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【北师大版】高中英语一轮复习讲练精品:Part I 学案+作业 Unit 15 Learning学案

【北师大版】高中英语一轮复习讲练精品:Part I 学案+作业 Unit 15 Learning学案
【北师大版】高中英语一轮复习讲练精品:Part I 学案+作业 Unit 15 Learning学案

Unit 15Learning




1.correction;correct 2.simple; simplify 3.understand; misunderstand; misunderstanding

4.instruct; instruction; instructive

5.assignment; assign 6.punishment; punish7.defend; defence8.assume; assumption 9.approve; approval10.appreciation; appreciate


1.lay off 2.suspect sb of sth 3.aside from 4.be buried in sth 5.to a certain extent 6.set off 7.be accustomed; used to sth / doing sth8.approve of9.as a whole10.tend to11.go blank 12.catch sb doing sth


1.instruct vt. 命令;指导;通知;教导

instruct sb to do sth指导/命令/通知某人做某事

instruct a class in history给学生上历史课

instruct sb in English教某人英语

instruction n. 用法说明;操作指南(常用作复数)

1)I'll ________ my secretary to send an invitation to you right away. 我让我的秘书马上给你们发一个邀请函。

2)I will ________ him whether to come today or tomorrow. 我将通知他是今天来还是明天来。【答案】1)instruct2)instruct


In October, the price of the ________ to Mount Tai has risen by 50 yuan.

A.permission B.admission

C.promise D.instruction

【答案与解析】B permission“允许”;admission“入场费”;promise“答应”;instruction“指导”。此处指“入场费”,故选B项。


(2010福建泉州高三抽测)Do read the ________ on the bottle carefully and take the proper amount of medicine every time.

A.explanations B.instructions

C.descriptions D.introductions

【答案与解析】B read the instructions on the bottle carefully “认真阅读瓶子上的说明”。

explanation “解释”;description “描述”;introduction “介绍”。

2. reflect vi. 思考vt. 映射;反射;思考

reflect...in... 在……里映射……;通过……来表达/ 表明……

reflect sth from sth 从某物(表面)反射(光、热、声等)

reflect in... 倒映在;在……中看到

reflect on / upon sth 认真思考某事

reflection n. 反映;反射

reflective adj. 沉思的;深思的

1)He looked at his face ________ in the mirror. 他照镜子看看脸。

2)The moon shines with ________ light. 月球是反射阳光而发光的。

3)How distant those times seemed now, he ________. 他在想那些日子现在已显得多么遥远。

4)That choice ________ your good taste. 那选择反映了你的品味高雅。




1)Does this letter ________ how you really think?

2)These excellent results ________ great credit on all our staff.

3)She sat ________ ________ how much it had changed since he'd bought the farm.

4)He ________ that he had no right to do this.

【答案】1)reflect2)reflect3)reflecting on4)reflected


(2011宁夏固原毕业班质检)Sean's strong love for his hometown is ________ in his recently published poems.

A.replied B.reflected

C.responded D.recovered

【答案与解析】B reply“回答;答复”,为不及物动词;reflect“反映”;respond“回应”;recover“恢复;收回”。题意:肖恩对祖国强烈的爱在他最近发表的诗歌中反映出来了。3.select vt. 选择;挑选;选拔

selection n. 选择;挑选

selective adj. 选择性的;有选择的

1)I will ________ a Christmas present for my son. 我要给儿子挑一份圣诞礼物。

2)Simon has been ________ to represent us at the conference in Paris. 西蒙已被推选出来代表我们出席在巴黎的会议。

3)We must ________ from among the good cadres. 我们必须从好干部中挑选。


choose, select和pick out


choose 通常指在所提供的对象中,凭借个人的判断进行选择。

select 指有目的地仔细认真地选择,有“精选”的含义。

pick out 比较通俗,常指按照个人喜好或意愿进行挑选,或指“分辨;辨认出”。

(1)用choose, select 和pick out 填空

1)________ the best answer. 选择最佳答案。

2)He looked through the suits and ________ the cheapest one for me. 他在那些衣服里找了一阵,挑了一套最便宜的给我。

3)It was easy to ________ ________ Bob's father.鲍勃的父亲很容易被认出来。

【答案】1)Choose2)selected3)pick out


1)(2011 海南海口高三适应性测试)There are eight pairs ________,but I'm at a loss which to purchase.

A.to be chosen B.to choose from

C.to choose D.for choosing

【答案与解析】B choose from “从……中选择”,这里应当用不定式作定语,故选B项。题意:共有八双可供选择,但我不知该买哪一双。

2)(2011 安徽铜陵高三模拟)It was so dark at the theatre that I could hardly ________ my friend. A.turn out B.give out C.call out D.pick out

【答案与解析】D考查动词短语。turn out “生产出;结果是”;give out “放出;发出;用完;用尽”;call out “召唤出动”;pick out “挑选出;辨认出”。题意:电影院里很黑,我几乎不能辨认出我的朋友。

4.lack v.&n. 缺乏;缺少;不足

lack (for) sth 缺少某物

be lacking (in) sth缺少某物

for / by / from / through lack of 因缺乏……;因没有……

have no lack of不缺乏……

1)I cannot buy the bike because of my ________ ________ money. 我因为缺钱而买不起那辆自行车。

2)A ________ ________ food caused her to grow weak. 缺少食物导致她身体虚弱。

3)We still ________ the necessary information. 我们仍缺少必要的信息。

4)The child seems to be ________ in intelligence. 这孩子似乎缺乏智慧。

【答案】1)lack of2)lack of3)lack4)lacking


—He says that my new car is a ________ of money.

—Don't you think those words are just sour grapes?

A.lack B.load

C.question D.waste

【答案与解析】D根据语境可知他说“我”的新车浪费钱。a waste of money “浪费钱”。(2)名校押题

(2011安徽巢湖高三期末教学质检)Though ________ money, all his family members managed to send him to university.

A.lacked B.lacking of

C.lacking D.lacked in

【答案与解析】C lack在此作及物动词,意为“缺乏;缺少”。其逻辑主语是“all his family members”,因而用v-ing主动形式。

5.worthwhile adj. 值得的


1)We decided to give the money to a ________ cause (=one that helps people).我们决定将钱用于对人民有益的事业上。

2)It is ________ ________ ________ / ________ abroad because you will make more money.去国外是值得的,因为你将会赚更多的钱。

【答案】1)worthwhile2)worthwhile to go / going

worth, worthy和worthwhile


worth后通常接名词(多数为钱数或价值相当的比喻性名词)。其后还可接v-ing的主动形式,表示被动含义(一般不接不定式)。如果表示“很值得”的意思时,要用be well worth。

worthy后可接of +n. / being done 或接to be done,其后还可接不定式。


常用于句型it is worthwhile...中,其后跟动名词短语或不定式短语均可(动名词短语或不定式短语是句子的真正主语)。


—What do you think of the science fiction?

—Oh, excellent. It's worth ________ many times.

A.to read B.to be read

C.reading D.being read

【答案与解析】C be worth doing “值得做”,这里用主动表被动。


(2011江苏盐城高三二模)It is not ________ to discuss the question again and again.

A.worth B.worthy

C.worthwhile D.valuable

【答案与解析】C根据题意可知,此句只适合用词组be worthwhile to do sth,因此选C 项。be worthwhile 后也可接v-ing。

6.acquire vt. 获得;取得;学到


1)The collector has ________ a fine collection of impressionists'paintings.这位收藏家收集了大量印象派画家的画。

2)How did he ________ his wealth?他的财富是怎样得来的?

3)Through reading one can ________ knowledge.人们可以通过读书来获得知识。





【答案】He acquired on international reputation for invention of television.


(2011山东师大附中一模)In order to ________ a good knowledge of German, she quitted her job and went to study in a German school.

A.require B.inquire C.acquire D.request

【答案与解析】C考查动词词义辨析。require “需要;要求”;inquire “询问;查询”;acquire “获得;学到”;request “请求;邀请;要求”。

7.ignore vt. 不顾;不理;忽视

ignorant adj.无知的;没知识的;未受教育的

be ignorant of sth 不知道某事

ignorance n. 无知

show ignorance of sth对某事全然无知

from / out of / through ignorance出于无知

1)On no account ________ ________ ________ the value of knowledge. 我们绝对不能忽视知识的价值。

2)She didn't see me wave or she deliberately ________ me.要么她没看见我招手,要么就是故意不理我。

3)________ ________ / ________ this would be a mistake.忽视这点是错误的。

【答案】1)can we ignore2)ignored3)To ignore;Ignoring


Safety regulations are being ________ by company managers in the drive to increase profits. A.left B.thrown C.ignored D.emphasized



(2010 山东聊城高三模拟)—My children are always arguing.


A.Just ignore them.

B.That's right.

C.You're welcome.

D.How old is the boy?

【答案与解析】A考查交际用语。just ignore them“别理他们”,符合题意。

urge (sb) on sth鼓励(某人)做某事;激励;为(某人)加油

urge sb to do / into doing sth 敦促/怂恿/强烈要求/力劝某人做某事

urge against sth 极力反对某事

urge for sth 极力主张某事

urge +that从句(that从句用虚拟语气,谓语部分用should+动词原形,其中should 可以省略)

urgent adj. 紧迫的;紧急的;非常重要的;急需的

urgency n.紧迫之事

1)What can we do to ________ these lazy workers to work hard? 我们怎样才能敦促这些懒惰的工人去努力工作呢?

2)The dogs are ________ ________ fighting more fiercely by loud shouts from the crowd. 人群里发出的高声叫喊使这些狗咬斗得更凶了。

3)They ________ us ________ ________ at once. 他们催促我们马上去。

8.urge vt.&vi.力劝;敦促;鼓励;极力主张

4)The senator ________ ________ the adoption of the measure. 那位参议员极力反对采取这项措施。

5)The citizens ________ ________ the construction of a new hospital. 市民们强烈要求建一个新医院。

6)My friends urged that I ________ for the job. 朋友们力劝我申请那份工作。

【答案】1)urge2)urged into3)urged;to go4)urged against5)urged for6)(should) apply

(1)用urge, urgent 或urgency 填空

1)We ________ the school team on with loud cheers. 我们大声助威,激励校队拼搏。

2)Many people are in ________ need of food and water. 许多人急需食物和水。

3)She was ________ in her demands. 她的要求很急切。

4)It now is a matter of ________ that aid reaches the famine area. 现在最紧迫的事情是把救援物资运抵饥荒地区。



(2010山东威海模拟)The villagers have been cut off by floods from the outside world for a week and they are now in ________ need of food.

A.anxious B.urgent C.passive D.formal

【答案与解析】B in urgent need of “急需”。

9.assume vt. 假设;假定;主观认为;装出……样子;承担

assume sb / sth to be假定/假设某人/某事为……

It is assumed that...……被认为

assumed adj. 假装的;假的;假定的;设想的

an assumed result 假定的结果

assumption n. 假定;假设

make an assumption认为;假定

on the assumption that假定

assuming adj.自负的;傲慢的;过分自信的conj.假如(后跟从句)

assuming that... 假设/假定……

1)I made a mistake and I will ________ ________ ________ it.我错了,我愿为此承担责任。

2)I ________ ________ you can speak French fluently.我以为你能讲流利的法语。

3)________ ________ ________ ________ ________,what should we do now?假定这是真的,我们现在该怎么办?

4)________ ________ ________ ________ ________ stress is caused by too much work.普遍认为,紧张是工作过重所致。

【答案】1)assume responsibility for2)assumed that3)Assuming it to be true4)It is generally assumed that

assume, guess和imagine





1)________ ________ ________ ________ ________(假定计划失败了), what should we do now?

2)________ ________ ________(我们假定) for a moment that the plan succeeds.

3)His actions were based on ________ ________ ________(一个错误的设想).

4)We ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(假定他是) innocent until he is proved guilty.

【答案】1)Assuming that the plan fails2)Let us assume3)a false assumption4)must assume him to be


1)(2010东北三校高三联合模拟)________ it rains tomorrow, what shall we do? A.Assuming B.To assume

C.To be assumed D.Assume

【答案与解析】A考查连词。分析句子可看出本句缺少连词,assuming conj.“假如(后跟从句)”。题意:假定明天下雨,我们该怎么办?

adapt oneself to... 使自己适应或习惯于……

adapt to适应

adapt ...for ... 使适应;使适合(新用途、新情况)

adapt...from... 根据……改写/改编

adaptable adj. 能适应的;有适应能力的;可改编的

adaption =adaptation n. 适应;改编本;改写本

adapter / adaptor n. 改编者

1)Can you ________ ________ ________ the new job?你能适应这份新工作吗?

2)You'd better ________ ________ the new environment as soon as possible.你最好尽快适应这个新环境。

3)The play ________ ________ ________ a novel.这部电视剧是由一部小说改编而成的。

4)The makers ________ ________ ________ ________ ________________ ________the Russian original.影片制作人为了孩子们将这本俄文原著改编成了卡通电影。

【答案】1)adapt yourself to2)adapt to3)is adapted from4)adapted the cartoon film for children from

adapt, adjust, fit, suit, match和adopt

adapt 指修改或改变以适应新条件。

adjust 多指“调整;调节”使之适应。

fit 多指“大小形状适合”,引申为“吻合”

suit 多指合乎要求,(口味、性格、情况颜色、衣着、发型、气候、条件、时间、地位)适合某人。

match 指色调、形状、性质,设计等相配或搭配协调。

adopt 指“采用;采取;收养;正式通过”。

(1)用adapt, adjust, fit, suit, match和adopt的适当形式填空

1)When you go to a new country, you must ________ yourself to new customs.

2)Having no children of their own, they decided to ________ an orphan.

3)You can't see through the telescope until it is ________ to your eyes.

4)The shoes ________ her very well.

5)A red jacket doesn't ________ green trousers.

6)No dish ________ all tastes.




(2010兰州一中高三诊断)It is not socially ________ for parents to leave children unattended at that age.

A.accessible B.adorable

C.adaptable D.acceptable

【答案与解析】D accessible“可进入的”;adorable“值得崇拜的”;adaptable“能适应的”;acceptable“可接受的”。由题意可知D项正确。

11.suspect vt. 怀疑n. 嫌疑犯adj. 不可信的;靠不住的

suspect sth 怀疑某事

suspect +that从句怀疑……

suspect (sb / sth) as / to be 怀疑(某人/某物)为……

suspect sb of sth 怀疑某人做某事

I suspect not / so 我想不会/会的

1)We all ________ the truth ________ the report. 我们都怀疑报告的真实性。

2)We had no reason to ________ he might try to kill himself. 我们没有理由认为他会自杀。

3)What she said sounded convincing, but I ________ ________ to be a lie. 她的话听起来像那么回事,但我认为那是谎言。

4)The police ________ him ________ having taken the money. 警察怀疑钱是他偷的。

5)Two ________ in connection with the case are now being interrogated. 与案件有关的两名嫌疑犯正在接受审讯。

6)His reason for being absent is ________. 他缺席的理由不足为信。

【答案】1)suspect;of2)suspect (that)3)suspected it



A young woman was found dead in her apartment and the police ________ that it was a murder. A.charged B.doubted

C.suspected D.informed

【答案与解析】C suspect 指拥有证据的“怀疑”。


(2010浙江绍兴高三统考)The man ________ of setting fire to a hotel was caught by the police. A.being suspected B.suspecting

C.suspected D.to be suspected

【答案与解析】C此句中“suspected of setting fire to a hotel”为过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于定语从句“who was suspected of setting fire to a hotel”。


1.frankly speaking 坦率地说

frankly speaking “坦率地说”,相当于to be frank with you,通常置于句首作状语。generally speaking总的说来;一般说来

strictly speaking 严格地讲

honestly speaking 老实说;诚实说

broadly speaking 广义说来

________ ________,to watch Chinese play table tennis is really thrilling. 坦率地说吧,看中国人打乒乓球真是让人激动。

【答案】Frankly speaking


1)________ ________,we feel that the plan is practical.总的说来,我们认为这计划是切实可行的。

2)Every dictionary is, ________ ________,out of date within a month of its publication. 严格地讲,每一本字典,在它出版后的一个月就过时了。

【答案】1)Generally speaking2)strictly speaking


(2010 安徽巢湖高三质量抽测)________,the more expensive the electrical appliances, the better their quality.

A.General speaking B.Speaking general

C.Generally speaking D.Speaking generally

【答案与解析】C generally speaking “一般说来”,为固定短语。题意:一般说来,电器的价格越高,质量就越好。

2. lay off 停止;中止;解雇;解聘;裁员;使下岗

lay down 放下

lay down one's life for one's country 为国捐躯

lay the table 摆桌子(准备开饭)

lay the blame on 责备;责怪

lay stress / emphasis on 强调

1)You had better ________ ________ alcohol for a while. 你最好在一段时间内不要饮酒。

2)Why don't you ________ ________ smoking for a while until your cough gets better? 你为什么不等你的咳嗽好一些后再抽烟?

3)The doctor told me to ________ ________ for a week. 医生要我休息一个星期。

4)The factory has ________ ________ workers because of the drop in sales. 那家工厂由于销量下降而暂时解雇了工人。

【答案】1)lay off2)lay off3)lay off4)laid off




【答案】Will you please lay the table for dinner?


(2011南京一模)Despite the economic crisis, many companies promised not to ________ their workers.

A.break off B.put off C.set off D.lay off

【答案与解析】D考查动词短语辨析。break off “折断”;put off “推迟”;set off “出发”;l ay off “解雇”。题意:尽管发生了经济危机,但许多公司许诺不解雇工人。

3. apart from 除……之外;此外

apart from =aside from 除……之外;此外(相当于besides / except)

1)________ ________ their house in London,they also have a villa in Spain. 他们在伦敦有一座房子,此外,在西班牙还有一栋别墅。

2)It was a difficult time.________ ________ everything else, we had financial problems. 当时是困难时期,别的一切都不说,我们财政上也有问题。

【答案】1)Apart from2)Apart from


________ ________ the cost, the dress doesn't suit me. 姑且不论价格,这件衣服也不适合我。【答案】Apart from


(2011淄博高三模拟)________ school work, I like to spend my spare time in singing and fishing. A.Or else B.Apart from

C.But for D.As well

【答案与解析】B or else “否则”;apart from “除了”;but for “要不是”;as well “也”。题意:除了完成学校功课之外,空闲时我喜欢唱歌和钓鱼。

4. to a certain extent 在某种程度上

to a certain extent =to some extent 在一定程度上;在某种程度上

to a great / large extent在很大程度上

to the extent of 达到……的程度

to that extent 达到那样的程度

To a large extent, the price depends on how large your order is. 在很大程度上,价格取决于您的订单量。

Violence increased to the extent that people were afraid to leave their homes. 暴力事件多到了令人们不敢出门的程度。

________ ________ ________ ________,to raise wages means increasing purchasing power. 在一定程度上,提高工资意味着增强购买力。

【答案】To a certain extent


I agree with you ________ ________ ________ ________,but we should know others' views. 我在一定程度上同意你的意见,但我们也应当了解别人的观点。

【答案】to a certain extent


(2011徐州四校联考)—What's your opinion on the popular song?

—________,it sounds sweet.

A.In other words B.Don't mention it

C.It all depends D.To a certain extent

【答案与解析】D题意:在某种程度上,这首歌听起来很甜美。to a cert ain extent “在一定程度上”,符合题意。

5. set off 出发;引起;激发

set off 用作不及物动词短语时,意为“开始旅行;出发”,相当于set out。另外,还可以用作及物动词短语,意为“引爆;引起;激发”。

1)She ________ ________ on a trip across Europe yesterday. 她昨天开始了横跨欧洲的旅行。

2)The bomb could be ________ ________ at any time. 炸弹随时都可能被引爆。

【答案】1)set off2)set off


Panic on the stock market ________ ________ a wave of selling. 股票市场上人心惶惶,掀起抛售浪潮。

【答案】see off


(2011泉州高考)Do be careful; the slightest spark could________those fireworks.

A.gave off B.turned down

C.took over D.set off

【答案与解析】D give off “发出”;turn down “拒绝”;take over“接管”;set off “引爆”。此处意为“稍有火星就能引起烟火爆炸”。

6.be accustomed to 习惯于

be accustomed to“习惯于”,其中的系动词be也可换成become或get,后面的to是介词,后接名词、代词或v-ing作宾语。

1)He quickly became ________ ________ the local food. 他很快就习惯了当地的食物。

2)My eyes slowly grew ________ ________ the dark. 我的眼睛对黑暗慢慢适应了。

3)I'm ________ ________ ________ up early to do morning exercise. 我习惯了早起进行晨练。【答案】1)accustomed to2)accustomed to3)accustomed to getting


I'm not ________ ________ ________ ________ like this.我不太习惯被这样对待。

【答案】accustomed to being treated


(2010 江苏南京模拟)—They are quiet, aren't they?

—Yes. They are accustomed ________ at meals.

A.to talk B.to not talk

C.to talking D.to not talking

【答案与解析】D be accustomed to后面通常接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。由题意可知此处表示否定的意义,故选D项。

7.approve of 赞成;同意

approval n. 赞成;同意

approving adj. 赞成的;同意的

1)I quite ________ ________ your plan. 我相当赞成你的计划。

2)I don't ________ ________ wasting time. 我不赞成浪费时间。

3)I thoroughly ________ ________ what the government is doing. 我完全赞成政府现在的做法。

【答案】1)approve of2)approve of3)approve of


Mr Bally approved________ the conference.

A.me to attend B.for my attending

C.of me to attend D.of my attending

【答案与解析】D approve “批准;认可;通过”;approve of doing sth “赞成做某事”;approve of sb “赞成某人;支持某人”。题意:Bally先生赞成我参加这次大会。


(2010北京海淀区一模)The new policy will________ the elders a lot that people over 65 can take buses free of charge.

A.discount B.support

C.approve D.benefit


on the whole =generally =by and large“总的看来;基本上”,在句中多用逗号分隔,也可不用逗号,其中whole 在短语中用作名词。

Our opinions are on the whole the same. 我们的观点基本上一致。

His business, on the whole, was successful. 他的事业大体上是成功的。

1)The population ________ ________ ________ is getting healthier. 总体看来,居民的健康状况正在改善。

2)The population ________ ________ ________ is / are in favor of the reform. 全体人民普遍拥护改革。

【答案】1)as a whole2)as a whole

8.as a whole 作为一个整体;总体上


This project will be of great benefit to the region ________ ________ ________. 这个工程将使整个地区受益。

【答案】as a whole


(2010 长沙一中高三模拟)There are some spelling mistakes in your composition, but ________ your composition is good.

A.in the end B.on the whole

C.in a word D.first of all

【答案与解析】B on the whole “总体上来讲;大体上来说”。

9.tend to 趋向;照顾;照料

tend to 趋向;易于;照顾;护理;招待

tendency n. 倾向;趋势

a tendency to fat / towards fatness / to get fat 发胖的趋势

1)I ________ ________ go to bed earlier during the winter. 我在冬天常睡得较早。

2)People under stress ________ ________ express their full range of potential. 处于压力下的人容易发挥自己全部的潜力。

3)Women ________ ________ live longer than men. 女人多比男人长寿。

【答案】1)tend to2)tend to3)tend to




【答案】Nowadays, the young tend to imitate stars.


(2011 无锡高三模拟)Children ________ react against their parents by going against their wishes.

A.appeal to B.tend to

C.attend to D.see to

【答案与解析】B appeal to “有吸引力;呼吁”;tend to “倾向于”;attend to “处理;照顾”;see to “负责;照料”。题意:孩子们通常以违背父母的意愿来反抗他们。


1. Now I am about to graduate from the School of Continuing Education at Tsinghua University with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering by distance learning. 现在我通过远程教学就要从清华大学继续教育学院毕业了,并将获得该院计算机工程学的学士学位。

be about to do... “正要做……;就要做……”,相当于be on the point of doing...。

常用句型:be about to do...when...正要做……这时……




【答案】We were about to go out when it suddenly rained.

1)He ________ ________ ________faint. 他快晕了。

2)She ________ ________ ________ ________ to bed when someone knocked at the door. 她正要上床睡觉,就在那时有人敲门。

【答案】1)is about to2)was about to go

be to do和be about to do


be (am / is / are) to do是将来时的一种表达方式,可以表示:


The new bridge is to open to traffic in three days. 新桥三天后通车。

The factory is to go into production before National Day. 这家工厂将在国庆节前投产。

She is to be seen in the lab on Monday. 星期一你准会在实验室见到她。

②表示一种命令、规劝的语气。(接近于should, must, ought to, have to)

You are not to bring any mobile communication means into the exam-room. 任何移动通讯工具都不得带入考场。

You are to go to bed and keep quiet, kids. 孩子们,你们必须睡觉,不准吵闹。

You are to stay at home until your mother comes back. 在妈回来之前你不要出去。

be about to do“马上做某事”,强调某个动作马上就要发生,侧重时间概念。

I was about to start when it began to rain.我刚要出发就下起雨来了。

注意:be about to 不能与tomorrow, next week 等表示明确将来时的时间状语连用。






【答案】1)He is about to leave for Beijing.

2)Don't go out. We're about to have dinner.


(2011烟台高三第二次月考)In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they ________.

A.have survived B.are to survive

C.would survive D.will survive

【答案与解析】B be to do 表将来发生的动作。

2. I felt as if I had done something wrong. 我感觉到我好像做了什么错事。

as though =as if“似乎;好像”,既可以引导方式状语从句,也可引导表语从句。当从句中所表述的与事实相反时,从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气。as though/if后面除了可以跟句子外,还可跟动词不定式、形容词、介词短语、名词和分词等。需要注意的是,这样使用时主句的主语和从句的主语必须一致。




【答案】If a pencil is partly put into a glass of water it looks as though it were broken.

1)She dolled herself up ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.她打扮得花枝招展,好像是个十八岁的姑娘似的。

2)He quickly ran home, looking ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 他快步跑回家,看上去好像有什么事不对劲。

【答案】1)as though she was / were a girl of eighteen2)as though there was something wrong with him


1)The boy went up to the old man as though ________ ________ ________. 那个孩子向老人走去,好像要向他表示问候。

2)The goat lay still on the ground,________ ________ ________. 那只山羊躺在地上不动,就好像死了一样。

3)The girls looked about as though ________ ________ ________ something. 那女孩环视四周,好像在寻找什么东西。

4)He looked me in the eye, as though ________ ________ ________ me attentively. 他看着我的眼睛,好像在认真听。

【答案】1)to greet him2)as though dead3)in search of4)listening to


(2010山西临汾高考模拟)Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it ________ yesterday.


必修三 1航行到美洲的北欧海盗 北欧海盗是第一批到达美洲的欧美人。早在哥伦布起航之前,他们就已经到达那里了。 北欧海盗的祖先来自于斯堪地那维亚半岛。公元8世纪到10世纪期间,他们控制着北欧海绵和沿海地区。大约到公元900年,北欧很多地方都有海盗居住。公元982年,冰岛生活着多达一万人的北欧海盗,就在此时,一个叫红发埃里克的人决定走向西远航。 根据冰岛和挪威的传说,红发艾里克银犯谋杀案而惹上麻烦,并被迫离开冰岛。埃里克到达达格陵兰岛后,发现他登陆的地方可以居住,返回冰岛,告诉人么哪有管格陵兰岛的事情,病说服一些人与他一起回到格陵兰岛,埃里克再次起航时,有25艘船与他同行,但其中只有14艘最终到达格陵兰岛。 红发埃里克登上格陵兰岛不久,一个叫比阿尼的人也从冰岛起航来寻找埃里克一行人。比阿尼希望找到和埃里克在一起的父亲,但大风使他偏离航线,刮到一个不知名的地方,从哪里他最终抵达格陵兰岛。 1002年红发埃里克的儿子利夫打算继续向西航行,他和比阿尼一同商量他们的在行计划。利夫依照比阿尼的指点。据说航信到了现在的加拿大海岸,他又继续南行至现在叫纽芬兰的岛屿。 我们从挪威和冰岛记载下来并流传几个世纪的传说中得知红发埃里克和利夫的事迹。他们是记载中最早航行到达美洲的欧洲人。 3水下世界-------观赏海洋生物的最佳地点 这里有北极熊,还有一座真正的冰川!你只能看见冰山水上的一小部分,而水下部分是水上部分的三倍。你可以再给海豹喂食时观看海豹,看看那些不爱运动却非常友好的动作敏捷的企鹅。你一定会爱上他们的! 海底 看看世界上最美的珊瑚和最奇异的鱼类,看鱼飞翔着,闯过水面,与其他鱼类相比,他们不算绚丽多姿,但游姿却很美。 海洋剧院 看着聪明的海豚,精彩的表演每两小时一场。 探索他 这里是专为小孩子设计的,在这里,孩子们可以亲手接触摸螃蟹和其他小动物,还可以在这个令人兴奋的环境里学习到关于海滩上日常生活的知识。 虚拟航海 这是我们水管最新,最具有吸引力的活动,来和我们一起进行模拟航行吧!到海底走一走,看一看世界上最奇异的鱼。 最吵的鱼:有些鱼发出的声音几乎是你讲话声音的两倍,你绝对不会找到比他们更吵闹的鱼。 最漂亮的鱼:有的鱼用身体发光一心其他鱼靠近人后吃掉他们,这些的嘴巨大无比,可以吃掉和自己体积一样大的鱼。要当心哦! 最小的鱼:仔细找找这种世界上最小的鱼,他们还不及你家的苍蝇大。 和海豚一起游泳!直接面对海洋中最具有杀伤力的动物——大白鲨 快来参观吧,还有好多动物呢!22日前特价,尽快定票吧!每天早上10点开门。晚上7点关门 4海洋故事 B三年前,我遇到了一间可怕的事。6个小时的恐惧情形让我身心俱毁。你现在回认

北师大版高中英语必修二教案:unit5 辅导

Unit 5 Rhythm 一、学习目标 【单元话题】 1. 熟悉了解主要英语国家的艺术形式。 2. 了解中外著名画家、艺术家、建筑师,以及不同的艺术、建筑风格。 【词汇】 Lesson 1:effect, performance, base, award, anger, audience, disappoint, impress, extraordinary, extremely, creative, powerful, throughout Lesson 2:instrument, male, female, general, combine, in other words Lesson 3:talent, key, beauty, appearance, quiet, worldwide, at times Lesson 4:generation, type, ordinary, unique, noble [来源:ZXXK] 【交际用语】 学习请求允许或拒绝的用语 ※Is it OK/all right if I…? Can/Could I…? Would it be all right if I did…? Please let me… No, I'm afraid you can't.

【语法】 1. will用于表示决定。 2. 学习时间、原因、结果、目的等状语从句。 二、单元知识要点 Lesson 1 1. Read the concert review and match the four paragraphs with the titles. 读这篇音乐会评论,把这四段和对应的标题连接起来。 Match…with…把……和搭配起来,也可用match…to…。 You should match your blouse to/ with your skirt. 你应该把上衣和裙子搭配起来。 match the article with/to the writer match…with…还可表示: ①使……与……对抗/搭配 The teacher matched me with Tom in today's tennis match. 老师要我在今天的网球比赛中跟汤姆比。 ②使……与……结婚 He matched his daughter with his friend’s son. 2. Canadian singer and song writer, Alanis Morissette, is used to being in the public eye. 加拿大歌唱家阿兰妮丝·莫里塞特已经习惯了公众的关注。 be/get used to(doing)sth. 习惯于(做)……,为固定短语。


教学设计Unit1 Lesson1:A Perfect Day The First Period 一、学情分析 学生刚刚从初中毕业进入高中阶段学习,学习英语的兴趣大,课堂较为积极、活跃,课堂气氛较好。经过三年的初中学习,已具备一定的阅读能力。因此,在设计这堂课时,要着重从激发学生的兴趣出发,循序渐进引导学生理解课文,掌握一定的阅读技巧,然后让学生就所学话题进行讨论,让他们从讨论中有所启迪。 二、教材分析 本课是语篇是两则关于不同生活方式的阅读文章。学生将在在本课学习有关不同生活方式的表达方式,理解文章大意,使用略读、细读等阅读策略。学生要将阅读信息内化,转换成自己的语言。并通过对文章中两人的不同生活方式的讨论,学会合理、有效地安排自己的生活和学习。 三、教学目标 (一)知识目标:To learn some words and phrases. (二)能力目标:To discuss favorite TV programs and daily activities. To read two texts for specific information. To write a short article, using what the students learnt in this period. (三)道德目标:To help the students discuss what a healthy and active lifestyle is and form a good habit. 四、教学重点与难点 1. Teach the passages as a whole: make the Ss understand and grasp the general idea of each passage as a whole. 2. Thinking of the healthy lifestyles in our daily life and how to improve our lifestyles. 五、教学方法 1. Communicative Method 2. Skimming and Scanning 3.“Task-based”Teaching Method 六、教学工具 1. Multi-media 2. Blackboard 七、教学过程 Pre-reading Step1. Teacher presents several pictures to make the students get familiar with the key words in exercise1,page 8. Ask the students the question: Do you ever watch too much TV? How much time do you spend watching TV every day?


必修一 Learning to learn Questionnaire 问卷,调查表 Matter 要紧,有重大关系 Partner 合作者,搭档 Unit 1 Warm up Lifestyle 生活方式 *shepherd 牧羊人 Peaceful 平静的,和平的 Relaxing 轻松的,放松的 Stressful 充满压力的,紧张的 Suppose 认为,猜想 Lesson 1 *series 系列节目;系列 TV series 电视连续剧 Cartoon 卡通片,动画片 Talk show 谈话节目,现场访谈 *complain 抱怨;投诉 *couch 长沙发,睡椅 Couch potato 终日懒散在家的人 Switch 转换,转变 Switch on 把开关打开,接通 Switch over 转换频道,转变 Switch off 把关掉,关上 BBC= British Broadcasting Corporation 英语广播公司 Portable 轻便的,手提(式)的 Remote 遥远的 Remote control 遥控 *workaholic 工作狂 Paperwork 日常文书工作 Alarm 警报,警告器 Alarm clock 闹钟 Go off (铃,爆竹等)响 Take up 占据 Be filled with 充满着 Urgent 急迫的,紧急的 Document 公文,文件 Midnight 午夜,半夜 Bored 厌烦的,不感兴趣的 Lesson 2 Stress 压力 Studio 演播室,工作室Expert 专家 Suffer 遭受(痛苦),感到疼痛Suffer from 忍受,遭受Pressure 压力 Social 社交的,社会的 Reduce 减少,降低 Organize 组织 Diet 饮食,节食 Prefer 更喜欢,宁愿 Stand 忍耐,忍受 Lesson 3 Volunteer 志愿者 Graduate 毕业 Minus 零下,负 Basin 脸盆 Challenge 挑战 Support 支持,支撑 Dial 拨(电话号码) Design 设计 Advertisement 广告Presentation 表演,展示 *slove 解决,解答 Lesson 4 Accountant 会计,会计师Tube (英)地铁 Crowded 拥挤的 Nearby 附近的 在附近 Otherwise 否则,另外Forecast 预报,预测 Crowed 人群,一伙人 Lung 肺 Sickness 疾病 Distance 距离 Distance learning 远程学习Cigar 雪茄烟 Communication Workshop At the moment 此刻,目前Over the years 数年间 *survey 调查 Classical 古典的 Mini-skirt迷你裙,超短裙Formal 正式的,合礼仪的Cycle 骑自行车


Unit 1 Communication Workshop参考教案 Teaching objectives: To learn the right form of letter To write a personal letter To read a personal letter and match paragraghs and topics Teaching procedures: ⅠWarm up T: Communication is very important in our life. We need to corporate in our work, exchange our idea or our feeling----every thing in human society. Think about what kinds of communication we need. S: body language, talk by telephone. Send e-mail, write a letter T: Though there are more modern means of communication, still writing letters is thought a good way to connect people. It’s convenient and especially for things people would not to say directly. Do you think so? S: T: You are to learn how to write a letter to somebody. Now, first, read the letter by Wang Ying and then try to write to someone in English. ⅡReading Do the exercise 1. Read Wang Ying’s letter. Match each paragraph with one of the following a reason to end the letter ●questions about the other person


必修一Learning to learn Questionnaire问卷,调查表 Matter要紧,有重大关系 Partner合作者,搭档 Unit 1 Warm up Lifestyle生活方式 *shepherdxx Peaceful平静的,和平的 Relaxing轻松的,放松的 Stressful充满压力的,紧张的Suppose认为,猜想 Lesson 1 *series系列节目;系列 TV series电视连续剧 Cartoon卡通片,动画片 Talk show谈话节目,现场访谈 *complain抱怨;投诉 *couchxx发,睡椅 Couch potato终日懒散在家的人

Switch转换,转变 Switch on把开关打开,接通Switch over转换频道,转变Switch off把关掉,关上 BBC=BritishBroadcastingCorporation 英语广播公司 Portable轻便的,手提(式)的Remote遥远的 Remote control遥控 *workaholic工作狂 Paperwork日常文书工作 Alarm警报,警告器 Alarm clock闹钟 Go off(xx,爆竹等)响 Take up占据 Be filled with充满着 Urgent急迫的,紧急的Document公文,文件 Midnight午夜,半夜 Bored厌烦的,不感兴趣的Lesson 2

Stress压力 Studio演播室,工作室Expert专家Suffer遭受(痛苦),感到疼痛Suffer from忍受,遭受 Pressure压力 Social社交的,社会的 Reduce减少,降低 Organize组织 Diet饮食,节食 Prefer更喜欢,宁愿 Stand忍耐,忍受 Lesson 3 Volunteer志愿者 Graduate毕业 Minus零下,负 Basin脸盆 Challenge挑战 Support支持,支撑 Dial拨(电话号码) Design设计 Advertisement广告


Unit 1 Lifestyles Warm-up Tapescript 1 Football player: Being famous isn’t easy, you know. I travel a lot – I have matches in different countries. But my job is exciting, very exciting! I love the matches, the people cheering, know what I mean? 2 Student: My dad says these are the best days of my life –but I’m not so sure! You know, I’ve got lots of work to do and there’s not much time really. I also play football for the school team and we have to do training three nights a week. 3 Shepherd: I love the animals and I love nature. It’s peaceful, and there’s no one to tell me what to do. But it’s not so good when the weather’s bad! 4 Business manager: I’m very busy, and I don’t have time to see my husband and children. Mmmm and my life is very stressful, I suppose. I mean, I have to deal with lots of money. But I find it really exciting. 1 A Perfect Day? A Couch Potato Forty-three-year-old Brian Blakey from Birmingham is sitting on his sofa and telling me about his perfect day.


北师大版高中英语单词表 北师大版高中英语模块一单词表(English)Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3 Unit1 Learning to learn questionnaire 问卷,调查表;matter要紧,有重大关系;partner搭挡,合作者; Warm-up lifestyle生活方式;shepherd牧羊人; peaceful和平的;平静的;relaxing轻松的,放松的;stressful轻松的,放松的;suppose认为,猜想 ----------------------- Lesson 1 series连续;系列,丛书TV series电视连续剧cartoon卡通片,动画片talk show谈话节目,现场访谈complain抱怨,投诉couch睡椅,长沙发 couch potato终日懒散在家的人switch转换,转变 switch on把开关打开,接通switch off把关掉,关上switch over转换频道,转变play戏剧,短剧 BBC英国广播公司portable轻便的,手提(式)的remote遥远的remote control workaholic工作第一的人,专心工作的人 paperwork日常文书工作alarm警报,警告器 alarm clock闹钟(爆竹,铃等)响 go off

take up占据be filled with充满着urgent急迫的,紧急的personal私人的,个人的document公文,文件midnight午夜,半夜 bored厌烦的,不感兴趣的 ----------------------- Lesson 2 stress压力studio工作室,演播室expert专家suffer感到疼痛,遭受(痛苦) suffer from 忍受, 遭受pressure压力 social爱交际的;社交的reduce减少降低organize组织diet饮食,节食 stand忍耐,忍受prefer更喜欢,宁愿 ----------------------- Lesson 3 volunteer志愿者graduate毕业 minus负,零下basin水盆,脸盆challenge挑战support&支持;支撑 dial拨(电话号码) design&设计advertisement广告presentation表演,展示solve解答,解决 ----------------------- Lesson 4 accountant会计,会计师tube(英)地铁crowded拥挤的nearby附近的;在附近


北师大版高中英语知识概要与语法总结 必修一 1.共有三个单元 2.各单元知识点 第一单元:一般现在时,现在进行时,be going to 第二单元:一般过去时,过去进行时,现在完成时 第三单元:被动语态,情态动词 3.全书单词数量为:204个 词组数量为:44 北师大版高一英语必修一第1单元 一.重点句法词法。 Lesson 1 1.疑问句+do you think+述句结构。该句式常用来询问对方对某事的意见或想法。Do you think 在句中作插入语。除了think以外,动词believe, imagine, suppose, guess, suggest等也常用于该句式。 Who do you think will give us a talk next week? 你觉得下星期谁给我们做报告? What do yor think he will do tomorrow? 你认为他明天会做什么? 2.I think…but…常用来表达先是肯定然后转折。

I thought he should come by air, but he preferred to drive is new car. 我以为他会坐飞机来,但他更愿意驾驶他的新车。 3.relaxing. Relaxing 是由及物动词relax+ing构成的形容词,意思是“轻松的,令人放松的”。Boring和relaxing的构词法相同,意思是“令人厌烦的,单调乏味的”。 Relaxed“放松的”和bored“无聊的”常用来修饰人;而relaxing和boring均表示“令人……”,常修饰物。 Mary felt relaxed to make a relaxing conversation with a good friend, while Peter got bored with a lot of boring homework to do.和一个好朋友的轻松交谈让玛丽感到很放松,而要做很多无聊的作业使彼得感到很厌烦。 The teacher said something relaxing to get him relaxed, so Peter decided to do something satisfying to make the tacher satisfied.老师对他说了一些让人放松的事情使他放松,于是彼得决定做点儿令人满意的事情让老师满意。 4.suppose(认为,猜想)的用法。 (1)suppose+that从句,表示“猜测,假定”。 I suppose that you are right.. 我想你是对的。 (2)supose+名词/代词+to be…表示“认为……是……” Many people suppose him to be over 50.许多人认为他已经50多岁了。(3)suppose/supposing作“假定,设想”讲,相当于连词if. Suppose you are wrong,what will you do then? 假如你错了,你将会怎样做


高中英语模块 6 教学设计 吴向花 庐江县第三中学

第十六单元教学设计 Unit 16 Stories Warm-up & Lesson 1 Learning aims 1. Learn more about the story. 2. Improve the reading skills. Leading-in 1. Do you like reading stories? 2. Can you name some kinds of stories? Discussion . 1. Do you like reading stories? 2. How many kinds of stories can you name? Stories: fairy tales ; historical stories; love stories ; fatasies; detective stories; science fiction ; biographies ; adventure stories ; myth Pre-reading: Use the following words to guess: What happened to the city–Pompeii? volcanic eruption disaster disappear buried preserved destroy discover scientist Fast Reading 1. Find out the information about Pompeii. Where did the eruption happen? When did the eruption happen? Who wrote about the eruption? When did the archaeologists begin to discover the buried city? How long is it from the eruption to now? 2. Match the information together with the paragraphs. Para.1 A. What the eruption brought to. Para.2 B. People imagine what the people were doing when they faced the disaster. Para.3 C. What Pompeii looked like before the volcanic eruption. Para.4 D. The City of Pompeii had been living on nearly 2,000 years. Para.5 E. Scientists discovered the city of Pompeii. Para.6 F. The background knowledge of the volcanic eruption. Careful Reading Fill in the blanks according to the story. ?Before the volcanic eruption


Lesson 1 安格斯*伊德莱采访前百万富翁查尔斯雷时。查尔斯说:‘谁想当百万符文呢?我不想很多人一心想成为百万富翁。他们花一半的时间追求致富的方法。另一半的时间则在琢磨一旦富裕起来要做些什么。但是,是否所有的百万富翁真正得到了他们要实现的目标前所想的幸福呢、其实,有些人成为百万富翁后还有其他的烦恼———他们拼命的到的财富,怎样拼命以确保不在失去这些财富。 但是也有人把自己的百万资产置于一边,选择不同的人生的路,查二斯就是这样的一个人。 16年前,查尔斯是大学教授,住着一有六个卧室的房子,有着百万的资产,而现在住的则是小宿舍的房间,家具都是二手的,没有任何的迹象表明查尔斯是个富人没房间外有个小花园,花园里种着几个果树,查尔斯自己种植蔬菜和花,衣服和家具的用品都是从慈善点买的。 但是查尔斯喜欢折中改变。查尔斯对这样的富人的生活方式感到高兴。他不在想做在许多人一无所有的情况下自己拥有一切的那种人,他选择了了把自己的钱财送给别人,他说这样会给他带来快乐。 查尔斯说:几年前,我曾经是个百万富翁,但是我意识到世界上还有许多的忍受疾饿的穷人。因此他把所有的钱财捐给了慈善机构,当只剩下两千美元的时候,他将小额的纸币散发给当地的贫困街区的穷人,难道他真的举得自己像圣诞老人吗?查尔斯说这么做具有乐趣。 查尔斯相信很多人盼望着挣一大笔钱解除烦恼,然而,大多数的人根本没有挣多那么多的钱,查尔斯*格雷决定退出富人网,他发现拥有少量的钱会给人自由,难道真的没有什么让他依旧怀念的吗?查尔斯答道:没有,我现在更快乐了。什么也不可能在回到富人的行列——决不可能。 Lesson 3 五元钱能做什么?或许你觉得做不了什么,你如果对买包糖果或甜点不感兴趣的话,买课树怎样?确切的说,一棵树在黄河岸迹的树。 每年,大约有16亿吨泥土流入黄河——这条中国国第二大河流,这些泥土中含有保持该大自然平衡的物质,经年累月,大量的泥土被冲走,导致黄河两岸严重的水土流失,在山西省有些地区,折中水土流失几乎会掉了所有的土地,还迫使当地的农民迁移到其他地区去控制黄河水土流失是一项巨大的工程,很多人认为这项工作最好靠政府或是国际组织承担,你或许会赞同这样的观点,若真这样想的话,现在到了你重新考虑的时候了。 事实上,你才是阻止黄河水土流失最重要的人物,你知道你的五元钱的重要性吗?首先,你可以用五元钱买一棵树,而这棵树可以使泥土不流失,在肥沃的土地上,当地农民可以种庄稼陌生,农民会用他们种的庄稼赚到钱购买所需物品或服务,这有助于发展地区经济。 还是你不理解你得五元钱有如此大的作用吧?那么,看看下面的事实吧:自1997年期,一项植树计划已使内蒙古就成沙流变成了绿色家园,世界各地的人前来这里观赏这一伟大的成就,另外,这项规划的成功大大的改变了当地人民的生活,试想一下,这一切就是始于五元钱。 所以,下次当你的口袋里有五元钱时,仔细想想该怎么花,情记住,你可以用它买树,为了我们的祖国人民一及你自己创造绿色的未来。 所以,下次当你口袋里再有五元钱时,仔细想想该怎么花。请记住,你可以用它买树,为了我们的祖国,为人民以及你自己创造绿色的未来 Lesson 4 无线耳机


Lesson One https://www.doczj.com/doc/237725880.html,e true 成为现实;实现 例:It’s like a dream come true. (习语) 2.predict v. 语言prediction n. predict 与forecast 的区别: predict 是用经验,感觉来判断;而forecast指对未来事件的预测,这种预测建立在某种知识或判断上,如对天气的预测是建立在科学判断上的。 3.describe vt. 描写,形容;把……称为 例:He described himself as a doctor. description n. 描述 4.harm vt. & n. 损害,伤害 Too much direct sunlight will harm the plant. do harm to 伤害,损害 This won’t do his career serious harm. do more harm than good 弊大于利 Criticizing people’s work often does more harm than good. 5.cause n. & vt. (1) n. 原因,起因;理由,缘故 Carelessness is often the cause of fires. (2)vt. 使发生,引起,造成;后接名词,间接宾语+直接宾语,直接宾语+ to/for+间接宾语或宾语+to do sth. What caused his illness? 6.affect vt. 影响 affect vt. 影响 Smoking affects health. effect n. 效应;影响 Loud noises have a bad effect on hearing. effort n. 努力;尽力. I’ll spare no effort to help you.


高中英语学习材料 ***鼎尚图文理制作*** Unit 9 Lesson 1 On Your Bike教学设计 教材分析 本课是第9单元的第1课,主课文介绍了阿姆斯特丹白色自行车的发展过程。 本课的教学设计分为两个课时。第一课时侧重对课文的理解,引导学生理出事件的发展脉络,提取文章的主要信息和细节信息,并在整理信息的过程中,引导学生发现分析问题和解决问题的思维过程,最后结合课文的信息和语言进行输出性活动。第二课时在对课文进行复习的基础上,引入本课的重点内容——现在完成进行时,通过分析例句,体验、发现并总结该语法的形式和语意功能,并在不同层面的活动中,进一步体会该语法的语意功能,最后初步运用现在完成进行时进行表达。第二课时的难点在于理解现在完成进行时的语意功能,而不是语言形式。在目前阶段,学生能够运用这一语法解释重复或持续性动作对目前造成的影响即可。 教学内容 话题:阿姆斯特丹白色自行车的发展过程(阅读) 词汇:重点词汇:benefit, flat, convenient, convenience, therefore, path, park, transport, neighborhood, chip, insert, thanks to, fed up 相关词汇:hopeful, thief, indeed, consequence, arrest 策略:通过标题预测课文内容;通过略读获取主要信息;通过细读提取细节信息;通过上下文理解词汇语法:现在完成进行时 第一课时 First Period 教学目标: 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1.理清课文的发展脉络; 2.获取白色自行车发展过程的细节信息; 3.谈论阿姆斯特丹的白色自行车; 4.体会使用自行车对环境和交通的意义,并试着设计北京的公共自行车。 教学过程 教学活动Activities 设计意图 Intentions 互动模式 &时间 IP & time Warm-up


1.adventure vt. 大胆进行;拿……冒风险n. 冒险行动,冒险 adventure 所指的冒险一般只是刺激性强,并无多大危险,用作复数时,意为“冒险故事”。 venture 多指冒生命危险或重大的经济风险。 (1)An Antarctic expedition was once an adventure. 2.desert n. 沙漠v. 离弃;抛弃;背弃;遗弃不顾adj. 荒凉的;无人居住的 (1)Many people deserted their houses for another place during the food shortage. (2)Travelling alone in the desert is very dangerous. (3)The old man has lived on the desert island for 30 years. 3.dream vi. 做梦,梦见,常与of 或about 连用 vt. 做梦,梦见,常跟同源宾语 n. 梦;梦想 have dreams of doing sth. 4.take off 起飞;脱掉;突然上升;大受欢迎 (1)Sales of home cars have taken off in recent years. 5.major adj. 较大的;主要的;严重的vi. 主修,专修(大学的某一科目) n.少校;成年人;大学主修科目;主修专业 major in (美国口语)攻读,专修,主修 majority n. (pl. majorities)大部分,多数; minority n. 少数 in the/ a majority 占大多数 a/the majority of 大多数的,大半的 6.experience n.(U)经验;(C)经历,阅历 vt. 经历,体验 experienced adj. 有经验的;熟练的 7.extra adv. 特别地;非常adj.特别的;额外的 extraordinary adj. 非常的;离奇的;使人惊奇的 8.option n. (U)选择;选择权(C)(供)选择的事物 at one’s option 随意

北师大版高中英语选修七Unit 20《Lesson 1 Futurology》教案 2

Unit 20 Futurology 一、教学课型:阅读课 这是本单元第一篇阅读文章,它给学生提供了一个近距离感受科学技术迅猛发展的机会,让学生了解到什么是未来学和未来学家,从而鼓励学生积极、勇敢地面对人类社会所面临的经济、政治、文化等多方面的挑战。 二、教材分析 1、教学内容 (1) Before reading 21st century Mobile Phones ou r wallets. For example,instead of handing over cash to pay for groceries,our mobile phones would be scanned and the cost added to our next phone bill. The idea that in the future we won’t need to carry money seems crazy,but 80 years ago,the idea that yo u could walk out of your house with your phone in your hand probably seemed crazier!Mobile phones have become a major part of our lives and one wonders what the next tec hnological advance will be. (2) Reading Hannah Jones looks into the future of futurology. I love talking about the future --- and I am not the only one. Over the centuries,people have always wondered about the future. Some like to read fantasy stories and imagine w hat the world will be like in 10,50 or even 1’000 years’ time. Others foresee future op portunities and problems. They plan the future of the world for a living. These people are called futurologists. This weekend,hundreds of futurologists are meeting at Newcastle University. The semina r starts on Friday and the experts will be discussing the influence of technology on the f uture. The future is now big business. I clicked into the websites of some futurologists an d here’s what they’re predicting: ·The technology already exists,so very soon all of us are going to use our voices to gi ve instructions to computers. ·In the next few years,we will be communicating with our friends around the world using life-sized video screens in our living rooms.


北师大版高中英语模块一单词表Unit 1 Learning to learn Questionnaire n. 问卷;调查表 matter n. 物质;原因;事件vi. 有关系;要紧partner n. 伙伴;合伙人;配偶 Warm-up lifestyle n. 生活方式 shepherd n. 牧羊人;牧师;指导者 peaceful adj. 和平的,爱好和平的;平静的relaxing adj. 令人轻松的推想 stressful adj. 紧张的;有压力的 suppose conj. 假使…结果会怎样vt. 假设;认为;Lesson 1 series n. 系列,连续;[电] 串联;丛书 TV series n. 电视连续剧 cartoon n. 卡通片,[电影] 动画片;连环漫画 talk show脱口秀;访谈节目 complain vi. Vt投诉;发牢骚;诉说 couch vi躺着n. 睡椅,长沙发 couch potato成天躺著或坐在沙发上看电视的人switch n. 开关;转换;鞭子vi. 转换;抽打 switch on接通,开启 switch off关掉;切断(电源) switch over切换转换交换 play n. 游戏;比赛;剧本 vt. 游戏;扮演;演奏;播放;同…比赛BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation) 英国广播公司portable adj. 手提的,便携式的;轻便的 remote adj. 遥远的;偏僻的;疏远的n. 远程remote control远程控制遥控器 workaholic工作狂专心工作的人拼命三郎paperwork n. 文书工作 alarm n. 警报,警告器;惊慌 alarm clock闹钟 go off离开;进行;变质;睡去爆炸动身 take up拿起;开始从事;占据(时间,地方) be filled with充满装满vt. 被……充满 urgent adj. 紧急的;急迫的 personal adj. 个人的;身体的;亲自的document文档文件公文midnight n. 午夜,adj. 半夜的;漆黑的 bored adj. 无聊的;无趣的;烦人的 Lesson 2 stress n. 压力;强调;紧张;重要性;重读 vt. 强调;使紧张;加压力于 studio n. 工作室制片厂画室 expert n. 专家;行家;能手adj. 熟练的; suffer vi. vt. 遭受;忍受 suffer from 忍受,遭受;患…病;受…之苦 pressure n. 压力;压迫,[物] 压强 social adj. 社会的,社交的;群居的 reduce vi. vt. 减少;降低;缩小; organize vi. 组织起来;成立组织 vt. 组织;使有系统化; diet饮食节食日常饮食 stand n. 站立;立场;看台;停止vi. 站立;位于;停滞vt. 使站立;忍受;抵抗 prefer vt. 更喜欢;宁愿;提出;提升 Lesson 3 volunteer n. 志愿者;志愿兵adj. 志愿的vt. vi. 自愿graduate毕业生毕业研究生vi. 毕业;渐变 minus prep. 减,减去 n. 负号,减号;不足;负数 basin 盆地流域洗脸盆 challenge n. 挑战;怀疑vt. 向…挑战 support n. 支持;支援,供养;支持者,支撑物 vt. 支持,支撑;扶持,;赡养,供养 dial刻度盘拨号拨 design n. 设计;图案vt. 设计;计划;构思advertisement n. 广告,宣传 presentation n. 描述,陈述;介绍;赠送 solve解决解答求解 Lesson 4 accountant n. 会计师;会计人员 tube n. 管;电子管;隧道;电视机 crowded adj. 拥挤的;塞满的 nearby prep. 在…附近adj. 附近的,邻近的adv. 在附近otherwise adv. 否则;另外;在其他方面 forecast n. 预测,预报vt. vi预报,预测;预示.

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