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S-Spin relaxation in strained graphene nanoribbons armchair vs zigzag edges

Spin relaxation in strained graphene nanoribbons:armchair vs zigzag edges Sanjay Prabhakar,Roderick Melnik and Shyam Badu

The MS2Discovery Interdisciplinary Research Institute,M2NeT Laboratory,

Wilfrid Laurier University,Waterloo,ON,N2L3C5Canada


We study the in?uence of ripple waves originating from the electromechanical e?ects on spin

relaxation caused by electromagnetic?elds in armchair and zigzag graphene nanoribbons(GNRs).

By utilizing analytical expressions supported by numerical simulations,we show that it is possible to

tune the spin?ip behaviors ON and OFF due to ripple waves in GNRs for potential applications in

straintronic devices.This?nding is similar to recently made observations on the design of spintronic

devices in III-V semiconductor quantum dots,where the sign change in the e?ective Land′e g-factor

can be engineered with the application of gate controlled electric?elds.In particular,we show that

the tuning of spin extends to larger widths for the armchair GNRs than for the zigzag GNRs.Here

we also report that the relaxation rate vanishes like L5.


Graphene has attracted potential interest for the de-sign of optoelectronic devices because it possesses unique electronic and physical properties due to the presence of Dirac-like energy spectrum of the charge carriers.1–7Sev-eral observed quantum phenomena such as the half inte-ger quantum Hall e?ect,non-zero Berry phase,as well as the measurement of conductivity of electrons in the elec-tronic devices lead to novel applications in carbon based nanoelectronic devices.1,2,4,5,7The experimental data ob-served by the quantum Hall e?ect measurement tech-nique suggests a one atom thick graphene sheet has the same properties as a two dimensional system that does not contain any bandgap at two Dirac points.6,7In addi-tion,the researchers around the globe desire to build next generation semiconductor devices from graphene because the experimental data shows that this material possess the high mobility of charge carriers.In such devices, one?nds an opportunity to control electronic properties of graphene-based structures using several di?erent tech-niques such as gate controlled electric?elds and magnetic ?elds.Further one can engineer the straintronic devices by controlling the electromechanical properties via the pseudomorphic gauge?elds.2,4,5,8–17

Two images of graphene sheet taken from high resolution transmission electron microscope or scan-ning tunneling microscope show that its surface nor-mal varies by several degrees and the out-of-plane de-formations reach to the nanometer scale that is con-sidered to be due to the presence of ripple waves in graphene sheet.18–20Ripples in graphene are induced by several di?erent mechanisms that have been widely investigated.8,9,12,14–16,19,21–34Such ripples are part of the intrinsic properties of graphene that are expected to strongly a?ect the bandstructures due to their coupling through pshedomorphic vector potential.11,17,35Monte-Carlo simulations results show that the ripples sponta-neously appear owing to thermal?uctuations with a size distribution due to the multiplicity of chemical bonding in carbon.36Recent experimental studies on graphene at several di?erent annealed temperatures con?rmed that the amplitude of the ripple waves is enhanced with in-creasing temperature.17At the same time,recent theo-retical studies show that ripples might be induced due to spontaneous symmetry breaking by?exural phonons.31 The phonon induced ripples follow a mechanism similar to that responsible for the condensation of the Higgs?eld in relativistic?eld theory leading to a zero-temperature buckling transition in which the order parameter is given by the square of the gradient of the?exural phonon ?eld.In experiments on graphene suspended on substrate trenches,there appear much longer and taller waves (close to a micron scale)directed parallel to the applied stress.These long wrinkles can also be induced ther-mally.17In this paper we present a model that couples the Navier equations,accounting for electromechanical e?ects,to the electronic properties of armchair and zigzag graphene nanoribbons.We show that the ripple waves originating from the electromechanical e?ects strongly in-?uence the bandstructure of GNRs.This response mech-anism might be used for tuning the spin currents ON and OFF in the spin relaxation behaviors caused by electro-magnetic?elds for potential applications in straintronic devices.

The paper is organized as follows:In section II,we provide a theoretical description of coupling between the electromechanical e?ects and the bandstructure of arm-chair and zigzag GNRs.Here we also provide an ana-lytical expression of the energy spectrum of GNRs with the armchair and zigzag edges.Numerical schemes for obtaining electromechanical e?ects on the bandstructure calculation of GNRs via exact diagonalization technique is discussed in section III.In addition to the results as-sociated to the electromechanical and bandstructure of GNRs in section IV,we also estimate the electromagnetic ?eld mediated spin relaxation time in GNRs.Finally we summarize our results in section V.


The total elastic energy density associated with the strain for the two dimensional graphene sheet can be

a r m c h a i r

FIG.1.The lattice structure of hexagon graphene sheet with the armchair and zigzag edges.The vertical and horizon-tal recangle correspond to the zigzag and armchair graphene nanoribbons.

written as 16,29,372U s =C iklm εik εlm .Here C iklm is a tensor of rank four (the elastic modulus tensor)and εik

(or εlm )is the strain tensor.In the above,the strain tensor components can be written as

εik =


2(?x h )2,


εyy =?y u y +



(?y u x +?x u y )+








0.00.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.6







W a v e f u n c t i o n s q u a r e d ,



(n m



Distance (nm)FIG.2.(a)Wavefunctions squared vs distance (x )in GNR of armchair edge at Dirac K point (k y =0).We choose the width of the GNR as L =3√

3a (3N +1)(solid line for n =0)to reproduce the results of Ref.(45).(b)The bandstructures of metallic (i.e.L =3

√3aN (N =60).(b)Several energy eigenvalues vs width of the GNR of armchair edge at

Dirac K points (k y =0).For analytical results,we ?rst add Eqs.(20)and (22)(i.e.,?φA =φA +φ′A )to admix the valley and

then found the wavefunctions squared from the expression:|?φ

A |2=cos 2(k n x )/L .Note that the numerical results obtained via exact diagonalization technique are in excellent agreement with the analytical results.


0.00.5 1.0 1.5 2.0









h [nm]R e l a x a t i o n r a t e [1/s ]

FIG.6.Electromagnetic ?eld mediated spin relaxation vs height of the ripple waves at Dirac point in armchair and zigzag GNRs.Evidently in inset plot of Fig.6(a),at h 0≈1.5nm,the spin splitting energy suggests that the ripple waves can be utilized to engineer the straintronics devices.The variation of strain in GNRs is shown in the inset of Fig 6(b)that resembles to the experimentally reported values in Ref.11with some deviations to be explained (see the texts for details).We choose L =3

√3aN (N =4,6,···)

and ?r =2.4.

where A 1and B 1are arbitrary constant.One can de-rive second order di?erential equation similar to (15)at another Dirac point K ′and ?nd its solution as

φ′B =C 1exp (ik n x )+D 1exp (?ik n x ),


where C 1and D 1are another arbitrary constant.Also,

k n can be found by utilizing boundary conditions ψA |x =0=ψB |x =0=ψA |x =L =ψB |x =L =0.To satisfy these boundary conditions,we must chose A 1=?D 1and B 1=C 1=0,so we found k n as:

k n =




(ˉh v F )


k 2y +k 2n


The wavefunctions and eigenvalues of the unstrained

armchair GNRs are shown in Figs.2and 3.

Zigzag GNRS:In a similar way,GNRs with zigzag edges support two di?erent states such as surface waves (edge states)exist at or near the edge and con?ned modes.Thus,we write the energy spectrum of the nanoribbons near the edge as:

εz 0

n ±=±

(ˉh v F )2

(k 2x +k 2n


Also the wavefunctionsφA(y)andφB(y)for GNR with

zigzag edge is given by



k2x?k2n+(εzc0n)2 {2k n L?sin(2k n L)}+4k n k2n L?k x sin2(k n L) .(31) At k x=0,Eqs.(29)and(30)can be written as




cos (2n+1)πy

√2L ,(33)

where n=0,1,2···.The wavefunctions and eigenvalues of the unstrained zigzag GNRs are shown in Figs.4and5.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/239567440.html,PUTATIONAL METHOD

The schematic diagram of the two-dimensional graphene sheet in a computational domain is shown in Fig.1.We have used the multiscale multiphysics simu-lation framework and solved the Navier’s equations(10) for armchair GNRs and(11)for zigzag GNRs via the?-nite element method to investigate the in?uence of elec-tromechanical e?ects on the bandstructures of armchair and zigzag GNRs.By assuming vanishing displacements at the boundary of GNRs,we impose Dirichlet bound-ary conditions to?nd the strain tensor in armchair and zigzag GNRs.

For the bandstructure calculations of GNRs with zigzag edge,we have used Dirichlet boundary conditions forφA(x=0)and Neumann boundary conditions for φA(x=L)and viceversa forφB(y).To?nd the energy eginvalues of armchair GNRs,we must admix the two dif-ferent valleys at Dirac points K and K′.Thus,we apply the following conditions at the boundaries of armchair GNRs:

φμ(0)+φ′μ(0)=0,(34)φμ(L)+exp(?2iKL)φ′μ(L)=0,(35) whereμ=A,B.


In Fig.2(a),we have plotted the wavefunctions squared vs distance for the armchair GNRs.Here we chose the length of the armchair GNR L=3


H A=?ev F(σx A x,t+σy A y,t),(36) where A(r,t)is the vector potential of the electromag-netic?eld radiation of photons that can be written as

A(r,t)= q,λ 2?rωq V?e qλb q,λe i(q·r?ωq t)+H.c.,(37)

whereωq=c|q|,b q,λannihilate photons with wave vec-tor q,c is the velocity of light,V is the volume and ?r is the dielectric constant of the graphene nanorib-bon.The polarization directions?e qλwithλ=1,2 are chosen as two perpendicular induced photon modes in the graphene nanoribbon.The polarization direc-tions of the induced photon are?e q1=(sinφ,?cosφ,0) and?e q2=(cosθcosφ,cosθsinφ,?sinθ)because we ex-press q=q(sinθcosφ,sinθsinφ,cosθ).The above po-larization vectors satisfy the relations?e q1=?e q2×?q,?e q2=?q×?e q1and?q=?e q1×?e q2.Based on the Fermi Golden Rule,the electromagnetic?eld mediated transi-tion rate(i.e.,the transition probability per unit time) in the graphene nanoribbon is given by46


(2π)2ˉh d3q λ=1,2|M q,λ|2δ(ˉhωq?εf+εi),(38)

where M q,λ= ψi|H A|ψf .Here|ψi and|ψf are the ini-tial and?nal states wavefunctions.By adopting dipole approximation,i.e.the transition is caused only by lead-ing terms from A(r,t),we write the transition rate as




In Fig.6,we plot electromagnetic?eld mediated spin re-laxation rate vs height of the ripple waves in armchair and zigzag GNRs.By increasing the height of the ripple waves,one can observe an enhancement in the spin split-ting energy di?erence(see inset plot of Fig.6(a))that is similar to Landau levels in semiconductors in the pres-ence of magnetic?elds.Such spin splitting due to ripple waves in graphene can be utilized for the potential appli-cation in straintronic devices.The spin splitting energy vs height of the ripple waves is shown in the inset plot of Fig.6(a).Here we?nd that starting at h≈0.75,the zero energy eigenvalues disappear,and thus one can?nd the con?nement e?ect in the form of wavefunctions due to the pshedomorphic vector potential originating from the electromechanical e?ects in the armchair GNRs.The variation of strain in GNRs that is shown in Fig.6(b)is similar to Ref.11with only a slight deviation due to the fact that we apply vanishing boundary conditions for the displacements at the boundary of the GNRs.In Fig.7,we plot spin relaxation rate vs width of the ripple waves in armchair and zigzag GNRs.Here we see that,in both armchair and zigzag GNRs,the spin relaxation rate varies like L5.It can be seen that one can engineer the variation of the strain in such as way that the sign change in the spin?ip behavior in the manipulation of spin re-laxation can induce the dips at the widths L=22nm for zigzag GNRs and at L=36nm for armchair GNRs. Similar spin?ip behaviors i.e.sign change in the e?ec-tive g-factor(see Refs.3,47–49)can be observed with the application of gate controlled electric?elds in III-V semiconductor quantum dots.


Based on analytical and?nite element numerical re-sults,from Figs.2to5,we have analyzed the bandstruc-tures of armchair and zigzag graphene nanoribbons.In particular,we have shown that the armchair GNRs with zero energy eigenvalues exhibit metallic behaviors,see Figs.2and3.The metallic behavior turns into the semi-conducting approximately at h0=2nm,Fig.6(a),due to ripple waves originating from electromechanical e?ects for straintronic applications.In Fig.6,we have shown that the ripple waves originating from electromechanical e?ects can be treated as a phedomorphic vector potential in the bandstructure calculation of GNRs that provides the spin splitting energy similar to Zemann type Landau energy levels in semiconductors.Such spin splitting en-ergy allowed us to investigate the spin relaxation behav-iors in armchair and zigzag GNRs.Estimated numerical values of the spin relaxation time is in agreement to the experimental results.Finally,in Fig.7,we have shown that the spin relaxation rate varies like L5in smaller width GNRs.In this?gure,we have also shown that it is possible to tune the spin currents ON and OFF in the manipulation of spin?ip behaviors due to ripple waves at di?erent widths of GNRs that might have the poten-tial applications in straintronic devices.We have shown that such?nding is similar to the recently reported sign change behaviors in the e?ective Land′e g-factor in III-V semiconductor quantum dots.


This work has been supported by NSERC and CRC programs(Canada).The authors acknowledge the Shared Hierarchical Academic Research Computing Net-work(SHARCNET)community and Dr.P.J.Douglas Roberts for his assistance and technical support.

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