当前位置:文档之家› 广东省广州市执信中学、广雅、二中、六中2016-2017学年高二上学期期末四校联考英语试卷 Word版含答案

广东省广州市执信中学、广雅、二中、六中2016-2017学年高二上学期期末四校联考英语试卷 Word版含答案

广东省广州市执信中学、广雅、二中、六中2016-2017学年高二上学期期末四校联考英语试卷 Word版含答案
广东省广州市执信中学、广雅、二中、六中2016-2017学年高二上学期期末四校联考英语试卷 Word版含答案














1. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Having guests this weekend.

B. Going out for sightseeing.

C. Moving into a new house.

2. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Neighbors.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Host and visitor.

3. What will the man do tomorrow?

A. Work in his garden.

B. Have a barbecue.

C. Do some shopping.


4. Why does the woman make the call?

A. To book a hotel room.

B. To ask about the room service.

C. To make changes to a reservation.

5. When will the woman arrive at the hotel?

A. On September 15.

B. On September 16.

C. On September 23.

6. How much will the woman pay for her room per night?

A. $179.

B. $199.

C. $219.


7. What is the talk mainly about?

A. The history of the school.

B. The courses for the term.

C. The plan for the day.

8. Where can the visitors learn about the subjects for new students?

A. In the school hall.

B. In the science labs.

C. In the classrooms.

9. What can students do in the practical areas?

A. Take science courses.

B. Enjoy excellent meals.

C. Attend workshops.

10. When are the visitors expected to ask questions?

A. During the lunch hour.

B. After the welcome speech.

C. Before the tour of the labs.



An Interview with David, a Skateboarding (滑板运动) Lover





I am a writer. I spend a great deal of my time thinking about the power of language — the way it can evoke (唤起) an emotion, a visual image, a complex idea, or a simple truth. Language is the tool of my trade. And I use them all — all the Englishes I grew up with.

Born into a Chinese family that had recently arrived in California, I’ve been giving more thought to the kind of English my mother speaks. Like other s, I have described it to people as ―broken‖ English. But I feel embarrassed to say that. It has always bothered me that I can think of no way to describe it other than ―broken‖, as if it were damaged and needed to be fixed, as if it lacked a certain wholeness. I’ve heard other terms used, ―limited English‖, for example. But they seem just as bad, as if everything is limited, including people’s perceptions (认识) of the limited English speaker.

I know this for a fact, because when I was growing up, my mother’s ―limited‖ English limited my perception of her. I was ashamed of her English. I believed that her English reflected the quality of what she had to say. That is, because she expressed them imperfectly her thoughts were imperfect. And I had plenty of evidence to support me: the fact that people in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service, pretended not to understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her.

I started writing fiction in 1985. And for reasons I won’t get into today, I began to write stories using all the Englishes I grew up with: the English she used with me, which for lack of a better term might be described as ―broken‖; and what I imagine to be her translation of her Chinese, her internal (内在的) language, and for that I sought to preserve the essence, but neither an English nor a Chinese structure. I wanted to catch what language ability tests can never show: her intention, her feelings, the rhythms of her speech and the nature of her thoughts.

11. By saying ―Language is the tool of my trade‖, the author means that ________.

A. she uses English in foreign trade

B. she is fascinated by languages

C. she works as a translator

D. she is a writer by profession

12. The author use d to think of her mother’s English as ________.

A. impolite

B. amusing

C. imperfect

D. practical

13. Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 3?

A. Americans do not understand broken English.

B. The author’s mother was not respected somet imes.

C. The author’s mother had a positive influence on her.

D. Broken English always reflects imperfect thoughts.

14. The author gradually realizes her mother’s English is ________.

A. well structured

B. in the old style

C. easy to translate

D. rich in meaning

15. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The change of the author’s attitude to her mother’s English.

B. The limitation of the author’s perception of her mother.

C. The author’s misunderstanding of ―limited‖ English.

D. The author’s experi ences of using broken English.


What does it mean to say that we live in a world of persuasion? It means that we live among competing interests. Your roommate’s need to study for an exam may take priority over pizza. Your instructor may have good reasons not to change your grade. And the object of your romantic interest may have other choices.

In such a world, persuasion is the art of getting others to give fair and favorable consideration to our points of view. When we persuade, we want to influence how others believe and behave. We may not always prevail — other points of view may be more persuasive, depending on the listener, the situation, and the merit of the case. But when we practice the art of persuasion, we try to ensure that our position receives the attention it deserves.

Some people, however, object to the very idea of persuasion. They may regard it as an unwelcome interruption into their lives. Just the opposite, we believe that persuasion is unavoidable —to live is to persuade. Persuasion may be ethical (合乎道义的) or unethical, selfless or selfish, inspiring or degrading. Ethical persuasion, however, calls on sound reasoning and is sensitive to the feelings and needs of listeners. Such persuasion call help us apply the wisdom of the past to the decisions we now must make. Therefore, the most basic part of education is learning to resist the one kind of persuasion and to encourage and practice the other.

Beyond its personal importance to us, persuasion is indispensable to society. The right to persuade and be persuaded is the bedrock of the American political system, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution (美国宪法).

16. According to the passage, persuasion means ________.

A. changing others’ points of view

B. exercising power over other people

C. getting other people to consider your point of view

D. getting people to agree with you and do what you want

17. The underlined word ―prevail‖ in the second paragraph means ________.

A. win

B. fail

C. speak

D. listen

18. The passage states that some people object to persuasion because they think it is ________.

A. a danger to society

B. difficult to do well

C. unwelcome behavior

D. never successful

19. The passage mainly discusses ________.

A. how people persuade

B. why people persuade

C. that persuasion is both good and bad

D. that persuasion is important and it is all around us

20. We can infer from the passage that ________.

A. if you are right, you can always be successful in your persuasion

B. persuasion is a necessary and important act in society

C. any persuasion is from a selfish and annoying point of view

D. persuasion is hard to do and hard to succeed


In recent decades even science fiction, once abundantly optimistic about the future, has been flooded with pessimism. Shine: An anthology (选集) of optimistic science fiction aims to go against that trend by bringing together some of the most optimistic visions of our future in one volume. Shine is new writing in the most exact sense, with stories from young talents of science fiction including Alliette de Boddard, Lavie Tidhar and Gareth L Powell. But Jason Stoddard, whose ability generalizes today’s new technology into tomorrow’s everyday reality, provides perhaps the book’s crown jewel with ―Overhead‖, a story of a post-scarcity society.

While it may seem unlikely in the midst of a continuous economic failure, post-scarcity is not just the stuff of science fiction. The technological developments that have lifted millions into a near post-scarcity existence in the last century are set to accelerate (加速). It is a very realistic possibility that our key challenge in this century will not be the fight for limited resources, but managing the economics of abundance and unlimited resources.

The future. A shiny place we can all look forward to. Our every material need met. A society freed from work, where intellectual effort and spiritual growth are our only concern. Lives measured not in decades, but in centuries and the full wealth of human knowledge available to all.

Hmm. Well, maybe. The future, at least in the next decade or two, is likely to be much like our present: an uneasy mix of dark pessimism and shiny optimism. For some the worst abuses of dystopia will be a scaring living reality. For others a technological utopia is already unfolding before them. The only thing that seems certain is that we are all caught in an accelerating process of change that will make the future, for a better or worse, a very different place from the present. But if we are to have some influence over how that change unfolds, isn’t it important that our stories, whether they be in the news, on television screens or in the pages of science fiction novels, fully explore the optimistic possibilities that technology represents?

21. Which science fiction writer is most highly thought of?

A. Jason Stoddard.

B. Lavie Tidhar.

C. Alliette de Boddard.

D. Gareth L Powell.

22. It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that in a post-scarcity society there is ________.

A. a shortage of resources

B. rapid technological development

C. an abundance of resources

D. much management of the economy

23. The author will probably agree that ________.

A. optimism is the trend of present science fiction

B. in the future, our every material need will be satisfied

C. the accelerating change will lead us to a brighter future

D. post-scarcity is still possible despite the present bad economy

24. What does the last sentence of the passage imply?

A. Our stories should be in various forms.

B. Optimism has effects on the future.

C. The change can be controlled by us.

D. The future of our society is totally unpredictable.

25. What is the main purpose of this passage?

A. To comment on a book.

B. To deal with a social problem.

C. To introduce a social form.

D. To foresee the future.



How to Focus

Improving your focus can make you a better student or employee as well as a happier and more organized person. If you want to improve your focus, you need to learn to avoid distractions and to be prepared with a focus-filled game plan before you set out to accomplish a task. 26

1. Build up your focus stamina (耐力). Each person may start off wit h a certain amount of ―focus stamina‖ but this is something that can be improved over time. To build your focus stamina, just give yourself a certain amount of time to do nothing but work on a certain task. 27 It may be just another five minutes or another half hour.

2. Meditate. Meditating is more than a great way to relax. 28 When you meditate, you’ll be focusing on clearing your head and concentrating on your body and breath. You can easily transfer these skills to clearing your head and focusing on the work ahead of you.

3. Read more.29 Try reading something without stopping for just thirty minutes, and slowly build your stamina to reading for an hour or even two hours with only short breaks. Being able to focus on the material in front of you will help you learn to focus on your work.

4. Multi-task less.30 However, it is actually harmful to your concentration. When you multi-task, you’re not putting all of your focus and energy into any one task, which actually harms your concen tration. Work on getting just one thing done at a time and you’ll see that you get this done more quickly. Chatting with your friends online while getting work done is one of the worst forms of multi-tasking. Chatting with a friend can slow your productivity down by half.

A. Reading is a great way to build up your focus.

B. If you want to know how to focus like a laser, just follow these steps!

C. Keep going until you feel you need to stop, and try to focus for longer the next day.

D. When that time passes, see how long you can keep going before actually stopping.

E. Many people think getting two or three things done at once is a great way to accomplish goals more


F. Did you waste your whole day reading random articles that people posted on Facebook?

G. If you meditate for just 10 to 20 minutes every day, you will slowly improve your focus.




31. He should have turned up then but his flight ________.

A. had delayed

B. delayed

C. delays

D. will delay

32. ________ how long the test would last, the students who finished ________ back and waited until the

end of the exam.

A. Knowing; settling

B. Knowing; settled

C. Known; settling

D. Known; settled

33. – Do you know Dr. Black has come to our town?

– No. I ________ and visit him right now.

A. will go

B. am going

C. have gone

D. go

34. The days are gone ________ physical strength was all ________ you needed to make a living.

A. where; what

B. when; that

C. when; which

D. where; that

35. You may rely on ________ that he is sure to be present at your graduation ceremony.

A. it

B. the one

C. all

D. this

36. To our surprise, Orea, a black and white cat, which looks ________ others wandering in the school yard,

has become a cyber star.

A. as a common cat as

B. so a common cat as

C. as common a cat as

D. so common a cat as

37. ________ to drugs for many years, ________ has become weaker and weaker.

A. Addicted; his eyesight

B. Having addicted; his heart

C. Being addicted; his health

D. Having been addicted; he

38. Nowadays, both in cities and mountainous areas, children each ________ access to the computer at


A. has

B. have

C. has had

D. had had

39. Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only ________ it didn’t fit.

A. finding

B. found

C. to be found

D. to find

40. In the afternoons after school, I tend to stay and study in the classroom until 6:30, ________ most of

my classmates have got home.

A. whose time

B. which

C. on which

D. by which

41. He asked me whether I intended to be a professional player. To be honest, I ________.

A. never hope

B. don’t hope so

C. do hope to be

D. hope

42. Not until ________ the data again ________ that there was a mistake.

A. had we studied, we realized

B. had we studied, did we realize

C. we had studied, we realized

D. we had studied, did we realize

43. Do you really think it was the first time that he ________ The Voice of China?

A. took part in

B. has taken part in

C. had taken part in

D. takes part in

44. He wished ________ he would pass the entrance examination of college and ________ his parents

could allow him to study in the North.

A. /; that

B. /; /

C. that; which

D. that; /

45. Never before ________ such a wonderful land, ________ I’d like to pay a visit again.

A. have I seen; where

B. I have seen; where

C. I have seen; which

D. have I seen; which

46. Tom is recognized as a curve wrecker. He is one of the students who ________ great importance to

________ homework.

A. attaches, do

B. attaches, doing

C. attach, do

D. attach, doing

47. ________ is known is that don’t trust such people ________ over-praise you to your face.

A. It; who

B. As; that

C. What; as

D. It; as

48. There has been the requirement that every child ________ the opportunity to be educated.

A. is given

B. be given

C. can be given

D. must be given

49. ________ is to blame for that mistake?

A. Who do you think

B. Do you think whom

C. Do you think who

D. Whom do you think

50. Had he predicted the disaster, he ________ his girlfriend to the 2015 New Year’s celebration at the

Bund, Shanghai.

A. wouldn’t take

B. wouldn’t have taken

C. wouldn’t be taking

D. wasn’t going to tak e



―Don’t be nervous. It’s only a few thousand listeners.‖ said WGN’s Steve Cochran. I smiled

51 , my heart pounding. I sat in the 52 opposite Steve in the studio while spectators

53 pressed their noses against the windows to get a glimpse.

54 people told me this day wasn’t55 ; they said real authors aren’t 15-year-olds and that my story wasn’t good enough. I knew that I could only rely on one person to make this happen:

56 . Self-publishing was a great option to make my book a reality in a world that 57 my abilities.

After two months of reading, writing and revision the script, it was finally ready for 58 . I remember coming home from school and seeing a brown 59 on the kitchen table. Mom was overjoyed, but it just didn’t seem60 to me. I tore open the box to see five copies of my

61 book. Thick staples (订书针) had held together the stories I used to create when I was three, the ones Mom would ―62 ‖ for me. 63 , it wasn’t staples, it was real. That day began my official journey as an author, but I 64 more than just a published book.

I didn’t have an agent.65 , all I had was a check for $15.54. I began emailing every newspaper

I could think of and soon, I was featured in many but still wanted more publicity and so began writing to

66 stations. I was interviewed on two, but when I found out that I would be on WGN, I was

67 for words.

68 in the studio, my finger tingled (刺痛) in excitement and fear.

―Okay, everyone, we will interview a(n) 69 author here in the studio! Our Cochran’s Kid of the Week!‖ Steve announced.

―Are you ready to go on?‖ Steve asked. I got out of my70 and twirled (转动) around in my chair.

I smiled and said, ―Yes, I am.‖

51. A. happily B. elegantly C. anxiously D. bitterly

52. A. sofa B. chair C. corner D. shadow

53. A. around B. outside C. nearby D. ahead

54. A. Countless B. More C. Few D. These

55. A. sensible B. imaginary C. unlikely D. possible

56. A. my mom B. the host C. me D. my agent

57. A. respected B. embraced C. strengthened D. doubted

58. A. instruction B. punishment C. publication D. composition

59. A. box B. book C. script D. check

60. A. happy B. real C. normal D. practical

61. A. delayed B. chosen C. mended D. finished

62. A. edit B. publish C. organize D. collect

63. A. This time B. Hopefully C. That time D. Regretfully

64. A. reached for B. accounted for C. hungered for D. applied for

65. A. However B. In addition C. Moreover D. In fact

66. A. television B. radio C. post D. police

67. A. at a loss B. at no time C. at my best D. at all costs

68. A. Even B. Still C. Back D. Ahead

69. A. teen B. famous C. unknown D. official

70. A. nightmare B. desire C. depression D. daydream





Barack Obama lit the National Christmas Tree at the White House for the 6 (eight) and final time as president on last Thursday night.

Obama 7 (join) by wife Michelle and their younger daughter Sasha, aged 15, for the 94th annual National Christmas Tree Lighting on the Ellipse, the public park 8 (locate) south of the White House fence. The First Family was notably missing older daughter Malia, 9 is currently taking a gap year before starting Harvard next fall. The 18-year-old also skipped out on her father’s final turkey pardoning ceremony

Clarkson kicked off the event with ―Please Come Home For Christmas‖,a holiday song dedicated

10 Americans fighting overseas.

Obama, Michelle and Sasha took the stage after a performance by Kelly Clarkson, counting down from five with the 11 (enthusiasm) crowd before pressing a button that lit up the tree with twinkling red, white and blue lights.

―To everybody who’s here tonight 12 everybody watching at home, it is now

13 (official) the time to light this tree!‖ Obama told the crowd.

Obama has seen the National Christmas Tree change three times during his two-term presidency. A tree that had been used in the ceremony for three decades was knocked down during bad weather. Its

14 (replace) was lit in 2011 before dying just months later from transplant shock.

On Thursday the First Family lit the Colorado blue spruce tree, which has been used in the annual ceremony 15 it was planted on the Ellipse in 2012.




16. Tom ________ (panic) when he saw smoke coming out of the engine.

17. The courts were asked to ________ (to start to deal with or think about something in a particular way) a

more acceptable approach to young offenders.

18. Many mums nowadays prefer jobs with ________ (able to change to suit new conditions or situations)

working schedules where they could work home.

19. Passed down from her great grandparents, the ring is one of her most treasured p________.

20. Thanks to the Internet, the way in which we work has undergone a profound ________ (transform) in

the past decade.

21. The official was arrested on charges of corruption and ________ (滥用) of power.

22. To improve our environment, we should buy things that are ________ (节约的) with energy.

23. Your behavior is in direct ________ (矛盾) to the principles you claim to have.

24. New York certainly lives up to its r________ as an exciting city.

25. A committee was ________ (委派) to consider the plans.


26. To win over large number of customers, the design has to ________ (吸引) all ages and social groups.

27. The disease is spreading, and all children under 5 are ________ (有风险).

28. Many people ________ (倾向于) buy cheap processed foods like instant noodles to save time.

29. A prime goal of this bill was to suppress all media that ________ (反对) the government.

30. You can ________ (订阅) the magazine for as little as 32 dollars a year.

31. The singer waved to the fans as she slowly ________ (前往) back to the stage.

32. Her opportunity to get into the show business ________ (发生) quite by accident.

33. Have you ________ (决定) a date for the wedding?

34. They ________ (脱离出去) the national union and set up their own local organization.

35. The team worked hard and their efforts ________ (得到…..回报) success last year.






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I am a girl in Senior 2. I like making friend with people and l do my best to get well with everyone. But last week l had found out that one of my friends wrote their diary, saying that she dislikes me and that she doesn’t want to be my friend any long, And now she has started making fun of me because of I’m fat. I’m kind with her but why can’t she be friendly to me? As for losing the discouraged weight, should l do more exercise? Use pills? And do you know any other ways? Please give me some advices.



1. 介绍“双十一”及你所购买的礼物;

2. 描述本次参与“双十一”网购的感受和原因;

3. 谈谈你对“双十一”网上购物的看法。

注意:1. 词数100词左右;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

3. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。

参考词汇:“双十一”Single’s Day 天猫T-mall

Dear Jackson,

I heard that you’re interested in the ―Single’s Day‖ Online Shopping Carnival and wants to know


__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Hopefully, my information is helpful.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua





1-5 ABCCB 6-10 BCBCA


1.ten (years old)

2. with good grades

3. sit still

4. plan/create PE classes

5. new tricks



A: 11-15 DCBDA B: 16-20 CACDB C: 21-25 ACDBA





31-35 BBABA 36-40 CDBDD 41-45 CDCAA 46-50DCBAB


51-55 CBBAD 56-60 CDCAB 61-65 DBACD 66-70 BACAD


6. eighth

7. was joined

8. located

9. who 10. to 11. enthusiastic 12. and 13. officially 14. replacement 15. since 第四部分书面表达(共三节,满分45分)



16. panicked 17. adopt 18. flexible 19. possessions 20.transformation 21. abuse 22. economical 23.contradiction 24. reputation 25. appointed


26.appeal to27.at risk 28.tend to 29.wereopposed to

30.subscribe to 31.made her way 32.came about 33. decided on

34. broke away from 35.were rewarded with

注:28题have a tendency to给满分,29题were against/objected to给满分。


I am a girl in Senior 2. I like makingfriend withpeople and l do my best to get∧well with everyone


But last week l had found out that one of my friends wrote their diary,saying that she dislikes me and that


she doesn’t want t o be my friend any long. Andnow she has started making fun of me because ofI’m fat. longer

I’m kind with her but why can’t she be friendlyto me? As for losing the discouraged weight, should l do to discouraging

more exercise? Use pills? And do youknow any other ways? Please give me some advices.

Or advice/suggestions



Dear Jackson,

I heard that you’re interested in the ―Single’s Day‖ On line Shopping Carnival and wants to know more.

Falling on November 11th, the ―Single’s Day‖ has now become the largest online shopping carnival in China. On that day,Ibought an overcoat as birthday present for my sister for only half the price and she feels quite satisfied about it.

I was attracted to this shopping day due toits tempting price. Spending hours every day browsing through websites, Iput all the desirable items in the purchase baskets ahead of time. At midnight, I was lucky enough to get the product for half of the price.

There’s no doubt that the ―Single’s Day‖ Shopping Carnival provides consumers with a good opportunity to get bargains. However, some people may buy unnecessary things and waste money. Therefore, we should always be a rational consumer and be clear with our needs.

Hopefully, my information is helpful.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua Version2:

Dear Jackson,

I heard that you’re interested in the ―Single’s Day‖ On line Shopping Carnival and wants to know more.

Originally celebrated as an entertaining festival among young Chinese people proud of being single, the ―Single’s Day‖ has now become the largest online shopping carnival in China. Ipurchased a overcoat as birthday present for my sister on that day for only half the price and she feels quite satisfied about it.

With its advertisements all over streets months ahead, I was drawn to this shopping day mainly for the tempting price it promises. Therefore, I spent hours every day browsing through web pages and putting all

the desirable items in the purchase baskets for the big day. At midnight sharp, I clicked on the mouse and was lucky enough to be among the first 1000 buyers to get the product at half of the price. I was thrilled!

There’s no doubt that the ―Single’s Day‖ Shopping Day provides consumers with a good opportunity to get bargains. However, attracted by the price, some people may buy unnecessary things which end up being a waste of money. Therefore, we should always be a rational consumer and be clear with our needs.

Hopefully, my information is helpful.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua




第二档:(10分~ 12分)











Text 1

W: Harry, guess what? I’ve just received an email from Pamela. She and Peter are coming down to see us this weekend.

M: Oh, that’s good news! We haven’t seen them for ages.

W: Yeah. The last time we met them was at our wedding three years ago.

M: Did Pamela mention how long they’ll stay?

W: About one week.

M: Great! I can’t wait to show them around our new house.

W: Me too. We haven’t had any guests sinc e we moved in here. If the weather is fine, we can have a barbecue in the garden.

M: Good idea. I’ll go to the market tomorrow to buy all the things we’ll need.

Text 2

M: Hello, Milton Hotel Reservations. How may I assist you?

W: Hi, I’m calling to make some changes to an existing reservation.

M: Certainly. Do you have the reservation number?

W: Sure, it’s 219.

M: That’s a reservation for Sally Menkel. Is that right?

W: Yes, that’s right. I’d like to change the check-in date from September 15 to September 16.

M: Certainly. I can make that change for you. Is that the only change?

W: No, the check-out date will also change from the 23rd to the 24th.

M: No problem. We have you arriving on the 16th of September and leaving the 24th of September —altogether, eight nights. Will there be anything else?

W: Yes. Instead of a courtyard room, I’d like a room with a view, preferably on an upper floor.

M: I can certainly change that for you, but there will be a change in the room rate. The new rate is $199 per night, instead of the original $179.

W: That’s OK. These are all the changes. Thank you very much.

M: You’re welcome. Have a nice day!

Text 3

Welcome to Montfort School, thank you for choosing our school and for joining the happy Montfort family, which has been educating boys since 1916. We are so happy that you have taken time off to be with us today. It is with great pleasure that we have prepared some events that we hope will please you. At 9:00 a.m., our headmaster will give a welcome speech; this will be in the school hall. Please be seated by 8:45 a.m. Following the speech, it’s the guide tour of the exhibition at 9:30, here you can see the proud history of our school and our achievements in the field of education. The exhibition is laid out in the classrooms on the 2nd floor.

Then the guide tour of science labs at 10:20 am, here you can see the subjects that new students will be studying. You will also notice that our labs have excellent equipment. At 11:00 a.m., you will be guided to the tool to practical areas. This covers our technical workshops, music, and other areas of our school life. At Montfort, we believe in all around development of our students.

Lunch will be at 12:00. It has been specially prepared for our guests. All our teachers and student leaders will be present to answer any questions that you have in your minds. We are so happy that you could be with us today.


Text 4

W: David, we all know you took up skateboarding at ten. But did your parents support you?

M: Yeah, my parents even let me skate in the house.

W: Did they?

M: Yeah, they were pretty cool.

W: How about your school work?

M: That was fine. I was able to get my school work done with good grades.My only problem was that I had so much physical energy that I could not sit still in class. Then some teachers started taking my

skateboard away.

W: That couldn’t stop you from staking?

M: No way. The cool thing was that my parents managed to find me a different school. The headmaster there was wonderful. He let us plan our own P.E. classes. So guess what class I created.

W: Skateboarding.

M: You got it. That was my P.E. class. By that time I was turning professional and starting to show off some techniques at competitions.

W: Is that when your new style became famous?

M: Yeah. Other skaters had this smooth flowing style, but I was kind of like a robot always coming up with new tricks.


武汉二中广雅中学八年级(上)英语月考(四)二、选择填空(15分) ( )26.—I don’t know if am mother ________ tomorrow. --If she _______. I’ll meet her at the train station. A. will come; comes. B. comes; will come C. will come; will come. D. comes; comes ( )27.—What should we do when we have some useful material? --You can download and ________ it in your personal computer files. A. share B. copy C. save D. spare ( )28.—Who will _______ some wonderful games for Lily’s birthday party? --Her twin sister Lucy will. A. organize B. remember C. spend D. make ( )29.—Do you think Mr. Black is popular in the company? --Not really, sometimes his actions are out of ______ with his word. A. mind B. order C. question D. step ( )30.The roof of the house needs repairing. It’s raining now. You’d better get something to _______ the rain drops. A. catch B. cover C. carry D. control ( )31.He often makes ________ mistakes, because he doesn’t read ________. A. careful; carefully B. careless; careful C. careless; carefully. D. careful; carelessly ( )32.—Why did the boy fail the test again? --Just because he didn’t take his coach’s ______. A. thought B. advice C. effort D. courage ( )33. If you have problems, you shouldn’t ______ them to yourself.


[标签:标题] 篇一:广州重点初中排名 08年的 24所提前批院校 08公费线 08择校线 1 华师附中728 718(该数据已调整) 2 实验中学720(该数据已调整)701(该数据已调整) 3 执信中学726(该数据已调整)720 4 广雅中学712 709(该数据已调整) 5 第二中学702 696 6 第六中学69 7 690(该数据已调整) 7 第七中学690 682 8 第十六中682(该数据已调整)676 9 广铁一中 675 671 10 广大附中678 670 11 培正中学668(该数据已调整)661 12 培英中学641 638 13 第五中学648 642 14 协和 中学645 640 15 八十六中641 640 16 育才中学647 643 17 第三中学658 648(该数据已调整) 18 第一中学645 640 19 真光中学641 635 20 六十五中641 630 21 四十七中653 685(07年该校择校热已调整) 22 天河中学644 648 23 南武中学642 630 24 玉岩中学641 647 2008年高分保护线预计:690分(该数据已调整) 提前批设档线预计:650分(该数据已调整)择校、自筹经费班630 (新增) 由于许多同学一摸或二摸考的一般,不敢报考前六所名校,因此认为全市只有前7000多名就有机会,其实这是不对的。下面是各分数段的市排名统计数据:状元冉婧(省实):791分(包括10分加分),其中语文:135,数学:148,外语:146,物理:99,化学:100,政治:95,体育:58。 2007年广州中考总平均分前十强学校分别为: 1. 华南师范大学附属中学 2. 广雅实验学 校 3. 育才实验学校 4. 广州市第二中学应元学校 5. 广州市第四十七中学 6. 广州第四中学聚贤中学 7. 中 山大学附属中学 8. 广东实验学校 9. 华侨外国语学校 10. 真光实验学校 广州各初中09年中考成绩平均分 1 华附731 2 广雅实验 3 应元 4 育才实验 5 中大附中 6 玉岩中学 7 西外698 8 六中珠江 9 16中 10 侨外 11 广附 12 花都邝中 660 13 省实 14 7中 15 铁一 16 华附番禺 17 2中 序号学校2009中考平均分 700分以上占比信息来源 1华师附中(公办) 731 --------网络 2广雅实验 % 学校网站 3二中应元 4育才实验 5中大附中 6玉岩中学(公办) 747中本部(公办) 8西关外国语学校(公办) 27 47中汇景(公办) 680 9四中聚贤 10 六中珠江 11 天河中学(公办) 675 12 华附新世界 13 16中(公办) 14 华侨外国语 学校(公办) 15 广大附中(公办) 16 花都邝煜维纪念中学 660 17 省实(公办) 18 7中(公办) 19 广外附设外语学校 20 铁一(公办) 21 华附番禺 22 培英实验中学 23 省实天河 24 二中(公办) 25 八一(公办) 632 26 3中(公办) 28 培正(公办) -------- -------- 69% -------- % 38%-------- %-------- 34%---------------- -------- -------- 49% -------- % % %-------- % -------- -------- -------- -------- 网络网络


武汉二中广雅中学英语周练(四) 笔试部分(95分) Ⅰ. 单项选择(20×1’) ()26. —I failed my maths test again. I really want to it. —Good. Work hard and you’ll make it. A. practice B. improve C. increase D. drop ()27. —There will be a perfect for you to go sightseeing abroad this summer. —Really? I hope I won’t miss it. A. experience B. advertisement C. opportunity D. organization ()28. —I put my money in the bank. I like to watch it . —If you have enough money, you’d better buy a new house. You see, the price is rising so fast. A. going B. raising C. lifting D. growing ()29. —Why were you late for today’s meeting? —My car and I had to walk. A. pulled down B. put down C. broke down D. turned down ()30. —How much should I pay for the beer? —None. It was . A. extra B. special C. convenient D. free ()31. —Why do you all like this TV program? —Because it us both knowledge and pleasure. A. brings B. affords C. provides D. spare ()32. —You look so happy, what you best? —I got an “A” in my English test. A. caused B. made C. trouble D. pleased ()33. —Where you this book? —At Xinhua Bookshop. A. do, buy B. were, buy C. did, buy D. are, buying ()34. —Spring usually in February or March in Wuhan. —I hope to visit the city next year. A. comes B. is coming C. came D. will come ()35. Could you let me know yesterday? A. who was on duty C. when did you leave home B. why were you absent D. what was your excuse for being late ()36. —Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to Wuhan Plaza? —Walk along the read. It’s 200 meters away on your left. . A. You won’t pass it C. You can’s miss it B. You can’t see it D. You won’t lose it ()37. —When will you come to see me next week, on Monday or Wednesday? —I’m afraid day will suit me I’m very busy these days. A. both B. each C. neither D. either ()38. —What do you think of the Film 《2012》? —Fantastic. We are shocked by the in the movie. A. sceneries B. sights C. scenes D. views ()39. —Excuse me, May I sit have? —. The seat is taken.


广州市执信中学2021届高三年级第五次月考 物 理 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共6页,满分100分,考试用时75分钟。 注意事项: 1.答题卡前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的校名、姓名、考号、座位号等相关信息填写在答题卡指定区域内。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案;不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。 第一部分 选择题(共46分) 一、选择题(1到7题为单项选择,每题只有一个选项正确,每题4分,共28分;8到10题为多项选择,有两个或两个以上的正确选项,每题6分,漏选得3分,错选得0分,共18分.) 1.关于磁场的说法正确的是( ) A .通电导线在磁场中受到安培力越大的位置,则该位置的磁感应强度越大 B .因地磁场影响,在进行奥斯特实验时,通电导线南北放置时实验现象最明显 C .垂直磁场放置的通电导线受力的方向就是磁感应强度的方向 D .把与匀强磁场垂直的某线圈的匝数减半,则通过该线圈的磁通量也减半 2.单人飞行器由微型喷气发动机和操纵系统组成,可以完成单人上升、下降、悬停和平飞等动作。己知飞行器连同人和装备的总质量为M ,发动机在时间t 内喷出燃料的质量为m ,M m <<,重力加速度为g ,要使飞行器能在空中悬停,则燃料喷射的速度应为( ) A .Gt B . mg Mt C . m Mgt D .M mgt 3.2020年6月23日上午,北斗三号全球卫星导航系统的“收官之星”成功发射,标志着北斗三号全球卫星导航系统全球星座组网部署最后一步完成。“收官之星”最后静止在地面上空(与地面保持相对静止),距地面高度为h ,己知地球的半径为R ,地球表面的重力加速度为g ,万有引力常量为G ,由此可知( ) A .“收官之星”运动的周期为g R π 2 B .“收官之星”运动的加速度为 h R gR + C .“收官之星”运动的轨道一定与赤道不共面 D .地球的平均密度为 GR g π43


武汉市第二初级中学&武汉二中广雅中学 八年级(下)物理训练卷(一) 可能用到的物理量:g=10N/kg 一、选择题(每小题3分,满分45分,每小题只有一个答案符合题意) 1.如图所示,四个力中的一个与其他三个力所产生的作用效果不同的是() A.球拍对乒B.斧头对木C.手对弹簧D.瓶对海 乓球的力柴的力的拉力绵的力 2.下列体育项目中的一些现象,不能用“力的作用是相互的”来解释的是() A.跳水运动员踩踏跳饭.身体向上跳起 B.铅球运动员投出铅球后,身体随着向前倾倒 C.滑冰运动员用力推墙身体离墙而去 D.游泳运动员向后划水,身体前进 3.如图所示,四旋翼无人机下方用细线悬挂一个重物,不考虑空气阻力,则无人机在空中() A.悬停时,重物受到的重力与它对细线的拉力是一对平衡力 B.加速上升时,细线对重物的拉力等于重物所受到的重力 C.匀速下降时,重物所受的重力大于细线对重物的拉力 D.水平匀速飞行时,悬挂重物的细线会偏离竖直方向 4.如图所示,一根弹簧,一端固定在竖直墙上,在弹性奶度内用手水平拉伸弹簧的 另一端,下列有关“弹簧形变产生的力”的描述正确的是() A.手对弹簧的拉力B.墙对弹簧的拉力 C.弹簧对手的拉力D.以上说法都不正确 5.如图是汽车拉力赛途经的一段“S”形水平弯道,为了更安全,现场观众应站的位置是 图中() A.甲、丁B.甲、乙 C.丙、丁D.乙、丙 6.如图所示,在竖直平面内用轻质细线悬挂一个小球,将小球拉至A点,使细线处于拉 直状态,由静止开始释放小球,不计摩擦,小球可在A、B两点间来回摆动.小球摆到B 点时,细线恰好断开,则小球将() A.在B点保持静止 B.沿BE方向运动 C.沿BC方向运动 D.沿BD方向运动 7.乐乐同学随父母去看杂技表演,如图所示,是他看到杂技演员小强将小丽高高举起时的情景,下列说法正确的是() A.小强受到的重力与地面对小强的支持力是一对平衡力 B.小丽对小强的压力与小强对小丽的支持力是一对平衡力 C.小强受到的重力与地面对小强的支持力是一对相互作用力


2018-2019学年武汉二中广雅中学八年级第二学期段测数学试卷 一、选择题 1.有理数3的相反数是() A.﹣3B.﹣C.3D. 2.若式子在实数范围内有意义,则x的取值范围是() A.x≤﹣3B.x≥﹣3C.x<﹣3D.x>﹣3 3.一个不透明的盒子里有n个除颜色外其他完全相同的小球,其中有9个黄球,每次摸球前先将盒子里的球摇匀,任意摸出一个球记下颜色后再放回盒子,通过大量重复摸球实验后发现,摸到黄球的频率稳定在0.3,那么估计摸到黄球的概率为() A.0.3B.0.7C.0.4D.0.6 4.下列图形中既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是() A.B.C.D. 5.由几个大小相同的小正方体组成的立体图形的俯视图如图所示,则这个立体图形应是下图中的() A.B. C.D. 6.《九章算术》是中国古代第一部数学专著,它对我国古代后世的数学家产生了深远的影响,该书中记载了一个问题,大意是:有几个人一起去买一件物品,每人出8元,多3元;每人出7元,少4元,问有多少人?该物品价几何?设有x人,物品价值y元,则所列方程组正确的是() A.B. C.D. 7.一个不透明的袋中有四张完全相同的卡片,把它们分别标上数字1、2、3、4.随机抽取一张卡片,然

后放回,再随机抽取一张卡片,则两次抽取的卡片上数字之积为偶数的概率是() A.B.C.D. 8.如图是某月的日历表,在此日历表上可以用一个长方形圈出2×2个位置相邻的4个数,若圈出的4个数的和为52,则最大数与最小数的积为() A.153B.272C.128D.105 9.如图,△ABE中,点A、B是反比例函数y=(k≠0)图象上的两点,点E在x轴上,延长线段AB 交y轴于点C,点B恰为线段AC中点,过点A作AD⊥x轴于点D.若S△ABE=,DE=2OE,则k 的值为() A.6B.﹣6C.9D.﹣9 10.如图,在矩形ABCD中,AD=80cm,AB=40cm,半径为8cm的⊙O在矩形内且与AB、AD均相切.现有动点P从A点出发,在矩形边上沿着A→B→C→D的方向匀速移动,当点P到达D点时停止移动; ⊙O在矩形内部沿AD向右匀速平移,移动到与CD相切时立即沿原路按原速返回,当⊙O回到出发时的位置(即再次与AB相切)时停止移动.已知点P与⊙O同时开始移动,同时停止移动(即同时到达各自的终止位置).当⊙O到达⊙O1的位置时(此时圆心O1在矩形对角线BD上),DP与⊙O1恰好相切,此时⊙O移动了()cm.


武汉市第二初级中学&武汉二广雅中学九年级起点考语文试卷 一、(共36分,每小题3分) 1.下列注音和书写全部正确的一项是() A. 恍惚.(hū)戛.然而止丘壑.牺牲玉帛.(jǐn) B. 禆.将(pí)余音绕梁.穿凿.引刀自刭.(jīng) C. 阴翳.(yí)觥.筹交错思忖.锲.而不舍(q) D. 濡.染(rú)形貌昳.丽驰骋.屏.气凝神(bǐng) 2. 下列词语依次填入空格最恰当的一项是() 纵览古今中外,大凡功绩_____________者,均能朝夕,抢__________,把时间最大限度地____________起来,这样就等于_____________了自己的生命。 A. 卓越时间运用延伸 B. 卓著分秒利用延长 C. 卓著时间运用延长 D. 卓越分秒利用延伸 3. 下面各项中,有语病的一项是() A. 根据中国铁路总公司的最新规定,在动车组列车上吸烟被公安机关依法处罚的乘客, 将被列入黑名单并限制购买全国各车次动车组车票。 B.中考要考查初中学生升入高中后维继续学习的潜在能力,既要考查初中学习的基础知 识、基方法和基本技能,又要考查学科水平和能力。 C. 央视曾以“黄的楼里画鹤人”专题报道余楚民的鹤画创作,并因此成了黄鹤楼的一道 风景,成为名楼文化的一部分。 D. 中国文物学会20世纪建筑遗产委员会确定并公布,武汉6处建筑入选首批中国20 世纪建筑遗产,这反映了武汉在近现代中国的历史地位。 4. 下列各句标点符号使用不规范的一项是() A. 加大公共服务投资力度,可以增加有利于供给结构升级、弥补小康短板、城乡区域 协调、增强发展后劲等方面的投资。 B. 多年来这位芭蕾舞演员除到国内各地外,还到国外许多地方巡回演出,获得极大成功, 一时蜚声舞坛,倾倒无数观众,毋庸置疑,,其艺术造语已使其同行望尘莫及。 C. 战后亚洲发展的力程和经验启示我们:不管处于什么样的发展阶段,我们都应该坚持 睦邻友好的原则,不为一些小的摩擦和矛盾所千扰。 D.亚洲文明的多样性、包容性,可以让我们凝聚共识的过程中迸发出新的火花,齐 心协力走新未来。 5. 下列句子中实词解释错误的一项是() A. 楚人未既.济已经 B. 牺牲玉帛,弗敢加.也增加 C. 王之蔽.甚矣被蒙蔽 D. 闻.寡人之耳听到, 听说 6. 下列句子中实词解释错误的一项是() A. 伛偻 ..提携指老人 B. 吾妻之美我者,私.我也私心 C. 其射,见敌急.逼近 D. 阴.受上诫私下,暗地里 二、阅读下面的说明文,完成7—9小题。武汉教育资源网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3610346583.html, 严禁转载 谈关于“中华文字”的憧憬 中华文化的标志是汉字。 当然,中华文化的标志很多,各方面都能体现出中华文化的博大精深,但是,汉字是最简练、最直接的标志载体,历史上所有出现过的思想上的东西都有赖于汉字的记录,它在沟通人思想上简便又易行。 中华文字是中华儿女向世界奉献出的一份珍贵厚礼。 人们感受客观世界最直接的是眼和耳、解决声音,眼解决形象,形是客观的,有外界的标准物;声音是约定的,有限的,耳眼兼施,自然互补,在人们认识客现世界上相得益彰。为了记录,为了交流,为了传衍,人们有了“语言”,随之有了“文”。文字超越了语言的时间、空间限制,特别在人类传衍文化上有了极大的意义。


武汉二中广雅中学九年级英语中考模拟(一) 笔试部分(95分) II.单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) ( )26 . --Do you think I could borrow your pen? --________. A .Yes , you may borrow B. Yes , you could C. Yes , go on D. Yes , help yourself ( )27 . -- How is everything going ? --______ . A . Everything is finished B .Nothing has been done C. Not so bad,you know D. Not doing wrong , you see ( )28 . --I had a really good weekend at my uncle's. --_______ . A . Oh , that's very nice of you B . Congratulations C. It's a pleasure D . Oh , I' m glad to hear that ( )29. I________ basketball quite well,but I haven't had time to play since last month. A. will play B. have played C. played D. play ( )30 --Jenny is not coming for the ball tonight. –But she _______. A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised ( )31 --How are you today ? -- Oh , I _________ as ill as I do now for a long time. A. didn’t feel B . wasn't fooling C . don’t feel D . haven’t felt ( )32 . –I don’t like reading _______ watching TV. What about you? --I don’t like reading all day, ______ I like watching TV news. A. and; or B. and and C. or ;and D. or; but ( )33 . --I have never forgotten the song " My heart will go o n ”. - Neither have I.The words of the song are still _______in my mind. A. educational B. present C. creative D . traditional ( )34 . -- Why is the man so angry ? --Because he just _____ his son stealing the money from his wallet. A. reminded B. kept C . brought D. caught ( )35 . --Will Kate come with us tonight ? -- She ______, but she's not sure yet. A . can B. may C. must D. will ( )36.-- Mike , where are you going this summer vacation? -- It's a secret, but my idea is taking in my mind. A. steps B. photos C. shape D. action ( ) 37 . -- What did the manager do just now ? --He _______ to me to enter his office. A. suggested B. signed C. greeted D. agreed ( )38. – Ms Li , our basketball team beat East Team. --Well done. Each player of our team ______ a great performance. A. put out B. put off C. put away D. put up ( )39.—Which do you like, Sue? --______. I think they’re both ugly. A. None B. Either C. Neither D. Each ( )40.—How do you like the movie “Dangal”? --Educational and it’s hard for us to imagine _______.


武汉市第二初级中学&武汉二中广雅中学 九年级起点考物理试卷 1.下列四个图中能体现“分子在不停息地运动”的是() A.荷花飘香B.柳絮飘舞C.雪花飞扬D.落叶纷飞2.下列对生活中的现象解释正确的是() A.破镜难重圆,说明分子间存在斥力 B.刚出炉的烤鸭香气四溢,说明温度越高,分子的运动越剧烈 C.尘土飞扬,说明分子在不停地做无规则运动 D.海边昼夜温差变化比沙漠中大,说明水的比热比容比沙石的比热容大 3.如图所示,对于下列实验中所描述的物理过程,说法正确的是() A.试管内的水蒸气推动塞子冲出去时,水蒸气的内能增大,机械能转化为内能 B.抽去玻璃隔板,两瓶中气体逐渐混合均匀,说明空气比二氧化氮的密度大 C.给瓶内打气,瓶内的空气推动塞子跳起来时,瓶内空气的内能减小 D.厚玻璃管中的空气被压缩时,管内空气的内能减小 4.下列各图所列举的事例中,改变内能的方式与其他三个不一样的是()A.B.C.D. 5.下列关于内能的说法正确的是() A.具有机械能的物体不一定具有内能B.物体温度不变,内能一定不变 C.物体没有吸热,内能一定不变 D.在温度、状态和物质种类均相同的情况下,物体的质量越大,内能越大 6.用细线绑住干净的玻璃板,将玻璃板吊在弹簧测力计的 对试管加热, 管内水温升高 冬天搓手, 手会变暖 从滑梯滑下, 臀部发热 “钻木”能“取火”

下面,静止时测力计示数为F1;又使玻璃板水平接触水面, 然后稍稍用力向上拉玻璃板,且没有离开水面,如图所示, 测力计示数为F2;再将玻璃板慢慢浸没在水中,玻璃板没 有接触杯底,静止时测力计示数为F3。则() A.F2 > F1 > F3B.F1 > F2 > F3 C.F2 > F1 = F3 D.F1 = F2 = F3 7.如图所示,是汽油机工作时的四个冲程,其中使汽车获得动力的冲程是() A B C D 8.如图所示,规格相同的容器装了相同质量的纯净水,用不同加热器加热,忽略散热,得到如图所示的水温与加热时间的图线,则() A.乙中温度计的示数为32℃ B.加热相同的时间,两杯水吸收的热量相同 C.吸收相同的热量,甲杯的水升温比乙杯多 D.甲杯的水加热2min与乙杯的水加热3min吸收的热量相同 9.利用如图所示的装置,运用控制变量的法,通过观察现象即可比较酒精和碎纸热值的大小。为完成实验,要求() A.酒精和碎纸的质量相同,两只烧杯内水的质量相同 B.酒精和碎纸的质量不同,两只烧杯内水的质量不同 C.酒精和碎纸的质量相同,两只烧杯内水的质量不同 D.酒精和碎纸的质量不同,两只烧杯内水的质量相同 10.以下四幅图中,关于能量转化说法错误的是() A.图甲所示,过山车向下运动时是重力势能转化为动能

2018-2019学年下学期湖北省武汉二中广雅中学七年级(下)数学训练卷一 解析版

2018-2019学年武汉二中广雅中学七年级(下)段测数学试卷(一)一.选择题(共10小题) 1.的平方根是() A.3B.﹣3C.±3D.±9 2.已知=2.449,不再利用其他工具,下列各式能确定近似值的是()A.B.C.D. 3.下列命题是真命题的是() A.若x>y,则x2>y2B.若|a|=|b|,则a=b C.若a>|b|,则a2>b2D.若a<1,则a> 4.下列图形中,∠1与∠2是对顶角的是() A.B. C.D. 5.在数学课上,同学们在练习过点B作线段AC所在直线的垂线段时,有部分同学画出了下列四种图形,其中画法正确的是() A.图①B.图②C.图③D.图④ 6.如图,下列条件中,能判断AB∥CD的是() A.∠1=∠2B.∠3=∠2 C.∠3=∠4D.∠C+∠ADC=180° 7.将长方形纸片ABCD折叠,使D与B重合,点C落在C′处,折痕为EF,若∠AEB=70°,则∠EFC′的度数是()

A.125°B.120°C.115°D.110° 8.下列命题中,假命题的个数是() ①在同一平面内,过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行 ②两条直线被第三条直线所截,同位角相等 ③直线外一点与直线上所有点的连线中,垂线段最短 ④图形在平移过程中,对应线段平行且相等 A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个 9.把图中的一个三角形先横向平移x格,再纵向平移y格,可以与另一个三角形拼合成一些不同形状的四边形.那么移动的总格数(x+y)的值() A.是一个确定的值B.有两个不同的值 C.有三个不同的值D.有三个以上不同的值 10.如图,CD∥AB,BC平分∠ACD,CF平分∠ACG, ∠BAC=40°,∠1=∠2,则下列结论: ①CB⊥CF;②∠1=70°;③∠ACE=2∠4;④∠3=2∠4, 其中正确的是() A.①②③B.①②④C.②③④D.①②③④二.填空题(共6小题) 11.平方根等于它本身的数是,算术平方根等于它本身的数是.


2019学年广东省广州市执信中学初三第二学期英语一模 1.语法选择 Have your parents told you that you'll lose all your teeth if you eat too much chocolate? Chocolate may well taste good, but it has a ___(1)___ bad reputation(名声). However, ___(2)___ you return that box of chocolates you have just been given, here are some facts about chocolate that should cheer ___(3)___ up. First of all, although chocolate is high ___(4)___ sugar, eating it does not always lead to ___(5)___ bad teeth. This is because it melts quickly in your mouth, ___(6)___ little time for harmful things to attack your teeth. If you brush them regularly, you ___(7)___ have a problem. You may be wondering about ___(8)___ effect on your skin. Bad skin isn't caused by chocolate itself, but by the milk that it ___(9)___ with. Some people even say ___(10)___ chocolate can help your skin look better, but not everyone believes that's true. And here ___(11)___ some more good news:there's a great deal ___(12)___ caffeine(咖啡因)in a cup of coffee than in ___(13)___ small bar of chocolate, so chocolate won’t ke ep you ___(14)___ at night. So if you love chocolate, don't worry. Eating a bit ___(15)___ time to time will not do you any harm. (1)A. pretty B. prettily C. prettier D. prettiest (2)A. when B. after C. before D. if (3)A. yourself B. you C. your D. yours (4)A. with B. on C. at D. in (5)A. have B. has C. having D. had (6)A. leaves B. leaving C. left D. to leave (7)A. won’t B. don’t C. didn’t D. haven’t (8)A. their B. they C. it’s D. its (9)A. mixes B. is mixed C. will mix D. mix (10)A. what B. how C. that D. why (11)A. is B. are C. was D. were (12)A. many B. much C. less D. more (13)A. the B. a C. an D. /


武汉市第二初级中学&武汉二中广雅中学 九年级(下)英语中考模拟(二) 听力部分(25分) 一、听力测试。(共三节) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5个问题。每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。 () 1. A Tom’s father B. He’s sick. C. Very soon. () 2. A. For the guests. B. Two chairs. C. At night. () 3. A. In a week. B. By plane. C. With my brother. () 4. A. Some delicious food. B. At Mary’s home. C. At 7 tonight. () 5. A. It’s dirty. B. On the playground. C. Not expensive. 第二节(共7小题,每小题1分,满分7分) 听下面7段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 ()6. What does the man think of the coffee? A. Too sweet. B. Not strong enough. C. Not weak. ()7. How many guests will arrive? A. 8. B. 10. C. 12. ()8. What are they talking about? A. A parking lot. B. An apartment. C. A hotel. ()9. Where are they talking? A. At a store. B. At a house. C. In a hotel. ()10. Where did the conversation take place? A. In a kitchen. B. In a garden. C. At a picnic. ()11. What is the probably relationship between the two speakers? A. Interviewer and interviewee B. Teacher and student. C. Boss and secretary. ()12. What does the man mean? A. Drunk drivers are not guilty. B. He doesn’t agree with the woman. C.Drunk driving is a serious problem. 第三节(共13小题,每小题1分,满分13分)https://www.doczj.com/doc/3610346583.html, 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答13至15三个小题。


武汉二中广雅中学运动和力单元专项训练 一、选择题 1.如图甲所示,水平地面上的一个物体受到水平推力F的作用,物体的速度v与时间t的关系如图乙所示。下列说法中正确的是() A.0~2s,推力小于摩擦力B.2~4s,物体做匀速运动 C.4~6s,推力等于摩擦力D.0~6s,推力的大小始终不变 2.如图所示,用细线将小球悬挂在无人机上,图甲中无人机带着小球竖直向上运动;图乙中无人机带着小球水平向右运动;两图中,小球与无人机均保持相对静止,不计空气阻力。下列说法中正确的是() A.甲图中,小球可能做加速直线运动 B.甲图中,若悬挂小球的细线突然断了,小球立刻向下运动 C.乙图中,小球可能做匀速直线运动 D.乙图中,小球受到的重力和细绳对小球的拉力是一对平衡力 3.如图卫星沿椭圆轨道绕地球运行,离地球最近的一点叫近地点,最远的一点叫远地点,它在大气层外运行,假若卫星运动到远地点位置时所有外力消失,那么卫星将会() A.在远地点静止B.沿远地点切线方向做匀速直线运动C.落回地球D.仍然会沿着原来的椭圆轨道匀速运行4.如图,轻质弹簧竖直放置,下端固定于地面,上端位于O点时弹簧恰好不发生形变.现将一小球放在弹簧上端,再用力向下把小球压至图中A位置后由静止释放,小球将竖直向上运动并脱离弹簧,不计空气阻力,则小球()

A.运动至最高点时,受平衡力作用 B.被释放瞬间,所受重力大于弹簧弹力 C.从A点向上运动过程中,速度先增大后减小 D.从O点向上运动过程中,重力势能转化为动能 5.如图所示, “舞狮”是我国传统年俗活动,此时狮子静止在支架上,关于该活动说法正确的是 A.狮子对支架的压力和和狮子受到的重力是一对相互作用力 B.狮子受到的重力和支架受到狮子的压力是一对平衡力 C.当狮子向上跃起时,狮子受到的是非平衡力 D.狮子向上跃起后到达最高点的瞬间,受到的是平衡力 6.下列情况中,属于一对平衡力的是() A.静止在桌面上的书,书对桌面的压力和桌面对书的支持力 B.苹果下落时所受的重力和苹果对地球的吸引力 C.沿竖直方向匀速下降的跳伞运动员,运动员与伞的总重力和空气阻力 D.在平直公路上匀速行驶的汽车的牵引力和重力。 7.弹跳杆运动是一项广受欢迎的运动.其结构如图甲所示.图乙是小希玩弹跳杆时由最低位置上升到最高位置的过程,针对此过裎(处在最低位置时高度为零).下列分析正确的是 A.在a状态时弹簧的弹性势能最大,小希的动能为零

'崇德瀹智'解读与构建 从校训看广州执信中学的办学理念和

“崇德瀹智”:解读与构建 ——从校训看广州执信中学的办学理念和发展思路 刘仕森 创建于1921年的广州执信中学经过一代又一代执信人的努力,以其严谨的治学传统,执着的敬业精神,卓著的办学成绩而为社会所称颂,已成为一所省内外知名度高、影响力大的学府式优质品牌中学。面对21世纪来自教育内部和外部的改革,我们必须把握基础教育课程改革和创建示范性高中的大好机遇,以科学发展观为指导,对学校发展进行战略定位,寻求学校发展的新思路,把学校办成国际化和民族化臻于一体的现代化高品位高级中学。 校训是学校办学理念、学校精神和学校文化的核心元素。执信中学至今仍在奉行的校训——“崇德瀹智”,集中体现了“执德至弘,信道至笃”的执信精神和办学风格,反映了中华文化的传统,也符合21世纪的时代精神。它为学校的办学思想、培养目标、课程结构、教育模式、评价体系、管理体制等方方面面,都注入了广泛而又深刻的意蕴和内涵,应该加以挖掘、提升和发扬,作出科学的诠释,为构思学校发展新思路垒实逻辑起点。 一、“崇德瀹智”的解读:育德立人,强智达人 一所学校的校训,是在学校文化传统的基础上,通过长期的教育教学实践,经过反复的积淀、选择、提炼和发展,为学校全体成员认同的精神文化高度凝聚的结晶。以校训为核心的学校文化,体现着学校的办学宗旨、教育理念和价值追求,影响和决定学校的办学风格和精神面貌。中山大学“博学、审问、慎思、明辨、笃行”的校训,清华大学“自强不息,厚德载物”的校训等,无不突现了独具特色的学校精神。 据记载,执信中学把“崇德瀹智”作为校训,是原执信校董,上世纪30年代曾任“广东省政府主席”,后任“国民政府主席”的林森先生提出的。从字面上看,“德”指德性、品格;“智”指智慧、才能;“崇”是推崇、尊崇;“瀹”(音:yue)即浸渍、疏通。“崇”与“瀹”为互体结构,意为崇尚、陶冶、培育、养成。合成为一个词组:“崇德瀹智”,意为“追求达德广才,修养大德大智”,这只是从词义学层面的解释。然而,要完整而又正确地把握“崇德瀹智”的深刻意蕴和精神实质,就必须从学校办学实践、民族传统文化和当代社会发展三个维度进行解读,才能作出科学的解答。 (一) “崇德瀹智”生发于执信的办学思想和实践 执信中学是孙中山先生为纪念民主革命家朱执信先生而亲手创办的。朱执信先生是中国民主革命的坚定志士,也是率先在中国介绍马克思主义的播火者。1906年朱执信便在《民报》2号、3号上发表了《德意志社会革命列传》,介绍了马克思、恩格斯的革命活动及其学说,介绍了《共产党宣言》、《资本论》的一些内容。朱执信认为“自待应学尼采的超人哲学,待人应学马克思的唯物史观”。毛泽东在中国共产党“七大”工作报告中说:朱执信是国民党员。这样看来,讲

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