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认识定语从句一.Teaching aims


二. Teaching procedures









浅谈定语从句的译法 1.源文本分析 著名的翻译理论家赖斯认为:“文本类型决定翻译方法。”她根据不同的特点将文本分为:信息性文本、表达性文本、呼唤性文本以及视听文本。信息性文本的特点是以内容为主,主要作用是传递信息、知识和交换意见。信息发出者(作者)和信息的形式均被放在突出的位置。其典型代表是虚构性文学作品(Katharina Reiss,1971)。根据赖斯的定义,“《王牌》—特朗普家族风气的揭秘”主要作用就是交流信息、知识和意见,以内容为主,属于典型的信息性文本。 笔者在翻譯这篇文章时发现,原文定语从句共有22例,这无疑增加了翻译的难度,也成了这次翻译实践的最大难题。为了充分认识这一困难,以便进一步解决它,笔者对照原文,阅读了一些大家的经典译本和对定语从句的相关论述,运用尤金·奈达的功能对等理论浅谈定语从句的译法,以求解决我在这方面的困惑。 2.翻译实例剖析 美国语言学家、翻译家和翻译理论家尤金·A·奈达(1964)从语言学的角度出发,根据翻译的本质,提出了著名的“功能对等”翻译理论。奈达认为翻译就是在译语中再现与源语信息最贴切的自然对等物,是用最恰当、自然和对等的语言从语义到文体再现源语的信息,语言文化的差异决定源语和目的语之间只能做到相对的对等。奈达“功能对等”理论中的对等包括词汇对等、句法对等、篇章对等和文体对等四个方面。而在这四个方面中,奈达认为“意义是最重要的,形式其次,形式很可能掩藏源语的文化意义并阻碍文化交流”(郭建中,2000)。采用功能对等原则时,“内容第一,形式第二”。 因此,我们在理解和翻译现代英语中的定语从句时就不能局限于句式上的对等,正确理解源句并找出其中的逻辑关系是准确翻译的前提,选择恰当的汉语句式将源句意思准确完整地表达出来则是翻译的最终目标。 2.1前置法 英译汉时,把简短的定语从句的意思放在前行词之前,这种方法成为前置法。 (1)Seperating the real harassment from the benign behavior that seems to come with the territory. 译文:将真正的骚扰与那些看似天经地义的宽厚亲切举动区别开。 定语从句that seems to come with the territory修饰benign behavior,这个定语从句简单,内容易理解,故可采用前置法,使目标语读者更好地理解原文信息,


定语从句专项练习题及详解50题 1.The place _______interested me most was the Children's Palace. A. Which B. where C. what D. in which 2.Do you know the man _______? A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke 3.This is the hotel _______last month. A. which they stayed B. at that they stayed C. where they stayed at D. where they stayed 4.Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded? A. which B. that C. when D. on which 5.That is the day ______I'll never forget. A. which B. on which C. in which D. when 6.The factory ______we'll visit next week is not far from here. A. where B. to which C. which D. in which 7.Great changes have taken place since then in the factory _______we are working. A. where B. that C. which D. there 8.This is one of the best films _______. A. that have been shown this year B. that have shown C. that has been shown this year D. that you talked 9.Can you lend me the book ______the other day? A. about which you talked B. which you talked C. about that you talked D. that you talked 10.The pen ______he is writing is mine. A. with which B. in which C. on which D. by which 11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a small boy. A. whom B. who C. which D. that 12.The engineer ______my father works is about 50 years old. A. to whom B. on whom C. with which D. with whom 13.It there anyone in your class ______family is in the country? A. who B. who's C. which D. whose 14.I'm interested in ______you have said. A. all that B. all what C. that D. which 15.I want to use the same dictionary ______was used yesterday. A. which B. who C. what D. as 16.He isn't such a man ______he used to be. A. who B. whom C. that D. as 17.He is good at English, ______we all know. A. that B. as C. whom D. what 18.Li Ming, ______to the concert enjoyed it very much. A. I went with B. with whom I went C. with who I went D.I went with him 19.I don't like ______ as you read. A. the novels B. the such novels C. such novels D. same novels 20.He talked a lot about things and persons ________they remembered in the school. A. which B. that C. whom D. what 21.The letter is from my sister, ______is working in Beijing. A. which B. that C. whom D. who


定语从句长难句分析 1.Thesediscoverieshaveledtothefieldknownasneuroeconomics,whichstudiestheb rain’ssecretstosuccessinaneconomicenvironmentthatdemandsinnovationand being able to do things differently from competitors. 译文:这些发现带来了神经经济学领域的出现,神经经济学研究的是经济环境下大脑胜利的秘诀,这个经济需要创新,需要和竞争者做例外的事情。 解析:which引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,因为neuroeconomics是一个专有名词,在语法中,是需要非限制性定语从句修饰的。同时,这也是一个嵌套定语从句,也就是从句套从句,在which引导的非限制性从句中还包含着一个that引导的从句修饰economic environment. 2.Those who are professionally engaged in the art of interpreting history are thus in adifficultposition,astheymuststeeranarrowcoursebetweenthedemandsof‘evidence’an d‘attractiveness’,especiallygiventheincreasingneedintheheritageindustry and income-generating activities. 译文:那些专门从事诠释历史的人面临着一个困境,他们需要在证据的要求和参观者对于吸引力的要求之间做出权衡,特别是考虑到历史遗产产业对于创收活动不断增长的要求。 解析:who are professionally engaged in the art of interpreting history是定语从句修饰前面代词。这里的as引导的是原因状语从句。Given引导条件状语从句,意为“鉴于”。 3.In the second half of the 18th century, we already find advocates of this view, suchasJosephPriestley,whoseRudimentsofEnglishGrammar(1761)insiststhat‘thecusto m of Speaking is the original and only just standard of any language’. 译文:在18世纪中后期,我们已经发现了这一观点的支持者,比如JosephPriestley,他1761年出版的《英语语法入门》一书中坚持认为:说话的习惯是最基本的也是任何语言的唯一标准。


83.非限制性定语从句 <例句> The plane,which is usually very punctual,was late today. 这班飞机通常很准时,不过今天却晚点了。 <语法分析> 这个句子为典型的非限制性定语从句。可以看出这类从句对所修饰的都有词没有限制词义的作用,只是一些补充性的说明,而且通常都有逗号把它和句子的其他部分隔开,多译成一个并列句。把从句拿掉以 后,对句子的剩下部分没有太大的影响。我们把which is usually very punctual拿掉以后,句子就变成了The plane was late today.意思仍很完整,合乎语法。需要留意的是,在这类从句中不可用关系 代词that和关系副词why,也不可以把其他的关系副词给省略掉,此类从句多用于书面语中。 <触类旁通> (1)Tom,who had been driving all night,suggested stopping at the next town. 汤姆开了一夜的车,建议在下一个镇子上停下来。 语法分析:简单、合乎规范的句子。 (2)The buses,most of which were already full,were surrounded by old men. 公共汽车大部分都已载满了乘客,周围是一群老人。 语法分析:在非限制性定语从句中,which和whom常可以与of或其他介词连用。 (3)I drank beer,which made me fat. 我喝啤酒,这使我的身体发胖了。 语法分析:which不代表一个名词,而代表了前面句子的全部或者部分意思。 (4)Such money as he earned was spent on his girl friend. 他挣的那点钱都花在了他女朋友身上。 语法分析:as用作关系代词,引导定语从句,主要和such连用,也可单独引导一个从句。 (5)Surely there isn't a teacher but faces this problem. 可以确定,凡是老师都会面临这个问题。 语法分析:but作为关系代词引导定语从句。 (6)I've set a plan whereby you can spread the cost over a period. 我定了一个办法,你可以照此分期付款。 语法分析:whereby引导一个定语从句,其意思等于by which,类似用法还有wherein 和whereupon等。 <巩固练习> (1)She returned with _____ provisions _____ were needed. (2)He hoped to give me a chance _____ nobody else ever had.


where在定语从句中引导的先行词 一、where定语从句修饰抽象名词point You reach a point where medicine can’t help. 你已到了药物无法治疗的地步。The crisis has reached a point where the receiver will have to be called in. 危机已达到非把破产管理人叫来不可的地步。 We have reached a point where a change is needed. 我们到了必须改一改的地步。 注:有时point也可以是具体的地点: Let the point where AB cuts CD be called E. 设AB线与CD线的相交点为E。The accident happened at the point where the A15 joins the M1. 事故发生在A15与M1交叉的十字路口。 二、where定语从句修饰抽象名词case There are cases where the word “mighty” is used as an a dverb. 在一些情况下,mighty一词可用作副词。 Today, we’ll discuss a number of cases where beginners of English fail to use the language properly. 今天,我们将讨论一些英语初学者对英语使用不当的问题。 三、where定语从句修饰抽象名词activity Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity where sight matters more than hearing. 那些失聪的成功舞蹈演员们认为,舞蹈是一种让人看胜过让人听的活动。 四、where定语从句修饰抽象名词situation He got into a situation where it is hard to decide what is right and wrong. 他陷入一种难以分辨是非的局面。 If you risk something important, you cause it to be in a dangerous situation where you might lose it. 你如果拿重要的东西去冒险,那你就是将它置于一种可能会失去它的危险境地。 五、where定语从句修饰抽象名词position


【初中英语】定语从句专项练习综合 一、定语从句 1.One is filled with knowledge always behaves with elegance(优雅). A.which B.who C.how D.what 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 句意:一个学识渊博的人总是举止优雅。考查关系代词。A. which关系代词,引导定语从句时,指代物;B. who关系代词,引导定语从句时,指代人;C. how关系副词;D. what不能引导定语从句。根据One is filled with knowledge always behaves with elegance(优雅).可知,先行词one指代人,所以用关系代词who或that引导定语从句,同时在定语从句中作主语,结合选项可知B选项符合题意,故答案选B。 2.Don’t throw away pens and erasers ________ you haven’t used up. A.where B.which C.who D.what 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 句意:不要扔掉你还没用完的钢笔和橡皮。考查定语从句引导词。what不引导定语从句,可排除D。where表示地点;which表示事物;who表示人。本句先行词pens and erasers (钢笔和橡皮)是物,需用which引导;根据句意结构和语境,可知选B。 3.—Frank, look! Who are the children under the tree ___ waiting in a line? —They are the students from No. 1 Primary School. A.that are B.where are C.which is D.who is 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 句意:——弗兰克,你看!那些在树下排队的孩子是谁?——他们是来自第一小学的学生。 考查定语从句。根据句意:﹣弗兰克,你看!树下排队的孩子们是谁?﹣他们是来第一小学的学生.可知先行词是children,指人,作主语,故选代词用who/that;children是复数,系词用are,故选A。 4.-Have you got ready for the soccer game? -Yes,I've done everything ___________ I can to win the game. A.who B.that C.which 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】


定语从句用法分析 定语从句在整个句子中担任定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引出。 eg. The boys who are planting trees on the hill are middle school students 先行词定语从句 #1 关系词: 关系代词:who, whom, whose, that, which, as (句子中缺主要成份:主语、宾语、定语、表语、同位语、补语), 关系副词:when, where, why (句子中缺次要成份:状语)。 #2 关系代词引导的定语从句 关系代词引导定语从句,代替先行词,并在句中充当主语、宾语、定语等主要成分。 1)who, whom, that 指代人,在从句中作主语、宾语。 eg. Is he the man who/that wants to see you?(who/that在从句中作主语) ^ He is the man who/whom/ that I saw yesterday.(who/whom/that在从句中作宾语) ^ 2)whose 用来指人或物,(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换)。eg. They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down. Please pass me the book whose cover is green. = the cover of which/of which the cover is green. 3)which, that指代物,在从句中可作主语、宾语。 eg. The package (which / that)you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. ^ (which / that在从句中作宾语,可省略) 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词保持一致。 eg. Is he the man who want s to see you? #3.关系副词引导的定语从句 关系副词when, where, why引导定语从句,代替先行词(时间、地点或理由),并在从句中作状语。 eg. Two years ago, I was taken to the village where I was born. Do you know the day when they arrived? The reason why he refused is that he was too busy. 注意: 1)关系副词常常和"介词+ which"结构互换 eg. There are occasions when (on which)one must yield (屈服). Beijing is the place where(in which)I was born. Is this the reason why (for which)he refused our offer? * 2)在非正式文体中,that代替关系副词或"介词+ which",放在时间、地点、理由的名词,在口语中that常被省略。 eg. His father died the year (that / when / in which)he was born. He is unlikely to find the place (that / where / in which)he lived forty years ago.


引导定语从句的有:关系代词who(whom, whose),which, that和关系副词when, where, why等。例如: The girl who had lunch with me yesterday is my girl friend.昨天与我共进午餐的那个女孩是我的女朋友。(girl是先行词,who是关系代词) The book that(which)I am reading is very interesting.我正在看的这本书非常有趣。(book是先行词,that是关系代词) 现略谈一谈关系代词和关系副词的作用和用法,引导定语从句的关系代词和关系副词在先行词和定语从句之间起联系作用,它们可以作定语从句的一个成分: 一、关系代词可以作定语从句的主语、宾语或定语。 1.who指人,是主格,在定语从句中作主语;whom是宾格,在定语从句中作宾语;whose是所有格,在定语从句中作定语。例如: (1)This is Uncle Li who mended computers for us.这就是为我们修电脑的李叔叔。 The student who(that)is playing with a yoyo is only seven.正在玩溜溜球的那个学生仅仅七岁。 (2) This is the man(whom)I met in Australian last month.这就是我上个月在澳大利亚遇见的那个人。 The soldier whom you want to see has already come.你要见的那名士兵已经来了。 (3)There is nobody here whose name is Gu Jianfei.这儿没有名叫顾剑飞的人。 My aunt whose photo I showed you yesterday will come to see us this evening.我姨妈今晚要来看我们,她的照片昨天我给你看过。 2.which指物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语。例如: (1)Take the pencil which is lying on the desk.把课桌上的那支铅笔拿去。 We visited the Jade Buddha Temple, which is in the northwestern part of Shanghai.我们参观了玉佛寺,它在上海西北边。 (2)The factory which we visited yesterday is very famous in the world.我们昨天参观的那家工厂是全球闻名的。


定语从句教学分析 一、学生分析 授课对象为高三的学生。大部分学生的思维活动、表现欲望和合作精神在平时的教学中表现很好。根据这些特点,我采用与新课标要求相一致的新的教学方式,即活动式的教学法和任务型教学法相结合的方法,调动全班学生的积极性,在师生互动、生生互动中实现教学任务和目标。 二、教材分析 本节课的授课内容为定语从句中的一个重点也是难点的内容:定语从句中关系代词和关系副词的用法及区别。对于该内容学生半知半解,加上语法容易让人觉得枯燥,学生对此内容有排斥畏难心理。尤其是当先行词一样时,该用关系代词还是关系副词是一个难点。 三、教学目标 知识与技能:1.让学生弄清楚定语从句中关系代词和关系副词的用法;2.重点是定语从句中关系代词和关系副词的区。 过程与方法:1.培养学生自主学习和协作学习的能力;2.培养学生质疑意识,分析问题、解决问题、归纳问题的能力。 情感价值观:通过本节课的学习,培养学生的爱校情感。 四、教学策略和方法 本节课的教学以学生为中心,以问题为出发点,使课堂教学过程成为学生自主地进行信息加工、知识意义构建、归纳能力发展的过程。教师在教学过程中则适时

介入,引导、启发、组织、帮助、促进。随堂进行小组指导,一方面参与学生的讨论,更给学生以个别辅导,以帮助学生解决学习过程中的难题。通过演示法把制作的课件、学生的作文等显示给学生看,便于学生对知识的把握,并从中获得启迪,从而解决问题。通过小组协作法分析问题、解决问题,从而内化而形成学习成果,并将其在全班学生中展示,使学生获得成功的喜悦,从而激发学生的后续学习热情。通过任务驱动教学法将所要学习的新知识隐含在一个或几个问题之中,学生通过对所提的任务进行分析、讨论,并在老师的指导、帮助下找出解决问题的方法,最后通过任务的完成而实现对所学知识的意义建构。 五、教学过程 Step1 Lead-in导入 在上课前几分钟,我播放了学生们都非常熟悉的周杰伦的歌《青花瓷》。上课时,很自然地询问学生是否知道这首歌和周杰伦。学生们非常高兴,也非常积极地回答相关问题。课堂气氛很好,也达到了调动学生学习积极性,同时引入这节课的课题的目的。与此同时,在屏幕上展示相关句子,如:1.The song is sung by Jay Chou.2. Jay Chou is a famous singer.然后,提示学生可用另一种表达方式来表述同样的意义,由此引出定语从句The song is sung by Jay Chou who/that is a famous singer. 教学意图:吸引学生注意力,激发学习兴趣,同时引出本课教学内容。 Step2 Review and Presentation 在第一步之后趁热打铁,让学生分析该定语从句中的先行词,关系代词等,让学生复习与定语从句相关的内容,此时重点复习关系代词和关系副词,并将其写在黑板上。然后用图片帮助学生复习关系代词和关系副词的用法。具体做法是在屏幕


) 【定语从句专项练习】 1. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from _____ effects the people are still suffering. A. that B. whose C. those D. what 2. Mark was a student at this university from 1999 to 2003, __________ he studied very hard and was made Chairman of the Students’ Union. A. during which time B. for which time C. during whose time D. by that time 3. I work in a business ______ almost everyone is waiting for a great chance. A. how B. which C. where D. that ; 4. The English play ________ my students acted at the New Year’s party was a great success. A. for which B. at which C. in which D. on which 5. New York, ________ I visited last year, is a nice old city. A. that B. which C. when D. in which 6. I can think of many cases _______students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn't write a good essay. A. why B. which C. as D. where 7. George Orwell, ________ was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays. A. the real name B. what his real name 。


从句和长难句分析 高考英语试题中定语从句与强调句陷阱题详解 2008-12-15 22:24:06 来源:网络作者:佚名【大中小】点击:126 次评论:次 1.The factory was built in a secret place, around _________ high mountains. A. which was B. it was C. which were D. them were 【陷阱】容易误选A或B,将A、B中的 which 和 it 误认为是其后句子的主语。 【分析】最佳答案是C,around which were high mountains 是一个由“介词+which”引出的非限制性定语从句,而在该从句中,主语是 high mountains,around which 是表语,所以句子谓语应用复数were,而不是用单数 was。请做以下类例题目(答案均为C): (1) Yesterday we visited a modern hospital, around _________ some fruit shops. A. which is B. it is C. which are D. them are (2) The murder happened in an old building, beside _________ the city police station. A. which are B. it is C. which is D. them are (3) Next month we’ll move to a new building, next to _________ a nice restaurants where we can have Chinese food. A. which are B. it is C. which is D. them are 2. A man with a bleeding hand hurried in and asked, “Is there a hospital around _________ I can get some medicine for my wounded hand” A. that B. which C. where D. what 【陷阱】容易误选 B,认为 around 是介词,选 which 用以代替前面的名词 hospital,在此用作介词 around 的宾语。


模块简介 ☆主要应用:本模块主要考察引导词的应用,随着高考英语的改革,英语语法的考点也有所改变,现在主要应用在短文改错和语法填空中 ☆模块等级:本模块难度中等,学生的基础稍微弱一些也可以接受,基础弱的学生需要5-8课时(2h/课)不等,中等学生3课时(2h/课)可以基本掌握,基础好的学生1-2课时(2h/课)可以搞定 ☆知识分布:每节课需要先讲解10个高考重点词汇辨析,之后讲解语法知识,语法知识中的例句与练习题可以相应练习本堂课程中的重点词汇,从而达到复习的效果 ☆习题分布:习题包括08-14年高考题,辽宁省模拟题并且平均练习各个考点 ☆通关确保:本部分习题为课后作业,分为牛刀小试,略有所成,炉火纯青等不同难度的单项选择还包括语法填空与短文改错从而达到最高效的练习 ☆易混模块:本模块容易与名词性从句状语从句混淆,所以三大从句讲解完毕之后会配有知识点总结与 习题练习

定语从句 【知识清单】 【考点一】句子结构 简单句(只有一套主谓结构) (1)主.谓 I sleep. (2)主.谓.宾 I study English. (4)主.谓.间宾.直宾 He gave me anoffer. (3)主.谓.宾.宾补 He makes medelighted. (即双宾语结构) (人一般为间接宾语,物为直接宾语) (5)主.系.表 I am a teacher. 复合句(有两套或两套以上的主谓结构) The girl is beautiful. The girl has long hair. (1)并列句 ①表递进:and. not only...but also.... neither...nor... She not only dances well but also sings well. Neither do I know his address, nor do my parents. ②表选择:or. Either...or..... You can stay here ,or you can leave. Either you leave or I leave. ③表转折:but. Yet. Whereas(然而). Some men are rich, whereas others are poor. He tried his best, but he failed. ④表因果:so. For. I must be off now, for my sister is waiting for me. I work hard, so I was able to pass the exam. (2)复合句 ①定语从句:The ∧ girl (who has long hair )is beautiful. beautiful 划线部分作用相同,即定语从句起到形容词的作用 ②状语从句:(时间、地点、原因、条件、让步、目的、结果、方式、比较) 一、定语从句的相关概念 合并为一句话


摘要 在翻译的实践中,很多人常常苦于那些比较复杂的定语从句,觉得无从下手,有时甚至完全脱离了原句的意义。因此,根据定语从句的语法现象,从定语从句的基本类型和用法方面出发,进行探讨,从而归纳出一些定语从句翻译的方法。 关键词:限制性定语从句,非限制性的定语从句,兼有状语职能的定语从句,翻译方法。In translation practice, many people often suffer from that more complex attributive clause, feel overwhelming, sometimes even completely out of the original sentence meaning. Accordingly, according to the attributive clause grammatical phenomena, from the basic type of the attributive clause and usage aspects, were discussed, which induces some attributive clause translation methods. Keywords: restrictive attributive clause, the restrictive attributive clause, both adverbials function attributive clause, translation methods. 众所周知,英语中有许多语法现象,而定语从句则是英语中最主要最常见的语法现象之一。在英语学习中我们经常会遇到关于定语从句的句子,我们如能恰如其分地汉译定语从句,则会对整句,乃至整篇文章的理解有很大帮助。英语定语从句可按它与先行词在逻辑含义上不同的紧密程度分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句两大类。它们含有特定的翻译方法。此外,兼有状语职能的定语从句是一种特殊的定语从句,译法有许多相同之处,因此也与上述各类定语从句一起讨论。 限制性定语从句的译法 一、限制性定语从句和所修饰的名词或代词(称为先行词)之间的关系十分密切,是先行词在意义上不可缺少的修饰说明语。带有限制性定语从句的句子里,主句的含意是不完整的,要靠从句补充说明,全句概念才能表达清楚。限制性定语从句与主句之间没有逗号。例如:Pollution is a pressing problem which we must deal with.污染是我们必须解决的一个迫切问题。限制性定语从句的翻译往往可以采用以下三种方法。 1.合译法 所谓合译法,主要是指把英语限制性定语从句译成汉语的“…的?字结构” ,放在被修饰词之前,从而把定语从句和主句合译成汉语的单句。合译法尤其适合于翻译结构不很长的限制性定语从句,不论是先行词前面有定冠词的(称为意义上的)限制性定语从句,还是先行词前无定冠词的(称为形式上的)限制性定语从句,都可采用这种译法。In the room where the electronic computers kept ,there must be no dust at all .在存放电子计算机的房间里,不能有一本点灰尘。英语中,有些限制性定语从句可省略关系词,翻译时也同样采用合译法。例如:The rate at which the molecules move depends upon the energy they have.分子运动的速率取决于分子所具有的能量。(第二个定语从句中省略了关系代词which或that)The time nuclear fission takes place vast energy is released. 核裂变发生时,放出大量的能。( 定语从句中省略了when)以as引导的限制性定语从句的翻译值得特别注意。关系代词as经常与such ,the same ,as many ,as much等配合使用。在这些句型中,as引导限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,表语,宾语等。以as 引导的这类限制性定语从句往往有比较固定的一些译法: (1) such + (名词) + as 或such as 通常译为“象……之类的”、“象……(这)那样的”, “……的一种”等。例如:Without rubber there would be no automobiles such as we have today.如果没有橡胶,就不会有我们今天这样的汽车。(2) the same ……as 通常译为“和……一样的”、“与……相同的”。例如:A color transmission contains the same information as a black and white transmission.彩色传输所容纳的信息,和黑白传输容纳的信息一样。


定语从句 一、限制性与非限制性定语从句 (一)限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别 限制性定语从句对先行词起修饰限制作用;而非限制性定语从句是对先行词起补充说明作用。非限制性定语从句中,先行词与定语从句往往有逗号割开。非限制性定语从句相当于并列句、状语从句等。如: I want this man, who (=for he) can speak English. He gave up the plan, which (=though it) was a very good one. I met John, who (=and he) told me the news. I will take this one, which (=for it) seems to be the best one. He has two sons, who work in the same pany. (He has only two sons.) He has two sons who work in the same pany. (Perhaps he has more than two sons.) (二)非限制性定语从句中关系代词和关系副词的用法 1、关系代词和关系副词在任何情况下都不能省略; 2、Who(主语),whom(宾语),which(主语、宾语)不能用that代替,也不能互相替 换; 3、介词+which/whom+从句结构中,介词不能移到从句的后面; 4、when, where可用于非限制性定语从句。 二、关系代词的用法 (一)关系代词的作用和分类 1、关系代词的作用有三个: (1)连接作用:关系代词引导从句,把它和主句连接起来; (2)替代作用:关系代词在从句中替代它前面的先行词; (3)成分作用:关系代词在从句中总是充当句子成分。 2、关系代词的用法分类 关系代词的用法与分类有三点依据: (1)根据所引导的从句的限制性和非限制性; (2)根据所替代的先行词是指人还是指物; (3)根据它在从句中所充当的成分----主语、宾语、表语或者定语。 (二)关系代词that和which的用法 1、限制性定语从句中,必须用关系代词that的情况: (1)当先行词是不定代词all, much, little, something, everything, anything, nothing, the one时。如:

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