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Fudan English Test

(Paper A, June 27, 2011 )

Part I Listening (20 minutes)

Section A Spot Dictation

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage twice. The passage is printed on the first page of the Answer Sheets with eight blanks. It will be read at the normal speed with a 30-second pause afterwards. You are required to fill in the blanks numbered from L1 to L8 with the exact word or words that are missing.

Section B Multiple Choice Questions Based on Conversations

Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations only once. After each conversation, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the questions together with the choices marked A), B), C) and D), and choose the best answer for each question. Then mark the corresponding letter on the first page of the Answer Sheets.

Conversation One

1. According to Dr. Peterson, what can stress do to us in the short term?

A) It deprives us of energy.

B) It makes us feel under threat.

C) It motivates us.

D) It enables us to achieve more.

2. According to Ann, how much does stress cost the American industry?

A) 300 million dollars a year.

B) More than 300 million dollars.

C) 300 billion dollars a year.

D) More than 300 billion dollars a year.

Conversation Two

3. Which of the following is true according to the man?

A) Women are especially vulnerable to shopping addiction.

B) Men are actually more prone to shopping addiction than women.

C) Both men and women may have the compulsion to just shop.

D) Women’s shopping psychology is different from men’s.

4. How many Americans are addicted to shopping?





C) One out of twenty.

D) One out of ten.

5. According to the man, what is one of the reasons for shopping compulsion?









C) To follow fashion.

D) To fix problems.

6. What is the woman’s attitude toward shopping compulsion?







D) It cannot be known from this conversation.

Conversation Three

7. What are the two men mainly talking about?

A) Comparing the nuclear crisis in Japan and that in Chernobyl.

B) The current condition of the damaged reactors in Japan.

C) How the nuclear crisis in Japan might develop next.

D) What will happen to the oceans as a result of the nuclear crisis in Japan.

8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the conversation?

A) Skin cancer.

B) Food safety.

C) Economic development.

D) Ocean contamination.

Section C Multiple Choice Questions Based on Academic Lectures Directions: In this section, you will hear two lecture clips only once. After each clip, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the questions together with the choices marked A), B), C) and D), and choose the best answer for each question. Then mark the corresponding letter on the first page of the Answer Sheets.

Lecture One

9. What will the speaker concentrate on in the conclusion of his lecture?

A) The dangerous activities that many people are engaged in.

B) The overestimated areas of technology.

C) The possible technological achievements that might come about in the future.

D) The way technology has developed in the last few decades.

10. What is the first area in which technology will continue to develop in the speaker’s opinion?

A) The ability to solve larger and larger problems.

B) The ability to identify objects and people.

C) Medical technologies.

D) The Internet.

11. What can we do in the next 20 years according to the speaker?

A) 100% accuracy in weather forecasting.

B) The elimination of poverty.

C) Zero accident rates on the roads and railways.

D) Almost no mistakes in hospitals.

12. What will happen in the future with the development of the radio frequency tags?

A) There will be no need for keys or money as we know today.

B) People don’t have to go to the supermarket for shopping.

C) There will be more security checks in public places.

D) People will take part in more public affairs.

13. Which of the following is not predicted by the speaker in the area of medicine?

A) The control and even the curing of AIDS.

B) The use of nanotechnology in cancer treatment.

C) The creation of artificial hip and knee joints that will last a lifetime.

D) The remarkable increase in life expectancy.

Lecture Two

14. What is the main topic the speaker wants to talk about in his lecture?

A) How to build good relationships with others.




C) How beliefs shape reality.

D) Success and failure.

15. What does the speaker think of notion of creating our reality through our thoughts?

A) It is too idealistic.

B) It is partially truthful.

C) It is very dangerous.

D) It is totally impossible.

16. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this part of the speaker’s lecture?

A) The science behind our belief.

B) The danger behind our belief.

C) The correlation between beliefs and our performance.

D) The origin of all religions.

17. Who said "we are what we think”?







D) Branden.

Part II Writing (50 minutes)

Section A Essay Writing

Directions: In this section, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the topic of Beliefs based on the content of the second lecture clip that you heard in Part I. You can either agree or disagree with the speaker, but have to support your own viewpoint effectively. You should provide a title for your essay and write at least 180 words on the second page of the Answer Sheets.

Section B Practical Writing

Directions: In this section, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a business letter based on the following information. You should write at lease 120 words on the third page of the Answer Sheets.

Suppose you are a businessman and have just received an order(订单) of cotton shirts (see below). Unfortunately, the large size is out of stock. You don’t want to lose the order. Write a reply letter and offer one or two alternative solutions so that you may keep the order.

February 15, 2011

Dear Sir,

The price quote of cotton shirt (item number: Z10020112-1) contained in your

catalog gained favorable attention with us. We would like to order the following


Large 2000 dozen

Medium 4000 dozen

Small 2000 dozen

As the sales season is approaching, we would like to receive the total order quantity

by April 30. Please confirm the order and E-mail a shipping schedule.


Mr. Thompson

Purchasing Department, Wal-Mart

Part III Reading (40 minutes)

Section A Multiple Choice Questions Based on Short Reading Passages Directions: There are three short reading passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the first page of the Answer Sheets.

Passage 1

You are where you live, scientists who study genetic variations among people from different geographic regions are finding. For example, people who live in locations that get lots of solar radiation are more likely to have a sweat gland gene variant that may help them cool off more efficiently, geneticist Anna Di Rienzo reported. Humans have settled across the globe, contending with vastly different landscapes, heat, UV radiation levels, food types and pathogens(病原体). By sorting through loads of genetic data from around the globe, Di Rienzo and her colleagues found that one version of a gene that produces a protein found in sweat glands is more common among people living in hot, sunny locales.

The team divided up the world’s regions, classifying them by factors such as polar, dry, tropical and humid. They also sorted out how inhabitants got their food, including data such as whether they were farmers or foragers(觅食者) and what they ate. A variant of a gene called keratin 77, which has a role in the sweat gland, was associated with locations that get high levels of solar radiation in the summer.

The study also found many other gene variants that are tied to climatic gradients such as precipitation(降水量). This approach is different from other ways that researchers look for gene-environment associations because it allows environmental categories to guide researchers’ predictions about what the gene variants do, rather than taking a more “agnostic” view that ignores the ways that different habitats can influence the prevalence of certain genes, Di Rienzo says.

On the other hand, Peter Zimmerman of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland says that all sorts of things can influence the genome: “It’s environmental effects, and exposure to different food, different diseases, and different amount of sunlight.” Zimmerman says that while it’s true the environment can sculpt the human genome, its effects are likely to come at a glacial pace. “How rapidly the human genome responds to change, I would say it’s going to be slow. Our generation time is not fast.”

18. The study of Di Rienzo and her colleagues shows that _________.

A) people from different geographic regions are vastly different

B) people living in hot, sunny locales are more vulnerable to radiation

C) genetic variation is more common among people living in hot, sunny locales

D) the environment may play a role in changing the human genome

19. Which statement is true about keratin 77(Paragraph 2)?

A) It was discovered by geneticist Anna Di Rienzo.

B) It produces a protein to protect people from some viruses.

C) It may help people cool off more efficiently.

D) It only exists in a small number of people.

20. Other approaches do not yield the same useful results as Di Rienzo’s study because those

researchers do not ________.

A) divide the world into different regions

B) consider the influence of habitat on genes

C) predict what the gene variants do

D) include climatic factors in their study

21. According to Zimmerman, the environmental impact on genetic change ________.

A) is trifle enough to be neglected

B) cannot be separated from other factors

C) cause many problems in our generation time

D) takes a long time to be seen

22. The purpose of this piece of writing is to ________.

A) advertise

B) inform

C) clarify

D) criticize

Passage 2

The most famous swimmer among the English poets, Lord Byron, wrote a jaunty poem on the activity that made him legendary throughout Europe in his lifetime. "Written After Swimming from Sestos to Abydos" reverses and updates the old myth of Leander, who braved the Hellespont every evening to visit Hero on the other side. Whereas the lissome (敏捷的) Greek swam for love, Byron allows that he, "degenerate modern wretch," aimed for fame and glory on the one-mile swim in strong currents he took on May 3, 1810. And where Leander perished in his pursuit, Byron comes out of his adventure with nothing nobler than "the ague," a cold. He took to the water for the same reason that he took so easily to horseback: he could do anything but walk normally. Swimming hid a congenital deformity, a clubfoot, and allowed him to forget it temporarily.

With Byron, swimming really enters English literature. The 19th century is full of swimming writers, most notably Arthur Hugh Clough and Algernon Charles Swinburne, the latter of whom preferred dangerous coasts. But there aren't many of them before Byron, aside from Marlowe. Even after the 19th century, writers have tended to ignore the activity: not just poets but also fiction writers and journalists. For every sports writer with an interest in baseball, boxing, or football there has been almost no one to testify to the beauties and pleasures of this loneliest of physical activities, as either an observer or a participant.

The reasons for the activity's relative literary neglect are not hard to find. By definition, swimming excludes husbands and wives, lovers, everyone else in the world, indeed everything else except for one's thoughts. Swimming, unique among physical activities, diminishes and almost eliminates the sense of sight, our primary means of engagement with the physical world.

Swimming does not come naturally to anyone, except perhaps to those newborns whose mothers decide to return them to a new equivalent of amniotic fluid soon after they emerge from the womb. Otherwise, it's an activity fraught with fear--of sinking, drowning, losing sight, losing control--until one learns to give oneself in or up to water's buoyancy. In addition, before the Salk vaccine more or less eliminated the polio virus, public swimming pools, like drinking fountains, were places burdened with danger. Unlike walking, which we can do without being taught, or even running, which kids do automatically, swimming requires not only instruction but also a kind of courage. My first instructions probably took place at summer day camp under the supervision of a patient counselor, or perhaps even at the hands of my own unathletic parents at a local pool or at the beach in Atlantic City. I must have made it from one end of the pool to the other in high school gym class. I must have splashed in back-yard or country-club pools when I was a teenager. I know I did, but I also know that I was by no stretch of the imagination a swimmer.

23. According to Byron himself, he swam the one-mile swim because he wanted to ________.

A) seek inspiration to write a poem

B) relive the old myth of Leander

C) pursue a romantic adventure

D) let people look up to him

24. Byron liked swimming mainly because swimming could ________.

A) boost his sense of pride

B) cover his natural disability

C) build up his wretched constitution

D) let him forget everything

25. There were many swimming writers ________.

A) before the 19th century

B) during the 19th century

C) after the 19th century

D) in ancient Greece

26. Writers may not take to swimming probably because swimming ________.

A) deprives them of visual inspiration

B) requires them to stop thinking about anything

C) demands much physical strength

D) is too difficult for them to learn

27. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the writer’s parents ___________.

A) are very good swimmers

B) taught the writer how to swim from the very beginning

C) are not very good at swimming

D) don’t like swimming as much as other physical activities

Passage 3

The financial crisis came about because we got complacent, depending on all-knowing financial experts — mortgage lenders, Wall Street sharpers, the Federal Reserve — to run our system expertly. But then the experts did the same thing, imagining that they had laid off all their risks on other experts. Until finally the last expert down the line turned out to be just another greater fool, and the system crashed.

We still need experts. But we can no longer abdicate judgment to them or to the system they've cobbled together. This country, after all, was created by passionately engaged amateurs. The American spirit really is the amateur spirit. The great mass of European settlers were amateur explorers, and their grandchildren and great-grandchildren who created the U.S. were amateur politicians. "I see democracy," the late historian Daniel Boorstin wrote, as "government by amateurs, as a way of confessing the limits of our knowledge." In the early 19th century, Alexis de Tocqueville approvingly noted the absence of "public careers" in America — that is, the scarcity of professional politicians.

Amateurs do the things they want to do in the ways they want to do them. They don't worry too much about breaking rules and aren't paralyzed by a fear of imperfection or even failure. Active citizenship is all about tapping into one's amateur spirit. "But hold on," you say. "I will never understand credit-default swaps or know how to determine the correct leverage ratio for banks." Me neither, and I don't want to depend on an amateur physician telling me how to manage my health. But we can trust our reality-based hunches about fishy-looking procedures and unsustainable projects and demand that the supposed experts explain their supposed expertise in ways we do understand. The American character is two-sided to an extreme and paradoxical degree. On the one hand, we are sober and practical and commonsensical, but on the other hand, we are wild and crazy speculators. The full-blown amateur spirit derives from this same paradox.

I like paradoxes, which is why, even though I'm not particularly religious, Zen Buddhism has always appealed to me. Take the paradoxical state that Buddhists seek to achieve, what they call sho-shin, or "beginner's mind." The 20th century Japanese Zen master Shunryu Suzuki, who spent the last dozen years of his life in America, famously wrote that "in the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few." Which sounds to me very much like the core of Boorstin's amateur spirit. "The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance," Boorstin wrote, "but the illusion of knowledge."

28. According to the writer, the financial crisis occurred mainly due to ________.

A) our ignorance of risks

B) the foolishness of experts

C) our blind trust in experts

D) the ill-running of the system

29. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that, compared with all-knowing experts, the late

historian Daniel Boorstin was ________.

A) less arrogant

B) less knowledgeable

C) more practical

D) more energetic

30. The writer encourages people to tap into their amateur spirit and ________.

A) take care of their own affairs

B) break old rules fearlessly

C) make their own judgment about things around them

D) determine the correct leverage ratio for banks

31. What the amateur spirit and the "beginner's mind" in Zen Buddhism have in common is


A) the openness of the mind

B) the illusion of knowledge

C) the paradox of belief

D) the ignorance of one’s own strength

32. Which of the following descriptions does not apply to the amateur spirit?

A) commonsensical

B) reality-based

C) open-minded

D) religious

Section B Short Answer Questions Based on Long Reading Passages Directions: There are two long reading passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. Read the passages and answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. Put your answer on the fourth page of the Answer Sheets.

Passage 1

In kids 3 to 7 years old, acupuncture plus glasses helped vision improve compared with just glasses alone, said study co-author Dr. Dennis Shun-Chiu Lam, who chairs the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Amblyopia, or lazy eye, is when vision in one eye is worse than the other. About two to three in 100 people have lazy eye, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. (It's not the same as "wandering eye," or strabismus — when the eyes point in two different directions — although people often use "lazy eye" to describe both.)

At the beginning of the study, all of the kids' vision in the bad eye was about the same, around 20/63. The kids who got acupuncture as well as glasses had about 20/32 vision in their bad eye, on average. This is compared to about 20/40 vision in kids that only wore the glasses.

The difference between 20/32 and 20/40 is about the equivalent of being able to read about one line further down on the eye chart, said Dr. Marc Lustig, an assistant professor in department of ophthalmology at the New York University Medical Center.

But there's not much of a difference between these two vision scores in real-life terms, Lustig, who did not work on the study, told Reuters Health. And this study is not going to change how eye

doctors treat lazy eye in kids, he noted.

Lazy eye is usually treated with glasses or patches to train the bad eye to work better, he said.

If left untreated, kids may lose depth perception, or the vision loss may become permanent. After age 9 or so, it can no longer be corrected, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

A previous study by the same group suggested that acupuncture may work as well as patches for treating lazy eye. (See Reuters Health story of December 16, 2010.)

The researchers gave 83 kids with lazy eye in China corrective glasses, then measured how well they could see out of both eyes. Half of the kids were treated with acupuncture five times a week for 15 weeks, then the groups switched. Their eyes were tested at 15, 30, and 60 weeks.

After 30 weeks, when both groups had received both the glasses and acupuncture, vision in the bad eye was around 20/30 in both groups.

The study, published in the journal Ophthalmology, was what's called a crossover study. That meant that the groups' treatments alternated, so that both had some time with only glasses, and with and without acupuncture.

"With a crossover design, every child would be promised to have a chance to receive acupuncture, so that it is easier to recruit study subjects and lower the dropout rate," Lam told Reuters Health by email.

This is a serious limitation, said Dr. Peter Lipson, an internist in southeastern Michigan, who did not work on the study.

"I don't think there's any malicious intent, but if you already know that these are people who like acupuncture, they're going to be extremely susceptible to a nice placebo effect," he told Reuters Health.

Since both groups received the acupuncture, this anticipation of benefit would be similar in both groups, Lam said, and the placebo effect should have been minimized.

Overall, past research has shown that acupuncture is something that makes use of the placebo effect, Lipson said, "which a warm handshake and a smile can do as well."

Acupuncture costs vary widely depending on where you live, but ranges anywhere from $25 to $120 a treatment. At this rate, the treatments in the study would cost somewhere between $1,875 and $9,000. Disposable patches cost about $10 a month, Lustig said.

It's an interesting study, he said, "but I don't think it's going to change clinical practice in Western medicine, because you're taking an un-invasive treatment and kind of making it invasive."

"At least in the U.S., I don't see people sending their 5-year-olds for acupuncture," Lustig said.

SAQ 1. From the information we have in the passage, we can know that ophthalmology is the study of _______________________________________ and diseases that affect them.

SAQ 2. Amblyopia is different from strabismus as people with amblyopia can see with their eyes pointing _______________________________________.

SAQ 3. At what age should lazy eye be treated?


SAQ 4. The crossover study was designed because the researchers wanted to recruit children with amblyopia and _______________________________________.

SAQ 5. People who are against the use of acupuncture believe that it's the

_______________________________________ that makes the children see or feel

better after the treatment.

Passage 2

There is no more pressing topic in education today than closing the achievement gap, and there is no one in America who knows more about the gap than Ronald Ferguson.

Although he is a Harvard professor based in Cambridge, Mass., Dr. Ferguson, 60, spends lots of time flying around the country visiting racially mixed public high schools. Part of what he does is academic, measuring the causes of the gap by annually surveying the performance, behaviors and attitudes of up to 100,000 students. And part is serving as a de facto educational social worker, meeting with students, faculty members and parents to explain what steps their schools can take to narrow the gap.

The gap is about race, of course, and it inevitably inflames passions. But there is something about Dr. Ferguson’s bearing — he is both big (6-foot-3) and soft-spoken — that gets people to listen.

Morton Sherman, the Alexandria school superintendent, watched him defuse the anger at a meeting of 300 people. “He talks about these things in a professorial way, a kind way,” Dr. Sherman said. “It’s not about him. He doesn’t try to be a rock star, although he is a rock star in this field.”

While he has a personal stake in closing the gap as an African-American parent who has raised three boys, Dr. Ferguson does not get emotional in tense situations — he gets factual.

Geoffrey Canada, president of the Harlem Children’s Zone and star of the documentary “Waiting for Superman,” calls him a “national treasure.” Michael Casserly, director of the Council of the Great City Schools says, “He has done more to help us understand the dynamics behind the achievement gap than anyone else in the country.” Marian Wright Edelman, founder of the Children’s Defense Fund, calls him “thoughtful, careful, fearless.”

And yet, as best he can remember — and he is a busy man with lots on his mind — he has never been the subject of a profile in the news media.

One reason may be that his views on the gap are too research-based and nuanced to accommodate in a sound bite.

He is not as famous as John Ogbu, the late African-born Berkeley professor who argued that the gap could be explained by the cultural behavior of African-Americans, like mocking hard-working classmates for “acting white.”

Nor is he as famous as Charles Murray, co-author of “The Bell Curve,” who suggested that the achievement gap is explained by inherited low intelligence.

Unlike Dr. Ogbu, an anthropology professor, and Dr. Murray, a political scientist, Dr. Ferguson has his doctorate in economics from M.I.T.; he has been trained to quantify everything. From his surveys of students in dozens of wealthy, racially mixed suburbs — including Evanston, Ill.; Maplewood, N.J.; and Shaker Heights, Ohio — he has calculated that the average grade of

black students was C-plus, while white students averaged a B-plus. The gap.

At the high school here, T. C. Williams — the setting of the movie “Remember the Titans” — he found that 55 percent of white girls reported having an A or A-minus average, compared with less than 20 percent of black girls and boys.

His research indicates that half the gap can be predicted by economics: even in a typical wealthy suburb, blacks are not as well-to-do; 79 percent are in the bottom 50 percent financially, while 73 percent of whites are in the top 50 percent.

The other half of the gap, he has calculated, is that black parents on average are not as academically oriented in raising their children as whites. In a wealthy suburb he surveyed, 40 percent of blacks owned 100 or more books, compared with 80 percent of whites. In first grade, the percentage of black and white parents reading to their children daily was about the same; by fifth grade, 60 percent to 70 percent of whites still read daily to their children, compared with 30 percent to 40 percent of blacks.

He also works with teachers to identify biases, for instance: black children are less likely to complete homework because they are lazy. His research indicates that blacks and whites spend the same amount of time on homework, but blacks are less likely to finish. “It’s not laziness,” he says. “It’s a difference in skills.”

How these messages get delivered is crucial. “I don’t want to be another one of those people lecturing black parents,” he says. “I tell them we in the black community — we — need to build stronger intellectual lives at home.”

He recalls speaking to a primarily white group at Georgia State University. Afterward, a black parent came up to him. “He told me, ‘I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I’m not comfortable with you saying it in front of this audience,’ ” Dr. Ferguson said. “And I said, ‘It’s not ideal, but this was an opportunity to get these things to you.’ ”

SAQ 6. Dr. Ronald Ferguson does his job both as an academic researcher and as an _______________________________________.

SAQ 7. At various meetings, while the listeners may show their anger at the situation in the country, Dr. Ferguson does not _______________________________________.

SAQ 8. What are the three adjectives Edelman uses to describe Dr. Ferguson?


SAQ 9. How does Dr. Ferguson's research method differ from Ogbu's or Murray's?


SAQ 10. According to Dr. Ferguson's research, the achievement gap is caused by two factors. 1.

Blacks are not _______________________________________. 2. Black parents are not as academically oriented as whites.


因缺乏严谨治学态度违反一般学术规范,虽不属于造假、篡改、抄袭、剽窃等学术不端行为,但在学术活动中损害他人合法利益或造成一定不良后果的行为属于(学术不当行为 )。 入学资格初步审查时发现身心状况暂时不适宜在校学习,经学校指定的医院诊断,认为经过休养和治疗,可以到校学习的,可申请保留入学资格(一学年 )。 研究生在参加课程学习过程中缺席课时数或者缺交作业次数超过教学规定总数(三分之一 )的,不得参加该门课程的考核,课程成绩按(F )记载。 在学位申请有效期内,可以提出学位申请的次数是(两次 )。 研究生以作弊、剽窃、抄袭等学术不端行为或其他不正当手段取得学历、学位证书的,学校是否有权撤销已颁发的学历、学位证书?(是 ) 对于因违纪受到处分的研究生,(尚未解除),不得给予表彰和奖励。 关于科研不端/不当行为的危害,以下表述错误的是(但不会导致严重的社会危害 )。 研究生在学期间个人信息发生变化的,由本人提出学籍信息修改申请,附相关证明材料,经所在院系审核后,报研究生院核准修改。研究生学籍信息修改申请至迟应于拟毕业学期的第(4周 )前提交。研究生的培养方式、培养类别,以招生录取信息为准,入学后(不可以 )更改。 研究生的学位论文应在导师指导下由本人独立完成,论文工作时间不得少于(博士两年、硕士一

年 )。 复旦大学校训是(你猜 ),出自《论语?子张》。 研究生有特殊情况需要延期注册的,应当在注册日期前向所在院系提交延期注册申请和相关证明材料。获得批准后,研究生可在当学期注册日期起(2周 )内到校注册。逾期不注册的,予以(退学 )处理,但因不可抗力等正当事由导致无法及时提交延期注册申请的除外。在不可抗力等事由消失后(1 )周内,研究生应补妥注册手续。 我校对研究生申请学位所需发表学术论文篇数的要求是(由各学科制定具体标准 )。 研究生在学期间因国家或学校公派任务需要,预计一学期内出国出境时间超过(6周 )的,应当持境外高校或科研机构的正式邀请函与确定的研修计划,申请(保留学籍(联合培养) )的学籍变动手续。 学校经过多年的建设和发展,形成了“一体两翼”的校园格局,即以(邯郸校区、江湾校区 )为一体,以(枫林校区、张江校区 )为两翼。 研究生在学校规定的年限内完成培养方案规定的所有课程和必修环节,(成绩合格 ),德、智、体考核合格,学位论文答辩通过,准予毕业,学校发给毕业证书。 复旦大学上海医学院(原上海医科大学)创建于(1927 )年,是中国创办的第一所国立大学医学院,严福庆出任首任院长。(2000 )年,上海医科大学和复旦大学合并,组建成为新的复旦大学。


2013年复旦大学本科外国留学生入学考试大纲 语文(汉语) 一、考试性质 复旦大学留学生(本科)汉语入学考试,是以报考我校的具有高中毕业学历并达到中等 汉语水平的外国学生为对象,考查其汉语运用能力的入学资格考试。 二、考试范围 以《中国汉语水平考试大纲(6级)》和中华人民共和国教育部2002年修订的《全日 制普通高中语文教学大纲》为基本依据,同时参照《全日制九年制义务教育语文学科课程标准(修订本)》,主要以中国现代、当代作品为阅读材料,考查学生的汉语阅读能力和写作能力。 三、考试内容 第一部分基础知识及其运用 (一)掌握《现代汉语常用字表》中的2500个常用字。 汉字是表意文字,每个字都包括音、形、义三要素。掌握这些字,就是要完整地掌握字 的音、形、义,即要求读准、记准字音(正确拼音),认清字形,理解字义,做到能写会用。 (二)掌握《HSK(6级)》词汇的5000个词语,能达到以下几点要求: 1、正确理解词性。按照词的不同意义和在句中所起的不同作用,词可以分为名词、动词、形容词、数量词、代词、副词、介词、连词、助词、叹词等。 2、正确把握词义(能在具体的语言环境中理解词语的意义),理解词的感情色彩(主要指褒义词、贬义词、中性词)并熟悉某些固定用法。 3、辨析近义词、找出反义词。 4、正确运用关联词语及其固定搭配。 (三)了解句子成分(主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语和补语等六种),了解复句关系(并列、递进、选择、转折、因果、假设、条件和目的等八种),了解句式的变换(主要指陈述句与疑问句的互相变换、肯定句与否定句的互相变换、主动句与被动句的互相变换、常式句与变式句的互相变换等四种),能根据语言环境和表达的需要选择和变换句式。 (四)识别修辞方法(比喻、拟人、夸张、排比、设问、反问、引用、对比、反复、反语、对偶等十一种)。 (五)正确使用标点符号(句号、问号、感叹号、逗号、顿号、分号、冒号、引号、破折号、省略号、书名号等十一种)。 (六)基本了解重要作家的有关情况(包括姓名、年代、主要作品等)。 中国现代作家:鲁迅、茅盾、老舍、朱自清、冰心等。 中国古代作家:孔子、孟子、屈原、司马迁、陶渊明、李白、杜甫、范仲淹、苏轼、施耐庵、曹雪芹、吴承恩、罗贯中等。


1.非洲一南一北两座山脉,分别是什么? 2.2010年气候大会在墨西哥的哪个城市举行? 3.中国古代说唱艺术有哪些形式? 4.历史上两次经济大萧条开始的时间。 5.请选择以下哪些是鲁迅编辑过的杂志? 6.朝韩问题是因为在哪个岛屿炮击引起的? 7.刚玉的成分是什么? 8.球形电容漏电后,电流产生的磁场方向是什么? 9.大蒜是哪个省盛产的? 10.装满水的容器做单摆运动,摆动周期如何变化。 11.屈原的作品有哪些? 12.汽车防冻液的主要化学成分是什么? 13.一根杆子上串了5颗珠子,珠子以任意速度移动,最多能撞上几次? 14.“未谙姑食性,先遣小姑尝。”这句话里前一个“姑”是什么意思? 15第一个命名氢元素的人是谁? 16.“金子!黄黄的、发光的、宝贵的金子!……这东西,只这一点点儿,就可以使黑的变成白的,丑的变成美的,错的变成对的,卑贱变成尊贵,老人变成少年,懦夫变成勇士”,这句话出自莎士比亚的哪出戏剧? 17.近代最出名的京派作家是谁? 18.国人有不同方言,相互间无法听懂,但却使用同一种文字,即便操不同方言的人在阅读方面却没有障碍,这是为什么? 19.列举陀思妥耶夫斯基的代表作。 20.政协委员有建议权、表决权还是投票权?

21.中国现在最主要的消耗能源是什么? 22.有一个车站,车站只有一个出入口。有若干辆车进入并标有编号,进出规则依次为“进出进进出进进进……”请问最后出来的车辆编号情况? 23.哪个选项列出的作品是鲁迅的子集或刊物? 24.“蜡烛”、“乡里”、“多余”、“收获”等词的繁体字怎么写? 25.半径为1的圆周上任意找出三个点构成三角形,出现锐角三角形的概率是多少? 26.以下哪个选项中的文物出自敦煌莫高窟? 27.陶瓷的主要结构和成分是什么? 28.一定量的胆矾与水混合成饱和溶液,溶解度是多少? 29.昼夜时间相等时,北京时间11时,此刻在上海看太阳是在哪个方向? 30.减压蒸馏需要用以下哪种仪器? 31.自主招生联盟之一“北约”由13所高校组成,关于这13所高校所处地理位置的描述哪些是正确的?(选项中有:都位于黑河腾冲东南面,都属于季风区;都属于湿润区……) 32.白鸟和褐色鸟杂交生出斑点鸟,那么斑点鸟和斑点鸟杂交的后代情况如何? 33.治疗心绞痛药物的成分是什么? 34.《达芬奇密码》是什么类型的小说,穿越,武侠,言情? 35.2010世界经济论坛的主题是什么? 36.拉美著名作家有哪些? 37.世博园中一位游客的手表显示6点,当时北京时间是7点,这位游客来自哪个时区? 38.减压蒸馏实验装置的控制变量是什么? 39.现有十个成熟的卵细胞,和十个已获能的精子,能组成多少个合子? 40.硼在自然界有两种同位数,质量数分别是10和11,质量比是1:4,质量数为11的相对原子质量是11.01,质量数为10的相对原子质量是多少。(硼的相对原子质量是10.81) 41.赛纶陶瓷主要成分的化学式是什么?


复旦大学教授开学典礼老师演讲词 亲爱的同学们,大家上午好。 今天起,你们成为了一个复旦人,我首先代表的全校师生员工,对你们的到来表示热烈的欢迎!你们在国内外如此众多的一流大学里选择了复旦,我要对各位表示感谢! 从今天起,复旦将成为你们学习、生活和成长的地方。但是,我相信有一个问题你们还来不及思考,那就是你们到复旦来到底学什么,或者说到底怎么学?我们从刚才学长们和导师们的视频当中,听到了、看到了一些他们的感悟。所以,今天我并不想发表一个热情洋溢的讲话,而是要跟大家来分享一下我们对你们到复旦来到底学什么的思考。 韩愈说过“古之学者必有师”。一般来讲,自学成才,几乎不可能存在。任何一个人的成长过程中,必定会有一个导师。他还说,师者,传道授业解惑也,所以,哪怕你不是复旦大学的教师,但如果你在发挥传道授业解惑的作用,那你就是一个老师。对于学生来讲,来到复旦自然就是为了悟道、受业以及释惑。虽然你们最终会被归到某一个专业,或学科,会学习很多相应的专业知识,这或许就是我刚才提到的受业。然而英国的哲学家、数学家和教育家怀特海德曾经批评上世纪30年代的美国教育,他说大学教育的目的已经卑微到只教学生某些学科的一部分的专业知识,因为你不可能把专业也教完;而不是像古代书院里那样,哲学家们传递给弟子的是一种智慧。其实,当时伟大的物理学家爱因斯坦也以他的切身体验发出呼吁,他说仅仅靠知识和技能并不能使得人类获得快乐而又有尊严地生活。虽然通过专业教育可以使他成为一部有用的机器,但不能造就和谐的人格。他同时也指出,学生必须对美和良好的道德有深切的感受,否则仅有专业知识的学生,不过更像是一条经过良好训练的狗。此话有点粗,但是爱因斯坦不是一个讲粗话的人。

复旦大学附属中 学2019学年第一学期高二年级 物理 期中等级性考试试卷

复旦大学附属中学2019学年第一学期 高二年级物理期中等级性考试试卷 (满分100分,时间60分钟) 一、单选题(每题4分,共28分) 1.所谓元电荷是指() A.电子 B. 质子 C. 中子 D. 自然界中已知的最小电荷量 2.下列与检验电荷有关的物理量是() A.电场强度 B. 电势 C. 电势能 D. 电势差 3.下列说法中正确的是() A.一次能源是可再生熊源 B.煤炭、石油、天然气属于常规能源 C.凡是能量守恒的过程就一定会发生能量的转化 D.空调机既能制热又能制冷,说明热传递不存在方向性 4.下列四幅图中,能正确反映分子间作用力f和分子势能Ep随分子间距离r变化关系的图线是() A B C D 5.下列选项中的各四分之一圆环大小相同,所带电荷量已在图中标出,且电荷均匀分布,各四分之一圆环间彼此绝缘。坐标原点O处电场强度最大的是() 6.不同条件下理想气体的密度ρ随压强p变化的下列四种图线中,属于一定质量的理想气体等温变化的是() A B C D

7.如图所示,虚线AB和CD分别为椭圆的长轴和短轴,相交于O 点,两个等量异号点电荷分别位于椭圆的两个焦点M、N上。下列 说法中正确的是() A.O点的电场强度为零 B.A、B两点的电场强度相同 C.将正电荷+q沿CAD连线从C移到D的过程中,电势能先减少后增加 D.将正电荷+q沿CBD连线从C移到D的过程中,电势能先增加后减少 二、多选题(每题4分,共20分。每小题有两个或三个正确选项。有错选不得分,漏选得部分分数。) 8.对于物体的围观认识,下列说法正确的是() A.物体中所有分子做热运动的动能和分子势能的总和叫做物体的内能 B.气体的温度变化时,其分子平均动能和分子间势能也一定随之改变 C.当分子间的距离减小时,分子势能一定增加。 D.摩擦生热、气体的自由膨胀等自然现象的过程都是不可逆的 9.把两个完全相同的金属球A和B接触一下,再分开一段距离,发现两球之间相互排斥,则A、B两球原来的带电情况可能是() A. 带有等量异种电荷 B. 带有等量同种电荷 C. 带有不等量异种电荷 D. 一个带电,另一个不带电 10.如图所示A、B是真空中某电场的一条电场线的两点,一带正电粒子仅在电场力作用下以速度V A经过A点沿电场线向B点运动,一段时间后,粒子以速度V B经过B点,且V B 与V A方向相反。则下列说法正确的是() A.vA小于vB B.A点的电势一定低于B点的电势 C.A点的场强可能大于B点的场强,场强方向一定向左 D.粒子在A点的电势能大于在B点的电势能大小 11.电荷量不等的两点电荷固定在x轴上坐标为-3L和3L的两点,其中坐标为3L处电荷带正电,电荷量为Q。两点电荷连线上各点电势Ф随x变化的关系如图所示,其中x=L处电势最低,x轴上M、N两点的坐标分别为-2L和2L,则下列判顺正确为是() A. 两点电荷一定为异种电荷 KQ B. 原点O处场强大小为 2 3L C. 负检验电荷在原点O处受到向左的电场力 D. 负检验电荷由M点运动到N点的过程,电势能先减小后增大 12.如图,在水平放置的刚性气缸内用活塞封闭两部分气体A和B,质量一 定的两活塞用杆连接。气缸内两活塞之间保持真空,活塞与气缸壁之间无摩擦, 左侧活塞面积较大,A、B的初始温度相同。略抬高气缸左端使之倾斜,再使 A、B升高相同温度,气体最终达到稳定状态。若始末状态A、B的压强变化 量Δp A、Δp B均大于零,对活塞压力的变化量为ΔF A、ΔF B,则() A. A体积增大 B. A体积减小 C.△F A>△F B D. △p A<△p B


2013级复旦大学研究生入学教育考核试卷(开卷) 院系:学号:姓名:____ 第一部分 1、1905年,震旦学院学生为反抗外籍传教士阴谋夺取校权而集体离校,拥戴老校长马相伯创立了复旦公学。校名取自《尚书大传·虞夏传》中《卿云歌》的“日月光华,旦复旦兮”。1917年改名复旦大学,系私立性质。1941年底改为国立。 2、1914年,复旦师生共同设计校徽图案,商定校训,校训出自《论语·子张》,为“博学而笃志,切问而近思”。1925年制定校歌,由刘大白作词,丰子恺作曲。 3、1919年5月6日,复旦教员、《民国日报》主编邵力子到校敲响校钟,报告北京学生运动情况,复旦学生成为上海五四运动的先锋,何葆仁被选为上海学生联合会会长。 4、1937年8月13日,侵华日军进攻上海,我校多处校舍被炸毁,校园随后被占。我校师生一部分西迁内地,几经周折后在重庆北碚立校。部分滞留上海的师生在老校长李登辉先生的主持下坚持办学,以“复旦大学补习部”名义在重庆国民政府教育部备案,实行不向敌伪注册、不受敌伪津贴、不受敌伪干涉的“三不”方针,维护了民族气节和复旦声誉;他致力复旦大学的建设凡四十年,曾提出“服务、牺牲、团结”的复旦精神。学校的大礼堂——“相辉堂”就是为了纪念马相伯和他而命名的。 5、1949年 5月 27日,上海全部解放。次年,学校决定该日为复旦校庆节。 6、1952年至1977年,著名修辞学家陈望道教授任复旦校长,他是中国共产党上海发起组成员,曾翻译出版马克思主义经典著作《共产党宣言》第一个中文全译本。继他之后先后担任复旦校长的是著名数学家苏步青和物理学家谢希德。 7、2000年4月,经国务院决定,复旦大学与上海医科大学合并组建新的复旦大学。上海医科大学创始于 1927年,首任院长为医学界前辈颜福庆先生。 第二部分 8、根据《普通高等学校学生管理规定》:1)新生入学后,学校在3个月内按照国家招生规定对其进行复查。复查合格者予以注册,取得学籍。复查不合格者,由学校区别情况,予以处理,直至取消入学资格。2)任何组织和个人不得在学校进行宗教活动。3)学生成立团体,应当按学校有关规定提出书面申请,报学校批准。我校鼓励研究生社团开展活动,研究生成立社团须向校研究生团工委申请注册。 9、根据《复旦大学研究生学籍管理规定》:1)每学期开学时,研究生应到所在院系办理注册手续。2)研究生休学时间一般以学期为单位;休学研究生应在休学前一周内办理手续离校,可保留学籍一年,休学期间不享受在校学习研究生待遇;休学期满开学前一周内

复旦大学 保送生(非外语类)选拔考试方案(上海)

复旦大学保送生(非外语类)选拔考试方 案(上海) 为提高复旦大学保送生生源质量,根据教育部保送生工作的有关规定,参照我校历年依据文化课测试为基础录取保送生的做法,经我校招生工作领导小组研究决定:2013年复旦大学继续以学校组织选拔测试的方式招收录取保送生。 一、测试对象及条件 符合教育部保送生资格规定,并通过教育部阳光高考信息平台(https://www.doczj.com/doc/2010973224.html,)公示的应届高中毕业生。 二、招生录取方法与程序 1.凡符合本方案测试对象规定并且接受本方案选拔 办法与程序的考生,可根据我校公布的保送生招生专业目录(见附表),按要求在复旦大学招生网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/2010973224.html,)网上报名系统中填写并下载相应表格。 2.我校将组织专家组对报名者提交的材料进行初步 审核,择优遴选出部分考生获得参加“复旦水平测试”和“心理测试”的资格。 3.综合“复旦水平测试”成绩和“心理测试”结果,按文理和医学类分别划线并择优预录取到相关专业。

4.经复旦大学招生网和教育部阳光高考信息平台公示通过后,招生办公室将上述预录取保送生名单报送考生所在省级招办审核,审核合格后办理相关录取手续,并于2013年高考前发出正式录取通知书。 三、关于“复旦水平测试” “复旦水平测试”是一场高中文化课程综合知识的笔试,包括文综和理综两个部分,测试内容涵盖高中语文、数学、英语、政治、历史、地理、物理、化学、生物和计算机等10个科目200道选择题,考试时间为3小时。 四、报名时间等事项 1.2012年11月25日至12月20日接受网上报名,2013年1月10日起通过网上报名系统查询材料审核结果。 2.“复旦水平测试”和“心理测试”具体测试时间和考场安排于2013年2月左右公布在网上报名系统中。 3.报名考务费为壹佰元(¥100),通过复旦大学招生网网上报名系统缴付(需由开通网上支付功能的银行卡缴付);家庭贫困的考生可向复旦大学招生办公室提出减免报名费的申请。 4.医学类保送生正式录取入学后转专业范围原则上限于医学类之内,具体转专业规定可登录复旦大学教务处网站(https://www.doczj.com/doc/2010973224.html,)和复旦大学上海医学院网站(https://www.doczj.com/doc/2010973224.html,),查看《复旦大学本科生转专业实施


复旦大学研究生第一外国语(英语)申请免修暂行实施办法 2015-07-15 为了进一步提高英语课程教学的水平和效果,复旦大学根据教育部关于《非英语专业研究生第一外语》教学大纲要求和本校开展英语课程教学的实际情况,决定从本校2010级研究生新生起,将继续实行研究生第一外国语(英语)申请免修的规定,并在原有实施办法的基础上,对英语免修条件及办法做进一步细化。对2015年入学的研究生新生,凡符合以下条件之一者,可申请免修研究生第一外国语(英语)课程,并直接获得相应的学分和成绩。具体申请条件和办法如下: 一、硕士研究生申请免修条件(专业硕士学位双证生、单考生除外) (1)已参加入学当年的硕士研究生全国英语统考,成绩达75分以上(含75分,以下同)(不含港澳台学生); (2)TOEFL成绩100分以上(IBT)(2年内有效); (3)IELTS成绩7分以上(2年内有效); (4)GRE成绩1300分以上(旧)或310分以上(新)(5年内有效); (5)GMAT成绩700分以上(5年内有效); (6)WSK(PETS-5)考试合格(2年内有效); (7)国家英语六级CET-6考试优秀(旧)或590分以上(新)(3年内有效); (8)国家英语专业四级或八级考试TEM合格; (9)获得上海市高级口译证书; (10)本科或硕士阶段获英语专业学位或毕业证书; (11)复旦大学英语水平测试(FET)成绩不低于A- (4年内有效)。 二、博士研究生申请免修条件 (1)TOEFL成绩100分以上(IBT)(2年内有效); (2)IELTS成绩7分以上(2年内有效); (3)GRE成绩1300分以上(旧)或310分以上(新)(5年内有效);


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 2.0/ 2.0 得分题目1 of 45 复旦大学的校名出自()中的“卿云烂兮,纠缦缦兮;日月光华,旦复旦兮”,本义是追求光明,含有自主办学、复兴中华的意味。 A. 《春秋》 B. 《诗经》 C. 《尚书大传》 D. 《尚书》 题目2 of 45 2.0/ 2.0 得分复旦大学校训是(),出自《论语?子张》。 A. 自强不息,厚德载物 B. 博学而笃志,切问而近思 C. 励学敦行,诚朴雄伟 D. 求是,创新 题目3 of 45 2.0/ 2.0 得分1949年之前和之后的两个阶段中,复旦大学任职时间最长的两位校长分别是()和()。 A. 李登辉,陈望道

B. 李登辉,苏步青 C. 马相伯,陈望道 D. 马相伯,谢希德 题目4 of 45 2.0/ 2.0 得分复旦大学上海医学院(原上海医科大学)创建于()年,是中国创办的第一所国立大学医学院,严福庆出任首任院长。()年,上海医科大学和复旦大学合并,组建成为新的复旦大学。 A. 1927,2000 B. 1905,2000 C. 1905,1999 D. 1927,1999 题目5 of 45 2.0/ 2.0 得分我校经过多年的建设和发展,形成了“一体两翼”的校园格局,即以()为一体,以()为两翼。 A. 邯郸校区、江湾校区,枫林校区、张江校区 B. 枫林校区、张江校区,邯郸校区、江湾校区 C. 邯郸校区、枫林校区,江湾校区、张江校区 D. 邯郸校区、张江校区,江湾校区、枫林校区 题目6 of 45 2.0/ 2.0 得分研究生新生入学()内,经全面复查合格者,在学校规定时间内统一正式注册,取得研究生学籍。 A. 两周


Fudan English Test (Paper A, June 27, 2011 ) Part I Listening (20 minutes) Section A Spot Dictation Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage twice. The passage is printed on the first page of the Answer Sheets with eight blanks. It will be read at the normal speed with a 30-second pause afterwards. You are required to fill in the blanks numbered from L1 to L8 with the exact word or words that are missing. Section B Multiple Choice Questions Based on Conversations Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations only once. After each conversation, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the questions together with the choices marked A), B), C) and D), and choose the best answer for each question. Then mark the corresponding letter on the first page of the Answer Sheets. Conversation One 1. According to Dr. Peterson, what can stress do to us in the short term? A) It deprives us of energy. B) It makes us feel under threat. C) It motivates us. D) It enables us to achieve more. 2. According to Ann, how much does stress cost the American industry? A) 300 million dollars a year. B) More than 300 million dollars. C) 300 billion dollars a year. D) More than 300 billion dollars a year. Conversation Two 3. Which of the following is true according to the man? A) Women are especially vulnerable to shopping addiction. B) Men are actually more prone to shopping addiction than women. C) Both men and women may have the compulsion to just shop. D) Women’s shopping psychology is different from men’s. 4. How many Americans are addicted to shopping? 15%. A) B) 20%. C) One out of twenty.


复旦大学2018级外国留学生本科生新生 入学须知 The Registration Guide for 2018 New International Undergraduate Students Fudan University

复旦大学2018级外国留学生本科生新生入学须知 一、入学准备 1. 入境签证 关于签证和居留许可,新生请务必申请学习签证(X1或X2签证)入境,具体信息请认真阅读一同寄送的《2018年复旦大学留学生新生签证&住宿指南》。 2. 查询学号 8月1日起,新生可访问复旦大学外国留学生工作处网站查询学号(https://www.doczj.com/doc/2010973224.html,/QueryStuNo/),以便预订留学生公寓和访问迎新系统。 3. 支付学费 新生请于8月20日至9月28日登录https://www.doczj.com/doc/2010973224.html,/wszf.htm,并按照指示网上支付学费。学费按学年支付,学费标准请浏览我校财务处网站收费公示https://www.doczj.com/doc/2010973224.html,/。 办理缴费过程中,若有疑问,请与复旦大学财务处联系。 联系电话:+86-21-65648170 邮箱:hyj@https://www.doczj.com/doc/2010973224.html, 4.住宿安排 新生可选择入住留学生公寓,也可以选择校外住宿。 留学生公寓需网上预订(https://www.doczj.com/doc/2010973224.html,/house.htm)。预定时间为8月6日上午9:00至8月8日上午9:00(北京时间)。因房

间数量有限,先到先得。网上预订住房时需输入学号。 关于校内、校外住宿其他信息,请认真阅读《复旦大学留学生新生签证&住宿指南》。 5.来校交通 学校不提供接机或接站服务,请同学们自行到校。 (1)前往复旦大学正门(上海市杨浦区邯郸路220号) 浦东机场:机场四线到五角场站,换乘出租车,约35元;乘坐出租车,约200元。 虹桥机场/虹桥火车站:轨道交通10号线到国权路站或江湾体育场站,换乘出租车,约20元;乘坐出租车,约100元。 上海火车站:轨道交通3号线到大柏树站,换乘出租车,约20元;乘坐出租车,约50元。 (2)前往复旦大学留学生公寓(上海市杨浦区武东路57号)浦东机场:机场四线到五角场站,换乘出租车,约35元;乘坐出租车,约200元。 虹桥机场/虹桥火车站:轨道交通10号线到国权路站或江湾体育场站,换乘出租车,约20元;直接乘坐出租车,约100元。 上海火车站:轨道交通3号线到江湾镇站,换乘出租车,约20元;直接乘坐出租车,约50元。 ★搭乘出租车时,请选择具有合法营运标识的车辆,按照计价器显示的金额付费,并且保留好发票。以上费用是在路况正常的情况下产生的费用,如果遇到道路阻塞和夜晚,费用会有所增加。


2013级复旦大学研究生入学教育考核试卷(开卷)院系:学号:姓名:____ 第一部分 1、1905年,震旦学院学生为反抗外籍传教士阴谋夺取校权而集体离校,拥戴老校长马相伯创立了复旦公学。校名取自《尚书大传·虞夏传》中《卿云歌》的“日月光华,旦复旦兮”。1917年改名复旦大学,系私立性质。1941年底改为国立。 2、1914年,复旦师生共同设计校徽图案,商定校训,校训出自《论语·子张》,为“博学而笃志,切问而近思”。1925年制定校歌,由刘大白作词,丰子恺作曲。 3、1919年5月6日,复旦教员、《民国日报》主编邵力子到校敲响校钟,报告北京学生运动情况,复旦学生成为上海五四运动的先锋,何葆仁被选为上海学生联合会会长。 4、1937年8月13日,侵华日军进攻上海,我校多处校舍被炸毁,校园随后被占。我校师生一部分西迁内地,几经周折后在重庆北碚立校。部分滞留上海的师生在老校长李登辉先生的主持下坚持办学,以“复旦大学补习部”名义在重庆国民政府教育部备案,实行不向敌伪注册、不受敌伪津贴、不受敌伪干涉的“三不”方针,维护了民族气节和复旦声誉;他致力复旦大学的建设凡四十年,曾提出“服务、牺牲、团结”的复旦精神。学校的大礼堂——“相辉堂”就是为了纪念马相伯和他而命名的。 5、1949年 5月 27日,上海全部解放。次年,学校决定该日为复旦校庆节。 6、1952年至1977年,著名修辞学家陈望道教授任复旦校长,他是中国共产党上海发起组成员,曾翻译出版马克思主义经典著作《共产党宣言》第一个中文全译本。继他之后先后担任复旦校长的是著名数学家苏步青和物理学家谢希德。 7、2000年4月,经国务院决定,复旦大学与上海医科大学合并组建新的复旦大学。上海医科大学创始于 1927年,首任院长为医学界前辈颜福庆先生。 第二部分 8、根据《普通高等学校学生管理规定》:1)新生入学后,学校在 3 个月内按照国家招生规定对其进行复查。复查合格者予以注册,取得学籍。复查不合格者,由学校区别情况,予以处理,直至取消入学资格。2)任何组织和个人不得在学校进行宗教活动。3)学生成立团体,应当按学校有关规定提出书面申请,报学校批准。我校鼓励研究生社团开展活动,研究生成立社团须向校研究生团工委申请注册。 9、根据《复旦大学研究生学籍管理规定》:1)每学期开学时,研究生应到所在院系办理注册手续。2)研究生休学时间一般以学期为单位;休学研究生应在休学前一周内办理


日本东京大学AIKOM课程 项目名称:日本东京大学AIKOM课程 项目情况:在校二年级本科生,一学年1名 奖学金待遇:免学费,10万日元/月 要求:英语托福iBT-100分以上 庆应大学 免学费,10万日元/月 对象:在校二年级本科生,一学年1名 要求:日语一级水平 奖学金待遇:是否录取视当年申请结果 名古屋大学英语交换留学项目 The Nagoya University Program for Academic Exchange (NUPACE), 对象:在校二年级本科生,一学年1名 要求:英语流利,托福550以上 奖学金待遇:视申请情况而定 项目链接:http://www.ecis.nagoya-u.ac.jp/en/nupace/ 同志社大学 对象:日语系本科二年级学生,一学年2名(赴对方学校别科,只学习日语)奖学金待遇:是否录取视当年申请结果 日本关西学习院大学 对象:在校二年级本科生,一学年1名 要求:日语一级水平 奖学金待遇:是否录取视当年申请结果 日本大阪经济法科大学 对象:在校二年级本科生,一学年2名,经济学院、管理学院、法学院学生优先 奖学金待遇:是否录取视当年申请结果 要求:日语一级水平 日本早稻田大学交换项目 对象:日语系学生,一学年1名 奖学金待遇:免学费,视情况而定 北海道大学(HUSTEP) 项目名称:Hokkaido University Short-Term Exchange Program (HUSTEP) 对象:在校二年级本科生,一学年1名 要求:英语托福iBT-80分以上 奖学金待遇:是否录取视当年申请结果

创价大学 对象:在校本科生或研究生,一学年1名 语言要求:日语能力考试一级 奖学金待遇:免学费,本科生每月5万日元,研究生每月8万日元 无法申请: 京都大学 对象:在校理工科二年级本科生或研究生 要求:日语一级水平或者英语流利 奖学金待遇:视申请结果而定 东北大学JYPE项目 对象:在校理工科二年级本科生,一学年1名 奖学金待遇:视申请情况而定 要求:具有相当英语能力,有托福成绩优先 日本早稻田大学双学位项目 项目名称:早稻田大学双学位项目 对象:一学年(本科三年级派出)10名以内 新闻学院/ 管理学院(日语一级)/ 经济学院(日语一级)/ 国关学院(日语一级) 要求:日语一级水平或者英语流利 奖学金待遇:免学费,生活费自理 对象:医学院研究生,一学年1名 要求:日语一级水平或者英语流利,有托福成绩者优先 奖学金待遇:是否录取视当年申请结果


新生入学教育考试试题 系(室) 班级姓名成绩 一、填空题:(高技60分,中技50分,每空0.5分) 1、在校期间你能按时完成所学专业的学习成绩合格,获得规定的职业资格证,没有违纪处分或处分已取消而且操行成绩合格,学校将为你办理毕业证。职业资格证成绩不合格的,必须 在一年内次年7 月 1 日前)通过补考才能补办毕业证。 2、新生入校后,一个月内填写《广州市城镇居民医疗保险参保申报表》,同时提供身份证复印件、户口本的首页和本人页复印件,并缴交学生医疗保险及意外保费共150 元后由学校统一为学生办理;保险生效日期为每年的 9 月1日到次年8 月31日止。每年 6 月份为保险的续保时间,到时只需交150元保费就可以了。 3、按国家政策,对技工学校在校一、二年级学生,属农村或城市户口中的低保家庭(必须有民政局发的低保证)的学生可以享受国家助学金,每年1500 元。经省市审批后,由上级主管部门通过银行直接发放到学生,学校负责学生国家助学金的申报,收集上报相关证明材料,协助银行做好国家助学金卡的现场发放,协调处理发放过程中出现的各类问题。 4、为了方便同学们安全缴交学费,简化交费注册程序,学校将为每位同学开立银行储蓄卡。银行卡除了用于缴交学费外,还用于奖学金发放及毕业时教材费结算清退款,学生务必妥善至毕业为止。学生学费缴交,实行收费专管制度。未经财务部批准或授权,任何教职工不得私自代收学生学费。 5、学生某门课程(某项技能)缺课时数累计超过1/3 或缺交作业(包括实验报告、实习工件)次数超过总次数的三分之一者,不得参加该课程(或该项技能)的正常考核。考核成绩不及格或缓考的学生,均应在学校规定的日期补考或者缓考。 6、技工学校学生实行随班试读制度。有下列情况之一者,应实行随班试读:在本学期应学的 文化技术理论中,经补考后仍有二分之一以上(不含二分之一)的课程学期总评成绩不及格。 7、学生休学以一年为限,休学期内保留学籍。休学期满,学生要求复学,应于复学前一个月向学校提出申请,经学校审批后,原则上编入原专业的下一个年级学习。因病休学的学生要求复学时,须持县级以上医院的健康证明,并经学校复查能正常学习者,方可复学。 8、学生因故不能参加正常的学习活动要求请病假、事假的,均应办理请假手续;假期完毕应及时销假;需要延长假期的,应办理续假手续,如遇特殊情况来不及办理手续的也应通过通讯工具及时向校方报告。凡无办理请假、销假或续假手续,遇特殊情况又不及时报告者,均以旷课论处。 9、有下列情况之一的学生可给予开除学籍的处分:触犯国家刑律,被判刑罚或被送劳动教养者;违反国家法律法规或社会治安管理条例,被追究法律责任,在社会上造成极坏影响者;违反技工学校管理规章和校纪校规,情节严重,造成恶劣影响者。 10、学期操行成绩优秀作为学生参加评选各类先进个人的必备条件之一。学期操行成绩低于30分或二学期操行成绩均不及格者取消学籍降为试读生,试读期为一学期,超过一学期操行分仍不及格者予以劝退。 11、奖学金评定条件:学生学期操行总评成绩90分以上;学期学习成绩按各科目总分进行排序,按名次依比例选定;自觉遵守校纪校规,无违法乱纪行为。 12、学生违反校规校纪,根据情节轻重、认错态度、悔改表现等,给予下列处分:警告、严重警告、记过、留校察看、开除学籍。 13、受警告及以上处分者一年内取消评优和奖学金评定及出席团代会、学代会资格,不得担任班、团干部。受过处分且在毕业时未撤销处分者,不予毕业。 14、留校察看以一年为限,在处分期间有明显进步表现者,经本人申请,系审核,学生处审查,主管校长批准,可提前取消处分(察看期不能少于六个月); 15、受处分学生经教育转化合格后,由学生本人填写《撤销处分申请表》,辅导员(班主任)写出鉴定,经系主任(审批记过以下的处分)、学生处及分管校领导(审批留校察看及以上处分)批准后可取消处分,并下发《关于撤消××同学处分决定的通知》。 16、未经批准,擅自留宿非本宿舍成员,经批评教育不改者,给予警告处分。未经批准,擅自进入异性宿舍,给予严重警告处分。因留宿非本宿舍成员或让其进入宿舍而造成不良后果者,视其情节,给予记过及以上处分。留宿异性者,给予留校察看及以上处分,直至开除学籍。 17、扰乱宿舍管理秩序,敲铁桶、脸盆、饭盒、放鞭炮、烟花、燃烧物品、高声喧哗者,给予及以上处分;高空抛物、宿舍起哄者,给予留校察看处分。上述行为造成伤人、损坏公物或其他事故的,除赔偿损失外,加重一级处分。 18、凡在学生宿舍、教室私藏管制刀具、枪械、铁棒、铁水管等器械者,除没收其器械外,给予警告处分;私藏的器械被他人使用造成伤人后果者,要追究私藏者责任,给予记过及以上处分。 19、学生不得带酒入校,一经发现,没收并给予严重警告处分。 20、对考试时获取他人答题信息或为他人提供信息,闭卷考试翻看书籍、资料者,给予记过或留校察看处分。 21、累计旷课达20节,给予警告处分:累计旷课节120 节及以上,给予开除学籍处分。 22、不按规定佩戴胸卡或故意损坏胸卡者,给予批评教育,屡劝不改者给予警告及以上处分。 23、在校内(宿舍外)抽烟给予批评教育,屡劝不改者给予警告至警告处分。在宿舍内抽烟者给予警告处分。 24、学生对违纪行政处分有异议,可向学生管理副校长申诉,本人的申诉必须在接到处分决定后一周内提出,由学生管理分管校领导负责调查处理并将处理结论通知申诉人。 25、熄灯后大声讲话影响他人休息者及晚点名不归者给予批评教育,屡教不改者给予警告及以上处分;未经请假夜不归宿者给予警告及以上处分。 26、学校安排专人对水电进行管理,保证同学们日常的生活需要,学生用水、用电实行定额配置,按月结算。每人每月用水限额4吨,超过限额,每吨按当地居民用水价格收取超量水费。宿舍用电每人每月限额为8 度,超过限额,每度按当地居民电费物价标准收取超量电费。 27、具备放电脑的宿舍,学生可将电脑带入宿舍使用。学生须办理学生电脑登记证,再到宿舍值班室登记。一台电脑只能办一个证,遗失后可申请补办。但学生找借口为一台电脑办理两个及以上登记证视为违纪行为。搬机离开学生宿舍需出示学生电脑登记证,并接受校卫队员检查。 28、根据广州市有关规定,学校可为外省的新生办理户口迁移,学生毕业时为学生办理户口迁出手续。毕业后要马上迁走,学校对毕业生户口不做超期保管。


Key to Fudan English Test (Paper A) June 27, 2011 Part I Listening (25%) Section A Spot Dictation (L1) studios (L2) key (L3) scroll (L4) motor (L5) what was coming up (L6) electrical versions (L7) when he was rehearsing a speech (L8) the industry's “most innovative engineer” Section B Multiple Choice Questions Based on Conversations Conversation One 1. D 2. D Conversation Two 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. B Conversation Three 7. C 8. A Section C Multiple Choice Questions Based on Academic Lectures Lecture One 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. A 13, B Lecture Two 14. C 15. B 16. D 17. C III. Reading Section A Multiple Choice Questions Based on Short Reading Passages 18. D 19. C 20. B 21. D 22. B 23. D 24. B 25. B 26. A 27. C 28. C 29. A 30. C 31. A 32. D Section B.Short Answer Questions Based on Long Reading Passages SAQ 1. the eyes SAQ 2. in the same direction. SAQ 3. Before 9. SAQ 4. keep them throughout the study SAQ 5. placebo effect SAQ 6. educational social worker SAQ 7. get emotional. SAQ 8. thoughtful, careful, fearless SAQ 9. He has been trained to quantify everything. SAQ 10. as well-to-do as whites.



复旦大学的校名出自()中的“卿云烂兮,纠缦缦兮;日月光华,旦复旦兮”,本义是追求光明,含有自主办学、复兴中华的意味 《尚书大传》 复旦大学校训是(),出自《论语?子张》。“博学而笃志,切问而近思” 1949年之前和之后的两个阶段中,复旦大学任职时间最长的两位校长分别是()和() 李登辉,陈望道 复旦大学上海医学院(原上海医科大学)创建于()年,是中国创办的第一所国立大学医学院,严福庆出任首任院长。()年,上海医科大学和复旦大学合并,组建成为新的复旦大学。1927,2000 我校经过多年的建设和发展,形成了“一体两翼”的校园格局,即以()为一体,以()为两翼。 邯郸校区、江湾校区,枫林校区、张江校区

(二)硕士生原则上应修满不少于35学分的课程(详见各专业培养方案)。其中学位必修课不少于21学分、选修课不少于10学分和必修环节不少于4学分。(三)博士生原则上应修满不少于20学分的课程(详见各专业培养方案)。其中学位必修课不少于14学分、选修课不少于4学分和必修环节不少于2学分。(四)硕博连读生(含直博生)原则上应修满不少于42学分的课程(详见各专业培养方案)。其中学位必修课不少于28学分、选修课不少于10学分和必修环节不少于4学分。 (五)应修的基本课程类型及要求详见《复旦大学关于博士生和硕士生培养的基本要求》、《复旦大学关于推行硕博连读研究生培养工作的规定》。 (六)各个专业在符合上述全校研究生应修课程的最低学分数要求的前提下,可以提出各自的学分数要求或应修的基本课程要求。 第六条研究生的选课 (一)各专业研究生入学后应在导师或导师小组指导下制订个人培养计划,根据本专业研究生培养方案的要求及本人培养计划的实际情况按学期选定所修读的课程,尤其对必修的学位基础课和学位专业课,原则上选定后不能更改。 (二)研究生要遵守学校研究生课程教学安排和选课的规定,进入研究生选课系统进行网上选课。确因选课不当或不能继续听课者,务必在规定时间内退课。未退课视为选定。严重旷课或无故缺考,成绩按F登记。 第七条研究生的课程考核 研究生学习的所有课程都必须进行考核,考核分为考试和考查两种。必修的学位课程(包括公共学位课、学位基础课和学位专业课)和第二外国语必须进行考试;选修课可采取考试或考查。研究生课程的考核,可根据课程教学的实际及有利于测试研究生知识和能力等方面的要求,分别采取口试、笔试,开卷考试或闭卷考试等不同的形式。研究生课程成绩的评定,既可以以最后的考试成绩为依据,也可以综合平时的测验或作业成绩和期末考试成绩加以评定。 第八条研究生的课程成绩记载 研究生课程考核成绩的评定,采用十级记分制。百分制分数、等级与绩点的换算关 百分制分数90- 100 85- 89 82- 84 78- 81 75- 77 71- 74 66- 70 62- 65 60- 61 补考及 格 59及59以 下 等级 A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D D- F 绩点 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0 注:(1)学分绩点的计算办法是:一门课的学分绩点=绩点×学分数;学期或学年的平均绩点=所学课程学分绩之和÷所学课程学分数之和。 (2)成绩以A、A-、B+、B、B-、C+、C、C-、D、D-、F形式记载,其中A和A-的成绩等级总量不超过该门课程修读人数的30%。 (3)必修环节(实践和学术活动)的成绩采用两级记分制 (P、E)记载。

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