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面向PDM 实施的业务过程重组的若干算法分析

刘敏 陈恳 纪丰伟

( 清华大学精密仪器及机械学系 北京 100084 )

摘要: 成功实施PDM 系统目标是建立集成产品开发系统缩短产品研制周期实施过程是建立在对企业产品开发领域的业务过程业务活动和功能操作的详细描述的基础之上的建立一个目标产品开发的控制管理模型是系统分析阶段的主要任务这个模型的建立过程中问题的定位瓶颈的消除以及在集成的计算机环境下系统的优化是实施PDM 实现集成产品开发的关键实现过程的并行和上下游信息的充分沟通是缩短产品研制周期的有效手段也是优化的重要途径本文对业务现状模型AS-IS 的分析到业务目标模型(TO-BE)的确立中的关键技术作了方法学上的研究主要分析了过程优化和重组的一些方法和算法

关键词: PDM 实施 业务过程重组 算法

1 引言


向着更深远的方向发展计算机辅助设计CAD 计算机辅助工程CAE 办公自动化OA 等等各种单元技术的兴起与推广极大的提高了各部门内部的工作效率和准确性并使这些单元技术之间的集成成为了进一步发展的需要图1表明了这种需求的产生和解决问题的思路由于部门和不同单元应用系统之间的数据信息单独处理存放如图a

所示造成了信息之间的割裂部门和不同应用系统之间的数据传送不但占用了大量的人力和时间同时错误和推诿现象也时常发生于是人们希望定义这样一个公共的信息存储区域在严格的规则约束下各个部门根据工作的需要在此公共区域上各取所需共同完成产品开发任务如图b 所示这样,将极大的节约数据交换的时间同时减少了不同应用系统重复建模的现象这正是信息与功能集成的思想在此基础上人们又发现在此信息共享的方案下以往因为部门之间地理上的分离交互的不便使得本来分离在两个部门中执行的不同事务过程事实上在新的平台上是可以重

组为一同进行的统一过程如图C 所示在


BPR 并行工程的思想出发点也是PDM



2 PDM 对业务过程重组的支持

产品数据管理PDM Product Date

Management 是在现代产品开发环境中成长和发展起来的一项管理数据的新技术它提供了在企业范围内为设计与制造构筑并行化和集成化产品开发环境的使能技术PDM 的内涵是集成并管理与产品有关的信息与过程并以此为契机优化企业的产品开发模式

PDM 作为企业产品数据产品开发过程和产品开发组织的管理平台所要实现的并不完全是企业当前的产品开发过程和组织机构在PDM 的支持下企业通过在集成的数据平台上进行操作数据的过程优化和组织优化来实现集成产品开发


1) 通过数据仓库流程控制促进过程的并发执

2) 为多学科的虚拟产品开发团队的组建提供技


3) 为虚拟产品开发团队营造一个协同工作环

PDM 的实施为资源结构的重组和集成产品开发团队的组建提供了可能资源将打破部门的疆界而共同服务于产品开发的目标PDM 系统不但要做到在正确的时机将正确的数据以正确的方式传递给正确的人帮助做出正确的

决定还保证了数据不可被越权访问,造成难以挽回的损失同集成产品开发模式相适应的组织形式是多学科产品开发团队集成的过程意味着打破部门之间的界限充分考虑任务之间的相互关系使开发活动并行交互的进行而任命跨职能的任务团队是实现集成产品开发过程必不可少的组织保证PDM 的实施为多学科产品开发团队的组建提供了技术上的支持

PDM 环境维护了集成产品开发的工作环境PDM 通过团队的共享数据仓库技术实现产品开发团队的信息共享支持并发过程的展开对于数据仓库的数据的操作有检入check

in 检出check

out 拷贝删除冻结查看等等团队中的不同角色对于团队共享的数据仓库中的数据是具有不同操作权限,完全根据企业的业务规则来进行定义

此外在不同的产品开发阶段使用了不同的设计软件和分析工具PDM 软件集成管理系统则对不同阶段的应用系统进行有机的集成通过PDM 实现不同软件之间的信息共享和数据集成

3 业务过程的优化重组的算法

成功的实施PDM 系统是建立在对企业产品开发领域的业务过程业务活动和功能操作的详细描述的基础之上的建立一个目标的产品开发的控制管理模型以缩短研制周期是系统分析阶段的主要目标这个模型的建立是在企业产品开发的管理过程的反复优化后得到的

实现过程的并行和上下游信息的充分沟通是有效的缩短产品研制周期的手段也是优化的重要途径由于网络通讯手段的进步使得以往的资源配置方式发生了极大的优化的可能在PDM 系统的集成平台上通过资源的优化配置组织的合理重构过程的高效重组使得BPR 成为可能并且是必要的这里我们讨论业务过程优化的相关算法该算法是建立在实施PDM 而提供的优化前提之上的

业务过程优化的第一步是对企业的业务现状进行分析假设针对某产出产品对象O3的业务过程的分析得到与O3相关的业务活动池如图2所示要得到产品对象O3需要经过三个业务活动A B C 使用资源A B C D 业务现状(AS-IS)的过程模型如图3过程a 所示



1) 保证活动中输入输出的对象信息的


the same media type 即信息的表达方式不变

2) 保证组织分配的所需的资源池在网

络平台上的可获取性resource availability in organizational assignments 即资源的重组可顺利实现

3) 保证系统为不增值活动提供自动化

机制automation mechanism 即自动化系统替代某些认为活动


1) 消除重复活动

在过程a 中由于资源B C 分立使得业务活动B 不得不在不同的资源使用条件下分别展开造成了业务过程中的重复活动通过组织重构和资源配置的优化使得资源B C 在新的组织方式下能够同时获得这样可以消除过程a 中重复的业务活动B 如图3过程b 所示

2) 消除非增值活动

在过程a b 中业务活动B 并未改变输入的业务对象也没有生成新的业务对象在整个过程中它只起到传递业务对象的作用那么在集成产品开发系统中这类业务活动可由系统自动完成从而简化整个业务过程如图3过程c 所示


图3 流程重组

流程重组的前提是组织上的保证通过组织重构支持过程重组组织重构的思想是优化资源配置如图3所示在新的组织方式下资源的可获取性发生了根本的变化上图流程重组过程中过程b 的优化是建立在组织E 的构造之上的本由于资源配置方式的不合理

同样的业务活动B 需要在不同的组织下重复执行通过组织重构使得消除重复活动成为可能同样过程c 的优化也是建立在重构的组织F 之上的



B 组织

C 组织

D (过程b)




3) 分解业务过程促进活动并发执行


A2B1B2四个业务活动在图6所示的串行过程中业务过程BP-A 包括A1和A2,将产生中间对象O2和最终对象O3业务过程BP-B 包括活动B1和B2,B1以O2为输入对象我们可以看到串行的过程中业务过程B 将等待至业务过程A 完全完成后开始经过并行过程重组后如图7所示活动A1完成后立刻触发以A1的输出对象O2为输入对象的活动B1和A2并发执行这样就提高了整个系统的运行效率



图7 并行过程




4 结论

在实施PDM 的过程中业务过程重组是实现集成产品开发的必经之路本文在分析产品开发领域业务过程重组的基本思想以及产品数据管理对这个过程的支持机制之后提出了实施

PDM 优化重组业务过程的一些算法并分析了该算法的实现前


及实现过程并行展开的优化算法这些算法将在企业实施PDM 过程中帮助进行分析业务现状找到业务瓶颈确立目标产品开发模型从而实现集成产品开发




Liu Min, Chen Ken, Ji Fengwei

(Dept. PIM, Tsinghua University, Beijing, PRC, 100084)


The objective of successfully implementing PDM is to construct integrated product development system in enterprise and save the product development time. The whole implementation process is based on the detailed descriptions of the enterprise business processes, business activities and functional operations, which are mainly concerned with the product development domain. And the primary task of system design phase is to build a To-Be product development control and management model. During this process, the location of problem, the eliminating of bottleneck, and the optimization of system running in integrated computer environment are key to PDM implementation and integrated product development. Concurrent process and free communication are effective methods of shorten the product development cycle, and they are also important means of optimization. This paper studied some key techniques about analyzing AS-IS business process and constructing of TO-BE business process model. Some algorithms of process optimization and re-construction are presented.

Key words:PDM Implementation, Business Process Reengineering, Algorithm

1 Introduction

In the product development field of manufacturing, the automation techniques are extending towards both wider and deeper area. The rise and expanding of cell automation techniques, such as Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) and so on, contribute greatly to the improvement of department working efficiency and accuracy, But they also bring out some new problems at the same time. Integration of separate systems becomes necessary. Data integration and process integration (Fig. 1) reflect the cause and the solution of problem. Because different departments or different applications store / access their data in/ from their own databases which are totally separated from one another (Fig.

1. a.), the data transferring not only results in the decrease of system running efficiency, mistakes and buck-passing may also occur. Then, a common database for every concerned process and department is in demand. Working on a common database, and limited by strict rules, different processes focus their work on needed data views, and complete the product development task in collaboration. The data transfer time is spared greatly and the phenomenon of remolding is avoided (Fig. 1. b.). This is the philosophy of Data integration. Also basing on the Common DB, people find that system efficiency can be improved more though process reconstructing. Process separated by department or physical limit can be combined into a new optimized process (Fig. 1. c.). During this reconstructing process, not only the processes themselves, the resources, information and organization are also optimized. From separated systems to data integrated systems to process integrated system, this process embodies the origin and blooming of Concurrent engineering, Business process reengineering and their enable framework, PDM as well.

2 PDM Support Business Process Reengineering

PDM, Product Data Management is an advanced information management technology arising and developing in modern product development environment. It provides enterprises with an enable mechanism to realize concurrent and integrated product development. The signification of PDM consists in integration and management of all concerned data and processes of product. Taking advantage of the implementation of PDM, enterprises can also optimize their product development patterns.

Acting as a base of managing enterprise product data, product development process and product development organization, PDM is implemented not to simulate AS-IS product development process or product development organization, but to help enterprise build an integrated product development system through process reengineering and organization redesign. PDM’s supporting effects consist three aspect:

Fig. 1 Data integration and Process integration [2]

1) speed up the concurrent work deployment through data vault and process control function.

2) Technically guarantee the organization of virtual product development team consist different

experts from different field.

3) Construct an collaborating working environment for the virtual product development team. Implementation of PDM make it possible technically that the resource structure could be reconstructed and the integrated product development team could be organized. Resource will break the limit of department and geography to serve the objective attainment of product development. PDM system is designed not only to ‘in the right time, through right means, transfer the right data, to the right persons, help make right decision’ but also to avoid the data not to be illegally accessed. The organization corresponding to integrated product development pattern is multi-field product development team. Integration process means break department limits, take full considerations of relations between different tasks, and make different activities be carried out concurrently and correlatively. The building of an integrated product development team plays an indispensable role. Implementation of PDM provides the technical support for this constructing of IPDT.

PDM builds an integrated development environment for enterprises. Through providing the shared vault for IPDT, PDM make it possible that the information could be shared safely and fully. The functional operations about vault consist of Check-in, Check-out, Copy, Delete, Freeze, View, etc. Different roles in the team
