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Economic Development,Population Growth and Environment Degredation in China

Economic Development,Population Growth and Environment Degredation in China
Economic Development,Population Growth and Environment Degredation in China

Economic Development, Population Growth and Environmental Concerns in China


China's recent rapid economic growth has come at a cost of environmental degradation. Various factors, including the conflict between economic development and environmental concerns, insufficient government regulation of China's environment, and lack of public awareness regarding environmental issues have hindered China's effort to find a proper balance between economic prosperity and its environmental health. This study identifies the major problems in China's ecological environment. It then examines China's efforts to promote environmental protection. Lastly, it studies the clash between China's environmental concerns and government policies that encourage economic development, and the international ramifications of that conflict. In so doing, this study uses China as a model for how developing countries might achieve a proper balance between demands for economic development and environmental protection

Chinese Environmental Problems

China's current environmental problems can be divided into seven categories: land, industry, energy, water, the controversial "Three Gorges Dam" project, air, and population.

(1) LAND: Since the mid-1980s, China has experienced a significant reduction in arable land. In the late-1980s, China lost 2.1 million hectares of cultivated land.' Between 1996 and 2000, China lost another 10.5 hectares of cultivated land, lowering the amount of arable land area to 1.5 hectares per capita. During the latter period, irrigation problems contaminated 32.5 million hectares of cultivated land in China.

Soil erosion, deforestation and desertification have also contributed to the rapid deteriorating quality of China's ecological environment. As a consequence, over the last three decades most wildlife habitats, inland fisheries, and aquatic product bases in China have been destroyed.

The loss of cultivated land resulting from soil erosion, water scarcity, and desertification has produced two conflicting trends--an increased demand for grain from an ever growing population and a diminishing capacity to meet that demand. This raises concerns regarding how China will feed its 1.3 billion people and protect its environment simultaneously.

(2) INDUSTRY: Given China's emphasis on developing heavy industries, pollution from manufacturing factories poses the most severe threat to its environment. Due to low energy costs, the power sector is more likely to produce energy waste. Each day, China's factories release large amounts of industrial wastes that have not been processed thoroughly to ensure the elimination of contaminated substances.

The structural and industrial pollution in Huang River provides a disturbing example of this problem. Eighty percent of industrial waste deposited into the river comes from mining industries, oil companies, textile factories, chemical plants, food, and paper. So long as China's industries are reluctant to invest in new technology to combat pollution and local government agencies enforce environmental protection laws loosely, there is little chance of changing this situation.

(3) ENERGY: Regardless of its bountiful reserve of coal, oil, and water in aggregate terms, China is still viewed as a country lacking in resources relative to its size and population. China faces immense problems as it seeks to improve resource preservation and enhance environmental controls. Attempts have been made to diversify energy consumption and reduce coal use, but China's thriving economy imposes great demands on energy and resource consumption. This only adds to the degradation of China's environment.

Unlike most developed countries, China still depends heavily upon coal as its primary source of energy. During the early 1990s, coal accounted for nearly three-quarters of

China's total fuel consumption. While China is the world's largest consumer of coal, it has also become the second largest consumer of crude oil and electricity. Over the last five years, China, home to approximately one-fifth of the world's population, consumed 7.4 percent of the world's oil supply. Given these circumstances, China cannot sustain its current level of economic development simply by exploiting its own resources. China's rising energy consumption make it likely that it will rely greatly on oil imports to meet its energy needs in the near future. According to Zhang Guaoboa, vice chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission, China's oil production in 2005 amounted to 180 million tons, or 3.5 million barrels per day. This does not meet China's current demand for oil and helps to explain the recent failed effort of the China National Offshore Oil Corporation, the country's largest offshore oil and gas producer, to purchase the U.S.-based oil company, Unocal, America's ninth largest oil company.

(4) WATER: Water has long been the most critical agricultural constituent in China, a country that bears an exceptionally heavy burden to feed its massive population. As a consequence, water pollution has become China's major environmental concern.

Excessive waste and inefficient utilization, serious water shortages in the northern provinces, and continuous dumping of industrial wastes have made China's water pollution problems intractable. The Yangtze River has become China's biggest sewer. There are over 3,000 factories and mines in the reservoir area producing ten billion tons of waste (containing fifty different toxins) annually. Additionally, the loss of forests, which hold rainfall that can replenish soil, causes runoffs that increase the volume of flooding. In 1998, for example, summer flooding along the lower Yangtze River caused 4,000 deaths and over US $36 billion in damages.

China's urban water supply faces numerous problems. More than ninety percent of that water supply is contaminated, and about ten billion cubic meters of tap water is lost annually. Among the 660 large and medium-sized cities in China, over 400 experience various water problems; about one-fourth have reached an alarmingly severe level. Underground sources of water have been increasingly polluted by waste released from cities, twenty percent of which is not processed thoroughly into sanitary substance.

(5) "THREE GORGES DAM" PROJECT: Started in 1994, this project, located on the Yangtze River, will be the largest hydroelectric dam in the world when it is completed in 2014. Its reservoir stretches over 350 miles upstream. Once completed, the dam is expected to tame the intractable waterway and slash China's heavy reliance on coal

for energy. The dam's twenty-six turbines are designed to pump out l8, 200 megawatts of electricity, the equivalent of almost ten large coal-fired power stations, or the burning of fifty million tons of coal in a single year.

The Three Gorges Dam project has provoked criticism in China and from abroad. Domestic critics argue that the dam's destructive impact on China's environment, culture, historical relics, and human habitats far outweigh its benefits. The World Bank, a major sponsor of the construction of dams in developing countries, refrained from financing the project.

From an environmental perspective, the project will have an irreversible large-scale ecological impact: a large number of species will be affected and some endangered ones could become extinct in the wild, including the Giant Panda, the Chinese Tiger, the Chinese Alligator, the Yangtze Dolphin, the Chinese Sturgeon, and the Siberian Crane. The project also encourages extensive logging, which will induce deforestation. The rate of forest coverage on the upper stream of the Yangtze River has decreased from thirty percent in the 1950s to ten percent in 1998. This has resulted in the loss of valuable topsoil which has increased the volume of flooding. In addition, the dam will slow the flow of water and cause severe sediment formation (which accounts for the river's brownish color). Environmentalists also have expressed concerns that the reduced waterflow between Chongqing and Yichang will weaken the natural

self-cleaning process that now flushes sewage into the East China Sea.

(6) AIR: The emission of greenhouse gases produces carbon dioxide (C[O.sub.2]), methane (C[H.sub.4]), nitrous oxide ([N.sub.2]O), and chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs), all major sources of air pollution. Global climate changes induced by the greenhouse effect will have a destructive impact the health of China's people. Air pollution from noxious chemicals and gases causes respiratory illnesses, skin and eye irritation, chronic bronchitis, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary heart

disease, and lung cancer. Air pollution also is expected to have a major impact on the world's food supply. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, global grain production is expected to decline by six to eight percent if the current global warming trend continues. This will make it increasingly difficult for China to feed its massive population.

In 1990, China was responsible for ten percent of global C[O.sub.2] emissions. At present, China produces the largest source of sulfur dioxide (S[O.sub.2]) and sulfur emissions in East Asia. Since China remains heavily dependent on coal as an energy source, it is unlikely that this trend will be reduced significantly in the near future. Instead, China's air quality is likely to worsen due to the emission of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and dust particles.

(7) POPULATION: Population growth and environmental concerns arc directly intertwined. Environmental pollution has its most serious impact on human health in densely populated regions where agricultural and industrial activities overlap, and tremendous pressure is placed on resources closely linked to the environment, such as land, water, and climate.

The damage that China's massive population and continuous economic growth have caused to its environment is "basically irreversible in the medium term." Although population growth alone is no longer a major contributor to China's ongoing environmental degradation, there is a correlation between China's natural environment and population growth. First, with a continuing low fertility and mortality rate, there has been a significant increase in China's young adult population, producing greater demands for employment. Mushrooming township and village enterprises have absorbed much of this demand. These jobs are less likely to require technological skills and are usually found in industries that use energy and resources inefficiently. These pollution-generated industries are not closed down because of concerns over laying off large numbers of workers. Environmental concerns thus take a backseat to economic growth. Second, enhanced living standards will only aggravate China's environmental problems. The rise in living standards has produced a greater demand for an abundance of quality food. This stimulates increased agricultural production through the use of fertilizer and pesticides, which increases the amount of

contaminated water released into rivers, lakes, and oceans. Likewise, increases in household income has led to rising demands for water, electricity, heating, air conditioning, and transportation which also effects China's environment adversely.

Since ending restrictions on population movement as part of its economic reforms, China's urban population has increased considerably. By 2004, China's urban population accounted for nearly forty-two percent of its total population. This has led to the concentration of pollution in China's cities. One-fourth of China's urban population live in areas that suffer from severe air pollution as well as problems related to solid wastes, noise, and contaminated tap water. It is also alarming that much of this urbanization trend has occurred at the expense of most of China's arable lands, thus jeopardizing its food production capacity.

China's Environmental Issues and Economic Growth

The economic and technological reforms that have promoted agricultural, industrial and energy development in China during the past two decades have also produced a proliferation of rural industries that have undermined the balance of the ecosystem and reduced the productivity of farms, lakes, rivers, forests, grasslands, wetlands, and coastal regions. But as the tension between economic interest and environmental concerns has become more salient and pronounced, the state continues to favor the former at the expense of the latter.

In the last two decades, China has experienced tremendous economic growth. Its GNP grew by an average of 10 percent annually between 1981 and 1991, and 11.6% from 1991 to 1995. Since 1995, the rate of China's economic growth has slowed down to between eight and nine percent because of the state government's determination to curb inflation. This economic boom has taken its toll on China's environment.

High-growth, resource-intensive development, together with a pervasive emphasis on economic prosperity, consumerism, and profits in government policies have contributed to the deteriorating quality of China's environment.

Post-Mao era (post-1976) reforms have resulted in the decentralization of China's economy. The central government has granted local governments, individual

enterprises, and state and private industries greater autonomy on economic matters. This gave officials at the provincial level and below the incentive to develop their local economy. As a consequence, most city, county, and township bureaucrats have become obsessed with encouraging economic development in their locality.

China's rapid economic development has been spurred by the construction of thermal and hydroelectric generating plants, water reservoirs, and other energy-related systems. This has caused dislocation of the populace, loss of arable land and natural habitats, soil erosion, and an increase of deforestation. Rapid industrialization also has led to the mounting loss of farm land which decreases grain productivity. The same industries that have reduced the amount of arable land have also caused a rise in income and higher levels of food consumption. Some coastal areas experiencing greater levels of industrialization have already suffered a sharp drop in farm acreage. This rising imbalance between the supply and demand for grain first surfaced in 1994 when the price of grain soared by an average of forty percent. In a global economy, China's rising food prices will cause an increase in food prices around the world.

The emphasis on economic advancement in its reforms makes it difficult for China to improve its environmental health. Economic growth will increase China's need for energy and natural resources, causing further damage to its environment. Yet, such economic growth and environmental protection interests are not necessarily mutually exclusive; a developed economy could be used to finance advances in science and technology and thus facilitate the implementation of environmental protection policies. China's government, however, fails to see this linkage. This is evident in its refusal to sign the agreement on emissions restrictions at the United Nations Convention on Climate Change held in 1997, in Kyoto, Japan. China claimed that this agreement would retard its economic growth. As the Chinese delegate argued, "Poverty eradication and economy development are still the overriding priorities of China." He added that "it is not possible for the Chinese government to undertake the obligation

of reducing greenhouse gases until the economy develops." This echoes Ghandi's declaration that "poverty is the greatest polluter."

In light of its vast territory and traditional economic structure, it is unlikely that China will adopt strategies that promote "clean industries" to minimize environmental damage. It is estimated that China will maintain its focus on heavy industries, such as petrochemicals, steel, construction materials, power generation, and coal mining, which employ technology that is more wasteful in energy and resources. If so, it is not realistic to expect China to adopt modern technology to resolve conflicts between economic growth and environmental protection in favor of the latter.

Despite the fact that China had over 89,000 enterprises involved in promoting environmental protection, these agencies need the help of foreign investment to be effective, from both a technological and managerial standpoint, in safeguarding China's environment. The Forum of Economic Development and Environmental Protection, held in Beijing in August 2005, represents a significant step in that direction. Moreover, foreign-invested businesses operating in China can provide a model for environmental control for China's enterprises by requiring ISO 14000 Certification from their local suppliers. Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, will soon demand that its suppliers assume greater environmental and social responsibilities. Since eighty percent of Wal-Mart's suppliers are located in China, this policy will have a significant impact on thousands of manufactures in China. The new policies include selling clothing made from organically grown cotton, removing thousands of tons of pesticides from factories, and enforcing the same health standards in Chinese factories that apply in the United States.

China's Environmental Policies and Regulations

In spite of the progress made in the recent years, the quality of China's environmental protection legislation is hardly sufficient to safeguard its environment. Since environmental laws are subject to the interests of local authorities and bureaucrats, China's courts have had little success enforcing these statutes. Faced with serious environmental problems, China's top officials now realize that economic development cannot be achieved at the expense of resource conservation and pollution control. As a consequence, environmental protection has become a greater priority in national policymaking.

China's first major environmental policy, the so-called "Three Rivers, Three Lakes" policy during the 1950s, addressed flood control, hydropower construction, river channel problems, and rural and urban water supply. During the next two decades, China's "Cultural Revolution" prevented any concrete progress on environmental protection. In the mid-1970s, concern over environmental protection resurfaced. In 1975, the State Council began issuing environmental protection laws. Half of these statutes dealt with protecting nature and combating pollution, the rest concerned governmental administrative tasks, enforcement procedures, and the responsibilities of scientific research and propaganda agencies. By the 1980s, substantive steps had been taken to coordinate the environmental policies of national, provincial, and local agencies. At the same time, the state government began to acknowledge the importance of sustainable development in international environmentalism--that is, "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

Since the early 1990s, funding for environmental protection in China has increased significantly. China has augmented its expenditures for treatment of waste water as well as gas and solid waste from 4.5 billion yuan in 1990 to 9.9 billion in 1995. Between 2001 and 2005, during the "Ninth Five-Year Plan," the state appropriated 360 billion yuan (US$ 45 billion) primarily for pollution control and prevention, excluding investment on ecological construction, which accounted for less than one percent of the GDP during that period. Still, this is nearly twice as much as the total expenditures for environmental control programs in the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Five-Year Plans (1986-2000) combined. Under the current Five-Year Plan (2006-10), investment on environmental protection could reach $700 billion yuan (US$ 88 billion). (52) Such attention to environmental protection has produced two unanticipated positive results. First, these policies have aroused public awareness in environmental protection. Second, the central government has developed an official channel for funding environmental protection programs.

Nevertheless, over the past twenty years China's state government has oscillated in its commitment toward environmental protection, and the implementation of environmental policy has been eclipsed by policy formulation. Without doubt, by the

late 1980s the central government had made some notable progress on environmental protection. But since 1992, as China experiences its current economic boom, the central government's attention to environmental concerns has slackened. It thus appears that, "the ethos of the reforms and the political economy constructed to support reform goals are antithetical to solving China's environmental problems." In 1994, for example, administrative reorganization impeded the authority of China's environmental protection institutions to enforce environmental laws.

Since most environmental issues are addressed at the higher administrative levels, conflicts between economic development and environmental issues are often resolved in favor of the former. Economic reform has encouraged the decentralization of the state government, resulting in more demanding tasks that state environmental protection institutions have to bear to control industrial pollution on a national scale. Furthermore, leading officials remain irresolute in implementing environmental policies. The following excerpt, from Article 4 of the Environmental Protection Law of 1989, seeks to safeguard human health and facilitate socialist modernization. This represents a commitment to promote and enforce sustainable development legally.

The plans for environmental protection formulated by the state must

be incorporated into the national economic and social development

plans; the state shall adopt economic and technological policies and

measures favorable for environment protection so as to co-ordinate

the work of environmental protection and economic construction and

social development.

The law also stipulates that all people are legally responsible for protecting the environment, including having the right to file lawsuit against any industries or individuals that pollute the environment.

To be effective, state efforts to promote environmental protection must be incorporated into national economic and social development plans. Economic and technological measures favorable to environmental protection should be adopted to coordinate the work of environmental protection, economic construction, and social development. State government and local administration all too often promote their

economic interests over the implementation of environmental regulations. As one senior NEPA official noted, "Only government regulation can successfully curb environmental degradation in a market economy." This statement reflects a recognition of the focus of China's economic policies, coordinated development, which marginalizes environmental concerns in relation to economic development.


Environmental protection has been and will continue to be an important issue for China. It is estimated that environmental issues will play an increasingly significant role in China's future economic, political, and legal development, as well as in its diplomacy. However, market-driven emphasis on economic prosperity, insufficient coordination between national and local governments and environmental agencies, inadequate enforcement of environmental protection laws and regulations, lack of public awareness, and limited financial support all threaten to impede China's progress in environmental management. To strengthen its efforts to promote environmental protection, China must: (1) balance the relationship between

market-driven economic development and the efficient utilization and conservation of natural resources and energy; (2) enforce environmental laws; (3) enhance interagency collaboration to promote environmental protection; (4) allot greater financial and technical resources toward environmental protection; (5) increase public awareness of environmentalism; and, (6) expand its dialogue with other countries on environmental issues through official and unofficial channels.


影视编剧岗位职责: 编剧的职责及任职资格 1、本科以上学历,导演、编剧,编导等相关专业优先。 2、独立撰稿及制作脚本,擅长创意、策划,文字功底深厚,丰富的想象力和创新力。 3、思维清晰敏捷,逻辑严谨,工作踏实认真,善于沟通,热爱创作。 4、能够根据制作方要求完成剧本的创作及修改。 5、高度的责任感和工作热情。 6、可以根据公司意向、选择、指导编剧对以确定的素材进行改编、创作。 7、可以结合市场对剧本进行商业性策划、调整。 编剧主任优先录用条件: 1、中戏、上戏、北电或重点大学影视戏剧、文学专业毕业优先,熟悉影视剧本创作技巧、具有优秀的文字能力、有剧本创作经历; 2、十分熟悉国内影视剧市场及政府的相关政策、法规; 3、对影视剧作品及影视剧本有较高的评判水准,能够结合市场对剧本提出具体专业性的评判指导意见; 4、有丰富的素材资源(尚未公开发表的小说、剧本等)有丰富的作家人脉资源; 5、在电影、电视剧实际项目中做过文学统筹、责编; 6、思维活跃、视角独特有深度。 责编岗位职责: 一、组织稿件。以本校为主,同时有目的向外单位专家邀稿,保证不断提高学报质量,扩大学校的影响。 二、审查稿件。主要是做好初审和联系送审工作。 三、编辑稿件。主要是文字上的删减、修改、标点订正。 四、编排版面、初审清样。主要是科学的安排版面,并对清样校对,报主编审定。 五、发行、交流。主要是搞好与有关院校、科研单位交流刊物。

六、收集反馈信息,对学报工作提出改进建议。 七、帮助作者掌握与学报编辑出版有关的国家标准,提高论文写作能力。 八、坚持学习政治理论与业务学习,不断提高政治水平和政策水平,提高业务工作能力,学习、汲取兄弟院校的办刊经验,不断提高编辑水平和学报质量。 九、完成领导交办的其他工作。 文学责编职位描述: 岗位描述: 1) 策略性思考和创意文字的撰写表达工作; 2) 审阅各类原创小说、分集大纲、故事梗概,根据题材划分,针对主题思想、人物角色、核心情节、故事结构、细节逻辑、社会影响等方面进行综合评定后出具专业审核; 3) 对社会投稿进行审阅甄别;接待项目编剧或投稿作者等。 4) 发掘优质或有潜质的网络文学小说、推荐主流文学期刊发表的优秀长篇及中短篇小说、选送当下主流文坛知名作家的最新力作,并对所推荐之作品做较为详细的项目分析; 5) 与各大文学网站、知名出版社、主流文学期刊建立良好的合作关系,争取第一时间抢占项目资源; 任职要求: 1) 吃苦耐劳、踏实可靠,具全局观,有较强逻辑思维能力,具有良好的人际交往能力、沟通协调能力和较强的服务意识,能承受工作压力; 2) 优秀的文字驾驭能力; 3) 了解中国电视剧发展动态; 4) 具备独立思考并完成项目策划方案等的能力; 5) 有敏锐的洞察力,思维敏捷深刻,具有逻辑性思维和良好语言表达能力,熟练掌握多种格式文案撰写; 6) 熟练使用MS WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT等办公软件; 7) 电影学、文学、戏剧、中文等相关专业本科以上学历; 8) 具有2年以上大、中型影视公司相应职位经验,拥有丰富的编剧、作家、写手资源者优


安全管理组织机构及岗位职责 一、安全工作领导小组 组长:张金玲(全面工作) 副组长:张宏伟(负责日常工作)作 成员:徐井涛张辉范普宣杨永玲赵荣生张伟(部门安全) 二、安全工作领导小组职责 全面负责全校安全管理工作,指导、监督全校各教学班,各部门 安全工作,传达、贯彻上级指示精神,布置工作任务,制定安全措施,检查安全工作,及时处理突发事件并上报。 三、安全工作领导小组成员分工 组长:是学校安全工作的第一责任人。对全校安全工作负 总责,对本校安全工作进行指导、监督、检查、安排领导小组工作。 副组长:分管安全工作,对领导小组负责,安排日常工作,负责 安排学校安全保卫工作,并检查、指导。负责各教学班的安全检查、 指导,抓好各教学班的安全保障。 成员:做好所在部门安全工作,完成领导小组交办的其它工作。

四、安全岗位职责 (一)分管领导主要工作职责: 1、负责组织学校安全检查监控,组织排除事故隐患。 2、负责指导各部门制订学校大型活动安全预案和安全突发事件 紧急处理预案,经校委会审定后,认真组织实施,对活动的全过程进 行安全监管。 3、负责督促值日教师做好学生乘车安全教育和记录。 4、负责制订学校安全工作制度、工作计划,并组织实施,对学 校安全管理工作提出建议。 5、负责督促学校各部门做好安全日常教育工作资料收集、整理、归档及安全信息上报工作。 6、负责联系并配合相关部门搞好校园周边环境治理工作。 7、负责组织学校安全事故的调查,并提出合理的处理意见。 (二)各处室安全管理职责 A、教务处安全工作职责 1、抓好各教学班的安全保障,督促检查各教学班教师上课期间 学生安全、课堂教学纪律。 2、监督检查教学用(如教室门窗、桌凳、黑板、电灯等)设施 的使用安全。 3、其它安全隐患的自查及整改。 B、总务处安全工作职责:


最新英语非谓语动词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.Students surf the internet _______ more information about the university they are dreamt of. A.found B.finding C.having found D.to find 【答案】D 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:学生们上网是为了找到他们理想大学的更多的信息。此处表示目的用不定式,指上网的目的。故选D。 2.Look over there! There is a long, winding path ________ up to the house. A.lead B.leading C.led D.to lead 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:看那边!有一条长长的蜿蜒小路通向那所房子。分析句式可知,这是个there be 句型,因此,此处用非谓语动词,path与lead是主动关系,因此用现在分词,故选B。 3.______ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may influence genes in human bodies. A.Having exposed B.Being exposed C.To expose D.Exposed 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查动名词。句意:暴露于核辐射中甚至很短时间都会影响人体的基因。分析句子成分发现even for a short time是插入语,may influence是谓语,前面的部分应该是主语,be exposed to“暴露于”,要用动名词Being exposed to。故B选项正确。 4.The lecture, _______at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes. A.starting B.being started C.to start D.to be started 【答案】A 【解析】 选A start与逻辑主语the lecture之间为主动关系,故排除B、D两项。不定式作定语时,常表示动作尚未发生,故排除C项,此处用现在分词作后置定语,表示主动。 第四步:根据与谓语动词的先后关系确定时态 非谓语动词表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前用过去分词或v.-ing形式/不定式的


网站责任编辑岗位职责 一名网站责任编辑的岗位职责是什么?如果你想深入了解,可以阅读以下这篇网站责任编辑岗位职责,仅供参考。 1.根据网站运营策略规划内容,确定网站的主导思想和主题方向,并完成内容结构设计; 2.在网站整体运营目标的指导下,率领团队成员完成网站概要设计、流程设定、内容策划、页面架构、资源整合等工作,本合设计师做好网页制作(番禺网页制作); 3.不断完善网站下属频道的质量、栏目,对网站下属频道的内容整合和流程管理负责; 4.负责网站年度目标的分解与实施,制定健全高效的工作流程和工作制度并执行,领导策划编辑团队达成各项目标(成本、进度、质量、数量); 5.根据市场需求,设置栏目内容,计划组织开展专题活动; 6.协调网站与外界合作伙伴的互动联系,组织重大采访报道,审定稿件,安排版面; 7.提高网站访问量,提升品牌影响力; 8.参与公司网站的市场推广及创意、网络推广以及相关活动主题策划; 9.参与公司宣传活动主题策划,文档的撰写;

10.与技术及设计部门沟通,协调执行网站策划及设计工作; 11.建设、管理内容部门工作。 相关岗位职责:商场理货员岗位职责营业员岗位职责 总编的职责如下 1.负责网站的策划,改版,调整,并代表网站对外发布网站的信息,承担网站的法律责任; 2.审查各频道的设置,调整频道工作人员的组成,检查各频道的内容,保证与网站宗旨的一致性; 3.负责网络活动的整体策划,并进行相应控制; 4.代表网站对外发布网站的动态信息,开展对外联络,合作交流工作; 5.决定网站首页链接和友情链接的站点,并保持正常联络; 6.对网站具有最高权限,有权对网站内容进行修改,删除,调整; 7.每月向编辑部会议总结汇报网站工作. 五,副总编的职责如下 1.协助总编工作,负责网站各版块策划,编程,改版,维护工作; 2.负责网络活动的整体策划,起草实施方案; 3.在总编不能主持工作期间,代行总编的职责.


(岗位职责)组织机构和职 责

2、组织机构和职责 目录 1.关于建立设置安全管理机构、配备安全管理人员的管理制度的文 2.安全管理机构设置、配备安全管理人员的管理制度 3.关于设置安全管理机构:配备安全管理人员的文 4.关于成立安全生产领导小组的通知 5.安全生产领导小组会议纪要、记录(每季度壹次纪要且附记录) 6.企业主要负责人安全生产职责 7.关于贯彻落实“安全生产责任制的制定、沟通、培训、评审、修订及考核管理制度”的通知 8.安全生产责任制的制定、沟通、培训、评审、修订和考核管理制度 9.关于发布实施安全生产责任制的通知 10.各级人员安全生产职责汇编 11.安全生产责任制落实情况考核表(和目标考核用同壹张表) 12.安全生产责任制培训记录表 13.安全生产责任制适宜性评审表 14.责任制更新后的发布文件 二、组织机构和职责

关于建立设置安全管理机构、配备安全管理人员管理制 度的通知 JTAQ【2012】4号 各科室、车间: 为了认真落实安全标准化的要求,进壹步提升企业 的安全管理水平,公司制定了“设置安全管理机构、配 备安全管理人员的管理制度”,请你们认真对照制度要求,做好落实工作。 南京市吉通铜业XX公司 二〇壹二年二月二日安全管理机构设置、配备安全管理人员管 理制度 第壹章总则 第壹条为确保公司安全生产工作符合法律法规要求,规范公司安全生产管理机构的设置和安全管理人员的配备,保障公司生产安全,特制订本制度。 第二条本制度适用于公司安全生产管理机构的设置和安全管理人员的配备。 第三条法规依据 《中华人民共和国安全生产法》 《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》


高考英语非谓语动词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.The rainforest is an amazing place, ________ with plants and animals that aren’t found anywhere else in the world. A.filling B.filled C.being filled D.to fill 【答案】B 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:热带雨林是一个令人惊讶的地方,充满了世界其他地方不能找到的动植物。固定词组:be filled with被……充满,此处place和fill之间是一种被动关系,所以用过去分词做伴随状态,故选B。 2.115.______ his love, Chris sent his mom a thank-you note on Mother’s Day. A.Expressing B.Expressed C.To express D.Having expressed 【答案】C 【解析】考查动词不定式。句意:为了表达他的爱,克里斯在母亲节那天给他的妈妈寄了一条感谢信。用不定式表目的,故选C。 3.After receiving the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, Anne Benedict went on all the people who had helped in her career. A.to thank B.thanking C.having thanked D.to have thanked 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:在获得奥斯卡最佳女配角后,Anne Benedict继续感谢所有帮助她演绎生涯的人。go on to do继续做不同的事情,所以选A。 考点:考查不定式 【名师点睛】不定式有一些具体的用法,可以做宾语,定语,状语。还有不定式的不同形式:to do;to be doing;to have done。这题要注意go on to do“继续做不同的事情”和go on doing“继续做相同的事情”的区别。结合语境是关键。 4.Pressed from his parents, and ____ that he has wasted too much time, the boy is determined to stop playing video games. A.realizing B.realized C.to realize D.being realized 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:被父母迫使同时自己也意识到他已经浪费了太多时间,这个男孩决定停止玩电脑游戏。首先要弄清楚本句中的and连接的成分是非谓语


岗位说明书系列 副主编岗位工作职责(标准、完整、实用、可修改)

编号:FS-QG-74573副主编岗位工作职责 Deputy editor-in-chief job responsibilities 说明:为规划化、统一化进行岗位管理,使岗位管理人员有章可循,提高工作效率与明确责任制,特此编写。 简介:编辑工作的主要负责人之一。 副主编职位描述(模板一) 岗位职责: 1、负责功夫财经公众号及App的选题策划、培训现有编辑的撰稿能力、文章编辑、约稿工作; 2、独立或者协助主编联系金融领域专业人士约稿,维护与企业家的交流互动; 3、负责自有重要栏目目标读者需求调研、栏目调性和形式的规划、栏目使命制定和实施; 4、协助配合并执行各部门协同的各项内容相关的工作。包括社群、APP、商务的内容对接合作等。 任职要求: 1、3年以上财经编辑工作经验,具有优秀的选题策划和

编辑能力; 2、逻辑思维能力强,文字功底深厚,选题策划独到,成稿迅捷; 3、财经、中文、新闻、艺术史类相关专业者更佳。副主编职位描述(模板二) 岗位职责: 1、负责公司网站、APP、微信号、自媒体、合作平台等全平台的内容规划、质量总控和运营推广; 2、生产专业、专注、实用、有故事的精品投教内容(图文、音频、视频、课程直播/分享),打造好买商学院的知识IP平台; 3、本人原创财经稿件专业、深刻,公募基金研究有自己的方法论,投教内容说人话,文字功底扎实; 4、深厚的财经功底,对热点高度敏感,及时高效的组织选题、策划、深挖,做出干货和爆文; 5、协助团队的内容运营能力提升,包括微信、自媒体的运营,竞品调研、文案包装、营销策划与创意、活动策划等; 6、协助内容团队的管理:内容的选题会/评审会、内容管


XXXR01-2008 岗位说明书 一、管理层 1、总经理 1.1质量职责: a.主持公司行政全面工作,分管销售部; b.制定质量方针,确保质量目标的制定; c.向公司内部传达满足顾客和法律法规要求的重要性; d.主持管理评审; e.以增强顾客满意为目的,确保顾客的要求得到确定并予以满足; f.确保对质量管理体系进行策划,以满足质量目标以及体系总要求,保持体系完整性; g.产品质量第一责任者,对最终产品质量和质量管理负责; h.确保组织内的职责、权限得到规定和沟通,确保质量管理部门独立行使职权; i.检查管理者代表、副总经理及各部门/单位负责人的质量职责履行情况,确保公司质 量方针得以贯彻,质量目标得到测量和实现; j.批准质量手册,任命管理者代表; k.为质量管理体系的运行配备充足的资源; l.确保在组织内建立适当的沟通过程,并确保对质量管理体系的有效性进行沟通; m.确保规定的生产、研发资料保质保量归档,并按要求保存; n.领导和组织销售部,组织产品订货及合同管理,及时准确地传达顾客的需求,履行管理承诺,向顾客提供售前咨询、售中和售后服务,确保与顾客有关的过程得到有效实施,不断提高顾客满意程度; 1.2 任职要求: a.管理、营销、金属材料、化工、采矿及相关专业,大学本科以上(含本科)学历, 接受过管理能力培训、ISO9001标准及体系文件要求宣贯,在管理、金属材料或化工及相关领域工作3年以上,高级工程师以上职称; b.具有优秀的公司战略规划及组织管理能力,良好的市场营销管理及开拓能力,优秀 的资源协调、调配及应急事件处理能力,优秀的指挥领导能力,良好的沟通及计算机基本操作能力; c.从事独立法人组织总负责人或副职3年以上; d.熟悉相关领域市场规则,掌握项目基本实施过程。 2、管理者代表 2.1 质量职责 a.确保质量管理体系所需的过程得到建立、实施和保持; b.向最高管理者报告质量管理体系的业绩和任何改进的需求; c.确保在整个组织内提高满足顾客要求的意识; d.领导各部门和生产单位贯彻执行质量管理体系文件,确保产品质量形成的各环节处 于受控状态; e.主持内部质量审核,参与管理评审,落实管理评审的有关决议; f.审批质量管理体系程序文件; g.负责协调各部门的质量活动,利用质量方针、质量目标、审核结果、数据分析、纠

施工组织机构 及岗位职责

施工组织机构图及岗位职责 技 术 负 责 人 安 全 员 项 目 经 理 施工组长 材料 员 技术 员 质量 员 资料 员 预算 员

项目经理岗位描述 附表— 岗位名称项目经理岗位编号 所属部门工程管理部直接上级总经理岗位目的主持日常工程管理,监督协调工程施工 岗位职责1、组织实施项目部的全面管理工作,对出现的问题负直接责任,即项目经理是工程质量和安 全生产的第一责任人。 2、贯彻落实安全生产的方针、政策、法规和各项规章制度,结合项目工程特点及施工全过程 的情况,制定本项目工程的各项安全生产管理办法,并监督其实施。 3、对工程项目施工进行全方位控制,确保安全文明施工、工程质量和工程目标的实施。 4、加强成本核算及成本分析,月底督促计量统计员做好成本费用统计工作,落实成本管理的 有效控制。 5、负责与分包单位确定价款,签订承包合同,搞好各项决算工作。 6、编制验收施工管理报告,报分公司经理审核、总工程师审批 7、负责大中型购物件吊装前的审批手续上报工作。 8、组织工程例会,安排生产任务,解决出现问题。 9、组织相关人员进行分部及单位工程验收前的自评工作。

技术负责人岗位描述 附表二 岗位名称技术负责人岗位编号 所属部门工程管理部直接上级项目经理岗位目的协助项目经理开展各项工作 岗位职责1、协助项目经理开展各项工作,贯彻上级指示,全面负责处理工程施工上的技术 问题。 2、组织有关人员到施工现场勘查,核对图纸,参与图纸会审,会同设计人员对图 纸全面了解,要求施工人员严格按图纸和规范施工。 3、负责依据施工合同和图纸,会同相关人员共同研究,编制施工组织设计和施工 方案,以及采购计划等,确保工程顺利进行。 4、组织各种施工队的技术、安全等人员编制有关的工程资料。 5、负责对新材料、新技术、新工艺的应用和施工技术组织措施等重大问题决策和 把关。 6、在项目经理的带领下按公司要求,负责工地的工作的落实,组织有关人员熟悉 程序、编制作业指导书、记录表格等。 7、组织准备工程竣工验收的工程资料,参加竣工验收。 8、协助项目经理对施工全过程实行控制,确保项目在全面受控条件下实现项目目 标。


沙河广播电视台总编室 岗位职责、工作流程、工作制度及考核办法暂行规定 (讨论稿) 总编室为全台宣传管理部门,为强化管理职能,提高服务水平,现就总编室岗位职责、工作流程、工作制度及考核办法规定如下: 一、岗位职责及流程 (一)总编室主任工作岗位职责 1.在台长和主管台长领导下,主持部门全面工作,组织本室人员完成全台宣传方面的管理工作。 2.编制每周节目播出计划,安排每天节目的播出;负责引进收视率较高的电视剧、故事片、纪实性专题片、专题类讲座等影视剧目,负责安排频道所有电视剧、故事片的审查工作,保证安全播出。 3.组织安排台所有频道(率)、栏目的策划、编序、包装和推介工作,负责安排拍摄制作电视公益广告、节目预告、形象宣传片、频道节目预告、节目导视、新片预告、垫片等。 4.建立全台广播和电视自办栏目的设置和节目质量的评议考核体系,组织自办节目季评和对上参评节目的评选和上报。 5.安排监督所有节目的长度,负责电视各频道的监管监听监视;主持所有电视影视资料的保存管理,节目交流、资料库管理和自办节目等信息资源的搜集归档使用工作。 6.组织本科室人员完成创收和台领导交办的其它工作。 (二)电视节目编辑工作岗位职责、流程 1.围绕党的路线、方针、政策,搞好节目安排,突出主旋律,丰富群众精神文化生活。 2.负责电视台整体节目把关、安排。 3.根据工作安排,负责电视台各频道影视剧片源的组织工作。 4.负责各频道播出影视剧的登记和初审工作。 5.负责各频道播出影视剧的编排工作;认真负责填写播出单,并向主管领导报批后送机房安排播出。 6.负责频道栏目的策划、编序、包装和推介工作;负责拍摄制作电视公益广告、节目预告、形象宣传片、频道节目预告、节目导视、新片预告、垫片等。


各职能部门的管理制度及岗位职责 财务部 一、财务报销管理制度及实施细则 1、为了规范本公司的会计核算和财务行为,严格执行《会计法》和《企业会计制度》,结合中国建筑技术集团有限公司西南分公司的特点,制定本制度。 2、公司与其他单位或个人的一切经济往来,严格按照《现金管理条例》进行收支,凡超过现金支付范围的(一仟元以上),一律按银行有关规定(支票结算起点一佰元),通过银行办理转帐结算。 3、公司日常业务零星开支,需用现金支付的,采取个人代垫和公司预借两种方式。采用支票结算的,采取预借方式,预借时应先填写《借款申请单》,填明借款金额及用途,经公司总经理审阅签字后,方可办理借款手续。 4、借出款项原则上本地办事三日内结清所借款项,外地出差返回一周内结清所借款项。所有借款不允许超过十日。公司员工一律不得公款私借,并做到前款未清,不再借支。 5、公司一切经济业务的发生,都要求取得国家统一印制的专用发票,经办人在索取发票时,要求对方开具真实、完整的合法发票,包括公司单位名称、填制日期、经济业务内容(如品名、规格、数量、单价、金额等),填制单位和经手人签名,并加盖对方单位的财务专用章。 6、经办人须将合法、真实、完整的原始凭证注明用途和签名,交公司财务部负责人审核签字后,报公司总经理批准签字,经出纳人员审核无误后,方可办理付款手续。如发票上未列明物品,须附卖方提供的所购物品清单。确因工程急需用材料而无法取得相应发票时,可以卖方收据作为报销凭证。严禁白条报销。 7、报销人须在发票后定明经手人、事由、日期。 8、报销人在按公司财务部的要求填写《费用报销单》,粘贴好相应的原始单据后,将单据交财务部会计初审。


组织架构及部门岗位职责 一、董事长职责 1、贯彻执行党和国家的方针政策、法律法规,制定企业总体发展规划和发展战略。 2、主持董事会工作,定期向董事会报告工作。 3、决策企业经营方向和经营策略。 4、决定总经理及其他高级管理人员的聘用和免职。。 5、决定公司高层管理人员的报酬、待遇和支付方式。 6、审批财务报告。 7、董事长不能履行职责时,可授权总经理代理。 二、总经理职责 (一)职能 1、组织制订公司经营方针、经营目标、经营计划,分解到各部门并组织实施。 2、负责制订并落实公司各项规章制度、改革方案、改革措施。 3、提出公司组织机构设置方案。 4、提出公司经营理念,主导企业文化建设的基本方向,创造良好的工作环境、生活环境,培养员工归属感,提升企业的向心力、凝聚力、战斗力。 5、负责处理部门之间工作协调问题。

6、负责公司投资项目选定。 7、负责审核公司经营费用支出。 8、决定公司各部门人员的聘用任免。对公司的经济效益负责,拥有经营指挥权和各种资源分配权(二)权力 1、有权根据公司经营目标、经营方针、制订经营计划; 2、有权实施公司改革方案、改革措施,制订公司制度。 3、有权提出公司机构设置建议。 4、有权聘用或解聘公司各部门经理、员工,并决定其薪酬待遇,有权对各部门员工进行工作调配。 5、有权审核公司经营费用支出与报销。 6、有权对公司员工作出奖惩决定 三、总经理助理岗位职责 1、日常工作的监督、管理:及时审核各部门、分公司月度总结、计划,根据总结计划安排相关部门或人员监管部门月度工作开展和改进。 2、法律事务:依据公司工作开展的需要,全面负责公司内外法律事务,监管重大合同谈判,以确保公司的权益不受损害; 3、对外关系:代表公司参加有关会议,保持与政府部门、同行业机构等的联系,树立公司良好形象。 4、协助总经理处理其它事务。


非谓语动词的用法总结 李靖 非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词)不是真正意义上的谓语动词,在句中都不能单独作谓语。但都具有动词的某些特点,可以有自己的宾语或状语,构成非谓语动词短语。不定式表目的,表将来;动名词表主动,表进行;过去分词表被动,表完成。 一.作主语( 动名词、不定式、过去分词前面加being, 动名词做主语谓语动词用单数) 1)不定式、动名词都可做主语,但是动名词做主语多指抽象的概念性的动作,可以是多次的经常的行为;不定式多表示具体的动作,尤其是某一次的动作。如: Playing with fire is dangerous. 玩火危险。(泛指玩火) To play with fire will be dangerous. 玩火会发生危险。 2)用动名词做主语的句型: It’s no use/no good/pleasure doing sth 做.......没有用处/好处/乐趣 It’s a waste of time doing sth 做.... 浪费时间 It is worth doing sth 值得做某事 It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收 It is worth making an appointment before you go. 去之前预约一下是值得的。 3)不定式做主语的句型. It is + adj +for sb to do sth. 比较:表示人的品质时只能用of sb 如considerate/kind/nice/foolish/stupid/rude/cruel /wise/clever/brave/selfish/crazy/good/careful/careless/impolite/right/wrong等单词出现 时。 It is silly of you to say so. It is important for us to learn English well. It is a must/ a necessity for us to have a good command of the English language. 4) “Wh- + to 不定式”可做主语。如: When to leave hasn’t been decided yet.什么时候动身还没定呢。 Whether to drive or take the train is still a problem.是自驾车还是乘火车仍是一个问题。 5)一般情况下,不定式和动名词作主语,谓语动词一般用单数形式。如: Seeing is believing.= To see is to believe 眼见为实。 . Planting flowers needs constant watering. 但and连接的多个动名词作主语,谓语动词大多用复数(如果前后动名词的语义一致, 谓语一般用单数)。如:Lying and stealing are immoral. 说谎与盗窃是不道德的。 6) 动名词前面可以加上形容词性物主代词构成动名词的复合结构。如: ----- What made him angry? ------ Mary’s /My/His/Her /Their/ The boy’s/ The president’s being late(made him angry. 7being,构成动名词,做主语。如: . Being examined twice a year , driver must obey in this city. 经典练习:


XX晚报各部门岗位职责(试行) 编委会 1.在集团编委会的领导下,负责晚报编辑部的全面工作。 2.确定晚报的办报思想和办报方针。 3.组织重大新闻的策划、报道。 4.制定编辑部的各项规章、制度。 5.研究解决编辑部工作中的重大问题及编辑出版中的重要事宜。 总编辑 1.协助社长、集团总编辑抓好《太原晚报》编辑部的日常工作。分管太原晚报编辑部,兼管晚报编务办公室。 2. 对晚报执行党和政府的重大方针、政策,坚持正确的舆论导向负责。 3. 指导、组织策划晚报的重大战役性报道。 4. 对每天的报纸进行审阅,评出当日的金牌记者、金牌编辑。 5. 主持晚报编委会制定分配、奖惩等办法。 副总编辑 1. 协助集团总编辑、晚报总编辑负责太原晚报的采编工作、晚报编辑部内部管理和稿件、版面质量体系建设等工作。 2. 协助总编辑对每天的报纸进行审阅,评出当日的金牌记者、金牌编辑。(蒋言礼、杨松) 3. 其他副总编协助总编辑做好分管部门的主要工作,做好分管部门的大型策划报道、稿件审阅,把握正确的舆论导向。 4. 值夜班的副总编辑要认真审阅大样、调整稿件、版面,重点要把好政治关。 5. 完成总编辑交办的其他工作。 编委 1. 协助总编辑做好分管部门的主要工作。做好大型策划报道、稿件审阅等工作,把握正确的舆论导向。 2. 完成总编辑交办的其他工作。 编务办主任 1. 主持晚报办公室日常工作,协助总编搞好日常行政管理工作。 2. 负责与晚报内外相关部门的联系、协调工作。 3. 负责上级来文的接收、登记、传阅、整理、归档工作。 4. 负责行政公文的核稿、打印、分发和上报工作。 5. 列席编委会,负责安排晚报办公会议的议题准备、草案撰写、会议记录以


邹城市乾元小额贷款有限公司部门工作职能及岗位职责 本公司致力于建立良好的公司治理架构,本着精简高效、职责明确的原则,内设三部一室,即总经理室、综合财务部、信贷业务部、风险控制部,根据业务发展需要设置信贷业务、风险控制、财务会计等岗位,总人数为10人。 各部门职能及各岗位职责 (一)综合财务部职能及岗位职责 1、综合财务部职能 1).根据公司发展战略,在总经理的领导下,负责督办协调、文秘宣传、会务接待、后勤管理、安全保卫等工作。 2).负责人力资源配置、绩效考核、教育培训工作。 3).负责会计核算工作、资金计划管理、财务管理,按时做好及向有关部门报送各类报表及资料。 4).负责出纳业务管理,负责调拨头寸,确保清算工作,提高资金的使用效率。 5).负责公司经费的管理与使用。 6).负责公司印章的使用与管理,各种重要凭证的管理。 7).负责协调监管部门,金融办、银行、税务、工商等管理部门的

相关工作 8).负责公司的党、团、工会、纪检监察、文明优质服务等工作。 9).负责公司的车辆与物资管理,落实各项支持保障职能,促进公司业务持续健康发展。 2、综合财务部经理岗位职责 1).认真学习国家金融法律法规及信贷方面的业务知识,遵守公司各项规章制度,服从总经理的统一领导和工作安排。 页8 共页1 第 2).负责协调公司文秘宣传、会务接待、后勤服务、安全保卫、保密及档案管理方面的工作;具体负责公司重要会议纪录与纪要形成,负责公司重大活动的组织安排工作。 3).负责总经理室的相关服务工作及其他职能部门必要的服务工作。 4).具体负责人力资源配置、绩效考核、教育培训工作。 5).协助总经理负责公司的经费使用与管理。督办会计核算与出纳业务等工作。负责重要凭证的保管工作。 6).负责公司的党、团、工会、纪检监察、文明优质服务等工作。 7).负责公司印章管理与使用。 8).负责公司的车辆与物资的管理,为公司业务发展提供支持、服务与保障。 9).完成总经理交办的其他工作。 3、会计工作岗位职责


公司组织架构图及各部门职责 一、组织架构: 二、各部门职责: (一)总经理: 1.根据董事会提出的战略目标,组织制定公司中长期发展战略与经营方案,并推动实施。 2.拟定公司内部管理机构设置方案和签发公司高层人事任命书。 3.审定公司工资奖金分配方案和经济责任挂钩办法并组织实施。 4.审核签发以公司名义(盖公章)发出的文件。 5.主持公司的全面经营管理工作。 6.向董事会提出企业的创新发展规划方案、预算外开支及成本控制计划。

7.处理公司重大突发事件和重大对外关系问题。 8.推进公司企业文化的建设工作,树立良好的企业形象。 9.从事经营管理的全局性工作,为公司发展做出创新性可行的探索和尝试。 10、召集、主持各部门办公会议、专题会议等,总结工作、听取汇报,检查工作、督促进度和协调矛盾等。 (二)财务部: 1.负责公司日常财务核算,参与公司的经营管理。 2.根据公司资金运作情况,合理调配资金,确保公司资金正常运转。 3.搜集公司经营活动情况、资金动态、营业收入和费用开支的资料并进行分析,提出建议。 4.严格财务管理,加强财务监督,每日向董事会发布日常财务报表。 5.做好有关的收入单据之审核及账务处理;各项费用支付审核及账务处理;应收账款、应付账款账务处理;总分类账、日记账等账簿处理;财务报表的编制。 6.加强企业所有税金的核算及申报、税务事务处理、资金预算、财务盘点。 7.做好每个月的员工工资的核对与发放工作。 (三)行政部: 1.工作职责: 负责本部的行政管理和日常事务,协助总经理搞好各部门之间的综合协调,落实公司规章制度,沟通内外联系,保证上情下达和下情上报,负责对会议文件决定的事项进行催办,查办和落实,负责全公司组织系统及工作职责研讨和修订。 2.人力资源管理:


一、表格的用法 1.doing 的用法 (1)在要求动词后(作宾语):avoid避免appreciate 感激/欣赏acknowledge承认/自认 admit 承认advocate提倡/主张consider 考虑 can't help不禁 can't stand受不了contemplate细想complete完成confess坦白 dislike不喜欢,讨厌deserve值得 delay 延迟 deny否认 dread可怕defer拖延detest嫌恶 enjoy享有/喜爱envy嫉妒endure忍受excuse借口escape逃跑/逃避finish完成forgive原谅 fancy幻想/爱好favor 造成/偏爱figure描绘/计算hate讨厌 imagine设想involve卷入/包含keep保持miss错过mention说到/讲到mind 介意pardon原谅/饶恕permit允许 postpone推迟practice 实行/实践prevent阻止quit放弃停止risk冒险recall回想resist抵抗/阻止 resume恢复repent悔悟resent怨恨stand坚持/忍受suggest建议save营救/储蓄tolerate忍受

worth值得 You should try to avoid making mistakes. The book is worth reading. The book deserves reading. (2)表进行 Walking on the grassland, I saw a snake.=When I was walking on the grassland, I saw a snake. The man speaking English is Tom. = The man who is speaking English is Tom. (3)表主动 The man speaking English is Tom = The man who speaks English is Tom. = The man who spoke English is Tom. Nobody dinks boiling water but boiled water.= Nobody dinks water that is boiling but the water that has boiled. (4)表伴随 I stand outside waiting for Mr. Chen. I lie in bed reading a novel. (5)表性质;特点 The film is very moving. She is understanding, so you had better discuss your business with her.


编辑部主编岗位职责说明 Job description document of editor in chief of editorial d epartment 编订:JinTai College

编辑部主编岗位职责说明 前言:说明书是以应用文体的方式对某事或物来进行相对的详细描述,方便人们认识和了解某事或物,说明书可根据情况需要,使用图片、 图表等多样的形式,以期达到最好的说明效果。本文档根据说明书内 容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文 下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 编辑部是负责发稿,审读校样,签发付印样,审读样书,结算稿费等事务的部门。以下是小泰为大家精心整理的编辑部主编岗位职责,欢迎大家阅读,供您参考。 编辑部主编岗位职责是什么 一、行政岗位职责 1、履行对学报编辑部全面管理,并对主管校长负责,定 期向校领导请示和汇报工作; 2、遵守国家政策法规和职业道德,执行学校规章制度; 3、负责编辑部日常工作,制定、执行岗位责任条例和内 部管理条例; 4、负责人员岗位和科级干部聘任、检查、考核和奖惩;

5、安排工作计划,掌握进度,协调各环节工作,组织实施; 6、主持全体人员会议和科级干部会议; 7、起草、上报编辑部有关报告、文件、计划; 8、对物品设备的采购、领取和使用负责; 9、做好经费预算,掌握、审批经费收支,并接受有关部门的检查和监督; 10、代表编辑部对外联系工作。 二、专业技术职务岗位职责(要求具有副高级以上专业技术职务)(按照出版专业技术职务岗位要求执行。) 1、搜集研究有关专业学术动态和编辑出版信息,提出报告、建议和方案; 2、制定选题和组稿计划,组织编辑人员实施; 3、终审、终校稿件; 4、负责计算机化、网络化及印刷发行的技术指导; 5、总结编辑工作经验,撰写论文或教材,指导和培养人才。


各部门工作职责及岗位说明书 (一)副总经理的主要职责与工作任务: 1、领导执行、实施总经理的各项决议;对各项决议的实施过程进行监控,发现问题及时纠正,确保决议的贯彻执行。 2、根据经理会议下达的年度经营目标组织制定、修改、实施。 3、建立良好的沟通渠道:定期向总经理汇报经营战略和计划执行情况、资金运用情况和盈亏情况、及其他重大事宜; 4、主持公司日常经营工作:负责公司员工队伍建设,选拔中高层管理人员;主持召开总经理办公会,对重大事项进行决策、代表公司参加重大业务、外事或其他重要活动;负责签署日常行政、业务文件、负责处理公司重大突发事件,并及时向总经理汇报、负责办理由总经理授权的其它重要事项。 5、领导业务部、人事行政部等分管部门开展工作:领导建立健全公司各部门管理制度,组织制定业务政策,审批重大财务支出;领导建立健全公司人力资源管理制度,组织制定人力资源政策,审批重大人事决策。 权力和责任: 权力: 对公司经营方针和重大事项的决策权 对总经理经营目标的建议权 对副总经理、财务部长的人事任免建议权及其它员工的人事任免权 对公司各项工作的监控权 对下级之间工作争议的裁决权 对所属下级的管理水平、业务水平和业绩的考核评价权 总经理预算内的财务审批权 责任: 对公司年度经营计划、费用预算及计划和预算的实施结果负全面责任 对因经营管理失误造成的重大损失负领导责任 对公司经营决策失误造成的损失负责 对提交的报告、报表、决定的准确性、及时性负责 对所签署的合同、协议负责 公司违法经营所应承担的相应责任 考核指标: 营业额、利润、市场占有率、应收账款、重要任务完成情况、预算控制、关键人员流失率、计划与执行能力。


黄金珠宝公司组织架构图及岗位职责 一、组织架构图设计说明 组织架构在企业十分重要,企业的经营和管理是围绕组织架构开展的,而组织架构又是以公司的规模、经营的项目、业务关系而定的。组织架构清晰,使其工作职责明确,工作目标性强。 从人力资源管理的角度讲,组织架构是排在第一位的,这说明其重要性。如果组织架构设置不合理,就会导致责权不清,工作混乱。 从企业管理学的角度讲,企业的组织架构分五种形式:(1)直线制;(2)直线职能制能;(3)事业部制;(4)矩阵组织形式;(5)多维组织形式。此组织架构设计的理由是: 1、根据公司目前状况,按职线职能制设计比较合适。所以, 此图按直线职能制的组织架构形式设计。 2、根据公司发展,和现代企业的管理特点,设置了营销策划 部,和行政部。此组织架构设计,使工作职能和责权划分清楚。 3、在人员配置上,使其一人多职的原则。


三、各部门岗位职责: (一)董事会职责 根据《公司法》规定和公司章程,公司董事会是公司经营决策机构,也是股东会的常设权力机构。董事会向股东会负责。 1、负责召集股东会;执行股东会决议并向股东会报告工作; 2、决定公司的生产经营计划和投资方案; 3、决定公司内部管理机构的设置; 4、批准公司的基本管理制度; 5、听取执行董事及总经理的工作报告并作出决议; 6、制订公司年度财务预、决算方案和利润分配方案、弥补亏损 方案; 7、对公司增加或减少注册资本、分立、合并、终止和清算等重 大事项提出方案; 8、聘任或解聘公司总经理、副总经理、财务部门负责人,并决 定其奖惩。 (二)执行董事职责 1、主持召开股东大会、董事会议,并负责上述会议决议的贯彻落实。 2、召集和主持高级管理层会议,组织讨论和决定公司的发展规划、经营方针、年度计划以及日常经营工作中的重大事项。 3、提名公司总经理和其他高级管理人员的聘用和解职,并

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