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Chapter 07 - Pivot, Unpivot and Grouping Sets - Exercises

-- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 T-SQL Fundamentals
-- Chapter 7 - Pivot, Unpivot and Grouping Sets
-- Exercises
-- 2008 Itzik Ben-Gan

-- All exercises for this chapter will involve querying the Orders
-- table in the tempdb database that you created and populated
-- earlier by running the code in Listing 7-1

-- 1
-- Write a query against the Orders table that returns a row for each
-- employee, a column for each order year, and the count of orders
-- for each employee and order year
-- Tables involved: tempdb database, Orders table

-- Desired output:
empid cnt2007 cnt2008 cnt2009
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 1
3 2 0 2

-- 2
-- Run the following code to create and populate the EmpYearOrders table:
USE tempdb;

IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.EmpYearOrders', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.EmpYearOrders;

SELECT empid, [2007] AS cnt2007, [2008] AS cnt2008, [2009] AS cnt2009
INTO dbo.EmpYearOrders
FROM (SELECT empid, YEAR(orderdate) AS orderyear
FROM dbo.Orders) AS D
FOR orderyear IN([2007], [2008], [2009])) AS P;

SELECT * FROM dbo.EmpYearOrders;

-- Output:
empid cnt2007 cnt2008 cnt2009
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 1
3 2 0 2

-- Write a query against the EmpYearOrders table that unpivots
-- the data, returning a row for each employee and order year
-- with the number of orders
-- Exclude rows where the number of orders is 0
-- (in our example, employee 3 in year 2008)

-- Desired output:
empid orderyear numorders
----------- ----------- -----------
1 2007 1
1 2008 1
1 2009 1
2 2007 1
2 2008 2
2 2009 1
3 2007 2
3 2009 2

-- 3
-- Write a query against the Orders table that returns the
-- total quantities for each:
-- employee, customer, and order year
-- employee and order year
-- customer and order year
-- Include a result column in the output that uniquely identifies
-- the grouping set with which the current row is associated
-- Tables involved: tempdb database, Orders table

-- Desired output:
groupingset empid custid orderyear sumqty
----------- ----------- ------ ----------- -----------
0 2 A 2007 12
0 3 A 2007 10
4 NULL A 2007 22
0 2 A 2008 40
4 NULL A 2008 40
0 3 A 2009 10

A 2009 10
0 1 B 2007 20
4 NULL B 2007 20
0 2 B 2008 12
4 NULL B 2008 12
0 2 B 2009 15
4 NULL B 2009 15
0 3 C 2007 22
4 NULL C 2007 22
0 1 C 2008 14
4 NULL C 2008 14
0 1 C 2009 20
4 NULL C 2009 20
0 3 D 2009 30
4 NULL D 2009 30
2 1 NULL 2007 20
2 2 NULL 2007 12
2 3 NULL 2007 32
2 1 NULL 2008 14
2 2 NULL 2008 52
2 1 NULL 2009 20
2 2 NULL 2009 15
2 3 NULL 2009 40

(29 row(s) affected)

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