视节目等的)主持人]

14、He changed into the anonymous costume of grey cotton overalls.他换上了普通的灰色棉布工装裤。[anonymous a.○1匿名的,无名的→○2无特色的,无个性特征的]

15、Our transportation system is designed to answer the needs of the city’s commuters.我们的交通系统是为了满足城市通勤者的需求而设计的。[answer v.○1回答,回复→○2满足,适应]

The photograph answer s to the description of the wanted man.这张照片与所描述的通缉犯相符。[○3符合,与...相称]

16、I appreciate your problem,but I don’t think I can help you.我理解你的难处,但却爱莫能助。[appreciate vt.○1欣赏,感激→○2领会,充分意识到]

Gold has recently appreciate d and will not depreciate in the months ahead.[○3增值]

17、The sophisticated lady showed great tact in approach ing a tricky situation.这个熟女处理棘手的局面表现的十分老练。[approach n.方法→v.对付,处理]

18、He was accused of appropriat ing club funds.他被控告挪用俱乐部基金。[appropriate a.适当的,合适的 v.私占,侵吞,挪用]

19、But disappointed graduates are learning that it can no longer absorb an army of trained twenty-two-year-olds,either.但失望的大学生却得知,我们的经济也无法吸纳大量22岁的大学毕业生毕业。[army n.○1军队,军→○2大群,大批]

20、The negotiators agreed to all the article s of the settlement.谈判双方一致同意协议的所有条款。[article n.○1(一篇)文章,论文→○2条款,项目(之一)]

21、He’s an enormous asset to the team.他是对里的骨干。[asset n.○1财产,资产→○2宝贵的人或东西]

A sense of humor is a great asset in marketing business.在营销领域中,幽默感是一个非常有利的条件。[○3优点,长处,有利条件]

22、The associate editor was my close associate at school at school.副主编是我学生时代的亲密伙伴。[associate v.联系→a.副的 n.同事,伙伴] 23、The look of innocence she assume d had us all fooled.她装出清白无辜的样子把我们都愚弄了。[assume vt.○1假定,设想→○2假装]

Personal relationships assume great importance in the times of crisis.在危急时刻,人际关系显得很重要[○3表现]

He assume s his new responsibilities next month.他下月承担新任务。[○4承担]

24、The government attach ed great importance to the internet.政府很重视互联网。[attach v.○1系,贴,附→○2认为有(重要性等)]

The children’s blames should not be attach ed to the educational style of their tiger mothers.孩子的过错不应该归咎于虎妈的教育方式。[○3把...归于]

25、The photographer has caught him in the attitude of prayer.摄影者捕捉住他祈祷的姿势。[attitude n.○1态度,看法→○2姿势]

26、His book reached an even wider audience when it was filmed for TV.他的书拍成电视以后,读者群扩大到了观众。[audience n.○1观众→○2读者] The visiting students were granted an audience with the President.来访的学生受到了总统的接见。[○3谒见,会见]

27、Books are avenue s to knowledge.书籍是获得知识的途径。[avenues n.○1林荫道,大街→○2途径,手段]

28、They bought a baby car.他们买了一辆小型汽车。[baby n.○1婴孩,婴儿→○2小型物]

Don’t ask me about the building contract—that’s R o bert’s baby.不要问我关于建筑合同的事—那是罗伯特的事儿。[○3(某人经办或负责的)特殊差事,任务]

29、John was rather backward as a child;he was nearly three before he could walk.约翰小时候有点迟钝,差不多三岁才学会走路。[backward a.○1向后的,落后的→○2迟钝的]

30、My bank balance isn’t good.我的银行账户里余额不多了。[balance n.○1使平衡→○2差额,结余,余款]

You must balance the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages.[v.○1使平衡→○2权衡,比较]

31、He was bankrupt of original ideas.他缺少独创性的见解。[bankrupt a.○1破产的,无力还债的→○2缺乏(有价值的东西)的]

32、She faced a battery of questions.她面临一连串的问题。[battery n.○1电池(组)→○2一系列,一套]

33、“How nice to see you!”she said,with a beam of welcome.“见到你真好呀!”她笑脸相迎地说。[beam n.光束→n./v.喜色,微笑]

This program will be beame d to many countries.这个节目将被播送到许多国家。[v.向...广播]

34、Those words do not become a person in your position.那些话和你的身份不相称。[become v.○1变成→○2适合(某人),与...相称]

35、The car’s behaviour is good.这辆车的性能良好。[behaviour n.○1行为,举止→○2(机器等的)特性]

36、Beside your earlier work this piece seems rather disappointing.这项工作同你早先的工作相比,有些令人失望。[beside prep.○1在...旁边→○2与...相比]

37、This new tax is going to bite my income.这项新税将大大地减少我的收入。[bite v.○1咬→○2减少]

He’s been bitten by the travel bug.他迷上了旅游。[○3(指鱼)吃饵→○4迷住,缠住]

38、Her eyes were blaz ing with anger.她的眼睛里迸发出愤怒的目光。[blaze v.○1熊熊地燃烧,发强光→○2爆发,迸发]

The story was blaze d all over the daily papers.这个传闻被各家日报炒的沸沸扬扬[○3(大肆)宣传]

39、The blackmailer bled him for $100000.敲诈者向他勒索100000美元。[bleed v.○1流血,给...放血→○2勒索,榨取(钱财)]

40、The bad weather blunt ed our enthusiasm for camping.恶劣的天气冲淡了我们去露营的热情。[blunt v.○1把...弄钝,使迟钝→○2使减弱]

41、He pays $40 a week for board and lodging.他每周支付膳宿费40美元。[board n.○1木板,船舷,甲板→○2膳食,伙食]

42、In 1960,an official international body recommended the use of the International System of the Units.1960年,一个官方国际组织推荐采用国际单位制。[body n.○1身体→○2机关,机构]

A large body of people will be affected by the tax cuts.将有一大批人受到减税的影响。[○3一批,大量]

That is a play with little body but quite amusing.那是一出内容贫乏但很有趣的洗戏。[○4实体,实质内容]

43、If you’re late once more,you’re getting the boot.你再迟到一次,就要被解雇了。[boot n.○1靴子→○2解雇]

44、We had engaged a box in the theatre.我们已在剧院定了一个包厢。[box n.○1箱子,盒子→○2包厢]

You shouldn’t box her on the ear to my face.你不应该当着我的面打她的耳光。[v.拳击,打耳光]

45、The bank has branch es all over the country.该银行在全国各地均有分行。[branch n.○1(树)枝→○2分部,分店,支线]

46、You shouldn’t brand all football supporters as hooligans.你不能给所有的足球迷都加上流氓的恶名。[brand v.○1在...上打印记→○2给...加上污名,污蔑,指责]

47、I don’t write just for fun—it’s my bread and butter.我写作不仅仅是为了好玩,它是我的生计。[bread n.○1面包→○2生计,谋生之道]

48、First,let’s look at a breakdown of the costs.我们首先看一下成本的分类明细。[breakdown n.○1破裂→○2分类]

She suffered a nervous breakdown.她患有神经衰弱。[○3(健康、精神等)衰竭、衰弱]

49、His bubble has burst.他的幻想破灭了。[bubble n.○1气泡→○2幻想] The curious boy bubble d questions.哪个好奇的男孩接二连三地提出问题。[v.○1冒泡,起泡→○2兴致勃勃地说或做,情绪高涨]

50、He bought the house at a budget price.他以低廉的价格买下了这座房子。[budget n.预算→a.低廉的,收费公道的]

51、she’s built a new career for herself.她为自己开辟了新的谋生之路。

[build v.○1建造,建筑→○2创建,开发,发展]

52、a bear market 看跌的市场,熊市,a bull market 看涨的市场,牛市[bull


Bulls make money.Bears make money.pig get slaughtered.牛市能赚钱,熊市能赚钱,只有猪被宰杀。[n.买进证券或商品投机图利者]

53、We won’t buy peace with our freedom.我们不会用自由换取和平。[buy vt.○1买→○2(以一定代价获取)]

She could say she was ill,but I don’t think they’d buy it.她可以称病,但我想他们不会相信的。[○3相信,认同]

54、Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf is calculate d to appeal to children.《喜羊羊与灰太狼》是针对儿童设计的。[calculate v.○1计算,核算→○2计划,打算]

55、Crimes of violence are growing cancer in our modern civilization.暴力犯罪越来越多,这是现代文明的一大痼疾。[cancer n.○1癌症,恶性肿瘤→○2弊端]

56、He capture d his daughter’s first smile on film.他把女儿的第一次微笑拍摄下来。[capture v.○1俘获,占领→○2抓拍,留存]

We use puppets to capture the imagination of younger audience.我们用木偶来启发小观众的想象力。[○3引起(想象),吸引(注意]

57、She is very enthusiastic and I hope the others will find it catching.她十分热情,我希望其他人也会被这种热情所感染。[catching a.○1有传染性的→○2有感染力,吸引人的]

58、This school reunion has cemente d our friendship.这次校友聚会巩固了我们的友谊。[cement vt.○1黏结,胶合→○2巩固]

59、No form of cancer presents a greater medical challenge than cancer of the lung.肺癌是比任何癌变都更为棘手的医学难题。[challenge n.○1挑战→○2艰巨任务,难题]

This difficulty challenges you to find an answer.这一难题有求你动脑筋去寻求答案。[v.引起,激励,要求]

60、I chance d to be there = It chance d that I was there.我恰巧在那里。[chance n.机会→○1碰巧]

He wasn’t sure if he’d got enough petrol to get him home,but he decided to chance it.他不知道开车回家汽油够不够,但他决定冒一下险。[○2冒…险] 61、There was a chapter in everyone’s life where everything seemed to go wrong.在每个人的一生中都有一段时期似乎什么都不顺利。[chapter n.○1 (书的)章,回→○2(人生或历史的)时期,时代]

62、Europe and North America had made no serious effort in two decades to chart their larger common purposes.20年来,欧洲和北美一直没能认真地制定他们共同地伟大的目标。[chart v.○1绘制(地图,海图)→○2制定计划或方案]

Brooks again topped the chart s.布鲁克斯再次高居排行榜首位.[n.(the -s)(流行歌曲每周)排行榜]

63、The army won a cheap victory over the enemy who had few guns and sodiers.部队轻而易举地打败了敌人,因为他们没有多少人和枪。[cheap a.○1便宜的→


I hate this kind of cheap humour.我不喜欢这种庸俗低级的笑话。[○3低级的,平庸的,劣质的]

He is the cheap est man in town;he has never bought his friends a drink.他是城里最吝啬的人,从未请朋友喝过酒。[○4小气的,吝啬的]

64.The river acted as a check on the army’s advance.河流成了一道屏障,阻挡了军队的前进。[check n.○1检查,核查→○2阻止,控制]

We check ed in our luggage and went through to the departure lounge.我们托运行李后直接进入了候机室。[v.(凭票)托运或寄存]

65、It’s obvious that there’s a real chemistry between them.显然,他们俩是真的来电了。[chemistry n.化学→n.(相互)吸引]

66、She summed up the situation in a few choice phrases.她简明扼要地总结了情况。[choice a.○1优质的,优选的→○2字斟句酌的]

67、Wendi Deng was cite d by the media for defending Rubert Murdoch from attacker.鲁柏特·默多克遇袭,邓文迪因护夫而受到媒体的赞扬。[cite vt.○1引用,引证○2表彰,嘉奖]

68、There is a clause in our contract which says that we may not keep

a dog in this building.我们合同中有一款规定,我们不可以在楼内养狗。[clause n.○1从句,分句→○2(法律文件等)条款]

69、It was difficult getting the piano through the doorway because we only had a clearance of a few centimeters.只有几厘米的间隙,要把这钢琴从门里搬过去很难。[clearance n.○1清除,清理○2净空,间隙]

The pilot is waiting for clearance to land.飞行员正等待着陆许可。[○3批准,许可(证)]

Clearance of the check could take up a week.支票兑现可能需要一个星期。[○4(支票的)兑现]

70、He made his way to the exit in a cloud of security men.他在一大群保安的前呼后拥下走向出口。[cloud n.○1云(雾)→○2一群人或物]

The sad news of her father’s death was the only cloud in an otherwise happy year.那一年她本来是很愉快的,但父亲的死讯使他很难过。[○3愁容,忧愁的阴影]

Her judgement wass cloud ed by jealousy.嫉妒心模糊了他的判断力。[v.○1(云等)遮蔽,(使)变暗→○2(使)变模糊]

He glanced at it and his face cloud ed.他看了它一眼,脸上显出不高兴的神情。[○3显得阴沉,看起来忧愁]

71、A film of dust coat ed the table.桌上覆盖着一层灰尘。[coat n.外套,外衣→v.涂上,盖上]

72、The word ‘shopaholic’was coin ed to refer to a person who enjoys shopping very much.人们创造了shopaholic一词,用来指“购物狂”。[coin v.○1铸造(硬币)→○2创造(新词)]

73、His manner towards her became cold and distant.他对她的态度变的冷淡疏远。[cold a.○1冷的→○2冷酷无情的]

The judge made a cold appraisal of the evidence.法官对这一证据做了一番客观地评价。[○3客观的,无偏见的]

74、He has got a rare liver complaint.他得了一种罕见的肝病。[complaint n.○1抱怨,诉苦→○2疾病]

75、He used to have a complex about his looks.过去他对自己的长相莫名其妙的担心。[complex a.综合的,复杂的→n.情结,不正常的精神状态] 76、Mozart compose d his last opera shortly before he died.莫扎特在创作出他最后一部歌剧后不久便去世了。[compose v.○1由...组成,构成→○2创作,为...谱曲]

She quickly compose d herself as the bullet train started off.在动车发动时她很快镇静下来。[○3使...镇静]

77、The hospital provides fertility treatment for women who have difficulty conceiv ing.这家医院对受孕困难的妇女提供生育治疗。[conceive n.○1构思,设想,孕育(思想)→○2怀胎,受孕]

78、It’s amazing that he gets a concert of praise from those fastidious directors on board.他能得到哪些吹毛求疵的董事们的齐口赞扬,真是蹊跷。[concert n.○1音乐会,演奏会→○2一齐,一致]

79、I have several connection s at that firm,and perhaps I can get you

a jo

b interview.我在那个公司有许多熟人,依序我可以为你安排一次面试。[connection n.○1联系,(因果)关系→○2熟人,关系(户)]

80、The speech needs to be set in the context of American in the 1960s.这篇演说要放到20世纪60年代的美国这一背景下来看待。[context n.○1上下文,语境→○2环境,周围情况]

81、He couch ed his demands in careful,polite language.他用谨慎礼貌的语言表达了自己的要求。[couch n.长沙发 vt.表达,措辞]

82、The two train cars had been couple d together.两节火车厢已经挂上勾了。[couple n.○1夫妻○2一双,一对→v.使连接,使成对]

83、I read his application and he is the cream of the cop.我看过他的申请,他是出类拔萃的。[cream n.○1奶油,油脂→○2精华,佼佼者]

84、There was a large crop of mistakes in your essay.你的文章中有许多的错误。[crop n.○1一车的收成,产量→○2一批,大量]

He had his hair crop ped.他把头发剪短。[vt.剪短,修剪]

85、He always tries to cultivate people who are useful to him professionally.他总是设法结交在专业上对自己有帮助的人。[cultivate v.○1种植,栽培→○2建立(友谊),结交(朋友)]

86、Good sport shoes should provide a cushion when running.好的运动鞋可以在运动的时候起到缓冲的作用。

His saving are a cushion against sickness.他的积蓄可备他生病时使用。[cushion n.○1垫子→○2起缓解作用的东西,防备不时之需的积蓄]

87、The space age dawn ed in the twentieth century.太空时代始于20世纪。[dawn v.○1破晓→○2开始,出现]

The truth began to dawn on him.他开始弄明白真相。[○3(使开始)明白,使渐渐领悟]

88、On the press conference,he delivered a clever defence the nation’s religion policy.在记者招待会上,他为该国的宗教政策做了机智的辩护。[defence n.○1防御,保卫→○2辩护,辩解]

89、Chales Dickens is the greatest novelist whose characters cover people of all descriptions.查尔斯·狄更斯是最伟大的作家,其刻画的人物可谓是三教九流。[description n.○1描写,形容○2种类,性质]

90、A soldier who desert s in time of war will be punished severely.战争期间开小差的士兵要受到惩罚。[desert v.○1遗弃,抛弃→○2擅离,开小差] 91、She enjoys hearing a bit of dirt about her neighbors.她爱听关于邻居的一些流言蜚语。[dirt n.○1尘污→○2丑闻,坏话,流言蜚语]

92、They sat up drinking and telling dirty stories.他们坐在那里边喝酒边讲下流故事。[dirty a.○1肮脏的→○2下流的,难听的]

93、The party was a total disaster---half the guests didn’t even turn up.晚会真是失败---一半的客人连来都没有来。[disaster n.○1灾难,大祸→○2彻底失败的事或人]

94、He used to be a popular entertainer,but somehow,he is now at a discount.以前他是个走红的艺人,但现在不知怎么不受欢迎了。[discount n.○1折扣→○2不受欢迎]

Experts have discount ed the possibility of a second earthquake in the area.专家们不大相信这个地区会发生第二次地震[v.漠视,对...不全信] 95、A dose of flu kept her off work.一场感冒使她上不了班。[dose n.○1(药的)一剂,剂量,一服→○2(不愉快的经历)一次,一回]

96、The country suffered from a continual brain drain because of bad economy.哪个国家因经济不景气,人才不断外流。[drain v.○1排除...表面的水→○2枯竭,耗尽]

97、She tends to be very dramatic about everything.他做什么事都很夸张做作。[dramatic a.○1戏剧的→○2戏剧性的,夸大的]

House purchase restriction had a dramatic effect on house prices.住房限购对房屋价格产生了巨大的影响。[○3剧烈的,明显的]

98、The child never cried or protested when I was dress ing her wounds.我给这孩子包扎伤口时,她从来不哭也不闹。[dress v.○1(给...)穿衣→○2包扎(伤口)]

My mother has dress ed a turkey for Christmas dinner.我母亲已经把一只火鸡去毛开膛添加作料,准备烹调做圣诞节大餐。[○3给...加作料]

99、People think you lack drive and ambition.人们认为你缺乏干劲和雄心。[drive v.驾驶→n.能动性,干劲,动力]

100、You employ knife,fork,and spoon in eating.你们用刀叉汤匙吃东西。The report examines teaching methods employed in the classroom.这个报告探讨了课堂教学方法的使用。[employ n./v.○1雇用→○2用,使用]

101、With a lofty end in view,he signed his name on the paper.怀着崇高的目标,他在纸上签了名。[end n.○1末尾,端,梢→○2目标,目的]

The teams changed end s at half-time.上半场结束时,双方交换了场地。[○3 (半边)球场]

102、The assistant enter ed the book in the catalogue.图书管理员把书录入图书目录。[enter v.○1进入,加入,参加→○2写入,登陆]

103、She made an entry in her diary to remind herself of the date.她在日记本上做了记录以防忘记日期。[entry n.○1入口处,通道→○2记载,登记,


104、Her success excite d envy in them.她的成功引起了他们的妒忌。[excite v.○1刺激,使激动→○2激发,引起]

105、Many parents want to expose their children to as much art and culture as possible.许多父母想让孩子受到尽可能多的艺术和文化熏陶。[expose v.○1 (使)暴露,揭露→○2(使)接触,受到,遇到]

106、He fashion ed a pot from the clay.他用黏土制成一个罐子。[fashion n.方式,样子→vt.使成形,塑造]

107、The boat was stuck fast in the mud.船深陷在泥里动弹不得。[fast a./ad.○1快的(地),迅速的(地)→○2紧紧的(地)]

108、He gave me a nice fat cheque.他给了我一张大额支票。[fat a.○1肥胖的→○2大量的,丰厚的]

109、Our garden is a feast of color for the eyes in spring.春天里,我们的花园百花争艳,令人赏心悦目。[feast n.○1盛宴,宴席→○2(器官等)享受,使人愉快的东西]

110、Many of the hotels feature d in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks.小册子列举的多家特色旅馆都有周末假日特别优惠。[feature n.特征→v.以...为特色]

111、Rumors may be feed ing the uneasiness that appears to be developing.谣言可能会助长似乎正在蔓延的不安情绪。[feed v.○1给与食物,饲养→○2助长,加深(恶感)]

The movie star feed s the media with stories,which is a way of getting free advertising.那位影星总是有故事让媒体报道,这是免费的广告。[○3向...提供,充实]

112、He belongs to an organised fellowship that circulates literary criticism.他隶属于一个发表文学评论的文学团体。[fellowship n.○1伙伴关系→○2联谊会,团体]

113、The new play is fetch ing large audience every night.这部新戏每晚都吸引大批观众。[fetch v.○1拿来,请来→○2吸引,使出现]

The painting is expected to fetch at least $20 million.这幅画预计至少能卖两千万美元。[○3售得,卖(...的价钱)]

114、I figure life is a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it.You never know what hand you’re going to get dealt next.You learn to take life as it comes at you.我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它,你永远不会知道下一手牌会是什么,要学会接受生活。[figure n.数字→v.○1计算→○2认为] 115、They file d out of the room.他们从房间里鱼贯而出。[file v.○1归档→○2拍成纵队]

They have file d claims for baggage lost on airline flights.他们已经提出飞行中行李遗失的赔偿要求。[○3提出申请(等)]

116、You figure is left on the film of my heart.It is so clearly presented at the bottom of my heart.你的身影,在我的心中的底片上曝光---摄得那么真,印得那么深。[film n.○1电影→○2胶卷,底片]

The vegatables are covered with a sheet of plastic film.蔬菜上面覆盖着一层塑料薄摸。[○3薄膜]

117、His uncle finance d his college education.他叔叔为他提供了的学教育费用。[finance n.财政,金融→v.为...提供资金]

118、His speech was full of fine words which meant nothing.他的演讲华而不实。[fine a.○1晴朗的,美好的→○2虚饰的,辞藻华丽的]

119、Many items on the agenda will produce firework s.议事日程上的许多项目将会引起激烈的争论。[firework n.○1烟火,烟花→○2激烈争论]

The real firework s are provided by the lines of Kung fu Panda II.真正的亮点来自《功夫熊猫2》中的台词。[○3亮点]

120、Stop fish ing for compliments!别拐着弯要别人恭维你!

I am not fish ing.我不是在探听。[fish v.○1捕鱼,钓→○2设法得到,转弯抹角引出]

121、The property management company won’t allow the owner to destroy the flavor of the building when decorating room.物业管理公司不允许业主在装修房屋时破坏建筑物的风格。[flavor n.○1滋味,味道→○2风格,风韵,特色]

122、The flood of new drugs in recent years has provided many dramatic improvements in therapy.近年来涌现的新药给治疗带来明显的改观。[flood n.○1洪水,水灾→○2大量,大批]

123、The flower of the nation’s young men died in that battle.国家的青年精英们在那次战役中牺牲了。[flower n.○1花儿,鲜花→○2精华,精英] Your lordship is the flower of courtesy.阁下真是谦恭有礼的典范。[○3最好的部分,典范]

124、The boy is flush with the table.那个孩子与这张桌子一样高。[flush n./v.脸红 a.○1齐平的,同高的]

I am flush this week—I will pay.这个星期我发财了,我来付账。[○2富裕的,很有钱的(通常为短期的)]

125、He follow ed the trade of baker.他从事面包师的职业[follow v.○1跟随→○2从事]

We shall follow closely the development of the situation.我们将密切注意形势的发展。[○3密切注意,注视]

--As you are getting a better job,you will be paid more.既然你找到更好的工作,赚的钱就会多些

--No,that doesn’t necessarily follow.不,那也未必。[○4因...而起,是...的必然结果]

126、A fond mother often spoils her child.母亲过分溺爱孩子,往往会宠坏孩子。[fond a.○1【表语】喜爱的→○2【定语】溺爱的]

127、What you say is foreign to our subject.你所说的和我们话题无关。[foreign a.○1外国的,外来的→○2(to)无关的,不相干的]

The doctor cleaned the wound of foreign matter.医生洗去伤口中的异物。[○3外来的,异质的]

128、When the teacher asked the boys an easy question a forest of hands shot up.老师问男孩们一个简单的问题,许多手举了起来。[forest n.○1森林→○2(似森林般的)一丛,大量]

129、She made a fortune in real estate.她在房地产上发了财。[fortune n.○1


130、My father thinks she’s too forward for a young girl.我父亲认为对一个年轻女孩来说她太冒失了。[forward ad./a.向前(的)→a.鲁莽的,冒失的]

Please forward this letter to the following address.请将这封信转送至下面的地址。[v.转交,转运]

131、The foundation provides money for hospitals.基金会资助医院。[foundation n.○1基础,根据→○2基金,基金会]

132、I’d rather be three months ill than hear you frame a deliberate lie.我宁可病三个月,也不愿听你编一套故意捏造的瞎话。[frame v.○1给...加框架,给...加边→○2建造,编造]

She says she was frame d.她说她是被诬陷的。[○3陷害,诬告]

Unless the law is very carefully frame d,some one will find the way to avoid obeying it.法律必须措辞严谨,否则会有人找到漏洞而钻空子。[○4措辞,设计,表达]

133、Keep the surface free from dirt by putting a cover over it.把表层盖好,免得落上尘土。[free a.○1自由的,不受约束的→○2(of,from)无...的,摆脱了...的]

134、There was a price freeze on all milk products.所有的奶制品价格都冻结过。[freeze n.○1冰冻期,严寒期→○2(工资或物价)冻结]

135、Bright is the painter’s best friend.明亮的光线对作家最有用的。[friend n.○1朋友→○2有帮助的事物,有益的品质]

136、The old scientist worked hard in the frontier of science.这位老科学家在科学尖端领域辛勤工作。[frontier n.○1边境,边界→○2尖端,新领域]

137、He gave himself a week holiday to enjoy the fruit(s) of his labour.他给自己一周假来享受自己的劳动成果。[fruit n.○1水果,果实→○2成果,效果]

138、That drink has made me feel quite funny.我喝了那种饮料觉得有些不舒服。[funny a.○1有趣的,滑稽的→○2稍感不适的]

139、My watch neither gain s nor loses.我的手表走的不快也不慢。[gain v.○1获得→○2(钟表)走快]

I have gain ed a lot of weight recently.我的体重最近增加了许多。[○3增加(重量、力量等)]

140、A good hunter always has game on the table.好猎人的餐桌上总是不缺乏野味。[game n.○1比赛,运动会○2猎物]

141、We’re painting the kitchen in gay colours.我们正用色彩鲜艳的油漆刷厨房。[gay a.○1快乐的→○2色彩鲜艳的]

A large group of gay s demonstrated against discrimination.一大群同性恋者举行示威,抗议对他们的歧视。[n.同性恋者]

142、His cottage is on the gentle slope of the hill.他的小屋在山的缓坡上。[gentle a.○1温和的→○2不陡的,坡度小的]

143、I think I had some glimpse s of the real character of this conversation at the time.现在想起来,我当时对于这番话的真正性质只是稍微有所领悟罢

了。[glimpse n./vt.一瞥→n.短暂的感受,模糊的感觉或认识]

144、I scored the first goal.我踢进了第一个球。[goal n.○1目标,目的→○2进球,射门]

145、If you had a grain of common sense you’d put your raincoat on before going out in the rain.假如你稍微有一点常识的话,雨天外出时你就会穿上雨衣。[grain n.○1粮食,颗粒→○2一点儿,微量]

146、The new trainees are still very green.这些受培训的新员工很不成熟。[green a.○1绿色的→○2缺乏经验的,幼稚的]

147、Their friendship is on shaky ground s.他们的友谊建立在不稳定的基础上。[ground n.○1地(面),土(地)→○2基础,基础知识]

I don’t mean to ask you to accept anything without reasonable ground for it.[○3理由,根据]

This is particularly infertible ground for them.[○4(兴趣、知识或思想的)范围,领域]

148、Teenagers need adults to guide them.十几岁的少年需要大人来引导他们。[guide v.○1为...带路,给...带路→○2指导]

149、The quarrel left a gulf between the old friends.那次争吵在这对老朋友间造成了隔阂。[gulf n.○1海湾,(地面的)裂口→○2隔阂,鸿沟]

There is a wide gulf between the two sides and it is unlikely that they can ever be brought into agreement.双方有重大分歧,不可能达成一致意见。[○3(意见等)分歧]

The gulf between the rich and the poor is enormous.贫富差距悬殊。[○4巨大的差距]

150、His father gave him a handsome allowance.他父亲给了他一大笔零花钱。[handsome a.○1英俊的○2慷慨的,数量可观的]

He said some very handsome things about you.他大大称赞了你一番。[○3动听的,堂皇的]

151、The school is only a few hundred metres farther down the road,so it is quite handy for the children.[handy a.○1手边的,近便的→○2方便的,有用的]

He is handy with paint-brush.他善于用画笔。[○3手巧的,敏捷的]

152、She began to harbour doubts over the wisdom of their journey.她开始对她们的旅行是否明智产生了怀疑。[harbour n.海港,港口→vt.○1心怀] The dishcloth can harbour many germs.洗碗布中可能藏有许多细菌。[○2庇护,藏匿]

153、He is reaping the harvest of his mistakes.他正因为自己的错误而自食其果。[harvest n./v.收获,收成→n.成果,后果]

154、I’ll try to gain hearing for my friend.我将尽力为朋友争取申辩的机会。[hearing n.○1听力,听觉→○2审讯,申辩的机会]

155、He got right down to the heart of the problem.他一针见血地击中了问题的要害。[heart n.○1心,心脏→○2要点,实质]

Don’t lose heart,and all will return out well.不要灰心,一切都会好起来的。[○3精神,勇气]

156、She greeted us with a hearty dinner in her grand villa in the suburb.

她在豪华的乡间别墅里用丰盛的晚餐欢迎我们。[hearty a.○1衷心的,热忱的→○2丰盛的]

157、Traffic is heavy around here.这里交通流量很大。[heavy a.○1重的,重型的→○2大量的,繁忙的]

Heavy lines indicate main roads.粗线代表交通干线。[○3厚的,粗的]

A heavy fruitcake.不好消化的水果蛋糕。[○4(食物)难消化的]

158、He hedge d in answering the questions.他避而不答这些问题。[hedge v.○1用篱笆围→○2避免直接回答]

159、Here was the hinge on which our ultimate victory turned,and it was in 1949 that the first significant events began.我们赢得最后的关键就在于此,而且最初的一些重大事件就是从1949年开始的。[hinge n.○1铰链→○2重要性,关键,重点]

160、At last we hit the main road.我们终于到达了主干道。[hit v.○1碰撞→○2到达,完成,达到(某程度)]

The film was quiet a hit in New York.这部电影曾在纽约轰动一时。[n.流行一时的东西]

161、The contract still hold s.合同仍然有效。[hold v.○1掌握,握住→○2适用,有效]

Those vases are held to be the finest examples of Greek art.那些花瓶被视为希腊艺术的最佳典范。[○3认为,相信]

162、After new year he’s always in the hole for at least a month.新年后,他总是至少有一个月经济困难。[hole n.○1洞穴,孔→○2困境,为难的处境]

This story is full of hole s.这个故事漏洞百出。[○3缺点,漏洞]

163、Our verbal attacks on the man rarely went home.我们对那个人的抨击很少击中要害。[home ad.○1在家○2(言语等)击中要害地]

164、She was invited to be the host of the Prime Time.她应邀作《黄金时间》节目主持人。[host n.○1旅店老板,主人→○2节目主持人]

The host city chosen to host the Olympic Games will be obliged to also host the paralympics.申办奥运会的城市,须同时申办残奥会。[v.主持,主办]

165、The hot tempers and hopeful disposition make them more couragesous than older men.火热的性情和乐观的天性,使他们比老年人勇敢。[hot a.○1热的,辣的→○2急躁的,激烈的]

It is said that he is hot on several foreign languages.据说他精通好几门外语.[○3擅长的]

He had established himself as a hot pilot and a ping-pong player who never lost a point.她成了红极一时的飞行员和从不失一分的乒乓球运动员。[○4流行的,当红的]

166、The weeding-cake is elaborately ice d.结婚蛋糕上挂着一层精致的糖衣。[ice n.冰,冰块→v.在(糕饼)上加糖霜]

167、What’s the import of this statement?这项声明的要旨是什么?[import v./n.进口,输入 n.○1要旨,含义]

No one can deny that this is a question of great import.这个问题的重


168、A country’s greatest wealth is the industry of its people.一个国家的最大的财富就是人民的勤劳。[industry n.○1工业,产业○2勤劳,勤奋] 169、The choice of décor is inspire d by a trip to Thailand.选用这种装饰格调是从一次泰国之行中得到启发。[inspire v.○1鼓舞,激起→○2使产生灵感]

170、My teacher’s interest with me is considerable.老师对我的影响相当大。[interset n.○1兴趣,关心→○2影响,重要性]

171、He introduce d a motion to the meeting.他向会议提出了一项议案。[introduce v.○1介绍→○2提出]

The company introduce d a ban on smoking in public places.公司推行了一项在公共场所禁止吸烟的规定。[○3推行,采用]

The next program will be introduce d by Jane.下一个节目由简主持。[○4主持(节目)]

172、I don’t want to invade your private life unnecessary.我不想无端干涉你的私生活。[invade v.○1侵略,侵害(袭)→○2干预]

Doubts invad ed his mind.他满腹狐疑。[○3渗透,遍布,充溢]

173、The number of visitors took a jump last year.去年游客人数剧增。Prices jump ed by 10% last month.[jump n.○1跳(跃),惊跳→○2(数额价格等的)猛涨,激增]

174、The police must do all they can to bring criminals to justice.警方必须接近全力追捕逃犯,将她们绳之以法。[justice n.○1正当,正义→○2司法,法律制裁]

175、That little girl keep s a cat.那个小女孩养了一只猫。[keep v.○1保持,保留→○2供养,饲养]

They were delighted with the way the place was kept.他们对这个地方的管理情况感到满意。[○3经营,管理]

It’s time you got a job and stared paying for your keep.你该找份工作负担自己的生活费了。[n.生计,谋生]

176、Working well as a team is the key to success.良好的团队合作是成功的关键。[key n.○1钥匙→○2关键,秘诀]

177、For every writer kiss ed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never rewarded.每一个幸运而成功的作家背后,还有许多人永远无法实现自己的作家梦。[kiss v.○1吻→○2受...青睐]

The sun was just kissing the horizon.太阳刚刚跳出地平线。[○3轻拂,轻触]

178、At the core of this debate is chairman Gerald Levin,56,who took over for the late Steve Ross in 1992.这场辩论的焦点是现年56岁的Gerald Levin 主席,他于1992年取代了已故主席Steve Ross的职位。[late a.○1迟的,晚的→○2已故的,以前的]

179、She was quick to leap to my defence.他马上挺身而出为我辩护。[leap v.○1跳,跃→○2突然做某事]

Jealousy leap ed alight in his bosom.妒火在他胸中升腾。[○3骤增,倍增] 180、He lend s cheer to the party.他使晚会争色不少。[lend v.○1借出,贷


I will not lend myself to such a dishonest scheme.我不愿意参与这种不光彩的阴谋。[○3参与]

The community lent full support to the Mayor’s plan.社区全力支持市长的计划。[○4提供,贡献]

181、He used “aid” as a political lever.他拿援助作为政治手段。[lever n.○1杠杆→○2[喻]手段,方法]

They’re trying to lever him out of his job as head of the firm.他们试图把他从公司领导的位子上排挤下来。[v.○1(用杠杆)撬动→○2排斥,排挤] 182、a new edition to add to your library可收藏的新版本[library n.○1图书馆→○2(个人)收藏]

a library of modern classics issued by a well-known publisher一位著名出版商发行的现代经典文库[○3文库,丛书,唱片集]

183、With the rain,the smog lift ed from the city.雨后城市上空的烟雾消散了。[lift v.○1举起,(使)升起→○2消散]

Can I give you a lift home?你搭我的车回家好吗?[n.免费搭车]

184、The inquiry brought to light many unpleasant facts about the business company.这项调查揭露了这个商业公司许多令人不愉快的事情。[light n.○1 (日)光,光线→○2显露,明白,被了解]

They see themslves in a new light.他们以一种新的眼光来认识自己。[○3观点,见解,眼光]

I wrestled with the crossword clus for ages before light finally dawned.那纵横字谜的提示,我琢磨了很长时间才恍然大悟。[○4(启发性的)事实,信息,解释]

185、She is trying to keep abreast of the literature in her field.[literature n.○1文学作品→○2(某一学科的)文献,著述]

186、We drew/cast lots to choose the captain.我们抽签选队长。[lot n.○1(抽)签]

Learn to be content with your lot in life.学学乐天知命吧。[○2命运,运气]

187、The United Nations set up machinery for mediation.联合国设立调解机构。[machinery n.○1机器,机械(总称)→○2机构,组织]

188、He had no good reason for being late,but he manufacture d one.他迟到没有充分的理由,可是他胡诌了一个理由。[manufacture v.○1运用机器制造(尤指大量生产)→○2捏造,虚构,假造]

189、This poem marries theme and style well.这首诗的主题和风格结合得很好。[marry v.○1结婚→○2使紧密结合,把...混为一体]

190、The mass es have boundless creative power.人民群众具有无穷的创造力。[mass n.○1众多,大量→○2(pl.)群众,民众]

This time let’s discuss something about the law of conservation of mass.这次让我们讨论一下质量守恒定律的一些问题。[○3质量]

191、He thought he could beat anyone at tennis,but he’s met his match in Tom.他愿意为自己能够击败所有网球选手,可现在却遇上了汤姆这个对手。[match n.○1比赛,竞赛→○2对手,敌手]

a design well match ed in colour 颜色协调的图案。[v.(和...)相配,(和...)相称,使协调]

192、It’s mean of him to laugh at your failure.取笑你失败,他真卑鄙。[mean a.○1卑鄙的]

cloth of mean quality 品质差的布料[○2低劣的]

He is mean about/over money.他用钱很吝啬。[○3吝啬的]

the mean annual temperature 年平均气温[○4平均的]

193、He met their criticism with indifference.面对他们的批评他无动于衷。[meet v.○1遇见,迎接→○2回应(尤指反对),对待]

Our old friend intends to meet the debts of the firm of Grandet in Pairs.咱们的老朋友想出面清理葛朗公司的债务。[○3支付,偿付]

The main immediate necessity in order to meet these economic problems is industrialization on a large scale.解决这些经济问题首要、立刻而必须的是大规模实现工业。[○4满足,符合,解决]

194、The new play is short on humor and long on message.这个新剧本缺乏幽默但寓意深刻。[message n.○1消息→○2启示,要旨]

195、We are going to go over this affair with microscopic.我们准备十分仔细地审查这一事件。[microsopic a.○1显微镜的→○2微观的,细致的] 196、He milk ed his rich aunt until she hadn’t a penny left.他榨光了他那富裕的姑妈的钱,直到她分文不剩。[milk v.○1挤奶,抽取(液汁)→○2榨取,勒索]

197、The author made a minute description of lover’s first acquaintance.作者对这对情侣第一次相识的情况做了细致的描述。[minute a.极小的,细微的]

The chairman asked for this decision to be recorded in the minutes.主席要求将这项决议记载在会议记录中。[n.(pl.)会议记录]

198、His character has been mold ed more by his experience in life than by the education he got at school.他的性格是由于他的生活经历,而非他所受学校教育形成的。[mold v.○1铸造,铸成→○2形成(性格),陶冶]

199、The style prevails and picks up momentum.这种风格很流行,而且有愈演愈烈之势。[momentum n.○1[物理]动量,冲量→○2势头,声势,推动力] 200、His way of looking at the world is very narrow and misses a lot of life’s variety and color.他观察世界的方法很狭隘,因而他往往看不到生活的多种多彩。[narrow a.○1狭小的,小范围的→○2狭隘的]

He won with a narrow 72-vote majority.他以72票的微弱优势获胜。[○3勉强的,很险的]

201、Everyone has to face the little nothing s of life.每个人都不得不面对生活琐事。[nothing pron.没有东西→n.无关紧要的人或事物]

202、The country has abundant raw materials to nourish and development her industries.该国有丰富的原料来扶持并发展它的工业。[nourish v.○1养育,滋养→○2扶持,鼓励]

203、Touch-screen phones have not been novel devices.触摸屏的手机已经不再是新奇的装置了。[novel n.(长篇)小说→a.新颖的,新奇的]

204、Every driver should observe the speed limit.每个司机都应当遵守限

速规定。[observe vt.○1注意到,察觉→○2遵守]

205、She is on the committee.她是委员会的成员。

He is on China Daily.他在《中国日报》供职。[on prep.○1是...成员]

On his stepping out of the taxi he was sized by two men.他一下出租车,就被两个人抓住了。[○2在...的时候,在...后立即]

206、We should use the opportunity now open to us.我们应该利用目前可供利用的机会。[open a.○1开着的,敞着的→○2空缺的,可利用的]

He was vital,generous,and had an open nature.他朝气蓬勃,慷慨大方,性格豁达[○3坦率的,慷慨的,豁达的]

207、She was overcome by the smoke.她被烟熏到。[overcome v.○1克服,战胜→○2使(某人)昏厥或失去控制力]

208、The manufacturer absorbed the increase in overhead s.制造商承担了企业一般性管理费开支的增加部分。[overhead ad.在头顶上 n.经常性费用(房租、水电费等)]

209、A strong wind overtook him unexpectedly.他突然遇到一阵强风。[overtake v.○1赶上,超越→○2突然降临,意外地碰上]

Utter weariness overtook me an hour later.一小时后,我感到困乏极了。[○3(感情、情绪等)压倒,使受不了]

210、Minister are trying to put together a package that will end the dispute.大臣们力图搞个一揽子交易结束这场争论。[package n.○1包裹→○2(必须整套接收的)一套东西,一揽子计划]

211、The minor scandals of recent months pale d to insignificance beside this episode.最近几个月的那些小丑闻与这件事相比真是小巫见大巫[pale v.○1(使)变苍白→○2黯然失色,相形见绌]

212、You have a good many little gifts and virtues but there is no need of parad ing them.你有不少天赋和优点,但用不着去炫耀。[parade v.○1游行,检阅,列队前进→○2炫耀,展示]

213、There is a paragraph about the accident in today’s newspaper.今天的报纸上有一篇关于这次事故的短讯。[paragraph n.○1段,节→○2小新闻,短评]

214、High salary made him particular as to what he eats.高工资使他过分讲究饮食。[particular a.○1个别的,特定的→○2[表语](过分)讲究的,挑剔的]

He gave us a full and particular account of what had happened.他向我们完整详尽地讲述了事情发生的经过。[○3详细的]

215、Picture yourself in his situation.设身处地为他想想吧![picture v.○1画→○2想象]

Rogers was in fact far abler than he was picture d.罗杰斯事实上比人们所描述的要能干得多。[○3描述]

216、To draw an indisputable conclusion,it is necessary to piece those evidences and consider them as a whole.要做出一个无可指责的结论,把各种证据集合起来通盘考虑是非常必要的。[piece n.断片,碎片→v.拼合,拼凑]

217、The south of France is the playground of the rich.法国南部是富人

的游乐场所。[playground n.○1(尤指学校的)操场→○2度假胜地,活动场所] Watching TV is his private playground.看电视是他自得其乐的享受。[○3乐于从事的活动]

218、Your hands are pollute d with innocent blood.你们的双手沾满了无辜者的鲜血。[pollute v.○1污染→○2玷污,败坏]

219、The accident was the preface to a great scientific discovery.这一偶然事件成了一项重大科学发现的先声。[preface n.○1序言→○2开端,前奏] 220、The druggist suggested a preparation to relieve ache.药剂师建议使用一种解痛剂。

The firm is selling a new preparation for cleaning metals.公司正在出售一种新的金属清洁剂。[preparation n.○1准备,预备→○2制剂,制备品] 221、You must repay principle and interest before Christmas.圣诞节前你必须偿还本金与利息。[principle a.最重要的,主要的→n.(sing.)资金,本金]

222、To some men wealth is the greast prize in life.对有些人而言,财富是其人生的最大目标。[prize n.○1奖金,奖品→○2珍贵之物,有价值之物] I prize your friendship above everything else.我珍视你的友谊甚于一切。[prize vt.珍视,珍惜]

223、Many plants have medicinal properties.许多植物具有医药性能。[property n.○1财产,所有物→○2性质,性能]

224、It is not my province to interfere.这不关我的事。

A new province of knowledge and new avenues to fame and power shall be laid open to you.一种知识的新天地、荣誉和权利的康庄大道就展现在你眼前。[province n.○1省→○2(思想、学识等的)范围,领域]

It is considered within the province of the school to stress moral and ethics in everyday life.人们认为强调日常生活中的伦理道德是学校的职责。[○3本分,职责,职权]

225、First,American as a whole tend to be fairly provincial and take more of an interest in local affairs.首先,从整体上说,美国人的眼光往往比较狭隘,他们更多的是对当地事物感兴趣。[provincial a.○1省的,地区的○2眼光狭隘的]

226、We need a week’s provision s.我们需要够吃一周的粮食。[provision n.○1供应→○2(pl.)给养,口粮]

According to the provision s of this agreement,you must continue to work for them for another two years.根据该协议条款规定,你必须再为他们工作两年。[○3条款,规定]

227、The victory was dearly purchase d;it was purchase d with the lives of many men who died in battle.胜利是付出高昂的代价而获得的,是用许多阵亡战士的生命换来的。[purchase v.○1购买,购置→○2(以努力或牺牲等)换取,博得]

228、There was a rain of questions.问题像连珠炮似的提出来。

It died suddenly,in a terrible rain of fire and ash.在一阵可怕的火焰和灰烬中它突然死去了。[rain n.○1雨,一场雨→○2(雨水般)落下,一阵] 229、The most difficult thing for us now is how to raise funds.我们目

前最大的困难是如何筹资。[raise vt.○1举起,提高→○2筹集(资金)]

The book raise s many important issues.该书提出许多重要问题。[○3引起,提出]

230、There being nothing eatable within his reach,Oliver replied in the affirmative.奥利弗见左右前后没有任何可以吃的东西,便回答说吃好了。[reach v.抵达,到达→n.○1能到达的范围]

What you have done is beyond the reach of my imagination.你所做的一切是我难以想象的。[○2(智力、影响等)范围、理解力]

231、Our senses have read the environment and in so doing provided the basis for our understanding of it.我们的感官感知着环境,为我们理解他提供了基础。[read v.○1阅读→○2理解,感知,预料]

The note read:“I have a gun in my pocket.Ask no questions and give me all the money in the safe.”这张纸条上写着:“我上衣袋里有枪。不许吭声儿,把保险柜里的钱都拿来”。[○3指明,标明]

232、The indecisive man was readily persuaded to change his mind again.优柔寡断的人很容易被说服而改变主意。[readily ad.○1很快地,乐意地→○2容易地]

233、I have realize d my securities.我已将证券变现了。[realize v.○1实现→○2把(证券等)变现,变卖]

234、This land was reclaim ed from the sea.这块土地是填海围出来的。[reclaim v.○1要求归还,收回→○2开垦]

235、The winner was given a medal in recognition of his courage.作为对胜利者的表彰,他得到了一枚奖章。[recognition n.○1认出,识别→○2赏识,表彰]

236、She was reduce d to begging for her living.他沦落到以乞讨为生。Overwork has reduce d him to a physical wreck.过度劳累损害了他的健康。[reduce vt.○1减少,缩小→○2使降级,使沦落]

237、He reflect ed how to fulfil the task all the night.他考虑了一晚上该如何完成这项任务。[reflect v.○1反应,反射→○2反省,仔细考虑]

238、Her face register ed anger and surprise.她脸上露出了又惊又气的神情。[register v.○1登记,注册→○2流露,显示,表达]

This country has register ed extraordinary economic progress.[○3达到,取得]

Her beauty was register ed in my memory.她的美丽留在我的记忆里。[○4注意到,记住]

239、How can I repair the harm done?我怎样才能弥补造成的损失?

Repair an error 纠正错误[repair v.○1修理,修补→○2补救,纠正] 240、When you get back,you must report to manager.你回来后必须向经理报到.[report v.○1报道→○2(to)报到]

He or she can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to a private or public organization responsible for protecting consumer’s rights.消费者(他或她)可以警告商家,告发其到法院或私立及公益的消费者权益保护组织。[○3告发,举报]

Report has it that he is still alive.传说他还活着。[n.传说,传闻]

241、behaving with typical British reserve以典型的英国式矜持待人

For once,she lost/dropped her customary reserve and became quiet lively.这次,她一反平素的沉默寡言,表现得很活跃。[reserve n.○1预留,储备→○2缄默,谨慎矜持]

242、The freezing weather is responsible for the cracks in the pavement.严寒的天气是导致人行道裂缝的原因。[responsible a.○1负责任的→○2是...的重要原因]

243、Besides copyright,the writer got 10 percent royalty on sales.[royalty n.○1王族(成员)○2(著作的)版税]

244、He has no idea of how to run a successful business.他不知道如何把企业办好。[run v.○1经营,管理]

The party is run ning three candidates in the next election.该党准备在下届选举中派三名候选人参加竞选。[○2竞选,当候选人]

245、Being a safe man,he is no doubt the best candidate as the new manager.他做事稳健谨慎,无疑是是当经理的最佳人选。[safe a.○1安全的,牢靠的→○2谨慎的]

246、Once you’ve sample d the country life,you won’t want to live in the city.一旦你体验了乡村生活,你就不会再想生活在城市里了。[sample n.样品,标本→v.体验,尝试]

247、His house was sandwich ed between the two tall buildings.他的房子被夹在两栋高大的建筑物之间。[sandwich n.夹肉面包→v.夹入,挤进] 248、The shop owner received satisfaction for the damage.店主的损失得到了赔偿。[satisfaction n.○1满足,满意→○2赔偿]

249、He satisfied me that he could do the work well.他使我确信他能把这项工作做得更好。[satisfy v.○1使(某人)满意→○2说服,使确信]

If you don’t satisfy one of the conditions,you can’t become a member of our club.如果你不符合其中的一个条件,你就不能成为我们俱乐部的会员。[○3达到(标准等),符合]

250、You should learn to play chess in,let’s say,three months.学会下国际象棋要用,比方说,三个月吧。[say v.○1说→○2比方说]

Who has the say in this matter?这件是谁有发言权?

Let him have this say.请他发言。[v.说明→n.发言权,意见]

251、We are now seeing unemployment on an unprecedented scale.我们现在正看到规模空前的失业现象。[scale n.○1刻度,标度→○2(sing.)规模]

A pianist must keep practising his scale s.钢琴演奏者一定要不断弹音阶练习指法。[○3音阶]

252、There are different school s of thought on this problem.在这问题上有不同的思想流派。[school n.○1学校→○2流派,学派]

253、There is ample scope for our abilities in the countryside.我们在农村是大有作为的。[scope n.○1范围→○2余地,范围]

254、The runners started at scratch.赛跑选手们从起跑线起跑。[scratch v./n.搔,抓→n.起跑线]

He started his business from scratch.他白手起家。

255、She tried to screen her guilty son.她设法包庇她有罪的儿子。[screen

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