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The Non-Perturbative SO(32) Heterotic String

a r X i v :h e p -t h /9812210v 1 22 D e c 1998QMW-98-43



The Non-Perturbative SO (32)Heterotic String C.M.Hull Physics Department,Queen Mary and West?eld College,Mile End Road,London E14NS,U.K.ABSTRACT The SO (32)heterotic string can be obtained from the type IIB string by gaug-ing a discrete symmetry that acts as (?1)F L on the perturbative string states and

reverses the parity of the D-string.Consistency requires the presence of 32NS 9-branes –the S-duals of D9-branes –which give SO (32)Chan-Paton factors to open D-strings.At ?nite string coupling,there are SO (32)charges tethered to the heterotic string world-sheet by open D-strings.At zero-coupling,the D-string tension becomes in?nite and the SO (32)charges are pulled onto the world-sheet,and give the usual SO (32)world-sheet currents of the heterotic string.

The perturbative type I superstring can be obtained from the perturbative type IIB superstring by orientifolding by the action of the world-sheet parity operator?[1,2].However,it seems that?extends to a symmetry of the full non-perturbative IIB theory;indeed,it is straightforward to extend its action to BPS states and to the dual IIB string theory that emerges in the strong coupling limit,where it acts through a perturbative symmetry??of the dual theory.If?does extend to such a non-perturbative symmetry,we can consider modding out the IIB theory by this symmetry for any value of the string coupling.In particular,in the strong coupling limit,this corresponds to modding out the dual IIB string theory by??, and this should give the SO(32)heterotic string,as this is the strong coupling limit of the type I string[3-6].This led to the conjecture of[7],that the SO(32) heterotic string can be obtained from the type IIB superstring by modding out by the action of the symmetry??.The purpose of this paper is to invesitgate this construction further,and in particular show how the gauge sector of the heterotic string emerges.

In the orientifold construction of the type I superstring,it is essential to add 32D9-branes which provide the Chan-Paton factors for the open strings.Extrap-olating to strong coupling,the D9-branes are replaced by their S-duals,which are the NS-NS9-branes proposed in[7].Then32NS-NS9-branes are required in the construction of the SO(32)heterotic string from the IIB string[7]and should play a key role in the construction of the gauge sector.We shall show that the9-branes indeed give rise to the gauge sector.Moreover,this extends to a construction of the non-perturbative heterotic string and in particular we will?nd that at?nite string coupling,the SO(32)charges are no longer con?ned to the string world-sheet but are tethered to it by strings,and as these strings can break,the charges can escape.

The type IIB string theory has an SL(2,Z)U-duality symmetry[8],and the massless bosonic?elds are g MN,B1MN,Φin the NS-NS sector and D MNP Q,B2MN,χin the RR sector.The2-form?elds B i MN transform as doublets under SL(2),while SL(2)acts onλ=χ+ie?Φthrough fractional linear transformations.There is also a non-dynamical RR10-form potential A2M...N that couples to D9-branes[6].This

must?t into an SL(2)doublet also[7],and its partner is a NS-NS10-form potential A1M...N.The theory has D p-branes for p=1,3,5,7,9[9]and it is interesting to ask how these transform under SL(2,Z).The D3-brane is invariant,but acting on the D1,D5and D9branes generates(p,q)-branes for all co-prime integers(p,q),as can be seen from the superalgebra[7].Of these1-branes,5-branes and9-branes,the (0,1)-branes are D-branes,the(1,0)-branes couple to?elds in the NS-NS sector, while the(p,q)branes are bound states of p(1,0)branes and q(0,1)branes(for co-prime integers(p,q)).The1-branes and5-branes couple to the2-form?elds B i MN and the9-branes can be thought of as coupling to10-form potentials A i M...N.

The7-brane is more subtle,as it couples to the scalar?elds which transform non-linearly under SL(2,Z).The solutions of[10],in which the axion ansatz in-volves the modular invariant j-function,are SL(2,Z)invariant and lead to singlet 7-brane charges.Acting with SL(2,Z)on a7-brane leaves its charge Z i1...i7in-variant,but changes the SL(2,Z)monodromy and the couplings to strings and 5-branes.These branes are characterised by two integers[11]and are obtained from the(0,1)D7-brane of[10]by an SL(2,Z)transformation;we will refer here to the7-branes on which a(0,1)string can end as(1,0)7-branes.

At weak coupling,g≡≈0,the perturbative states are described by the NS-NS or(1,0)string while all the other branes are non-perturbative[12].The perturbative theory is formulated as the usual type IIB superstring theory,with a topological expansion in terms of the genus of the world-sheet of the NS-NS string.At strong coupling,however,it is the RR or(0,1)string that gives the states that are perturbative in an expansion in?g=1/g.The self-duality of the theory implies that the strong-coupling theory is again a type IIB string theory, but now the formulation should be in terms of the world-sheet of the(0,1)string. The perturbation theory in?g is a sum over(0,1)string world-sheets with the power of?g corresponding to the genus of the world-sheet.The dual perturbative string theory has left and right movers which each decompose into an NS and an R sector. For example,the fundamental string of the weakly coupled(g-perturbative)theory couples to the2-form in the NS-NS sector but becomes the D-string of the dual

theory,coupling to the the2-form in the RR sector of the?g-perturbative theory.

At weak coupling,the(1,0)string can end on the D-branes carrying RR charge, which are the3-brane,and the(0,1)p-branes with p=1,5,7,9.In the strongly coupled theory formulated in terms of the world-sheet of the(0,1)string,the(0,1) string,the(0,1)5-brane and the(0,1)9-brane carry charge that appears in the NS-NS sector of the dual(0,1)string while the new D-branes with density proportional to1/?g on which the(0,1)string can end are the3-brane,and the(1,0)p-branes with p=1,5,7,9.These dual D-branes all carry charge which occurs in the RR sector of the(0,1)string.This structure is obtained by acting with the SL(2,Z) transformation

S= 01?10 (1) which interchanges strong and weak coupling.For example,this takes a(1,0) string ending on(0,1)strings or5-branes to a(0,1)string ending on(1,0)strings or5-branes.

The perturbative type IIB theory is formulated in terms of a fundamental(1,0) string and has a symmetry?which reverses the parity of the(1,0)world-sheet. The dilaton is invariant under?,which is a perturbative symmetry(i.e.it takes perturbative states to perturbative states).Of the massless bosonic?elds,the ones that are invariant under?are g MN,B2MN,Φ,A2M...N,while the others are odd,and this tells us how it acts on BPS states:the(0,1)string,5-brane and9-brane are invariant while for the(1,0)string,the2-form B1MN to which it couples is odd, but the Wess-Zumino term in the world-sheet action is invariant as the world-sheet volume form is odd under world-sheet parity?.Similarly,the(1,0)5-brane and9-brane together with the7-brane and3-brane couple to p+1form gauge potentials that are odd under?,and so their world-volume volume-forms must also be odd under?,so that?must act as an orientation-reversing world-volume parity operator on these branes.

The branes that couple only to the invariant?elds are invariant,so that the

only(p,q)D-branes that are invariant are the D1,D5,D9branes with charges(0,1). This tells us how to extend the action of?to the BPS brane sector,and it will be assumed that the perturbative symmetry extends to a symmetry of the full non-perturbative type IIB string(which will also be denoted?).This is the key assumption;if?did not extend to a symmetry of the full non-perturbative type IIB theory,then orientifolding by?would be problematic even for small but?nite string coupling,whereas it is believed that the type I string extends to a consistent non-perturbative theory,and this assumption is implicitly made in many discus-sions of string dualities.The existence of such a non-perturbative symmetry can be‘derived’from M-theory:the non-perturbative IIB theory arises from M-theory compacti?ed on a2-torus in the limit in which both radii tend to zero[13]and the symmetry that provides the non-perturbative version of?is given by the IIB theory limit of the Z2M-theory symmetry used by Hoˇr ava and Witten[14].



is also a symmetry of the full IIB theory,where S is the SL(2,Z)transformation(1) interchanging weak and strong coupling.However,??leaves the dilaton invariant, and is a symmetry order by order in IIB string perturbation theory.The weakly coupled type IIB string has a perturbative symmetry(?1)F L,where F L is the left-handed fermion number of the conventional world-sheet formulation,and as??and (?1)F L act in exactly the same way on perturbative states,??can be thought of as a non-perturbative extension of(?1)F L[7].The massless bosonic?elds that are invariant under??are g MN,B1MN,Φ,A1M...N,which are precisely the NS-NS?elds, so that D-branes are odd and NS or(1,0)strings,5-branes and9-branes are even under??.In the same way that?inverts the parity of the(1,0)string world-sheet, together with the world-volume orientations of the(1,0)5-brane and9-brane and the7-brane and3-brane,??inverts the parity of the(0,1)string world-sheet,and also inverts the world-volume orientations of the(0,1)5-brane and9-brane and the 7-brane and3-brane.

The orientifold of the weakly coupled IIB theory constructed using?gives the weakly coupled type I theory[1,2].The orientifolding can be thought of as introducing an orientifold9-plane,and32D9-branes must be added to cancel the anomalies and divergencies introduced by the orientifold9-plane.The invariant sector is formulated in terms of unoriented closed type I strings,with massless bosonic?elds g MN,B2MN,Φ.In addition there is an open string sector,which can(in some ways)be thought of as a twisted sector,with SO(32)Chan-Paton factors arising from32RR9-branes;the Chan-Paton factor labels which9-brane the string ends on[6].The RR string,5-brane and9-brane are invariant under?, and so survive the projection.The closed fundamental IIB strings are BPS,and as ?acts as world-sheet parity on these,they become the nonoriented fundamental type I strings,which are no longer BPS and can break.As well as non-oriented closed(1,0)strings,there should also be non-oriented(1,0)5-branes,3-branes and7-branes(and,in principle,(1,0)9-branes)in the theory,as?acts as an orientation-reversing parity operator on their world-volumes.

An isomorphic construction emerges if we instead mod out the strongly coupled IIB string using??.Indeed,the strongly coupled IIB theory is formulated as a world-sheet theory of the(0,1)string,which is a perturbation theory in?g=1/g, and??reverses the parity of the(0,1)string world-sheet.The resulting type I theory is one in which the fundamental open and closed strings are(0,1)strings which can end on the(1,0)strings,5-branes and9-branes.Consistency requires 32(1,0)9-branes(which can be thought of as cancelling out the e?ects of a(1,0) orientifold9-plane),and these give SO(32)Chan-Paton factors to the open(0,1) strings.This is the standard type I superstring,but embedded di?erently in the type IIB theory.If this extrapolates to all values of the coupling,then continuing back to weak coupling,we?nd that modding out weakly-coupled type IIB string by??in the presence of32(1,0)9-branes should give the weakly coupled SO(32) heterotic string.This construction of the SO(32)heterotic string from the IIB string modded out by??with329-branes can be understood as a particular limit of the Hoˇr ava-Witten construction.In[14],M-theory on T2is modded out by a

Z2symmetry to give M-theory on a cylinder S1×S1/Z2.In the limit in which the radius R of the S1and the length L of the S1/Z2both tend to zero,with the limiting form of L/R small,the M-theory on T2becomes the IIB string with coupling L/R, the Z2symmetry becomes??and the resulting theory is the SO(32)heterotic string.Similarly,if L/R is large,this reduces to the orientifold construction of the type I string;see[15]for details.

This construction implies that the gauge structure of the heterotic string must arise from the32(1,0)9-branes.We will now show how this comes about,and verify that the perturbative heterotic string indeed emerges from this construction.

Consider?rst the D-string in the weakly-coupled type I string theory.The zero-mode structure of the supergravity solution corresponding to the D-string was studied in[4,5]and shown to give precisely the world-sheet structure of the heterotic string.The excitation spectrum of the D-string can be calculated by quantizing the open string allowing Dirichlet(D)boundary conditions with the fundamental strings ending on the D-string,as well as Neumann(N)boundary conditions[6].There are three sectors:(i)the NN sector in which both ends of the string satisfy Neumann boundary conditions(or,equivalently,end on the D9-branes)and carry SO(32)Chan-Paton factors,giving the usual open strings of type I string theory;(ii)the DD sector in which both ends of the string lie on the D-string has a massless sector which is a world-sheet theory on the D-string, consisting of8scalars and8right-handed Majorana-Weyl world-sheet fermions; (iii)the DN sector in which one end of the string lies on the D-string and the other satis?es Neumann boundary conditions and carries an SO(32)Chan-Paton factor has a massless sector which is again a theory on the D-string world-sheet,this time consisting of32left-handed Majorana-Weyl world-sheet fermions transforming as a32of SO(32).Thus the massless modes of the DD and DN sectors gives an e?ective D-string world-sheet theory which is precisely that of the heterotic string [6].

Consider now the theory obtained by modding out the weakly coupled IIB

string by??,with32NS9-branes.On the perturbative states,??acts as(?1)F L and so,of the massless?elds in the IIB supergravity multiplet,an N=1super-gravity supermultiplet survives,with bosonic sector consisting of the NS-NS?elds g MN,B1MN,Φ,A1M...N.The oriented fundamental string and NS5-brane of the IIB theory,coupling to B1MN,also survive,as do the9-branes coupling to A1M...N.

As??acts as the parity operator on the IIB D-string world-sheet,there are (0,1)strings or‘D-strings’of the orientifolded theory that are non-oriented and can be closed or open.The open D-strings can be thought of as ending on the NS9-branes,and these give them SO(32)Chan-Paton factors.They are not BPS states and have interactions through which they can break and join.In the strong coupling limit,these D-strings become the fundamental open and closed strings of the dual type I theory,while in the weakly coupled theory,they have tensions of order1/g and their e?ective dynamics is governed by a Born-Infeld action(without Wess-Zumino term).These D-strings can end on the fundamental string and the solitonic5-brane.There are then DD D-strings which have both ends lying on the fundamental string or solitonic5-brane,and DN D-strings,one end of which end of which is free and carries an SO(32)charge,and the other end of which ends on the fundamental string or solitonic5-brane.There are thus SO(32)charges tethered to the fundamental string or solitonic5-brane by open D-strings.

In the zero coupling limit,the D-string tension becomes in?nite,and these D-strings collapse to zero length.Then the SO(32)charges tethered to the fun-damental string or solitonic5-brane are pulled onto the world-volume,giving rise to an SO(32)current density on the world-volume.As the D-strings collapse,all that survives is the zero-slope limit or massless sector of the D-string spectrum, and this must be the same as the massless sector of the excitations of type I strings ending on a D1or D5-brane in the weakly-coupled type I theory,as the massless sector is in a short multiplet protected by supersymmetry that can be extrapolated from weak to strong coupling.This means that for the D-strings ending on the fundamental string,all that survives are8scalars and8right-handed Majorana-Weyl world-sheet fermions from the DD sector and32left-handed Majorana-Weyl

world-sheet fermions transforming as a32of SO(32)from the DN sector.This gives precisely the right world-sheet structure for the free fundamental heterotic string.What is novel is the picture of what happens to the heterotic string if the coupling constant is?nite.Then the SO(32)charges,which are con?ned to the world-sheet at zero coupling,can move o?the world-sheet,but are tethered to it by strings of tension1/g.However,these can also break,so that a DN string splits into a DN string and an NN string,which is an open D-string that can then escape from the fundamental string.

It has been realised for some time that the5-brane in the SO(32)theory should carry SO(32)currents[16-23],and in[24]a world-volume structure was proposed, which was shown to lead to cancellation of all anomalies in[25].For the D5-brane of the type I theory,the massless world-volume?elds arise from type I strings with DD and DN boundary conditions[24].For N coincident D5-branes,the following 6-dimensional(1,0)supermultiplets with SO(4)R-symmetry arise.The DD sector gives a Yang-Mills multiplet with Sp(N)gauge symmetry and a scalar multiplet (transforming as an N(2N?1)?1antisymmetric tensor representation of Sp(N), plus a singlet)with4scalars X and two spinors transforming as a vector and chiral spinor of SO(4),respectively;the4X i are the collective coordinates for the brane.The DN sector gives a pseudo-real hypermultiplet with4scalars which are a vector of SO(4)and a4-component fermion which is an SO(4)singlet.These hypermultiplets transform as a(32,d a)of SO(32)×Sp(N)where the representation of dimension d a=N(2N+1)is the adjoint of Sp(N).

The same massless modes should be present on the heterotic5-brane world-volume,as the massless sector can be extrapolated to strong type I(weak heterotic) coupling.In the construction of the heterotic string by gauging??,the world-sheet structure emerges from D-strings ending on the heterotic5-brane,and in the weak coupling limit of the heterotic string,the D-strings collapse to zero length and only the massless sector survives.The SO(32)currents on the5-brane world-sheet arise from SO(32)charges tethered to the5-brane that are‘pulled in’in the weak coupling limit,while the Sp(2)currents arise from non-oriented D-strings with

both ends attached to the5-brane.

The presence of the9-branes plays a vital role in the construction and are responsible for the gauge structure.If no9-branes are added,then the perturbative IIB string can be orbifolded by(?1)F L to give the IIA string[26],and no gauge sector emerges.It is not clear whether this can be extended to the full non-perturbative theory,and will be discussed further in[15].

One can apply similar considerations to other string theories.Consider the IIB theory.For weak coupling,the D-string dynamics is governed by fundamental strings ending on the D-string,which is useful as it allows detailed calculation. The D-string can be thought of as being surrounded by a cloud of fundamental strings ending on it,and closed fundamental strings can break o?from the teth-ered strings and propagate into the bulk,mediating the interaction with the bulk degrees of freedom.By duality,at strong coupling the(1,0)string dynamics is governed by(0,1)strings ending on the(1,0)string,and this again can be studied using(the S-dual)conformal?eld theory.Back at weak IIB coupling,D-strings can end on fundamental strings,but this is not so useful in giving the dynamics of the fundamental strings,as we only have a formulation of the D-string dynamics in terms of the fundamental strings themselves(from which an e?ective Born-Infeld action can be derived).However,the excitations of the D-string that are in short multiplets can be understood,since they can be extrapolated to strong coupling where they are the short-multiplet states of the fundamental string.In particular, the massless sector of the the D-string is the same as that of the fundamental string,and consists of8world-sheet scalars X i and16world-sheet fermions,which transform as a vector and complex chiral spinor of the transverse SO(8),respec-tively.At zero IIB string coupling,the tension of the D-strings becomes in?nite and only the massless sector survives,so that the familiar world-sheet degrees of freedom of the fundamental IIB string arise from the D-strings attached to the fundamental string that collapse to points,giving local?elds on the fundamental string world-sheet.The picture suggests that at?nite coupling,the world-sheet is replaced by a cloud of D-strings and the non-BPS states might be understood

in terms of D-string excitations;it would of course be very interesting to?nd a non-trivial check of this.

The description of the heterotic string proposed here arises from this picture of the type IIB string on gauging??.The D-strings become non-oriented and non-BPS,but the world-sheet structure of the free heterotic string again emerges from D-strings attached to the world-sheet,in the limit in which they collapse to points.


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钠与硫酸铜反应 宿豫实验高中王之兵 在高一必修1《钠的性质与应用》中提到钠与硫酸铜溶液的反应,其中很多老师都提到钠与硫酸铜反应是否置换出铜的问题,现根据其他老师的观点及资料,把钠与硫酸铜反应做一个简单探讨。 钠与硫酸铜反应分三种情况: 一、钠与硫酸铜溶液反应 (一)钠投入到硫酸铜中是不能置换出铜,实验现象: 1、金属钠在投入水中的时候与水反应。2Na+2H2O=2NaOH+H2↑ 和钠与水反应时现象一样,钠熔化成小球,游走。 2、生成气体。 3、而后与硫酸铜反应,2NaOH+CuSO4=Cu(OH)2↓+Na2SO4 有蓝色絮状沉淀生成,其中还有少量Cu(OH)2分解生成黑色的氧化铜。 (二)若在新鲜的钠片上滴加1 ~ 2 滴CuSO4浓溶液,反应非常剧烈,显著放热,生成大量棕褐色的固体物质,将该物质洗涤干净后加入少量的浓氨水,物质会慢慢全部溶解,溶液会逐渐呈现出深蓝色,说明其中含有C u 2 O 。因此,N a 与CuSO溶液的反应,不论溶液是浓还是稀,都不能置换出铜。 二、钠与CuSO4·5H2O反应 硫酸铜晶体不稳定,受热会分解生成水,所以钠与CuSO4·5H2O反应的与钠与硫酸铜溶液反应产物是相同的。 三、钠与无水硫酸铜反应 1 、室温条件下的反应 取绿豆大小的钠经表面处理后立即放入无水CuSO4粉末里。使粉末将钠均匀包裹住,防止空气中的氧将钠氧化。室温下放置一段时间后,两物质均无明显变化。说明在室温下钠与无水硫酸铜不能发生反应。 2 、加热条件下的反应 取适当大小的钠,均匀包埋于粉末中置于坩埚里,并将粉末压实,止加热时容器里的氧气将反应物和产物氧化。把处理好后的坩埚于酒精灯火焰上加热,1 0


英语主谓一致专项习题及答案解析及解析 一、主谓一致 1.How your winter holiday? —It great. But I tired now A.was, was, am B.is , was, was C.is, is , am D.is, is , was 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你寒假过得怎么样?--好极了。但是我现在很累。根据语境可知,第一个空用一般过去时态,主语是单数,谓语动词用was;其答语也是用一般过去时态,第二个空是一般现在时态,主语是I,谓语动词用am。根据题意,故选A。 考点:考查be动词的用法。 2.It is reported that the population of China smaller in the past few months. The aging(老龄化) is a big problem. More parents are encouraged to give birth to more babies. A.became B.will become C.have become D.has become 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:据报道,中国人口在过去的几个月里已经变少了。老龄化是一个大问题。鼓励更多的父母生更多的孩子。A. became变成,一般过去时态;B. will become 将变成,一般将来时;C. have become已经变成,现在完成时;D. has become已经变成,现在完成时,第三人称单数。主语是the population,根据语境可知是现在完成时,其结构has done的形式。根据句意,故选D。 3.In our class _____ of the students _____ girls. A.third fifths; is B.third fifth; are C.three fifth; is D.three fifths; are 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:我们班五分之三的学生是女孩。 在英语中表示分数,分子要用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于一时,分母用复数形式。五分之三应该是three fifths;另外,分数+名词复数作主语的时候,后面的谓语动词应该用复数。所以选D。 4.(两者之中)任何一个 I don't agree with either of you on these issues. 在这些问题上,你们两个我都不同意。 连接词 conj.


con taining hu man papillomavir us type16.N ucleic A cid s R es, 1991;19(15):4109-4114 8Theresa M C,T an,Robert CY et al.I n v itro an d in v iv o inhib ition of hum an papillomavirus type16E6and E7genes.Cancer R es, 1995;55(20):4599-46059W ong YF,Ch ung TKH,Cheung T H e t al.Effects of human pa-pillomaviru s type-s pecific antis ens e oligonu cleotides on cervical cancer cells con taining papillomavirus typ e16.M ed S ci R es,1994; 22(7):511-513 收稿1997-12-17 修回1998-02-23 编辑 王雪萍 ?研究快报? 1株人成骨肉瘤细胞系的建立及特性观察* 杨彤涛 范清宇 张殿忠 裘秀春 刘树林 马保安 周 勇 (第四军医大学唐都医院骨科 西安710038) 关键词 成骨肉瘤 细胞系 核型分析 中图号 R738.1 0 引言 成骨肉瘤是人类最常见的原发性恶性骨肿瘤,死亡率、致残率很高.建立该肿瘤的细胞系,有助于对其深入研究,我们新建立了1株人成骨肉瘤细胞系,体外已传120余代,现报告如下. 1 方法 1.1 组织来源 标本取材于17岁男性患者1996-07-16的截肢,病理诊断为成骨肉瘤(软骨母细胞型). 1.2 建系过程 将无菌切取的肿瘤标本剪成直径1mm左右的小块,贴壁接种于培养瓶底,底面朝上,同时加入含200 mL/L小牛血清及常规量青、链霉素的RP M I1640培养液, 2h后翻转.3d后见有细胞晕生长,定期半量换液,反复清除成纤维细胞.1mo后1∶2传第1代.至第4代时,细胞渐迅速生长,以后平均4d~5d传1代. 1.3 细胞生物学特性鉴定 1.3.1 细胞形态 将生长于盖玻片上的单层细胞以950 mL/L乙醇固定,行HE染色,光镜观察.另将细胞以25 mL/L戊二醛固定,常规方法处理,行扫描和透射电镜观察. 1.3.2 组织化学染色 将不同代数的细胞,培养于盖玻片上,950mL/L乙醇固定,进行碱性磷酸酶(钙钴法)、酸性磷酸酶(刘氏法)染色及阿新蓝-PA S染色法显示胞浆中酸性、中性粘多糖. 1.3.3 乳酸脱氢酶同工酶测定 取对数生长期的第65代细胞3×106个,PBS中制成悬液,反复冻融,收集上清,经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,NA D-PM S-N BT染色显带定量. 1.3.4 染色体分析 取第80代细胞按常规方法处理,G显 *国家自然科学基金资助项目 No.39330200 杨彤涛,男,27岁,硕士生,住院医师带后进行核型分析. 1.3.5 裸鼠移植 取第78代细胞5×106个/只,分别接种于8只BA L B/c裸鼠右臂皮下,3w k后处死裸鼠,取移植瘤,固定后光镜、电镜观察. 2 结果 2.1 细胞形态 相差显微镜下,细胞呈上皮样排列,单层贴壁生长,有重叠生长现象.多数为多边形,可见瘤巨细胞. HE染色见胞浆轻度嗜碱,核大,核浆比例异常,可见较多分裂相.透射电镜示胞浆内较多粗面内质网,核大畸形,核仁大.扫描电镜下见细胞表面满布微绒毛.电镜下未见支原体. 2.2 组织化学染色 碱性磷酸酶(A K P)染色胞浆内弥漫着色.酸性磷酸酶(ACP)染色为阴性.酸性及中性粘多糖染色部分细胞呈阳性. 2.3 同工酶谱 为5条带,乳酸脱氢酶(L D H)同工酶相对含量百分数L D3>L D2>L D4>L D1>LD5. 2.4 染色体分析 为亚三倍体核型,染色体干系数目为64~66,占81%,结构异常涉及16条染色体,有衍生染色体、易位、缺失等改变. 2.5 裸鼠移植 8只裸鼠全部成瘤,光镜下形态与原肿瘤相似,电镜下细胞形态与培养的细胞一致. 3 讨论 原发性恶性骨肿瘤中成骨肉瘤发病率最高,随着对其研究的不断深入,国内外相继建立了若干成骨肉瘤细胞系,大多数保留了其来源组织的特征[1,2].我们建立的细胞系为上皮样细胞,多数为多边形和三角形,单层贴壁生长,有重叠生长现象,可见瘤巨细胞及有丝分裂相.细胞核大,核浆比例异常.增殖迅速,染色体为亚三倍体型,有多种染色体异常表现.裸鼠移植成瘤率100%,成瘤时间短.符合恶性肿瘤细胞特征.该细胞系L DH同工酶谱与成骨肉瘤组织的L DH同工酶谱基本一致,L D3活性最高,经过1a余体外培养,连续传代120余次,性质稳定,表明其为1株新建成的成骨肉瘤细胞系,为成骨肉瘤的研究提供了新的实验材料.进一步的研究工作正在进行中. 参考文献 1张佩玉,王红霞,蒋海燕et al.人成骨肉瘤细胞系OS-732的建立及其特征的观察.中华骨科杂志,1985;5(5):100-104 2Kaw ai A.A new ly establish ed hum an osteosarcoma cell line with os teoblas tic pr op erthes.Clin Orthop,1990;259:256-266 收稿1998-01-16 修回1998-03-19 编辑 王小仲 264第四军医大学学报(J F our th M ilit M ed U niv)1998;19(3)


高中电化学知识总结 一、原电池 1、装置特点:化学能转化为电能。 形成条件: (1)两个活泼性不同的电极(存在电势差); (2)电解质溶液(一般与活泼性强的电极发生氧化还原反应); (3)形成闭合回路(或在溶液中接触) (4)负极:用还原性较强的物质作负极,负极向外电路提供电子;发生氧化反应(“富”“养”)。 正极:用氧化性较强的物质正极,正极从外电路得到电子,发生还原反应(“挣”“还”)。(5)常见的电池原理 ①铜锌原电池 电解质溶液:ZnSO4溶液 负极:氧化反应 Zn-2e-=Zn2+ 正极:还原反应 2H++2e-=2H2↑ 总反应:Zn+H2SO4=ZnSO4+H2↑ ②锰干电池 电解质溶液:糊状的NH4Cl 负极:Zn-2e-=Zn2+ 正极:2NH4++2e-=2NH3+H2↑ 总反应:Zn+2NH4+=Zn2++2NH3+H2↑ ③铅蓄电池 电解液:H2SO4溶液 正极(PbO2):PbO2+SO42-+4H++2e-=PbSO4+2H2O 负极(Pb):Pb+SO42--2e-=PbSO4 总反应:PbO2+Pb+2H2SO4===2PbSO4+2H2O

④燃料电池 原料:除氢气和氧气外,也可以是CH4、煤气、燃料、空气、氯气等氧化剂。负极:2H2+2OH--4e-=4H2O ; 正极:O2+2H2O+4e-=4OH- 氢氧燃料电池:总反应:O2 +2H2 =2H2O

二、电解池 1、电解池:使电流通过电解质溶液而在阴阳两极引起氧化还原反应的过程。 (1)装置特点:电能转化为化学能。 (2)形成条件 ①与电源本连的两个电极; ②电解质溶液(或熔化的电解质) ③形成闭合回路。 2、电极分类 阳极:与直流电源正极相连的叫阳极。 阴极:与直流电源负极相连的叫阴极。 3、电极反应的顺序 ①原理:谁还原性或氧化性强谁先放电(发生氧化还原反应) ②阳极离子放电顺序: S2->I->Br->Cl->OH->SO42-(含氧酸根)>F-(“刘殿秀录用亲娘刘四”) 阴极阳离子的电子 Ag+>Fe3+>Cu2+>Pb2+>Sn2+>Fe2+>Zn2+>H+>Al3+>Mg2+>Na+(金属活动性的反方向) ③电子流向:阳极至阴极 ④阳极:失去电子,氧化反应阴极:得到电子,还原反应 4、常见的电解池原理 (1)CuSO4溶液的电解池 正极:4OH--4e-=2H2O +O2 负极:Cu2++2e-=Cu 总反应:2CuSO4+2H2O==2Cu+2H2SO4+O2↑ (2)精炼铜的电解池 粗铜板作阳极,与直流电源正极相连;纯铜作阴极,与直流电源负极相连;用CuSO4 (加一定量H2SO4)作电解液。 阴极:Cu2++2e-=Cu阳极:Cu-2e-=Cu2+、Zn-2e-=Zn2+ 阳极泥:含Ag、Au等贵重金属; 电解液:溶液中CuSO4浓度基本不变 电解铜的特点:纯度高、导电性好。 (3)电解食盐水 现象:阴极上有气泡;阳极有刺激性气体产,能使湿润的淀粉KI变蓝;


骨肉瘤的诊断鉴别方法 诊断方法: 1、骨肉瘤多发于15~25岁青少年,易发于四肢长管骨干骺端。膝关节上下部位最常见。 2、骨肉瘤的主要症状是局部疼痛,初为间歇性隐痛,迅速转为持续性剧痛,夜间尤甚。 3、骨肉瘤患者局部皮温高,静脉怒张,肿块生长迅速,压痛,可出现震颤和血管杂音,可有病理性骨折,关节功能障碍。 4、全身毒性反应,食欲不振,体重减轻,最后衰竭,出现恶病质。 5、贫血,白细胞增高,血沉块,碱性磷酸酶增高。 6、x线摄片的特征表现。 7、病理检查可明确诊断。 鉴别方法: 1、骨转移癌:大多数骨转移癌的病人有原发癌病史。转移癌一股多发生于中老年人.与骨肉瘤好发年龄在青少年不同。与骨肉瘤的鉴别主要依靠发病年龄、发病部位及影像特征,最终确诊须病理学检查。 2、软骨肉瘤:发病年龄较大,好发与于扁骨或长骨干骺端,呈不规则溶骨性破坏,边界不清,内多有钙化阴影,周围有软组织肿块。镜下所见软骨细胞里分叶状,细胞分布均匀,胞核肥大,常可见双核细胞,偶见不规则形巨大的软骨细胞。二者的鉴别要点是软骨肉瘤发病年龄较大,病灶内无瘤骨,骨膜反应少见,病理学检查肿瘤内无骨样基质。 3、纤维肉瘤:纤维肉瘤是起源于纤维母细胞的原发恶性肿瘤。30岁~50岁多发,骨内纤维肉瘤表现为疼痛逐渐加剧,X线表现为密度减低的穿透性破坏区,病理学检查其主要的细胞学特征是由大小、形态均一的梭形细胞构成。细胞核深染,几乎没有胞浆,细胞膜不明显或缺如。细胞被胶原纤维间隔,交织排例,呈“鲱鱼骨”状。二者的鉴别要点是纤维肉瘤发病年龄较大,病灶内无瘤骨,骨膜反应少见,病理学检查肿瘤内无骨样基质。 4、骨纤维异常增殖症:病程长,无恶变征象,病损主要是纤维组织增生和骨质硬化。X 线片可见病变不破坏骨皮质,仅使骨皮质膨胀变薄.无骨膜反应。 5、骨化性肌炎:有时与骨肉瘤相似,当CT和MRI可清楚显示骨髓腔内及骨皮质无骨质破坏,而骨肉瘤多有骨质破坏。


钠与硫酸铜溶液的反应 教学目标: 1、巩固学生对钠的性质的认识 2、使学生对初中学习化学的金属活动顺序有一个更全面、更科学的认识。 教学过程方式: 提出问题,激发学生主动思索,引导学生得出结果。过程力求简洁,方式力求引人入胜。 师:前面已经学习了钠能与水发生剧烈的反应,也能与盐酸反应,那么,钠与硫酸铜溶液能反应吗?如果能反应,预测一下可能观察到什么现象?生成什么物质? 生1:钠比铜活跃,反应中能置换出金属铜。 生2:钠不能置换出金属铜,因为钠更容易与水反应产生氢气。 生3:还能观察到蓝色的氢氧化铜沉淀。 生4:可能还有黑色的沉淀产生。 师:大家可从氧化还原的角度展开思维,能否仔细分析一下反应是如何进行的? 生5:从金属活动性顺序表可知,氢的还原性比铜强,所以铜离子的氧化性比氢离子的强。两种氧化剂与一种还原剂反应时,应是强者先反应,所以钠先与铜离子反应,我赞同生1的观点。 师:大家对生5的观点有什么看法? 生6:在初中科学课上,老师曾做过此实验,好像生成的是絮状的蓝色沉淀,不是紫红色的铜。 (很多学生同意了生6的观点,但无法否定生5的观点。) 师:大家想不想再做一次这个实验? 生:(齐声)想。 师:请同学们翻开课本第13面,仔细观察图1—11,谁能解释这个实验现象呢?(钠首先和水反应生成氢氧化钠和氢气,生成的氢氧化钠再跟硫酸铜反应生成蓝色沉淀氢氧化铜。由于钠与水反应放出大量的热,可使部分的氢氧化铜分解成黑色难溶物氧化铜。) 生:噢,原来如此啊…… 实验过程: 实验原理:由于金属钠的密度介于煤油和硫酸铜溶液之间。因此,金属钠在煤油和硫酸铜溶液界面处与硫酸铜溶液中的水剧烈反应,生成的氢气把金属钠推回煤油中,钠与水的反应被暂时终止。随后,金属钠在重力的作用下又再次与硫酸铜溶液接触并剧烈反应。这样,金属钠在煤油中上下浮动,反应忽起忽停,缓和了反应。 实验用品:钠,2%硫酸铜溶液,煤油,试管,胶头滴管,镊子,小刀,滤纸,玻璃片。 实验步骤:a.在盛硫酸铜溶液的试管中,加入煤油。 b.再把黄豆大小的钠粒放入盛有硫酸铜溶液和煤油的试管中。 知识点: 2Na + 2H2O = 2NaOH + H2↑


(英语)英语主谓一致题20套(带答案)含解析 一、主谓一致 1. Not only his parents but also his grandfather _______ to a lot of places of interest in our country since they came here. A.has gone B.has been C.have gone D.have been 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:自从他们来到这,他的父母和爷爷去参观了很多我国的名胜古迹。neithe r…nor…,既不······也不······,either …or…,或者······或者······,Not only …but also…,不但,而且。如果连接的是主语,谓语动词与较近的名词保持一致,结合句意,故选B 考点:考查现在完成时的用法。 2.There a basketball game between Class 8 and Class 12 tomorrow afternoon. A.is B.has C.will be D.will have 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 句意:明天下午在8班和12班之间将有一场篮球比赛。A. is是,单数;B. has有,第三人称单数;C. will be将是;D. will have将有。这里是there be句型,不能出现have/has,排除BD;根据时间状语tomorrow afternoon.可知用一般将来时,其结构是there will be+主语+介词短语。根据题意,故选C。 3.Smog and haze is a kind of air pollution. It _______ people _____ about their health. A.make, worry B.make, be worried C.makes, worried D.makes, worry 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:雾霾是一种空气污染。它使人们担心他们的健康。考查主谓一致和动词短语辨析。it是单数第三人称,动词需用三单形式,可排除AB两项。make让,使役动词,make sb. do sth.让某人做某事,是固定结构,可排除C项。根据句意结构,可知选D。 4.(通常与or连用)或者 Either you or your father must see this young man today. 你或是你的父亲今天必须见这位年轻人。 副词 ad.


电解时离子放电顺序 、放电的概念放电:阴离子失去电子而阳离子得到电子的过程叫放电。 二、离子放电顺序 1、决定离子放电顺序的因素 ①离子得失电子的能力 ②离子的浓度 ③电极材料 多种阴阳离子分别移向阴极阳极时,优先放电的是: 氧化性、还原性强的离子 2、电极反应⑴阴极:(阳离子得电子) Ag+>Hg2+>Fe3+>Cu2+>H+(酸)>P b2+>Sn2+>Fe2+>Zn2+>H+ (水)>AI3+>Mg2+>Na+>Ca2+>K+⑵阳极:(阴离子失电子) 若阳极是活泼金属(金属活动顺序表Ag以前),溶液中的阴离 子一律不放电,而是电极材料失电子注:电解题优先看阳极材料若阳极是惰性(Pt、Au、石墨),则放电顺序如下: S2">I">Br">C r >OH">含氧酸根离子

3、电解规律(用惰性电极电解时) ⑴、电解含氧酸、强碱溶液、活泼金属的含氧酸盐溶液时, 实质上是电解水。如电解H2SC4、HN03、Na0H、Na z SQ等 溶液时其电极反应式为: 阳极:40H"- 4e" = 2H2O +O2? 阴极:4H+ +4e- = 2H2 ? 总反应:2出0 02? +2H4 电解后溶液中溶质的质量分数增大,若要恢复原来的浓 度,只需加入一定量的水即可。 ⑵、电解无氧酸溶液(氢氟酸除外)、不活泼金属的无氧酸盐 溶液时,实质上是电解质本身被电解。如电解盐酸、CuC2 溶液等时。 电解盐酸阳极:2CI -- 2e- = Cl2? 阴极:2H+ +2e-= H2 ? 总反应:2HCI 电解后溶液中溶质的质量分数减小,若要恢复原来的组 成和浓度,需加入一定量的溶质(通入一定量的HCI气体)。 ⑶、电解不活泼金属的含氧酸盐时,电解质和水都有一部分被电解,如电解CuSq溶液、AgN03溶液等。


关于氢氧化钠溶液和硫酸铜溶液反应的探究文章来源:新洲初中许先锁发布时间:2012-03-01 浏览:628 编辑:新洲初级中学 关于氢氧化钠溶液和硫酸铜溶液反应的探究 新洲中学许先锁 一、问题提出 人教版初中化学教材第22页有一个演示实验,用10mL量筒量取2mLNaOH溶液,倒入试管中,用滴管向试管中滴加CuSO4溶液,观察有什么现象发生。用试管夹夹住试管,放在酒精灯火焰上加热,观察有什么现象发生。考虑到实验有利于培养学生的多种实验操作技能,提高学生学习化学的兴趣,我们把演示实验改成学生实验并要求学生如实记录观察到的实验现象。实验结果不仅出乎学生意外,更让我们始料不及。氢氧化钠溶液和硫酸铜溶液反应的现象,有的学生记录的是蓝色沉淀,有的学生记录的却是蓝白色沉淀,加热后的现象,大部分学生是产生黑色沉淀,有少数学生却不能产生黑色沉淀。为什么反应的现象差异如此之大呢? 二、实验探究 以下平行实验见表1和表2。 三、理论分析 1、向2mL NaOH溶液中滴5滴CuSO4溶液,若两者恰好完全反应,所得反应产物为蓝色絮状沉淀,久置后上层溶液无色,即生成氢氧化铜沉淀和硫酸钠。加热后生成黑色氧化铜沉淀。 反应式:2NaOH+ CuSO4=Cu(OH)2↓+Na2SO4 Cu(OH)2==CuO+H2O 若NaOH过量,但局部环境可认为NaOH和CuSO4恰好完全反应,所得反应产物仍为蓝色絮状的

氢氧化铜沉淀。加热后生成黑色氧化铜沉淀。一般不会出现CuSO4过量的情况。 2、向CuSO4溶液中滴NaOH溶液,,局部环境可认为NaOH过量,沉淀为一种蓝白色的糊状沉淀,此为铜酸钠。它的形成原因相当复杂,删繁就简地就是氢氧根离子与铜离子结合成氢氧化铜后,由于溶液中氢氧根偏多,而氢氧化铜又微显两性(氢氧化铜可写为Cu(OH)2及H2CuO2)故又结合两个氢氧根离子,再与钠离子结合生成铜酸钠。 这是一种相当不稳定的蓝白色物质,难溶于水,它只有在碱性条件下才能存在,溶液稀释后,它即分解成氢氧化铜和氢氧化钠,在久置之后,它会风化分解。 反应式:Na2Cu(OH)4=2NaOH+Cu(OH)2↓ Na2Cu(OH)4=2NaOH+Cu(OH)2↓ 4NaOH+CuSO4=Na2[Cu(OH)4]↓+Na2SO4 加热后,若CuSO4过量,溶液呈酸性,不管加热多长时间都不会有黑色氧化铜沉淀形成。既使某个时刻有少量黑色氧化铜沉淀形成,但最终又会被硫酸溶液溶解。如果CuSO4适量或不足,溶液呈中性或碱性,加热后,则有黑色氧化铜沉淀形成。 四、反思与评价 1.要严格按照实验步骤进行实验,个别学生实验现象的异常就是没有严格按照实验步骤进行实验。 2.NaOH溶液和CuSO4溶液浓度不宜过大,特别是CuSO4溶液要用稀溶液。否则不容易产生蓝色絮状沉淀,加热后难生成黑色氧化铜沉淀。 3、通过这次实验探究,开阔了视野,渊博了知识,增强了实践能力,培养了化学兴趣心,这些都将在我以后的人生道路上为我指航,为我扬帆。


主谓一致练习题(含答案)经典 一、主谓一致 1.The number of the volunteers in our city 2 ,000. And sixty percent of them teachers and students. A.is; is B.is; are C.are; is D.are; are 【答案】B 【解析】 句意:在我们城市志愿者的数量为2000.他们中的百分之六十是教师和学生。根据句意,结合语法知识the number of,……的数目,做主语时谓语动词使用单数形式,而percent做主语时,谓语动词的单复数需要依据of后面的单词。故答案为B. 2.Be quiet, please. There a basketball game between our class and Class 8. A.has B.is going to be C.will have D.is going to have 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:请安静,在我们班和8班之间将会有一场篮球比赛。根据句意可知,这里使用的是there be句型,表示“有……”,故A、C和D都不对;there is going to be是there be句型的将来时态。 考点:考查there be句型。 3._______ a big party in our school in two weeks. A.It is B.It will be C.There was D.There is going to be 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:在我们学校两周之后将有一个大的聚会。根据句意可知,译为“有”,用there be句型,排除A和B;且根据in two weeks可知,用一般将来时,故选D。 4.—I called you at 5:00 yesterday afternoon, but no one answered. —Sorry, I with my parents ________ at that time. A.was shopping B.were shopping C.are shopping D.went shopping 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:—我昨天下午五点给你打电话了,但是没人接。—对不起,那时我正陪着妈妈买东西呢。通过以上分析可知,应该用过去进行时;本句I是主语,with my parents是介词短语做定语,不是主语,所以后面用was。故选A。 考点:考查时态和主谓一致的用法。


装置特点:化学能转化为电能。 ①、两个活泼性不同的电极; 形成条件:②、电解质溶液(一般与活泼性强的电极发生氧化还原反应); 原 ③、形成闭合回路(或在溶液中接触) 电 负极:用还原性较强的物质作负极,负极向外电路提供电子;发生氧化反应。 池 基本概念: 正极:用氧化性较强的物质正极,正极从外电路得到电子,发生还原反应。 原 电极反应方程式:电极反应、总反应。 理 氧化反应 还原反应 反应原理:Zn-2e -=Zn 2+ 2H ++2e -=2H 2↑ 1.下列变化中,属于原电池反应的是( ) A .在空气中金属铝表面迅速氧化形成保护层 B .镀锌铁表面有划损时,也能阻止铁被氧化 C .红热的铁丝与水接触表面形成蓝黑色保护层 D .铁与稀H 2SO 4反应时,加入少量CuSO 4溶液时,可使反应加速 2.100 mL 浓度为2 mol/L 的盐酸跟过量的锌片反应,为加快反应速率,又不影响生成氢气的量,可采用的方法是( ) A .加入适量的6 mol/L 的盐酸 B .加入数滴氯化铜溶液 C .加入适量的蒸馏水 D .加入适量的氯化钠溶液 3.称取三份锌粉,分别盛于甲、乙、丙三支试管中,按下列要求另加物质后,塞上塞子,定时测定生成氢气的体积。甲加入50 mL pH =3的盐酸,乙加入50 mL pH =3的醋酸,丙加入50 mL pH =3的醋酸及少量胆矾粉末。若反应终了,生成氢气的体积一样多,且没有剩余的锌。请用“>”“=”或“<”回答下列各题。 (1)开始时,反应速率的大小为__________。 (2)三支试管中参加反应的锌的质量为__________。 (3)反应终了,所需时间为__________。 (4)在反应过程中,乙、丙速率不同的理由是(简要说明)__________。 失e -,沿导线传递,有电流产生


关于金属钠与硫酸铜溶液的反应探究 摘要:我们高中化学教学过程中,学生或者教师常将金属活动性 和元素金属性概念混为一谈,没有加以辨析,同时教材也没有加以区别。如人教版高中《化学(必修加选修)》(第一册)对于判断元素金属性的依据这样叙述道:元素金属性的强弱,可以从它的单质跟水(或酸)反应置换出氢的难易程度,以及它的最高价氧化物和水化物——氢氧化物的碱性强弱来判断。但是金属在溶液中发生置换反应是一个复杂的过程,既包括金属原子脱离晶体表面变为气态原子,气态原子变为气态阳离子,气态阳离子再变为水合离子的过程;又包括被置换的金属由水合离子变为气态离子,气态离子得电子变为气态原子,气态原子沉积变为金属的过程。金属的电极电势就是综合考虑上述各种因素并用以表示金属活动性强弱的物理量。 关键字:金属性离子电极电势水合离子金属活动性顺序置换反应 I n d e x:O u r hi gh s ch oo l c h em i s t r y t e a c hi n g pr o c es s, st u d en t s o r t e a ch e r s o f t e n m e t a l a c t i v i t y a n d t h e c on c e pt of m i x ed m et al l i c e l em e nt, n ot t o b e A n al ys i s, an d m at er i al s n ot t o b e di s t i n gu i s h ed. S u ch as P EP H i gh S c ho ol"C h em i st r y (c om pu l s o r y p l u s op t i on al)" (V ol um e I) f o r t h e m et a l l i c el em e nt s t o d et e rm i n e t h e b a s i s f o r t hi s s t at em en t an d s a i d:t h e st r en gt h o f m et a l l i c el e m ent s, f ro m i t s s i m p l e su bs t a n ce wi t h w at e r(o r a ci d) r e a c t i on t h e r e pl a ce m e nt of e a s e o f h yd r o ge n an d i t s ox i d e s an d hyd r a t e s t h e hi gh e s t p r i c e- t o d e t er m i n e t h e s t r en gt h o f al ka l i ne h yd r ox i d e. H ow e ve r,m e t a l r e pl a c em e nt r e a ct i o n i n s ol ut i on i s a c o m pl ex p r o c es s, bo t h m et al a t om s f ro m t he c rys t a l su r f a c e i n t o t h e gas e ou s at o m s, ga s e o us a t om s i nt o gas e ous c at i o n,c at i on an d t he n i nt o a gas e ou s i o n h yd r a t i o n p ro c es s;a n d i n c l u di n g t h e re p l ac e m ent o f m et al b y t h e h yd r a t e d i on s i n t o ga s e o us i on s, t h e el e c t ro n-gas i o ns i nt o ga s e o u s a t om s, i nt o ga s eo us m et al a t om d e po si t i o n p r o ce s s. M e t al e l e ct r od e p ot e nt i al i s t ak e n i n t o a c cou nt t h e ab ov e f a ct or s a nd t o i nd i c a t e t h e s t r en gt h of t h e ph ys i c al ac t i vi t y o f t h e m et al. K e yw o r d s: m et a l i on el e ct r od e po t ent i a l o f h yd r a t ed m et al i on r e pl a c em e nt r e a ct i on s e qu e n ce of a ct i vi t y 鉴于高中化学知识的局限性,我们将大学物理化学的知识引入,便于解决金属钠与硫酸铜溶液反应中涉及到的电化学的知识加以应用。



初中英语主谓一致的用法及专项练习题 一、主谓一致三原则 主谓一致是指谓语动词与主语在人称和数上保持一致,主谓一致必须遵循三原则:语法一致原则,意义一致原则,就近一致原则。 1. 语法一致原则:指主语是单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式,主语是复数形式,谓语也用复数形式。 Tom is a good student. 汤姆是个好学生。 They often play football on the playground. 他们经常在操场上踢足球。 2. 意义一致:指主语形式上为单数,但意义为复数,因此谓语动词用复数形式;或主语形式上为复数,但表示单数意义,这是谓语动词用单数形式。 My family is having lunch now. 我们一家人现在正吃午饭。 My family has moved three times.我们家搬过3次。 3. 就近一致:指谓语动词用单数形式还是用复数形式,取决于最靠近他的主语。例如: Not only the teacher but also his students like playing football. 不仅老师喜欢踢足球,而且他的学生也喜欢踢足球。 There is a pen and some books on the desk. 课桌上有一支钢笔和一些书。 二、主谓一致常考题型 1. 单数名词(代词),不可数名词作主语时,谓语用单数形式,复数名词(代词)作主语,谓语用复数形式。 The desk is Tom’s. 这张桌子是汤姆的。 Some water is in the bottle. 一些水在瓶子里。 The students are playing football on the playground. 这些学生正在操场上踢足球。 2. many a+单数名词作主语,意义虽为“许多”,但谓语要用单数形式。 Many a student has been to Shanghai. 许多学生到过上海。


概述骨肉瘤(osteosarcoma)又称成骨肉瘤,由肉瘤性成骨细胞及其直接产生的骨样组织、新生骨构成,是原发性恶性骨肿瘤中最常见,恶性程度最高的骨肿瘤。易发生肺转移。本病以15-25岁发病者居多。70%以上的病人发生在股骨远端和胫骨近端、肱骨近端的干骺端。预后不良。病理改变骨肉瘤的主要组织成分为肿瘤性成骨细胞、肿瘤性骨样组织和肿瘤骨。其成分的多寡,随肿瘤性成骨细胞分化程度而异。分化比较成热者,肿瘤骨多,称为硬化性骨肉瘤,分化比较原始者,肿瘤骨少,称为溶骨性骨肉瘤。介乎二者之间者,即有不同程度的溶骨性和硬化性骨肉瘤。在肉眼观察下,骨肉瘤的性质颇不一致,有坚硬如象牙者(硬化性骨肉瘤),有脆软如肉芽易出血、瘤骨极少者(溶骨性骨肉瘤),有生长迅速而血不足,以致部分肿瘤坏死,形成含棕色或血性液体的囊肿者,有生长迅速而血运丰富,肿瘤组织含有极多的扩张血管和血安,以致肿瘤产生搏动和杂音,形成假性动脉瘤者。显微镜检查,肿瘤组织的成分亦复杂无常。在硬化性部分的切片中,可以发现不分层,无骨小管系统,排列杂乱、染色颇深的肿瘤骨小梁。肿瘤骨小粱间隙之中,可能有未被破坏的正常骨质存在,与肿瘤骨对比,更显出肿瘤骨小粱不服从生理力线原则的紊乱现象。在溶骨性部分的切片中,则可以发现肿瘤骨稀少或不存在,偶尔或有散在的骨样组织,但肿瘤性成骨细胞极多,分化原始,大小不一,胞浆多少不匀,胞膜不清,胞核大,染色深,分裂多。此外血管丰富,有成窦状者,其管壁系由肿瘤细胞所形成。上述两种显微镜下的不同组织象,可能存在千同一骨肉瘤中。此点说明,骨肉瘤一且发生,不论其为硬化性或溶骨性,恶性的程度不可能有绝大差别。除上述镜下所见外,尚可发现两种比较少见的细胞:一为肿瘤巨细胞,胞核多至3—10个,染色颇深,一为异物巨细胞,散在于肿瘤坏死部分或出血部分的周围。其形态与骨巨细胞瘤的巨细胞同。总的说,骨肉瘤的主要成分为肿瘤性成骨细胞,骨样组织和肿瘤骨。但也可能有一些恶性程度不等的软骨组织小岛,数量小,不能左右骨肉瘤的本质。因此,不应因软骨组织的出现,更变骨肉瘤的名称。骨肉瘤转移早而迅速,转移瘤几乎完全发现于肺部,通过肺部转移至其他器官者则罕见;局部淋巴结因肿瘤坏死可有增生扩大现象,但很少有转移瘤的存在。临床表现疼痛为早期症状,可发生在肿瘤出现以前,起初为间断性疼痛,渐转为持续性剧烈疼痛,尤以夜间为甚。恶性大的肿瘤疼痛发生较早且较剧烈,常有局部创伤史。骨端近关节处肿瘤大,硬度不一,有压痛,局部温度高,静脉扩张,有时可摸出搏动,可有病理骨折。全身健康逐渐下降至衰竭,多数病人在一年内有肺部转移。实验室及其他检查一、实验室检查贫血、白细胞计数升高或正常、血细胞沉降率增快、血清碱性磷酸酶增高。二、X线检查 1、骨松质和髓腔改变骨肉瘤较有特征的改变是骨质增生,其中以肿瘤性新骨形成为重要特点,掺杂有反应性骨质增生。X线表现为骨质硬化变白。干骺端骨松质和髓腔改变有以下几种:①均匀性毛玻璃样密度增高;②雾状、斑片状或团块状肿瘤新骨形成;③反应性骨质硬化;④骨质破坏。2、骨皮质改变早期骨质发生溶骨性破坏,骨密度降低,表现为筛孔状细条透光线。以后皮质表面变得凹凸不平,溶骨区瘤骨形成后骨质密度增高。3、骨膜反应①线样或葱皮样骨膜反应:线样者为一层很薄的骨膜新生骨平行于骨干,葱皮样者为很多层次。②垂直样骨膜反应:骨膜新生骨斜行或垂直于皮质骨,外缘密度较高。光滑整齐,边缘清楚。③Codman三角(袖口症)和日光放射现象。三、CT检查能准确显示肿瘤,平扫时表现为不同程度的骨质破坏,也可表现为不规则皮质增厚和骨硬化。骨膜增生表现为高密度,肿瘤侵犯髓腔使低密度的髓内组织密度增高并有蔓延趋势。如果形成跳跃性转移灶,则显示骨皮质中断。CT增强后扫描可清楚显示软组织边缘,并有利于显示肿瘤与附近大血管的关系。四、MRI检查其影像学特点取决于肿瘤组织中主要细胞类型和有无出血坏死。成骨型骨肉瘤在T1、T2加权图像上都表现为低信号。成软骨型T2加权图像上为高信号,其中局限性低信号区为软骨钙化的成分。成纤维型常有短T1、短T2的纤维特点,T1、T2加权图像上均为低信号。毛细血管扩张型骨肉瘤内含有较大的囊性血腔,T1、T2加权图像上都表现为低信号。髓腔内的病灶在T1加权


关于阳极到底是氯离子放电还是亚铁离子放电的纠结问题 《高中化学“化学实验基础”教学研究》后感与反思 在学习《高中化学“化学实验基础”教学研究》后,作为一线从事教学的我深刻感受到:化学教学不仅仅需要热情,需要勤做实验,更需要不断充电与理论学习。 在学习上述课程的同时,我和我的学生在电解氯化亚铁实验时遇到了一个关于阳极到底是氯离子放电还是亚铁离子放电的纠结问题。实验现象如下:阳极(材料:石墨)溶液由浅绿色逐渐变为黄色,再出现红褐色胶状物质,随着时间的延长逐渐开始沉淀,没有出现气泡,湿润的淀粉KI试纸未出现蓝色。 学生甲认为:电解池阳极发生的是氧化反应,当阳极为惰性电极时,溶液中的Fe2+离子的氧化性比Cl-离子强,理论上应该Fe2+离子先失电子生成三价Fe3+离子。 学生乙认为:当阳极是惰性电极时,阴离子(Cl-、OH-)向阳极定向移动,阳离子(Cu2+、H+、Fe2+)向阴极定向移动,所以阳极就是Cl-离子放电。 接着我对四种不同浓度氯化亚铁溶液进行惰性电极电解,结果几乎与上述相同,只是浓度不同时,出现明显现象的时间有所差异。 “这一现象能否说明甲的解释是正确的呢?”我有所顾虑,请教了同组的老师和各县市区的教研员,他们也没有十分的把握解释这一现象,然后,我又请教了大学老师,他们只能说没有产生氯气现象,可能是氯气产生后溶于水或者与亚铁离子反应,但也只是个人解释。因为我

们的教材中电解是用“优先放电理论”解释的,且并未提及当惰性电极放电时,阳极就一定要阴离子放电、阴极就一定是阳离子放电。此时,我正在学习《高中化学“化学实验基础”教学研究》,既然实验需要一定的知识才能开展研究,我更应该去查找理论支持。 通过翻阅大量资料我了解到,最新的电解理论不是“优先放电理论”,而是“曹天叙电解理论”,它明确定义“电解质溶于水或溶化时,在直流电源的作用下,电解质的阳离子在阴极发生还原,电解质的阴离子在阳极发生氧化的过程叫电解”。 1、电解任何一种电解质的水溶液和熔化液,都是电解质的阳离子在阴极发生还原,电解质的阴离子在阳级发生氧化,不因电解质离子的电极电势大小而改变,否定水的分子、离子在两极放电。 2、电解任何一种电解质的水溶液和熔化液,都是电解质的阳离子在阴极发生还原,电解质的阴离子在阳极发生氧化,电解过程活性阳电极的溶解,而是电解质的阴离子在阳极放电后与活性阳电极反应生成金属盐而溶解的,不是活性阳电极本身放电溶解。 3、电解电解质溶液时,如果有能在常温下与水反应的金属离子,在阴极放电后便会与水反应产生氢,例如K、Na、Li、Ca等。在常温下不与水反应的金属离子在阴极放电后沉积金属单质。例如Cu、Zn、Cr、Ni、Cd、Fe等。 4.电解任何一种电解质的水溶液,都是电解质的阳离子在阴极发生还原,电解质阴离子在阳极发生氧化,不因过电位高低而改变。

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