当前位置:文档之家› 高中英语语法中名词的使用




来源:网络文章作者:匿名2009-02-12 10:30:03


名词可以分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词(Common Nouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness等。

名词可以分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词(Common Nouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness等。普通名词又可分为下面四类:

1)个体名词(Individual Nouns):表示某类人或东西中的个体,如:gun。

2)集体名词(Collective Nouns):表示若干个个体组成的集合体,如:family。

3)物质名词(Material Nouns):表示无法分为个体的实物,如:air。

4)抽象名词(Abstract Nouns):表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如:wor k。

个体名词和集体名词可以用数目来计算,称为可数名词(Countable Nouns),物质名词和抽象名词一般无法用数目计算,称为不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)。归纳一下,名词的分类可以下图表示:



| 名|| 个体名词||

|||| 可数名词|

||| 集体名词||


| 词|| 物质名词||

|||| 不可数名词|

||| 抽象名词||

1.1 名词复数的规则变化




一般情况加-s 1.清辅音后读/s/;map-maps












以辅音字母+y变y 为i




1) 以y结尾的专有名词,或元音字母+y 结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数:如:two Marys the Henrys

monkey---monkeys holiday---holidays

比较:层楼:storey ---storeys story---stories

2) 以o 结尾的名词,变复数时:

a. 加s,如:photo---photos piano---pianos

radio---radios zoo---zoos;

b. 加es,如:potato--potatoes tomato--tomatoes

c. 均可,如:zero---zeros / zeroes

3) 以f或fe 结尾的名词变复数时:

a. 加s,如:belief---beliefs roof---roofs

safe---safes gulf---gulfs;

b. 去f,fe 加ves,如:half---halves

knife---knives leaf---leaves wolf---wolves

wife---wives life---lives thief---thieves;

c. 均可,如:handkerchief:

handkerchiefs / handkerchieves


1)child---children foot---feet tooth---teeth

mouse---mice man---men woman---women

注意:与man 和woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是-men 和-women。

如:an Englishman,two Englishmen. 但German不是合成词,故复数形式为German s;Bowman是姓,其复数是the Bowmans。



li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin


a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters


如:people police cattle 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people,a police,a cattle,但可以说

a person,a policeman,a head of cattle,the English,the British,the French,the Chi nese,the Japanese,the Swiss 等名词,表示国民总称时,作复数用。

如:The Chinese are industries and brave.中国人民是勤劳勇敢的。


a. maths,politics,physics等学科名词,为不可数名词,是单数。

b. news 是不可数名词。

c. the United States,the United Nations 应视为单数。

The United Nations was organized in 1945. 联合国是1945年组建起来的。

d. 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。

"The Arabian Nights" is a very interesting story-book.


5) 表示由两部分构成的东西,如:glasses (眼镜)trousers,clothes

若表达具体数目,要借助数量词pair(对,双);suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs o f trousers



a. 当物质名词转化为个体名词时。

比较:Cake is a kind of food.蛋糕是一种食物。(不可数)

These cakes are sweet.这些蛋糕很好吃。(可数)

b. 当物质名词表示该物质的种类时,名词可数。

This factory produces steel.(不可数)

We need various steels.(可数)

c. 当物质名词表示份数时,可数。

Our country is famous for tea.


Two teas, please.



four freedoms 四大自由

the four modernizations四个现代化



a glass of water 一杯水

a piece of advice一条建议) 用复数作定语。

如:sports meeting 运动会

students reading-room 学生阅览室

talks table 谈判桌

the foreign languages department 外语系

2) man, woman, gentleman等作定语时,其单复数以所修饰的名词的单复数而定。如:men workers women teachers

gentlemen officials

3) 有些原有s结尾的名词,作定语时,s保留。

如:goods train (货车)

arms produce武器生产

customs papers 海关文件

clothes brush衣刷

4) 数词+名词作定语时,这个名词一般保留单数形式。

如:two-dozen eggs两打/(二十四个鸡蛋)

a ten-mile walk 十里路

two-hundred trees 两百棵树

a five-year plan.一个五年计划

个别的有用复数作定语的,如:a seven-years child

.6 不同国家的人的单复数


中国人the Chinese a Chinese two Chinese

瑞士人the Swiss a Swiss two Swiss

澳大利亚人the an two

Australians Australian Australians

俄国人the Russians a Russian two Russians

意大利人the Italians an Italian two Italians

希腊人the Greek a Greek two Greeks

法国人the French a Frenchman two


日本人the Japanese a Japanese two Japanese

美国人the Americans an American two Americans

印度人the Indians an Indian two Indians

加拿大人the Canadians a Canadian two Canadians

德国人the Germans a Germans two Germans

英国人the English an Englishman two


瑞典人the Swedish a Swede two Swedes

1.7 名词的格

在英语中有些名词可以加"'s"来表示所有关系,带这种词尾的名词形式称为该名词的所有格,如:a teacher's book。名词所有格的规则如下:

1)单数名词词尾加"'s",复数名词词尾没有s,也要加"'s",如the boy's bag 男孩的书包,men's room 男厕所。

2)若名词已有复数词尾-s ,只加"'",如:the workers' struggle工人的斗争。

3)凡不能加"'s"的名词,都可以用"名词+of +名词"的结构来表示所有关系,如:the t itle of the song 歌的名字。

4)在表示店铺或教堂的名字或某人的家时,名词所有格的后面常常不出现它所修饰的名词,如:the barber's 理发店。


如:John's and Mary's room(两间)John and Mary's room(一间)

6)复合名词或短语,'s 加在最后一个词的词尾。

如:a month or two's absence .1 不定冠词的用法

冠词是虚词,本身不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面,帮助指明名词的含义。英语中的冠词有三种,一种是定冠词(the Definite Article),另一种是不定冠词(the Indefinite Article),还有一种是零冠词(Zero Article)。

不定冠词a (an)与数词one 同源,是"一个"的意思。a用于辅音音素前,一般读作[e],而an则用于元音音素前,一般读做[en]。

1) 表示"一个",意为one;指某人或某物,意为a certain。

A Mr. Ling is waiting for you.

2) 代表一类人或物。

A knife is a tool for cutting with.

Mr. Smith is an engineer.

3) 词组或成语。

a little / a few / a lot / a type of / a pile / a great many / many a / as a rule / in a hurry / in a minute / in a word / in a short while / after a while / have a cold / hav e a try / keep an eye on / all of a sudden

2 定冠词的用法



Take the medicine.把药吃了。


He bought a house.I've been to the house.



the sun,the sky,the moon,the earth

4)单数名词连用表示一类事物,如:the dollar 美元;

the fox 狐狸;或与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人:the rich 富人; the living 生者。5)用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词only,very,same等前面:

Where do you live?I live on the second floor.你住在哪?我住在二层。

That's the very thing I've been looking for.那正是我要找的东西。


They are the teachers of this school.指全体教师)

They are teachers of this school.(指部分教师)


She caught me by the arm..她抓住了我的手臂。


the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国

the United States美国

9)用在表示乐器的名词之前:She plays the piano.她会弹钢琴。

10) 用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人:

the Greens格林一家人(或格林夫妇)

11) 用在惯用语中:

in the day, in the morning (afternoon,evening),the day after tomorrow

the day before yesterday,the next morning,

in the sky (water,field,country)

in the dark,in the rain,in the distance,

in the middle (of),in the end,

on the whole,by the way,go to the theatre

3 零冠词的用法

1) 国名,人名前通常不用定冠词:England,Mary;


They are teachers. 他们是教师。


Failure is the mother of success.失败乃成功之母。


Man cannot live without water.人离开水就无法生存。


We go to school from Monday to Friday.我们从星期一到星期五都上课。


The guards took the American to General Lee.


7)在三餐、球类运动和娱乐运动的名称前,不加冠词如:have breakfast,play chess


I can't write without pen or pencil.没有钢笔和铅笔,我就写不了字。

9)当by 与火车等交通工具连用,表示一种方式时,中间无冠词;by bus,by train;


school,college,prison,market,hospital,bed,table,class,town,church,court 等个体名词,直接置于介词后,表示该名词的深层含义;

go to hospital去医院看病

go to the hospital去医院(并不是去看病,而是有其他目的)


a. 序数词前有物主代词

b. 序数词作副词He came first in the race.

c. 在固定词组中at (the) first,first of all,from first to last

名词可以分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词(Common Nouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness等。普通名词又可分为下面四类:

1)个体名词(Individual Nouns):表示某类人或东西中的个体,如:gun。

2)集体名词(Collective Nouns):表示若干个个体组成的集合体,如:family。

3)物质名词(Material Nouns):表示无法分为个体的实物,如:air。

4)抽象名词(Abstract Nouns):表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如:wor k。

个体名词和集体名词可以用数目来计算,称为可数名词(Countable Nouns),物质名词和抽象名词一般无法用数目计算,称为不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)。归纳一下,名词的分类可以下图表示:



| 名|| 个体名词||

|||| 可数名词|

||| 集体名词||


| 词|| 物质名词||

|||| 不可数名词|

||| 抽象名词||

1.1 名词复数的规则变化




一般情况加-s 1.清辅音后读/s/;map-maps












以辅音字母+y变y 为i




1) 以y结尾的专有名词,或元音字母+y 结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数:如:two Marys the Henrys

monkey---monkeys holiday---holidays

比较:层楼:storey ---storeys story---stories

2) 以o 结尾的名词,变复数时:

a. 加s,如:photo---photos piano---pianos

radio---radios zoo---zoos;

b. 加es,如:potato--potatoes tomato--tomatoes

c. 均可,如:zero---zeros / zeroes

3) 以f或fe 结尾的名词变复数时:

a. 加s,如:belief---beliefs roof---roofs

safe---safes gulf---gulfs;

b. 去f,fe 加ves,如:half---halves

knife---knives leaf---leaves wolf---wolves

wife---wives life---lives thief---thieves;

c. 均可,如:handkerchief:

handkerchiefs / handkerchieves


1)child---children foot---feet tooth---teeth

mouse---mice man---men woman---women

注意:与man 和woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是-men 和-women。

如:an Englishman,two Englishmen. 但German不是合成词,故复数形式为German s;Bowman是姓,其复数是the Bowmans。



li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin


a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters


如:people police cattle 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people,a police,a cattle,但可以说

a person,a policeman,a head of cattle,the English,the British,the French,the Chi nese,the Japanese,the Swiss 等名词,表示国民总称时,作复数用。

如:The Chinese are industries and brave.中国人民是勤劳勇敢的。


a. maths,politics,physics等学科名词,为不可数名词,是单数。

b. news 是不可数名词。

c. the United States,the United Nations 应视为单数。

The United Nations was organized in 1945. 联合国是1945年组建起来的。

d. 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。

"The Arabian Nights" is a very interesting story-book.


5) 表示由两部分构成的东西,如:glasses (眼镜)trousers,clothes

若表达具体数目,要借助数量词pair(对,双);suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs o f trousers



a. 当物质名词转化为个体名词时。

比较:Cake is a kind of food.蛋糕是一种食物。(不可数)

These cakes are sweet.这些蛋糕很好吃。(可数)

b. 当物质名词表示该物质的种类时,名词可数。

This factory produces steel.(不可数)

We need various steels.(可数)

c. 当物质名词表示份数时,可数。

Our country is famous for tea.


Two teas, please.



four freedoms 四大自由

the four modernizations四个现代化



a glass of water 一杯水

a piece of advice一条建议) 用复数作定语。

如:sports meeting 运动会

students reading-room 学生阅览室

talks table 谈判桌

the foreign languages department 外语系

2) man, woman, gentleman等作定语时,其单复数以所修饰的名词的单复数而定。如:men workers women teachers

gentlemen officials

3) 有些原有s结尾的名词,作定语时,s保留。

如:goods train (货车)

arms produce武器生产

customs papers 海关文件

clothes brush衣刷

4) 数词+名词作定语时,这个名词一般保留单数形式。

如:two-dozen eggs两打/(二十四个鸡蛋)

a ten-mile walk 十里路

two-hundred trees 两百棵树

a five-year plan.一个五年计划

个别的有用复数作定语的,如:a seven-years child

.6 不同国家的人的单复数


中国人the Chinese a Chinese two Chinese

瑞士人the Swiss a Swiss two Swiss

澳大利亚人the an two

Australians Australian Australians

俄国人the Russians a Russian two Russians

意大利人the Italians an Italian two Italians

希腊人the Greek a Greek two Greeks

法国人the French a Frenchman two


日本人the Japanese a Japanese two Japanese

美国人the Americans an American two Americans

印度人the Indians an Indian two Indians

加拿大人the Canadians a Canadian two Canadians

德国人the Germans a Germans two Germans

英国人the English an Englishman two


瑞典人the Swedish a Swede two Swedes

1.7 名词的格

在英语中有些名词可以加"'s"来表示所有关系,带这种词尾的名词形式称为该名词的所有格,如:a teacher's book。名词所有格的规则如下:

1)单数名词词尾加"'s",复数名词词尾没有s,也要加"'s",如the boy's bag 男孩的书包,men's room 男厕所。

2)若名词已有复数词尾-s ,只加"'",如:the workers' struggle工人的斗争。

3)凡不能加"'s"的名词,都可以用"名词+of +名词"的结构来表示所有关系,如:the t itle of the song 歌的名字。

4)在表示店铺或教堂的名字或某人的家时,名词所有格的后面常常不出现它所修饰的名词,如:the barber's 理发店。


如:John's and Mary's room(两间)John and Mary's room(一间)

6)复合名词或短语,'s 加在最后一个词的词尾。

如:a month or two's absence .1 不定冠词的用法

冠词是虚词,本身不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面,帮助指明名词的含义。英语中的冠词有三种,一种是定冠词(the Definite Article),另一种是不定冠词(the Indefinite Article),还有一种是零冠词(Zero Article)。

不定冠词a (an)与数词one 同源,是"一个"的意思。a用于辅音音素前,一般读作[e],而an则用于元音音素前,一般读做[en]。

1) 表示"一个",意为one;指某人或某物,意为a certain。

A Mr. Ling is waiting for you.

2) 代表一类人或物。

A knife is a tool for cutting with.

Mr. Smith is an engineer.

3) 词组或成语。

a little / a few / a lot / a type of / a pile / a great many / many a / as a rule / in a hurry / in a minute / in a word / in a short while / after a while / have a cold / hav e a try / keep an eye on / all of a sudden

2 定冠词的用法



Take the medicine.把药吃了。


He bought a house.I've been to the house.



the sun,the sky,the moon,the earth

4)单数名词连用表示一类事物,如:the dollar 美元;

the fox 狐狸;或与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人:the rich 富人; the living 生者。5)用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词only,very,same等前面:

Where do you live?I live on the second floor.你住在哪?我住在二层。

That's the very thing I've been looking for.那正是我要找的东西。


They are the teachers of this school.指全体教师)

They are teachers of this school.(指部分教师)


She caught me by the arm..她抓住了我的手臂。


the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国

the United States美国

9)用在表示乐器的名词之前:She plays the piano.她会弹钢琴。

10) 用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人:

the Greens格林一家人(或格林夫妇)

11) 用在惯用语中:

in the day, in the morning (afternoon,evening),the day after tomorrow

the day before yesterday,the next morning,

in the sky (water,field,country)

in the dark,in the rain,in the distance,

in the middle (of),in the end,

on the whole,by the way,go to the theatre

3 零冠词的用法

1) 国名,人名前通常不用定冠词:England,Mary;


They are teachers. 他们是教师。


Failure is the mother of success.失败乃成功之母。


Man cannot live without water.人离开水就无法生存。


We go to school from Monday to Friday.我们从星期一到星期五都上课。


The guards took the American to General Lee.


7)在三餐、球类运动和娱乐运动的名称前,不加冠词如:have breakfast,play chess


I can't write without pen or pencil.没有钢笔和铅笔,我就写不了字。

9)当by 与火车等交通工具连用,表示一种方式时,中间无冠词;by bus,by train;


school,college,prison,market,hospital,bed,table,class,town,church,court 等个体名词,直接置于介词后,表示该名词的深层含义;

go to hospital去医院看病

go to the hospital去医院(并不是去看病,而是有其他目的)


a. 序数词前有物主代词

b. 序数词作副词He came first in the race.

c. 在固定词组中at (the) first,first of all,from first to last


一、基础练习 1、There are only twelve ______in the hospital.. A. woman doctors B.women doctors C.women doctor D.woman doctor 2、Mr Smith has two _______, both of whom are teachers in a school.. A.brothers-in-law B.brother-in-laws C.brothers-in-laws D.brothers-in law 3、——How many ______ does a cow have——Four. A.stomaches B.stomach C.stomachs D.stomachies 4、Some______visited our school last Wednesday.. A.German B.Germen C.Germans D.Germens 5、The_______ of the building are covered with lots of . A.roofs; leaves B.rooves; leafs C.roof; leaf D.roofs; leafs 6、When the farmer returned home he found three_______ missing.. A.sheeps B.sheepes C.sheep D.sheepies 7、That was a fifty_______ engine.. A.horse power B.horses power C.horse powers D.horses powers 8、My father often gives me ______ A.many advice B.much advice C.a lot of advices D.a few advice 9、Mary broke a ______while she was washing up. A.tea cup B.a cup of tea C.tea’s cup D.cup teas 10、Can you give us some ______ about the writer?. https://www.doczj.com/doc/3213482605.html,rmations https://www.doczj.com/doc/3213482605.html,rmation C.piece of informations D.pieces information 11、I had a cup of _____and two pieces of_____ this morning. A.teas; bread B.teas; breads C.tea; breads D.tea; bread 12、As is known to us all, ______ travels much faster than ______. A.lights; sounds B.light; sound C.sound; light D.sounds; lights 13、She told him of all her ___ and ____ A.hope; fear B.hopes; fear C.hopes; fears D.hope; fears 14、The rising _____have(has) a lot of ____to the crops. A.water; harm B.water; harms C.waters; harm D.waters; harms 15、How far away is it from here to your school?”----About ______ . A.half an hour”s driv e B.half hours drives C.half an hour drives D.half an hour drive 16、The shirt isn”t mine. It”s _____ . A.Mrs Smith B.Mrs” Smith C.Mrs Smiths’ D.Mrs Smith”s 17、Miss Johnson is a friend of _______. A.Mary’s mother B.Mary’s mothers’ C.Mary mother’s D.Mary’s mother’s 18、Last week I called at my _____Last week I called at my _____. A.aunt B.aunts C.aunt’s D.auntes’ 19、The beach is a ______throw. A.stone B.stones C.stones’ D.stone’s 20、I can hardly imagine ____sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.


专题练习一 A (2017·山西省大同市灵丘县模拟) The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military book __1__(date) from the 5th century BC.__2__ (write) by the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu (“Master Sun”,also spelled Sunzi), the book consists of 13 chapters, each of __3__ is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is__4__ (common) thought of __5__ a great work on military strategy and tactics(战术). It __6__ (place) at the head of China's Seven Military Classics in 1080 by Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty , __7__ it has long been the most influential strategy text in East Asia. It has had__8__ influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond. Its first complete English translation was completed and published by Lionel Giles in 1910. __9__ (leader) such as Mao Zedong, General V o Nguyen Giap, General Douglas MacArthur and so on have drawn__10__ (inspire) from the work. 答案与解析 文章介绍了“孙子兵法”这本中国古代杰出的军事作品,以及对后人的影响。 1.dating考查非谓语动词。此处dating from是现在分词短语作定语,修饰book。 2.Written考查非谓语动词。分析句式可知,write和句子主语the book 之间是被动关系,故用过去分词形式表示被动。 3.which考查关系代词。根据句式可知,此处是一个非限制性


高中英语语法详解:动名词 概念 动名词由动词原形+ING构成,是一种非谓语动词形式 相关知识点精讲: 1.作主语。例如: Fighting broke out between the South and the North. 南方与北方开战了。 2.作宾语 a. 有些动词能够用动名词作宾语。例如: admit 承认 appreciate 感激 avoid 避免 complete完成 consider认为 delay 耽误 deny 否认 detest 讨厌 endure 忍受 enjoy 喜欢 escape 逃脱 fancy 想象 finish 完成

imagine 想象 mind 介意 miss 想念 postpone推迟 practice 训练 recall 回忆 resent 讨厌 resume 继续 resist 抵抗 risk 冒险 suggest 建议 face 面对 include 包括 stand 忍受 understand 理解 forgive 宽恕 keep 继续 例如:Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please? 你把收音机音量调小一点,好吗 The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught. 这松鼠幸运得很,刚逃避了被逮住的厄运。 b. 有些结构后面能够用动名词作宾语或其他成分。例如:

admit to prefer…to be used to lead to devote oneself to object to stick to no good no use be fond of look forward to be proud of be busy can't help be tired of be capable of be afraid of think of burst out keep on insist on count on


Before the 17th century, most of the native English speakers lived in England. After the 17th century, British people began to move to other ___66___ (country). Gradually, English was spoken there. At present ___67___ (many) people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language than ever before. ___68___ (luck), native English speakers can understand each other even if they don't speak the same kind of English. English ___69___ (change) and developed when cultures met and communicated with each other over the past centuries. The English ___70___ (speak) in England between about AD450 and 1150 was very different ___71___ the modern English we speak today. It was the new settlers that enriched the English language and ___72___ (especial) its vocabulary. The English language was settled by the 19th century ___73___ two big changes in English spelling happened. English now is also spoken as a foreign ___74___second language in South Asia. China may have the ___75___ (large) number of English learners. 66.countries 【答案】countryother修饰用复数形式,指其他的国家。故是可数名词,此处由【解析】考查名词。countries. 填67. more 【答案】than ever before可知含有和以前比较的意思,要用比较级考查比较级。根据句中的【解析】more. 表示更多的人,故填68. Luckily 【答案】“”Luckily. ,故填【解析】考查副词。此处单独使用作状语要用副词形式,指幸运的是69. has changed 【答案】over the past centuries可知与现在完成时连用,主【解析】考查时态。根据句意和时间状语has changed. 语是单数,故填70. spoken 【答案】Englishspeak是被动关系,此处是过去分词作定语,故填和动词【解析】考查过去分词。. spoken. 71. from 【答案】be different from“…”from. ,是固定短语。故填和【解析】考查固定短语。不同72. especially 【答案】especial“”especially“”。特殊的,特别的是副词是形容词;尤其,特别【解析】考查副词。“”especially. ,故填尤其,特别此处指新的定居者丰富了英语,尤其是它的词汇。表示73. when 【答案】“…”,从句时态是过去时,故填当【解析】考查连词。此处引导时间状语从句,表示时候when. 74. or 【答案】or. 【解析】考查连词。此处表示选择,指作为第一语言或第二语言被说,故填 75. largest 【答案】【解析】考查形容词最高级。因为中国人口最多所以说英语的人也最多,此处由the修饰用 I had just visited my best friend in hospital with my mum,___41___hadn't seen my friend since she'd gone into hospital six months earlier. I knew where she was coming from as she was___42___(grave)ill, but as I'd been visiting her every week I had stopped seeing the obvious; my friend___43___(lose)most of her body weight


一、基础练习 1、T h e r e a r e o n l y t w e l v e______i n t h e h o s p i t a l.. A. woman doctors B.women doctors C.women doctor D.woman doctor 2、Mr Smith has two _______, both of whom are teachers in a school.. A.brothers-in-law B.brother-in-laws C.brothers-in-laws D.brothers-in law 3、——How many ______ does a cow have——Four. A.stomaches B.stomach C.stomachs D.stomachies 4、Some______visited our school last Wednesday.. A.German B.Germen C.Germans D.Germens 5、The_______ of the building are covered with lots of . A.roofs; leaves B.rooves; leafs C.roof; leaf D.roofs; leafs 6、When the farmer returned home he found three_______ missing.. A.sheeps B.sheepes C.sheep D.sheepies 7、That was a fifty_______ engine.. A.horse power B.horses power C.horse powers D.horses powers 8、My father often gives me ______ A.many advice B.much advice C.a lot of advices D.a few advice 9、Mary broke a ______while she was washing up. A.tea cup B.a cup of tea C.tea’s cup D.cup teas 10、Can you give us some ______ about the writer?. https://www.doczj.com/doc/3213482605.html,rmations https://www.doczj.com/doc/3213482605.html,rmation C.piece of informations D.pieces information 11、I had a cup of _____and two pieces of_____ this morning. A.teas; bread B.teas; breads C.tea; breads D.tea; bread 12、As is known to us all, ______ travels much faster than ______. A.lights; sounds B.light; sound C.sound; light D.sounds; lights 13、She told him of all her ___ and ____ A.hope; fear B.hopes; fear C.hopes; fears D.hope; fears 14、The rising _____have(has) a lot of ____to the crops. A.water; harm B.water; harms C.waters; harm D.waters; harms 15、How far away is it from here to your school?”----About ______ . A.half an hour”s driv e B.half hours drives C.half an hour drives D.half an hour drive 16、The shirt isn”t mine. It”s _____ . A.Mrs Smith B.Mrs” Smith C.Mrs Smiths’ D.Mrs Smith”s 17、Miss Johnson is a friend of _______. A.Mary’s mother B.Mary’s mothers’ C.Mary mother’s D.Mary’s mother’s 18、Last week I called at my _____Last week I called at my _____. A.aunt B.aunts C.aunt’s D.auntes’ 19、The beach is a ______throw. A.stone B.stones C.stones’ D.stone’s 20、I can hardly imagine ____sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.


高中英语语法之动名词 一、含义 动名词兼有动词和名词特征的非谓语动词形式。基本形式为v-ing, 动名词具有名词的性质,因此在句中可以做主语、表语、宾语、定语等。 动名词有时态和语态的变化。 动名词的时态和语态的基本形式:(以write为例) 注意:动名词的否定形式是:not writing 二、动名词的基本用法 1.用作主语---常表抽象,或者泛指习惯性的动作。 Smoking is bad for your health. Playing with fire is dangerous. Swimming is her favorite sport. 游泳是她最喜欢的体育运动。 Learning is important to modern life. 学习对现代生活很重要。 注意: ①不定式也可以做主语。不定式与动名词作主语的区别: 不定式作主语时经常表示具体的、 ...动作,而动名词 ....一次性 作主语时经常表示抽象动作或习惯性动作。

Getting up early is a good habit. To get up early this morning made me sleepy. ②动名词作主语,有时用it作形式主语,把动名词置于句末。 It is no use/ good doing...(做。。。没有用); It is fun doing... (做。。。很有趣); It is a waste of time doing... (做。。。是浪费时间) 等句型中。 例如:It’s no use crying over spilt milk.(覆水难收) It is fun playing with children. 和孩子们一起玩真好。 It is a waste of time persuading such a person to join us. 说服这样一个人加入我们当中来是浪费时间。 2. 作宾语 ①作某些及物动词的宾语 常见的动词有:advise,avoid,delay,escape,excuse,enjoy,consider,finish,deny,fancy,keep,mind(在乎)postpone,pardon,practise,suggest,imagine等。 need,want,require后接动名词,表示被动意义。 如:Would you mind opening the door?请你把门打开好吗? Fancy meeting you here. 真想不到在这里遇见你。 ②作介词的宾语 He left without saying good-bye to us. 他没有和我们道别就离开了。 On arriving at the airport,I saw my mother standing in the


高一英语语法填空专题练习 (10篇) (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 一 once there lived a rich man 31 wanted to do something for the people of his town. 32 first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help. In the centre of the main road into the town, he placed 33 very large stone. Then he 34 (hide ) behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow.“Who put this stone in the centre of the road?” said the old man, but he did not try to remove the stone. Instead, with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way. 35 man came along and did the same thing; then another came ,and another. All of them complained about the stone but not tried to remove 36 . Late in the afternoon a young man came along. He saw the stone, 37 (say) to himself: “The night 38 (be) very dark. Some neighbors will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone.” Then he began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his 39 (strong) to move it. How great was his surprise at last! 40 the stone, he found a bag of money. 二· Crying marriage? 31 (surprise), isn’t it? Factually, the custom of crying marriage existed a long time ago in many areas of Southwest China’s Sichuan Province, and 32 (remain) in fashion 33 the end of the Qing Dynasty. Though not so popular as before, the custom is still observed by people in many places, especially Tujia people, who view it as a 34 (necessary) to marriage procedure. It is very much 35 same in different places of the province. According to elderly people, every bride had to cry at the wedding. 36 , the bride’s neighbors would look down upon 37 as a poorly cultivated girl and she would become the laughingstock of the village. In fact, there were cases 38 which the bride was beaten by her mother for not crying at the wedding ceremony. In a word, crying at wedding is a 39 by custom to set off the happiness of the wedding through falsely sorrowful words. However, in the 40 (arrange) marriages of the old days of China, there were indeed quite a lot of brides who cried over their unsatisfactory marriage and even their miserable life. 三 In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are neccessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear ______31________spoken.. Secondly, we must be able to speak it correctly with confidence and without hesitation. _____32_______ ,we must be able to read the language , and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct. There is no easy way to success _____33_______ language learning. _____34________ good memory is of great help, but it is not enough only _____35________(memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long list of words and ______36_________meaning, studying the dictionary


1. 名词性从句考点 1、引导词 that 与 what;that 与 whether; if 与 whether;what 与 how等的区别; 2、名词性从句的时态和语序问题; 3、名词性从句的语气问题; 4、同位语从句与定语从句的比较区别。 3. I really appreciate _____ to relax with you on this nice island. 01 上海 A. to have had time B. having time C. to have time D. to having time B 仅带动名词作宾语的动词为:admit appreciate avoid delay enjoy escape excuse prevent finish imagine mind practise resist risk suggest stand forgive keep allow advise permit forbid 但如果在 allow advise permit forbid 后提到有关的人,就只能用 不定式作宾补。在动词 want, need, require, demand 等词后加动名词作宾语 时表示被动意义,相当于 to be done。 4. --- You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. --- Well, now I regret _____ that. 95 N A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done 5. --- Let me tell you something about the journalists. --- Don’t you remember _____ me the story yesterday? 99 上海 A. told B. telling C. to tell to have told 6. In some parts of London, missing a bus means _____ for another hour. 02 上海春季 A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting D B A 特别注意带不定式和动 名词作宾语时意义不同的动词: remember, forget, regret, try, go on, mean, miss, stop 7. How about the two of us ___ a walk down the garden?


名词 一、名词的分类:名词分为专有名词和普通名词。 1、专有名词:主要指人名,地方,机构或者某类人或者事物的名称。如:China, Li lei,Beijing; Americans; English; May; New Year’s Day 注意:专有名词的第一个字母要大写 2、普通名词:是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness 1). Individual Nouns: 指作为个体而存在的人或东西 可以指具体的人或物。Eg: aunts; a panda; apartments 也可指抽象东西。Eg: a year; fairy tales; a dream 2.)Collective Nouns: 表示若干个个体组成的集合体 Eg: army; audience; crew; family; team; police; government; public 个体名词和集体名词可以用数目来计算,称为可数名词(Countable Nouns),物质名词和抽象名词一般无法用数目计算,称为不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)。 常见的不可数名词:advice, baggage, change(零钱), furniture, hair, homework, information, knowledge, luggage, money, news, progress, traffic ,housework, equipment , absence, age, anger, courage, energy, equipment, experience, failure, fear, food, fun, health, ice, industry, kindness, labor, luck, marriage, music, nature, paper, peace, pleasure, power, pride, rain, research, respect, safety, salt, sand, silence, sleep, strength, snow, technology, time, trade, transport, travel, trust, truth, waste, water, wealth, weather, wind, work(工作)最常见的不可数名词 A. Abstract 抽象名词 advice 建议age 年老beauty 美丽capitalism 资本主义communism 共产主义democracy 民主energy 能源fun 乐趣happiness 幸福help 帮助honesty 诚实information 信息justice 正义kindness 善knowledge 知识laughter 笑声liberty 自由life 生命、生物、活力play 玩recreation


XX高中英语语法大全动名词 出guo高考频道在考试后及时公布各科高考试题答案和高考作文及试卷专家点评,请广大考生家长关注。时光飞逝,暑假过去了,新学期开始了,不管情愿与否,无论准备与否,我们已走进高三,走近我们的梦!祝愿决战xx高考的新高三学员能倍加努力,在xx年高考中也能取得优异的成绩。动名词 一、动名词作主语 1. 一般置于句首: Reading English is easier than speaking it. 2. 有时也可以用it作形式主语,而把动名词放在谓语动词之后。 It will be nice seeing them again. 这类句子结构常见的还有: 1) It’s no use…;It is no use crying over spilt milk. 2) It's no good…;It is no good feeling self——satisfied over your first suess. 3) Is it any good…? Is it any good trying to exp1ain? 4) It's a waste of time…;It's a waste of time arguing about it. 3. 动名词还可以在There is no?句子结构中做主语: There is no asking him to e now.He is busy. 这种句子中的动名词常带有宾语,其句型含义相当于It is impossible to do? 二、动名词作表语 连系动词常与动名词连用,一起构成复合谓语:


高一英语语法填空专项练习 (一) 第二节语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) Do you ever wonder why you yawn? Why do you open your mouth wide and take a deep breath? Well, a scientist at the University of Maryland is searching for the answer. Professor Robert Provine has been studying yawning for the past two years. But he says he still does not know 31 people yawn. In fact, no one seems to know much about it. Professor Provine’s students have helped him find out more about yawning. They agreed to 32 (watch) while sitting alone in small rooms. In the rooms, they watched television programs, or pictures of people yawning. Or they just sat and 33 (think) about yawning. Students also kept records of when they yawned throughout the day. The professor says he has learned 34 number of things from these experiments. He says yawning seems linked in some way to sleeping. His students yawned most just before sleeping or 35 waking from sleep. He also found that people yawn much when they are __36 (bore ) or not interested in what they are doing. Now, Professor Provine is planning future experiments to help him find the purpose of yawning. He said there is some evidence 37 yawning is linked to 38 (excite). Yawning is common among runners 39 (wait) to begin a race. It is also common among people waiting to make a speech. Professor Provine says he is most interested in learning why seeing someone yawn makes others yawn as well. He says almost anything connected with yawning can make people yawn. As a matter of fact, I found 40 yawning a lot as I prepared this report. I wonder if hearing it can make you yawn. If it does, excuse me, if you did yawn, write and tell me. 答案:31.why 32.be watched 33.thought 34.a 35.after 36. bored 37.that 38.excitement 39.waiting 40.myself (二) 第二节语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分) Traditional Chinese culture places much emphasis(重视)on food. Considered to be an important part of each day, __31 __(eat) is far beyond simply meeting a need. However, people are living in fast-paced society now, so they hardly have time to enjoy their food. They need fast food. That is _32_ China’s fast-food market expands. A foreign fast-food restaurant __33__(call)KFC arrived in China first, quickly followed by _34_ such as Pizza Hut and McDonald’s. __35__ the development of China, foreign fast-food chains are realizing high-speed __36__ (grow) in China. However, these “junk foods”have long been criticized by health experts because __37__ can’t provide balanced nutrition(营养). The experts also show that some foreign fast food contains a food colouring, Sudan I , __38___can cause cancer. In fact, China has many of its own traditional fast-food dishes. Among them, dumplings, soybean milk and noodles are __39__ most popular. Compared with foreign fast food, those traditional ones are healthier. __40__ many Chinese still enjoy the special taste and the good environment in the foreign fast-food chains even though there exist some potential(潜在的)risks. 第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填人一个适当的词或

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