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Countervailing Regulation of The People's Republic of China

Decree [2001] No.329 of the State Council (2001年10月31日国务院第46次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2002年1月1日起施行。)
The Countervailing Regulation of the People''s Republic of China, which was adopted at the 46th executive meeting of the State Council on October 31, 2001, is hereby promulgated, and shall enter into force on January 1, 2002.
Premier of the State Council: Zhu Rongji
November 26, 2001
Countervailing Regulation of the People''s Republic of China
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则
Article 1 The present Regulation has been enacted in accordance with the relevant provisions in the Foreign Trade Law of the People''s Republic of China with a view to maintaining foreign trade order and fair competition. 第一条 为了维护对外贸易秩序和公平竞争,根据《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》的有关规定,制定本条例。
Article 2 In case that imported products are subsidized and cause material damage or constitute a threat of material damage to an already established domestic industry, or cause a material impediment to the establishment of a domestic industry, an investigation shall be conducted and countervailing measures shall be taken in accordance with the present Regulation. 第二条 进口产品存在补贴,并对已经建立的国内产业造成实质损害或者产生实质损害威胁,或者对建立国内产业造成实质阻碍的,依照本条例的规定进行调查,采取反补贴措施。
Chapter II Subsidy and Damage 第二章 补贴与损害
Article 3 The term "subsidy" shall refer to the financial contribution or any form of income or price support which is conferred by the government or any public body of the exporting country (region) and which brings a benefit to the receiver. 第三条 补贴,是指出口国(地区)政府或者其任何公共机构提供的并为接受者带来利益的财政资助以及任何形式的收入或者价格支持。
The government or any public body of the exporting country (region) is hereinafter uniformly referred to as the government of the exporting country (region). 出口国(地区)政府或者其任何公共机构,以下统称出口国(地区)政府。
The term "financial contribution" as mentioned in Paragraph 1 of thisArticle shall include the following: 本条第一款所称财政资助,包括:
(1) direct provision by the government of the exporting country (region) of funds in the forms of allocations of money, loans, capital contribution, etc., or potential direct transfer by such government of funds or debts in the forms of loan guarantees, etc.; (一)出口国(地区)政府以拨款、贷款、资本注入等形式直接提供资金,或者以贷款担保等形式潜在地直接转让资

(2) waiver of or failure to collect by the government of the exporting country (region) the income receivable; (二)出口国(地区)政府放弃或者不收缴应收收入;
(3) provision by the government of the exporting country (region) of goods or services other than general infrastructure, or purchase by the government of the exporting country (region) of goods; (三)出口国(地区)政府提供除一般基础设施以外的货物、服务,或者由出口国(地区)政府购买货物;
(4) payments made by the government of the exporting country (region) to a funding mechanism, or carryout of the above said functions by entrusting or directing a private body. (四)出口国(地区)政府通过向筹资机构付款,或者委托、指令私营机构履行上述职能。
Article 4 The subsidy against which the investigation is conducted and the countervailing measures taken in accordance with the present Regulation must have the characteristic of special orientation. 第四条 依照本条例进行调查、采取反补贴措施的补贴,必须具有专向性。
Subsidies under any of the following circumstances shall be deemed to have the characteristic of special orientation: 具有下列情形之一的补贴,具有专向性:
(1) subsidies obtained by some enterprises or industries which are clearly determined by the government of the exporting country (region); (一)由出口国(地区)政府明确确定的某些企业、产业获得的补贴;
(2) subsidies obtained by some enterprises or industries which are clearly provided in the laws or regulations of the exporting country (region); (二)由出口国(地区)法律、法规明确规定的某些企业、产业获得的补贴;
(3) subsidies obtained by the enterprises or industries within some specified areas; (三)指定特定区域内的企业、产业获得的补贴;
(4) subsidies obtained on the condition of export achievements, including all items of subsidies enumerated in the illustrative list of export subsidies attached in the present Regulation; (四)以出口实绩为条件获得的补贴,包括本条例所附出口补贴清单列举的各项补贴;
(5) subsidies obtained on the condition that the products of a country (region) are used to substitute those imported to this country (region). (五)以使用本国(地区)产品替代进口产品为条件获得的补贴。
When the characteristic of special orientation of the subsidy is determined, such factors as the number of enterprises subsidized, the amount, proportion, duration and means, etc. of the subsidy granted to the enterprises shall also be considered. 在确定补贴专向性时,还应当考虑受补贴企业的数量和企业受补贴的数额、比例、时间以及给与补贴的方式等因素。
Article 5 T

he Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the MOFTEC) shall be responsible for the investigation on and determination of subsidy. 第五条 对补贴的调查和确定,由对外贸易经济合作部(以下简称外经贸部)负责。
Article 6 The amount of subsidy for imported products shall be calculated in the following methods with different circumstances being distinguished: 第六条 进口产品的补贴金额,应当区别不同情况,按照下列方式计算:
(1) where the subsidy is granted in the form of gratuitous allocation of money, the amount of subsidy shall be calculated on the basis of the amount actually received by the enterprises; (一)以无偿拨款形式提供补贴的,补贴金额以企业实际接受的金额计算;
(2) where the subsidy is granted in the form of a loan, the amount of subsidy shall be calculated on the basis of the difference between the interest to be paid by the enterprise receiving the loan under the condition of normal commercial loan and the interest of the said loan; (二)以贷款形式提供补贴的,补贴金额以接受贷款的企业在正常商业贷款条件下应支付的利息与该项贷款的利息差额计算;
(3) where the subsidy is granted in the form of a loan guarantee, the amount of subsidy shall be calculated on the basis of the difference between the interest to be paid by the enterprise if not being guaranteed and that to be paid by the enterprise if being guaranteed; (三)以贷款担保形式提供补贴的,补贴金额以在没有担保情况下企业应支付的利息与有担保情况下企业实际支付的利息之差计算;
(4) where the subsidy is granted in the form of a contributed capital, the amount of subsidy shall be calculated on the basis of the capital amount actually received by the enterprise; (四)以注入资本形式提供补贴的,补贴金额以企业实际接受的资本金额计算;
(5) where the subsidy is granted in the form of provision of goods or services, the amount of subsidy shall be calculated on the basis of the difference between the normal market price of the goods or services and the price actually paid by the enterprise; (五)以提供货物或者服务形式提供补贴的,补贴金额以该项货物或者服务的正常市场价格与企业实际支付的价格之差计算;
(6) where the subsidy is granted in the form of purchasing goods, the amount of subsidy shall be calculated on the basis of the difference between the price actually paid by the government and the normal market price of the goods; (六)以购买货物形式提供补贴的,补贴金额以政府实际支付价格与该项货物正常市场价格之差计算;
(7) where the subsidy is granted in the form of waiver of or failure to collect the income receivable, the amount of subsidy shall be calculated on the basi

s of the difference between the amount to be paid in accordance with the law and that actually paid by the enterprise. (七)以放弃或者不收缴应收收入形式提供补贴的,补贴金额以依法应缴金额与企业实际缴纳金额之差计算。
For the subsidies other than those enumerated in the preceding paragraph, the amount of subsidy shall be determined in a fair and reasonable method. 对前款所列形式以外的其他补贴,按照公平、合理的方式确定补贴金额。
Article 7 The term "damage" shall refer to the fact that subsidy has caused material damage or constitute a threat of material damage to an already established domestic industry or has caused a material impediment to the establishment of a domestic industry. 第七条 损害,是指补贴对已经建立的国内产业造成实质损害或者产生实质损害威胁,或者对建立国内产业造成实质阻碍。
The State Economic and Trade Commission (hereinafter referred to as the SETC) shall be responsible for the investigation on and determination of damage; while the countervailing investigation on the damage to a domestic industry involving agricultural products shall be conducted by the SETC in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture. 对损害的调查和确定,由国家经济贸易委员会(以下简称国家经贸委)负责;其中,涉及农产品的反补贴国内产业损害调查,由国家经贸委会同农业部进行。
Article 8 When determining the damage caused to a domestic industry by subsidy, the following items shall be examined: 第八条 在确定补贴对国内产业造成的损害时,应当审查下列事项:
(1) the impact of the subsidy which may be caused to the trade; (一)补贴可能对贸易造成的影响;
(2) the quantity of the subsidized imports, inclusive of the absolute quantity of the subsidized imports or the massive or non-massive increase of the quantity as compared with the manufacture or consumption of the domestic products of the same category, or the possibility of the massive increase of the subsidized imports; (二)补贴进口产品的数量,包括补贴进口产品的绝对数量或者相对于国内同类产品生产或者消费的数量是否大量增加,或者补贴进口产品大量增加的可能性;
(3) the price of the subsidized imports, inclusive of the price cuts of the subsidized imports or the impacts such as great restraint or reduction, etc. to the price of the domestic products of the same category; (三)补贴进口产品的价格,包括补贴进口产品的价格削减或者对国内同类产品的价格产生大幅度抑制、压低等影响;
(4) the impacts of the subsidized imports upon the relevant economic factors and targets of the domestic industry; (四)补贴进口产品对国内产业的相关经济因素和指标的影响;
(5) the man

ufacturing capacity, export capability of the exporting country (region) and the country (region) of origin on the subsidized imports as well as the inventory of the products under investigation; (五)补贴进口产品出口国(地区)、原产国(地区)的生产能力、出口能力,被调查产品的库存情况; (六)造成国内产业损害的其他因素。
(6) other factors which cause damage to the domestic industry. 对实质损害威胁的确定,应当依据事实,不得仅依据指控、推测或者极小的可能性。
The threat of material damage shall be determined on the basis of the facts instead of only one of the accusation, presumption and minor possibility.The damage caused by subsidy to a domestic industry shall be determined on the basis of affirmative evidence, and no factor other subsidy which causes damage shall be attributed to subsidy. 在确定补贴对国内产业造成的损害时,应当依据肯定性证据,不得将造成损害的非补贴因素归因于补贴。
Article 9 Where the subsidized imports come from two or more countries (regions), and meanwhile meet the following conditions, a cumulative evaluation may be conducted upon the impacts caused by the subsidized imports to a domestic industry: 第九条 补贴进口产品来自两个以上国家(地区),并且同时满足下列条件的,可以就补贴进口产品对国内产业造成的影响进行累积评估:
(1) the amount of subsidy to the imported goods from each country (region) shall not be a minimal subsidy, and the volume of imported products may not be negligible; (一)来自每一国家(地区)的补贴进口产品的补贴金额不属于微量补贴,并且其进口量不属于可忽略不计的;
(2) it is proper to conduct a cumulative evaluation on the basis of the competition conditions between the subsidized imports as well as between the subsidized imports and the domestic products of the same category. (二)根据补贴进口产品之间的竞争条件以及补贴进口产品与国内同类产品之间的竞争条件,进行累积评估是适当的。
The term "minimal subsidy" shall refer to a subsidy with its amount to be less than 1% of the value of the products; however, a minimal subsidy of the subsidized imports from a developing country (region) shall refer to the subsidy with its amount to be less than 2% of the value of the products. 微量补贴,是指补贴金额不足产品价值1%的补贴;但是,来自发展中国家(地区)的补贴进口产品的微量补贴,是指补贴金额不足产品价值2%的补贴。
Article 10 The evaluated impacts on the subsidized imports shall be separately determined with regard to the manufacture of the domestic products of the same category; where they may not be separately determined with regard to the manufacture of the domestic products of the same ca

tegory, the manufacture of the narrowest product group or scope which includes the products of the same category shall be examined. 第十条 评估补贴进口产品的影响,应当对国内同类产品的生产进行单独确定。不能对国内同类产品的生产进行单独确定的,应当审查包括国内同类产品在内的最窄产品组或者范围的生产。
Article 11 The term "domestic industry" shall refer to all the manufacturers within the People''s Republic of China of the domestic products of the same category or the manufacturers within the People''s Republic of China whose total output accounts for the large part of the aggregate output of the domestic products of the same category, except for any of those domestic manufacturers who is associated with an export operator or import operator, or he himself is an import operator of the subsidized products or products of the same category. 第十一条 国内产业,是指中华人民共和国国内同类产品的全部生产者,或者其总产量占国内同类产品全部总产量的主要部分的生产者;但是,国内生产者与出口经营者或者进口经营者有关联的,或者其本身为补贴产品或者同类产品的进口经营者的,应当除外。
Where, under particular circumstances, the domestic manufacturers in a regional market sell the whole or nearly the whole of the products of the same category in the said market, and the products of the same category in the said market are not mainly supplied by the domestic manufacturers of other places, they may be regarded as a separate industry. 在特殊情形下,国内一个区域市场中的生产者,在该市场中销售其全部或者几乎全部的同类产品,并且该市场中同类产品的需求主要不是由国内其他地方的生产者供给的,可以视为一个单独产业。
Article 12 The term "products of the same category" shall refer to the products identical to the subsidized imports; where there are no identical products, the products which are most similar to the features of the subsidized imports shall be the products of the same category. 第十二条 同类产品,是指与补贴进口产品相同的产品;没有相同产品的,以与补贴进口产品的特性最相似的产品为同类产品。
Chapter III Countervailing Investigations 第三章 反补贴调查
Article 13 A domestic industry or a natural person, legal person or relevant organization representing a domestic industry (hereinafter uniformly referred to as the applicant) may file a written application to the MOFTEC in accordance with the present Regulation for countervailing investigation. 第十三条 国内产业或者代表国内产业的自然人、法人或者有关组织(以下统称申请人),可以依照本条例的规定向外经贸部提出反补贴调查的书面申请。
Article 14 The application letter shall contain the following contents: 第

十四条 申请书应当包括下列内容:
(1) name, address and relevant information of the applicant; (一)申请人的名称、地址及有关情况;
(2) an entire statement on the imported products under application for investigation, including product name, involved exporting country (region) or country (region) of origin, the known export operator or manufacturer, etc.; (二)对申请调查的进口产品的完整说明,包括产品名称、所涉及的出口国(地区)或者原产国(地区)、已知的出口经营者或者生产者等;
(3) a statement on the quantity and value of the domestic products of the same category; (三)对国内同类产品生产的数量和价值的说明;
(4) the impacts of the quantity and price of the imported products under application for investigation to the domestic industry; (四)申请调查进口产品的数量和价格对国内产业的影响;
(5) other contents which the applicant considers it necessary to state. (五)申请人认为需要说明的其他内容。
Article 15 The application letter shall be attached with the following evidence: 第十五条 申请书应当附具下列证据:
(1) the existence of subsidy of the imported products under application for investigation; (一)申请调查的进口产品存在补贴;
(2) the damage to domestic industry; (二)对国内产业的损害;
(3) the causal link between the subsidy and damage. (三)补贴与损害之间存在因果关系。
Article 16 The MOFTEC shall, within 60 days after receiving the application letter and the relevant evidence submitted by the applicant, examine whether the application is filed by or on behalf of the domestic industry, the contents of the application letter and the evidence attached to it, etc., and shall, upon consultation with the SETC, decide to initiate an investigation or not. The examination period may be properly extended under particular circumstances. 第十六条 外经贸部应当自收到申请人提交的申请书及有关证据之日起60天内,对申请是否由国内产业或者代表国内产业提出、申请书内容及所附具的证据等进行审查,经商国家经贸委后,决定立案调查或者不立案调查。在特殊情形下,可以适当延长审查期限。
The MOFTEC shall, before deciding to initiate an investigation, send out an invitation to the government of the country (region) from which the products under possible investigation come to negotiate about the matter of subsidy. 在决定立案调查前,应当就有关补贴事项向产品可能被调查的国家(地区)政府发出进行磋商的邀请。
Article 17 Where, among the manufacturers in a domestic industry who support or dissent from the application, the output of the supporters accounts for 50% or more of the total output of the supporters and dissen

ters, it shall be deemed that the application is filed by or on behalf of the domestic industry, and the countervailing investigation may be initiated; however, if the output of the domestic manufacturers who support the application is less than 25% of the total output of the domestic products of the same category, the countervailing investigation shall not be initiated. 第十七条 在表示支持申请或者反对申请的国内产业中,支持者的产量占支持者和反对者的总产量的50%以上的,应当认定申请是由国内产业或者代表国内产业提出,可以启动反补贴调查;但是,表示支持申请的国内生产者的产量不足国内同类产品总产量的25%的,不得启动反补贴调查。
Article 18 Where, under particular circumstances, the MOFTEC does not receive a written application for countervailing investigation, but has sufficient evidence to consider there exist a subsidy and damage and there is a causal link between the subsidy and damage, it may, upon consultation with the SETC, decide to initiate an investigation. 第十八条 在特殊情形下,外经贸部没有收到反补贴调查的书面申请,但有充分证据认为存在补贴和损害以及二者之间有因果关系的,经商国家经贸委后,可以决定立案调查。
The MOFTEC or the SETC is hereinafter uniformly referred to as the investigation organ. 外经贸部和国家经贸委,以下统称调查机关。
Article 19 The decisions on initiating an investigation shall be announced by the MOFTEC, and shall be notified to the applicant, the known export operators, import operators and other interested organizations or individuals (hereinafter uniformly referred to as the interested parties) as well as the government of the exporting country (region). 第十九条 立案调查的决定,由外经贸部予以公告,并通知申请人、已知的出口经营者、进口经营者以及其他有利害关系的组织、个人(以下统称利害关系方)和出口国(地区)政府。
Once the decision on initiating an investigation is announced, the MOFTEC shall provide the known export operators and the government of the exporting country (region) with the text of the application letter. 立案调查的决定一经公告,外经贸部应当将申请书文本提供给已知的出口经营者和出口国(地区)政府。
Article 20 The investigation organ may know information from the interested parties and conduct the investigation by means of issuing questionnaires, taking samplings, holding hearings and conducting on-spot checks, etc.. 第二十条 调查机关可以采用问卷、抽样、听证会、现场核查等方式向利害关系方了解情况,进行调查。
The investigation organ shall offer the relevant interested parties and the government of the interested country (region) with opportunities for stating their viewpoints and ground

s of argument. 调查机关应当为有关利害关系方、利害关系国(地区)政府提供陈述意见和论据的机会。
The MOFTEC may, when considering it necessary, send functionaries to the relevant country (region) for conducting the investigation, except where the relevant country (region) concerned objects to the investigation. 外经贸部认为必要时,可以派出工作人员赴有关国家(地区)进行调查;但是,有关国家(地区)提出异议的除外。
Article 21 When the investigation organ is conducting an investigation, the interested parties and the government of the interested country (region) shall tell the truth and provide relevant materials. Where the interested parties or the government of the interested country (region) fails to tell the truth or to provide relevant materials, or fails to provide necessary information within a reasonable time limit, or seriously hampers the investigation in other forms, the investigation organ may make an adjudication on the basis of the already obtained facts and the obtainable best information. 第二十一条 调查机关进行调查时,利害关系方、利害关系国(地区)政府应当如实反映情况,提供有关资料。利害关系方、利害关系国(地区)政府不如实反映情况、提供有关资料的,或者没有在合理时间内提供必要信息的,或者以其他方式严重妨碍调查的,调查机关可以根据可获得的事实作出裁定。
Article 22 Where the interested parties or the government of the interested country (region) considers that the divulgence of the materials provided by them will cause seriously bad effects, it may apply to the investigation organ for treating the materials as confidential materials. 第二十二条 利害关系方、利害关系国(地区)政府认为其提供的资料泄露后将产生严重不利影响的,可以向调查机关申请对该资料按保密资料处理。
Where the investigation organ considers the application for confidentiality is justifiable, it shall treat the materials provided by the interested parties or the government of the interested country (region) as confidential materials, and meanwhile require the interested parties or the government of the interested country (region) to provide a copy of non-confidential outline of the materials. 调查机关认为保密申请有正当理由的,应当对利害关系方、利害关系国(地区)政府提供的资料按保密资料处理,同时要求利害关系方、利害关系国(地区)政府提供一份非保密的该资料概要。
The materials treated as confidential materials shall not be divulged without the consent of the interested parties or the government of the interested country (region) who provides them. 按保密资料处理的资料,未经提供资料的利害关系方、利害关系国(地区)政府同意,

Article 23 The investigation organ shall permit the applicant, the interested parties and the government of the interested country (region) to have access to the relevant materials of the case, except where the materials are treated as confidential ones. 第二十三条 调查机关应当允许申请人、利害关系方和利害关系国(地区)政府查阅本案有关资料;但是,属于按保密资料处理的除外。
Article 24 During the period of the countervailing investigation, reasonable opportunities shall be given to the government of the country (region) from where the products under investigation come for negotiations. The consultation shall not hamper the investigation organ from conducting the investigation or taking countervailing measures in accordance with the present Regulation. 第二十四条 在反补贴调查期间,应当给予产品被调查的国家(地区)政府继续进行磋商的合理机会。磋商不妨碍调查机关根据本条例的规定进行调查,并采取反补贴措施。
Article 25 The MOFTEC and the SETC shall, upon the investigation result, make separate initial awards on subsidy and damage as well as on whether the causal link between the subsidy and damage is tenable, with the awards to be announced by the MOFTEC. 第二十五条 外经贸部、国家经贸委根据调查结果,分别就补贴、损害作出初裁决定,并就二者之间的因果关系是否成立作出初裁决定,由外经贸部予以公告。
Article 26 Where the initial awards affirm the subsidy and damage as well as the causal link between the subsidy and damage, the MOFTEC and the SETC shall continue the investigation on the subsidy, the amount of subsidy, the damage and its extent, and shall make separate final awards upon the investigation result, which shall be announced by the MOFTEC. 第二十六条 初裁决定确定补贴、损害以及二者之间的因果关系成立的,外经贸部、国家经贸委应当对补贴及补贴金额、损害及损害程度继续进行调查,并根据调查结果分别作出终裁决定,由外经贸部予以公告。
Before the final awards are made, the MOFTEC shall notify all the known interested parties and the government of the interested country (region) of the basic facts upon which the final awards are made. 在作出终裁决定前,应当由外经贸部将终裁决定所依据的基本事实通知所有已知的利害关系方、利害关系国(地区)政府。
Article 27 An countervailing investigation shall be ended within 12 months as of the date of announcement of the decisions on initiating the investigation; under particular circumstances, the time limit may be extended, provided that the extension shall not exceed 6 months. 第二十七条 反补贴调查,应当自立案调查决定公告之日起12个月内结束;特殊情况下可以延长,但延长期不得超过6个月。
Article 28

Under any of the following circumstances, the countervailing investigation shall be terminated and be announced by the MOFTEC: 第二十八条 有下列情形之一的,反补贴调查应当终止,并由外经贸部予以公告:
(1) the applicant revokes the application; (一)申请人撤销申请的;
(2) there is not enough evidence to prove the existence of subsidy, damage or the causal link between the subsidy and damage; (二)没有足够证据证明存在补贴、损害或者二者之间有因果关系的;
(3) the amount of subsidy is minimal; (三)补贴金额为微量补贴的;
(4) the actual or potential import volume of the subsidized imports or the damage is negligible; (四)补贴进口产品实际或者潜在的进口量或者损害属于可忽略不计的;
(5) the countervailing investigation does not need to be continued after an agreement has been reached upon the negotiations with the government of the relevant country (region); (五)通过与有关国家(地区)政府磋商达成协议,不需要继续进行反补贴调查的;
(6) the MOFTEC and the SETC both consider it is not appropriate to continue the countervailing investigation. (六)外经贸部和国家经贸委共同认为不适宜继续进行反补贴调查的。
Where the investigated products from one or more countries (regions) are under any of the circumstances enumerated in Items (2), (3), (4) and (5) of the preceding paragraph, the countervailing investigation with regard to the involved products shall be terminated. 来自一个或者部分国家(地区)的被调查产品有前款第(二)、(三)、(四)、(五)项所列情形之一的,针对所涉产品的反补贴调查应当终止。
Chapter IV Countervailing Measures 第四章 反补贴措施
Section 1 Provisional Measures 第一节 临时措施
Article 29 Where the initial awards establish the subsidy and the consequent damage to a domestic industry, provisional countervailing measures may be taken. 第二十九条 初裁决定确定补贴成立,并由此对国内产业造成损害的,可以采取临时反补贴措施。
Provisional countervailing measures may be taken in the form of levying provisional countervailing duty under the guarantee of cash deposits or guarantee letter. 临时反补贴措施采取以现金保证金或者保函作为担保的征收临时反补贴税的形式。
Article 30 The adoption of provisional countervailing measures shall be proposed by the MOFTEC and be decided on by the Tariff Policy Committee under the State Council upon the proposition of the MOFTEC, and shall be announced by the MOFTEC. The customs shall execute such measures as of the date provided in the announcement. 第三十条 采取临时反补贴措施,由外经贸部提出建议,国务院关税税则委员会根据外经贸部的建议作出决

Article 31 The time limit for the provisional countervailing measures shall not exceed 4 months as of the date of entry into force of the announcement of the decisions on provisional countervailing measures. 第三十一条 临时反补贴措施实施的期限,自临时反补贴措施决定公告规定实施之日起,不超过4个月。
No provisional countervailing measure may be taken within 60 days as of the date when the decision on initiating a countervailing investigation is announced. 自反补贴立案调查决定公告之日起60天内,不得采取临时反补贴措施。
Section 2 Commitments 第二节 承诺
Article 32 Where, during the period of countervailing investigation, the government of the exporting country (region) proposes commitments on cancellation or limitation of subsidy or other relevant measures, or the export operators propose commitments on changing the price, the MOFTEC shall give sufficient consideration. 第三十二条 在反补贴调查期间,出口国(地区)政府提出取消、限制补贴或者其他有关措施的承诺,或者出口经营者提出修改价格的承诺的,外经贸部应当予以充分考虑。
The MOFTEC may propose suggestions on pricing commitments to the export operators or the government of the exporting country (region). 外经贸部可以向出口经营者或者出口国(地区)政府提出有关价格承诺的建议。
The investigation organ may not force the export operators to make commitments. 调查机关不得强迫出口经营者作出承诺。
Article 33 The refusal of the export operators or the government of the exporting country (region) to make pricing commitments or to accept the suggestions on pricing commitments shall not hamper the investigation on and determination of the countervailing cases. Where the export operators continue subsidizing the imported products, the investigation organ shall have the right to determine that the threat of damage is more likely to arise. 第三十三条 出口经营者、出口国(地区)政府不作出承诺或者不接受有关价格承诺的建议的,不妨碍对反补贴案件的调查和确定。出口经营者继续补贴进口产品的,调查机关有权确定损害威胁更有可能出现。
Article 34 Where the MOFTEC considers the commitments are acceptable, it may, upon consultation with the SETC, decide to suspend or terminate the countervailing investigations, instead of taking any provisional countervailing measure or levying countervailing duty. The decisions on suspending or terminating the countervailing investigation shall be announced by the MOFTEC. 第三十四条 外经贸部认为承诺能够接受的,经商国家经贸委后,可以决定中止或者终止反补贴调查,不采取临时反补贴措施或者征收反补贴税。中止或者终

Where the MOFTEC does not accept the commitments, it shall state the reason to the relevant export operators. 外经贸部不接受承诺的,应当向有关出口经营者说明理由。
The investigation organ shall not, before making an affirmative initial award on subsidy and damage caused therefrom, seek or accept commitments. In case that an export operator has made commitments, the investigation organ shall not seek or accept commitments without the consent of the government of the country (region) where the export operator comes from. 调查机关对补贴以及由补贴造成的损害作出肯定的初裁决定前,不得寻求或者接受承诺。在出口经营者作出承诺的情况下,未经其本国(地区)政府同意的,调查机关不得寻求或者接受承诺。
Article 35 After suspending or terminating the investigation in accordance with Paragraph 1 ofArticle 34 of the present Regulation, the investigation organ may, upon the request of the government of the exporting country (region) or when considering it necessary, continue investigating the subsidy and damage. 第三十五条 依照本条例第三十四条第一款规定中止或者终止调查后,应出口国(地区)政府请求或者调查机关认为有必要,调查机关可以对补贴和损害继续进行调查。
Upon the investigation result in the preceding paragraph, if a negative adjudication on subsidy or damage is made, the commitments shall automatically become invalid; while if an affirmative adjudication on subsidy or damage is made, the commitments shall continue to be valid. 根据调查结果,作出补贴或者损害的否定裁定的,承诺自动失效;作出补贴或者损害的肯定裁定的,承诺继续有效。
Article 36 The MOFTEC may require the export operators or the government of the exporting country (region), whose commitments have been accepted, to regularly provide the relevant information and materials for implementing the commitments, and may verify such information and materials. 第三十六条 外经贸部可以要求承诺已被接受的出口经营者或者出口国(地区)政府定期提供履行其承诺的有关情况、资料,并予以核实。
Article 37 With respect to the violation of commitments, the MOFTEC may, upon consultation with the SETC, immediately decide to resume the countervailing investigation in accordance with the present Regulation; and may, upon the best information available, decide to take the provisional countervailing measures, as well as to retrospectively levy the countervailing duty on the products imported within 90 days before the provisional countervailing measures were taken, except where the products were imported before the commitments are violated. 第三十七条 对违反承诺的,外经贸部经商国家经贸委后,依照本条例的规定,

Section 3 Countervailing Duty 第三节 反补贴税
Article 38 Where the efforts complete negotiation come to no effect, the final awards affirm the subsidy and the consequent damage caused to the domestic industry, countervailing duties may be levied. 第三十八条 在为完成磋商的努力没有取得效果的情况下,终裁决定确定补贴成立,并由此对国内产业造成损害的,可以征收反补贴税。
Article 39 The levy of a countervailing duty shall be proposed by the MOFTEC and be decided on by the Tariff Policy Committee under the State Council upon the proposition of the MOFTEC, and shall be announced by the MOFTEC. The customs shall execute such levy as of the date provided in the announcement. 第三十九条 征收反补贴税,由外经贸部提出建议,国务院关税税则委员会根据外经贸部的建议作出决定,由外经贸部予以公告。海关自公告规定实施之日起执行。
Article 40 The countervailing duty shall be applicable to the products imported after the final awards have been announced, except for those circumstances provided inArticle s 37, 44 and 45 of the present Regulation. 第四十条 反补贴税适用于终裁决定公告之日后进口的产品,但属于本条例第三十七条、第四十四条、第四十五条规定的情形除外。
Article 41 The taxpayers of the countervailing duty shall be the import operators of the subsidized imports. 第四十一条 反补贴税的纳税人为补贴进口产品的进口经营者。
Article 42 The countervailing duty shall be separately determined on the basis of the amount of subsidy of different export operators. Where the countervailing duty needs to be levied upon the subsidized imports of the export operators, which are not actually investigated, the applicable countervailing duty shall be determined in a reasonable method. 第四十二条 反补贴税应当根据不同出口经营者的补贴金额,分别确定。对实际上未被调查的出口经营者的补贴进口产品,需要征收反补贴税的,应当迅速审查,按照合理的方式确定对其适用的反补贴税。
Article 43 The amount of countervailing duty shall not exceed the amount of subsidies determined in the final awards. 第四十三条 反补贴税税额不得超过终裁决定确定的补贴金额。
Article 44 Where the final awards determine the existence of the material damage, and prior to which a provisional countervailing measure has been taken, the countervailing duty may be levied retrospectively to the period of the provisional countervailing measure. 第四十四条 终裁决定确定存在实质损害,并在此前已经采取临时反补贴措施

Where the final awards affirm the existence of the threat of material damage, and a provisional countervailing measure has been taken under the circumstance that an award of material damage will be made if no provisional countervailing measure has been taken in advance, the countervailing duty may be levied retrospectively to the period of the provisional countervailing measure. 终裁决定确定存在实质损害威胁,在先前不采取临时反补贴措施将会导致后来作出实质损害裁定的情况下已经采取临时反补贴措施的,反补贴税可以对已经实施临时反补贴措施的期间追溯征收。
Where the countervailing duty determined in the final awards is higher than the cash caution money or the amount guaranteed in the guarantee letter, the difference shall not be collected; where it is lower than the cash deposits or the amount guaranteed in the guarantee letter, the difference shall be refunded. 终裁决定确定的反补贴税,高于现金保证金或者保函所担保的金额的,差额部分不予收取;低于现金保证金或者保函所担保的金额的,差额部分应当予以退还。
Article 45 Where the following three circumstances coexist, the countervailing duty may be retrospectively levied upon the products imported within 90 days before the provisional countervailing measures were taken: 第四十五条 下列三种情形并存的,必要时可以对实施临时反补贴措施之日前90天内进口的产品追溯征收反补贴税:
(1) The subsidized imports increase in a large quantity in a short time; (一)补贴进口产品在较短的时间内大量增加;
(2) Such increase has caused irremediable damages to the domestic industry; (二)此种增加对国内产业造成难以补救的损害;
(3) Such imports benefit from the subsidy. (三)此种产品得益于补贴。
Article 46 Where it is decided in the final awards not to levy the countervailing duty, or it is not decided yet in the final awards to retrospectively levy the countervailing duty, the cash caution money collected during the period of the provisional countervailing measure shall be refunded, and the guarantee letter or other forms of guarantee shall be cancelled. 第四十六条 终裁决定确定不征收反补贴税的,或者终裁决定未确定追溯征收反补贴税的,对实施临时反补贴措施期间已收取的现金保证金应当予以退还,保函应当予以解除。
Chapter V Time Limit for and Re-examination of Countervailing Duty and Commitments 第五章 反补贴税和承诺的期限与复审
Article 47 Neither the time limit for levying the countervailing duty nor that for implementing the commitments shall exceed 5 years; however, where it is re-examined and determined that the termination of the levy of the count

ervailing duty is likely to lead to the continuance or re-occurrence of the subsidy or damage, the time limit for levying the countervailing duty may be properly extended. 第四十七条 反补贴税的征收期限和承诺的履行期限不超过5年;但是,经复审确定终止征收反补贴税有可能导致补贴和损害的继续或者再度发生的,反补贴税的征收期限可以适当延长。
Article 48 After the countervailing duty has taken effect, the MOFTEC may, with a justifiable reason and upon consultation with the SETC, decide to re-examine the necessity of continuing the levy of countervailing duty; it may also, after a reasonable period of time, upon the request of the interested parties and after having examined the corresponding evidence provided by the interested parties, decide to re-examine the necessity of continuing the levy of countervailing duty. 第四十八条 反补贴税生效后,外经贸部经商国家经贸委,可以在有正当理由的情况下,决定对继续征收反补贴税的必要性进行复审;也可以在经过一段合理时间,应利害关系方的请求并对利害关系方提供的相应证据进行审查后,决定对继续征收反补贴税的必要性进行复审。
After the commitments have taken effect, the MOFTEC may, with a justifiable reason, decide to re-examine the necessity of continuing the implementation of the commitments; it may also, after a reasonable period of time, upon the request of the interested parties and after having examined the corresponding evidence provided by the interested parties, decide to re-examine the necessity of continuing the implementation of the commitments. 承诺生效后,外经贸部可以在有正当理由的情况下,决定对继续履行承诺的必要性进行复审;也可以在经过一段合理时间,应利害关系方的请求并对利害关系方提供的相应证据进行审查后,决定对继续履行承诺的必要性进行复审。
Article 49 The reservation, amendment or cancellation of the countervailing duty shall be proposed by the MOFTEC upon the re-examination result and in accordance with the present Regulation, shall be decided on by the Tariff Policy Committee under the State Council upon the proposition of the MOFTEC, and shall be announced by the MOFTEC. The MOFTEC may also, in accordance with the present Regulation and upon consultation with the SETC, decide to reserve, amend or cancel the pricing commitments and shall announce such decision. 第四十九条 根据复审结果,由外经贸部依照本条例的规定提出保留、修改或者取消反补贴税的建议,国务院关税税则委员会根据外经贸部的建议作出决定,由外经贸部予以公告;或者由外经贸部依照本条例的规定,商国家经贸委后,作出保留、修改或者取消承诺的决定并予以公告。
Article 50 The re-examination procedures shall be followed with re

ference to the relevant provisions in the present Regulation on countervailing investigations. 第五十条 复审程序参照本条例关于反补贴调查的有关规定执行。
The time limit for re-examination shall not exceed 12 months, commencing from the date when the re-examination is decided on. 复审期限自决定复审开始之日起,不超过12个月。
Article 51 The re-examination procedures shall not hamper the countervailing measures during the period of re-examination. 第五十一条 在复审期间,复审程序不妨碍反补贴措施的实施。
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions 第六章 附则
Article 52 Where anyone refuses to accept the final awards made in accordance withArticle 26 of the present Regulation, or refuses to accept the decision made in accordance with Chapter IV of the present Regulation on whether to levy countervailing duty and the decision on the retrospective levy, or refuses to accept the re-examination decision made in accordance with Chapter V of the present Regulation, he may apply for administrative reconsideration in accordance with the law, or bring a lawsuit to the people''s court. 第五十二条 对依照本条例第二十六条作出的终裁决定不服的,对依照本条例第四章作出的是否征收反补贴税的决定以及追溯征收的决定不服的,或者对依照本条例第五章作出的复审决定不服的,可以依法申请行政复议,也可以依法向人民法院提起诉讼。
Article 53 An announcement made in accordance with the present Regulation shall state such contents as important information, facts, reasons, basis, result and conclusion, etc.. 第五十三条 依照本条例作出的公告,应当载明重要的情况、事实、理由、依据、结果和结论等内容。
Article 54 The MOFTEC and the SETC may take appropriate measures to prevent the acts of evading countervailing measures. 第五十四条 外经贸部、国家经贸委可以采取适当措施,防止规避反补贴措施的行为。
Article 55 Where any country (region) takes discriminative countervailing measures on the products exported from the People''s Republic of China, the People''s Republic of China may, upon the actual circumstances, take corresponding measures against the country (region). 第五十五条 任何国家(地区)对中华人民共和国的出口产品采取歧视性反补贴措施的,中华人民共和国可以根据实际情况对该国家(地区)采取相应的措施。
Article 56 The MOFTEC shall be responsible for negotiating with foreign parties about countervailing issues as well as notification and dispute settlement of such matters. 第五十六条 外经贸部负责与反补贴有关的对外磋商、通知和争端解决事宜。
Article 57 The MOFTEC and the SETC may enact the relevant specific implementing measures in accordance with the present Regulation. 第五十七条 外经贸部、国

Article 58 The present Regulation shall enter into force on January 1, 2002. The provisions on countervailing in the Anti-Dumping and Countervailing regulation of the People''s Republic of China promulgated by the State Council on March 25, 1997 shall be nullified at the same time. 第五十八条 本条例自2002年1月1日起施行。1997年3月25日国务院发布的《中华人民共和国反倾销和反补贴条例》中关于反补贴的规定同时废止。
Attachment: Illustrative List of Export Subsidies 附:出口补贴清单
1. The provision by the government of the exporting country (region) of direct subsidy to an enterprise or an industry contingent upon export performance. 1.出口国(地区)政府根据出口实绩对企业、产业提供的直接补贴。
2. Foreign exchange retention schemes or any similar practices which involve a bonus on exports. 2.与出口奖励有关的外汇留成或者类似做法。
3. Internal transport and freight charges on export shipments, provided or approved by the government of the exporting country (region), on terms more favorable than for domestic shipments. 3.出口国(地区)政府规定或者经出口国(地区)政府批准对出口货物提供的国内运输或者运费条件优于对国内货物提供的条件。
4. The provision by the government of the exporting country (region) either directly or indirectly of terms or conditions of products or services for the manufacture of exports, which are more favorable than those of relevant products or services for the manufacture of domestic products, with the exception of particular circumstances. 4.出口国(地区)政府直接或者间接地为生产出口产品提供产品或者服务的条件,优于其为生产国内产品提供的相关产品或者服务的条件,但特殊情形除外。
5. The full or partial reduction, exemption or deferred payment of direct taxes or social welfare charges specifically related to exports, which are paid or payable by enterprises. 5.对企业已付或者应付的与出口产品特别有关的直接税或者社会福利费,实行全部或者部分的减免或者延迟缴纳。
6. The deductions directly related to exports or export performance, over and above those granted in respect to domestic products, in the calculation of the base on which direct taxes are levied. 6.在计算直接税征税基数时,直接与出口产品或者出口实绩相关的扣除优于国内产品的扣除。
7. The reduction, exemption or refund, in respect of the manufacture and distribution of exports, of indirect taxes in excess of those levied in respect of the manufacture and distribution of the domestic products of the same category. 7.对与出口产品的生产和流通有关的间接税的减免或者退还,超过对国内同类产品所征收的间接

8. The reduction, exemption, refund or deferred payment of advance cumulative indirect taxes on goods or services used in the manufacture of exports in excess of the reduction, exemption, refund or deferred payment of advance cumulative indirect taxes on goods or services used in the manufacture of domestic products of the same category, with the exception of particular circumstances. 8.对用于生产出口产品的货物或者服务所征收的先期累积间接税的减免、退还或者延迟缴纳,优于对用于生产国内同类产品的货物或者服务所征收的先期累积间接税的减免、退还或者延迟缴纳,但特殊情形除外。
9. The reduction, exemption or refund of import charges levied on imported inputs related to the manufacture of the exports, in excess of those levied on the inputs when they are imported, with the exception of particular circumstances. 9.对与生产出口产品有关的进口投入物减免或者退还进口费用,超过对此类投入物在进口时所收取的费用,但特殊情形除外。
10. The provision by the government of the exporting country (region) of export credit guarantee or insurance programs, or of insurance or guarantee programs against increases in the cost of exports or of foreign exchange risk programs, at premium rates which are inadequate to cover the long-term operating costs and losses of the programs. 10.出口国(地区)政府以不足以弥补长期营业成本和亏损的费率,提供的出口信贷担保或者保险,或者针对出口产品成本增加或者外汇风险提供保险或者担保。
11. The grant by the government of the exporting country (region) of export credits at rates below those at which it has to pay for the funds so used, or the payment by it of all or part of the costs incurred by exporters or other financial institutions in obtaining loans, in so far as they obtain the advantage in the field of export credit, with the exception of particular circumstances. 11.出口国(地区)政府给予出口信贷的利率低于使用该项资金实际支付的利率,或者为出口商或者其他金融机构支付为获得贷款所产生的全部或者部分费用,使其在出口信贷方面获得优势,但特殊情形除外。
12. Any other charge on the public account constituting an export subsidy. 12.由公共账户支出的构成出口补贴的其他费用。

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