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On the Women’s Persistent Pursuit of Freedom in the Golden Notebook
【摘要】 十九世纪以来,由于科学技术的快速发展,人们改造自然的能力增强了,人们的主体性和精神因素的功能突显出来,因而出现了各种各样的理论、学说、观点、思潮和流派,存在主义是一种非理性主义的思想趋势,他强调个人、独立、自我决定、客观经验等,它的形成和发展不是孤立的,它主要批评第二次世界大战后由资本主义发展带来的人们生存方式的异化,带有鲜明的时代烙印。它展示了第二次世界大战后及冷战期间人们的绝望情绪和矛盾心理。它是一种危机哲学,为人们提供哲学基础。萨特是20世纪50年代西方社会中存在主义最积极的倡导者之一。萨特强调人,强调人的主体性,强调主体主动的选择,具有积极的意义,存在主义的基本观点是将孤立的个人的非理性意识活动视为最真实的存在,并作为整个哲学的起点。它声称是一种以人为中心、尊重人的个性和自由的哲学。萨特不仅是一个多产的作家,他提倡介入现实;又是一个积极的带有鲜明观点的社会活动家,他的存在主义思想的传播不是主要依据哲学理论的论证,而是通过文学和艺术。他的一生视正义和自由为标准,他的哲学本质被视为面对苦难的哲学。萨特的存在主义哲学主要可以归纳为下面三点:一、存在先于本质;二、自由选择;三、世界是荒诞的。它事实上是自由哲学。自由是萨特整个生命哲学的中心,也是他的存在主义哲学的基本内容和重要组成部分。萨特一生极为关注人的自由,他的自由观念主要是:一、人是自由的,人就是自由。二、自由是选择的自由,绝对自由是通过选择实现的。三、人应对他的自由选择负责任。萨特密切关注人的存在,相应地在他的个人实践中,他积极勇敢地介入社会。人的生存问题呈现在当代人面前,人们的精神生活状况表明富裕的现代生活并没有给人们带来健康、满意的精神状况,反而使人们深受奴役。不仅人的精神生活陷入前所未有的焦虑状态,而且使人们陷入生存困境。弗洛姆密切关注当代人的生存状态、命运及灵魂。他具体解释了人的生存条件,全面分析了当代人的生存状况,揭示了当代人的生存困境。他认为人类的历史就是追求自由的历史,人类走出生存困境的出路在于向自由的方向发展,发展人的创造性活动。另一位著名的存在主义哲学家雅思贝尔斯也关注当代社会人的生存问题。他分析了当代人的精神状况,提出了当代人的精神危机。《金色笔记》中自由女性陷入了困境,尽管她们自称为自由女性,但她们只是表面上的、有限度的自由,是不自由的自由,这是对

自由的反讽,反思自由,她们达到了性别和解的生命状态。本文最后一部分论述了萨特的存在主义介入思想、文学观、爱情观及其在自由女性身上的体现。 更多还原

【Abstract】 Since the 19th century, because of the rapid development of science and technology and strengthening of people’ ability to reform the nature, people’s chief part initiative and the functions of spiritual factors protrude, and so appear various kinds of theories, doctrines, views, trend of thoughts and schools. Existentialism is a trend of thought of irrationalism, it emphasizes individuals, independence and self-decision, subject experiences. The formation and development of existentialism are never an isolated issue. It mainly criticizes socially the alienation of people’s way of survival caused by the capitalism development after the second world war, it has vivid time brand. It shows despair mood and contradiction psychology after the second world war and during the cold war period. It is a crisis philosophy, it supplies people with philosophical base. Sartre is one of the most active preachers of the western society. He emphasizes human being, emphasizes the individual’s chief part, emphasizes the chief part’s initiative choice, it has positive significance. The fundamental viewpoint of existentialism is to regard isolated individual’s unrational conscious activities as the truest existence, and as the whole philosophical starting point. It claims to be a philosophy that regards human being as center and respect human being’s personality and freedom. Sartre is not only a highly productive man of letters who advocates intervening reality, but also a positive social activist with vivid viewpoints. The transmission of his existentialism thoughts and mainly depends on the argument in philosophical theories, but through literature and art. In his whole life, he regards freedom and justice as standards. His existentialism should be believed as an introspection philosophy facing miseries. His philosophy can be mainly summarized as the following three points:(1) Existence precedes essence; (2) Free choice; (3) The world is fantastic. Sartre’s philosophy is in fact the freedom philosophy. Freedom is the center of Sartre’s whole life philosophy, and is the basic content and important component of his existentialism philosophy. A human being’s freedom issue is extremely concerned in Sartre’s whole life, his freedom notions are mainly the following:First, a human being is free, a human being is freedom. Second, freedom is the freedom of choice, absolute freedom is realized by choice. Third, a human being should be responsible for his free choice. Sartre closely concerns human beings’existence and freedom, and in his corresponding individual practice, he positively and boldly intervenes in the society.The existence problems of human being have shown to the contemporary people. Their spiritual living situ

ations show that affluent modern life hasn’t brought people healthy and contended spiritual condition but enslaved them. Not only have individual spirit lives fallen into an unprecedented anxious and immanent state, but also the contemporary people faced the plights of living. Eric Fromm has been keenly concerning about the conditions of living, fate, and soul of the temporary people. He concretely explained the living conditions of humankind, made an overall analysis on the existing conditions of the contemporary people, revealed the living dilemma of the contemporary people. He argues that mankind’s history is just the history of pursuing freedom, the real outlet for the living plight of men should be developed toward the direction of freedom, and develop the creative activities of men. Another well-known existential philosopher Karl Jaspers cares for human existence in the modern society. He analyzed the spirit conditions of the modern people and put forward the spirit crises of the modern people.The free women in The Golden Notebook fall into plight. Though they praise themselves as free women, they are only apparent free women, limited free women, they are free women without freedom. It’s just an irony on freedom. Reflecting on free women, they come to the answer of life state of gender reconciliation. The last section discusses Sartre’s existentialism intervening thought, viewpoint of literature, viewpoint of love and their embodiment in free women. 更多还原

【关键词】 《金色笔记》; 自由女性; 萨特; 存在主义; 自由;
【Key words】 The Golden Notebook; free woman; Sartre; existentialism; freedom;

On the Significance of Symbolism in the Golden Notebook
【摘要】 《金色笔记》是英国女作家多丽丝·莱辛的代表作。它讲述了女性在寻求自由的过程中所面临的困惑。象征意象在小说中无处不在,莱辛正是通过象征间接揭示了主题,使读者深刻地理解小说的意义所在。首先具有强烈象征意义的是五色笔记,即小说的主要成分。五色笔记最初仅从笔记的内容方面简单地诠释为安娜不同生活的浅层象征。然而根据色彩象征理论,把颜色所产生的心理效应与小说的内容结合,五色笔记还有着更深层的象征意义,通过发掘其深层象征再将其与浅层象征意义结合,读者能更好地理解五色笔记,从而加深对小说主题的理解。其次小说的结构也具有深刻的象征意义。凌乱复杂的结构蕴含着内容的完整和统一。这种结构的混乱象征着当时外部环境的混乱,以及由此引发的人物内心的混乱,结构从混乱走向统一的过程也象征女主人公安娜的思想状态从分裂到整合的变化过程。正是结构的这些象征意义展现了小说的主题:在分裂混乱中寻找统一和完整。论文还发掘了多处象征意义,如

一些场景和安娜的梦等。本文通过分析这些象征意义,使作者的写作手法和小说的主题得到充分的展示。 更多还原

【Abstract】 The Golden Notebook is Doris Lessing’s masterpiece. It is about the confusion faced by women in pursuit of freedom. This novel is filled with symbols. By using this writing skill Lessing presents the themes of the novel indirectly and gives the readers a better and deeper understanding of the themes and the meanings of the novel.Firstly, Anna’s five colorful notebooks are the main components of the work, which are strongly symbolic. At the very beginning, these five notebooks are interpreted superficially and simply on the basis of content as the symbols of Anna’s different aspects of her life. However, according to the theory of color symbol and by combining the psychological effect of the colors and the contents of the notebooks, the five colors also convey further symbolic meanings. By analyzing the superficial and the further symbolic meanings of the colorful notebooks, the readers can obtain a better understanding of the meanings of the notebooks, as well as the themes of the novel.Secondly, the structure of this novel also has strong symbolic meanings. The chaotic and complex structure contains integrity and unity of content. This chaotic structure not only symbolizes the chaotic outside world, and the resulting chaos of people’s spirit triggered by it, but also symbolizes the process of Anna’s mental changes, which is from confusion to unity. It is the very symbolic meanings of the structure reveal the theme of the novel: seeking for integration and unity in confusion and breakdown.There are also other symbols which deserve our study in this novel, for example settings and Anna’s dreams, and through which Lessing conveys the truth of life to us. By analyzing the significance of these symbols, the themes of the novel and the author’s writing ideas have been sufficiently presented. 更多还原

【关键词】 颜色; 结构; 象征; 主题;
【Key words】 colors; structure; symbolism; themes;

【摘要】 自多丽丝·莱辛2007年获得诺贝尔文学奖以来,国内对莱辛作品的译介和研究工作逐步系列化、规模化。莱辛早期作品多以冷静客观的口吻,现实主义创作手法,展演非洲生活的客观现实。中期作品以《金色笔记》为转折点,逐渐转向现实主义与现代主义相结合的创作方式,多层次、多角度反映作家对时代、对人类命运的思考和观照。《金色笔记》是莱辛最具影响力的作品,在世界文坛享有很高声誉。关于作品的主题,作家在1971年的再版前言中坦承为崩溃和整合。作品集中体现了作家对人类现实生活、道德与理想、正义与战争、自由、两性关系、文学创作等的观照、思考和追求。作品创作的广度和深度,一

直是国内外理论界研究的热点和焦点。然而以往对作品的研究工作多从女性主义、主题学、叙事学角度入手,而对作品的空间叙事艺术特色,鲜有人关注。莱辛在作品中通过形式结构的空间化,物理空间的叙事功能,心理空间的叙事功能,建构起多重纵横交错的空间,隐喻现实世界的四分五裂、破碎凌乱。空间叙事技巧的运用正是莱辛《金色笔记》的一大叙事特色。作品通过对空间叙事理论的运用与探索,以实验的形式和新颖的手法,从形式到内容都完美反映和深化了混乱、分裂到整合的主题。因此,本文试从空间叙事理论角度,结合心理学相关理论,具体分析《金色笔记》的空间叙事艺术特色。本文将从四个方面展开论述:第一章,由于本文使用的空间叙事理论是叙事学领域空间转向中形成的新兴理论,理论界对空间叙事理论还比较陌生,对空间叙事理论的运用尚比较混乱,因此,本章主要介绍国内外叙事学领域空间转向的哲学社会学背景,以及在此基础上形成的空间叙事理论的范畴、研究对象和内容。第二章,结合空间叙事理论,说明莱辛不仅把空间看成故事发生的场所和叙事不可缺少的场景,更是有意识在利用空间叙事,推动整个叙事的进程,深化作品主题。本章主要从两部分讨论空间的叙事功能。第一部分,主要从“自由女性”中的空间场所变易,说明空间对叙事进程的影响和推进,对主题的映射和补充说明;第二部分,主要分析“五本笔记”中非洲空间场所在作家记忆中的重要地位,非洲作为回忆,作为逝去时间的空间标志物存在,在作品中不仅具有叙事功能,更是造成作品主人公精神分裂的最初根源。第三章,主要说明作为作品内叙事层的五本笔记,承担着建构安娜心理空间的作用。莱辛在内叙事层中,通过安娜在各色笔记中对自身梦和意识流的叙事,展现安娜对民主自由的理想、对爱情、人类恶的焦虑,并因此陷入虚无混乱迷茫的状态。莱辛对安娜混乱分裂心理空间的建构,映射的是荒诞、混乱、贪婪的人类现实世界。第四章,结合国外学者约瑟夫·弗兰克关于空间形式的理论,说明作品的叙事结构呈现出空间化特点,即《金色笔记》是一部空间形式作品。并在国内外学者对小说空间形式类型总结的基础上,具体分析《金色笔记》的空间形式类型,以及莱辛通过作品结构的空间化,从形式上应和混乱、分裂到整合的主题内容。通过以上各章的分析研究,笔者认为莱辛在作品中建构起多重空间的叙事效果,空间叙事特色是《金色笔记》的一大叙事特色,是作家在传统叙事的基础上,融合现代、后现代叙事技巧,从形式到内容都积极应和混乱、分裂到整合的主题的实验作和成功作。 更多还

【Abstract】 Since Doris Lessing has won the Nobel Prize for literature in 2007, the domestic translation and research about works of Lessing gradually series, and scale. Lessing’s early works is more realism and his middle works turns to give priority to the combining of modern socialist realism and modernism, beginning with the work of golden notebook works in the middle of for beginning, thinking and reflecting on the ages and human destiny through multi-levels and multi-perspectives.The golden notebook "is the most influential literary work of Lessing, which has a high reputation in the world, the writer says in its preface 1971 when it was reprint that the work was a collapse and integration.it represent the writer’s thinking and reflecting about the living moral and the ideal justice of real life as well as the relation between the war freedom and the gender.. The breadth and depth of the literary, always remains the focus of the domestic and foreign research of theories.But previous research work always starts with the perspective of feminism, subject to learn, and narrative. Few pay attention to work space narrative art features. Lessing works, through the form of the space structure, physical space narrative function, psychological space narrative function, construct multiple space of crisscross to compare with the broken real world. The use of the skill of space narrative is the golden notebook’s narrative characteristic. Therefore, this paper tries to use the space narrative theory, combining with the related theory of psychology, specifically analyzing its features of space narrative, thus explain that the work perfectly reflect and deepen the theme of chaos, split and integration, through the use of space narrative theories by experiment and research of the space narrative theory.This paper from the four aspects:The first chapter of this article use the space narrative theory which is the emerging theory formed in narrative field Spaces while its turning, narrative theory circles on space is still relatively unfamiliar, the use of space narrative theory is chaos, therefore, this chapter introduces the background of the philosophy and sociology of spatial turn to narrative field, and the contents and aims of the theory of space narrative category.The second chapter, combining foreign scholars Joseph·frank’ theory of space forms, to explain that the work’s narrative structure presents the characteristics of space. namely "space golden notes". And in domestic and foreign scholars of novel space forms the basis of type, specific analysis and the golden notebook "forms of space types, and Lessing through constructing the space structure of the construction work, from the form should be chaos, split to integration theme content.The third chapter basically notes as works of the narrative layer within five notes, bearing the role of psychological space constructed Anna. Lessing narrative layer, through, in all kinds of

notes to Ana’s narrative and stream their dream of freedom and democracy, show Anna of love, the ideal, human evil anxiety, and therefore into nothing chaos confused state. Lessing split psychological space for Anna chaos the construction of the absurd, mapping, confusion, greedy human reality world.The fourth chapter that space narrative theory, with not only the space as Lessing story took place and narrative indispensable scene in use of space, more conscious, promote the narrative process, deepening the themes. This chapter basically from two parts discusses the narrative function space. The first part, mainly from the "free women", explains the space places of narrative inner-cinnabar influence of space, and to promote the progress of the mapping and added that theme; The second part, the main analysis "five notes" Africa in the space and place the important position in the writer memory, Africa as memories, as passing time space markers exist, in works not only has the narrative function, but also caused the initial hero schizophrenia works roots.Through the above analysis, this paper studies the chapters in the author conclude Lessing works construct multiple space narrative effect, space narrative feature is the golden notebook, "a narrative characteristic, is a writer based on the traditional narrative, combines the modern, postmodern skills, from the form to the contents are actively should be divided into confusion, the integration of the experimental result and successful theme. 更多还原

【关键词】 空间叙事; 空间形式; 心理空间; 物理空间;
【Key words】 space narrative; spatial form; psychological space; physical space;

Narrative Time in the Golden Notebook
【摘要】 多丽丝·莱辛系英国当代文坛成就斐然的女作家,为读者提供了众多具有世界影响力的作品。其作品以主题的多元、独立的女性视角以及大胆的写作试验而著称。发表于1962年的《金色笔记》是其公认的代表作,以其多层面的叙事形式成为叙事学中话语分析的一个绝佳案例。本文主要以热耐特的叙事话语中的叙事时间理论为依据对《金色笔记》做出叙事解读,挖掘其作品主旨和时间艺术之间的相互联系。热耐特在其《叙事话语》中着重讨论故事表现语式并将话语中的时间问题分为了时序、时限和频率。莱辛在《金色笔记》中展现的复杂叙事时间观与热耐特的时间理论不谋而合。这种叙事时间观念主要由时间倒置、无时序、叙事节奏和重复叙事来展现。就叙事时序而言,莱辛完全抛弃了时序的线性时间,让时间倒置贯穿全文成为主人公对混乱现实的意识投影;就时限而言,五种叙述速度悖离故事叙述时间流向,突出叙事时间碎片化,更好展现主人公安娜对混乱分裂的焦虑;就叙事频率而言,重复叙事则映射

了主人公的僵局意识,体现多次叙述造成的事件多样性和风格的丰富性。小说忠实再现了现代人挣扎于现代困境的种种画面,反传统的叙事时间策略和叙事形式的成功使作品本身成为“无声的声明”。通过一系列对叙事时间的碎片化处理,莱辛向我们展示了后现代主义兴档囊桓鲋匾氐恪 更多还原

【Abstract】 Doris Lessing is recognized as one of the most important contemporary British writers. She offers readers worldwide remarkable literary productions with her multi-themes, independent vision and daring experiments. Published in 1962, The Golden Notebook is widely acknowledged as her masterpiece. The novel with its multilayered structure makes a perfect case for narrative discourse analysis.The aim of the present thesis is to unravel the correlation between the themes and the temporal art based on Gerard Gennete’s theory. Genette’s study focuses on the mode of story presentation, discussing narrative tense in order, duration and frequency. The Golden Notebook represents Lessing’s complex sense of narrative time which matches well with Genette’s notion of narrative time, perfectly demonstrated by its narrative strategies, such as anachrony, achrony, narrative cadence and repeating narrative.Concerning narrative order, Lessing completely discards the chronological linearity and permits anachrony to permeate the narrative. The novel is the projection of chaotic reality on the protagonist’s consciousness. Concerning narrative duration, five cadences in The Golden Notebook accentuate the temporal discontinuity, leaving a clear deviation from the story order. Besides, it also indirectly exhibits Anna’s anxiety about fragmentation. Concerning narrative frequency, repeating narratives would diversify the same event in terms of either the style or the perspective, reflecting that the protagonist is still in the impasse of her self-assertion.To convey an important message about modern woman trapped in modem dilemma, Lessing’s employment of unconventional narrative time strategies in the novel succeeds in conveying "a wordless statement" of her modern theme. Through her representation of fragmentation of narrative time, Lessing has presented one of the characteristics of postmodern fiction. 更多还原

【关键词】 《金色笔记》; 叙事时间; 碎片化; 时序; 时限; 时频;
【Key words】 The Golden Notebook; narrative time; fragmentation; order; duration; frequency;

The Golden Notebook from Eco-critical Perspective
【摘要】 莱辛是二十世纪英国文学史上一位丰富而多产的作家,她出版了20部小说11部短篇小说,五部剧本,六部写实文学,一部诗集。其中最有名的是《金色笔记》。莱辛在小说中不仅揭露了自然生态危机带来负面影响,同时也指出人类精神上

的生态危机才是更深的生态危机。与此同时,莱辛提出了解决自然生态危机和人类精神生态危机的最好方法,即人类善待自然,人与自然应该和谐相处。这种和谐正是莱辛和她同时代的人甚至是我们现代人一直要寻找的。只有在这种和谐的关系下人类才能更好地生存和发展。经过仔细阅读《金色笔记》,本论文运用生态批评的相关理论,从新的视角对金色笔记加以研究。本论文由四个章节及引言部分和结论部分组成。引言部分对莱辛的生平及金色笔记,生态批评进行了简略的介绍。在综述国内外文学界对金色笔记评论的基础上,提出了本论文的中心主题。第一章描述了金色笔记中所体现的自然生态观。她对自然界的精彩描述,还有作品中对人与自然界关系的思考与感悟,体现了作者对大自然的热爱还有其独到的理解。在莱辛看来,人类是自然的儿女,是自然不可分割的一部分。第二章、第三章描述了莱辛在作品中所体现的对社会生态和精神生态的热切关注。莱辛将矛头直指资本主义的工业文明,在她的作品中,工业革命带来的破坏历历在目。工业文明不仅破坏了美丽的生存环境,而且摧残了人类的本性,扭曲了人与人之间的正常关系,使人遭受精神与肉体不能合而为一的痛苦。人们不能达到自我实现的目的,在生活中失去了自我。第四章分析了莱辛在作品中提出的解决精神生态和自然生态危机的途径,即倡导人类回归自然,亲近自然。只有人与自然和谐相处人类的种种危机才能得以解决。结论部分归纳并总结了本文对金色笔记所进行的生态批评研究,并且提出了本论文的文学研究价值和意义所在。 更多还原

【Abstract】 Doris Lessing is a complex and prolific writer in English literature in 20th century. She has published 20 novels,11 volumes of short stories, six works of nonfiction, five plays, and a volume of poetry. But she is most famous for her Golden Notebook. In this novel not only the ecological crisis of nature but also the crisis of man s spiritual ecology that is much more severe are exposed by Doris Lessing. In her works, Doris Lessing also gives some suggestions to heal the crisis. She appeals that mankind should join nature and get along harmoniously with nature. what Doris Lessing and her contemporaries are perceiving is such kind of harmonious relationship between man and nature. It is only in such of harmonious condition that mankind can live happily and develop on a right way. After close reading of Golden Notebook, my thesis uses the theory of eco criticism and aims to study Doris Lessing s Golden Notebook from new standpoint.This thesis consists in four chapters with one introduction and a conclusion. In the introduction I briefly introduces Doris Lessing s biography, The Golden Notebook,and eco criticism.

The introduction part also looks through the previous studies of Doris Lessing s novels at home and abroad and presents the central argument of this thesis.Chapter One analyzes Doris Lessing s natural ecology view which is embodied in the novels. She describes magnificently the natural world and thinks deeply of the relationship between man and nature, which reveals that she has a deep love and unique understanding of nature. Doris Lessing states that mankind is the child of nature and cannot be isolated from nature.Chapters Two and Three explores Doris Lessing s worry for Social Ecology and Spiritual Ecology embodied in the works. In her works, the destruction brought about by the Industrial Revolution comes easily into view. Industrial civilization not only destroys beautiful nature, but also ruins humanity and causes painful split of spirit and flesh. People can not achieve self-fulfillment and consequently lose themselves in life.Chapter Four analyzes Doris Lessing s solution to deal with the Social Ecology and Spiritual Ecology crisis. Doris Lessing appeals that man should keep a close and harmonious relationship with nature, which is the top concern of eco-criticism. Human beings should regard nature as a good friend because only in nature their crisis can be solved.The conclusion part goes over different eco-critical study of Doris Lessing s novels. I reinforces the significance and value of my study in this part. 更多还原

【关键词】 莱辛; 金色笔记; 生态批评;
【Key words】 Doris Lessing; The Golden Notebook; eco -criticism;

Analysis of the "Free Woman’ Anna’s Image in the Golden Notebook from the Perspective of Feminism
【摘要】 多丽丝·莱辛是当代世界文坛上颇负盛名的作家,她的代表作《金色笔记》可谓当代英国文学中一部独具风格的作品,也是女作家最具代表性的作品,现已被译成多种文字。小说内容丰富,表现手法独特,奠定了莱辛在英美文坛上的重要地位,也使她在2007年获得贝尔文学奖。《金色笔记》由一个独立的故事和五本笔记构成,整部小说没有章节划分,而其中黑、红、黄、蓝四种不同颜色的笔记代表“自由女性”女主人公安娜生存的四个不同方面,即作家生活、政治生活、情感生活和精神生活。现实生活中的四种不同角色令安娜在生活中无法统一,使之陷入人格分裂的困境,四本笔记记录了安娜走出分裂状态的心路历程。最后的“金色笔记”是安娜对人生的一个总结。本文内容和结构的混乱反映了莱辛的独特的写作手法,展示了小说的包容性。本论文由七章构成。第一章引言部分介绍作者莱辛的生平经历及著作。第二章介绍了女性主义理论及其对莱辛的影响。第三章描述的黑色笔记代表了“自由女性”安娜的作

家生活。第四章讲述的红色笔记代表了“自由女性”安娜的政治生活。第五章叙述的黄色笔记代表了“自由女性”安娜的感情生活。第六章讲述的蓝色笔记代表了“自由女性”安娜的精神生活。第七章是对全文的总结,女性主义并不能帮助妇女获得真正的自由,绝对的自由女性是不存在的,离开了男人奢谈女性主义,这种思潮本身就没有多大意义。 更多还原

【Abstract】 Doris Lessing is one of the most famous writers in the contemporary world literature. The Golden Notebook, is considered as her representative work in contemporary British literary, and now it is translated into many languages. The novel is very meaty with unique representation, which plays an important role in Britain and the United States Literary circles. In 2007, Doris Lessing was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.The Golden Notebook is composed of one independent story and five notebooks, with no chapters for the whole novel. The notebooks of four different colors—black, red, yellow, and blue, stand for four different aspects of the protagonist "free woman" Anna’s life, including professional life, political life, emotional life, and psychological life. Four different roles in real life bring a lot of confusion to Anna, because four roles in her life could not be standardized, which makes her personality split. Four notebooks are the mental course of Anna’s getting rid of the split personality, while the last golden notebook is a conclusion of Anna’s life experience. The disorder of content and structure reflects the unique thinking of Lessing, and shows the inclusiveness of the novel.The thesis contains 7 chapters. The first chapter introduces Doris Lessing’s life experience and her works. The second chapter indicates the feminist theory and its influence on Lessing. Chapter Three depicts the black notebook which records "free woman" Anna’s professional life. Chapter Four analyses the red notebook which stands for "free woman" Anna’s political life. Chapter Five introduces the yellow notebook which represents "free woman" Anna’s emotional life. Chapter Six describes the blue notebook which indicates "free woman" Anna’s psychological life. In conclusion, feminism can’t help women gain the real freedom, the absolute "Free Woman" doesn’t exist in the world, talking about the men without women is meaningless. 更多还原

【关键词】 多丽丝·莱辛; 《金色笔记》; 女性主义; 自由女性;
【Key words】 Doris Lessing; The Golden Notebook; feminism; free woman;

The Golden Notebook’s Innovation in Artistic Form
【摘要】 多丽丝·莱辛在《金色笔记》的艺术形式上进行了独具匠心的创新,她将作品形式的地位提到了一个新的高度:形式不仅仅为内容服务,还可以独立出来,以独特的方式来生成一定的

意义。《金色笔记》在艺术形式上的创新主要体现在三个方面:首先,作品采用了与传统小说相异的独特叙事方式。与传统的线状叙事不同,《金色笔记》采用了网状叙事,即以《自由女性》为经线,以《黑色笔记》、《红色笔记》、《黄色笔记》、《蓝色笔记》为纬线,以《金色笔记》收尾,从而使得作品具有很强的立体感。作者在创作中还使用了蒙太奇和拼贴手法,故意打破故事叙述的完整性,元小说技巧也是多丽丝·莱辛重要的尝试之一。其次,传统现实主义和现代主义、后现代主义创作手法在《金色笔记》中被完美地融合在一起。《自由女性》部分主要运用的是传统现实主义的手法,而剩下的黑、红、黄、蓝和最后的《金色笔记》则或多或少的使用了现代主义、后现代主义手法,梦境与象征是最突出的两种手法。再次,《金色笔记》赋予艺术形式更多功能,作者将整部作品当作画纸,以字成文,以形为图,用形式的“乱”来象征人和世界的“乱”,形成了“图文并茂”的独特小说图景。小说通过“杂乱”拼贴组合,以形式的“乱”来传递外部世界的“乱”以及人的精神的错乱这一信息。此外,“崩溃”和“整合”既是主题又是形式,两者相互呼应。《金色笔记》本身就是“一部经得起考验、能够流之久远的书”。而小说在形式上的创新更是具有重要的文学意义和研究价值。 更多还原

【Abstract】 Doris Lessing adopted the ingenious innovative technique in the artistic form of The Golden Notebook. She elevated the status of work form to a new height:not only does the form serve for content; it also generates certain significance in its unique way independently.The Golden Notebook’s innovation in artistic form is mainly exemplified in the following three aspects:first of all, the novel adopted a unique narrative technique which was different from traditional fictions. The Golden Notebook was described in a reticular narrative structure, which formed a sharp contrast with traditional linear narrative structure.The story of "Free Female" was narrated from longitude perspective and ""Black Notes","Red Notes","Yellow Note","Blue Note" as well as the ending part of "Golden Notes" was told from latitude perspective, so that a strong three-dimensional characteristic is manifested in this work. Meantime,the author also employed montage and collages in the creation through deliberately breaking the integrity of story narration. Meta-fiction skill was also one of Lessing’s important attempting.Second, writing techniques of traditional realism, modernism, and postmodernism were perfectly integrated in The Golden Notebook. The author mainly utilized traditional realist approach to narrate the section of "Free Female", modernist approach is more or less applied in the remaining sections of Black, Red,

Yellow,Blue notes and the final section of "Golden Notebook",which is featured by the two most prominent modern techniques:fantasyland and symbols.Furthermore, The Golden Notebook endowed the artistic form with more functions, the author regarded the entire novel as a drawing paper with written words and vivid pictures, in which the "disorder" form symbolizes a "chaotic" world, and thus a unique picturesque novel was illustrated with both excellent pictures and texts. The novel delivered the information of "chaotic" outside world as well as the confusion of human spirit from the "disorder" form through being assembled the "messy" collages.In addition,"collapse" and "integration" are both theme and form with reciprocal complement.The Golden Notebook itself is "a book which can bear the test of time and enjoy the best-known reputation". This novel’s innovation in artistic form boasts for an important literary significance and research value. 更多还原

【关键词】 多丽丝·莱辛; 《金色笔记》; 网状叙事; 元小说;
【Key words】 Doris Lessing; The Golden Notebook; reticular narration; meta-fiction;

Seeking for the Integrity of Life a Feminist Analysis of Doris Lessing’s the Golden Notebook
【摘要】 多丽丝·莱辛是当今英国文坛杰出而多产的作家。1962年其代表作《金色笔记》的出版令她蜚声文坛。《金色笔记》一书更被誉为女权主义者波伏娃《第二性》的姊妹篇。作品一经问世因其对女性独立意识以及生活状况的真实描写而受到各国女权主义者的青睐。小说讲述了安娜和摩莉两位追求独立的自由女性的心路历程。本论文试运用女性主义的相关理论对小说所反映出的这一艰难的心路历程进行分析。论文共包括五个部分:绪论、第一、二、三章和结论。绪论部分对作家莱辛和小说《金色笔记》做了简单介绍,并综述了国内外对该小说的研究。此外绪论部分还介绍了女性主义的相关理论,为接下来论文的展开做了理论的准备。第一章分析《金色笔记》中女性的困境。文中的女性在传统的父权社会里取得经济的独立,但是她们却在精神方面对男性保留强烈的依赖;自由女性在政治方面取得选举权后,可以自由参加政治活动,但最终又对政治失望。女性与孩子之间的关系永远都是女权主义运动的一大议题。女权主义运动成功地赋予了广大女性对子女的抚养监护权。但是得到监护权的自由女性却没有和孩子建立和谐的关系;女权主义运动把自由女性从婚姻和自家厨房里解放出来并且使之拥有了自己的职业,但是事业却遭受瓶颈。女性在自由之路上遇到很多困境,但是她们用不同的方式去处理这些困境,去寻求生命的完整。第二章分析了文

中女性摆脱困境的不同方式。论文分析了在相同时代背景下两类女性不同的突破困境的方式:以安娜和摩莉为代表的自由女性关注自身作为女性的主题地位,积极挣脱婚姻的束缚,在抚养子女、政治活动和事业同方面男性进行平等的竞争。她们藐视传统对女性的约束和压迫,勇敢地冲出男权文化的藩篱。她们的行动是对人生做出的积极地突围方式。以马莉恩为代表的怨妇没有像其他文学作品中的家庭主妇那样逆来顺受,而是默默地以终日酗酒的方式消极反抗传统社会对女性的不公。虽然面对无奈的生活和丈夫的背叛,这种消极的反抗意义不大,但是也是实现自我、获得话语权的一种方式。不管是积极的反抗还是消极的抵抗,都是女性实现自我的重要的形式。第三章分析文中女性的最终选择。在经历了人生的困惑和迷茫之后,无论是自由女性还是怨妇都开始重新审视自我和人生,作出自己理性的选择。安娜从封闭的自我走出之后,重新开始了新的生活,在追求自我的道路上继续跋涉;摩莉在经历了人生的洗礼后,理性的回归了家庭,以求稳定性和安全感。马莉恩在历经生活的痛苦之后,在汤姆的帮助下,找到了生活的意义。真正的爱让两人最终走到了一起。马莉恩在走出一个家庭后,又重新建立了新的家庭。经过以上分析,本论文得出结论:《金色笔记》自由女性和怨妇们追求的所谓的自由只是她们乌托邦式的梦想;建立在互相理解基础上的和谐的两性关系是女性追求自由的重要的方式。莱辛在其文学生涯中一直关注现代女性的命运,并且对被主流文学忽略的边缘群体——怨妇也给予了深切的同情与关注。《金色笔记》描述了女性在自由之路上遇到的困境和为之付出的艰辛努力。女性追求自由是一个漫长的过程,因此莱辛的使命还将继续下去。 更多还原

【Abstract】 Doris Lessing is a prolific woman writer with great fame in contemporary England. In 1962, she began to enjoy a worldwide reputation in the literary world because of the publication of her masterpiece, The Golden Notebook. The Golden Notebook is also known as the twin sister of The Second Sex by the feminist de Beauvoir. As soon as the work was published, it was welcomed by the feminists of all countries because of the true description of the living conditions and struggles of the females. The G... 更多还原

【关键词】 《金色笔记》; 女性主义; 自由女性; 怨妇;
【Key words】 The Golden Notebook; feminism; free woman; dissatisfied housewife;

【摘要】 本文探究了《金色笔记》中现代女性在摆脱“他者”的客体地位,建构女性自我主体性以及寻求自我价值的涉渡中遇到的困惑、迷茫与无奈,展示

了现代女性的真实生存状态,并深入分析了导致女性困惑与无奈的原因。其原因大致有三个:现代女性对男性的精神依附;多重身份导致自我的分裂;以及身为人母的困惑。虽然现代女性摆脱了对男性的经济依附,但是对男性还有很深的情感依附。除此之外,女性同时拥有多重社会角色也使其茫然。莱辛解构了传统无欲无我的母亲形象,把母亲的爱、怨与恨都呈现在小说中,展现了被主流文化遮蔽的“母亲”的真实生存状态。本文进一步对比分析了《金色笔记》中两类不同女性人物形象的人生境遇以及她们对命运采取的不同突围方式,无论是怨妇对人生的消极抵抗,还是自由女性对人生的积极抗争,都是女性发出自己的声音,建立女性话语的方式。在经历了人生的波折后,有些女性为了摆脱孤独和无奈的处境退守回家庭,有些女性继续在寻求自我的道路上涉渡。她们用青春和生命证明了所谓的“自由女性”只是女性的一个乌托邦梦想。 更多还原

【Abstract】 This paper is dedicated to the study of the confusion and perplexity came across by women when they are trying to get rid of the object status, establish women’s subject status, and pursue their self-value. In addition, this paper also studies modern woman’s true living conditions and the reasons of their confusion. There are mainly three reasons: the strong emotional attachment of women to men; split personality caused by multiple personality; the confusion as a mother. Although modern women have already shaken off their economic attachment to men, they are still deeply attached to men emotionally. Besides, having multiple personality makes women feel at lost. Doris Lessing deconstructs traditional image of mother. She presents mother’s love, hate, and complaint between the lines and shows the true living condition of“mother”, which is shadowed by mainstream literature.This paper contracts two different kinds of women’s predicament and the different ways they broke through difficult conditions in The Golden Notebook. Dissatisfied housewives passively protest against their fate. Free women actively pursue their life. Both of these two ways are the way to make their voice heard. After undergoing the twists and turns in life, some of them decide to come back to home, while some of the others continue to pursue their own selves. They confirm that the so-called“free woman”is a Utopia dream of women. 更多还原

【关键词】 金色笔记; 女性困惑; 怨妇; 多重身份; 理性回归;
【Key words】 The Golden Notebook; woman confusion; dissatisfied housewife; multiple personality; rational return;

【摘要】 人的内心世界一直是文学创作中备受关注的焦点,的确,现代人隐秘的心理从某种程度上更能反映他们的真实

处境。本文从心理学的层面探悉《金色笔记》中所反映的自由女性的困境,并力图思考困境中的女性“突围”的出路。 莱辛在《金色笔记》中对当代西方的自由女性作了全方位的、多角度的审视,凸现出追求自由的女性在当代西方社会中进退维谷的两难处境,从而降低了女性盲目追求自由的热度。毫无疑问,较之同时代激进的女性主义者,莱辛显得更客观冷静,她认识到女性在挣脱传统的束缚之后又陷入另一种困境,但是,并没有明确指出她们摆脱现存困境、实现真正自由的出路所在。 本论文结合美国当代著名心理学家、社会学家弗罗姆的相关理论,以《金色笔记》为文本分析个案,讨论主人公安娜的形象所折射出来的自由女性的困境,探讨其中内含的理论问题。 论文分三部分: 第一章简要介绍了自由的概念并引入弗罗姆的自由观,其次是对《金色笔记》中黑、红、黄、蓝、金五种颜色意象作了心理分析; 第二章叙述了安娜在政治信仰、文学创作、感情生活中的种种尴尬处境,并引入弗罗姆的梦论,深入安娜的心灵深处,分析她的精神危机; 第三章意在探求陷入困境的自由女性的可能出路。走出家庭、摆脱婚姻并非实现自由的保证,相反,会距离自由愈来愈远。女性应该通过爱和自发性的工作,达到与男性世界、与整个社会的融合,在两性的融合中,在社会的和谐进步中追求更高层次的自由。 更多还原

【Abstract】 One’s inner world is always the focus of literary works. In modern times the psychological moment can indeed reflect people’s real situation.Doris Lessing all-round ascertains in the The Golden notebook a western modern woman who is in a dilemma. The novel manifests that a modern woman are between two fires, which cools down the fever of pursuing to be a free woman. There is no doubt that Doris Lessing are aware of all sorts of difficult the free women are faced with. But she doesn’t explicitly point out the way out of the current situation and how to make the real freedom come true. This paper applies related theory of Erich Fromm who is American temporary famous psychologist and sociologist, analyses the free women’s dilemma which is refracted by the figure of Anna in The Golden notebook, and try hard to search after the outlet for the free women to get out of the dilemma. The text of this paper consists of three parts as follows:The part one traces back to the fundamental conception of "freedom" and introduces the concept of Fromm about liberty. At the same time the author analyzed from the psychology angle the color image about four notebooks which are named after the four colors: red、 black、 yellow、 blue. The part two narrates that Anna is faced with all sorts of difficult which concludes political conviction and creati

ve action, applies Fromm’s theory about dream to analysize Anna’s intellectual crisis. The chapter three looks up the out way for free women. Breaking through the shackles of habit and getting rid of the marriage bound doesn’t guarantee one own freedom. One can drive off in the reverse direction. Modern women should not be antagonistic to the man but mix together themselves and male sex 、 the whole society by cherish and spontaneous activity, they should pursue senior grade freedom with the blending between woman and man ,with the development of society. 更多还原

【关键词】 《金色笔记》; 自由女性; 症候群; 积极自由; 爱;
【Key words】 The Golden notebook; Free women; Syndrome; Positive freedom; Love;

From Fragmentation to Integration
【摘要】 《金色笔记》是当代著名女性主义作家多丽丝?莱辛最具代表性的著作之一,国内外学者曾一度从女性主义角度来分析该部小说,但随着二十一世纪以来,特别是莱辛获诺贝尔文学奖后,人们对该小说研究愈来愈向纵深发展,本文就试图结合弗洛伊德相关理论从新的角度和视野来诠释多丽丝·莱辛创作的意义,帮助读者从更深的层次挖掘小说内涵,挖掘莱辛的内心世界,研究当时英国社会生活和精神面貌,从而挖掘人类社会和人性共同特点。本文共分为六章:第一章介绍了多丽丝?莱辛的人生经历和《金色笔记》。第二章对国内外《金色笔记》研究现状进行阐述。第三章介绍了本文所引用的弗洛伊德人格理论和释梦理论进行阐述。论文第四章运用弗洛伊德人格理论和释梦理论对安娜分裂的人格和心灵冲突进行了详细阐述。第五章则对安娜由精神分裂走向整合进行阐述。第六章是论文的结论部分。本文旨在探讨《金色笔记》的深层意义,展示了西方女性在面临来自生活、家庭、男女关系等方面巨大压力的同时,如何实现人格和心灵的整合,同时揭示了生命的方式与意义这一永恒的主题:世界并不是完美的,要实现生命的价值,精神的统一与和谐是最重要的选项。 更多还原

【Abstract】 Doris Lessing is a famous British writer, and her novel The Golden Notebook is one of her masterpieces, of which feminism was once the overriding academic topic. But after Lessing won the Nobel Prize in 2007, the research has moved to a broader extent. This thesis attempts to explore Anna Wulf, the heroine of The Golden Notebook from a new perspective with Freudian psychoanalytic theory to further probe into the significance of The Golden Notebook and the common nature of human beings.This thesis starts with an overview of Doris Lessing’s life experience and her The Golden Notebook, and the literature review of The Golden Notebook at home and abroad follows. Then a general review of the relevant Freudian theories

of personality and interpretation of dreams will be offered, from the perspectives of which the author of the thesis attempts to analyze the protagonist Anna of The Golden Notebook. By presenting the inner world and spiritual life of Anna, this thesis analyzes the process of psychological change and spiritual quest from fragmentation to integration of the main character Anna.Through the interpretation we can draw the conclusion that the women are under great pressure from family, work, male-female relationship and so on. They face high risks of split personality and conflict of mind. In a conclusion, this thesis reveals the lives of modern Western people, especially the confusion of female life, and the mentality of the 1950’s British society, through which we can see that the important option to realize the value of the life is the spiritual unity. Only by self-salvation can they achieve the integration of mind and pass through these crises. 更多还原

【关键词】 多丽丝·莱辛; 《金色笔记》; 分裂; 整合; 弗洛伊德; 精神分析;
【Key words】 Doris Lessing; The Golden Notebook; fragmentation; integration; Freud; psychoanalysis;

The Narrative Character of Golden Notebook
【摘要】 多丽丝·莱辛(Doris Lessing,1919——)是英国当代著名女作家。莱辛的创作生涯持续六十年,作品逾五十部。她的文体多变,风格也变幻莫测。在她的笔下,黑暗与光明,压抑与解放都被淋漓尽致地刻画出来。2007年,这位八十八岁高龄的女作家被授予当年诺贝尔文学奖,为这位老人的职业写作生涯画下了最辉煌的一笔。莱辛的作品涉及各类主题,包括人的问题、政治问题、社会问题等。她的创作领域十分广阔,从早年的现实主义叙事作品,到后来的科幻小说,其中《金色笔记》获得的好评和关注是其他作品不可比拟的。本文从叙事结构、叙事角度以及叙事话语三方面入手,解读分析《金色笔记》的叙事艺术特色。文章分为三部分:第一部分侧重分析小说呈网状分布的独特叙事结构以及运用日记、剪报等多种文体相结合的叙事特点;第二部分则运用热奈特的叙事聚焦观点解读小说中的叙事视角;第三部分则论述了《金色笔记》中对蒙太奇、元小说和西方叙事话语的运用。莱辛的作品一直在努力超越个人体验、超越时间和空间的限制,不断地在否定自我中前行。这种否定和自我挑战的力量使莱辛愈加成熟,使作品日趋完善。从一定意义上来说,莱辛的作品超越了自我,超越了时代。 更多还原

【Abstract】 On 11th, October 2007, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced that English female writer Doris Lessing get the Literature Prize. Swedish Institute announced that because Lessing devoting herself into this broken civilization, her works i

s like history poem of female experience.As the successful one of modern narrative , Lessing reconstruction of a unique mode of creation. She has not confined to the old framework of the traditional novel ,but inventive on the narrative form and content of the new line by the fruitful attempt.The Golden Note seems common, we nearly not read gorgeous description. But from the view of post modern, we analyze the characteristics of post modern narrative feature, its good for us to understand the novel.一、From the narrative form, soaring narrative form and the changeable narrative mode is the special way from other works.1. The purpose of the form of research is to find the text of the significance of the form. The Golden Note is not planning to tell a complete story, the form is the concentric circles . The name of the story is“free women”,it is divided into five parts.Followed by insertion between each black, red, yellow and blue four notes. The four notes symbolize the soul of Anna unrest: the black is on behalf of writers Anna Living, Notes is outlined in red Anna’s political experience, the yellow notebook to make a writer’s love at the reader in front of the world, blue notes are a reflection of the spiritual life of Anna.2. Narrative textLessing used the diary, book reviews, short stories, film scripts, news headlines and information such as newspaper clippings interspersed throughout the book in between. To explore a different style a different problem, The Golden Note break through the limitations of a single question. Such experiments are often associated with formal unity of narrative perspective, a different style conversion help relax finish the novel conversion of Narrative Point of View.二、At post-modern writers on narrative point of view taken by the composite angle conversion mode, the effect of the narrative have a vital role, is more conducive to the text to explain the meaning of text. 1.The eyes of God : Zero Focus.Focus on the characteristics of zero is the omniscient narrator. The part of free women adopts the zero focus. In describing the course of the story, Anna like all-knowing God, Will be the story of Molly the other main character, Tom, Charlie’s words and deeds "panoramic view" Respected the traditional novel form of the novel focusing on the real world was very self-confident. They are based on real-world chaos, and then to build a similarity with the reality they are completely different world of the novel.2. Within the FocusIn the "Golden Notebook", with the main character Anna, Anna’s eyes go through the world feel. Anna as a narrator and other characters known as many other people do not understand the interpretation have not yet found. With the use of focus to allow readers to more easily close to people, know people, while enhancing the authenticity of the notes. Anna experienced by readers as if all the experience, in reading at the same time enjoy the Fantastic vision and real-life experience.

Outside the focusIn the "Golden Notebook," the use is outside the focus should not be neglected part. It’s as a surveillance device, put in perspective what is happening to non-subjective filmed from the outside. Narrator, "stand aside with arms folded," has always attract the reader’s attention. Lessing used the method outside the focus, Anna can be arranged along the principles of law Chance array, in Anna and the reader barrier between the fans to work together to create a no one can understand the effect of Anna.三、Pay attention to narrative skills is different from the former. Narrative fiction in the post-modern point of view, narrative time, narrative structure has been significantly on the new breakthroughs, Modern Literature in the latter meta-fiction, montage, skills, etc., play a more post-modern novel is the diversity of style reflected in full.1. Built-novel use of the montageMontage techniques of narrative fiction in the built-in "Golden Notebook" are most widely used. A series of movies in different places, make from different angles and distance, shooting in different ways together with the lens, the circumstances described, portrayed mission.In Golden Notebook" Anna is the heroine of such a "schizophrenic" and appeared in her mind the time, there is no logic to speak of the scene. Lessing precisely approach to the use of montage built at the Golden Notebook, the portrait of Anna’s dream of hero, in order to demonstrate her living memory of the past half-crazy state.1. The novel about novel——Meta fictionYellow notebook works can be considered the most characteristic part of Meta fiction. Anna narrator intends to expose the traces of their own fiction, to deconstruct their own stories. The idea of work comes from the real case, however, the main narrative shows that he is deliberately fabricated and forged, to reveal their own fictional eyes of the outside world, while leading the reader to steal the world have access to the connotation of fictitious. Lessing have done " no longer a realistic fiction, or realistic representation, or facsimile of reality, or even realistic re-creation, it can only be a reality - the reality of a self-contained."2.Narrative of the commonly used methods - the way of realism is collapsed in the novel. Lessing works of James Joyce’s parody reflects the post-modern narrative of the salient features. Lessing strive to be achieved through the imitation of traditional, historical and realistic significance of the value of literary critical paradigm, the purpose of satire and negative. Citation had mentioned ? Doris Lessing is a writer a sense of social responsibility, her writing is full of political overtones, her work was once considered a barometer of social development. In the "Golden Notebook," Lessing’s practices will be applied to parody irony of history and reality.In a word, this work is the form of discourse and narrative point of view reflects the distinctive features of post-mo

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