当前位置:文档之家› 石油化工专业常用英语缩写





1 AC Air Conditioning 空气调节装置

2 AGO Atmospheric gas oil 常压瓦斯油

3 AML Approved Manufacturers' List 批准的厂商名单

4 APE Area Project Engineer 区域项目工程师

5 AR Atmospheric residue 常压渣油

6 ARDS Atmospheric residue desulfurization 常压渣油加氢脱硫

7 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师协会

8 BD Business Director 商务主任

9 BD Business Development 市场部

10 BEDP Basic Design Engineering Package 基础设计包

11 BFW Boiler feed water 锅炉给水

12 BL Battery limits 界区

13 BEDD Basic Engineering Design Data 基础工程设计数据

14 BM Bill of Material 材料表

15 BOD Basis of Design 设计基础

16 BOD Biological Oxygen Demand 化学需氧量

17 BP Boiling point 沸点

18 BS Bright stock 光亮油

19 BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准协会

20 BTEX Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene 苯,甲苯,乙苯,二甲苯

21 BTU British thermal unit 英热单位

22 BTX Benzene, toluene, xylene 苯,甲苯,二甲苯

23 C Construction 施工

24 CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计

25 CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting 计算机辅助设计和绘图

26 CCR Conradson carbon residue 康氏残炭

27 CCR Continuous Catalyst Regeneration 催化剂连续再生

28 CDU Crude distillation unit 原油蒸馏装置

29 CGO Coker gas oil 焦化瓦斯油

30 CI Cetane index 十六烷指数

31 CL Center line 中心线

32 CM Construction Manager 施工经理

33 CN Conference Note 会议纪要

34 COD Chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量

35 CPDP Chinese Preliminary Design Package 中国初步设计包

36 CPM Critical Path Method 关键路径法

37 CR Catalytic Reforming 催化重整

38 CS Carbon Steel 碳钢

39 CW Cooling Water 冷却水

40 FEED Front End Engineering Design 前期工程设计


42 GCD Guaranteed Completion Date 保证完成日期

43 GG Gauge glass 玻璃液面计

44 GHSV Gaseous hourly space velocity 气体体积空速

45 GPH Gas phase hydrogenation 气相加氢

46 GSN Global Supply Network 全球供应网络

47 GTG Gas Turbine Generator 燃气涡轮发电机

48 GW Gross weight 毛重

49 HAZID Hazard Identification Review 危险识别审查

50 HAZOP Hazard and Operability Study 危险与可操作性研究

51 HBP Highly branched paraffins 高支链烷烃

52 HC Hydrocracking 加氢裂化

53 HCCO Heavy catalytic cycles oil 重催化循环油

54 HCGO Heavy coker gas oil 重焦化瓦斯油

55 HDA hydrodearomatization 加氢脱芳烃

56 HDF hydrofinishing 加氢后精制

57 HDM hydrodemetallization 加氢脱金属

58 HDN hydrodenitrogenation 加氢脱氮

59 HDPE High Density Polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯

60 HO Home Office 总部

61 HDS hydrodesulfurization 加氢脱硫

62 HDT hydrotreating 加氢精制,加氢处理

63 HGO Heavy gas oil 重瓦斯油

64 HR Human Resource 人力资源

65 HP High pressure 高压

66 HSFO High sulfur fuel oil 高硫燃料油

67 HSR Heavy straight run 重直馏油

68 HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 采暖通风

69 HVGO Heavy vacuum gas oil 减压重瓦斯油

70 HVI High viscosity index 高粘度指数

71 IBL Inside Battery Limits (Same as ISBL) 界区内

72 IBP Initial Boiling Point 初馏点,初沸点

73 IEC International Electro-technical Commission 国际电工委员会

74 IFA Issued for Approval 用于正式批准

75 IFB Issued for Bid 用于招标

76 IFC Issued for Construction 用于施工

77 IFD Issued for Design 用于设计

78 IFH Issued for HAZOP 用于危险与可操作性研究

79 ISBL Inside Battery Limits (same as IBL) 界区内

80 ISO International Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织

81 IS&T/IT Information System and Technology (same as IT) 信息系统和技术

82 ITB Invitation to Bid 邀标书

83 JV Joint Venture 合营者

84 KW Kilo-Watt 千瓦

85 LAN Local Area Network 局域网

86 LC Letter of Credit 信用证

87 LCC Life Cycle Cost 寿命周期成本

88 LCCO Light catalytic cycle oil 催化裂化轻循环油

89 LCGO Light coker gas oil 焦化轻瓦斯油

90 LCN Light coker naphtha 焦化轻汽油

91 LCO Light cycle oil 轻循环油

92 LDE Lead Discipline Engineer 专业负责人

93 LDPE Low Density Polyethylene 低密度聚乙烯

94 Level 1 High Level Schedules, control documents

used for control of total scope 项目计划1

95 Level 2 Intermediate Level Schedules, control documents designed to control scope at unit, area, department, contract or discipline level 项目计划2

96 Level 3 Detailed Schedules, control documents designed to control and report the status of individual deliverables, e.g. documents, requisitions etc. 项目计划3

97 LLDPE Linear Low Density Polyethylene 线性低密度聚乙烯

98 LOI Letter of Intent 意向书

99 LP Low Pressure 低气压

100 LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气

101 LS Lump Sum 固定总价

102 LS Low sulfur 低硫

103 LSD Low sulfur diesel 低硫柴油

104 LSFO Low sulfur fuel oil 低硫燃料油

105 LSR Light straight run 轻直馏油

106 LSTK Lump Sum Turn Key (一揽子价格)总承包

107 LSWR Low sulfur waxy residue 低硫含蜡渣油

108 LTFT Low-temperature flow test 低温流动性试验

109 LTRS Low-temperature recovery system 低温回收系统

110 LV Low Voltage 低(电)压

111 LVGO Light vacuum gas oil 轻减压瓦斯油

112 LVI Low viscosity index 低粘度指数

113 LVN Light virgin naphtha 直馏轻石脑油馏分

114 MC Mechanical Completion 机械竣工

115 MCR Micro carbon residue 微残炭

116 MEG Mono Ethylene Glycol same as EG) 乙二醇

117 MHC Mild hydrocracking 缓和加氢裂化

118 MPA Multi Project (Purchasing) Agreement 大宗采购协议

119 MFA Multi-Facility (Purchase) Agreement 大宗采购协议

120 MON Motor octane number 马达法辛烷值

121 MP Medium pressure 中压

122 MPHC Moderate pressure hydrocracking 中压加氢裂化

123 MR Material Requisition 请购单

124 MRP Material Requisition (issued for Purchase) 请购单(用于购买)

125 MRQ Material Requisition (issued for Quotation) 请购单(用于报价)

126 MRR Material Receiving Report 材料验收单

127 MTO Material Take-Off 材料表

128 MV Medium Voltage 中(电)压

129 MW Mega-Watt 兆瓦

130 MW Molecular weight 分子量

131 N/A Not applicable or Not Appropriate 不适用的

132 N/A Not Available 无

133 NEC National Electrical Code 国家电气规范

134 NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association 国家电气制造商协会

135 NFPA National Fire Protection Association 全国防火协会

136 NGL Natural Gas Liquids 天然气液体

137 NP Normal paraffin 正构烷烃

138 NPSH Net positive suction head 净吸入头

139 NR Non Reimbursable (costs) 非实报实销

140 NTP Notice To Proceed 开工通知书

141 NTS Not to Scale 不按比例

142 OBL Outside Battery Limits £?same as OSBL 界区外

143 OBS Organization Breakdown Structure 组织分解结构

144 OSBL Outside Battery Limits (same as OBL) 界区外

145 P3 Primavera Project Planner 项目计划管理

146 PAC Polycyclic aromatic compound 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃

147 PAG Project Automation Group 项目自动化团队

148 PAF Personnel Authorization Form 职员批准表

149 P&ID Process and instrumentation Diagram 工艺仪表流程图

150 PID Proportional, Integral and Differential 比例、积分加微分(控制)

151 PC Personal Computer 个人电脑

152 PDA Propane deasphalting 丙烷脱沥青

153 PDAO Propane deasphalted oil 丙烷脱沥青油

154 PDU Propane deasphalting unit 丙烷脱沥青装置

155 PE Project Engineer 项目工程师

156 PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯

157 PEM Project Engineering Manager 项目设计经理

158 PET Project Execution Team 项目执行组

159 PFD Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图

160 PFE Project Field Engineer 项目现场工程师

161 PFPM Project Field Procurement Manager 项目现场采购经理

162 PEFS Process Engineering Flow Scheme (same as P&ID) 工艺设计流程图163 PFS Process Flow Scheme (same as PFD-Process Flow Diagram) 工艺流程图164 P/L Packing List 装箱单

165 PM Project Manager 项目经理

166 PMC Project Management Contractor 项目管理承包商

167 PMM Project Material Manager 项目材料经理

168 PNA Polynuclear aromatics 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃

169 PNA Paraffin, Naphthene, Aromatic 烷烃、环烷烃、芳烃

170 PO Procurement Order 采购订单

171 POX Partial Oxidation 部分氧化造气

172 PP Polypropylene 聚丙烯

173 PPM Project Procurement Manager 项目采购经理

174 PQP Project Quality Plan 项目质量计划

175 PQAM Project Quality Assurance Manager 项目质量保证经理

176 PQCM Project Quality Control Manager 项目质量控制经理

177 PR Procedure 程序

178 PRC People Republic of China 中华人民共和国

179 PRS Power recovery system 能量回收系统

180 PSA Pressure swing adsorption 变压吸附

181 PSM Project Site Manager 项目现场经理

182 PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯

183 PW Paraffin wax 石蜡

184 QA Quality Assurance 质量保证

185 QC Quality Control 质量控制

186 QM Quality Management 质量管理

187 RDS Resid desulfurization 渣油(加氢)脱硫

188 RFCC Resid FCC 渣油催化裂化

189 RFG Reformulated gasoline 新配方汽油

190 RHC Resid hydroconversion 渣油加氢转化

191 RHDS Residue hydrodesulfurization 渣油加氢脱硫

192 RIS Refinery information system 炼油厂信息系统

193 RMP Risk management plan 风险管理计划

194 RON Research octane number 研究法辛烷值

195 RONC Research octane number clear 不加铅研究法辛烷值

196 ROSE Resid oil supercritical extraction 渣油超临界抽提

197 SCO Synthetic crude oil 合成原油

198 SDW Solvent dewaxing 溶剂脱蜡

199 SIGF Site Integration & General Facility 全场一体化和一般设施

200 RFSU Ready for Start Up 待开车

201 S/C Subcontractor 分包商

202 SM Styrene Monomer 苯乙烯单体

203 SOR Start of run 运转初期

204 SR Semi-regenerative 半再生的

205 SR Straight run 直馏

206 SRU Sulfur recovery unit 硫磺回收装置

207 SS Stainless Steel 不锈钢

208 SSOT Single stage once through 一段一次通过加氢裂化

209 STG Steam Turbine Generator 蒸汽发电机

210 TAN Total acid number 总酸值

211 TBD To be Determined 待定

212 TBN Total base number 总碱值

213 TBS Technical Bid Summary 技术标概要

214 T&C'S Terms and Conditions (e.g. of purchase) 术语和条件(用于采购) 215 TCD Target Completion Date 目标完成日期

216 TGCU Tail gas cleanup unit 尾气净化装置

217 TGTU Tail gas treating unit 尾气处理装置

218 TIC Total Installed Cost 总体安装费用

219 T&L Traffic and Logistics 交通与后勤管理

220 TS Technical Specialist 技术专家

221 TSA Technical Services Agreement 技术服务协议

222 TF Tank Farm 罐区

223 UFD Utility Flow Diagram 公用工程流程图

224 ULSD Ultra low sulfur diesel 超低硫柴油

225 UK United Kingdom 英国

226 UR Unit Rate 单价

227 USA United States of America 美利坚合众国

228 VDU Vacuum distillation unit 减压蒸馏装置

229 VE Value Engineering 价值工程

230 VGO Vacuum gas oil 减压瓦斯油

231 VI Viscosity index 粘度指数

232 VL Vendor List 制造厂表

233 VP Vendor Print 厂商资料

234 VPMS Vendor Print Management System 厂商资料管理系统235 VPTL Vendor Print Transmittal Letter 厂商资料传送

236 VR Vacuum residue 减压渣油

237 VRDS Vacuum residue desulfurization 减压渣油加氢脱硫238 VTB Vacuum tower bottoms 减压渣油

239 WAN Wide Area Network 广域网

240 WHSV Weight hourly space velocity 重时空速

241 WPC World Petroleum Congress 世界石油大会

242 WT Weight 重量

243 WWTS Wastewater treatment system 污水处理系统

244 VCM/PVC Vinyl Chloride 氯乙烯/聚氯乙烯

245 VIP Value Improvement Practices 价值工程实践

246 WBS Work Breakdown Structure 工作分解结构

247 XHVI Extra high viscosity index 超高粘度指数


公司常用英语缩写Abbreviation Full Name 中译 AC Alternating Current 交流电 A/C Account 科目 A/P Accounts Payable 应付帐款 A/R Accounts Receivable 应收帐款 ABC Activity Based Costing 作业制成本会计 ABM Activity Based Management 作业制成本管理 ACH Automated Clearinghouse 自动票据交换所 ACH. %Achievement Ratio 达标率 ACT Actual 实际 ACTG Accounting 会计 ADJ.Adjustment 调整 ADM Adminstration 管理 ADR American Depositary Receipt 美国存托凭证 AES Asset & Equipment Management System 资产设备管理体系AF Annual Forecast 年度预测 AMH Automation Material Handling 自动物料处理 AMT Amount 金额/数量 ASP Average Selling Price 平均售价 ASSY Assembly Product 组合产品

ATM Automatic Teller Machine 自动柜员机 AVG Average 平均 AUP Average Unit Price 平均售价 B/L Back Light 背景光源 B/L Bill of Lading 提单 B/S Balance Sheet 资产负债表 BA Bankers Acceptance 银行承兑汇票 BCR Business Card Reader 名片阅读机 BEP Break Even Point 损益两平点 BIOS Basic Input/output System 基本输出入系统BNS Business Management System 经营管理体系BOD Board of Director 董事会 BOM Bill of Material 材料用量清单 Bond Corporate Bond 公司债 BPCS Business Production Control System BPR Business Process Re-engineering 企业流程改造BTO Build To Order 接单后生产 BU Business Unit 事业部 BUD Budget 预算 C.A.P. D.Check, Action, Plan, Do C/D Clock Display 时钟显示器


序号英文缩写名称 1ABS丙稀腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯 2ACM丙烯酸酯橡胶 3AGO常压瓦斯油 4AR常压渣油 5ARDS常压渣油加氢脱硫(atmosphericresiduedesulfurization) 6ARHOS常压渣油加氢脱硫 7ART沥青渣油处理 8BH锅炉房 9BTX芳烃 10CCR催化重整装置 11CCR连续重整 12CGO焦化蜡油 13CPP流延聚丙烯 14CPS氯化聚醚 15CPVC增强氯化聚氯乙稀 16CR氯丁胶 17CSM氯磺化聚乙烯橡胶 18CTFE三氟氯乙烯 19CVD(U)常减压蒸馏(装置)(crude vacuum distillation(unit) 20DAO脱沥青油 21DCC深度催化裂化(催化裂解) 22DEMEX减压渣油溶剂脱金属 23DHF柴油加氢 24DOP邻苯二甲酸酐二辛酯装置 25EPDM三元乙丙橡胶 26Epoxy环氧树脂 27FCC流化催化裂化 28FEP聚全氟乙丙稀(氟化乙丙稀) 29FPM氟橡胶 30FRPP玻纤增强聚丙烯 31HC加氢裂化 32HC(U)加氢裂化 33HDAs加氢脱沥青质 34HDCCR加氢脱残碳 35HDM加氢脱金属 36HDN加氢脱氮 37HDPE高密度聚乙烯 38HDS加氢脱硫(hydro desulfurization) 39HIP耐冲击性聚苯乙烯 40HOC重油裂化 41HT加氢 42HTBN端缩基丁腈液体橡胶 43KHF航煤加氢 44LCO轻柴油 45LDPE低密度聚乙烯 46LOCC轻烯烃催化裂化 47LPG液化气 48MGG多产液化气和汽油的催化裂化

序号英文缩写名称 49MHC加氢裂化装置 50MHC缓和加氢裂化 51MLLDPE茂金属线型低密度聚乙烯 52MQ硅胶 53NBR腈基丁二烯橡胶(丁腈橡胶) 54NFPP-R纳米复合三型聚丙烯 55NR天然橡胶 56OPP定向聚丙烯 57PA共聚酰胺(尼龙) 58PAM高分子聚丙烯酰胺 59PB聚丁烯 60PE聚乙烯 61PE-RT耐热聚乙稀 62PES共聚酯 63PET聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 64PEVE全氟代乙基醚 65PEX交联聚乙烯 66PFA全氟代烷氧基 67PMMA聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 68PMVE全氟代甲基醚 69PNBR氯化聚醚丁腈(粉末丁腈橡胶) 70PO聚烯烃 71POF塑料光纤 72POM共聚甲醛(聚氧甲烯、缩醛) 73POVE全氟代辛基醚 74PP聚丙烯 75PPB嵌段共聚聚丙烯 76PPH均聚聚丙烯 77PP-R无规共聚聚丙烯 78PPVE全氟代丙基醚 79PS聚苯乙烯 80PSA变压吸附 81PTFE(F4)聚四氟乙烯 82PU聚氨酯膠 83PVC聚氯乙稀 84PVC-U(UPVC)硬聚氯乙稀(增强聚氯乙烯) 85PVDF聚偏(二)氟乙烯 86PVF聚氟乙烯 87RCC常压渣油催化转化 88RDS渣油加氢脱硫(residuede sulfurization) 89RDS常压重油加氢处理 90RF回炼油(recycle feed) 91RF重整 92RFCC重油催化裂化装置 93RFCC重油流化催化裂化(resid fluid catalytic cracking) 94RPP增强聚丙烯 95S-BR丁钠橡胶 96SDA剂脱沥青


和老外聊天、发邮件常用英语缩写? 邮件里常用的四个英文缩写 CC,FYI,ASAP,RESEND ? 1. CC 抄送? Literal meaning: Carbon Copy. When used in an e-mail, it means to send a copy of the e-mail to someone else. ? Hidden meaning: If you are on the CC list, you may simply read the e-mail. You're not always obligated to reply. But if an e-mail sent to you has your boss' e-mail on the CC list, watch out. When the boss is involved, you'd better take the e-mail more seriously. ? 2. FYI 供你参考? Literal meaning: For your information. ? Hidden meaning: By adding "FYI", the sender indicates that the e-mail contains information that may be valuable to your company or job responsibilities. ? 3. ASAP / urgent 紧急文件? Literal meaning: As soon as possible. ? Hidden meaning: When you see "ASAP" or "urgent" in an e-mail or document, you should quickly carry out the e-mail's orders. ? 4. RESEND! 重传? Literal meaning: Please resend your reply to me. ? Hidden meaning: "I haven't received your reply. I don't have much time. Please hurry." You might get such a message from someone who sent you an e-mail, to which you've yet to reply. ? others: ? 数字:? 2 = to/too ? 2B or not 2B = To be or not to be ? 4 = for ? 4ever = forever ? A:? ASL = Age/Sex/Location ? AFAIC = As Far As I’m Concerned ? AFAIK = As Far As I Know ? AFK = Away From Keyboard ? AIAMU = And I’m A Monkey’s Uncle ? AISI = As I See It ? AKA = Also Known As ? AMBW = All My Best Wishes ? ANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor ? AOTS = All Of The Sudden ? ASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" Possible ? ASAP = As Soon As Possible ? ATST = At The Same Time ? AWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again ? AWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh Again ? AYSOS = Are You Stupid Or Something ? ? B:? B4 = Before ? B4N = Bye For Now ? BBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel ? BBIAB = Be Back In A Bit ? BBIAF = Be Back In A Few ? BBL = Be Back Later ? BBN = Bye Bye Now ? BCNU = Be Seein’ You ? BF = Boyfriend ? BFD = Big Fing Deal ? BFN = Bye For Now ? BHOF = Bald Headed Old Fart ? BIF = Basis In Fact ? BITD = Back In The Day ? Biz = Business ? BM = Byte Me ? BMOTA = Byte Me On The Ass ? BNF = Big Name Fan ? BOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes Again ? BR = Best regards ? BRB = Be Right Back ? BRT = Be Right There ? BS = Big Smile ? BT = Byte This ? BTDT = Been There Done That ? BTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of Me ? BTW = By The Way ? BTWBO = Be There With Bells On ? BWDIK = But What Do I Know? ? BWO = Black, White or Other ? ? C:? Cam = Web Camera ? CIAO = Goodbye (in Italian) ? CID = Consider It Done ? CIS = CompuServe Information Service ?


英文缩写全称 A/MMA 丙烯腈/甲基丙烯酸甲酯共聚物 AA 丙烯酸 AAS 丙烯酸酯-丙烯酸酯-苯乙烯共聚物 ABFN 偶氮 (二)甲酰胺 ABN 偶氮 (二)异丁腈 ABPS xx苯氧基丙烷磺酸钠 ABS 树脂,丙烯腈—丁二烯—苯乙烯Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene Terpolymer三元共聚物B 英文缩写全称 BAA 正丁醛苯胺缩合物 BAC 碱式氯化铝 BACN 新型阻燃剂 BAD 双水杨酸双酚A酯 BAL 2,3-巯(基)丙醇 BBP 邻苯二甲酸xx苄酯 BBS N-叔丁基-乙-苯并噻唑次磺酰胺 BC 叶酸 BCD β-环糊精

BCG 苯顺二醇 BCNU 氯化亚硝脲 BD xx BE 丙烯酸乳胶外墙涂料BEE 苯偶姻乙醚 BFRM 硼纤维增强塑料 BG xx BGE 反应性稀释剂 BHA xx-4羟基茴香醚 BHT 二xx羟基甲苯 BL xx内酯 BLE 丙酮-二苯胺高温缩合物BLP 粉末涂料流平剂 BMA 甲基丙烯酸丁酯 BMC 团状模塑料 BMU 氨基树脂皮革鞣剂 BN 氮化硼 BNE 新型环氧树脂 BNS β-萘磺酸甲醛低缩合物BOA 己二酸辛苄酯 BOP 邻苯二甲酰xx酯

BOPP 双轴向聚丙烯 BP 苯甲醇 BPA 双酚A BPBG 邻苯二甲酸丁(乙醇酸乙酯)酯BPF 双酚F BPMC 2-仲丁基苯基-N-甲基氨基酸酯BPO 过氧化苯甲酰 BPP 过氧化特戊酸特丁酯 BPPD 过氧化二碳酸二苯氧化酯 BPS 4,4’-硫代双(6-特丁基-3-甲基苯酚) BPTP 聚对苯二甲酸xx酯 BR xx橡胶 BRN xxxx硫化黑 BROC 二溴(代)甲酚环氧丙基醚 BS xx-苯乙烯共聚物 BS-1S 新型密封胶 BSH 苯磺酰肼 BSU N,N’-双(三甲基硅烷)脲 BT 聚xx-1热塑性塑料 BTA 苯并三唑 BTX 苯-甲苯-二甲苯混合物


石油化工英语常用缩写(第一版) 序号缩写英文中文 1 AC Air Conditioning 空气调节装置 2 AGO Atmospheric gas oil 常压瓦斯油 3 AML Approved Manufacturers' List 批准的厂商名单 4 APE Area Project Engineer 区域项目工程师 5 AR Atmospheric residue 常压渣油 6 ARDS Atmospheric residue desulfurization 常压渣油加氢脱硫 7 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师协会 8 BD Business Director 商务主任 9 BD Business Development 市场部 10 BEDP Basic Design Engineering Package 基础设计包 11 BFW Boiler feed water 锅炉给水 12 BL Battery limits 界区 13 BEDD Basic Engineering Design Data 基础工程设计数据 14 BM Bill of Material 材料表 15 BOD Basis of Design 设计基础 16 BOD Biological Oxygen Demand 化学需氧量 17 BP Boiling point 沸点 18 BS Bright stock 光亮油 19 BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准协会 20 BTEX Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene 苯,甲苯,乙苯,二甲苯 21 BTU British thermal unit 英热单位 22 BTX Benzene, toluene, xylene 苯,甲苯,二甲苯 23 C Construction 施工 24 CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计 25 CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting 计算机辅助设计和绘图 26 CCR Conradson carbon residue 康氏残炭 27 CCR Continuous Catalyst Regeneration 催化剂连续再生 28 CDU Crude distillation unit 原油蒸馏装置 29 CGO Coker gas oil 焦化瓦斯油 30 CI Cetane index 十六烷指数 31 CL Center line 中心线 32 CM Construction Manager 施工经理 33 CN Conference Note 会议纪要 34 COD Chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量 35 CPDP Chinese Preliminary Design Package 中国初步设计包 36 CPM Critical Path Method 关键路径法 37 CR Catalytic Reforming 催化重整 38 CS Carbon Steel 碳钢 39 CW Cooling Water 冷却水 40 FEED Front End Engineering Design 前期工程设计 41 GB GUO BIAO 国标 42 GCD Guaranteed Completion Date 保证完成日期 43 GG Gauge glass 玻璃液面计 44 GHSV Gaseous hourly space velocity 气体体积空速 45 GPH Gas phase hydrogenation 气相加氢 46 GSN Global Supply Network 全球供应网络 47 GTG Gas Turbine Generator 燃气涡轮发电机 48 GW Gross weight 毛重 49 HAZID Hazard Identification Review 危险识别审查 50 HAZOP Hazard and Operability Study 危险与可操作性研究


网络英语聊天中常用缩写短语(很好很强大!!!)来源:郭年顺的日志 问好 hiho = hola = yo = hi = hey = hellow 你好,大家好 wuz up = sup = S’up What's up?原意:怎么样你?有什么事儿嘛?也可作为问好用(熟人之间候) 再见 cya = cu =see ya see you 再见 laterz = later = cya later = see ya later see you later 再见 gn = gn8 = gnight good night 晚安 nn = nite 晚安 说明:一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8,然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。不要问我为什么,约定俗成而已。 惊叹赞扬 OMG oh my god 我的天 OMFG oh my f ucking god = 我的老天;**靠 wtf what the f uck = 怎么会事!?;我日! n1 = nice 1 nice one 漂亮 pwnz = ownz 牛比!(例句:pwnz demo!;lefuzee ownz all the others!) rullz 强!(例句:lefuzee rullz!;you guyz rull!!!) you rock! 你牛比!(口语中常用,irc中偶尔能看到。)

lol laughing out loud / laugh out loud 很好笑.因为lol像笑脸,和我们常用的^-^一样 lmao laughing my ass off 笑的屁股尿流 rofl roll on floor laughing 笑翻天了 其他简写 FU fuck you *你;滚 STFU Shut the fuck up! ***给我闭嘴! k=ok=okay=okie 好的,恩 gimme give me 给我 em them 他们的宾格 thx thanks 谢谢 ty thank you 原本用的不多,不过现在又开始兴起来了 happy bday = happy b-day happy birthday! 生日快乐 dunno dont know 不知道 kinda a little bit 有点(例句:The game is kinda hard for me.i kinda think i should get it d one as soon as possible.) cmon = c'mon come on 加油/别吹了/快点/起来(这个词意思太多了,不赘述了) hax = hack = cheat 作弊,说谎(很地道时尚的词,老外用的比较多)


石油化工企业配管工程常用英语缩写 1 管子及管件 编号缩写中文名称英文名称 1.1 P 管子Pipe 1.2 EL 弯头Elbow 1.2.1 ELL 长半径弯头Long radius elbow 1.2.2 ELS 短半径弯头Short radius elbow 1.2.3 MEL 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头)Mitre elbow 1.2.4 REL 异径弯头Reducing elbow 1.3 T 三通Tee 1.3.1 LT 斜三通Lateral tee 1.3.2 RT 异径三通Reducing tee 1.4 R 异径管接头(大小头)Reducer 1.4.1 CR 同心异径管接头(同心大小头)Concentric reducer 1.4.2 ER 偏心异径管接头(偏心大小头)Eccentric reducer 1.5 CPL 管箍Coupling 1.5.1 FCPL 双头管箍Full coupling 1.5.2 HCPL 单头管箍Half coupling 1.5.3 RCPL 异径管箍Reducing coupling 1.6 BU 内外螺纹接头Bushing 1.7 UN 活接头Union 1.8 HC 软管接头Hose coupler 1.9 SE 翻边短节Stub end 1.10 NIP 短节Pipe nipple or straight nipple 1.10.1 SNIP 异径短节Swaged nipple 1.11 CP 管帽(封头)Cap 1.12 PL 管堵(丝堵)Plug 1.13 BLK 盲板Blank 1.13.1 SB 8字盲板Spectacle blind (blank) 1.14 RP 补强板Reinforcing pad 2 法兰 编号缩写中文名称英文名称 2.1 PLG 法兰Flange 2.1.1 WNF 对焊法兰Welding neck flange 2.1.2 SOF 平焊法兰Slip-on flange 2.1.3 SWF 承插焊法兰Socket-welding flange 2.1.4 T 螺纹法兰Threaded flange 2.1.5 LJ 松套法兰Lapped joint flange 2.1.6 REDF 异径法兰Reducing flange 2.1.7 BF 法兰盖(日法兰)Blind flange 2.2 FSF 法兰密封面Flange scaling face 2.2.1 FF 全平面Flat face 2.2.2 RF 凸台面Raised face 2.2.3 MFF 凹凸面Male and female face


1、职位 GM(General Manager)总经理 VP(Vice President)副总裁 FVP(First Vice President)第一副总裁 AVP(Assistant Vice President)副总裁助理 CEO(Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官 COO(Chief Operations Officer)首席运营官 CFO(Chief Financial Officer)首席财务官 CIO(Chief Information Officer)首席信息官 HRD(Human Resource Director)人力资源总监 OD(Operations Director)运营总监 MD(Marketing Director)市场总监 OM(Operations Manager)运作经理 PM(Production Manager)生产经理 (Product Manager)产品经理 下面有总结了下CAO~CZO中间的字母从A到Z的各种简称: CAO: Art 艺术总监 CBO: Business 商务总监 CCO: Content 内容总监 CDO: Development 开发总监 CEO: Executive 首席执行官 CFO: Finance 财务总监 CGO: Gonverment 政府关系 CHO: Human resource 人事总监 CIO: Information 技术总监 CJO: Jet 把营运指标都加一个或多个零使公司市值像火箭般上升的人 CKO: Knowledge 知识总监 CLO: Labour 工会主席 CMO: Marketing 市场总监 CNO: Negotiation 首席谈判代表 COO: Operation 首席营运官 CPO: Public relation 公关总监 CQO: Quality control 质控总监 CRO: Research 研究总监 CSO: Sales 销售总监 CTO: Technology 首席技术官 CUO: User 客户总监 CVO: Valuation 评估总监 CWO: Women 妇联主席 CXO: 什么都可以管的不管部部长 CYO: Yes 什么都点头的老好人 CZO: 现在排最后,等待接班的太子 部分主要职位的职能: CEO(Chief executive officer)首席执行官类似总经理、总裁,是企业的法人代表。COO(Chief operating officer)首席运营官类似常务总经理 CFO(Chief financial officer)首席财务官类似财务总经理


石油化工英语常用缩写(第一版)(https://www.doczj.com/doc/1d10436731.html,石油软件下载) 序号缩写英文中文 1 AC Air Conditioning 空气调节装置 2 AGO Atmospheric gas oil 常压瓦斯油 3 AML Approved Manufacturers' List 批准的厂商名单 4 APE Area Project Engineer 区域项目工程师 5 AR Atmospheric residue 常压渣油 6 ARDS Atmospheric residue desulfurization 常压渣油加氢脱硫 7 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师协会 8 BD Business Director 商务主任 9 BD Business Development 市场部 10 BEDP Basic Design Engineering Package 基础设计包 11 BFW Boiler feed water 锅炉给水 12 BL Battery limits 界区 13 BEDD Basic Engineering Design Data 基础工程设计数据 14 BM Bill of Material 材料表 15 BOD Basis of Design 设计基础 16 BOD Biological Oxygen Demand 化学需氧量 17 BP Boiling point 沸点 18 BS Bright stock 光亮油 19 BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准协会 20 BTEX Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene 苯,甲苯,乙苯,二甲苯 21 BTU British thermal unit 英热单位 22 BTX Benzene, toluene, xylene 苯,甲苯,二甲苯 23 C Construction 施工 24 CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计 25 CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting 计算机辅助设计和绘图 26 CCR Conradson carbon residue 康氏残炭 27 CCR Continuous Catalyst Regeneration 催化剂连续再生 28 CDU Crude distillation unit 原油蒸馏装置 29 CGO Coker gas oil 焦化瓦斯油 30 CI Cetane index 十六烷指数 31 CL Center line 中心线 32 CM Construction Manager 施工经理 33 CN Conference Note 会议纪要 34 COD Chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量 35 CPDP Chinese Preliminary Design Package 中国初步设计包 36 CPM Critical Path Method 关键路径法 37 CR Catalytic Reforming 催化重整 38 CS Carbon Steel 碳钢 39 CW Cooling Water 冷却水 40 FEED Front End Engineering Design 前期工程设计 41 GB GUO BIAO 国标 42 GCD Guaranteed Completion Date 保证完成日期


英语聊天时常用缩写 Sun = Sunday Mon = Monday Tue = Tuesday Wed = Wednesday Thu = Thursday Fri = Friday Sat = Saturday DIY = Do It Yourself C U = See You I C = I See FT = Faint 昏倒、晕厥之意,晕 SP = support

LOL = Laugh out loud ,大笑 lmao = laughing my ass off 笑的屁股尿流 rofl = roll on floor laughing 笑翻天了 笑的程序:hehe < haha < lol < lmao < rofl BTW = by the way BRB = be right back , e.g. :getting some food to eat ,brb bbl = be back later , e.g. :im gonna go out for a while ,bbl bbs = be back soon ttyl = talk to you later ppl = people pls = please R U OK = are you ok ? IOWAN2BWU = I only want to be with you

CUL8R = see you later IMHO = in my humble opinion 愚见asap = as soon as as possible 4 = for 2 = to,too u = you ur = your r = are,our y = why,yes 2gether = together 2night = tonight 2morrow = tomorrow sth = something sb = somebody gf = girlfriend


总公司Head Office 分公司Branch Office 营业部Business Office 人事部Personnel Department 人力资源部Human Resources Department 总务部General Affairs Department 财务部General Accounting Department 销售部Sales Department 促销部Sales Promotion Department 国际部International Department 出口部Export Department 进口部Import Department 公共关系Public Relations Department 广告部Advertising Department 企划部Planning Department 产品开发部Product Development Department 研发部Research and Development Department(R&D) 秘书室Secretarial Pool 采购部Purchasing Department 工程部Engineering Department 行政部Admin. Department 人力资源部HR Department 市场部Marketing Department 技术部Technolog Department 客服部Service Department 行政部: Administration 财务部Financial Department 总经理室、Direcotor, or President 副总经理室、Deputy Director, or Vice president 总经办、General Deparment 采购部、Purchase & Order Department 工程部、Engineering Deparment 研发部、Research Deparment 生产部、Productive Department 销售部、Sales Deparment 广东业务部、GD Branch Deparment 无线事业部、Wireless Industry Department 拓展部Business Expending Department 物供部、Supply Department B&D business and development 业务拓展部Marketing 市场部


网络聊天中常见的时髦英语缩写词 默认分类2008-12-30 14:13:01 阅读88 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 现代通讯即时工具工具越来越先进了,网络聊天工具已经成了生活中必不可少的一部分,而现代的一些新新人类更是时髦前卫,在网聊中使用很多“一般人”看不懂的语言,本文就介绍介绍一些网聊的缩写词吧。 言归正传,下面列举一些典型的网络英文潮语。 btw(by the way):这个大多数人都会用,就是“顺便再说一句”的意思。 g2g(got to go):要走了。原句是I've got to go。 ttyl(talk to you later):下次再说。 brb(be right back):很快回来。也就是I'll be right back 或I'm gonna be right back的简写。 jk(just kidding):开玩笑,别当真。 omg(oh my god):我的天啊!有时为了表达更强烈的情感,有人会打:OMGGGGGGG! lol(laugh out loud):大声地笑。这个缩写已经快被用烂了。 Imao(laughing my arse/ass off):笑死我了。遇到真正搞笑的事,可以这么说,不过有点粗俗。 rofl(rolling on the floor laughing):笑到摔到地上。 roflmao(rolling on the floor laughing my ass of):前两个的结合版,也就是超级搞笑的意思。 sth(something):某事某物。 nth(nothing):什么也没有。 plz(please):请。please 字尾是z 音,所以按照读音缩写为plz。 thx(thanks):谢谢。按照发音来看,thanks字尾的ks可以用字母X代替。 idk(I don't know):我不知道。 imho, imo(in my humble opinion, in my opinion):在我看来,常见于论坛。 以上这些网络潮语当然不是叫大家不顾场合,不看对象地乱用。写信给校长,总不能以"Yo! Wassup?" 开头问好吧。运用你的智慧,尽情享用这些最流行的英文潮语吧。 ASAP:As soon as possible尽快


企业常用英文缩写 1 Organization组织 1-1 HQ Head Quarter 总公司公司常用英语缩写 1-2Chairmen主席 1-3Lite-On Group光宝集团公司常用英语缩写 1-4 President 总裁 1-5Executive Vice President 常务副总裁 1-6Vice President副总裁 1-7HR Human Resource人力资源部 1-8FIN Finance 财务 1-9Sales 销售 1-10R&D Research & Developing 研发部 1-11QA 质量保证QA DQA CS 1-12MIS Management Information System资迅管理系统 1-13Pur 采购Purchasing 1-14IMD Image management division 影像管理事业部 1-15ITS information technology system 计算机部 1-16QRA quality reliability assurance 品保部 1-17MFG manufacturing 制造部 1-18PMC production &material control 生(产)物(料)管(理) 1-19 PRO Procuremnet 采购开发部 1-20 PMO Plant Manager Office 厂长室 1-21 CEO Chief Execute Officer 执行总裁 2 Materials 材料 2-1PC Production Control 生产控制 2-1-1MPS Mass Production Schedule 量产计划 2-1-2FGI Finished goods Inventory 成品存货 2-1-3UTS Units To Stock存货单元 2-1-4WIP Working In Process Inventory在制品 2-1-5C/T Cycle Time 循环时间,瓶颈 2-1-6WD Working Days 工作天 2-1-7MTD Month To Days 月初到今日(例如总表整理) 2-1-8YTD Year To Days 年初到今日 2-1-9 SO Sales Order 销售单 2-1-10MO Manufacture Order 制造单 2-1-11 BTO Build To Order 订单生产 2-1-12 P/N part number 料号 2-1-13 FCST Forecast 预测计划 2-1-14 W/O Working Order 工单 2-1-15 P/O Purchasing Order 采购单


英文邮件及聊天常用缩略语 1.邮件 ASAP=as soon as possible 尽快\急件 BCC- Blind Carbon Copy 暗抄送 CC=Carbon copy 抄送 FYI=for your reference 供你参考 FYI=for your information 通知 RESEND! 重传 Attachment 附件 Junk mail 垃圾邮件 Co.= company公司 Corp. =corporation 公司 Inc. =incorporated公司 Ltd.= limited 有限公司 Dept.=department部门 Mfg.= manufacturing 制造公司 Dba=doing business as 职业或公司名称 Govt. =government 政府 Mdse. =merchandise 商品 C.o.d.=cash on delivery 货到付款 I owe you IOC 我欠你 Bldg.=building 大厦 Approx.=approximately 接近 E.g.= exempli gratiea (for example) 例如 No.=numero (number) 号码 Qtr.=quarter 季度 Mo.= month 月 VIP=very important person 重要人物

2.聊天 A: ASL = Age/Sex/Location AFAIC = As Far As I'm Concerned AFAIK = As Far As I Know AMBW = All My Best Wishes AOTS = All Of The Sudden ASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" Possible (不礼貌) ASAP = As Soon As Possible ATST = At The Same Time B: B4 = Before B4N = Bye For Now BBIAB = Be Back In A Bit BBIAF = Be Back In A Few BBL = Be Back Later BBN = Bye Bye Now BF = Boy friend BFD = Big Fing Deal BFN = Bye For Now BHOF = Bald Headed Old Fart (放屁) BIF = Basis In Fact BITD = Back In The Day Biz = Business BM = Byte Me BMOTA = Byte Me On The Ass BNF = Big Name Fan BOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes Again (再来一遍)BOM=bill of material (材料清单) BR = Best regards BRB = Be Right Back BRT = Be Right There BS = Big Smile BT = Byte This BTDT = Been There Done That BTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of Me BTW = By The Way BTWBO = Be There With Bells On BWDIK = But What Do I Know? BWO = Black, White or Other C: Cam = Web Camera

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