当前位置:文档之家› 帕利哌酮缓释片与阿立哌唑治疗首发精神分裂症对照研究




杨国平 吴 越 顾 君 汤 莉 季 萍

【摘要】 目的 探讨帕利哌酮缓释片治疗首发精神分裂症的疗效和安全性。方法 60例符合CCM D-3诊断标准的首发精神分裂症患者随机分为两组,分别予帕利哌酮缓释片(治疗组)和阿立哌唑(对照组)治疗,共8周,采用阳性症状和阴性症状量表(PA N SS)评定疗效,副作用量表(T ESS)评定副反应。结果 治疗8周两组疗效相当,治疗组有效率90%,对照组有效率83.3%,差异无显著性,但治疗组4周时阳性因子分即明显下降,较对照组有显著差异(t=3.99,P<0.05);治疗组8周时阴性因子分较治疗前显著下降,较对照组有显著差异(t=5.97,P<0.05)。结论 帕利哌酮缓释片和阿立哌唑对首发精神分裂症疗效相当,帕利哌酮缓释片起效快,并且对阴性症状有较好的疗效,安全性高。

【关键词】 精神病学;帕利哌酮缓释片;阿立哌唑;首发精神分裂症

Control Study on Paliperidone and Aripiprazole in the Treatment of First-episode Schizophrenia.Yang Guop ing,W u Y ue,Gu J un,et al.D ep ar tment of Senile Psy chiatr y,W ux i M ental H ealth Center,W ux i214151,P.R.China

【Abstract】 Objective T o invest igate the efficacy and safety o f paliper ido ne in the t reatment of first-episode schizophrenia.Meth-ods A total o f60cases met the CCM D-3criteria for first-episode schizophr enia were divided int o two gr oups r andomly,treated w ith paliper ido ne and ar ipipr azole respectively for8w eeks.T he Positiv e and N egativ e Sy ndrom e Scale(PA N SS)and T r eatment E-mergent Symptom Scale(T ESS)w ere used to access the therapeutic efficacy and side effects respectively.Results P aliper idone w as as effective as ar ipipr azole fo r the treatment of fir st-episo de schizophr enia(P>0.05),the effectiv e r ate w as90%in tr eatm ent gr oup and83.3%in contr ol gr oup.there was no significant difference betw een tw o g ro ups in significant impr ovement r ate.How ev-er,from4w eeks positive factor point s in the treatment g roup w as decr eased sig nificantly(t=3.99,P<0.05),and negative factor po ints in the treatment gr oup w as decreased at8w eeks,there w as a sig nificant differ ence t han control gro up(t=5.97,P<0.05). Conclusion P aliper idone is as effective as ar ipipr azole in the treatment of fir st-episo de schizophrenia.Ho wever,it has much better effect for the neg ative sy mptoms,and has hig her safety.

【Key words】 Psychiatry;P aliper idone;A ripipr azo le;F irst-episode schizophrenics


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(编辑:刘 洋 收稿时间:2012-08-17)




 中国健康心理学杂志2013年第21卷第2期 China Journal of Health Psychology 2013,Vol21,No.2 

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