当前位置:文档之家› 牛津上海版实验小学2019-2020学年五年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(I)卷



牛津上海版实验小学2019-2020学年五年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(I)卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________


一、选择题 (共10题;共20分)

1. (2分)Dad,there's a call you.

A . on

B . for

C . to

2. (2分)He goes to school________.

A . on bus

B . by bus

C . in bus

3. (2分)The Yellow River is the__________ longest river in China.

A . two

B . second

C . twoth

4. (2分)My Tshirt has got a dog ________ it.

A . on

B . in

C . at

5. (2分)Can I have some pears ?

A . No , thanks .

B . Thank you .

C . Sure .

6. (2分)Look! The cat likes this ______.

A . doll

B . ball

7. (2分)Are you ______angry?

A . feels

B . feel

C . feeling

8. (2分)找出不同类的单词()

A . helpful

B . polite

C . Miss

D . clever

9. (2分)选出与图片对应的单词()

A . dog

B . log

10. (2分)My brother ________ TV with Tom now.

A . is going to watch

B . is watching

C . watches

二、填空题 (共2题;共10分)

11. (4分)选出下列每组单词中不同类的—项。

① ________A.skirt B.dress C.red

② ________A.blue B.shirt C.green

③ ________A.on B.white C.up

④ ________A.shoe B.yes C.no

12. (6分)判断划线部分发音是否相同, 相同用“T”表示, 不同用“F”表示。

⒈dress dream (________)

⒉blue do (________)

⒊cake plant (________)

⒋desk many (________)

⒌fine family (________)

⒍pupil duck (________)

三、选词填空 (共1题;共4分)

13. (4分)选择方框内的单词或词组完成下列句子。每个只限用一次。

(1)—Let's go to the cinema ________.


(2)The shop ________ at ten o'clock.

(3)—Do you often ________?

—No, I don't.

(4)—What do you do at the ________?

—We eat dumplings.

四、句型转换 (共1题;共5分)

14. (5分)We are thirsty. (根据划线部分提问)

五、情景交际 (共1题;共3分)

15. (3分)补全对话。

Mom:Are you okay?

Mike:No, ________.

Mom:Let's see a doctor.

Mike: ________!

Doctor: ________?

Mike:My head hurts.

六、阅读理解 (共3题;共21分)

16. (10分)阅读短文,判断对错。

One day Jamie tells his friends,"I'm going to have a holiday in Beijing. But I can't speak Chinese,so I'm going to have evening classes and have Chinese lessons there for a month. "Soon his holiday comes and he goes to China happily. After he comes back,his friend asks him,"Do you have any trouble(麻烦) with your Chinese,Jamie?"

"No,I don't,"answers Jamie. "But the Chinese do!"

(1)Jamie is going to Beijing.

(2)Jamie speaks Chinese very well.

(3)Jamie has English lessons for a month.

(4)Jamie has some trouble in China.

(5)Jamie has a happy holiday in the US.

17. (5分)读对话,根据对话内容填空,完成下列句子。

Jack: Hello, Sally. What time is it now?

Sally: It's 8:30.

Jack: It's time for maths class. Where is the classroom?

Sally: It's on the first floor.

Jack: Do you have a playground?

Sally: Yes, we do.

Jack: Great. I can play football after class.

Sally: You can't play it today. It's rainy outside.

(1)It's ________ now.

(2)It's time for ________ class.

(3)The classroom is on the ________ floor.

(4)Jack can play ________.

(5)It's ________ outside.

18. (6分)看下面的表格, 根据表格内容将下列语段补充完整。

(1)Amy's favourite colour is ________. Her favourite subject is art. She likes to ________ ________. She wants to be a painter.

(2)Mike's favourite colour is ________. His favourite subject is ________. He likes to read books. He wants to be a writer.

(3)Tom likes blue best. His favourite subject is PE. He likes to make machines. He wants to be a ________.

七、书面表达 (共1题;共5分)

19. (5分)以 My home为题写话,要求不少于5句话,至少用三种句型。

参考答案一、选择题 (共10题;共20分)











二、填空题 (共2题;共10分)



三、选词填空 (共1题;共4分) 13-1、




四、句型转换 (共1题;共5分) 14-1、

五、情景交际 (共1题;共3分)


六、阅读理解 (共3题;共21分) 16-1、













七、书面表达 (共1题;共5分)



上海版牛津英语单词 五年级上 Module 1 Unit 1 cross v. 英音:[kr?:s]美音:[kr?s]穿过 drink v. 英音:[dri?k]美音:[dr??k]喝 go out 出去 make a noise 英音:[n?iz]美音:[n??z]吵闹 mean v. 英音:[mi:n]美音:[min]意指 one pron. 一 or conj.或 out prep .通过…而出 road n. 英音:[r?ud]美音:[rod]路 rubbish n.英音:['r?bi?]美音:['r?b??]垃圾 sign n.英音:[sain]美音:[sa?n]标志 smoke v.英音:[sm?uk]美音:[smok]抽烟 station n. 英音:['stei??n]美音:['ste??n]车站 traffic light英音:['tr?fik]美音:['tr?f?k]交通灯underground n. 英音:['?nd?graund]美音:['?nd?,graund]地下wait v. 英音:[weit]美音:[wet]等 wait for 等候

which adv.英音:[hwit?]美音:[hw?t?]哪一个 unit2 bigmac n.巨无霸 french fries n. 英音:[frent?]美音:[fr?nt?]英音:[fraiz]美音:[fra?z]炸薯条 glue n. 英音:[glu:]美音:[glu]胶水 mcchicken麦香鸡 paper n.英音:['peip?]美音:['pep?]纸 picnic n. 英音:['piknik]美音:['p?kn?k]野餐 scissors n.英音:['siz?z]美音:['s?z?z]剪刀 tape n.英音:[teip]美音:[tep]胶带 vegetable n.英音:['ved?it?bl]美音:['v?d??t?b!]蔬菜 want v. 英音:[w?nt]美音:[wɑnt]要 unit3 bake v.英音:[beik]美音:[bek]烤 buy v.英音:[bai]美音:[ba?]买 cheap adj.英音:[t?i:p]美音:[t?ip]便宜的 dear adj.英音:[di?]美音:[d?r]贵的 for prep.英音:[f?:]美音:[f?r]为


一、阅读改错 A butterfly is an insect. It lays eggs. The eggs are small and white. The eggs become caterpillars. They eat leaves. They make little houses. They are cocoons. They are brown. When the cocoon opens, a butterfly comes out. ( ) 1、The eggs are big and white. ( ) 2、The egg eats leaves. ( ) 3、The cocoons are white. ( ) 4、Butterflies come out of cocoons. ( ) 5、The caterpillars make cocoons. 二、要求写句子 1. There are five birds in the tree. (对画线部分提问) 2. I can see some juice in the bottle. (改成一般疑问句) 3. I like model ships. (改成否定句) 4. There is a cat behind the door. (对画线部分提问) 5. The masks are forty yuan. (对画线部分提问) 6. The boy can play the guitar. (对画线部分提问) 7. I like tiger masks. (对画线部分提问) 三、选择 ( ) 1. They are going to the restaurant by A. a taxi B. the taxi C. taxi ( ) 2. My brother to school at seven o’clock in the morning. A. is going B. go C. goes ( ) 3. Kitty needs uniform for school .A. a B. an C. the ( ) 4. Look! Our classroom is on the __________ . A. second floor B. two floor C. two floors ( ) 5. This doll too old. I need a new A. ones B. one C. that one . ( ) 6. The traffic light . “Stop” ! A. is red man B. red C. is red ( ) 7. ——washes his face at six o’clock in the morning . A. Danny B. Danny and Ben C. They ( ) 8. We like and leaves .A. some fruit B. fruits C. fruit ( ) 9.The are going to the underground statain . A. Lis B. Mr Li C. Li ( ) 10. My birthday is on of January . A. the twenty-first B. the twentieth-first C. the twenty-one 选择对应的回答 ()1、What is this monkey doing? ()2、How much is that ball ? ()3、How is Kitty, Mary ? ()4、What do you like ? ()5、How many children ? A、She is sick today. B、One hundred . C、It’s eating a banana. D、Ninety yuan . E、Bananas . 填进适当的词 1、Ben and his ______ (家庭) are in the sitting-room. 2、There aren’t ______ (一些) sofas in the sitting-room. 3、Now ,follow ______ (我),please. 4、We’re having a Music _______(课). 5、They like (做) model planes. 6、We ______(需要) some flowers and vases. 7、--What do you like? -- I like ______(马).


E D F 上海版牛津英语七年级上学期期中考试卷 Part 1 Listening:20% I. Listen and choose the right picture:5% A B C D E F 1._______ 2.________ 3.________ 4._ 5._________ II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the questions you hear:5% ( )1. A)In a shop B) In a Market C)In a library D)In a bookstore ( )2. A)America B) American C)Australia D) Australian ( )3. A) Yes, she is a member of SPCA. B) Yes, she does. C) No, she isn ’t a member of SPCA. D) No, she doesn ’t. ( )4. A)At 7:55 B)At 7:50 C) At 7:45 D)At 7:20 ( )5. A)A singer B)A pilot C) A football player D)A basketball player III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following sentences are true or false:5% ( )1. Jane ’s apartment is in a very convenient place. ( )2.There is a cinema around the corner from her building. ( )3.Two gas stations are far away from her building. ( )4.There is not much traffic near her home. ( )5.It is very noisy, but Jane still likes to live there. IV. Listen to the passage and complete the form:5% Mrs Jackson ’s family


5A Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 1 My brirthday first =第一 second =第二 third =第三 fourth =第四 fifth =第五 · sixth =第六 party =聚会 begin =开始 bring =带来 wear =穿,戴 favorite =最喜欢的 Unit 2 My way to school taxi =出租车 . underground =地铁 zebra crossing =斑马线 traffic light(s) =红绿灯,交通信号灯pavement =人行道

live =住,居住 leave =离开 by =通过(表示方式、方法) on foot =步行 & arrive (at) =到达 cross =穿过 Unit 3 My future worker =工人 pilot =飞行员 farmer =农民 shop assistant =营业员,销售员 fly =飞 … help =帮助 sick =有病的,生病的 Module 2 Me, my family and friends Unit 1 Grandparents write an e-mail =写电子邮件 go shopping =去购物 play chess =下(国际)象棋 — once =一次

twice =两次 talk =交谈,说话 (the) Internet =互联网,因特网Unit 2 Friends same =同样的,相同的different =不同的 both =(两者)都 ` all =所有的 class =班级 each other =互相 together =一起 Unit 3 Moving home north =北方,北边 south =南方,南边 west =西方,西边 | east =东方,东边 study =学习 a lot of =许多 Module 3 Places and activities Unit 1 Around the city


五年级英语上册期末试卷 一、单词辨音。找出下面每组单词中划线部分发音不同的单词,并将其字母编号在答题卡上涂黑。(5 分) ( )1.A. son ( )2.A. tea B.hope B.clean C. coke C. bread ( )3. A.bun B. put C. run ( )4. A.hot B. hobby C. hour ( )5.A. ice B.can C. cat 二、单词拼写。看图或根据中文提示,在答题卡相应的位置上写出单词所缺的字母。(8 分) 5. a big h 6. aw day 7. a s 8. at them 1.例 如f e 2.大量的p o 3.迅速地走w q 4.在午餐时间atl 1. make as 2. ab ofj 3. Children’s P 4. a niced

三、单项选择。选择最佳答案,并把其英文字母编号写在括号内。 ( )1. Jiamin eatstoomuch every day. So he isheavy. A.vegetables B. tea C. chocolate ( ) 2. I don’t likeswimming.I goswimming. A. always B.seldom https://www.doczj.com/doc/1d8410914.html,ually ( ) 3. Sam’s parents arealwaysbusy weekdays. A.at B. on C. in ( ) 4. Mike lovesEnglishfoods sandwiches andchips. A. like B. are C.is ( )5.Janetloveschildrenandshe’sgoodatusingnumbers.Shewants to be . A. afactoryworker B. anartteacher C. a mathsteacher ( ) 6. It’s cold outside.Iwant do drink. A.somethinghot B.somethingcold C. hotsomething ( )7.Look!Theskyturnsdark(黑)。I thinkitwillbe . A. rainy B.warm C.sunny ( )8. Everything good. I really enjoy themeal. A.taste B. tastes C.are ( ) 9. Western people usually havemealswith 。 A. a knifeandfork B. forksandbowls C. chopsticks and bowls ( ) 10.A:What’sthe now? B:It’s 28℃。 A.weather B.temperature C.date ( ) 11.A:is Xiaoling? B: Maybe she’s in her study now. A.Where B.When C.What ( ) 12.A:the fruits? B:Very fresh. A. Doyouwant B. Wouldyou like C. What do you think of


2021上海版新牛津英语2B期中测试题 (考试时刻:40分钟满分:100分) 题号Ⅰ听力(50分)Ⅱ笔试(50分)总分 得分 Ⅰ听力部分 50% 一、听录音,选出你听到的字母,字母组合或单词:10% 1.()A. QJU B. GDP C. LIN 2.()A. bpr B. suv C. air 3.()A. white B. write C. ride 4.()A. run B. rough C. rubber 5.()A. pear B. hear C. bear 6.()A. tail B. tall C. Tom 7.()A. pig B. big C. bag 8.()A. cat B. kite C. car 9.()A. hand B. head C. hen 10()A. books B. boxes C. buses 二、听录音,用数字给下列内容编号10% 1. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2. carrot noodles meat soup hamburger ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选出听到的句子6% w W w . ( ) 1. A. It is a yellow pear. B. Is it a yellow pear? ( ) 2. A. What can you see? B. What colour can you see? ( ) 3. A. Ming can hear a ship. B. Ming can’t hear a sheep. ( ) 4. A. Do you like skating? B. Do you like skipping?


Module1 Getting to know you Unit1 My birthday 生词: first second third fourth fifth sixth 音标: e e_e ee ea /i:/ she these bee sea me Chinese sweet read i y /i/ it drill easy happy this fish very early 语法: When is your birthday? It ’son the...of January/February/March/April/May/June/July/August/September/October/ November/December. Unit2 My way to school 生词: taxi underground zebra crossing traffic lights pavement 音标: e a ea /e/ bed any head pet many bread a /? / dad apple back black 语法 : How do you come to school? I come to school... Unit3 My future 生词: worker pilot farmer cook shop assistant 音标: /p/p pick map/t/t taste fruit /b/b book job/d/d date bad k kite work /k/c cook picnic ck clock duck /g/g game big 语法: What do you want to be? I want to be a/an...


五下 一、(1) 樱桃cherry 榴莲durian 眼镜glasses 在……前面in front of 在……里面inside 在……外outside 李子、梅子plum 升起rise 影子shadow 大楼block (日、月)落到地平线下go down 公寓flat (2) 睡着asleep 醒着awake 满的full 空的empty 锤子hammer 把……藏起来hide 螺丝刀screwdriver 摇动器shaker 线string 轮子wheel 放、安置put 系、栓tie (用剪刀)剪下cut out 仔细的careful 豆、菜豆bean 响亮的loud 杯子cup 试、试用try 两个都both 女士lady

(3)靠垫cushion 有绒毛的fluffy 我的(东西)mine 包裹parcel 粗糙的rough 光亮的shiny 他们的(东西)theirs 你的,你们的(东西)yours 我们的(东西)ours 他的(东西)his 移动move (4) 救save 丢失的lost 烟smoke 不同的different 饮料drink 相同的same 舌、舌头tongue 鼻子nose 二、(1) 树枝branch 笼子cage 时间表timetable 大门gate 肉meat 鹦鹉parrot 左边left 右边right 千克,公斤kilo 台阶step 沿着,顺着along (2) 钥匙key 拜访,看望visit 玩具toy 给give 恐龙dinosaur 木偶puppet 电脑computer

(3) 家具furniture 市场market 警察局police station 架子shelf 沙发sofa 灯lamp 镜子mirror 打滚roll over 三、(1) 她的(东西)hers 叶子leaf(leaves) 敞开的open (2) 刷净brush 吵闹的noisy 进来come in 日记diary 起床get up 进球得分goal 发嘶嘶声的hissing 发嗡嗡声的humming 流行的pop 组group 得分score 顶好的,超级的super 二十五twenty-five 飞fly(flew) (3) 水稻,大米rice 小鸡chicken 建造build 温度temperature 度,度数degree 三十五thirty-five 毫米millimetre 暴风雨storm 共102个


牛津上海版六年级第一学期英语期中考试试卷 (注意:题目一律答在答题纸上,做在试卷上不得分。答题时间90分钟,满分100分。) Paper 1 Listening (第一部分听力) (共25分) I. Listen to the sentence and choose the right picture (根据你所听到的内容,选 择最恰当的图片,用A, B, C, …等表示)(共5分) (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) 1. _______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. _______ 5. _______ II. Listen and choose the best response to what you hear (根据你所听到的句子,选出恰当的应答句,用A, B, C, …等表示)(共5分) A. Five yuan. B. I usually go shopping with my aunt. C. I would like to be a doctor.

D. No, I haven’t. E. By bus. F. It’s on the second floor. 6. _______ 7. ______ 8. ______ 9. _______ 10. _______ III. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer (根据你所听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(共5分) ( )11. A. Go to the zoo. B. Play table tennis. C. Play tennis. D. Play football. ( )12. A. A doctor. B. A nurse. C. A driver. D. A policeman. ( )13. A. On foot. B. By underground. C. By bus. D. By train. ( )14. A. On Monday B. On Tuesday C. On Thursday D. On Wendesday ( )15. A. Fine B. Rainy C. Snowy D. Windy IV. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false. (判断下列句子是否符合你所听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示。不符合的用“F”表示)(共5分) ( )16. Joan is Tom’s sister. ( )17. Tom’s father is a teacher, but his mother isn’t. ( )18. Tom and Joan don’t like sports. ( )19. In the evening they always go out. ( )20. Tom and Joan like both Chinese and English. V. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks (听短文,填入所缺的词,使句意通顺)(共5分)


Module 1五年级上Unit 1 cross v.穿过 drink v.喝 go out出去 make a noise吵闹 mean v.意指 one pron.一 or conj.或 out prep .通过…而出 road n.路 rubbish n.垃圾 sign n.标志 smoke v.抽烟 station n.车站 traffic light交通灯 underground n.地下 wait v.等 wait for等候 way n.方向 which adv.哪一个

unit2 bigmac n.xx french fries n.炸薯条glue n.胶水mcchickenxx鸡paper n.纸 picnic n.野餐scissors n.剪刀 tape n.胶带vegetable n.蔬菜want v.要 unit3 bake v.烤 buy v.买 cheap adj.便宜的dear adj.贵的 for prep.为 need v.需要 salt n.盐 uniform n.制服wear v.穿

let’s 让我们module2 unit1 at(time) perp.在…时group n.小组home adv.回家morning n .早上mice n.老鼠 night n.夜间outside adv.向外面park n.公园 way n.方法 unit 2 be v.是 cabbage n.卷心菜carrot n.xx dessert n.甜点心doesn’t 不 drink n.饮料 know v.知道 nod v.点


上海版牛津小学英语3B期中考试卷 一..Think and circle.(根据中文圈出正确的单词)(10') 1.狮子( lion tiger ) 2.镜 子( mirror mask ) 3. 娃娃( doll bear ) 4.光滑 的( soft smooth ) 5. 灰色 ( green grey ) 6. 机器人 ( robot toy ) 7. 蜥蜴( giraffe lizard) 8.电 话( telephone elephant) 9. 品尝( touch taste) 10. 漂亮的 ( super beautiful ) 三.Think and choose. (选出不同类的单词)(5') 1. ( ) A. apple B. lemon C. sweet D. banana 2. ( ) A. pink B. black C. colour D. brown 3. ( ) A. hard B. touch C. smell D. close 4. ( ) A. bus B. bird C. car D. boat 5. ( ) A. he B. she C. they D. it 四.Think and choose.(选择填空)(10') ( ) 1.What can you see? A. I can see a pink book. B. I can see pink. C. Yes, I can see a book. ( ) 2. Tweet! Tweet! What can you hear? A. Yes, I can hear a bird. B. I can hear a bird. C. I can hear bird. ( ) 3. What are they? A. They are sheeps. B. They are sheepes. C. They are sheep. ( )4. Look _____ the mirror, I can see me. A. in B. on C. to ( ) 5. Is this your ruler, Danny?


牛津上海版五年级英语 语法测试精选文档 TTMS system office room 【TTMS16H-TTMS2A-TTMS8Q8-

牛津上海版五年级英语语法总测试 be/do/ have 1.They playing football at school.. 2. he go to the cinema yesterday? 3. 4. Kitty and Ben at their father’s workshop now. 5. your father buy a motorbike for your birthday last week? 6. 7.There some apple juice in this bottle. 8. your brother like the Car Museum? 9. 10.There three birds on the tree,but now there seven birds on it. 11.What class do we today? 12. 13.They my glue and paints. 14.Whose glasses these 15. 16. 物主代词&人称代词 翻译:他是我的朋友。也是我们的。 这只小鸭子是她的吗-----不,它不是她的。它是他的。 你们叫什么名字-----我的名字是颜诗洋,他的是唐晨浩。 那是谁的篮球----那是他们的。 我们是好朋友。让我们一起去购物吧! 祈使句:

No swimming! It tell us we here. Don’t walk your dog here!It means we . Open the window,please!It says . 变形: like(第三人称单数) fly(现在分词) snow(形容词) child(复数) see(过去式) box(复数) wash(过去式)run(现在分词) we(宾格) its(形容词性物主代词) 情态动词: I like the wind weather,because (我可以放风筝) It is raining today,so we (不可以出去玩了) We (不应该) speak with a full mouth of food. 口语交际: It is time (英语课). 我们到了。 (真乱呀!我该怎么办) 还有呢?听起来很有趣! 冠词 1.We cannot see sun at night,but we can see it in sunny day. 2. Children’s Hospital is best hospital in there. 3.Is she Chinese girl from Beijing? 4.


. . . . 七年级第一学期英语期中考试09.11 Paper 1 Listening( 第一卷听力共20 分) I. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你所听到的容,选出相应的图片,共5 分) A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听 到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) ( )1.A.To travel B. To play C. To work D. To study ( )2. A .Christmas puddings B. Rice dumplings C. Chinese food D. Red packet ( )3. A. Her grandma B .Her teacher C .Her aunt D. Her sister ( )4. A. It was nice B. It’s sunny and hot C. The wind was gentle D. There was a typhoon ()5. A. To the shop for a coat B. To go home for a coat C. To see a doctor D. To take a walk ( )6. A. In a shop B. In an office C. At school D. In a hospital ( )7. A. Fewer IIthan one thousand B. More than one thousand C. One thousand D. About one thousand Ⅲ. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共 6 分) ( )1.Only children like to fly kites. ( )2.Kite flying became popular in China 2,000 years ago. ( )3.Scientists use kites in many ways. ( )4.Scientists will use kites to study weather in the future. ( )5.Kites cannot be used to life a man. ( )6.Kites can not only make people happy, but also be very useful.


1.It is a nice, w____ day. The Wangs are going to Ocean World. There are many s____ animals a__ Ocean World. First Alice and Tom see a ______. Alice is afraid. Then they see some dolphins in a big p_____. They are c____ and c_____. Alice and Tom w____ them. They b____ like them. It is 12:15. Alice and Tom are h____. The Wangs look for a r________. They w___ along Green Road and turn right at the first c____. Then they see some restaurants. 2.It is S_____ morning. Kitty p___ on her dress. It’s too s_____. She n_____ a new one. So her mother wants to b___ a new dress for Kitty. Now they arrive at a clothes shop. They see two d_____. One is blue with p______. The other is pink with some b______. B___ of them are nice. So Mum asks Kitty to t____ on both. 3.First, Little Water Drop lives in the s______. The sun shines and shines. He gets h____. Next, he r up to the sky. Then, he is in the c______. He feels cool.He flies over r______ and m_______.Finally, he falls down to the g_______.He is I the tree. How i the journey is! 4.Good evening. Welcome to “Weather Today”. Let’s look at today’s weather first .It is a w____ day today. In the morning, the wind blows g____ and the clouds move s_____. People go out and enjoy the sunshine. In the afternoon, the wind blows s____. Some people fly kites in the park. Now in the evening, the wind is still strong. And there is h____ rain too. Please close the windows and stay at home. 5.Alice lives near school. She w___ to school every day. She l___ home at a quarter to eight. Kitty comes to school on f__ _. She a____ walks to school with Alice. Peter does not live n___ school. He comes to school by b____. He l___ home at about seven thirty and a____ at school at about eight.


上海版牛津英语五年级下册期中考试模拟卷Ⅰ.Read and judge (判断画线部分发音是否一致,用T或F表示) ( ) play ( ) tiger ( ) 3. what late ( ) Sunday ( ) hair ( ) point Ⅱ.Translate the following(中英互译) 1.做运动up the rooms 3.保持安静 a fly 5.不再happened 7.一年到头five minutes 9.试穿 a noise Ⅲ.Read and choose.(选择填空) ()pick____ your pencil and draw a picture. ( ) has many toys. Please put___toys in this big box. the ( ) new storybooks are______. ( ) pair of socks _____ soft and nice. ( ) and his mother____ in the shop, now they ____at home. , are , are , are ( ) parents watch TV, but I 。 ’t ’t ’t ( ) was_____ ugly cocoon on the leaf. C./ ( ) little brother _______ a bottle of juice just now. ( ) is a short break ______. each class school ( ) buy three ticksts from the . Ⅳ.Read and write (用所给单词的适当形式填空) dog like______(eat) bones and meat. are some____________ (butterfly) among the flowers. (go) to school every morning. are some ______ (potato) in the basket. pupil______ (be) in the park yesterday. is the______ (one )student to school this morning. White is the______ (fair) girl of all. ’s the______ (ten) of September. It’s Teachers’ Day. Ⅴ.Read and rewrite (按要求改写句子)


五年级英语上册四种时态练习上海牛津版 一般现在时练习: 1. He often ________(have) dinner at home. 2. Daniel and Tommy _______(be) in Class One. 3. We _______(not watch) TV on Monday. 4. Nick _______(not go) to the zoo on Sunday. 5. ______ they ________(like) the World Cup? 6. What _______they often _______(do) on Saturdays? 7. _______ your parents _______(read) newspapers every day? 8. The girl _______(teach) us English on Sundays. 9. She and I ________(take) a walk together every evening. 10. There ________(be) some water in the bottle. 11. Mike _______(like) cooking. 12. They _______(have) the same hobby. 13. My aunt _______(look) after her baby carefully. 14. You always _______(do) your homework well. 15. I _______(be) ill. I'm staying in bed. 16. She _______(go) to school from Monday to Friday. 17. Liu Tao _______(do) not like PE. 18. The child often _______(watch) TV in the evening. 19. Su Hai and Su Yang _______(have) eight lessons this term. 20.-What day _______(be) it today? -It's Saturday II. 改错(划出错误的地方,将正确的写在横线上) 1. Is your brother speak English? __________________ 2. Does he likes going fishing? __________________

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