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【2014届高三一轮复习英语精品资料 强化练习(新课标专用)Book 4 Unit 1 Word版含解析]

Book 4Unit 1Women of achievement


1.As we all know,Charlie Chaplin was________man of great achievements,who was considered one of________greatest actors all over the world.

A.the;the B.the;/

C.a;the D.a;/

答案 C

解析考查冠词。句意为:众所周知,卓别林是一位取得重大成就的人,他被认为是全世界最伟大的演员之一。a man of great achievements一位获得重大成就的人;第二空为形容词最高级前加the。

2.If you do not know how to________yourself at table in a foreign country,you should copy the host.

A.dress B.tell C.show D.behave

答案 D


dress穿衣服;tell告诉;show展示;behave举止。由此可以判断正确答案为D,behave oneself举止规矩。

3.Doing half an hour morning exercise________her habit in the morning every day.

A.are B.has C.is D.have

答案 C


4.A person of great________can usually achieve his goal.

A.instruction B.information

C.determination D.recognition

答案 C



5.Mr.Su is on his way to power with constant election________around the streets in Taipei.

A.battles B.campaigns

C.wars D.fights

答案 B


6.Some of the students have already learned enough English to________a conversation with a native English speaker.

A.carry on B.keep on

C.go on D.hold on

答案 A

解析考查动词词义辨析。carry on a conversation进行对话。keep on继续;go on继续,开始运行;hold on不挂断(电话)。

7.Mr.Smith________these days.I think he should take a holiday before he burns out.

A.has been overworking B.overworked

C.had overworked D.was overworking

答案 A

解析考查时态。结合本句中的时间状语these days以及下一句中的时态可知史密斯先生这些天一直在过度工作,所以用现在完成进行时。

8.—Have you been to the Great Wall?

—Perhaps not in my memory.________,it might have been during my early childhood.

A.If only B.If so

C.If ever D.If not

答案 C


if ever如果(曾经)有的话;if only要是……(就好了);if so如果这样的话;if not要不是的话。

9.People in Zhejiang are proud of________they have achieved in the past few years.

A.that B.which C.what D.how

答案 C

解析考查名词性从句的引导词。引导一个宾语从句,并在从句中作谓语动词achieve 的宾语,所以用what。句意为:浙江人对过去的几年里他们所取得的成就感到骄傲。10.I failed again in the exam and only then________how much time I had wasted.

A.I realized B.I had realized

C.did I realize D.had I realized

答案 C


11.It was foolish of him to________his notes during the test, and as a result, he got punished.

A.stick to B.keep to

C.refer to D.point to

答案 C

解析句意为:他很愚蠢,在考试时参考笔记,结果受到了惩罚。refer to 参考,查阅。12.The workers________the glasses and marked on each box “This Side Up”.

(2010·大纲全国Ⅰ,22) A.carried B.delivered

C.pressed D.packed

答案 D

解析句意为:工人们把玻璃杯装好,并给每个箱子标上“此面向上”的标记。carry 扛,搬,背;deliver递送;press按,压;pack包装,给……打包。故选D项。13.________ the Internet is of great help,I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time on it.

A.If B.While C.Because D.As

答案 B


14.On his way to the airport,it________him all of a sudden that he had forgotten his passport.

A.hit B.knocked

C.occurred D.beat

答案 A

解析考查固定句型。It hits/hit sb.that...意为“某人突然想到……”。

15.The scientist________ the behavior of the mice after they were given the drug.

A.looked B.observed

C.noticed D.watched

答案 B


16.________two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend.

A.With B.Besides

C.As for D.Because of

答案 A


17.The play is OK. When do you intend________at the theatre?

A.to put it on B.to put on it

C.puts it on D.to putting it on

答案 A

解析intend后可跟不定式或动名词,故排除C、D两项;put on的宾语如是代词,要将宾语放在put on之间。

18.—Thank you for your MP4 player.I’ll get Mary to take it to you soon.

—________.I’ve bought a new one.

A.No sense B.No hurry

C.No way D.No use

答案 B

解析由“我已经买了一个”可知是No hurry,意思是:不着急。

19.—Have you heard the news that he was admitted into Beijing University?

—Yes,that’s ________ he worked so hard all the time,so his efforts paid off.

A.why B.because C.how D.what

答案 B


20.The programme________for children turned out to be welcomed by people of different ages.

A.used B.intended C.using D.intending

答案 B

解析the programme与intend从逻辑关系上是被动的,故排除表主动关系的C、D两项。intended for children为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰the programme。


When I was in primary school,I got into a major argument with a boy in my class.I can’t __1__ what it was about,but I have never forgotten the __2__ I learned that day.

I was __3__ that I was right and he was wrong—and he was sure that I was wrong and he was right.The __4__ decided to teach us a very important lesson.She __5__ both of us up to the __6__ of the class and __7__ him on one side of her desk and me on __8__.In the middle of her desk was a large,round object.I could __9__ see that it was black.She asked the boy what __10__ the object was.“White,” he answered.

I couldn’t believe he said the object was white,__11__ it was obviously black!Another __12__ started between my classmate and me,this __13__ about the color of the object.

The teacher told me to go to stand where the boy was standing and told him to come to stand where I had been.We changed __14__,and now she asked me what the color of the object was.I __15__ answer,“White.” It was an object with two __16__ colored sides,and from his side it was white.__17__ from my side it was the color black.

My teacher taught me a very important lesson that day:You must __18__ in the other person’s shoes and look at the __19__ through their eyes in order to __20__ understand their view.

1.A.think B.suppose C.remind D.remember 答案 D

解析从下文的never forgotten可知,我记不清为何争吵。

2.A.lesson B.lecture C.class D.text

答案 A


3.A.told B.wished C.convinced D.allowed

答案 C

解析be convinced=be sure,意为“确信,深信”。从下文可知,当时我坚信自己是正确的,对方是错误的。

4.A.officer B.teacher C.doctor D.parent

答案 B

解析下文提到了The teacher,My teacher,可知应选B项。

5.A.told B.came C.brought D.woke

答案 C


6.A.back B.front

C.middle D.side

答案 B

解析从下文的her desk可知,老师把我们带到讲桌旁,讲桌应在教室前面,故选B 项。

7.A.planted B.placed

C.had D.fixed

答案 B


8.A.the other B.another

C.other D.others

答案 A

解析从上文on one side of her desk可推知,我站到那个同学的对面,即讲桌的另一边,应是the other。

9.A.happily B.fortunately

C.clearly D.nearly

答案 C

解析从下文的obviously和文意可知,从我这边很清晰地看到它是黑色的,故选clearly。10.A.width B.shape

C.color D.size

答案 C


11.A.when B.unless C.until D.if

答案 A


12.A.fight B.argument C.conversation D.game

答案 B

解析从文意和上文的argument可知,我们不同意对方的意见,又开始争吵了。13.A.time B.year C.month D.day

答案 A



14.A.places B.seats C.attitudes D.glasses

答案 A


15.A.needed to B.was able to C.hoped to D.had to

答案 D


16.A.similarly B.differently C.beautifully D.surprisingly 答案 B

解析由下文“from his side it was white”和“from my side it was the color black”可知,物体两面的颜色不同,故differently正确。

17.A.Still B.Since C.Only D.Also

答案 C


18.A.seat B.stand C.lie D.put

答案 B

解析stand in the other person’s shoes站在别人的立场上。stand符合文意。

19.A.situation B.movement C.condition D.behaviour

答案 A



20.A.unexpectedly B.suddenly C.quietly D.truly

答案 D



As a preteen in New York,Whitney Johnson volunteered at soup kitchens and delivered clothes to the homeless.While at college,she started an English-language tutoring program for immigrant children.No one was surprised,then,when she chose to volunteer in an orphanage in Khayelitsha,one of South Africa’s poorest areas,during her junior year abroad.

At the orphanage,Johnson discovered most of the children infected with HIV at birth,many abandoned by parents too sick to care for them,or neglected by surviving relatives.Few were receiving the care needed to stay healthy.Many died.When she left,all she wanted to do was to go back and change what she had seen.

After graduation,Johnson began a fund-raising effort that eventually collected enough money to found UBA,a nonprofit organization intended to provide services for HIV-positive(阳性的) kids aged 4 to 18 in Khayelitsha.Now UBA is housed in a church big enough for offices and the children.The staff includes counselors,a social worker,a nurse,a cook,and a handful of volunteers,ensuring that each child has access to proper care,a free healthy meal,and emotional support.Once a week,she makes sure the children receive age-appropriate lessons about AIDS.The social worker sees to it that the kids are enrolled(注册) in school and have safe living conditions—especially those without parents.

Johnson plans to soon relocate UBA to an even larger location with more medical staff and a field “so the kids can run around and just feel like kids”.She’s also working with the South African Department of Health so that the new center can distribute drugs and give blood tests.

“Many people think that HIV means death,but it doesn’t,” Johnson says.“There’s so much that can be done.In the five years since the center opened,no one of the 200 kids in the program has died.It’s so emotional to see the strong,independent people they become.” One teenage girl who had received help at UBA even announced that she wanted to become a nurse. 1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.A kind girl caring for children with HIV.

B.A poor area stricken by poverty and disease.

C.A nonprofit organization providing services for kids.

D.Abandoned children infected with HIV.

答案 A

解析主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知,Whitney Johnson从十几岁起至上大学期间就积极参加志愿者活动。大学毕业后又回到非洲,筹款成立UBA,帮助染上HIV的孩子,并取得了很大成就。故选A项。其余选项均为文中局部信息。

2.After graduating from college,Whitney Johnson ________.

A.volunteered at soup kitchens in New York

B.went to study abroad for a year

C.started an English-language tutoring program

D.began collecting money to found UBA

答案 D

解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句“When she left,all she wanted to do was to go back and change what she had seen.”和第三段开头“After graduation,Johnson began a fund-raising effort that eventually collected enough money to found UBA...”可知,她大学毕业后筹款成立了UBA机构。故选D项。

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Johnson was infected with HIV at birth.

B.Johnson opened UBA during her junior year.

C.Johnson majored in English at college.

D.Johnson began to volunteer at an early age.

答案 D

解析细节理解题。根据文章第一段“As a preteen in New York,Whitney Johnson volunteered at soup kitchens and delivered clothes to the homeless.”可知Johnson从十几岁起就积极参加志愿者活动。故选D项。

4.According to the passage,UBA ________.

A.distributes drugs and gives blood tests

B.is located in South Africa

C.is an orphanage in Khayelitsha

D.trains girls to be nurses

答案 B

解析推理判断题。根据文章第一段的信息:Johnson在非洲留学第一年时在南非最穷的地方之一Khayelitsha的一个孤儿院做志愿者工作;第二段最后“When she left,all she wanted to do was to go back and change what she had seen.”及第三段“After graduation,Johnson...in a church big enough for offices and the children.”等信息可以推知UBA的地点就在南非。故选B项。

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Kids in the UBA program are all without parents.

B.The orphanage also provides school lessons for the kids.

C.Johnson is happy about what she is doing.

D.HIV can be cured with the help of UBA.

答案 C

解析推理判断题。文章最后一段说明了Johnson和她在UBA取得的成就。从Johnson 的话“It’s so emotional to see the strong,independent people they become.”可知她对自己做的事情很高兴。故选C项。

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