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Connection between black-hole quasinormal modes and lensing in the strong deflection limit

Connection between black-hole quasinormal modes and lensing in the strong deflection limit
Connection between black-hole quasinormal modes and lensing in the strong deflection limit

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Connection between black-hole quasinormal modes and lensing in the strong de?ection limit Ivan Zh.Stefanov 1?,Stoytcho S.Yazadjiev 2?,Galin G.Gyulchev 3?1Department of Applied Physics,Technical University of So?a 8,St.Kliment Ohridski Blvd.,1000So?a,Bulgaria 2Department of Theoretical Physics,Faculty of Physics,St.Kliment Ohridski University of So?a 5,James Bourchier Blvd.,1164So?a,Bulgaria 3Department of Physics,Biophysics and Roentgenology,Faculty of Medicine,St.Kliment Ohridski University of So?a 1,Kozyak Str.,1407So?a,Bulgaria September 24,2010Abstract The purpose of the current Letter is to give some relations between gravita-tional lensing in the strong-de?ection limit and the frequencies of the quasinormal modes of spherically symmetric,asymptotically ?at black holes.On the one side,the obtained relations can give physical interpretation of the strong-de?ection limit parameters.On the other side,they also give an alternative method for the measurement of the frequencies of the quasinormal modes of spherically sym-metric,asymptotically ?at black holes.They could be applied to the localization

of the sources of gravitational waves and could tell us what frequencies of the gravitational waves we could expect from a black hole acting simultaneously as a gravitational lens and a source of gravitational waves.

PACS numbers:95.30.Sf,04.70.Bw,98.62.Sb,04.80.Nn

Keywords:black-hole gravitational lensing,strong de?ection limit,quasinormal modes Black holes are extreme objects that are predicted to occur in strong ?elds by many gravitational theories including general relativity (GR).The observation of astrophys-ical objects with enormous masses gives hope that black holes really exist.But for

a better determination of the particular properties of these objects and for a more de?nitive answer to the question if they are really black holes a more thorough study is needed.

Information about the physical properties of di?erent compact objects can be ob-tained through the emission of gravitational waves and the characteristic frequencies of ringing,namely the frequencies of the quasinormal modes(QNMs)[1,2,3].The QNMs would allow us to distinguish between di?erent compact objects–black holes, stars,to distinguish between di?erent theories of gravity since they predict di?erent characteristic spectra,to determine the global asymptotic charges like mass,charge and angular momentum of the observed black holes and so on[4].

The usual method used to calculate the QNM frequencies is to consider a classical scattering problem in a black-hole spacetime.The QNMs correspond to the resonances of the scattering problem when at spacial in?nity there are purely outgoing waves and at the event horizon purely ingoing waves.There are also alternative approaches.In the geometric-optics(eikonal)limit Mashhoon[5]suggested an analytical method for the calculation of the QNMs.In that approximation gravitational waves are treated as massless particles propagating along the last null unstable,circular orbit(An al-ternative approach,based on the complex angular momentum method,for the study of resonant scattering in black hole physics is to interpret the gravitational radiation emitted from black holes in many processes as surface waves localized close to the last null unstable,circular orbit[11,12,13,14].)and slowly leaking out to in?nity[6]–[9].The real part of the QNMs can be related to the angular velocity of the last null circular orbit and the imaginary part is related to the Lyapunov exponent that determines the instability time scale of the orbit[10].

The null geodesics are related also to the propagation of light rays and in the case when the light rays are restricted to a plane the last null unstable,circular orbit is simply the intersection of the photon sphere with the plane of propagation.Hence, it is natural to expect the presence of the connection between the two phenomena –the gravitational lensing(For a nice,recent and pedagogical review on black-hole gravitational lensing we refer the reader to[15].There one can also?nd a comprehen-sive discussion on the observational perspectives.)and emission of gravitational waves.

A guess for a possible connection between these two phenomena has been previously made by Decanini and Folacci[13],though from a di?erent aspect.In the current Letter some simple relations between QNMs and the gravitational lensing are presented and a method for the measurement of the frequencies of the QNMs of spherically symmetric black holes through gravitational lensing is proposed.

In[16]Bozza gives a detailed derivation of the equation for the de?ection angle for the case when the lens is spherically symmetric.He uses the following ansatz for the line element of a generic spherically symmetric spacetime[16]

ds2=A(x)dt2?B(x)dx2?C(x) dθ2+sin2θd?2 .(1)


where the metric functions should have the proper asymptotics

A (x )?→x →∞1?2M


C (x )?→x →∞x 2,(2)

in order to correctly match the weak gravitational ?eld far from the lensing object.The spherical symmetry allows us to restrict our considerations to propagation of light rays in a plane –say the equatorial plane.Then on the last null circular orbit the following relation holds C ′(x )A (x )

.(3)In the general case Equation (3)admits more than one solution.The largest,positive root of Eq.(3)gives the radius of the photon sphere x m .(Here and below we will use the subscript m to denote quantities that are evaluated on the photon sphere.For a more general de?nition of the photon sphere,we refer the reader to [17]).A ,B ,C ,A ′and C ′must be positive for x >x m .When restricted to the equatorial plane the photon sphere gives the last circular,null orbit,which is unstable.

Bozza obtains the following equation for the de?ection angle

α(θ)=?u m

?1 +a ,

a = C ′′m A m ?C m A ′′m (5)

a ln C m (1?A m )2(C ′′m A m ?C m A ′′

m )

C m

a and

the reader to[16],for example.)The physical meaning of b,however,remains somehow obscure.

Let us now consider the method for the calculation of the frequencies of the QNMs through the study of null geodesics.In the eikonal(subdominant corrections to the eikonal approximation can be found in[18])limit they can be related to the parameters of the last circular,null geodesic in the following way:

ωQNM=?m l?i(n+1/2)|λ|.(8) Here n and l are,respectively,the number of the overtone and the angular momentum of the perturbation.The real part of the frequencies is determined by the angular velocity of the last circular null geodesic?m.The parameterλwhich appears in the imaginary part is the Lyapunov exponent which determines the instability timescale of the orbit.For the Lyapunov exponent in[10]the following formula has been obtained: [the formulas are expressed in term of the chosen anzats for the metric eq.(1),see formulas(40)and(36)in[10]]

λ=c 2B m C m.(9) This expression is reminiscent of the expression(5)for the lens parameter

u m

A m


u m

This relation can be obtained through comparison of the formula for the angular veloc-ity of null geodesics(e.g.formula(37)in the paper of Cardoso et al.[10])and formula (7).Furthermore,combining(10)and(11)we?nd



A relation between the instability time scale of the orbits and the decrease of the brightness of the images with increasing n can also be obtained.Let us consider the ratio between the magni?cations of two consecutive images.Taking formula(84)from the paper of Bozza[16]for the magni?cation in the limit of large n and formula(10) we can obtain

ln μn+1c(13) On the one side,the simple relations(10)and(11)allow us to give an alternative physical interpretation of the strong?eld lens parameter

On the other side,however,these relations give us a possible method to measure the real and imaginary parts of the QNM frequencies of di?erent objects since there is good hope that the strong?eld lens parameters could be determined in future experiments [15,19].Equations(10)and(11)allow us to relateλand?m to observable quantities, in particular,the magnitudes of the images,the distance between the observer and the lens D OL,and the angular position of the image that is closest to the black holeθ∞(minimal impact angle).The lens parameter



Hereμ1andμn are,respectively,the magni?cations of the?rst image and the n-th image.The di?erence between the magnitude of the outermost relativistic image and magnitude of the sum of all the other relativistic images r m is related to the?ux ratio ?r in the following way r m=2.5Log?r.The impact parameter can be obtained from

u m=D OLθ∞.(16) So,expressed in term of the observables

c ln?r



D OLθ∞

Gravitational lensing in the strong?eld regime is also a candidate for a model inde-pendent method for the measurement of the distance to the observed black holes and other massive objects which act as gravitational lenses.The method presented in[19] is based on the measurement of time delays between consecutive relativistic images. According to that method the distance between the observer and the lens D OL can be determined from the ratio




where△T2,1is the time delay between the emergence of the?rst and the second relativistic images and c is the speed of light.Expressing D OL from the above formula and substituting it back in(10)and(11)we obtain






The combination of Eqs.(20)and(21),or alternatively(12)and(14),gives a simple relation between the angular velocity of the last circular null geodesic?m and the Lyaounov exponentλ







[11]N.Andersson,Class.Quantum Grav.11,3003(1994).



[14]Y.Decanini,A.Folacci,and B.Ra?aelli,arXiv:1002.0121[gr-qc].

[15]V.Bozza,Gravitational Lensing by Black Holes,arXiv:0911.2187[gr-qc].



[18]S.Dolan,A.Ottewill,Class.Quantum Grav.26,225003(2009).




Quasi-3D Light Confinement in Double Photonic Crystal Reflectors VCSELs for CMOS-Compatible

Quasi-3D Light Con?nement in Double Photonic Crystal Re?ectors VCSELs for CMOS-Compatible Integration Corrado Sciancalepore,Badhise Ben Bakir,Xavier Letartre,Jean-Marc Fedeli,Nicolas Olivier,Damien Bordel, Christian Seassal,Pedro Rojo-Romeo,Member,IEEE,Philippe Regreny,and Pierre Viktorovitch Abstract—A novel architecture of one-dimensional photonic crystal membrane(PCM)re?ectors embodying a heterostructure is proposed as a robust design aimed at a3-D ef?cient con?ne-ment of light in single-mode polarization-controlled 1.55-m vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser(VCSEL)microsources for heterogeneous integration on complementary metal-oxide-semi-conductor(CMOS).On the basis of a theoretical approach,the paper focuses on the deep interweaving between the kinetics of light transport in the mirrors and the physical nature of the ex-ploited Fano resonances.An example of VCSEL design for optical pumping employing heterostructure-con?ned photonic crystal mirrors is presented.The predicted photons kinetics along with the considerable improvement in cavity modal features owing to the enhanced mirror architecture have been con?rmed by per-forming rigorous three-dimensional?nite-difference time-domain (3-D FDTD)calculations.Finally,experimental observations of photoluminescence(PL)emission performed on?rst-ever fabri-cated devices for optical pumping show striking agreement with theoretical considerations and ab initio modelling. Index Terms—Photonic crystals,photons,semiconductor lasers, slow Bloch mode,vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers(VC-SELs). I.I NTRODUCTION A CHIEVING a full control of photons in the real—reciprocal space as well as in the frequency—time domain is decisive for the design of innovative optical components aimed at further breakthroughs in the?eld of micro-nano-photonics.An ef?cient harnessing of light is made possible by con?ning photons within the tiniest spatial domain (in comparison to the wavelength)for the longest time possible (as compared to the oscillation period),while allowing to be ef?ciently collected(from)or addressed(to)the photonic structures where are meant to be con?ned. Manuscript received December22,2010;revised April19,2011,May05, 2011;accepted May10,2011.Date of publication May23,2011;date of current version June15,2011.This work was supported by the European Commission in the framework of the project HELIOS. C.Sciancalepore is with the Institut des Nanotechnologies,Ecole Centrale de Lyon,F-69134Ecully,France(e-mail:corrado.sciancalepore@ec-lyon.fr) and with the Commissariatàl’énergie Atomique et auxénergies Alternatives, Département Optronique,(CEA-LETI Minatec),F-38054Grenoble,France (e-mail:corrado.sciancalepore@cea.fr). X.Letartre,C.Seassal,P.Rojo-Romeo,P.Regreny,and P.Viktorovitch are with the Institut des Nanotechnologies,Ecole Centrale de Lyon,F-69134Ecully, France. B.Ben Bakir,J.-M.Fedeli,N.Olivier,and D.Bordel are with the Commis-sariatàl’énergie Atomique et auxénergies Alternatives,Département Optron-ique,(CEA-LETI Minatec),F-38054Grenoble,France. Digital Object Identi?er10.1109/JLT.2011.2157303 An effective control of light is highly desirable in the case of laser microcavities and devices for non-linear applications where the need for a stronger light-matter coupling is even more binding.This concept is particularly true in vertical-cavity sur-face-emitting lasers(VCSELs),where the coupling of the op-tical mode with the active material is crucial for low-threshold emitters and modal control constitutes an additional require-ment to be addressed especially for telecommunication-oriented applications.As widely proposed in the literature,while ver-tical con?nement is achieved through diffractive phenomena provided by distributed Bragg re?ectors(DBRs),the lateral op-tical waveguiding(or antiguiding)and modal behaviour in VC-SELs generally relies on a complex interplay of index-[1]and gain-guiding mechanisms[2]. Speci?cally,in arsenide lasers,the enhancement of the pho-tons-matter coupling along with modal selection was accom-plished by introducing an optimized transverse optical and elec-trical con?nement via oxide windows[3]–[7].However,the main drawback of such solutions lies with the ineludible de-sign trade-offs between single-mode operation,low threshold and optical output power[6].Using shallow surface reliefs[5] has only partly addressed the issue given the still considerable drop in emitted power;on the other hand,VCSELs’designs based on external cavity con?gurations and index antiguiding [7]for the suppression of higher order modes are characterized by rather complicated and possibly unstable processing.Con-cerning InP-based VCSELs,while ef?cient carrier funnelling has been obtained by means of structured[8]–[10]or proton-im-planted[11]tunnel junctions,this device class is still waiting for an ef?cient optical con?nement owing to the lack of index guiding[11].Solutions based on the incorporation of2-D pho-tonic crystals(PhCs)in proton-implanted devices[11]are af-fected by signi?cant drawbacks due to light leaking through the photonic crystal holes disrupting laser operation,even calling into question the actual feasibility of the fabrication process. In electro-thermally tunable micro-electro-mechanical sys-tems(MEMS)-VCSELs,curved micro-machined DBR mem-branes have been successfully employed in order to improve the transverse con?nement of the fundamental mode while main-taining a good modal selection[8].Nonetheless,these mirrors are affected by several important disadvantages such as the lack of lateral(typical diameters100m)and longitudinal(cavity physical length15m)compactness,tight epitaxial and fab-rication constraints. Regarding polarization control,different strategies have been so far adopted in VCSELs:elasto-[12]and electro-optic[13], [14]induced birefringence,asymmetric cavity geometries[15] 0733-8724/$26.00?2011IEEE


四年级一件难忘的事400字作文【五篇】 四年级一件难忘的事400字精选作文篇一 在童年里有许许多多的事情就像在海滩上捡贝壳,有绚烂的笑,是开心的往事;有黯淡的,像是勾起一段伤心的往事,都使我非常难忘。 早晨,风和日丽,我去帮妈妈和爸爸买早餐,等我去到早餐店,我发现早餐店旁有一大群人,我带着好奇心走去,让我大吃一惊,我发现那有一位老奶奶绊倒在地上。 我心想:为什么一位老奶奶搬绊倒在地上,但每一个人都无动于衷,还围观老奶奶,真是不尊重老人!我气得暴跳如雷,我就问我旁边的大人:“你们为什么不扶老奶奶”那人就说:“因为最近在新闻里,有很多老人成心绊倒在地上让路人扶起她。”谁知老人就说:扶起他的人是推他的人。老人还说:赔我钱。我听完就有一点不敢拉老奶奶了。 这时,一位青年人走过来,马上扶起老奶奶,旁边的人说,那个青年人真笨,青年人就说:“难道金钱比生活还重要吗?”青年人问奶奶要紧吗?奶奶说,不要紧,谢谢你,小伙子。青年人就说不用谢,说完就走了,我看到青年人的身影,我觉得很惭愧。 这一件事使我非常难忘,假如社会的人都献出一点爱心,那么社会就是充满爱心的。

四年级一件难忘的事400字精选作文篇二 每一个人都有自己最难忘的事,我最难忘的事就是三年级那次集体打连响儿。 记得那一次我们拿着漂亮的连响儿,排着整齐的队伍,伴随着美好的音乐,踏着坚决的步伐,熟练地打了起来。 看到这样整齐划一的队伍,我不由心生骄傲:看来我的努力还是没有白费呀!但放眼又一望,我们四周可以说是人山人海,有无数双眼睛正盯着我们,我心里不知从哪里来了一种莫名的紧张,我头上冒着冷汗,腿不由的发着抖。就在这一霎时,我做错了一个动作,登时,我感觉所有人的目光都投向了我一个人,我这颗本来就不平静的心,现在显得更加紧张了、更加不安了,我一下子都不知该干什么了,我真想有一个洞,让我钻到洞里去,我以前打的是那么灵敏,可现在却有气无力,仿佛有一个小精灵把我这活泼的精神给夺走了,经过漫长的煎熬,我好不容易才等到了结束的那一刻。 我回家把这件事告诉我妈妈,妈妈说:想做好一件事就要加倍的努力,不要认为自己会做了就可以了,妈妈的这次教导,将使我一生受益。 四年级一件难忘的事400字精选作文篇三 我家有各种各样的陶瓷器皿,比如:碗,花瓶,勺子,水杯等。它们形态各异,五彩缤纷。它们站在一起,仿佛都在展示自己曼妙的


人 教 版 四年级(上册) 数 学 基 础 知 识 专 项 训 练

人教版四年级上册数学基础知识填空题专项训练 1、由5个千万、4个万、8个十和9个一组成的数是(),读作(),取近似值到万位约是()。 2、406000000读作(),这个数中的6在()位上,表示(),改写成用万作单位是()。 3、一周角=()平角=()直角。 4、367÷23把23看作()来试商比较方便。 5、下午3:00时针和分针夹成的最小角是()度。 6、在数位顺序表中,从右起第四位是()位,这个数的计数单位是(),如果这个数位上的数字是8,8表示()。 7、5个一百万、4个十万、2个千和4个一组成的数是()。读作(),它有()个计数单位。 8、在9、8中间添()个0,这个数才是九千万零八。 9、一个数加上2的和比最小的五位数多1,这个数减2是( 10、在数位顺序表中,从右起第四位是()位,这个数的计数单位是(),如果这个数位上的数字是8,8表示()。 11、5个一百万、4个十万、2个千和4个一组成的数是()。读作(),它有()个计数单位。 12、在9、8中间添()个0,这个数才是九千万零八。 13、一个数加上2的和比最小的五位数多1,这个数减2是() 14、120分米=()米 540秒=()分 72小时=()天 132个月=()年 15、计量角的单位是()。()是量角的工具。 16、角的大小要看两边(),()越大,角越大。 17、线段有()个端点。把线段的一端无限延长,就得到一条(),把线段的两端无限延长,就得到一条(),它()端点。 18、过一个点可以画()条直线,过两点可以画()条直线。 19、按照从大到小的顺序排列下面各数 88000 80800 80008 80080 ________________________________________________ 20、把锐角、平角、钝角、直角、周角按下列顺序排列。 ()>()>()>()>() 21、4293÷4口,要使商是二位数,口可以填()


关于难忘的一件事四年级作文3篇 【导语】每个人都有难忘的事,我当然也不会例外。下面是小编为大家整理的关于难忘的一件事四年级作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 关于难忘的一件事四年级作文一 六岁那年,发生了一件令我难忘的事情——在商场里我差点儿走丢了! 那天,天气很冷,我们一家人去商场买东西。买完后,我们在一楼闲逛。走着走着,我松开了妈妈的手,跑去看一款造型独特的吸尘器,当回过头时,爸爸妈妈已经走得无影无踪了。商场里人很多,我非常害怕,心想:“妈妈也一定急坏了!怎么办?” 我在商场里转了一圈,越来越害怕、恐惧,忽然,我想起爸爸的车在路边停着,干脆就“守株待兔”吧!所以就跑去爸爸的车旁边等。过了一会儿,爸爸妈妈终于找到我了,妈妈冲过来,一把把我紧紧地搂进怀中,口里不停的说:“吓死妈妈了,妈妈腿都软了!”然后又语无伦次的夸我聪明,没瞎跑,唉!我心里就像打翻了五味瓶一样,说不出的'滋味儿! 从那以后,我再也不敢轻易放开妈妈的手了。 关于难忘的一件事四年级作文二

一个美丽的晚霞中,那七元五角的事使我永刻不能忘怀。 我背着书包回了家,对妈妈和蔼地说:“妈咪,我回来了!哦,对了妈咪,老师吩咐我们要买一支黑笔,您可不可以给我两块半。”说完,妈咪点了点头,从黑纹色的包里拿出了两块半,我拿起了钱就往商店里奔驰去。 从商店里拿起了一支晶亮的黑笔,到收银台付了钱,就发现了里头还藏了个五元,我的贪婪之心有苏醒了。付了钱后就在半路上犹豫到底要不要把这五元给妈咪呢?在犹豫时就看见了一个小妹妹,她看见前面的叔叔掉了十元钱,就还给了那个叔叔,我就在想,连一个比我还小的妹妹都那么听话,我不能落后,就跑回了家,把五元还给了妈咪。 做人要道德,道德只是个简单的是与非的问题,实践起来却很难,把五元还给妈咪,一个人要是从小就受到这样的教育的话,就会获得道德实践的勇气和力量。 关于难忘的一件事四年级作文三 在我的脑海里发生过许多难忘的事情,但是有一件事令我记忆犹新,那是发生在去年的一件事。 那是一天下午我在我在学校上学的时候,我借了刘利娜的语文作业抄,下课了,我抄完了。就和女同学玩橡皮筋。正在这时候周老师来了,我们吓得腿都软了。 在回家得路上我心里忐忑不安,心想这样做对不对呢?


2020年四年级数学上册解决问题专项综合练习 1. 某小学学生向汶川地震灾区踊跃捐款,请根据下图填空. (1)______年级的捐资金额最多,是______元. (2)六个年级捐资金额这组数据的中位数是______元. (3)二年级捐资金额是四年级捐资金额的______%. (4)四年级捐资金额比五年级少______%. 2. 特快列车每小时行170千米,普通列车每小时行107千米 (1)特快列车40小时行多少千米? (2)普通列车40小时行多少千米? 3. 2010年第六次全国人口普查显示,我国人口总数大约是1339720000 人,读横线的数。 4. 如图是广本汽车销售店2013年一月至五月的销售情况统计图.

请你根据上图,完成以下的填空: (1)______月的销售量最少. (2)二月份的销售量比一月份多______台. (3)五月份的汽车销售量是三月份的______%. (4)四月份的汽车销售量比二月份增加了______%. 5. 下图显示的是某班20人在“献爱心”活动中捐图书的情况,该班级人均捐了多少册书? 6. 小强拆了甲、乙两架纸飞机,下面是这两架飞机前5次试飞情况的统计图. (1)估一估,前5次试飞,哪一驾纸飞机飞行的距离远一些? (2)第6次试飞,甲飞机的飞行距离是21米,乙飞机的飞行距离是10米.在图中画出表示这架纸飞机第6次试飞飞行距离的直条,并计算这架纸飞机6次飞行距离的平均数各是多少.

7. 早餐店炸油饼,油锅一次最多能炸2张饼,炸熟一张饼要4分钟(正反面各2分钟).如果一个客人要9张饼,早餐店老板最快多少分钟可以把油饼给他? 8. 某机床厂各车间男、女工人统计图. 看上面的统计图回答下面的问题. (1)三个车间共有工人______人,其中女工共______,男工共______人.(2)三个车间平均每车间有______人. (3)第三车间男工人数比第二车间男工人数多______ %. 9. 学校进行团体操表演,每行站20人,正好站24排.如果要站成16排,那么每行需要站多少人? 10. 50枚棋子围成圆圈,编上号码1、2、3、4、…50,每隔一枚棋子取出一枚,要求最后留下的枚棋子的号码是42号,那么该从几号棋子开始取呢? 11. 估一估,哪个算式的商最接近圈中的数,画上“√”。 先估算出每个圆中的四个算式的商是多少,再比较一下,看哪个算式的商最接近圈中的数。 12. 小红在计算一个数乘2.5时,忽略了2.5的小数点,得到的结果是75,正确的结果是多少?


每个人的每一天都充满着快乐、伤心、害怕或者难过,并且会有一些难忘的事情。你难忘的一件事是什么呢?下面是小编和大家分享的“四年级难忘的一件事作文400字”,一起来看看吧,希望大家喜欢。 四年级难忘的一件事作文400字(一) 虽然我才上四年级,但是我的生活里也有很多难忘的事。我就给大家讲一件让我难忘的事吧。有一次爸爸让我做大米饭,给我留下了深刻的印象。 那天中午,爸爸对我说:“今天中午你来帮妈妈做大米饭吧,正好也锻炼锻炼。”我听了以后高兴地说:“好啊,小菜一碟。”说完以后我就开始动手了。我先把大米放在盆里淘干净,再倒进锅里,放在炉子上就到客厅去看我喜欢看的电视去了。在我看得正高兴的时候,忽然就闻到厨房里传出来一股烧糊的味儿来。我一看表,已经过去了半个小时了,我马上跑进厨房,把锅端下来。打开锅盖,就看见了变黑的锅底。可我没有放弃,又做了一次。 我又把米淘干净倒进锅里以后,我又去写作业去了。过了一会儿,我又闻到了那股烧糊的味道。我跑到厨房一看,锅底又黑了。这一看,我的眼泪都快掉下来了,这可怎么办啊?这时候,爸爸来了,对我说:“不用哭,做什事都要专心,再来一次。”我点了点头。第三次,我终于把大米饭做熟了,看见自己的成果,我感到很高兴。 这件事让我明白了:做什么事都要专心致志,不能三心二意。 四年级难忘的一件事作文400字(二) 今天,是我和姐姐第一次去买菜。 妈妈给了我们钱,说:"要注意安全哦。"我们说:"知道了。" 一路上,我的心在扑通扑通地跳。来到菜市场,我都目瞪口呆了,各种各样的蔬菜放在我面前,有西兰花、芫茜、冬瓜……还有许多嘈杂声呢! 我回忆起妈妈要我买的菜,哦!要买鱼。我走进市场左看看,右望望,嘿,找到了!我走过去,正准备对卖鱼的叔叔说话,一位阿姨便先说了一步。阿姨买完了鱼,我又准备说,谁知,又有一位阿姨要买。5分钟过去了,我还没买到,我着急了,对着叔叔大声说:"叔叔,请给我一块鲜鱼肉!"叔叔笑眯眯地说:"你要多少呀?""4元。"我回答说。叔叔弄好了鱼,用袋子好了给我,我付了钱并说了一声"谢谢"就走了。 我又想到要买菜,对了,还有芫茜!我找到了买我所需要的地方,就跟那位婆婆要了一点。当我走出市场时,天空下起了牛毛似的雨,我跟姐姐说:"我们快走吧!"接着,我们骑着自行车,飞快地奔回家。 骑到半路,雨就更大了,我们到了一棵树下遮雨,但是好久都不见天空好转。为不拖延时间,我和姐姐顶着风冒着雨冲回家。


薄弱环节专项全练全测(一) 数与代数【薄弱点一】大数读、写的准确性 一、读出或写出下列各数。(8分) 30050082 读作:______________________ 3960400090 读作:______________________ 一千零四十万四千零二十写作:________________ 七千零三亿零二十万零五写作:________________ 二、求近似数。(8分) 1.省略万位后面的尾数。 16493560≈9528641≈ 2.省略亿位后面的尾数。 2709546312≈9953364778≈ 三、选择。(6分) 1.下面三个数中,一个0也不读出来的是( )。 A.50000800 B.50080 C.5008000 2.下面各数中,用9,8,7,5,0这五个数字组成的最接近8万的数是( )。 A.89750 B.80579 C.85079 3.74□7600000≈75亿,□里最大能填( )。 A.8 B.9 C.7 【薄弱点二】乘、除法计算的准确性 四、改错。(12分)

五、笔算下面各题,带※号的要验算。(24分) 240×38=207×40=※360×50= 380÷70= 694÷72=※633÷21= 【薄弱点三】用乘、除法知识解决问题的正确性 六、解决问题。(34分) 1.一块长方形草坪的面积是120平方米,改建后,长扩大到原来的4倍,宽扩大到原来的3倍,改建 后草坪的面积是多少?(8分) 2.某花店在教师节到来之际,搞促销活动:每盆月季花16元,买3盆送1盆。 照这样计算,买4盆花,每盆比原来便宜多少钱?(8分) 3.一根木头长15米,把它平均分成5段,每锯一段需8分钟,锯完一共要花多少分钟?(8分) 4.一辆长途客车6小时行了348千米。照这样的速度,它12小时可以行多少千米?(10分) 解法1:先求客车1小时行驶多少千米,再求12小时可以行驶多少千米。 解法2: 先求12小时中有几个6小时,再求几个348千米是多少。 【薄弱点四】合理安排时间 七、小红家来了客人,她要沏茶招待客人。(8分) 找茶叶:1分钟沏茶:3分钟接水:1分钟洗杯子:2分钟洗水壶:2分钟烧水:10分钟 应该怎样安排时间才能使所用时间最短?至少要多长时间?


Quasi-Contract 准合同 1 The term ‘quasi-contract’, once used to describe the area of law now called ‘restitution’ or ‘unjust enrichment’, is now out of favour. ‘Quasi-contract’ says only that the matter is not contract. So far as it suggests that there is a sort of contract, it deceives, unintelligibly. Quasi-contractual liability should be understood not as part of unjust enrichment, but as a different basis of liability that can help us see what liability for unjust enrichment might be: liability grounded in notions of fairness. 1“准合同”这一术语,以前用于描述现在法律领域的“恢复原状”或“不当得利”,现在不合时宜。从字面意义,准合同并非合同。目前为止,它还是一种合同,具有欺骗性,难以理解。准合同责任不应该作为“不当得利”来理解,而是作为责任的基础,这有助于我们明白不当得利的责任基础,即基于公平正义观念的责任。 2 The notion of quasi-contract can help us understand what is at stake. whether to impose liability in certain circumstances in which no contract has been made between the parties but when we have good reason to believe that such a contract would have been made if the parties had had the opportunity to do so. This analysis is more fitting for these cases because by trying to find what the parties would have contracted for, it adopts an ex ante perspective. Interestingly, once again we see that commentators who reject the quasi-contractual analysis end up explaining the situation by invoking contractual concepts. For example, in explaining why liability should be imposed only on successful attempts, Burrows writes: ‘A reasonable man would surely pay for someone to try to rescue his drowning daughter or to try to save his burning house’. Burrows comes close to stating the quasi-contractual rationale for imposing liability: the reason why liability should be imposed in such cases is because people would have been willing to pay for the service (even without the guarantee of success), if they had had the opportunity to do so. 2准合同观念能帮助我们理解什么才是利害攸关所在。在某些情形下,双方当事人之间没有订立合同,但是当我们有充足的理由相信如果双方有条件订立合同,他们之间的合同已经订立,以此可以强加双方相应的责任。从事前的角度看,这种解释更适合发现当事人双方最初的合同目的。有趣的是,我们再次看到拒绝准合同分析的评论家通过调用合同概念的做法终结对准合同的解释。例如,在解释为什么强制责任应该只在成功的事例中实施,Burrows写道:“一个理性的人肯定愿意为成功救助他溺水的女儿或成功挽救他着火的房子支付对价”。Burrows进一步说明准合同强制责任的理论基础:如果在条件允许的前提下,人们愿意为服务支付对价(尽管没有成功保证),所以在这些情形下必须有强制责任。 3 Within a quasi-contractual analysis it is not difficult to explain why liability need not be limited to successful attempts. In many contracts for service, the service provider does not promise a certain result, only a certain degree of effort. If the promisor fulfils her contractual liability by performing to that level, she does not breach her contractual obligation even if the service she provides does not match a certain desired outcome. By contrast, in principle, if the promisor fails to perform to the same degree required by the contract, she breaches the contract even if the non-contracted yet desired outcome is achieved. 3在准合同分析的范围内,不难解释为什么强制责任不必要限于成功的事例。在很多多服务合同,服务提供方不承诺明确的合同结果,只有某种合同行为。如果义务人履行合同责任达到了约定的承担责任的水平,那么义务人就没有违反合同义务,即使义务方提供的服务不符合某种预期的结果。相比之下,原则上,如果义务人没有履行达到合同预期的行为,即使非合同预期的目的达到了,义务方也是违反了合同的。

四年级作文 一件难忘的事

大年三十,踩气球 白雪皑皑的夜晚,从一间小屋里传出了阵阵欢快的笑声。那是大年三十,人们正忙着发压岁钱。只见家人们从裤兜里掏出一张比一张大的钱,塞到满怀欣喜的孩子们的手里。我们拿着钱就去买了许许多多的气球。 我们一家人开始给气球打气。我们不知疲惫地打了一个又一个。不一会儿,整整地堆满了一间大房子。气球的颜色和形状各不相同,有大的、有小的、红的、绿的、白的……在灯光的照耀下,非常漂亮。 我挑了一些漂亮点儿的气球,挂了起来,把客厅装扮得像春节联欢晚会现场一样光彩亮丽。时钟刚好走到12点时,我便急得像上锅的蚂蚁一样,立即跳向气球堆。“啪啪……”气球发出响亮的爆炸声。这清脆的爆炸声吸引了爸爸妈妈和弟弟的围观。他们被我那热乎劲儿感染了,也过来跟我一起踩气球。“噼噼啪啪……”一阵响,就像放鞭炮一样,既吓人又好玩。清脆的爆炸声给热闹的夜晚增添了一份别具一格的色彩。 不一会儿,整整一屋的气球就只踩剩一个了。我上前去一踩,没想到它竟然跑了,气得我张牙舞爪直瞪眼,恨不得一脚把它踩扁。我那滑稽的举动惹得爸妈们突地大笑起来。我不服气,气鼓鼓的又跑上去,对着气球狠狠地一踩,心想这回肯定能踩扁它。可谁知,我一个不小心,脚下一滑,便跌坐在气球上。“啪……”完了,气球在我的屁股上炸开了花。这下子,可把我的爸妈们逗得更乐了。 欢快的笑声在小屋的四周回荡,也回荡在我生命的旋律中…

捉螃蟹 记得去年冬天的一个早晨,天气晴朗,阳光明媚,我和表妹一起到河边的沙滩上捉螃蟹。 河里的水非常的少,到处都是石头。螃蟹,就藏在这些奇形怪状的石头下面。我们一边沿着岸边走,一边翻着旁边的石头。突然,表妹发现了一只螃蟹,激动万分地对我说:“哥哥,这块石头下面好像藏了一只螃蟹。”我们连忙轻轻地走过去,慢慢地蹲下去,小心翼翼地把石头搬开,快速伸过手去捉它,没想到螃蟹用两只大钳子把我的手狠狠地夹住了,痛得我脸都涨红了。我赶紧用力的把手往外一甩,才摆脱掉这该死的螃蟹。“呀!流血了!”表妹惊呼道。我低头一看,才发现是自己的手被螃蟹夹了一条大口子,直流血。我淡然地擦擦手说没事,可怎知表妹被我那流血直流的手吓得大哭起来。忍者疼痛,我迅速一抓,就把螃蟹扔进了瓶子里,表妹立即破涕为笑。 我们终于捉了一只螃蟹,心里有说不出的高兴,我那鲜红的手指和表妹那还挂着晶莹泪珠的脸,在阳光下,闪闪发光……


填空题 1、当除数是34时,试商时可以把除数看作( ),这样初商容易偏( )。 2、()个26相加的和是468;()比12个15多20。 334=21),这时被除数是()。 4、在括号里填上合适的数。 480秒=()分540厘米=()分米624时=()日 5、我们戴的红领巾上有一个()角,两个()角。 6、钟面上,分针转动360度,相应地时针转动()度。 从3:00走到3:15,分针转动了()度。 6点时,时针和分针所组成的角是()度,是()角, 3点时,时针和分针所组成的角是()度,是()角。 7、把“78÷26=3,26+3=29”合并成一个综合算式是()。 8、在5○1÷58中,如果商的最高位在十位上,○中最小填(),还可以填()。如果3□2÷36的商是一位数,□里的数最大可以填(),最小可以填()。在算式□17÷53中,要使商是两位数,□最小填();要使商是一位数,□最大填()。 9、在公路上有三条小路通往小明家,它们的长度分别是125米、207米、112米,其中 有一条小路与公路是垂直的,那么这条小路的长度是()米。 10、李阳从1楼到3楼用了12秒,她从一楼到六楼需要()秒。 11.二百零六亿八千万写作(),改写成用“万”作单位的数是()万,用“亿”作单位这个数的近似数是()亿。 12.2个千万、7个万、8个百和5个十组成的数是(),这个数读作()。 13.由6、7、5、1、0组成的最大数是(),最小数是()。14、计算除法时,错将除数36看成63,结果得到商12。请你帮他算一算,正确的商应该是()。

15.一个边长24厘米的正方形面积是()平方厘米。 16、把两道算式组成综合算式,再用递等式计算。 14×2=28 21×4=84 10×5=50 28-15=13 200-84=116 30+50=80 ()()() 选择、判断题 1、30度的角被投影仪投到屏幕上时角就变大了。() 2、570÷40=14……1。() 3、在方向板上,北和西南之间夹角是135°。() 4、在同一平面内,两条直线不是相交就是平行。() 5、在同一平面内,两条直线不是平行就是垂直。() 6、4个同样大的正方体可以拼成一个较大的正方体。() 7、在10倍的放大镜下看15度的角就变成了150度。() 8、六位数一定比七位数小。() 9、平角就是一条直线,周角就是一条射线。() 10、三位数除以两位数,商不可能是三位数。() 11、三位数除以两位数,商最多是两位数。() 12、过一点能画无数条直线。()13.两条直线相交成直角时,这两条直线就互相垂直。()14.观察物体时,在同一位置看到相同的形状可能有不同的摆法。()15、两条不相交的直线叫做平行线。() 1、在4□7÷46的商是两位数,□中的数最小是()。 ①7 ② 6 ③5 2、想使物体从斜面上向下滚动时尽可能地快,下面的选项中,木板与地面的夹 角是()度最符合要求。 ①20 ②38 ③10 ④80


难忘的一件事作文400字四年级 难忘的一件事作文400字四年级 最令我难忘的一件事,就是偷吃四色小辣椒了,那四色辣椒的滋味,真是难以形容,令人难忘。在我家楼下有一个小菜园,那里是爷爷的乐园,他每天都会去那,乐呵呵地给他种的蔬菜浇水。在这个菜园里,有白菜、罗卜和辣椒。最引起我主意的就是辣椒了。爷爷种的不是一般的辣椒,是四色小辣椒。四色小辣椒是一种能变色的小辣椒,在每个季节变一种色,春天是绿色、夏天是黄色、秋天是紫色、冬天是红色,非常神奇。一天我在楼下散步,当时正是秋天的一个。我走到菜园时,看见里面的小辣椒,紫紫的,看起来很好吃。心想:着么紫的小辣椒难道还会辣吗?肯定能好吃,心中便有了一种想法,摘一个尝一尝,反正爷爷也不在。我以飞一般的速度跑了过去。用手一拽,边摘了下来。我像得了一件宝贝似的,小心翼翼地捧着四色小辣椒,向家跑去。到了家,见没人,才放了心。跑进厨房把四色小辣椒洗干净,然后把放四色小辣椒放进嘴里嚼,不嚼不要紧,一嚼可坏了。顿时,舌头、喉喽就像要喷火一样,辣的我说不出话来。我跑到水

龙头前大口大口的喝起水来。这才好点,没想到这四色小辣椒比别的辣椒辣上十倍。这件事一直刻在我的心头,甩也甩不掉呢。 四年级:戴恋佳 难忘的一件事作文400字四年级 最令我难忘的一件事,就是偷吃四色小辣椒了,那四色辣椒的滋味,真是难以形容,令人难忘。在我家楼下有一个小菜园,那里是爷爷的乐园,他每天都会去那,乐呵呵地给他种的蔬菜浇水。在这个菜园里,有白菜、罗卜和辣椒。最引起我主意的就是辣椒了。爷爷种的不是一般的辣椒,是四色小辣椒。四色小辣椒是一种能变色的小辣椒,在每个季节变一种色,春天是绿色、夏天是黄色、秋天是紫色、冬天是红色,非常神奇。一天我在楼下散步,当时正是秋天的一个。我走到菜园时,看见里面的小辣椒,紫紫的,看起来很好吃。心想:着么紫的小辣椒难道还会辣吗?肯定能好吃,心中便有了一种想法,摘一个尝一尝,反正爷爷也不在。我以飞一般的速度跑了过去。用手一拽,边摘了下来。我像得了一件宝贝似的,小心翼翼地捧着四色小辣椒,


第一单元专项练习 一、填空。 (2)从个位起,往左第五位是()位,第()位是亿位,万位的左面第一位是()位,最高位是百亿位的数是()位数。 (3)在854006007中,“8”在()位上,表示(),“5” 在()位上,表示(),“6” 在()位上,表示()。 (4)10个10亿是(),10个()是一千万,()个一千万是一亿。(5)四十六万八千零四十是由()个十万,()个万,()个千和()个十组成,它写作()。 (6)十位上和千位上都是4的五位数中,最大的数是(),最小的数是()。它们相差()。 (7)最小的七位数是(),最大的六位数是(),它们的和是(),差是()。 (8)一个十一位数,最高位是6,第七位是8,最低位是3,其余各位是0,这个数写作(),读作(),四舍五入到亿位写作()。 (9)一个九位数,最高位和最低位上的数字都是6,十万位上的数字是5,其余数位上的数字都是0,这个数写作(),读作()。(10)由五个千万,六个万,七个百和八个十组成的数写作()。二、写出或读出下列各数。 八万三千零八写作();一千零一十万二千写作();六亿零七千写作(); 五百六十亿零三万写作();814200读作(); 108078000读作();200003050读作();603000004读作(); 三、在○里填上“>” “<”或“=”。(8分)

84亿○8400000000 639925○64亿 790000○709999 3404万○30440000 8888788○8887888 79018万○8亿 1101万○11010000 9999899○9998999 四、判断题。 (1)一千一千地数,数十次是一万。() (2)最大六位数与最小六位数相差1。() (3)两位数共有九十个。() (4)8亿是8位数。() (5)984650改写成万作单位约98万。() 五、选择题。 (1)最高位是万位的数是()。 A.五位数 B.六位数 C.七位数 D.十位数 (2)比10000少1的数是()。 A.9000 B.9900 C.9009 D.9999 (3)八个千和八个十组成的数是()。 A.800080 B.808 C.8080 D.8800 (4)把594900四舍五入到万位约是()万。 (5)A.60 B.59 C.61 D.595 (5)李村去年工农业纯收入六百四十万零七十元,写作()元。 A.64070 B.6407 C.6400070 D.640070 (6)四十、四万、四亿组成的数是()。 A.4000040040 B.400040040 C.400004040 D.4000004004 (7)比最小的九位数少1的数是()。 A.99999999 B.999999999 C.1000000001 D.9999999 六、把下列各数改写成用“万”或“亿”作单位的数。 230000=()万 36700000=()万 635000000=()万

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