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function vi = interp3(varargin)
%INTERP3 3-D interpolation (table lookup).
% VI = INTERP3(X,Y,Z,V,XI,YI,ZI) interpolates to find VI, the values
% of the underlying 3-D function V at the points in arrays XI,YI
% and ZI. XI,YI,ZI must be arrays of the same size or vectors.
% Vector arguments that are not the same size, and have mixed
% orientations (i.e. with both row and column vectors) are passed
% through MESHGRID to create the Y1,Y2,Y3 arrays. Arrays X,Y and Z
% specify the points at which the data V is given.
% VI = INTERP3(V,XI,YI,ZI) assumes X=1:N, Y=1:M, Z=1:P
% where [M,N,P]=SIZE(V).
% VI = INTERP3(V,NTIMES) expands V by interleaving interpolates
% between every element, working recursively for NTIMES.
% INTERP3(V) is the same as INTERP3(V,1).
% VI = INTERP3(...,METHOD) specifies alternate methods. The default
% is linear interpolation. Available methods are:
% 'nearest' - nearest neighbor interpolation
% 'linear' - linear interpolation
% 'spline' - spline interpolation
% 'cubic' - cubic interpolation as long as the data is uniformly
% spaced, otherwise the same as 'spline'
% VI = INTERP3(...,METHOD,EXTRAPVAL) specifies a method and a value for
% VI outside of the domain created by X,Y and Z. Thus, VI will equal
% EXTRAPVAL for any value of XI,YI or ZI that is not spanned by X,Y and Z
% respectively. A method must be specified for EXTRAPVAL to be used, the
% default method is 'linear'.
% All the interpolation methods require that X,Y and Z be monotonic and
% plaid (as if they were created using MESHGRID). X,Y, and Z can be
% non-uniformly spaced.
% For example, to generate a course approximation of FLOW and
% interpolate over a finer mesh:
% [x,y,z,v] = flow(10);
% [xi,yi,zi] = meshgrid(.1:.25:10,-3:.25:3,-3:.25:3);
% vi = interp3(x,y,z,v,xi,yi,zi); % vi is 25-by-40-by-25
% slice(xi,yi,zi,vi,[6 9.5],2,[-2 .2]), shading flat

% Copyright 1984-2009 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: $ $Date: 2009/09/03 05:25:21 $

error(nargchk(1,9,nargin,'struct')); % allowing for an ExtrapVal

bypass = 0;
uniform = 1;
if (nargin>1)
if ischar(varargin{end}),
narg = nargin-1;
method = [varargin{end} ' ']; % Protect against short string.
if strncmpi(method,'s',1) || strncmpi(method, '*s', 2)
ExtrapVal = 'extrap'; % Splines can extrapolate
ExtrapVal = nan; % default ExtrapVal
index = 1;
elseif ( ischar(varargin{end-1}) && isnumeric(varargin{end}) )
narg = nargin-2;
method = [varargin{end-1} ' '];
ExtrapVal = varargin{end};
index = 2;
narg = nargin;
method = 'linear';
ExtrapVal = nan; % protecting default
if method(1)=='*', % Direct call bypass.
if method(2)=='l' % linear inte

vi = linear(varargin{1:end-index},ExtrapVal);

elseif method(2)=='c' % cubic interpolation
vi = cubic(varargin{1:end-index},ExtrapVal);

elseif method(2)=='n', % Nearest neighbor interpolation
vi = nearest(varargin{1:end-index},ExtrapVal);

elseif method(2)=='s', % Spline
method = 'spline'; bypass = 1;

[deblank(method),' is an invalid method.']);

elseif method(1)=='s', % Spline interpolation
method = 'spline'; bypass = 1;
narg = nargin;
method = 'linear';
ExtrapVal = nan; % protecting default

if narg==1, % interp3(v), % Expand V
[nrows,ncols,npages] = size(varargin{1});
xi = 1:.5:ncols; yi = (1:.5:nrows)'; zi = (1:.5:npages);
x = 1:ncols; y = 1:nrows; z = 1:npages;
[msg,x,y,z,v,xi,yi,zi] = xyzvchk(x,y,z,varargin{1},xi,yi,zi);

elseif narg==2. % interp3(v,n), Expand V n times
[nrows,ncols,npages] = size(varargin{1});
ntimes = floor(varargin{2}(1));
xi = 1:1/(2^ntimes):ncols; yi = (1:1/(2^ntimes):nrows)';
zi = 1:1/(2^ntimes):npages;
x = 1:ncols; y = (1:nrows); z = 1:npages;
[msg,x,y,z,v,xi,yi,zi] = xyzvchk(x,y,z,varargin{1},xi,yi,zi);

elseif narg==4, % interp3(v,xi,yi,zi)
[nrows,ncols,npages] = size(varargin{1});
x = 1:ncols; y = (1:nrows); z = 1:npages;
[msg,x,y,z,v,xi,yi,zi] = xyzvchk(x,y,z,varargin{1:4});

elseif narg==3 || narg==5 || narg==6,
error('MATLAB:interp3:nargin','Wrong number of input arguments.');

elseif narg==7, % interp3(x,y,z,v,xi,yi,zi)
[msg,x,y,z,v,xi,yi,zi] = xyzvchk(varargin{1:7});



% Check for plaid data.
xx = x(1,:,1); yy = y(:,1,1); zz = z(1,1,:);
if (size(x,2)>1 && ~isequal(repmat(xx, [size(x,1) 1 size(x,3)]),x)) || ...
(size(y,1)>1 && ~isequal(repmat(yy, [1 size(y,2) size(y,3)]),y)) || ...
(size(z,3)>1 && ~isequal(repmat(zz, [size(z,1) size(z,2) 1]),z)),
['X, Y and Z must be matrices produced by MESHGRID. Use' ...
' TriScatteredInterp instead \nof INTERP3 for scattered data.']);

% Check for non-equally spaced data. If so, map (x,y) and
% (xi,yi) to matrix (row,col) coordinate system.
if ~bypass,
xx = x(1,:,1).'; yy = y(:,1,1); zz = squeeze(z(1,1,:)); % columns
dx = diff(xx); dy = diff(yy); dz = diff(zz);
xdiff = max(abs(diff(dx))); if isempty(xdiff), xdiff = 0; end
ydiff = max(abs(diff(dy))); if isempty(ydiff), ydiff = 0; end
zdiff = max(abs(diff(dz))); if isempty(zdiff), zdiff = 0; end
if (xdiff > eps*max(xx)) || (ydiff > eps*max(yy)) || (zdiff > eps*max(zz))
if any(dx < 0), % Flip orientation of data so x is increasing.
x = flipdim(x,2); y = flipdim(y,2);
z = flipdim(z,2); v = flipdim(v,2);
xx = flipud(xx); dx = -flipud(

if any(dy < 0), % Flip orientation of data so y is increasing.
x = flipdim(x,1); y = flipdim(y,1);
z = flipdim(z,1); v = flipdim(v,1);
yy = flipud(yy); dy = -flipud(dy);
if any(dz < 0), % Flip orientation of data so y is increasing.
x = flipdim(x,3); y = flipdim(y,3);
z = flipdim(z,3); v = flipdim(v,3);
zz = flipud(zz); dz = -flipud(dz);

if any(dx<=0) || any(dy<=0) || any(dz<=0),
'X, Y, and Z must be monotonic vectors or arrays produced by MESHGRID.');

% Bypass mapping code for cubic
if method(1)~='c',
% Determine the nearest location of xi in x
[xxi,j] = sort(xi(:));
[~,i] = sort([xx;xxi]);
si(i) = (1:length(i));
si = (si(length(xx)+1:end)-(1:length(xxi)))';
si(j) = si;

% Map values in xi to index offset (si) via linear interpolation
si(si<1) = 1;
si(si>length(xx)-1) = length(xx)-1;
si = si + (xi(:)-xx(si))./(xx(si+1)-xx(si));

% Determine the nearest location of yi in y
[yyi,j] = sort(yi(:));
[~,i] = sort([yy;yyi]);
ti(i) = (1:length(i));
ti = (ti(length(yy)+1:end)-(1:length(yyi)))';
ti(j) = ti;

% Map values in yi to index offset (ti) via linear interpolation
ti(ti<1) = 1;
ti(ti>length(yy)-1) = length(yy)-1;
ti = ti + (yi(:)-yy(ti))./(yy(ti+1)-yy(ti));

% Determine the nearest location of zi in z
[zzi,j] = sort(zi(:));
[~,i] = sort([zz;zzi]);
wi(i) = (1:length(i));
wi = (wi(length(zz)+1:end)-(1:length(zzi)))';
wi(j) = wi;

% Map values in zi to index offset (wi) via linear interpolation
wi(wi<1) = 1;
wi(wi>length(zz)-1) = length(zz)-1;
wi = wi + (zi(:)-zz(wi))./(zz(wi+1)-zz(wi));

[x,y,z] = meshgrid(ones(class(x)):size(x,2),...
xi(:) = si; yi(:) = ti; zi(:) = wi;
uniform = 0;

% Now do the interpolation based on method.
method = [lower(method),' ']; % Protect against short string

if method(1)=='l', % linear interpolation.
vi = linear(x,y,z,v,xi,yi,zi,ExtrapVal);

elseif method(1)=='c', % cubic interpolation
if uniform
vi = cubic(x,y,z,v,xi,yi,zi,ExtrapVal);
vi = spline3(x,y,z,v,xi,yi,zi,ExtrapVal);

elseif method(1)=='n', % Nearest neighbor interpolation
vi = nearest(x,y,z,v,xi,yi,zi,ExtrapVal);

elseif method(1)=='s', % Spline interpolation
vi = spline3(x,y,z,v,xi,yi,zi,ExtrapVal);

[deblank(method),' is an invalid method.']);


function F = linear(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,ExtrapVal)
%LINEAR 3-D trilinear data interpo

% VI = LINEAR(X,Y,Z,V,XI,YI,ZI) uses trilinear interpolation
% to find VI, the values of the underlying 3-D function in V
% at the points in arrays XI, YI and ZI. Arrays X, Y, and
% Z specify the points at which the data V is given. X, Y,
% and Z can also be vectors specifying the abscissae for the
% matrix V as for MESHGRID. In both cases, X, Y, and Z must be
% equally spaced and monotonic.
% Values of NaN are returned in VI for values of XI, YI and ZI
% that are outside of the range of X, Y, and Z.
% If XI, YI, and ZI are vectors, LINEAR returns vector VI
% containing the interpolated values at the corresponding
% points (XI,YI,ZI).
% VI = LINEAR(V,XI,YI,ZI) assumes X = 1:N, Y = 1:M, and
% Z = 1:P where [M,N,P] = SIZE(V).
% VI = LINEAR(V,NTIMES) returns the matrix VI expanded by
% interleaving bilinear interpolates between every element,
% working recursively for NTIMES. LINEAR(V) is the same
% as LINEAR(V,1).
% This function needs about 4 times SIZE(XI) memory to be
% available.
% See also INTERP3.

% find extrapolation value
switch nargin
case 1
ExtrapVal = arg1;
case 2
ExtrapVal = arg2;
case 3
ExtrapVal = arg3;
case 4
ExtrapVal = arg4;
case 5
ExtrapVal = arg5;
case 6
ExtrapVal = arg6;
case 7
ExtrapVal = arg7;
% case 8 is implicit

if nargin==2, % linear(v), Expand V
if ndims(arg1)~=3
error('MATLAB:interp3:linear:Vnot3Dnarg2', 'V must be a 3-D array.');
[nrows,ncols,npages] = size(arg1);
[s,t,w] = meshgrid(1:.5:ncols,1:.5:nrows,1:.5:npages);

elseif nargin==3, % linear(v,n), Expand V n times
if ndims(arg1)~=3
error('MATLAB:interp3:linear:Vnot3Dnarg2', 'V must be a 3-D array.');
[nrows,ncols,npages] = size(arg1);
ntimes = floor(arg2); delta = 1/(2^ntimes);
[s,t,w] = meshgrid(1:delta:ncols,1:delta:nrows,1:delta:npages);

elseif nargin==4 || nargin==6 || nargin==7
error('MATLAB:interp3:linear:ninput','Wrong number of input arguments.');

elseif nargin==5, % linear(v,s,t,w), No X, Y or Z specified.
if ndims(arg1)~=3
error('MATLAB:interp3:linear:Vnot3Dnarg5','V must be a 3-D array.');
[nrows,ncols,npages] = size(arg1);
s = arg2; t = arg3; w = arg4;

elseif nargin==8, % linear(x,y,z,v,s,t,w), X, Y and Z specified.
if ndims(arg4)~=3
error('MATLAB:interp3:linear:Vnot3Dnarg8','V must be a 3-D array.');
[nrows,ncols,npages] = size(arg4);
mx = numel(arg1); my = numel(arg2); mz = numel(arg3);
if ~isequal([my mx mz],size(arg4)) && ...
'The lengths of the X,Y,Z vectors must match V.');
s = 1 + (arg5-arg1(1))/(arg1(mx)-arg1(1))*(ncols-1);
t = 1 + (arg6-arg2(1))/(arg2(my)-arg2(1))*(nrows-1);
w = 1 + (arg7-ar



if any([nrows ncols npages]<[2 2 2]),
error('MATLAB:interp3:linear:Vsize','V must be at least 2-by-2-by-2.');
if ~isequal(size(s),size(t),size(w))
'XI, YI and ZI must be the same size.');

% Check for out of range values of s and set to 1
sout = find((s<1)|(s>ncols));
if ~isempty(sout), s(sout) = ones(size(sout)); end

% Check for out of range values of t and set to 1
tout = find((t<1)|(t>nrows));
if ~isempty(tout), t(tout) = ones(size(tout)); end

% Check for out of range values of w and set to 1
wout = find((w<1)|(w>npages));
if ~isempty(wout), w(wout) = ones(size(wout)); end

% Matrix element indexing
nw = nrows*ncols;
ndx = floor(t)+floor(s-1)*nrows+floor(w-1)*nw;

% Compute intepolation parameters, check for boundary value.
if isempty(s), d = s; else d = find(s==ncols); end
s(:) = (s - floor(s));
if ~isempty(d), s(d) = s(d)+1; ndx(d) = ndx(d)-nrows; end

% Compute intepolation parameters, check for boundary value.
if isempty(t), d = t; else d = find(t==nrows); end
t(:) = (t - floor(t));
if ~isempty(d), t(d) = t(d)+1; ndx(d) = ndx(d)-1; end

% Compute intepolation parameters, check for boundary value.
if isempty(w), d = w; else d = find(w==npages); end
w(:) = (w - floor(w));
if ~isempty(d), w(d) = w(d)+1; ndx(d) = ndx(d)-nw; end

% Now interpolate.
if nargin==8,
F = (( arg4(ndx).*(1-t) + arg4(ndx+1).*t ).*(1-s) + ...
( arg4(ndx+nrows).*(1-t) + arg4(ndx+(nrows+1)).*t ).*s).*(1-w) +...
(( arg4(ndx+nw).*(1-t) + arg4(ndx+1+nw).*t ).*(1-s) + ...
( arg4(ndx+nrows+nw).*(1-t) + arg4(ndx+(nrows+1+nw)).*t ).*s).*w;
F = (( arg1(ndx).*(1-t) + arg1(ndx+1).*t ).*(1-s) + ...
( arg1(ndx+nrows).*(1-t) + arg1(ndx+(nrows+1)).*t ).*s).*(1-w) +...
(( arg1(ndx+nw).*(1-t) + arg1(ndx+1+nw).*t ).*(1-s) + ...
( arg1(ndx+nrows+nw).*(1-t) + arg1(ndx+(nrows+1+nw)).*t ).*s).*w;

% Now set out of range values to ExtrapVal.
if ~isempty(sout), F(sout) = ExtrapVal; end
if ~isempty(tout), F(tout) = ExtrapVal; end
if ~isempty(wout), F(wout) = ExtrapVal; end

function F = cubic(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,ExtrapVal)
%CUBIC 3-D Tricubic data interpolation.
% CUBIC(...) is the same as LINEAR(....) except that it uses
% cubic interpolation.
% See also INTERP3.

% Based on "Cubic Convolution Interpolation for Digital Image
% Processing", Robert G. Keys, IEEE Trans. on Acoustics, Speech, and
% Signal Processing, Vol. 29, No. 6, Dec. 1981, pp. 1153-1160.

% find extrapolation value
switch nargin
case 1
ExtrapVal = arg1;
case 2
ExtrapVal = arg2;
case 3
ExtrapVal = arg3;
case 4
ExtrapVal = arg4;
case 5
ExtrapVal = arg5;
case 6
ExtrapVal = arg6;
case 7

l = arg7;
% case 8 is implicit

if nargin==2, % cubic(v), Expand V
if ndims(arg1)~=3
error('MATLAB:interp3:cubic:Vnot3D','V must be a 3-D array.');
[nrows,ncols,npages] = size(arg1);
[s,t,w] = meshgrid(1:.5:ncols,1:.5:nrows,1:.5:npages);

elseif nargin==3, % cubic(v,n), Expand V n times
if ndims(arg1)~=3
error('MATLAB:interp3:cubic:Vnot3Dnarg3','V must be a 3-D array.');
[nrows,ncols,npages] = size(arg1);
ntimes = floor(arg2); delta = 1/(2^ntimes);
[s,t,w] = meshgrid(1:delta:ncols,1:delta:nrows,1:delta:npages);

elseif nargin==4 || nargin==6 || nargin==7
error('MATLAB:interp3:cubic:WrongInputNum','Wrong number of input arguments.');

elseif nargin==5, % cubic(v,s,t,w), No X, Y or Z specified.
if ndims(arg1)~=3
error('MATLAB:interp3:cubic:Vnot3Dnarg5','V must be a 3-D array.');
[nrows,ncols,npages] = size(arg1);
s = arg2; t = arg3; w = arg4;

elseif nargin==8, % cubic(x,y,z,v,s,t,w), X, Y and Z specified.
if ndims(arg4)~=3
error('MATLAB:interp3:cubic:Vnot3Dnarg8','V must be a 3-D array.');
[nrows,ncols,npages] = size(arg4);
mx = numel(arg1); my = numel(arg2); mz = numel(arg3);
if ~isequal([my mx mz],size(arg4)) && ...
'The lengths of the X,Y,Z vectors must match V.');
s = 1 + (arg5-arg1(1))/(arg1(mx)-arg1(1))*(ncols-1);
t = 1 + (arg6-arg2(1))/(arg2(my)-arg2(1))*(nrows-1);
w = 1 + (arg7-arg3(1))/(arg3(mz)-arg3(1))*(npages-1);

if any([nrows ncols npages]<[3 3 3]),
error('MATLAB:interp3:cubic:Vsize','V must be at least 3-by-3-by-3.');
if ~isequal(size(s),size(t),size(w)),
'XI, YI and ZI must be the same size.');

% Check for out of range values of s and set to 1
sout = find((s<1)|(s>ncols));
if ~isempty(sout), s(sout) = ones(size(sout)); end

% Check for out of range values of t and set to 1
tout = find((t<1)|(t>nrows));
if ~isempty(tout), t(tout) = ones(size(tout)); end

% Check for out of range values of w and set to 1
wout = find((w<1)|(w>npages));
if ~isempty(wout), w(wout) = ones(size(wout)); end

% Matrix element indexing
nw = (nrows+2)*(ncols+2);
ndx = floor(t)+floor(s-1)*(nrows+2)+floor(w-1)*nw;

% Compute intepolation parameters, check for boundary value.
if isempty(s), d = s; else d = find(s==ncols); end
s(:) = (s - floor(s));
if ~isempty(d), s(d) = s(d)+1; ndx(d) = ndx(d)-nrows-2; end

% Compute intepolation parameters, check for boundary value.
if isempty(t), d = t; else d = find(t==nrows); end
t(:) = (t - floor(t));
if ~isempty(d), t(d) = t(d)+1; ndx(d) = ndx(d)-1; end

% Compute intepolation parameters, check for boundary value.
if isempty(w), d = w; else d = find(w==npages); end
w(:) = (w - floor(w));
if ~isempty(d), w(d) = w(d)+1; ndx(d) = ndx(d)-nw; end

% Expand v so interpolation is valid at the boundaries.
if nargin==8,
vv = zeros(size(arg4)+2);
vv(2:nrows+1,2:ncols+1,2:npages+1) = arg4;
vv = zeros(size(arg1)+2);
vv(2:nrows+1,2:ncols+1,2:npages+1) = arg1;
vv(1,:,:) = 3*vv(2,:,:) -3*vv(3,:,:) +vv(4,:,:); % Y edges
vv(nrows+2,:,:) = 3*vv(nrows+1,:,:) -3*vv(nrows,:,:) +vv(nrows-1,:,:);
vv(:,1,:) = 3*vv(:,2,:) -3*vv(:,3,:) +vv(:,4,:); % X edges
vv(:,ncols+2,:) = 3*vv(:,ncols+1,:) -3*vv(:,ncols,:) +vv(:,ncols-1,:);
vv(:,:,1) = 3*vv(:,:,2) -3*vv(:,:,3) +vv(:,:,4); % Z edges
vv(:,:,npages+2) = 3*vv(:,:,npages+1)-3*vv(:,:,npages)+vv(:,:,npages-1);
nrows = nrows+2;

% Now interpolate using computationally efficient algorithm.
F = zeros(size(s));
for iw = 0:3,
ww = localevaluate(w,iw);
for is = 0:3,
ss = localevaluate(s,is);
for it = 0:3,
tt = localevaluate(t,it);
F(:) = F + vv(ndx+(it+is*nrows+iw*nw)).*ss.*tt.*ww;
F(:) = F/8;

% Now set out of range values to ExtrapVal.
if ~isempty(sout), F(sout) = ExtrapVal; end
if ~isempty(tout), F(tout) = ExtrapVal; end
if ~isempty(wout), F(wout) = ExtrapVal; end

function X = localevaluate(x,iter)
switch iter
case 0
X = ((2-x).*x-1).*x;
case 1
X = (3*x-5).*x.*x+2;
case 2
X = ((4-3*x).*x+1).*x;
case 3
X = (x-1).*x.*x;

function F = nearest(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,ExtrapVal)
%NEAREST 3-D Nearest neighbor interpolation.
% NEAREST(...) is the same as LINEAR(...) except that it uses
% nearest neighbor interpolation.
% See also INTERP3.

% find extrapolation value
switch nargin
case 1
ExtrapVal = arg1;
case 2
ExtrapVal = arg2;
case 3
ExtrapVal = arg3;
case 4
ExtrapVal = arg4;
case 5
ExtrapVal = arg5;
case 6
ExtrapVal = arg6;
case 7
ExtrapVal = arg7;
% case 8 is implicit

if nargin==2, % nearest(v), Expand V
if ndims(arg1)~=3
error('MATLAB:interp3:nearest:Vnot3D','V must be a 3-D array.');
[nrows,ncols,npages] = size(arg1);
[s,t,w] = meshgrid(1:.5:ncols,1:.5:nrows,1:.5:npages);

elseif nargin==3, % nearest(v,n), Expand V n times
if ndims(arg1)~=3
error('MATLAB:interp3:nearest:Vnot3Dnarg3','V must be a 3-D array.');
[nrows,ncols,npages] = size(arg1);
ntimes = floor(arg2); delta = 1/(2^ntimes);
[s,t,w] = meshgrid(1:delta:ncols,1:delta:nrows,1:delta:npages);

elseif nargin==4 || nargin==6 || nargin==7
error('MATLAB:interp3:nearest:WrongInputNum','Wrong number of input arguments.');

elseif nargin==5, % nearest(v,s,t,w), No X, Y or Z specified.
if ndims(arg1)~=3
error('MATLAB:interp3:nearest:Vnot3Dnarg5','V must be a 3-D array.');
[nrows,ncols,npages] = size(arg1);
s = arg2; t = arg3; w = arg4;

elseif nargin==8, % nearest(x,y,z

,v,s,t,w), X, Y and Z specified.
if ndims(arg4)~=3
error('MATLAB:interp3:nearest:Vnot3Dnarg8','V must be a 3-D array.');
[nrows,ncols,npages] = size(arg4);
mx = numel(arg1); my = numel(arg2); mz = numel(arg3);
if ~isequal([my mx mz],size(arg4)) && ...
'The lengths of the X,Y,Z vectors must match V.');
if all([nrows,ncols,npages]>[1 1 1]),
s = 1 + (arg5-arg1(1))/(arg1(mx)-arg1(1))*(ncols-1);
t = 1 + (arg6-arg2(1))/(arg2(my)-arg2(1))*(nrows-1);
w = 1 + (arg7-arg3(1))/(arg3(mz)-arg3(1))*(npages-1);
s = 1 + (arg5-arg1(1));
t = 1 + (arg6-arg2(1));
w = 1 + (arg7-arg3(1));

if ~isequal(size(s),size(t),size(w)),
'XI, YI and ZI must be the same size.');

% Check for out of range values of s and set to 1
sout = find((s<.5)|(s>=ncols+.5));
if ~isempty(sout), s(sout) = ones(size(sout)); end

% Check for out of range values of t and set to 1
tout = find((t<.5)|(t>=nrows+.5));
if ~isempty(tout), t(tout) = ones(size(tout)); end

% Check for out of range values of w and set to 1
wout = find((w<.5)|(w>=npages+.5));
if ~isempty(wout), w(wout) = ones(size(wout)); end

% Now interpolate
ndx = round(t) + (round(s)-1)*nrows + (round(w)-1)*(nrows*ncols);
if nargin==8,
F = arg4(ndx);
F = arg1(ndx);

% Now set out of range values to ExtrapVal.
if ~isempty(sout), F(sout) = ExtrapVal; end
if ~isempty(tout), F(tout) = ExtrapVal; end
if ~isempty(wout), F(wout) = ExtrapVal; end

function F = spline3(varargin)
%3-D spline interpolation

% Determine abscissa vectors
varargin{1} = varargin{1}(1,:,1);
varargin{2} = varargin{2}(:,1,1).';
varargin{3} = reshape(varargin{3}(1,1,:),1,size(varargin{3},3));

% Check for plaid data.
xi = varargin{5}; yi = varargin{6}; zi = varargin{7};
xxi = xi(1,:,1); yyi = yi(:,1,1); zzi = zi(1,1,:);
if ~automesh(xi,yi,zi) || ...
(size(xi,2)>1 && ~isequal(repmat(xxi,[size(xi,1),1,size(xi,3)]),xi)) || ...
(size(yi,1)>1 && ~isequal(repmat(yyi,[1,size(yi,2),size(yi,3)]),yi)) || ...
(size(zi,3)>1 && ~isequal(repmat(zzi,[size(zi,1),size(zi,2),1]),zi)),
F = splncore(varargin([2 1 3]),varargin{4},varargin([6 5 7]));
F = splncore(varargin([2 1 3]),varargin{4},{yyi(:).' xxi zzi(:).'},'gridded');

ExtrapVal = varargin{8};
% Set out-of-range values to ExtrapVal
if isnumeric(ExtrapVal)
d = (xi < min(varargin{1}) | xi > max(varargin{1}) | ...
yi < min(varargin{2}) | yi > max(varargin{2}) | ...
zi < min(varargin{3}) | zi > max(varargin{3}));
F(d) = ExtrapVal;

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