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My View on Modern Life

My View on Modern Life(现代生活之我见)






Some people think that life at present is better than life in the past. They think that now we are living a life that our ancestors could never have dreamed of. For instance, convenient foods from markets have simplified cooking. Electric appliances at home have taken the drudgery out of housework. New inventions have helped to make our work more sufficient and less tiring. Development in medic ine has helped to make people live longer and healthier. It seems as if we were living in paradise.

Other people, however, believe that life in the past is better than life at present. They argue that in this highly competitive society people have to work even harder and learn much more in order to adapt to the fast pace of modern life. Moreover, people have to be sophisticated to deal with the many complicated matters in life and work. Development in industry has caused lots of pollution. New inventions have put many people out of work.

In my opinion, life always has its problems. There are problems now which people didn't have to face in the past, and there were also problems in the past which people don't have to confront today. Life is full of happiness if we should be optimistic. We should smile through everything whether it is happiness or misery. This is the right attitude towards life.

How to Deal with Stress(如何面对压力)





Stress is a state of being upset that happens when we are under pressure. Both our feelings and our bodies get upset. We can even get emotionally and physically sick if we have too much stress for too long.

Stress can come at us from every direction. For instance, it can come from fights with other people. It can come when we have too many things to do and too little time to do them. It can also come when we do not have enough money to pay for what we want.

Since stress can make us sick, we have to learn how to deal with it. There are good ways and bad ways to do so. We should deal with stress in good ways, of course. Good ways to cut down on stress include changing our lifestyles. For example, we can learn either to get along with people or to stay away from them. We can decide what to do now, what to do later, and what to leave off doing forever. We can also figure out how to get money or we can cut down on what we want.

We should not deal with stress in bad ways because bad ways to cut down on stress just lead to more troubles, for example, skipping out and leaving our work undone, blaming our problems on someone else, stealing or cheating.

How to Reduce Stress(如何减少压力)






As the pace of modern life continues to quicken, many people are in the habit of rushing through life. Some admit that stress seems to be on the increase all the time. A certain degree of stress is beneficial to us, but too much stress is certainly harmful, and sometinles may even harmful to our health and physique. So it is necessary to know how to reduce stress.

There are many ways that can help us solve this problem, but the following may be the most effective. First, learn to COllie to terms with yourselves. Don't set a goal that is too high because there are many things in this world that are beyond your reach. Learn to be content to go as far as you can. Second, learn to COllie to terms with the world around you. Don't try to change other people or other things. There are people and things in this world that you can do nothing about. So learn to accept them. Third, don't be too interested in material things and don't try to "keep up with the Joneses." Don't harbor any jealousy, vanity or resentment to others. Be satisfied with what you have. Finally, keep in touch with your friends. Talk with them, share with them your happiness and misery. This will help to make you feel better.

These are not necessarily the only ways to solve the problem, and it is my hope that everyone can reduce the too much stress in his work and study and live a relaxed happy life.

My Ideal Job




Different people have different ambitions. When children study at school, they already have their own ideals. Stone want to be engineers or doctors in the future. Others want to be artists or businessmen. Still others want to be teachers or lawyers. But few want to be farmers.

Unlike most people, I choose to be a farmer in the future and make contributions to development of agriculture. Agriculture is essential to the national economy and the people's livelihood. Without it there won't be grains on which people survive. Nevertheless, farmers are ignored, even looked down upon by urban people. I determine to challenge the traditional idea and contribute to changing this situation.

However, lt is not easy to he a modern farmer in the 21st century. A modern

farmer must be equipped with a variety of knowledge such as chemlstry, biology and meteorology. Therefore, I must study conscientiously from now on so that I can get the chance to study as a postgraduate in an agricultural university.

I believe only a man with scientific knowledge can meet the challenge of the 21st century and assume the task of modernizing agriculture.





It is clear that health is the foundation of one's future success. If you get sick, it is nearly impossible to pursue your career effectively, much less make your dreams come true. On the other hand, if you are stout and strong, you can go all out to overcome the obstacles that lie ahead of you.

Now that we know that health is the source of our energy, what should we do to maintain and enhance our health? First, we should exercise every day to strengthen our muscles. Second, we should keep regular reasonable hours. If we get up early, we can breathe fresh air. This habit can do wonders in our life. Third, there is a proverb that says, "Prevention is better than cure."

In short, health is more important than wealth. Those who are rich but love their health are no more fortunate than those who are poor. If you want your wish to come true, you should do exercise and keep fit. Health is the most important ingredient of your success.

Relax Y ourself放松自我

What does it mean to relax?Despite hearing this term thousands of times during the course of our

lives, very few people have deeply considered what it's really about.

When you ask people (which I have done many times) what it means to relax, most will answer in

a way that suggests that relaxing is something you plan to do later you do it on vacation, in a hammock, when you retire, or when you get everything else done. This implies, of course, that most other times should be spent nervous, agitated, rushed, and frenzied. V ery few actually come out and say so, but this is the obvious implication.Could this explain why so many of us operate as if life were

one great big emergency?

It is useful to think of relaxation as a quality of heart that you can access on a regular basis rather than something reserved for some later time. Y ou can relax now. It's helpful to remember that relaxed people can still be superachievers and, in fact, that relaxation and creativity go hand in hand.When I'm feeling uptight, for example, I don't even try to write. But when I feel relaxed, my writing flows quickly and easily.

Keeping Pets

Men have kept pets since ancient times. We can see from discoveries in the pyramids in Egypt and from scenes on decorated

wall-coverings of European castles that our ancestors were as in- terested in pets as we are.

One reason for keeping pets is their utility. When our dog barks, it warns us of thieves. A cat keeps down the mice and rats in homes. When men depended on hunting for food they found hunting-dogs extremely useful. They also used a type of bird to aid them in their search for food.

Companionship is a non-utilitarian reason for keeping pets. If people are living by themselves they feel lonely, and having a pet relieves this loneliness to some extent. We like to have some companion with us even if this companion is not human. We feel the need to have another living being to share

our daily lives. Having a companion, even if it is only an animal, gives us a feeling of warmth and an interest in something else beyond ourselves. Some people even prefer pets to other people. Pets are not as demanding as people sometimes are. In particular,pets do not demand of us that we should talk when we wish to remain silent. Some people do talk to pets as if they were human beings, but they have the satisfaction of knowing that the

pets cannot answer back and engage them in argument. Pets seem content with so very little.








How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities






The shortage of housing is one of the most serious problems facing many big cities in China. Though the government has spent a large sum of money on housing,the investment has not been very resultful and a housing shortage still exists. Two generations sharing one room and newlymarried couples finding it difficult to have a house of their own are still common cases. Housing shortage is a problem that requires an immediate solution.

People's attitudes towards the solution to the housing problem are different. Some suggest building more tall apartment buildings; others believe that we should develop underground housing areas. I am in favour of the former opinion. For one thing, it is cheaper to build upward than downward. For another, living underground for a long time will do harm to people's health. Above all,people are unwilling to live underground with artificial lighting and they prefer to live normally on the ground to enjoy the sunshine.

Although there may be some other ways to solve the housing shortage problem, I believe to build more apartment buildings is one of the feasible solutions to the housing problem.


There are two important kinds of music in the world one is written down and the other is not. Many people earn their living by writing music. They write songs for popstars and music for films and TV plays. They usually write exact instructions how the music is to be played.

Folk music has been passed down from one generation to another. At first it was never written down. Pe pie learnt the songs from their families, relatives, neighbours and friends in the same village. These songs were about country life, the seasons, animals and plants, and about love and sadness in people's lives.

Early performers of music were popular and respected. They used to learn hundreds of songs by heart. On festivals they used to act and sing in praise of heroes who lived long ago. This was at a time when there was no radio, TV or cinema. Many of the country people could neither read nor write. In this way stories were passed on from one person to another. This continues in some countries even today.

In some parts of the world nowadays, you often see musiclans performing in the streets to passers by. They put a cap on the ground in front of them, so that people who like the music can drop coins into it.










When I was a child, I was fascinated by the melody of piano on the screen. At that time, I dreamed of being a pianist and having my own piano.

At the age of five, my father bought me a beautiful piano as my birthday present wit h the money they had saved for a long time. At the same time, my father found a piano teacher for me and every day I would practise it again and again as my father demande d. Before long, my interest in piano was transferred to other things. I began to escape the practice as much as I could. My father found out my impatience. He encouraged me and was stricter with me than ever before. With his help, I underwent the hardest time and devoted myself to the piano.

Now, in my spare time after a long time of study and hard work, I always play the piano and enjoy the beautiful music.





大学英语周记文30篇 Passage 1 The Road to Happiness There are a great many people who have all the material conditions of happiness, i.e. health and a sufficient income, and who, nevertheless, are profoundly unhappy. In such cases it would seem as if the fault must lie with a wrong theory as to how to live. In one sense, we may say that any theory as to how to live is wrong. We imagine ourselves more different from the animals than we are. Animals live on impulse, and are happy as long as external conditions are favorable. If you have a cat, it will enjoy life if it has food and warmth and opportunities for an occasional night on the tiles. Your needs are more complex than those of your cat, but they still have their basis on instinct. In civilized societies, especially in English-speaking societies, this is too apt to be forgotten. People propose to themselves some one paramount objective, and restrain all impulses that do not minister to it. A businessman may be so anxious to grow rich that to this end he sacrifices health and private affections. When at last he has become rich, no pleasure remains to him except harrying other people by exhortations to imitate his noble example. Many rich ladies, although nature has not endowed them with any spontaneous pleasure in literature or art, decide to be thought cultured, and spend boring hours learning the right thing to say about fashionable new books that are written to give delight, not to afford opportunities for dusty snobbism. Passage 2 Love Is Difficult It is good to love, but love is difficult. For one human being to love another human being is perhaps the most difficult task that has been entrusted to us —the ultimate task, the final test and proof, the work for which all other work is merely preparation. That is why young people, who are beginners in everything, are not yet capable of love: it is something they must learn. With their whole being, with all their forces, gathered around their solitary, anxious, upward-beating heart, they must learn to love. But learning time is always a long, secluded time ahead and far on into life, and is solitude, a heightened and deepened kind of aloneness for the person who loves. Loving does not at first mean merging, surrendering or uniting with another person; it is a high inducement for the individual to ripen, to become something in himself, to become world in himself for the sake of another person; it is a great, demanding claim on him, something that chooses him and calls him to


七年级周记50字大全 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! 孩子上中学后,只喊作业多,忙不赢。我说写日记随便几句话都可以呀,她说哪里有时间哦。我本来想每天吃饭时让她说说学校的事情,我给她录下来,然后给她整理出来,也算是为她的成长做一个记录。可是我的时间比她的更少,忙的程度比她更甚。所以开学这两周来,孩子的日记算是滞留下来了。因为今天上午要学二胡,明天上午7点半开始要学英语,所以昨晚上她写作业到快11点钟,今天写周记又到了11点半才不得不睡觉。今天白天学了二胡以后,她就一直在做美术作业,稍微玩了一会儿,然后吃晚饭,给她洗头发。再和她一起去上街,买了些日用品,给她买了两件特价短袖。回来时已经21点多了,我叫她睡,她却说要写周记。没办法,我就想了个办法,她来说我来打,就这样,我们搞到11点半才完成了这篇周记。 燕老师,今天我第一次写周记,想跟您谈谈三件烦心事,您能帮助我吗自从开学以来,这三件事情一直困扰着我,让我左右为难,不知如何是好,请您帮

我出出主意吧!这三件事情是:剪头发,读寄宿,学英语。 一、关于剪头发。 我的头发太长了!都到我屁股边了。妈妈一会儿要我剪头发,一会儿说“莫剪了”,真不知她是什么心思。我呢,也是有点想剪,又不想剪。想剪的原因是:剪了以后睡觉自由自在,不用担心把头发睡乱,也不用浪费那么多时间扎辫子啦;也不用因为头发扎得紧而头皮疼了;我的头发这么长,还可以卖百来块钱呢!听人说,头发剪了以后还可以长高,对我这个长得不高的人来说,这是多大的诱-惑呀!我看我不用问老师了,被我这么一说,剪头发好像尽是好处没有坏处啦。当然喽,留长发也有留长发的好处。头发长长的,扎起辫子来就好漂亮,演节目的时候有长头发,想怎么扎就怎么扎,化妆就很方便了。有一回,就是开学前的那个集日,我遇到一个买头发的。外婆说快去把头发卖了,我就赶紧跑去谈价。那个人给我出100元,这时候,我觉得100元好像有点少,因为李文琴的头发卖了120元呢!我又想起留长头发的各种好处来,特别是我以前剪过短头发,那时候照的相片丑死了。犹豫了好久,外婆说:“你不剪谁给你梳头,谁给你洗头”妈妈接过来说:“我给你梳,我给你洗!”就这样,我越


大学英语周记范文 Nowadays, with the improvement of people’s living standards, health is a hot topic that many people are concerned about. But how to keep healthy? In my opinion, appropriate and healthy food is a key part in keeping healthy. Every day, we eat a variety of food in order to keep our body in balance. Our body needs various foods which offer different nutrients. But too much chocolate and ice-cream may get us fat or even sick. So we must be careful about what we eat and how much we eat. In a word, reasonable and balanced diets are the keys to staying healthy. So we should pay more attention to healthy food. Fashion One day we had a heated discussion about whether students should wear fashionable clothes. There were two viewpoints. 60% of the students, who are against wearing fashionable clothes, said, “These clothes are often expensive. We don’t make money, however. And surely it has a bad effect on our school life to always follow the latest fashions. We, as students, should put our hearts into study, not dressing fashionably.


英语周记100字 本文是关于作文大全的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 英语周记100字(一) i went to visit the great wall with my friends during the summer vacation. we went there by bus. it took us about two hours to get there. it was hot and windy that day. there were thousands of people. when we saw a group of foreigners,we went up and talked with them. we told them lots of history of the great wall. they were very surprised when they saw that our english were exellent and we knew a lot about the great wall's history. they thanked us a lot and we really had a good time. we felt proud of ourselves and being chinese. 我和我的伙伴在夏令营期间去了长城,我们是乘汽车去的,经过两个小时才到的那儿。那天天气很热,风也很大,许多许多的人,当我们看到一群外国人的时候,我们上去和他们攀谈。我们告诉他们许多关于长城的故事,他们非常惊讶我们的英语是如斯的好,而且我们还懂那么多关于长城的故事。他们非常感谢我们,而我们也度过了愉快的一天。我们为自己是一名中国人而感到很自豪。 英语周记100字(二) it was sunny and very hot today. i got up early and helped


初中生日记 50 字大全 篇一:小学生日记大全 50 字 1。 今日,晴,我的心情也是如此的,因为今天姐姐要带我去公园玩 我最喜欢姐姐了, 每次去公园玩 都会跟我买好多好吃的 也不会阻止我玩游戏 在旋转木马上 我快乐的像只飞 翔的小鸟 2。 今日,微风,妈妈去上班了想每天一样,我也开始写我的日记,我喜欢这项作业, 我很快乐,因为我发现写日记时间很有趣的事情 妈妈也是夸奖我写得好。 3。糟糕 ,今天把妈妈的化妆品弄撒了,我本来只是好奇的 没想到犯了大错误,那可是 妈妈最心爱的了。怎么办呢?果然妈妈回来,大发雷霆,还打了我一巴掌 4。 今天妈妈 上班前把我叫醒了 要知道 妈妈从来都不会这么早叫醒我的 难道还要打我 吗我怕极了。 没想到, 妈妈说对不起, 昨天是妈妈不好, 其实我没有怪妈妈 妈妈还是好妈妈! 5。今天,是特别的日子,是妈妈的生日,所以爸爸亲自下厨,其实爸爸的厨艺要比妈妈 好呢,只是爸爸比较忙没有时间,今天可以好好地大餐一顿了,我送了妈妈一件礼物,是我给 妈妈画的肖像 妈妈可喜欢了 还亲了我 6。妈妈说我自己在家没人照顾,要把我送到奶奶家,我不喜欢去奶奶家,因为奶奶要照 看弟弟,他总是哭的,他那么小 ,也不能跟我一起玩,可是就算不情愿,还是去了 7。真是可恶,又被哭声弄醒了,没办法睡懒觉了!昨天夜里他还哭了呢,可是奶奶一点 都不怪他,还照顾她,我觉得奶奶都忘记我的存在了,除了每天三餐叫我吃饭 8。哎,又是重复的一天,奶奶还是那样 对我很冷漠,弟弟还是总哭闹,我终于忍不住 了, 大吼一声, 哭什么哭 奶奶严厉的说不许对弟弟这样, 他不会说会 当然饿了 尿了就要哭 , 你以前也这样的!我很委屈 9。昨天我把奶奶的话想了想觉得很有道理,所以今天我决定加入照顾弟弟的行列,奶奶 也很高兴,说我懂事了,还给妈妈打电话说了这件事,奶奶说妈妈夸奖我呢。 10。今天,我更加熟练地知道怎么照顾弟弟了,他哭得大声就是饿了,我会哄他,然后 让奶奶去弄奶粉,哭得小声,就是尿了,我会帮奶奶拿尿不湿,然后看看怎么换 11。我学会换尿布了,以后又可以为奶奶分担了,奶奶一整天都乐得合不拢嘴,一直在 夸奖我真乖,我其实只是无聊才想做这些的,不过看奶奶开心,我也很开心 12。奶奶为了奖励我,给我做了红烧排骨,我最喜欢奶奶做的,我觉得奶奶对我也不再 冷漠了,奶奶越来越喜欢我,甚至多过了弟弟,我和奶奶,突然觉得弟弟也很可爱了 13。今天,老家的表叔来奶奶家了,我很开心,因为从小我就和表叔最好了,他总是带 我玩,还会给我很多好吃的这次又带来了家乡的特产,可惜弟弟吃不了,等他长大,我要分给 他 14。家里有客人就是好,连饭菜都变得丰盛了,可是奶奶会很辛苦的,我就担当起了照 顾弟弟的重任,我发现弟弟笑起来很可爱,他也总是对我笑,我想他也是喜欢我的

英语作文 英语日记范文42篇

英语作文英语日记范文42篇 第一天:THE NEWSPAPER 报纸 Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances. 现今报纸拥有极大的价值,人人都应该看它。它每天提供我们各种类类的消息。它告诉我们世界政治局势。如果我们养成看报的习惯,我们就能得到足够的知识来因应我们的环境。 学生虽然每天须做功课,但他们至少应该匀出一两个小时来看报。哪些,他们不但能增加知识而且也能赶上时代。总而言之,看报对学生很有益处。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 第二天:MY DAILY LIFE 我的日常生活 Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country. I get up at six o’clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o’clock. After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o’clock.Then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed. 虽然我的日常生活十分单调,但我却竭力设法去适应它。为什么?因为我打算做一个好学生,希望将来为国家服务。 我每天六点起床、洗脸刷牙后,就开始复习功课,七点钟我就去上学。 放学后,我就回家了。我们通常在七点钟吃晚餐,之后我就开始做家庭作业,希望在睡觉前把它做完。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 第三天:A MODEL STUDENT 模范学生


寒假英语日记100字带翻译 你的寒假是怎么过的呢?有没有遇到有趣的事情?不妨把这些有趣的事写在英语日记了吧。大家下面是橙子精心挑选的带翻译的寒假英语日记100字,供大家阅读。 寒假英语日记100字篇一 Last night ,I dreamed I became a very beautiful brid.I dreamed that I was in a forest. In tht forest,there were a lot of animals. Then,an old bird told us,"we have a very beautiful forest,we should therefore protect it from pollution."All the animals agreed with him. But the second day,people came into our forest. Many animals were caught.The people wanted to build house and parks in our forest. Many old trees were felled.And then suddenly,nothing was left standing. I was so shocked and then I bursted out crying.I woke up at midnight.It was only a dream. 翻译: 昨晚我梦见我变成一只非常漂亮的鸟.我梦见我在一座森林,森林里有很多动物.然后有一只老鸟告诉我们,"我们有一座非常美丽的1 / 4


周记300字_难忘的一次班队活动 我们班在上星期五班队课上玩了一个游戏。首先贾老师介绍了游戏规则,一个同学在前面跑,一个同学在后面追。跑的同学随便坐在一个位子上,然后坐在这个位子上的同学就要接替跑。如果被追的同学抓住了,跑的同学反过来。 开始游戏了,首先由我们班的朱若希和陆佳怡这两位女同学跑和追,朱若希跑,陆佳怡在后面追。跑呀,跑呀,追呀,追呀。朱若希跑到了刘雨辰的位子上的人就要坐下,接着刘雨辰继续跑。过了很久,陆佳怡还是没有抓到。 过了一会,贾老师说:换两个男同学来参加游戏,游戏规则跟刚才一样。不一会儿,后面追的同学终于抓住了前面跑的同学。时间过的真快,下课铃响了,但是班上还有一部分同学没有轮到。 今天的班队活动玩的真开心,既增强班级的团队精神,又锻炼了身体,好期待下次的班队活动。 周记300字_心眼坏的老板娘 周末的一天,妈妈带我去买水果,我最喜欢吃荔枝。远远的就听到老板娘的叫卖声新鲜的荔枝了。老板娘有着肥肥胖胖的身子和一双肥肥胖胖的手。当我和妈妈正要走到摊前时,我悄悄看见老板娘正忙着偷偷地把坏荔枝分别装在空纸袋里。这是干什么呢?我心里在想。 这时,来了一位老爷爷买荔枝,老板娘满脸堆笑地说:这位大爷,我给您老人家挑些最好的。一边说一边转身从地上拿起刚才装好的空纸袋,快速地往里面装荔枝。老爷爷边声说谢谢!付过钱就走了,拿着那只底下装着烂荔枝的袋子。 看着老爷爷远去的身影,我才恍然大悟:这令人气愤的老板娘,竟然用这种方法来骗人,以次充好来多赚钱,还是笑着脸来骗老人家,太叫人气愤了! 周记300字_幸福、快乐的一家 我生活在一个平凡的家庭里,虽然,不富裕,但我觉得很幸福,也很快乐。 我为什么觉得很幸福呢?因为我有一个好妈妈,也有一个好爸爸。我的爸爸、妈妈都是仪征中学的老师,他们俩都是尽心尽力教书的好老师!妈妈不但在学校认真的教书,做一名好老师,而且在家里也会亲切地指导我作业,努力做一名好妈妈呢!这让我觉得很幸福!当然,我的爸爸虽然工作忙一点,但也总会抽出时间,和我一起阅读美文,一起写读后感。这让我觉得很幸福! 我为什么觉得很快乐呢?虽然爸爸、妈妈要起早贪黑地上班,但一到暑假或者寒假,就一定会带我去游山玩水,我在这旅游过程中也明白了许多深刻的道理!这让我觉得很快乐!暑假里,爸爸、妈妈有时还会亲手做菜给我吃,品尝着香甜可口的饭菜,这样让我也觉得很快乐! 我生活在这样一个幸福、快乐的家庭里,我觉得既开心,又自豪! 周记300字_开学啦 漫长而开心的暑假结束了,今天,终于开学了,既紧张又兴奋,因为我们上五年级啦!每年开学都要举行开学典礼,今年也不例外。不过,今年有一例外的事,我终于也可以当领队手了,每天举着牌子带领着同学们走出教室来到校园门口也是件挺幸福的事。


英语六级作文预测范文30篇 热点作文1 .. 1)目前社会上有许多人喜欢购买彩票 2)分析产生这种现象的原因 3)提出你的建议 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种现象,提纲第2点要求分析产生这种现象的原因,提纲第3点要求“我”针对该现象给出建议,由此可判断本文应为现象解释型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:描述当前社会上人们热衷于购买彩票的现象;分析导致人们购买彩票的原因;针对购买彩票提出一至两点“我”的建议。 【参考范文】 Why Do People Like to Buy Lotteries? Nowadays, there exist all kinds of lotteries in our society, such as welfare lottery, sports lottery, computer lottery, and so forth. Anyone, whether men or women, the young or the old, may buy lottery tickets. But why do so many people like buying them? The following reasons can account for the popularity of lotteries. First of all, most people are trying their luck on lottery tickets. They have a long-cherished dream of making big money overnight. In addition, there are some people who want to make donation to public welfare by buying lottery tickets. Besides, some people buy them just for fun.


【大学英语周记200字范文】大学英语周记范文优秀大学生 日记 【--生日祝福语】 周记是用文字记载一个星期以己的学习、生活情况或身边发生的事、令你感动的人和有感触的景色。今天在这分享一些大学英语周记范文给大家,欢迎大家阅读! Ya, each time meets writes Zhou Jidu to have to let oneself think,considers! Has impatience which that selects!Yes, teacher, I likes collecting the vehicle model very much,specially the racing bicycle, did not know is why, sees the attractivevehicle to be able to be unable to put down, very wants to go to haveit, but does not have that ability. Was always fantasizing own can have a real racing bicycle, replaces the foot which oneself is injured to run on the spacious street, then felt should be happiest, said at least regarding me! Because always likes fantasizing, own always have very many is the average man thought not the normal response, does not want to study, likes a person being in a daze,


小学生英语周记范文(五篇) 导读:本文小学生英语周记范文(五篇),仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】 i went to summer camp on vacation. on the first day, we went to a beautiful beach. it was a sunny and hot day, so we went swimming. the water was warm and we had great fun. then the next day, we went to the mountains. there were many trees and i really enjoyed them. on the last day, we had a great party. we sang and danced happily. we didn’t want to leave(离开) the friends and the teachers. i hope i can go to summer camp again next year.【篇二】 i went to the home for the aged with my friends on july 30th.as soon as the eldly people saw us, they were all happy. 1.we sang songs and danced for them. then we helped the worker clean the rooms and washes the clothes. they praized us a lot and said that we were good boys. although we felt tired, we had a good time. 【篇三】 it was sunny and very hot today. i got up early and helped my parents cook breakfast. then i washed the dishes and cleaned the room. after a short rest i did my homework in the


初中生日记50字大全12篇 以下是笔者为大家整理的关于初中生日记50字大全12篇的文章,供大家学习参考! 篇一:做恶梦 今天,我做了一个梦。我梦见一个鬼要杀我,因为他说他的弟弟被我害死了,所以到了阎王爷那儿找我偿命,可我根本没害过人呀,于是,我就跟他讲起道理来,他不但不听,还露出满嘴带着黑斑而锋利的牙齿,向我咬来。我赶紧跑呀跑,跑得上气不接下气…… 做恶梦可真倒霉呀!我长大了,一定要发明一种药,人吃了以后,就不会再做恶梦了。 篇二:游泳 今天是我回老家的第二天,下午我和哥哥在他家门口的大湾里游泳,因为石头太尖所以我们穿着鞋下了水,一不小心我的鞋掉了。我的鞋浮不起来,只好小心翼翼的用脚试着才找到。我哥哥带着游泳圈到深水里去了,可是出来的时候费了好大的劲,一点一点的才游出来,可真危险呀。然后我们又在浅水里游了一会儿,就回家了。以后我们得注意不能自己到大湾里游泳。

篇三:下雨 今天下午,天上忽然下起了雨。我和表弟表妹们一起欢呼:“噢!太好了!只要傍晚雨停下来,晚上的萤火虫就数不胜数啦!”正如我们所期盼的,雨果然在傍晚时分停了,我们欢喜而又焦急地等待着夜幕的降临。 篇四:连云港的海 寒假里,我们来到连云港。今天,爸爸带着我、妈妈、妹妹、大伯和大妈一起去连云港的海边游玩。那天,风特别大,我们都带上帽子,顶着风,来到了海边。看着那滚滚的海水,多美啊!爸爸从车上把照相机拿下来给我们拍照。 我们又坐上了车,忽然,我和妹妹都叫了起来:“海鸥!我看见海鸥了!”大人们也跟着朝窗外看,那么多的海鸥围着海边飞来飞去,连云港的海可真美啊! 篇五:奶奶玩QQ 我的奶奶,喜欢玩拖拉机,他喜欢用我的QQ,可是总是输,今天我把密码换了,她上不了,问我的密码,我不告诉她,爷爷批评了我。我想和她注册一个QQ,搞了几次,没有成功,总说注册人太多,要等候。我只好把我的QQ让她用,没有办法,她是我的奶奶呀!但是我向她提出要求,即使是输,也不能超过100分! 篇六:美丽的栀子花 今天,妈妈带我去广场看栀子花。


范例一 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Attend Your Classes Regularly。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象 2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性 3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做 Attend Your Classes Regularly Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for or even absent from classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers. In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly. First, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your study. Second, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect to your teachers ,too. Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in turn, will affect their teaching and be no good for the students. Third, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future. Therefore, we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some day we’ll benefit from it. 点评:2008年元月三日,中山大学博士发帖称遭导师虐待;2008年元月四日,中国政法大学爆“杨帆门”事件;近几年,中小学老师或打学生或猥亵学生、体罚学生等各类新闻不断曝光,进而引发了师生关系的大讨论。本范例题为四级考试传统的问题解决型的写作,与校园生活密切相关。 范例二 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Students’ Rating of Their Teachers。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 学生给老师打分已经普遍 2. 人们对其持不同态度 3. 我的看法 Students’ Rating of Their Teachers Nowadays, it has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students’ rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness.. This, however, has caused great controversy. Some are in favor of the rating system, They hold that since students attend the teachers’ classes every day, they should have their opinion


优秀初一英语日记例文6篇2020 学习习惯在我们整个学习生涯中非常重要,好的学习习惯使人终身受益。坚持写英语日记可以养成每天学习英语的好习惯,英语学习是一个慢慢积累的过程,通过每天不间断地写英语日记,促使学生每天都接触英语,学习英语,在不知不觉中养成了良好的学习习惯,还掌握了很多英语知识。下文是为你精心编辑整理的优秀初一英语日记例文6篇,希望对你有所帮助,更多内容,请点击相关栏目查看,谢谢! 优秀初一英语日记例文1 It was the eighth day of our summer holiday.I felt good.I felt I am free.My parents went to camping.So I live alone but I dont feel lonely.I stayed at home and watched TV.I wrote an English daily composition.It was my homework.Today, I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I was very tired.It was time for dinner.I must go!I am very hungry. 优秀初一英语日记例文2 I had a good time last weekend. On Sunday morning, I stayed at home and did my homework. The homework wasnt difficult. After that, I played volleyball with my friends. It was tired, but very


Friend ship Everybody need friends. It’s very important for us to know how to make friends. How to make friends? At first, we should be friendly to each other, and make strangers at home, wherever they are, and think more of others than ourselves. We shouldn’t quarrel with our friends if we have different opinions with them. Don’t believe the man who leaves you when you are in danger because everyone knows “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Staying at Home Alone Thuesday Nov. 16, 2003 Fine I took my school report and came back home cautiously only to find mother wasn't at home. She went to my aunt's and wou!d come back in the evcning. I knew that fi'om a note on the table. I was still a little bit frightened as if mother would come back suddenly. Seeing the low marks on the school report and remcmbering mother's cold face, I almost trembled with fear. lf mother know I got so low marks oa the subjects, especially English, she would tear all my cartoon books which are my fovourite. I have been treating them as my own life for a long time. But mother always thought cartoon diverted my attention from study and had a bad effect on me. Frankly speaking, I had realized it. Mother hated those books. She had warned me if I got low marks once more she would get rid of them. I Still wanted to keep those books even if I would mever touch them from then on. What should I do? I knew that any persuation was in vain. I would prevent mother from doing that. A good idea stroke me. I gathered all the books and put them in a box. Then, I hid the box under my bed. Having done it carefully, I had a breathing spell. Opening the English book, I sat at the desk and began to read. It was really the time that I learned English carefully, I thought. My favourite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. There is always a smile on her face. Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing. Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favourite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.

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