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The feature of Hardy`s style is about the description of nature in Hardy`s Wessex novel. The description of Nature not only as a setting, but also a vital part of Hardy`s novels. He pays attention to the interrelations between human, Nature and society. Nature in his novels is personated and melted with the characters together. Hardy believed firmly that man was part of Nature, a guardian of Nature and should always remain true to their closeness with Nature. In all Hardy`s Wessex novels, the characters, who can live in harmony with Nature all deserve a good ending, while those who cannot are by all means go ruining. The conflict between man’s aspirations and his environment is the central unifying force of Hardy`s tragic novels. It stresses that human should live in harmony with Nature.

Key Words:

Hardy、Nature、Wessex people、fate、harmony






1 Introduction.... .. (1)

2 Influence of Nature on Hardy and his Novels (1)

2.1 Hardy`s Life (1)

2.2 Hardy and Nature (2)

2.3 Hardy`s Style (3)

3 Nature, Character and Fate (3)

3.1 The Return of the Native (1878) (4)

3.2 The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886) (6)

3.3 Tess of the d`Urbervilles (1891) (7)

3.4 Jude the Obscure (1895) (10)

4 Conclusion (11)

References (13)

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