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公开课unit5 book3 Vocabulary learning - 副本

公开课unit5 book3 Vocabulary learning - 副本
公开课unit5 book3 Vocabulary learning - 副本

Unit5 Book3 V ocabulary Learning

Target words and expressions:

Words: chat; surround; measure; mix; mixture; wealthy; distance; tradition; impress;

Expressions: rather than; settle down; manage to do; catch sight of; have a gift for; in the distance;

Step I: Pronunciation

Task1: Read the following words and sentences and try to get the pronunciation of target words.朗读下列单词和句子,并掌握目标词汇的发音。

Group1: cat; hat; fat →chat

The fat lady with a hat on her head is chatting with her cat.

Group2: surf; surprise; round; →surround

I am very surprised to find Mike is surfing the Internet in the basement(地下室). His computer is on a round table, which is surrounded by many snakes.

Group3: pleasure→ measure

It’s a pleasure for me to measure you for your wedding dress.

Group4: fix; six→mix;

The six-year-old boy is fixing his eyes on his grandpa who is mixing milk with coffee.

Group5: picture; nature; culture→mixture;

The picture was painted in nature. It represents(代表) many different cultures. It is a mixture of culture and nature. Group6: dislike; importance→distance

I dislike my daddy because he always moans(唠叨) about the importance of study. There is some distance between us. Group7: nation; education→tradition

In our nation, education plays a very important role. From education, young kids can learn a lot about Chinese tradition. Group8: important; express→impress

It’s very important to express yourself briefly and clearly in public. Only in this way can you impress others deeply. Group9: healthy→wealthy

The healthy man is wealthy.

Task2: Listen to the tape and read after it. 听录音并跟读目标词汇。

StepII: Learn about the target words in this unit. 学习本单元的目标单词。

This morning, I came to Hejing High School, which is surrounded by many shops and restaurants. Hejing High school leaves an impression on me that there are many trees in the school and surroundings here are good .What impresses me most is that all the teachers and students are very friendly and energetic. Outside the school gate, I chatted with one student and we had a chat for about 20 minutes. He told me he lives in the school and that his parents work on a distant farm . He seldom goes home because there is a long distance between his home and the school.

Also I find students of different minority groups(少数民族) study here. The Han nationality’s(汉族)cultures and traditions mix with those of different minority groups. The mixture of different cultures and traditions is really impressive.

I guess there may be some classical traditional sports events in your school. In my opinion, you have a wealthy school… Y our classmates and your teachers are your wealth. In addition, your schoolyard is so large that to measure it is difficult. To be honest, the classroom in Huashan High School is very small and crowded, so our school should take measures to improve the situation(情况).

Task3:Read the passage and find out the meaning and part of speech of the underlined words. Then, please fill in the form with them.

Task4: Please find out the useful expressions about the underlined words from the passage and read them aloud.请找出上面


Task5: Please fill in the following blanks with the words in the form above. Pay attention to the form. 请用上面表格中单词的正确形式完成句子。

1. A c_______ room is a place where you can _______ with many different people.

2.The s____________ of the city is really good for it is __________ by green mountains and clear rivers.

3.We must take some m__________ to protect this kind of tigers which usually __________ two meters long.

4.If you m_______ red and blue, the ________ will be black.

5.Although she managed to marry a w________ young man, her great w_________ didn’t bring her happiness.

6. A d________ relative is not as good as a near neighbor, so you should not always keep your neighbors at a


7.Mount Hua really left a strong i_____________ on me. I was ___________by the beautiful scenery there, such as green

high mountains, the sunrise and so on.

StepIII: Learn about the target expressions in this unit. 学习本单元的目标短语

Task6: Read the following sentences and try to get the meaning of the underlined expressions. 阅读下列例句并根据上下文理解划线短语的意思。

1. I like coffee rather than tea for my breakfast. That is to say, I like coffee for my breakfa st. I don’t like tea for my breakfast.

2. In 2002, Bob moved to California and has settled down there since then. He has lived and worked there for about 12 years.

3. Although the fire was very big, Tom and his friend were lucky and managed to escape from it. Now, both of them are very healthy and wealthy.

4. When I passed by the window, my grandpa caught sight of me but I didn’t see him.

5. He has a gift for music and has been awarded many prizes for music talent show. He can play many musical instruments and compose(创作) songs.

6. Can you see the small figure(轮廓)in the distance? Look, it is walking towards you and becoming bigger and bigger. Task7: Replace the following underlined parts with the expressions we have just learned. Pay attention to the form.用我们刚才所学的短语替换下列划线部分。注意其形式。

1.He has a special ability for chatting with strangers, so he has made a lot of friends.

2.He saw a light that was far away.

3.I saw him playing basketball on the playground yesterday afternoon.

4.John has great difficulty in learning English, but he succeeded in passing the final exam.

5.They aim at quality instead of quantity.

6.When I was young, my parents moved to Shanghai and made it our home.

Task8: Work in pairs. One asks; the other answers. Then exchange. 同桌合作,一问一答。然后交换。

1.Who do you often have a chat with after class?

2.Which do you like? Which do you do n’t like? Films or TV?(用rather than回答)

3.Is your house surrounded by water? If not, what is it surrounded by?

4.How long does your table measure?

5.After you graduate from university, in which city are you going to settle down?

6.What does your English teacher have a gift for?

7.What impression does Mr He leave on you?(He leaves an impression on me that…)

Homework : Fill in the blanks with words and expressions we have just learnt or the right form of given words.用我们刚才学过的单词或短语以及其正确形式完成下文。

In 2010, my college classmates and I made a trip to Mount Hua. It is not a long _____1____ from our college to it. We went there by bus. W e decided to climb the mountain__2__ __3__ ride a cable car(缆车) because we wanted to enjoy the scenery along the way. We ___4____(chat) happily all the way. On the way, we not only ___5_____ sight of eagles flying over our heads, but also enjoyed watching many scenic spots(景点). In addition, my best friend Wang Song has a ___6__ for singing, so he sang many popular songs for us. Although it was really hard work climbing the mountain, we ____7___(manage) to reach the east peak(东峰) about 8 hours later. It ____8____(measure) over 2000 meters high. It ___9____(surround) by a number of small mountains.

Seen from there, Mount Hua was almost covered by a ___10_____(mix) of water and mist. W e felt as if we were in a wonderland(仙境). Then, we waited for half an hour to see the sunset(日出). When the bright red sun rose slowly in front of my eyes, I ____11___(impress) by the scenery.

If you travel to Mount Hua, I believe you will feel like __12____(settle) down nearby.


Unit 5 Let’s eat 教案背景 1、面向学生:小学 2、学科:英语 3、课时:三年级上册Unit 5 Let’s eat part A Let’s learn & Let’s do第一课时 教材版本:PEP 教学课题 Unit 5 Let’s eat part A Let’s learn & Let’s do 学材分析: 本课时为小学英语PEP 教材三年级上册Unit 5 Part B中的Let's learn部分,主要围绕“food”这一话题展开,目的是让学生学习如何表达自己喜爱的食物以及为别人提供或请别人吃东西时的表达语,尤其是能在一定的情境下会用Here you are. Have some ... 和别人交流沟通。另外,Let's play部分是在实物展示和识别过程中,鼓励学生反复说出I like删掉hot dogs 改为(some juice).I like 删掉hamburgers改为(egg& eggs)原因用新PEP教材.I like some milk. I like bread.等以达到巩固本课学习内容的目的。 本节课的学习任务在全单元中所处的位置比较重要,和Let's talk部分共同构成了本单元的主体。所以,我把本节课的学习重点确定为:在多媒体课件、实物、图片的帮助下,能听懂、会说、会认读本课时有关食物的4个单词egg,bread,milk,juice,做到发音清晰、语音语调正确。 学情分析: 在本单元的学习中,我根据学生的实际情况,调整Part A Let's learn和Let's do 为第一课时,本节课初步掌握了egg,milk,juice, bread的听、说、读、写以及初步了解了复数形式eggs,不可数名词juice milk bread是本节课的学习重点,“I like some juice ...”是单词教学的拓展和延伸。 学习的主体是学生,为了切实掌握学生的情况,我采取课前调查的方式对本班学生进行了调查, [学生情况]本课的教学对象为三年级学生。他们活泼好动,注意力容易分散,爱表现自我,乐于表达。他们对直观、新颖、有趣的内容感兴趣,喜欢参与游戏、竞赛等趣味活动。 通过对调查问卷数据的分析,我发现: 学生对于西方食物非常喜爱,对于本节课操练单词的句型I like…..,已经有75%的学生掌握,而Here you are的答语,已经有80%的学生掌握。 因此,I like…和Here you are,不能成为本节课的难点,据以往教学经验和通过对学生进行了解,我将本节课的难点定为:egg,milk, bread 和juice 四个单词的发音;初步了解可数名词复数形式:eggs. 学习目标: 1、在多媒体课件、食物、图片的帮助下,能听懂、会说、会认读本课时有关食物的4个单

《切线》word版 公开课一等奖教案 (2)

当我们在日常办公时,经常会遇到一些不太好编辑和制作的资料。这些资料因为用的比较少,所以在全网范围内,都不易被找到。您看到的资料,制作于2021年,是根据最新版课本编辑而成。我们集合了衡中、洋思、毛毯厂等知名学校的多位名师,进行集体创作,将日常教学中的一些珍贵资料,融合以后进行再制作,形成了本套作品。 本套作品是集合了多位教学大咖的创作经验,经过创作、审核、优化、发布等环节,最终形成了本作品。本作品为珍贵资源,如果您现在不用,请您收藏一下吧。因为下次再搜索到我的机会不多哦! 福建省泉州市九年级数学下册《28.2.3 切线(2)》教案华东师大 版 教学目标: 通过探究,使学生发现、掌握切线长定理,并初步长定理,并初步学会应用切线长定理解决问题,同时通过从三角形纸片中剪出最大圆的实验的过程中发现三角形内切圆的画法,能用内心的性质解决问题。 教学重点: 切线长定理及其应用,三角形的内切圆的画法和内心的性质。 教学难点: 三角形的内心及其半径的确定。 教学过程 (一)复习导入: 请同学们回顾一下, 1.如何判断一条直线是圆的切线? 2.圆的切线具有什么性质? (经过半径外端且垂直于这条半径的直线是圆的切线; 圆的切线垂直于经过切点的半径。) 你能说明以下这个问题?如右图所示,PA是 BAC 的平分线,AB是⊙O的切线,切点E, 那么AC是⊙O的切线吗?为什么? (二)实践与探索问题: 1、从圆外一点可以作圆的几条切线?请同学们画一画。 2、请问:这一点与切点的两条线段的长度相等吗?为什么? 3、切线长的定义是什么? P O F E C B A

通过以上几个问题的解决,使同学们得出以下的结论: 从圆外一点可以引圆的两条切线,切线长相等。 这一点与圆心的连线平分两条切线的夹角。 (三)拓展与应用 : 例:右图,PA 、PB 是,切点分别是A 、B ,直线EF 也是⊙O 的切线,切点为P ,交PA 、PB 为E 、F 点,已知12PA cm =,70P ∠=?, (1)求PEF 的周长; (2)求EOF ∠的度数。 解:(1)连结PA 、PB 、EF 是⊙O 的切线 所以PA PB =,EA EQ =,FQ FB = 所 以 PEF 的周长24OE EP PF FB PA PB cm =+++=+= (2)因为PA 、PB 、EF 是⊙O 的切线 所以PA OA ⊥,PB OB ⊥,EF OQ ⊥ AEO QEO ∠=∠,QFO BFO ∠=∠ 所以180110AOB P ∠=?-∠=?, 1 552 EOF AOB ∠= ∠=? (四)练习:P58第10题. 小结:切线长定理:从圆外一点可以引圆的两条切线,切线长相等。 这一点与圆心的连线平分两条切线的夹角。 作业:P48第11、12题。 三角形的内切圆 教学目标: 通过从三角形纸片中剪出最大圆的实验的过程中发现三角形内切圆的画法, 能用内心的性质解决问题。 教学重点 :三角形的内切圆的画法和内心的性质。 O B Q O F E B A


294 切线长定理 1.掌握切线长定理,初步学会运用切线长定理进行计算与证明. 2.了解有关三角形的内切圆和三角形的内心的概念. 3.学会利用方程思想解决几何问题,体验数形结合思想. 一、情境导入 新农村建设中,张村计划在一个三角形中建一个最大面积的圆形花园,请你设计一个建筑方案.、 二、合作探究 探究点一:切线长定理 【类型一】利用切线长定理求三角形的周长 如图,PA 、PB 分别与⊙O 相切于点A 、B ,⊙O 的切线EF 分别交PA 、PB 于点E 、F , 切点在(AB ︵)上.若PA 长为2,则△PEF 的周长是________. 解析:因为PA 、PB 分别与⊙O 相切于点A 、B ,所以PA =PB ,因为⊙O 的切线EF 分别交PA 、PB 于点E 、F ,切点为,所以EA =E ,F =BF ,所以△PEF 的周长PE +EF +PF =PE +E +F +PF =(PE +E )+(F +PF )=PA +PB =2+2=4

【类型二】利用切线长定理求角的大小 如图,PA、PB是⊙O的切线,切点分别为A、B,点在⊙O上,如果∠AB=70°, 那么∠OPA的度数是________度. 解析:如图所示,连接OA、OB∵PA、PB是⊙O的切线,切点分别为A、B,∴OA⊥PA,OB⊥PB,∴∠OAP=∠OBP=90°又∵∠AOB=2∠AB=140°,∴∠APB=360°-∠PAO-∠AOB -∠OBP=360°-90°-140°-90°=40°又易证△POA≌△POB,∴∠OPA=错误!∠APB =20°故答案为20 方法总结:由公共点引出的两条切线,可以运用切线长定理得到等腰三角形.另外根据全等的判定,可得到PO平分∠APB 【类型三】切线长定理的实际应用 为了测量一个圆形铁环的半径,某同学采用了如下办法:将铁环平放在水平桌面 上,用一个锐角为30°的三角板和一把刻度尺,按如图所示的方法得到相关数据,进而可求得铁环的半径.若测得PA=5c,则铁环的半径长是多少?说一说你是如何判断的. 解:过O作OQ⊥AB于Q,设铁环的圆心为O,连接OP、OA∵AP、AQ为⊙O的切线,∴AO为∠PAQ的平分线,即∠PAO=∠QAO又∠BA=60°,∠PAO+∠QAO+∠BA=180°,∴∠PAO=∠QAO=60°在Rt△OPA中,PA=5,∠POA=30°,∴OP=55(c),即铁环的半径为55c 探究点二:三角形的内切圆 【类型一】求三角形的内切圆的半径 如图,⊙O是边长为2的等边△AB的内切圆,则⊙O的半径为________.


BookIUnit5词汇检测 Class:Name:Grade:_______一.单词默写 _________adj.自私的 _________adv.无私地;忘我地_________vt.献身,专心于 _________adj.无私的,忘我的_________n.共和国,共和政体_________n.法则,原则;原理_________adj.和平的,平静的,安宁的 _________n.舞台阶段;时期 _________vt投票,选举,投票n.选票,表决 _________vt.进攻;攻击;抨击 _________n.费(会费、学费等),酬金 _________adj.有希望的, _________n.青年;青年时期 _________adj.相等的,平等的_________adj.乐意的,自愿的_________v.逃脱,逃走,泄露_________n.毛毯,毯子 _________vt.教育 _________adj.受过教育的,有教养的 _________vi.请求;乞求_________n.亲戚,亲属 _________vt.判决,宣判 _________n.总统;会长;校长;行长 _________n.意见,看法,主张 _________n.暴力;暴行 _________n.律师 _________n.指导,领导 _________adj.法律的.依照法律的 _________vt.建设 _________n.人类 _________n.同盟;联合会 _________adj.不公正的,不公平的_________n.质量,品质;胜质 _________n报酬;奖金,vt.酬劳,奖赏 _________adj.吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的 _________adj.积极的,活跃的_________adj.慷慨的,大方的_________adj.忠实的;深爱的_________n.自我,自身 _________n.恐怖,恐怖时期,

小学英语公开课五下 Unit5 Helping our parents说课稿

小学英语公开课五下 Unit5 Helping our parents说课稿 今天我执教的内容是译林版小学英语五年级下册第五单元Helping our parents第一课时story time.下面我将从语篇建构、拓展运用和学会做人这三个方面和大家作一个简单的汇报。 首先是关于语篇建构。今天,我执教的语言材料是以Mike为视角的一家人周六一天的生活场景。课文有上午和下午两个场景组成,主要内容是家务劳动。人物以家庭为单位,主题彰显互助精神。基于课文的主题,我建构了以“我的家庭”到“Mike的家庭”最后到“你的家庭”这样一条主线贯穿于整个课堂,首先由我的家庭导入新课,呈现教师的一家三口的一些生活照片和他们正在做的事情,让学生说一说他们正在做的事情,使他们对现在进行时态有最直观的了解,接着一个brain storm的游戏复习了动词和动名词词组,激活了学生已有的知识储备。接着让学生亲手做一做事情并尝试运用现在进行时态的句子进行表达。第二步,整体引入文本由我的家庭过渡到Mike的家庭,进入文本后我分层处理活动,在分层中化解难度,提供方法,体现从“教会”到“学会”。具体的方法是:看一看(观察图片,了解故事的人物和地点)、听一听(听第一段课文录音,了解故事发生的时

间)、读一读(细读课文,找出每个人正在做哪些事情)、通过抓住重点词汇和句型开展读书和操练活动以培养他们良好的语感以及正确的语音语调。在此基础上,指导学生掌握自主学习的策略,采取半扶半放的方式让学生自学第二段,通过自读课文划句子,小组问答练习检测学习情况,并随文识词,在音、形、义几个方面解决文本中的语言点。此后,观看课文卡通整体收尾,梳理并强化课文主要人物分别在上午做什么,下午做了什么。 第二点是语言的拓展运用。我有以下几点要和各位老师共同分享。细读文本我发现本课文教材留有一定的空白,对于教材的留白处,我没有忽略,而是进一步挖掘,从而发现教学的生长点。例如,在上午的场景中,爸爸正在擦车,而下午没有提及,我抓住此处留白进行追问,激发学生想象爸爸可能会干什么。第二个留白是小狗正在睡觉,我抓住小狗睡觉并创造了一个梦境,引入了小狗做家务的一段视频,让学生观看视频时对他正在做的事情进行勾选,从而拓宽了家务活的认识范围,同时也提高课堂教学的趣味性。第三个拓展是让画一画自己帮父母做家务的情景,通过一个小练笔的形式对教材进行了一个拓展延伸,同时呈现了一个知识的输出。 第三点是学会做人。本课内容看似平淡无奇,但是它传递了一个信息,即在家庭生活中,每个人都有义务承担一些

北师大版九年级数学下册3.7切线长定理公开课优质教案 (1)

切线长定理 一、教学目标 1. 使学生理解切线长定义. 2. 使学生掌握切线长定理,并能初步运用. 二、教学重点和难点 重点:切线长定理. 难点:切线长定理及应用 三、教学过程 (一)情境引入: 1. 作一作:过圆O 外一点P 作出圆O 想一想,可以作几条? .O P. (二)学习新知: 圆的切线长概念 上图中,P 是⊙O 外一点,__________________是⊙O 的切线,我们把线段__________________的长叫做点P 到⊙O 的切线长. 注:切线和切线长是两个不同的概念,切线是直线,不能度量;切线长是线段的长,这条线段的两个端点分别是圆外一点和切点,可以度量. (三)合作探究: 【探究一】 1、探索问题1:从⊙O 外一点P 引⊙O 的两条切线,切点分别为A 、B ,那么线段PA 和PB 之间有何关系? (1)根据条件画出图形; O P A

(2)度量线段PA和PB的长度; (3)猜想:线段PA和PB之间的关系; (4)寻找证明猜想的途径; (5)在图3中还能得出哪些结论?并把它们归类. (6)上述各结论中,你想把哪个结论作为切线长的性质?请说明理由. 2. 圆的切线长定理 从圆外一点引圆的_______条切线,它们的切线长_______,圆心和这一点的连线_______两条切线的夹角. 已知:(如上图) 求证: 证明: 3、剖析定理: (1)指出定理的题设和结论; (2)用符号语言表示定理: ∵PA、PB分别是⊙O的切线,点A、B分别为切点,(PA、PB分别与⊙O 相切于点A、B) ∴PA=PB,∠APO=∠BPO. (3)切线和切线长区别. 切线是到圆心距离等于圆的半径的直线,而切线长是线段,指过圆外一点做圆的切线,该点到切点的距离. 【探究二】圆的外切四边形的概念及性质. 请同学们先在草稿本中作出有关已知圆O的四条切线,再互相交流与讨论你的发现与结论,并加以验证.

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