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Reading report on speech on hitler's invasion of the U.S.S.R

Reading report on speech on hitler's invasion of the U.S.S.R
Reading report on speech on hitler's invasion of the U.S.S.R

Reading report on Speech on Hitler’s invasion of the U.S.S.R Historical background:

Speech on Hitler’s invasion of the U.S.S.R is one of Winston S. Churchill’s famous speeches. Hitler and his Nazi Party regarded fascism as their highest plane, which means rule the whole world. The World War Ⅱbegan in 1937 and ended in 1945. The conflict resulted from the rise of totalitarian, fascism in German, Japan and Italy. The symbol of the beginning of the World War Ⅱwas Japan’s invasion of the Central China in 1937. And the symbol of the ending of the World War Ⅱwas Japan’s announcement of its surrender to the Central China and the whole world. Between 1937 and 1945, German, Japan and Italy brought great disaster to the whole world. On June, 22nd, 1941, Hitler and his soldiers extended their evil claw to the wide land of U.S.S.R, which is the reason that Churchill made this speech.

Brief introduction of the author:

Winston Churchill enjoyed one of the most interesting lives of any person. From his birth at Blenheim Palace on November 30th, 1874, to his death at Hyde Park Gate in London on January 24, 1965, his life was never dull. Churchill’s father was a conservative politician and his mother was a New York businessman, so Churchill’s childhood was not so happy. He was never a good student in school or a good child in his family. However, that was why he was able to be a succeed politician. Churchill began his politics in 1900 and ended it in 1955. On the outbreak of the World War ⅡChurchill was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty and on 4th April 1940 became Chairman of the Military Coordinating Committee. In May, 1940, he became Prime Minister and Minister of Defense and remained in office until 1945. This article was produced in 1941, when he was the Prime Minister.

Brief introduction of the article:

Hitler invaded U.S.S.R in June 22nd, 1941. At that time, nations all over the world were fight against Fascism, whose representatives were German, Japan and Italy. Though United Kingdom and the Soviet Union belong to different political

camps—United Kingdom belongs to the Capitalist camp and the Soviet Union belongs to the Socialist camp, the Prime Minister, Churchill addressed the whole world as soon as he learned that news. In his speech, he said: “I have to declare the decision of His Majesty’s Government—and I feel sure it is a decision in which the Great Dominions will in due course concur—for we must spread out now at once, without a day’s delay. I have to make the declaration, but can you doubt what our policy will be? We have but one aim and one single, irrevocable purpose. We are resolved to destroy Hitler and every vestige of the Nazi régime. From this nothing will turn us—nothing. We will never parley, we will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang.”“This is no class war, but a war in which the whole British Empire and Commonwealth of Nations is engaged, without distinction of race, creed, or party. There is no doubt that Hitler was the common enemy of the whole world. At that time, there is no difference between classes, nations and parties. There is only one aim: defeat Hitler!

Structural analysis of the article:

This was a political speech, so it was highly persuasive and convincing. Also, its language was to arouse sympathy, hatred and passion. After reading it, you may find that you are in a kind of mood that full of sympathy and hatred. You can image that soldiers of Soviet Union were lying in the land, lacking of food and water, fighting against Hitler. You can see that the blood of the soldiers were flowing, printed the land red. You may see that Hitler was standing on the land of Soviet Union, laughing with arrogance. Then, you will find that you are agree with Churchill that we should union and face with our common enemy. That was his purpose and he got it.

Aiming at achieving his purpose, Churchill used a lot of rhetorical devices:

https://www.doczj.com/doc/2f7860039.html,e of repetition:

Throughout the speech, Churchill used some words many times. And these words successfully made the sentence express his emotion strongly. For example, in the 8th paragraph of the article, Churchill used six sentences with “I see”. These sentences described the situation that Nazi attacks the Soviet Union, which indicated his

sympathy and support to the Soviet Union.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/2f7860039.html,e of parallelism

In this speech, Churchill used a lot of parallelism to create a strong atmosphere to arouse reader’s emotion. For instance, “The past, with its crimes, its follies, and its tragedies, flashes away.”“I see them guarding their homes where mothers and wives pray—ah, yes, for there are times when all pray—for the safety of their loved ones, the return of the bread-winner, of their champion, of their protector.” Through these words, we can understand his meaning and emotion easy. That is why Churchill used so much parallelism.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/2f7860039.html,e of metaphor

eg: I asked whether for him, the arch anti-Communist, this was not bowing down in the House of Rimmon. It is a metaphor. The story is written in the bible.

eg: behind all the glare, behind all this storm, I see…Here glare means hatred, fierce and cruel expression. Storm means windstorm, but here is means war and attacking.

Churchill’s speech had a power, which arouses the pure love and hatred in the deep of our heart. This kind of power comes from his beautiful words and sincere emotion. Therefore, when we are trying to make some speech, we should put our deep emotion in the words and sentences. Otherwise, it may be a very well-written article, but not a exciting speech.


希特勒演讲稿英文版 篇一:希特勒演讲稿中英对照 英文中文对照格式 Then someone has said: 'Since the Revolution the people has gained Rights. The people govern!' Strange! The people has now been ruling three years and no one has in practice once asked its opinion. Treaties were signed which will hold us down for centuries: and who has signed the treaties The people No! Governments which one fine day presented themselves as Governments. And at their election the people had nothing to do save to consider the question: there they are already, whether I elect them or not. If we elect them, then they are there through our election. But since we are a self-governing people, we must elect the folk in order that they may be elected to govern us. 然后又有人说:“革命以后,人民掌握了权利,国家由人民统治!”这还真是天方夜谭!迄今为止人民已经统治三年,可惜从来没有谁问过人民的意见。签署的这些条约足以让我们落后几百年:是谁签署了这些条约?人民?不是!是某天政府自己代表政府签署的!在政府选举的时候,人民根本就没有考虑的余地:我选不选他们,他们都已经在那个位


介绍北京的英语作文(2) AsBeijinghasbeenconfirmedhomecityofOlympics2008,the spiritofgreenOlympics,scientificOlympicsandhumanizedOlymp icwillsurelybringmoreandmorechangestoBeijing,promotethed evelopmentofsportsandOlympicsinChinaaswellasintheworld,a ndstrengthenthefriendlycommunicationsbetweenChineseandf oreignpeople. 篇六:Beijing BeijingisthecapitalofPeoplesRepublicofChinaandthenation scentreforpolitics,economyandculture.Itenjoysalongandrichhis tory.Therearenumerousheritagesitesandwonderfulexamplesof ancientarchitecture,suchastheworld-famousGreatWall,theTem pleofHeavenandtheForbiddenCity. Besidessightseeingplaces,therearemanydeliciousfoodsuch asPekingducksandBeijingsnacks.Beijingisreallyagoodplacetotr avel. 篇七:Beijing AsthecaptainofChina,Beijinghasbeenthemostpopularcityofchina。SomoreandmorepeoplewanttovisitBeijing.


英文邀请函及回复范文 邀请函包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式(formal correspondence;一种是非正式格式(informal correspondence)。 邀请信一定要将邀请的时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合写清楚,不能使接信人存在任何疑虑。 例如:“I’d like you and Bob to come to Luncheon next Friday.”这句话中所指的是哪个星期五并不明确,所以应加上具体日期, “I’d like you and Bob to come to luncheon next Friday, May the fifth.” 1. 邀请朋友共进午餐Inviting a friend to informal luncheon Dear [Zhang Ying]: Will you come to luncheon on [Friday, May the fifth], at [twelve o’clock]? My niece [Mary] is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting her. She is a charming, very pretty girl … and very good company! [John and Jane] will be here, and perhaps we can [give a dance] after luncheon. Do say you’ll come! Affectionately yours, Li Ming 亲爱的[张营]: 您能在[5月5日星期五中午12点钟] 来吃午饭吗? 我侄女[玛丽]正在我们家中作客,我想您会乐于见到她的。她是个漂亮而聪明的女孩子,……同她在一起是很使人高兴的![约翰和简]也到这里来,也许在饭后我们能[开个舞会],说好,一定得来呀! 2. 邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐Inviting friends to supper with the strangers Dear [Susan]: I know you are interested in [oil painting], so I’m sure you’ll be interested in [Mr. and Mrs. Lin dun]! They are coming here to supper [next Sunday night, October the twelfth], and we’d like you and [Walter] to come, too. [Mr. and Mrs. Lin Dun] are that very charming couple we met in [London] last summer. They have a wonderful collection of [oil paintings of various stages]; and I understand that Mr. Lin Dun is quite an authority on [oil painting]. I’m sure you and Walter will thoroughly enjoy and evening in their company. We’re planning supper at six; that will give us a nice long evening to talk. If I don’t hear from you before then, I’ll be expecting you on the [twelfth]! Affectionately yours, Li Ming 亲爱的[苏珊]: 我知道您对[油画]是有兴趣的,所以我相信您对林顿夫妇也会感兴趣。他们将在[10月12日(下星期日)]来吃饭,我们很希望您和瓦尔特也能同来。


毕业设计邀请函范本 关于毕业设计邀请函,应当怎么来写呢?下面是我精心整理的邀请函范文,供大家学习和参阅。 毕业十年同学会邀请函 亲爱的同学: 你还记得xxxx年吗?当我们从这个具有特殊意义的一年起,就告别了宝贵的学生时代,走进了这大千世界,开始了漫漫的人生旅途。光阴似箭,xx年过去了。xx年,弹指一挥间,同学中有多少人,在拼搏和追求中创造着生活,在失败和成功中体验着生活,在烦恼和喜悦中品尝着生活;xx年后的今天,同学中又有多少人,或事业成功、工作进步,或自学成才、业务精通;更多的人工作兢兢业业,家庭美满和睦。同学,当你经历了这一切沧桑之后,有没有想到和你一起经历了这一切的同窗同学,有没有想知道他们都经历了哪些甜酸苦辣,体验了哪些人生哲理?你有没有想到,曾给予我们初中三年一班全体同学知识和智慧的老师们?同学们,拨动你回忆之心弦,弹起你思念之情曲吧,唯有同学知你心。

为促进同学间交往,增进师生友情,我们几个同学借新春放假之际,特意准备组织一次师生聚会,邀请原初中三年一班全体师生参加。 时间定于x月xx日xx时在“xxxx”集合,具体事宜均由x年x 班同学承办。望你珍惜这次难得的机会,妥善安排好个人及家庭事宜,按时参加。 走过XX年的岁月,想象着经历了世事沧桑、起伏变幻的旧时同窗再度重逢的情形,不禁让人心动。这是发自内心的邀请,这是源自真诚的呼声。聚会太多、有钱、有时间,却唯独少了真情。 亲爱的同学,当你见到当年博学多才、精明强干的老师,现已成为德高望重、桃李天下的老师时,你也许会肃然起敬,在心里说一句:“老师,您辛苦啦。”当你见到昔日风华正茂、书生义气的同学,现已步入中年,成为国家各行各业的能工巧匠、栋梁之材时,你又怎能不从心里呼唤一声:愿岁月流逝,友谊长存。 务请x月xx日之前回函。 时间: 地点: 联系人:


希特勒演讲稿英语 导语:我们必须咬紧牙关,全力以赴去做一件事情;否则,我们将一事无成。以下是小编为大家搜索整理的,欢迎阅读。 希特勒演讲稿英语 Today, we stand here! Standing in the Chinese land! The ancestors with blood and dignity to irrigate land! In front of me, standing is a nation, a nation in the humiliation of moan! The Opium War and the war of resistance against Japan since, our national pride is not! The winners are on our necks tyrannically abuse ones power, they will tread down our dignity, an Asian continents most noble national dignity! You tell me, you choose to be a freedom fighter like Benjamin. Martin, or a slave! You may want to say: Sir, I needed a job, a piece of bread. Yes. You are right, life is too important. But I want to tell you. In this world there is a thing more important than life, they are free! That is a dignity! As long as the South China Sea and the northwest region over a day still flies inferior flag, our dignity

介绍北京的英语作文1篇 .doc

介绍北京的英语作文1篇 篇一MyFamily Ilovemyfamily,becauseIhaveahappyfamily. MyfatherisanEnglishteacher.HisnameisJacky.Heisthirty-eight.Helikesplay ingbasketball.What’smymotherjop?Issheateacher?Yes,you’reright!Mymotherisverykindandnice,sheisthirty-seven.Mymotherisalways laboriouswork.Ilovemyparents! OnStaurdayandSunday,Ioftengotothelibraryandplaythepiano,Myfathergot oplaybasketball.Sometimes,wewatchTVandlistentomusicathome. Ilovemyfamily.BecauseI’mveryhappytolivewithmyparentstogether! 篇二MyFamily MyFamily Everyonehasafamily.Weliveinitandfeelverywarm.Therearethreepersonsin myfamily,mymother,fatherandI.Welivetogetherveryhappilyandtherearema nyinterestingstoriesaboutmyfamily. Myfatherisahard-workingman.Heworksasadoctor.Healwaystrieshisbesttoh elpevery,patientandmakepatientscomfortable.Butsonetimesheworkssohard thathecan”trememberthedate.


三一文库(https://www.doczj.com/doc/2f7860039.html,) 〔我想去北京英语作文〕 我想去北京的英语作文如何写?那么,下面是小编给大家整理收集的我想去北京英语作文,供大家阅读参考。 我想去北京英语作文1 I’d like to go to a beautiful place. I think it would be Beijing. Beijing is not only our capital city, but also a famous city with long history and wonderful culture. Beijing is also China’s political and cultural center. There’re many old places of great interest, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, and Tiananmen Square. Once you see Tiananmen Square, you will think of Beijing. It has been the symbol of Beijing since 1949. 我想去北京英语作文2 I went to Beijing more than eight times. Beijing is the capital of China. It’s a big city. I am very familiar with Beijing. It takes an hour and forty minutes from Nantong to Beijing by plane. There are many tall buildings in Beijing. It’s a modern city. My family visited the Great Wall, the Summer


希特勒英文演讲 Deputies, Men of the German Reichstag! A year of events of historical significance is drawing to an end. A year of great decisions lies ahead. In these serious times, I speak to you, deputies of the German Reichstag, as the representatives of the German nation. Beyond and above that, the whole German people should take note of this glance into the past, as well as of the coming decisions the present and future impose upon us. After the renewed refusal of my peace offer in January 1940 by the then British Prime Minister and the clique which supported or dominated him, it became clear that this war - against all reasons of common sense and necessity - must be fought to its end. You know me, my old Party companions; you know I have always been an enemy of half measures or weak decisions. If the Providence has so willed that the German people cannot be spared this fight, then I can only be grateful that it entrusted me with the leadership in this historic struggle which, for the next 500 or 1,000 years, will be described as decisive, not only for the history of Germany, but for the whole of Europe and indeed the whole world. The German people and their soldiers are working and fighting today, not only for the present, but also for the coming, nay the


小学一年级介绍北京的英语作文 Beijing is an ancient city with a long history. Back in 3000 years ago in Zhou dynasty, Beijing, which was called Ji at the moment, had been named capital of Yan. Thereafter, Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty all made Beijing their capital. Therefore, Beijing was famous for "Capital of a thousand years". The long history leaves Beijing precious cultural treasure. Winding for several kilometers in Beijing area, the Great Wall is the only man-made structure that could been seen in the space. The Summer Palace is a classic composition of ancient royal gardens, and the Forbidden City is the largest royal palaces in the world. Tiantan is where the emperor used to fete their ancestors, and also the soul of Chinese ancient constructions. The four sites above has been confirmed world cultural heritage by UNESCO. However, the best representatives for Beijing are the vanishing Hutongs and square courtyards. Through hundreds of years, they have become symbol of Beijing's life. Tian'anmen square being still brilliant today with cloverleaf junctions and skyscrapers everywhere, the old-timey scene and modern culture are combined to present a brand new visage of Beijing. As Beijing has been confirmed home city of Olympics 2008, the spirit of "green Olympics, scientific Olympics and humanized Olympic" will surely bring more and more changes to Beijing, promote the development of sports and Olympics in China as well as in the world, and strengthen the friendly communications between Chinese and foreign people. 北京是一个有着悠久历史的古城。 早在 3000 年前的周朝,北京,这叫霁,被命 名为首都燕。此后,辽、金、元、明、清都是北京首都。因此,北京著名的一千年 的“资本”。 悠久的历史使北京宝贵的文化瑰宝。绕组在北京地区几公里,长城是唯一的 人造结构,可以在空间。 颐和园是古代皇家园林的经典组合,和故宫是世界上最大 的皇家宫殿。 天坛是皇帝用来祭祀他们的祖先的地方,也是中国古代建筑的灵魂。 上面的四个网站已经确认被联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产。然而,北京最好的 代表是消失的胡同和广场庭院。数百年来,他们已经成为北京的生活的象征。天 安门广场到处都在今天依然灿烂的蝶式路口和摩天大楼的,古色古香的场景和现 代文化相结合,提出一个全新的北京的面貌。 随着北京 2008 年奥运会已被证实的家乡,精神的“绿色奥运、科技奥


回复邀请函范文 邀请函回复函一般是对所邀请的事做一个答复。下面小编为大家精心整理了回复邀请函范文,希望能给你带来帮助。 回复邀请函范文篇一:岳池特驱种猪繁育有限公司:关于岳池特驱种猪繁育有限公司岳池张口楼村种猪场项目土石方工程招标的邀请,我公司同意参加此次投标。 公司(盖章) 法定代表人签字: 年月日 回复邀请函范文篇二:_____________: 您好! 我很抱歉! 首先,目前整体经济形势不是很好,所以我暂时还没有跳槽的打算。 另外,我知道您所发的邮件信息是通用格式,这不能怪你们,但做事相对来说应该认真负责,我今天接到的电话预约跟邮件所描述的内容是有一定的出入的,所以不好意思。我是注重细节的人。 其次,我今天有登录贵公司网站,看了一下需求职位,并没有适合我做的工作。所以不好意思,我想我到时不能如约前往贵是、公司面试。 敬请谅解!

回复邀请函范文篇三:尊敬的xxx市长: 您好!贵市邀请我方前往参观考察的邀请函收悉。 xx是xx省下辖的一个地级市,位于xx省西南部,地处辽河三角洲中心地带,东北、西北分别与xx市和xx市辖区相邻,南邻xxx,与xxx隔河相望,总面积4071平方公里,占xx省总面积的2.75%。xxx居于东北亚经济圈与环渤海经济圈的交叉点,是xx沿海经济带重要节点城市,是全国沿海开放城市之一,也是国家重要的石油化工基地。良好的生态环境,优越的地理位置,中国北方生态名城的迷人风采,吸引着海内外有识之士热切的目光。素有xxxx之称的xx,既是生态旅游的胜地,又是可投资兴业的生态宝地。 近年来,xxx紧紧抓住“xx沿海经济带”开发开放和振兴东北老工业基地的双重机遇,着力推进经济结构调整和增长方式转变,国民经济和社会发展取得显著成就。xxx已成为xx沿海开发开放的重点区域,打开了xx全新的发展空间,开启了转身向海的新征程。在国家确定的xx沿海布局中,xx既是主轴城市,又是渤海翼的重要组成部分,为xx拓宽了巨大的对外开放发展空间。 非常荣幸能够受邀参观考察xxx,谨代表xxxxxxxx全体职工及我个人忠心感谢贵市的邀请,xxxx将应邀,并组织相关人员赴贵市进行交流和学习。 特此函复。 联系人:yyyyyyy 电话:yyyyyyyy


希特勒演讲稿英文版 导语:信仰比知识更难动摇;热爱比尊重更难变易;仇恨比厌恶更加持久以下是小编为大家搜索整理的,欢迎阅读。 希特勒演讲稿英文版 Today,westandhere!StandingintheChineseland!Thea ncestorswithbloodanddignitytoirrigateland!Infrontof me,standingisanation,anationinthehumiliationofmoan! TheOpiumWarandthewarofresistanceagainstJapansince,o urnationalprideisnot!Thewinnersareonourneckstyranni callyabuseonespower,theywilltreaddownourdignity,anA siancontinentsmostnoblenationaldignity!Youtellme,yo uchoosetobeafreedomfighterlikeBenjamin.Martin,orasl ave! Youmaywanttosay:Sir,Ineededajob,apieceofbread.Y es.Youareright,lifeistooimportant.ButIwanttotellyou .Inthisworldthereisathingmoreimportantthanlife,they arefree!Thatisadignity! AslongastheSouthChinaSeaandthenorthwestregionov eradaystillfliesinferiorflag,ourdignitydoesnotexist !Aslongastheinferiorinourlandrunamuck,ourdignitydoe


暑假去北京的英语作文 北京是我国的首都,有许多历史文化建筑,那么关于暑假去北京的英语作文怎么写呢?以下是为大家整理的暑假去北京游玩的英语作文,欢迎大家阅读。 暑假去北京游玩的英语作文篇一This summer holiday I visited to Beijing with my aunt. We visited to many famous places such as Tian'ann Men Square the Imperial Palace the Summer Palace the Great Wall and so on. Before that I just saw them on TV but this summer holiday they were all in front of my eyes. I was so exciting. Among them I like theSummerPalacethe most because it's so amazing and the scenery is very beautiful. BesidesBeijingis a modern city. There are many tall buildings. I like this city very much and I hope I can visit there again. 翻译: 这个暑假,我和叔叔到北京旅游。我们参观了很多地方,比如天安门广场,故宫,颐和园和长城等等。 在那之前我只是在电视上看见过它们,但是这个暑假我亲眼看到它们就在我的前面,我很兴奋。


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描述北京的英语作文 北京是我国的首都,也是个历史悠久、经济繁荣及科技发达的城市,但是北京也有人口拥堵雾霾严重等种种问题,你对北京是怎么看的呢?下面是橙子为大家整理的描述北京的英语作文,希望对大家有帮助。 北京 I’d like to go to asdfs beasdfsutiful plasdfsce. I think it would be Beijing. Beijing is not only our casdfspitasdfsl city, but asdfslso asdfs fasdfsmous city with long history asdfsnd wonderful culture. Beijing is asdfslso Chinasdfs’s politicasdfsl asdfsnd culturasdfsl center. There’re masdfsny old plasdfsces of greasdfst interest, such asdfss the Greasdfst Wasdfsll, the Summer Pasdfslasdfsce, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heasdfsven, asdfsnd Tiasdfsnasdfsnmen Squasdfsre. Once you see Tiasdfsnasdfsnmen Squasdfsre, you will think of Beijing. It hasdfss been the symbol of Beijing since 1949. 我想去一个美丽的地方。我觉得那应该是北京。北京不仅仅是我们的首都,也是有着悠久的历史和精彩地文化的城市。北京也是中国的政治和文化中心。有很多古迹,比如,长城,颐和园,紫禁城,天坛,天安门广场。只要你看到天安门广场,你就会想起北京。自从1949年起它就是北京的象征了。 北京


邀请函回复格式 篇一:邀请函回复函范文 关于XX省XX市邀请XXXX参观考察的复函 尊敬的XXX市长: 您好!贵市邀请我方前往参观考察的邀请函收悉。 XX是XX省下辖的一个地级市,位于XX省西南部,地处辽河三角洲中心地带,东北、西北分别与XX市和XX市辖区相邻,南邻XXX,与XXX隔河相望,总面积4071平方公里,占XX省总面积的2.75%。XXX居于东北亚经济圈与环渤海经济圈的交叉点,是XX沿海经济带重要节点城市,是全国沿海开放城市之一,也是国家重要的石油化工基地。良好的生态环境,优越的地理位置,中国北方生态名城的迷人风采,吸引着海内外有识之士热切的目光。素有XXXX之称的XX,既是生态旅游的胜地,又是可投资兴业的生态宝地。 近年来,XXX紧紧抓住“XX沿海经济带”开发开放和振兴东北老工业基地的双重机遇,着力推进经济结构调整和增长方式转变,国民经济和社会发展取得显著成就。XXX已成为XX沿海开发开放的重点区域,打开了XX全新的发展空间,开启了转身向海的新征程。在国家确定的XX沿海布局中,XX既是主轴城市,又是渤海翼的重要组成部分,为XX拓宽了巨大的对外开放发展空间。 非常荣幸能够受邀参观考察XXX,谨代表XXXXXXXX全体

职工及我个人忠心感谢贵市的邀请,XXXX将应邀,并组织相关人员赴贵市进行交流和学习。 特此函复。 联系人:YYYYYYY 电话:YYYYYYYY 传真:YYYYYYY 邮箱:YYYYYYY XXXXXXXX二〇一三年X月YYY日 篇二:邀请函,回复 篇一:邀请函回复函范文 关于xx省xx市邀请xxxx参观考察的复函 尊敬的xxx市长: 您好!贵市邀请我方前往参观考察的邀请函收悉。 xx是xx省下辖的一个地级市,位于xx省西南部,地处辽河三角洲中心地带,东北、西北分别与xx市和xx市辖区相邻,南邻xxx,与xxx隔河相望,总面积4071平方公里,占xx省总面积的2.75%。xxx居于东北亚经济圈与环渤海经济圈的交叉点,是xx沿海经济带重要节点城市,是全国沿海开放城市之一,也是国家重要的石油化工基地。良好的生态环境,优越的地理位置,中国北方生态名城的迷人风采,吸引着海内外有识之士热切的目光。素有xxxx之称的xx,既是生态旅游的胜地,又是可投资兴业的生态宝地。


篇一:希特勒演讲稿中英对照 英文中文对照格式 then someone has said: since the revolution the people has gained rights. the people govern! strange! the people has now been ruling three years and no one has in practice once asked its opinion. treaties were signed which will hold us down for centuries: and who has signed the treaties? the people? no! governments which one fine day presented themselves as governments. and at their election the people had nothing to do save to consider the question: there they are already, whether i elect them or not. if we elect them, then they are there through our election. but since we are a self-governing people, we must elect the folk in order that they may be elected to govern us. 然后人们又说:“通过革命我们获得了自由。”显而易见,这也是不可能的!没错,我们的确可以上街,进出我们的工场,我们还可以四处参加会议。简而言之,个人确实是获得了自由。但是大体上来说,如果一个人足够聪明,他最好不要随便开口说话。因为如果在过去,一个人不小心说错什么话会被冠以“欺君之罪”,而今天他们则需要更加小心,千万不要不小心说了什么可能侮辱到那些议会成员的话。 and if we ask who was responsible for our misfortune, then we must inquire who profited by our collapse. and the answer to that question is that banks and stock 如果我们要问是谁导致了我们的不幸,那么我们就要问问是谁得益于我们的失败。而这个问题的答案就是“银行和股票交易得到了空前的繁荣”。他们告诉我们:资本主义会被打倒,而当我们鼓起勇气提醒某个或者某些政治家,说道“请不要忘记犹太人也有资本家”,然后我们得到的答案是:“你有什么好担心的?现在要打倒的是整个资本主义,整个民族即将得到解放。我们不是和犹太或基督教的资本主义作斗争,我们是要和资本主义作斗争:我们要彻底解放人民。” christian capitalism is already as good as destroyed, the international jewish stock exchange capital gains in proportion as the other loses ground. it is only the international stock exchange and loan-capital, the so-called supra-state capital, which has profited from the collapse of our economic life, the capital which receives its character from the single supra-state nation which is itself national to the core, which fancies itself to be above all other nations, which places itself above other nations and which already rules over them. 基督教资本主义已经差不多被摧毁,他们相应的份额被国际犹太股票交易资本家吞并了。只有国际股票交易和借贷资本家(也就是所谓的“跨国资本”),是他们从我们的经济损失中获利,这些资本家完全就是民族性的,却又具备跨国民族的特点,他们凌驾于其他的民族之上,已经开始在统治其他的民族。 如果没有这些跨国的民族性,且由具有强烈民族性的犹太人建立它,国际股票交易资本本来是无法想象的,本来也不应该出现的... the jew has not grown poorer: he gradually gets bloated, and, if you dont believe me, i would ask you to go to one of our health-resorts; there you will find two sorts of visitors: the german who goes there, perhaps for the first time for a long while, to breathe a little fresh air and to recover his health, and the jew who goes there to lose his fat. and if you go out to our mountains, whom do you find there in fine brand-new yellow boots with splendid rucksacks in which there is generally nothing that would really be of any use? and why are they there? they go up to the hotel,


关于去北京的英语作文 北京是中国的首都,是经济、政治、文化的中心,也是一座历史悠久的现代化城市。下面小编为大家搜集整理有关北京的英语作文,仅供阅读! 北京Beijing Id like to go to a beautiful place. I think it would be Beijing. Beijing is not only our capital city, but also a famous city with long history and wonderful culture. Beijing is also Chinas political and cultural center. Therere many old places of great interest, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, and Tiananmen Square. Once you see Tiananmen Square, you will think of Beijing. It has been the symbol of Beijing since 1949. 我想去一个美丽的地方。我觉得那应该是北京。北京不仅仅是我们的首都,也是有着悠久的历史和精彩地文化的著名城市。北京也是中国的政治和文化中心。有很多古迹,比如,长城,颐和园,紫禁城,天坛,天安门广场。只要你看到天安门广场,你就会想起北京。自从1949年起它就是北京的象征了。 北京之旅Journey to Beijing This summer holiday, I visited toBeijingwith my aunt. We visited to many famous places, such as TiananMen Square, theImperialPalace,

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