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pervade ( v.) :spread through,saturate or permeate every part of充满;弥漫
haze ( n.) :1ight thin mist or smoke薄雾;烟雾;尘雾
tint ( n.) :a color or a shading of a color,esp. a gradation of a color with reference to its mixture with white色彩;色泽(尤指色彩的浓淡)
chore ( n.) :any daily or routine tasks(unpleasant,uninteresting or difficult);a daily necessary job,esp. in a house or on a farm(usu.pl.)日常零星工作,零星活儿(如家庭杂务,农场杂活等)(常用复数)
squawk ( n.) :loud harsh sound粗厉的叫声
camouflage ( v.) :disguise(a thing or person)in order to conceal伪装(物或人);隐蔽;掩饰
swirl ( n.) : twist and curl旋转;转动;回旋
spangle ( v.) :cover or decorate with spangles or other bright objects用闪光的金属片等装饰
quarter—deck ( n.) :part of the highest level of a ship,used only by officers’(供军官使用的)船尾甲板
awning ( n.) :movable covering,esp. one made of canvas,used to protect shop windows,shipdecks,etc.from sun or rain(用于门、窗、甲板等)遮阳篷;遮雨篷;凉篷
august ( adj.) : causing feelings of great respect;noble and grand;venerable for reasons of age or high rank可敬的,可尊敬的;德高望重的;高贵的
squeal ( n.) :a high—pitched,shrill cry or sound,somewhat prolonged长而尖的叫声
boatswain ( n.) :a ship’s officer or petty officer in charge of the deck crew,the rigging,anchors,boats,etc.水手长
beckon (v.) :make a silent sign,as with the finger,call(someone)(用招手)表示招呼;召唤(某人)
expedite ( v.) :perform quickly and efficiently迅速处理,速办

-and—span ( adj.) :(short for spick—and-span—new)neat and clean,very neat or smart and new(spick—and—span—new的缩写形式)极整洁的,极干净的;崭新的
pit ( v.) :mark with small scars使留下疤痕
aghast ( adj.) :feeling great horror or dismay;terrified;horrified惊愕的,惊骇的,惊吓的
scupper ( n.) :an opening in a ship's side to allow water to run off the deck船侧的排水孔
drove ( n.) :a moving crowd of people(行动的)人群
salvo ( n.) :simultaneous discharge of artillery or other firearms,esp. as salute,or in sea—fight(枪炮的)齐射(尤指礼炮的齐鸣,海战中的齐射)
quartermaster ( n.) :petty officer or mate who attends to the ship's compass,navigation,signals etc.(兼管信号等的)舵手;航信士官
escort ( v.) :.go with as an escort;accompany to protect or show honor or courtesy to护卫,护送;陪同,伴随
watertight (adj.) :so snugly put together that no water can get in or through不透水的;水密的;防水的
bunk ( n.) :a shelf like bed or berth built into or against a wall,as in a ship(船上的)铁架帆布床,(船上的)铺位
scrounge ( v. ) :[colloq.]manage to get or find by hunting around[口](四处)搜寻
purse ( v.) :draw(the lips)tightly together皱起;缩拢
aluminum ( n.) :one of the chemical elements,a silvery,lightweight,easily worked metal that resist corrosion and is found abundantly,but only in combination铝
swell ( n.) :a large wave that moves steadily without breaking波涛(汹涌)
coxswain ( n.) :a petty officer or other person in charge of a ship's boat and acting as its steersman(救生艇的)艇长;舵手,舵工
flop ( v

.) :flap,strike,throw,or cause to drop noisily and clumsily猛烈地抛落;笨拙的落下
rickety ( adj. ) :liable to fall or break down because weak;shaky易倒的;易垮的;不结实的,不稳固的
strangle ( v.) :suffocate or choke in any manner窒息 ;闷住;使
shellacking ( n.) :[Am.slang]a thorough defeat[美俚]彻底击败
droop ( v.) :sink down;hang or bend down下沉;下垂;垂下;弯下
deference ( n.) :courteous regard or respects,honor敬意,尊敬,敬重
hobble ( v.) :cause to go haltingly or lamely使跛行
confer ( v.) :have a conference or talk;meet for discussion;converse商量,磋商;商讨,交换意见,进行讨论
jumble ( v.) :mix in a confused,disorderly heap混杂;使乱堆;使混合
foul ( v.) :entangle,disorder or confuse使纠缠;使混乱
materiel ( n.) :weapons,equipment,supplies of armed forces作战物资;武器弹药
arsenal ( n.) :a place for making or storing weapons and other munitions兵工厂;军械库
hypothetical ( adj.) :based on,involving,or having the nature of a hypothesis;assumed;supposed假设的,假定的
recur ( v. ) : occur again,as in talk or memory;come up again for consideration(往事等)再现,重现
stupendous (adj.) :astonishingly great or large极大的
larch ( n.) :any of a genus(Larix)of trees of the pine family,found throughout the N Hemisphere,bearing cones and needlelike leaves that are shed annually落叶松
fir ( n.) :any of a genus (Abies)of cone—bearing evergreen trees of the pine family. having flattened single needles and erect cone

s whose scales drop at maturity冷杉属树,冷杉
lurch ( n.) :stagger突然倾斜;蹒跚,摇晃
gangplank ( n.) :a narrow,movable platform or ramp forming a bridge by which to board or leave a ship上下船的跳板
hitch ( v.) :move,pull,or shift with jerks急拉,急推,猛地一动
chaplain ( n.) :a minister,priest,or rabbi serving in a religious capacity with army forces,or in prison,hospital,etc.(军队、监狱、医院等的)牧师,教士,神父
vestment ( n.) :any of the garments worn by officials and their assistants,choir members,etc.during certain services and rites祭袍;弥撒祭袍;法衣
unwonted (adj.) :not common,usual,or habitual;infrequent;rare不寻常的;罕见的;少有的
den ( n.) :a small,cozy room where one can be alone to read.work,etc.私室;书斋;休憩室
sherry ( n.) :yellow or brown wine of southern Spain.South Africa,Cyprus,England雪利酒(西班牙及其他地方产的一种浅黄色或深褐色葡萄酒)
commodore ( n.) :(U.S.Navy)an officer ranking above a captain and below a rear admiral(美国)海军准将
zigzag (v.) :move or form in a zigzag弯弯曲曲地行进
appal ( v.) :(=appall)fill with horror or dismay;shock使惊愕;惊吓;使惊骇,使震惊
scupper ( n.) :an opening in a ship's side to allow water to run off the deck船侧的排水孔
drove ( n.) :a moving crowd of people(行动的)人群
salvo ( n.) :simultaneous discharge of artillery or other firearms,esp. as salute,or in sea—fight(枪炮的)齐射(尤指礼炮的齐鸣,海战中的齐射)
quartermaster ( n.) :petty officer or mate who attends to the ship's compass,navigation

,signals etc.(兼管信号等的)舵手;航信士官
escort ( v.) :go with as an escort;accompany to protect or show honor or courtesy to护卫,护送;陪同,伴随
watertight ( adj. ) :so snugly put together that no water can get in or through不透水的;水密的;防水的
bunk ( n.) :a shelf like bed or berth built into or against a wall,as in a ship(船上的)铁架帆布床,(船上的)铺位
scrounge ( v.) :[colloq.]manage to get or find by hunting around[口](四处)搜寻
purse ( v.) :draw(the lips)tightly together皱起;缩拢
aluminum ( n.) :one of the chemical elements,a silvery,lightweight,easily worked metal that resist corrosion and is found abundantly,but only in combination铝
swell ( n.) :a large wave that moves steadily without breaking波涛(汹涌)
coxswain ( n.) :a petty officer or other person in charge of a ship's boat and acting as its steersman(救生艇的)艇长;舵手,舵工
flop ( v.) :flap,strike,throw,or cause to drop noisily and clumsily猛烈地抛落;笨拙的落下
rickety ( adj.) :liable to fall or break down because weak;shaky易倒的;易垮的;不结实的,不稳固的
strangle (v.) :suffocate or choke in any manner窒息 ;闷住;使
shellacking ( n.) :[Am.slang]a thorough defeat[美俚]彻底击败
droop ( v.) :sink down;hang or bend down下沉;下垂;垂下;弯下
deference ( n.) :courteous regard or respects,honor敬意,尊敬,敬重
hobble ( v.) :cause to go haltingly or lamely使跛行
confer ( v.) :have a conference or talk;meet for discussion;converse商量,磋

jumble ( v.) :mix in a confused,disorderly heap混杂;使乱堆;使混合
foul (v.) :entangle,disorder or confuse使纠缠;使混乱
materiel ( n.) :weapons,equipment,supplies of armed forces作战物资;武器弹药
arsenal ( n.) :a place for making or storing weapons and other munitions兵工厂;军械库
hypothetical ( adj.) : based on,involving,or having the nature of a hypothesis;assumed;supposed假设的,假定的
recur ( v.) :occur again,as in talk or memory;come up again for consideration(往事等)再现,重现
stupendous ( adj.) :astonishingly great or large极大的
larch ( n.) :any of a genus(Larix)of trees of the pine family,found throughout the N Hemisphere,bearing cones and needlelike leaves that are shed annually落叶松
fir ( n.) :any of a genus (Abies)of cone—bearing evergreen trees of the pine family. having flattened single needles and erect cones whose scales drop at maturity冷杉属树,冷杉
lurch ( v.) :stagger突然倾斜;蹒跚,摇晃
gangplank ( n.) :a narrow,movable platform or ramp forming a bridge by which to board or leave a ship上下船的跳板
hitch ( v. ) :move,pull,or shift with jerks急拉,急推,猛地一动
chaplain ( n.) :a minister,priest,or rabbi serving in a religious capacity with army forces,or in prison,hospital,etc.(军队、监狱、医院等的)牧师,教士,神父
vestment ( n.) :any of the garments worn by officials and their assistants,choir members,etc.during certain services and rites祭袍;弥撒祭袍;法衣
unwonted ( adj.) :not common,usual,or habitual;infrequent;rare不寻常的;

den ( n.) :a small,cozy room where one can be alone to read.work,etc.私室;书斋;休憩室
sherry ( n.) :yellow or brown wine of southern Spain.South Africa,Cyprus,England雪利酒(西班牙及其他地方产的一种浅黄色或深褐色葡萄酒)
commodore ( n.) :(U.S.Navy)an officer ranking above a captain and below a rear admiral(美国)海军准将
zigzag ( v.) :move or form in a zigzag弯弯曲曲地行进
appal ( v.) :(=appall)fill with horror or dismay;shock使惊愕;惊吓;使惊骇,使震惊
gamut ( n.) :①[music]any complete musical scale,esp. the major scale;②the entire range or extent,as of emotions①[乐](全)音阶,(全)音域;②整个范围;全部
glum (adj.) :feeling or looking gloomy,sullen,or morose忧郁的,闷闷不乐的;愁眉不展的
squint ( v.) :look or peer with the eyes partly closed,as when the light is too strong眯着眼看
inexorable ( adj.) :that cannot be move or influenced by persuasion or entreaty;unrelenting不退让的,不屈不挠的
full—fledged ( adj.) :completely developed or trained成熟的;经过充分训练(或培养)的
rubble ( n.) :debris from buildings,etc.,resulting from earthquake,bombing,etc.废石,瓦砾
embark ( v.) :go aboard a ship,airplane,etc.登船;登机
aide ( n.) :[Fre.]an officer in the army,navy,etc.serving as assistant and confidential secretary to a superior[法语](军队中)副官;侍从参谋;侍从武官
ensign ( n.) :a U.S.Navy commissioned officer of the lowest rank,.ranking below a lieutenant junior grade(美国)海军少尉
chum ( n.) :close friends(among boys)(男性中)

detach ( v.) :send(troops,ships,etc.)on a special mission分派,分遣,派遣(军队、船只等)
smattering ( n.) :slight or superficial knowledge肤浅的知识
whew ( adj.) : whew or similar sounds roughly breathed out and used(often in joke)to express consternation,dismay,fatigue or surprise哎唷(表示惊讶,厌恶,恐惧等的感叹词)
suicidal (adj.) : having an urge to commit suicide导致自杀的;自取灭亡的
anthem ( n.) :a song of praise or devotion,as to a nation,college,etc.赞歌,颂歌;国歌;校歌
grandeur ( n.) :[Fre.]splendor;magnificence[法语]壮观;宏伟;庄严
springy ( adj.) :elastic,as if on springs,with plenty of bounce in the legs有弹性的,有弹力的
adept ( adj.) :thoroghly proficient;expert of;adapt;adopt 熟练的;有技能的;精通的,内行的
rheumy ( adj.) :full of watery discharge from mucous membranes,as of the mouth,eyes,or nose多稀黏液的(如唾液、眼泪、鼻涕等)
bespeak ( v.) :be indicative of;show表现出;显示,表示
equivocate ( v.) :use ambiguous terms in order to deceive,mislead,etc.;be deliberately ambiguous about躲闪,推诿,含糊其词,支吾,搪塞
dissolve ( v.) :break up;disunite;decompose;disintegrate分解;(使)分裂;(使)分离;(使)瓦解
hunch ( n.) :[colloq.]a feeling about something not based on known facts[口]预感;预兆;疑心
crochery ( n.) :earthen—ware,pots,jars,dishes陶瓷餐具
galley ( n.) :a ship’s kitchen船上厨房
crossfire ( n.) :situation in which questio

ns are put to sb.from all directions;firing of guns from two or more points so that the lines of fire cross(对立的力量、意见等)激烈的交锋;交叉火力,交叉射击

短语 (Expressions)

take the floor: get up to speak or address the audience起立发言或演讲
例: I now invite the president to take the floor.现在请总统讲话。
be adept at: be expert or skillful in对某事内行的,熟悉的
例: She is adept at growing roses.她善于种花。
come to hand: to be found without one’s having to make a special search到手
例: Your letter has just come to hand.刚收到你的信。
only to do: used to indicate sth.that happens immediately after. wards,esp.sth.that causes surprise,disappointment,relief,etc.(用以指随即发生的事,尤指使人惊讶、失望、放心等的事)反而,却
例: I arrived at the shop only to find I had left my money at home.我到商店却发现钱落在家里了。

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horde ( n.) :a large,moving crowd or throng群,人群
croquet ( n.) :an outdoor game-、n which the players use mallets to drive a wooden ball through a series of hoops placed in the ground槌球游戏(一种用木槌击木球钻小圈的游戏)
luncheon ( n.) :a lunch,esp. a formal lunch with others午餐;午宴;午餐(聚)会
Nazi (adj. & n.) :designating,of,or characteristic of the German fascist political party(German National Socialist Party).founded in 1919 and abolished in 1945德国国社党的,纳粹党的;纳粹党党员,纳粹分子
indistinguishable ( adj. ) : that cannot be distinguished as being different or separate不能区别的,不能辨别的,难区分的
devoid ( adj.) :completely without;empty or destitute(of)完全没有的,缺乏的(后接of)
excel ( v.) :be better or greater than,or superior to(another or others)优于;胜过
ferocious ( adj.) :fierce;savage;violently cruel

unsay ( v.) :take back or retract(what has been said)取消(前言);收回(前言)
folly ( n.) :foolishness;any foolish action or belief愚笨,愚蠢;愚蠢的行为(或思想等)
threshold ( n.) :doorstill;entrance or beginning point of sth.门槛;人口;开端
till ( v.) :work(1and)in raising crops,as by plowing,fertilizing,etc.;cultivate耕种;耕耘;耕作
immemorial (adj. ) : extending back beyond memory or record;ancient无法追忆的;无文字记载的;古老的
wring (v.) :.get or extract by force,threats,persistence,etc.; extort强求;榨取;勒索
primodial (adj.) :not derivative;fundamental;original根本的;基本的
hideous ( adj.) :horrible to see,hear etc.;very ugly or revolting;dreadful骇人听闻的;非常丑陋的;可怕的
onslaught ( n.) :a violent,intense attack猛攻
clank ( v. ) : make a sharp,metallic sound发当啷声,发铿锵声
dandify ( v.) :make a look like a dandy;dress up使打扮得像花花公子;给……穿上盛装,给……乔装打扮
crafty ( adj.) :subtly deceitful;cunning;artful;sly狡猾的,狡诈的,诡计多端的
cow ( v.) :make timid and submissive by filling with fear or awe;intimidate恫吓,吓唬,威胁
docile ( adj.) :easy to manage or discipline;tractable易管教的;顺从的,温顺的,驯服的;听话的
brutish ( adj. ) :of or like a brute;savage;gross野兽般的,残忍的;粗野的
plod ( v.) :walk 0r move heavily and laboriously;trudge沉重缓慢地走

swarm ( n.) :a moving mass,crowd,or throng(移动的)大群,大堆
locust ( n.) :any of various large grasshoppers,often traveling in great swarms and destroying nearly all vegetation in areas visited蝗虫
smart ( v.) :feel mental distress or irritation,as in resentment,remorse,etc.感到痛苦;感到伤心
prey ( n.) :an animal hunted or killed for food by another animal:a person or thing that falls victim to someone or something被捕食的动物;牺牲者;牺牲品
villainous ( adj.) :of,like,or characteristic of a villain;evil;vicious;wicked坏人的;邪恶的;恶棍似的
cataract ( n.) :any strong flood or rush of water;deluge洪水;急流;大雨
concur ( v.) :agree(with);be in accord(in an opinion,etc.)同意,赞成,与……(意见)一致(常与with,in连用)
irrevocable ( adj. ) :that cannot be revoked,recalled,or undone;unalterable不能取消的;不可废止的;不可改变的;无可挽回的
vestige ( n.) :a trace,mark,or sign of something that once existed but has passed away or disappeared残迹;遗迹;痕迹
parley ( v. ) :have a conference or discussion,esp. with an enemy;confer会谈(尤指与敌方的谈判)
creed ( n.) :a statement of belief,principles,or opinions on any subject信条;信念
divergence ( n.) :departure from a particular viewpoint,practice,etc.偏离,背离,背驰
moralise ( v.) :think,write,or speak about matters of right and wrong,often in a self—righteous or tedious way(在言谈或写作中)论道德问题;说教
catastrophe ( n.) :any great and sudden calamity,disaster,or misfortune骤然而来的大灾难;灾祸;祸患
blood—lust ( n.) :a strong desire

to kill or wound杀人欲,嗜杀狂
lure ( v.) :attract,tempt,or entice(often with Dm)吸引;诱惑;不断引诱(常与on连用)
hurl ( v.) :throw or fling with force or violence猛投,猛掷;猛抛
prelude ( n.) :anything serving as the introduction to a principal event,action,performance,etc.;preliminary part; preface;opening序言;序幕
intervene ( v.) :come or be in between as something unnecessary or irrelevant;interpose干涉,干预
subjugation ( n.) :bringing under control;conquering征服,制服
hearth ( n.) :the fireside as the center of family life:family life;home炉边;家庭生活;家庭

短语 (Expressions)

round up: cause sb.or sth.to gather in one place驱集,使集拢
例: The guide rounded up the tourists and led them back to the coach.导游把游客集合在一起,领他们回到车上。
count on: rely on sb.or sth.with confidence依靠,信赖,指望
例: Don’t count on a salary increase this year.别指望今年会加薪水。
go all out: do one’s utmost,spare no efforts全力以赴
例: I’lle team is going all out to win the championship.这个队为了争取冠军而全力以赴。
make a reference to: speaking of or mentioning sb.or sth.提到,提及
例: The commentator made a pointed reference to the recent scan. dal.这个评论员有针对性地提到了最近的丑闻。
to the effect that: with the meaning that…,giving the information that…大意为
例: He left a note to the effect that he would not be returning.他留下一张字条,大意是说他不回来了。
on the threshold of: at the point of entering or beginning of在……门口,在……的开端
例: The politician was on the threshold of his career.那位政治家的事业刚刚起步。

tie down: reduce to bondage;enslave束缚,限制,奴役
例: The veteran worker refuses to be tied。down by petty restric- tion.那个老工人不理会琐细的规章制度的限制。
in due course: at the appropriate time;eventually在适当的时机,最终
例: Your request will be dealt with in due course.你的要求将在适当的时候予以处理。
it follows that: it shows that;from this we carl see that由此司见,由此断定
例: He doesn’t come to work today,but it doesn’t necessarily follow that he is ill.他今天没来上班,但并不见得他就是病了。

idyllic ( adj. ) :pastoral or picturesque;pleasing and simple 田园诗的;田园风光的;生动逼真的;质朴宜人的
cynical ( adj.) :believing that people are notivated in all their actions only by selfishness;denying the sincerity of people's motives and actions,or the value of living玩世不恭的;愤世嫉俗的
obsess (v.) :haunt or trouble in mind,esp. to an abnormal degree;preoccupy greatly使分心;使心神困扰(尤指精神反常、着迷)
frailty ( n.) :the quality or condition of being frail;weakness(esp. moral weakness)脆弱性;虚弱性(尤指意志薄弱)
tramp ( n.) :the act of tramping;a journey on foot;hike步行;徒步旅行
prospector ( n.) :a person who prospects for valuable ores,oil,etc.(矿藏等的)勘探者;探矿者
starry—eyed ( adj.) :with the eyes sparkling in a glow of wonder,romance,visionary dreams,etc.过于理想的;不切实际的;盲目乐观的
acid—tongued ( adj.) :sharp,sarcastic in speech说话尖刻的
cynic ( n.) :a cynical person玩世不恭的人;好挖苦人的人;愤世嫉俗的人
navigable ( n.) :wide and deep enough,or free enough from obstructions,to be traveled on by vessels可行船的;可通航的;可航行的
attest ( n

.) :serve as proof of;demonstrate;make clear作为……的证据,为……作证;论证;表明
artery ( n.) :a main road or channel干线,干道,大路;干渠
keelboat ( n.) :a large,shallow freight boat with a keel,formerly used on the Mississippi,Missouri,etc.(旧时密西西比河、密苏西河等用的)龙骨船
flatboat ( n.) :a boat with a flat bottom,for carrying freight in shallow waters or on rivers平底船
molasses ( n.) :a thick,usually dark brown syrup produced during/he refining of sugar,or from sorghum,etc.糖蜜,糖浆
cub ( n.) :an inexperienced,awkward youth阅历浅的年轻人
cosmos ( n.) :the universe considered as a harmonious and orderly system宇宙
feud ( n.) :a bitter,long—continued,and deadly quarrel,esp. between clans of families(尤指部落或家族间的)世仇,累世宿仇,夙怨,长期不和
lynch (v.) :[Am.]murder(an accused person)by mob action and without lawful trial,as by hanging[美]私刑处死
phonographic ( adj.) :[Am.]of a phonograph or the sounds made by sb. [美]留声机的,唱机的
teem ( v.) :be full,as though ready to bring forth young;abound;swarm充满;富于;大量地出现;涌现
flotsam ( n.) :transient,unemployed people;vagrants流离失所者,流浪者,游民;失业者;被毁掉的人
hustler ( n.) :[Am.slang]a prostitute[美俚]妓女
thug ( n.) :a rough,brutal hoodlum,gangster,robber,etc.恶棍;暴徒;强盗
motley ( adj. ) :having or composed of many different or clashing elements;heterogeneous混乱的;杂乱的
succumb ( v.) :①give way(to);yield;submit ②die ①屈服,屈从(常与to连用)②死

epidemic ( n.) :the rapid,widespread occurrence of a fad,fashion,etc.(风尚、风气、爱好等的)一时流行,风行
flirt ( v.) :trifle or toy(with)玩弄,戏耍;做着玩;不认真地对待,不认真地考虑(常与with连用)
colossal ( adj.) :1ike a colossus in size;huge;gigantic;enormous巨大的,庞大的
rebuff ( v.) :check or repulse挫败;阻止
broke (adj.) :[colloq.]having little or no money;bankrupt[口]无钱的,身无分文的;破了产的
hone (v.) :sharpen with or as with a hone把……放在磨石上磨
scathing ( adj. ) : searing;withering;injurious;harsh or caustic严厉的,尖刻的
sluggish ( adj. ) :slow or slow—moving;not active;dull(行动)缓慢的;迟钝的
sloth ( n.) :a lazy person懒汉
astound ( v.) :bewilder with sudden surprise;astonish greatly;amaze使震惊,使惊愕,使大吃一惊
tedious ( adj.) :long or verbose and vearisome;triesome;boring冗长乏味的;使人厌倦的;沉闷的
travelogue ( n.) :a lecture on travels, usually accompanied by the showing of pictures旅行见闻讲座
Sultan ( n.) :a Moslem ruler苏丹(一些伊斯兰教国家统治者的称号)
debunk ( v.) :[Am.colloq.]expose the false or exaggerated claims,pretensions,glamour,etc.[美口]揭露,揭发,揭穿
revere ( v.) :regard with deep respect,love,and awe;venerate尊敬,崇敬;敬畏
ingenuity ( n.) :the quality of being ingenious;cleverness,originality,skill,etc.机灵,机智,足智多谋;独创性,创造力;熟练,巧妙

juvenile ( adj.) :young and youthful年轻的;青年的
pariah ( n.) :any person despised or rejected by others;outcast为社会所遗弃者;流浪者
puritanical ( adj.) :extremely or excessively strict in matters of morals and religion宗教(或道德)上极端拘谨的
panorama ( n.) :an unlimited view in all directions全景;全图
deplore ( v.) :be regretful or sorry about懊悔,悔恨,对……深感遗憾
sap ( v.) :undermine in any way;weaken;exhaust削弱;耗竭
clamor ( n.) :a loud outcry;uproar大声呼喊,喧嚷,喧嚣,吵闹
robust ( adj. ) :strong and healthy;full of vigor;hardy健壮的;精力充沛的
haunt ( v.) :appear or recur repeatedly to,often to the point of obsession(思想、回忆等)萦绕;(疾病等)缠住
pneumonia ( n.) :inflammation or infection of the alveoli of the lungs of varying degrees of severity and caused by any of a number of agents,such as bacteria or viruses肺炎.
meningitis ( n.) :inflammation of the meninges.esp. as the result of infection by bacteria or viruses脑脊膜炎
epileptic ( n.) :a person who has epilepsy癫痫患者
pad ( v.) :stuff,cover,or line with a pad or padding填塞;衬填
crater ( n.) :a bowl—shaped cavity,as at the mouth of a volcano or on the surface of the moon碗形洞(如火山口、环形山、月亮表面的坑状地方)
crumble ( v. ) :fall to pieces;disintegrate;decay破碎,破裂;使溃散,使瓦解,消灭
lament ( v.) :feel or express deep sorrow for;mourn or grieve for为……而悲痛;哀悼;为……而伤心


短语 (Expressions)

every bit: (infml)equalIy;entirely完全,同样地
例: He is every bit as mean as she is.他与她同样平庸。
in print: (of a book)available for sale from the publisher;(of a person’s work)printed in a book,efc.(指书)可买到,已出版
例: It was the first time he had seen his work in print.这是他第一次看见自己的作品出版。
soak up: to receive and absorb stll.接受并吸收
例: That child soaks up new facts like a sponge!那孩子吸收新知识像海绵似的!
succumb to: stop resisting;yield to,submit to屈服,屈从
例: Several children have measles,and the others are bound to SUCcumb to it.有几个孩子患了麻疹,其他孩子也必然会被传染。
flirt with: to deal playfully or superficiMly with不认真考虑、对待
例: I am flirting with the idea of getting a job.我胡思乱想着要去找份工作。
of sorts: (derogative)of a poor or inferior type(贬义)差劲的,劣等
例: It was a meal of sorts,but nobody enjoyed it.这勉强算是一顿饭,谁都没有吃好。
au over: what one would expect 0f the person specified正像所说的人一样
例: That sounds like my sister all over.听起来跟我姐姐一模一样。
in earnest: seriously,not jokingly严肃地,认真地
例: Both sides are deeply in earnest,with passions that approximate those of civil war。双方都很坚决认真,像是鼓足劲要打一场内战似的。

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