当前位置:文档之家› 超级好用的扩展性短语&词汇(十四)


651. 【旅游】tourist 旅客;outbound tourism 境外游;domestic tourism 国内游;travel agency 旅行社;guide 导游;package tour 跟团旅游;specialties 特产;souvenir 纪念品;cultural relics 文化古迹;natural landscape 自然景观

652. 【实用口语】① 冷静点!Calm down! ② 我保证!I guarantee! ③ 我发誓!I swear! ④ 来单挑!Let`s fight one-on-one! ⑤ 谁说的?Who said that? ⑥ 改天吧!I`ll take a rain check. ⑦ 要你管!Not your business!/None of your business! ⑧ 何必呢?What for?

653. 【零食】山核桃:pecan 松子仁:pine nut 杏仁:almond 核桃:walnut 葡萄干:raisin 干枣:dried date 栗子:chestnut 榛子:hazelnut 瓜子:sunflower seeds 花生:peanut 开心果:pistachio nut 腰果:cashew[`k??u:] nut 蚕豆:broad bean 薯片:potato chips 爆米花:popcorn 棒棒糖:lollipop

654. 【将自己推向成功】 1、Be More Active 更加的积极 2、Try Something New 尝试新事物 3、Follow Your Dreams 追求梦想.4、Increase Your Willpower 磨练意志力 5、Less Complaints 减少抱怨 6、More Positive Thinking.多一分正面思维

655. 【拒绝】1.I am sorry to turn you down.很抱歉我必须拒绝你。2.I am not interested.我没有兴趣。3.I`ll think about it.我要考虑看看。4.I am really not in the mood.我真的没有什么心情。5.I can`t handle it.我应付不来。6.I don`t want to go and that`s that.我不想去,就是这样。

656. 【文具】圆珠笔:ballpoint pen 荧光笔:highlighter 橡皮:eraser 转笔刀:pencil sharpener 订书机:stapler 拔书钉钳:staple remover 曲别针:paper clip 图钉:thumb tack 活页夹:clamp binder 胶棒:glue stick 书档:bookends 涂改液:correction fluid 报事贴:post-it 计算器:calculator

657. 【各种look】look out! 小心!I'm just looking. 随便看看。Look who is here! 看谁来了!Look who is talking! 先管好自己再说别人吧!Things are looking up. 情况有好转。Look me up when you're in town.什么时候到我们这来,一定找我。How do I look? 我看上去如何?

658. 【劝导】1.It seems you are in a dilemma.看来你很纠结。2.I'm on the fence.我举棋不定。3.You should not dwell too much on your past failures.你不应老想着过去的失败 4.Don't take such small things to heart.别为这点小事想不开。

659. 【地道口语】1. It takes time. 这需要时间 。2. The sooner, the better. 越快越好。3. Love is in the air. 弥漫着爱情。4. Clearly so. 显然如此。5. Have mercy. 求求你。6. No worries. 别担心 7. He is down on his luck. 他运气不好。8. Dump him. 甩了他。9. Out of the question. 绝不可能。

660. 【实用英语短句】1. Shoot! 有话快说!2. Check please. 买单!3. Don`t expect too much. 别期待太多。4. Leave it to me. 交给我(来处理)吧。5. Same here. 我也是。6. Bring it on! 放马过来!7. Truth be told. 老实说。8. Wake up and smell th

e coffee! 清醒点,面对现实!

661. 【告辞英语】1) I have to get going. 2) I have to take off. 3) Got to run. 4) Got to go. 5) I've got to split. 6) It's time for me to leave. 7) It's time to go. 8) It's time to hit the road.

662. Bank --开户:open an account 存入:deposit 提取:draw 透支:overdraft 转账:transfer 汇款:remit 定期存款:fixed deposit 活期存款:current deposit 利率:interest rate 柜台:bank counter 存折:bankbook 余额:balance 自助提款机:ATM 借记卡:debit card 信用卡:credit card

663. 【吓着我了】1. You freaked me out. 你吓坏我了。2.It frightens me. 这吓着我了。3. It scared the hell out of me. 这吓了我一大跳。4. It scared me to death. 这吓得我魂飞魄散。5. It creeps me out.这让我浑身发毛。

664. 【water】1. salt water 盐水;2. fresh water 淡水;3. tap water 自来水;4. drinking water 饮用水;5. waste water 废水;6. soda water 汽水;7. bubbly water (俚)香槟;8. distilled water 蒸馏水;9.hard water 硬水;10. running water流动的水;11. surface water 地表水

665. 【词汇集】1.Think again 再想想(意思是…你错了)https://www.doczj.com/doc/153936715.html,e again? 再说一遍(没听清)3.Guess again 猜得不对(再猜一遍)※try again 再试一下。4.Here we go again 又来了(不耐烦)5.Not again! 意思是怎么又来了!Eg: A: The roof is leaking. B: Not again! (A: 房顶漏水了。B: 怎么又漏!)

666. 【各种护肤用品】洗面奶 facial cleanser;保湿霜 moisturizers;护手霜 hand lotion;日霜 day cream;面膜 facial mask;爽肤水 toner;磨砂膏 facial scrub;沐浴露 body wash;润肤露 body lotion;防晒霜 sun screen;晚霜 night cream;眼部啫喱 eye gel

667. 【Take】①Take off 起飞 Eg:The plane is taking off 飞机正要起飞。②Take down 记下来 Eg:I take down notes 我记笔记。③Take effect 生效 Eg:The medicine is taking effect 药正生效。④Take place 发生 ⑤Take shape 逐渐成形 Eg:The plan is taking shape 计划逐渐成形。

668. 【待客】1. Have fun. 玩得高兴点。2. Help yourself. 别客气。3. My treat. 我请客。4. What's new? 有什么新鲜事儿吗?5. Anything else? 还要别的吗?6. Enjoy yourself. 祝你玩的开心。7. I'm full. 我饱了。8. Cheers!干杯!9. Make yourself at home. 请不要拘礼。

669. 【out of 的几种用法】1. out of character 反常 ※eg: His behavior was out of character. 他行为有点反常。2. out of work 失业 ※eg: You're out of work. 你失业中。3. out of fashion 过时 ※eg: It's out of fashion. 这过时了。

670. 【居民】demography 人口统计;natality, birthrate 出生率;mortality, deathrate 死亡率;inhabitants 居民;townsman 市民;villager 村民;citizen 市民,公民;fellow countryman 同胞,同乡;resident 居民;tenant 房客;tourist 旅游者;neighbour 邻居 );vagrant, tramp 流浪者;beggar 乞丐

671. 【地道英

语】beer belly啤酒肚;break up 分手;to make one's hair stand on end 毛骨悚然;run errands for others 跟班打杂;no-show放鸽子;Don't have a cow 别慌;popularity 人气;extra meat on the bones 赘肉;an average Joe 平头百姓;well-connected人脉广

672. 【各种汤】鱼丸汤Fish ball soup;蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup;牡蛎汤Oyster soup;蛤蜊汤Clams soup ;紫菜汤Seaweed soup;酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup;馄饨汤Wonton soup;猪肠汤Pork intestine soup;肉羹汤Pork thick soup;鱿鱼汤 Squid soup ;贡丸汤Meat ball soup

673. 【老外常说的10个形容词】1.great 太棒了;太好了 2.amazing: 使人十分惊讶的 3.awesome: 极好的;很棒的 4.incredible 难以置信的;惊人的 5.cool: 好;帅;酷; 6.cute: 可爱的;逗人喜爱的 7.excellent: 优秀的;8.wonderful: 极好的,绝妙的9.fabulous: 极妙的10.fantastic: 极出色的

674. 【标识】Entrance 入口 Exit 出口 Push 推 Pull 拉 Shut 此路不通 Menu 菜单 Fragile 易碎 This Side Up 此面向上 Introduction 说明 No Smoking禁止吸烟 No Entry 禁止入内 Hands Off 请勿动手 On Sale 廉价出售 Laundry 洗衣店 Poison 有毒 Bakery 面包店 Pub 酒店 Cafe 咖啡馆

675. 【计量单位】1. weight 重量 2. metric ton 公吨 3. long ton 长吨 4. short ton 短吨 5. kilogram, kilo, kg 公斤 6. pound, lb 磅 7. ounce, oz 盎司 8. number 个数 9. piece 件 10. pair 双 11 dozen 打 12. ream 令 13. set 套 14. length 长度 15. area 面积 16. volume 体积

676. 【用餐】napkin 餐巾 table cloth 桌布 chopsticks 筷子 soup spoon 汤匙 knife 餐刀 cup 杯子 glass 玻璃杯 mug 马克杯 toothpick 牙签 seaweed 海带 abalone 鲍鱼 shark fin 鱼翅 scallops 扇贝 lobster 龙虾 sausage 香肠 meat broth 肉羹 curry rice 咖喱饭 crispy rice 锅巴

677. 【航班】departure 出站 check in 办理登机 airport 机场 control tower 指挥塔 flight number 航班号 jetway 机场跑道 air-bridge 旅客桥 transit 过境 customs 海关 gate 登机口 boarding pass登机牌 carrier 承运公司 flight No. 航班号 class 座舱等级 plane No. 机号 seat No. 机座号

678. 【肉类大全】餐饮业 Catering;肉类总称 meat ;一分熟的肉 rare;三分熟的肉 medium rare;五分熟的肉 medium;七、八分熟的肉 medium well;全熟的肉 well done;嚼不烂的肉 tough meat;嫩肉 tender meat;瘦肉 lean meat;肥肉 fatty meat;牛脊肉 sirloin

679. 【音乐】staff, stave 五线谱;rest 休止符;semitone 半音;pause 休止; time, bar 拍子;rhythm 节奏;major key 大调;minor key 小调; scale 音阶;chord 和弦,谐音;lyrics, words 歌词;score 总谱,乐谱;counterpoint 多声部音乐;band 管乐队;solo 独奏,独唱;duet, duo 二重奏,二重唱

680. 【RAIN】not to know enough to come in out of the rain 脑子不灵活,愚蠢 rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨 rain on someone's parade 使某人扫兴

save something for a rainy day 未雨绸缪 take a rain check 延期,改天进行 When it rains, it pours.不雨则已,下则倾盆;不来则已,来则接踵

681. 【生病】1.He feels headache, nausea and vomiting. 他觉得头痛,恶心,想吐. 2.He is under the weather.他不舒服,生病了. 3.He began to feel unusually tired.他感到反常的疲倦. 4.He feels light-headed.他觉得头晕. 5.She has been shut-in for a few days.她生病在家几天了.

682. 【各种会议】assembly 大会 convention 会议 party 晚会, 社交性宴会 at-home party 家庭宴会 tea party 茶会 dinner party 晚餐会 garden party 游园会 dance(party), ball, fandango 舞会 reading party 读书会 fishing party 钓鱼会 sketching party 观剧会 birthday party 生日宴会

683. 【易错英语】pull one's leg 开玩笑(不是“拉后腿”);in one's birthday suit 赤身裸体(不是“穿着生日礼服”);eat one's words 收回前言(不是“吃话”);two-time是“对人不忠”(不是“两次”);handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆(不是“大字报”)

684. 【自行车基本构造】handlebars ['h?ndlba:z] 车把;saddle ['s?dl] 车座;crossbar 横杆、横梁;pedal ['pedl] 踏板、脚蹬子;gears 齿轮、传动装置;tyre 轮胎;chain 车链、链条;brakes 刹车;spokes 辐条;mudguard ['m?dɡɑ:d] 挡泥板;shift gears 换挡(变速自行车变速)
685. 【旅行住宿】standard rate 标准价;double room 双人房;ensuite 浴室套间;reservation 预订;registration 登记;rate sheet 房价表;tariff 价目表;cancellation 取消;mini suite 小型套房; on change 待清扫房;valuables 贵重物品;porter 行李员;luggage 行李;trolley 手推车

686. 【口语中总想不起的英文短语①】a totally separate subject 完全题外话;big mouth 大嘴巴;bouncy 活泼;call security 通知警卫;can-do 能人;close my account 注销银行卡;close-up 特写镜头;creep me out 雷死我了;cross that off my list 从单子上划掉;curling iron 卷发机

687. 【短英语】Absolutely!——绝对正确!Adorable!——可爱极了!Amazing!——太神了!Anytime!——随时吩咐!Almost! ——差不多了!Finished?——Almost! Awful!——好可怕呀!After you.——您先。About when?——大约何时?All set? —— 一切妥当?Baloney! ——胡扯!荒谬!

688. 【称赞别人】1. You're great / terrific. 你好棒/好厉害。2. I admire you. 我佩服你。3. You're really cool. 你真酷。4. You're amazing. 你真了不起。5. You're awesome. 你真了不起。6. You did a great job. 你做得很好。7. You really impress me. 你令我印象深刻。

689. 【各种支持的表达】 1.I will support you.2. I'll back you up.3. I'm on your side.4. You can count on me.5. You can rely on me.6. You can trust in me.7. I'll be available if you need me.8. I'll be there if you need

a hand.9. I'm a phone call away.10. I'm with you all the way.

690. 【粉色】①in the pink:身体健康。eg:I really feel in the pink after a fortnight's holiday. 度了两星期的假后,我的确感到身体非常舒适。②tickled pink 非常开心,高兴的要命。eg:I'm tickled pink that my essay won the prize. 我的文章获奖了,我高兴得要命。

691. 【铁路词汇】berth/bunk 铺位;dining car, restaurant car 餐车;booking / ticket office 售票处;ticket-collector, gateman 收票员;platform 月台, 站台;platform ticket 站台票;waiting room 候车室;platform bridge 天桥;platform-ticket 验票门;rack / baggage rack 行李架

692. 【办公英语】修改胶带 correction tap;书立 book stand;日记簿 diary book;文件袋 expanding file;地球仪 globe;名片夹 name card holder;办公用大头针 office pin;工字针 paper fastener;切纸刀 paper cuter;美工刀 cutter;总公司 Head Office;分公司 Branch Office

693. 【俚语】pot calling the kettle black 锅嫌壶黑(五十步笑百步);punch your lights out 揍得你两眼发黑;put all of one's eggs in one basket 鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里(孤注一掷);put one's foot in one's mouth 把脚丫放进嘴里(说错话了);rob the cradle 劫摇篮(老牛吃嫩草)

694. 【职场短语】break an agreement 违约;self-assessment 自我评估;constructive criticism 有益的批评;enhance the efficiency 提升效率;enhance customer loyalty 增强客户忠诚度;future projection 长远规划;strive for sth. 努力(追求)…;do one's utmost 竭力。

695. 【sub-health亚健康】high stress level高度精神紧张;physical disorder身体不适;overload负担过重;neglect of exercise缺乏运动;overfatigue疲劳过度;depression抑郁;obesity肥胖;insomnia失眠;listlessness无精打采;dizziness头昏;vertigo眩晕;hypertension高血压

696. 【英语短信简写】b/c—because;b4—before;b'day—birthday;b4n(or bfn)—bye for now(再见);bbl—be back later(稍后回来);brb—be right back(很快回来);brt—be right there(马上到);btw—by the way(顺便提一下);bcnu—be seeing you(回头见)

697. 【面试短语】be on overtime 在加班;go into overtime 延长时间;work overtime 加班;overtime fee 加班费;complain about sth.抱怨…;on business trip 出差;notice in writing 书面通知;a short / a moment's notice 提前很短时间通知;guarantee sb. sth. 向某人保证某事

698. 【口语】You moron.你没得救了。It's your fond hope.你是一厢情愿。You're as bold as brass.你脸皮够厚。Don't push your luck.你别太嚣张了。It's out of our hands now.现在就等着吧。I was rooting for you the whole time.我一直都支持你的。It's just an empty threat.只是虚张声势。

699. 【EQ的12个方面】Awareness

洞察,Control 控制,Assessment 评估,Vision 远见,Creativity 创见,Innovation 革新,Ambition 抱负,Initiative 主动,Conscientiousness 尽责,Adaptability 适应,Independence 独立,Optimism 乐观 你具备哪些呢?

670. 【地道口语】1.What's the hold-up?磨蹭什么呢?2.I'm so scatty.我太健忘了 3.I can't call to mind.我想不起来了 4.You've made your bed.你自找的 5.I'm on a rocky road.最近有点不顺 6.I'm stuck in a rut.我生活太单调了 7.You look so pale.你脸色看起来很苍白 8.You went all out!你已尽力了!

671. I guess I would be OK to miss one day of work. 缺勤一天好像没事吧。You let me know if there’s anything you need. 需要什么直接告诉我。Don't look wise. 不要自作聪明。It's a matter of life and death. 这是生死攸关的事。You’re not helping. 你帮不上忙。

672. 【这样讲和】Let’s try to get along. 我们试着好好相处吧。Let’s be nice to each other. 我们还是以礼相待吧。Let's forgive and forget! 过去的事就让它过去吧。I didn't mean to hurt you. 我没有要故意伤害你。Can't we talk it over? 我们就不能好好谈谈吗?

673【超好用短句】1、In your dreams! 做梦吧!2、Money makes the world go around. 有钱好办事。3、Let it be!/Take life as it comes. 顺其自然吧!4、Keep it down! 别闹了!5 、What a great deal! 真划算!6、Eat your heart out! 羡慕吧!

674. 【稍安勿躁】教你hold住催促!1.Hold on.等一会儿。2.hanging on. 稍等。3.I can`t go any faster.我不能更快了。4.Please wait for me. 等我嘛!5.Wait a minute/second. 等一会儿呀。6.What’s the hurry? 急毛急啊!7.Just give me a second. I`m almost done. 再等一下,我快好了。

675. 美国人常用个性经典短语:Thousand times no! 绝对办不到!Easy does it. 慢慢来。What is the fuss? 吵什么?Still up? 还没睡呀?Don't let me down. 别让我失望。God works. 上帝的安排。Does it serve your purpose? 对你有用吗?Don't flatter me. 过奖了。Can-do. 能人。Bottle it! 闭嘴!

676. 【烹饪方法cookery】 ①卤 salted;②煎 fried;③炸 deep fried;④炖,烩 braised;⑤蒸 steamed;⑥烤 roast;⑦熏 smoked;⑧煮 boiled;⑨炒 stir-fried;⑩扒 grilled 你会几种呢?

677. #生活英语在线#眼镜 eyeglasses/ spectacles ( specs非正式) ; 隐形眼镜 contact lens;老花镜 presbyopic glasses; 太阳镜 sunglasses; 无框眼镜 rimless glasses;护目镜 goggles/safety glasses; 泳镜 swimming goggles; 滑雪眼镜 skiing goggles; 3D眼镜 3D(three dimensional) glasses

678. 【看美剧必须了解的英语粗话】1.Stop complaining.别发牢骚了!2.You make me sick.你真让我恶心!3.You are a jerk.你是个废物!4.Are you insane?你疯了吗?5.Knock it off.少来这一套!6.Get out of my face.从我眼前消失!7.You piss me of


679. 情绪不好时经常说】1.Get off my back.不要再烦我了。2.You really pissed me off. 你可把我气我了。3.Don't be so hard on me.别对我太凶。4.Walk away!走开啦!5.Leave me alone! 别管我!6.I don't really feel like talking.我不想说话。7.So annoying.真烦人。 8.Just keep it down.安静点!

680. 【地道口语】1.It's a matter of time 这是迟早的问题;2.She pulls out 她退出了;3.I have my limit 我的忍耐度有限;4.Don't brush me off 不要敷衍我;5.Let's get it straight 我们打开天窗说亮话吧;6.What you call this? 你这算什么?

681. 【结婚】1.Courtship 求爱 2.Engagement 订婚 3.Mixed marriage 跨国婚姻 4.Wedding ceremony 结婚典礼 5.Wedding march 婚礼进行曲 6.Say one`s vows 立下婚誓 7.Wedding reception 婚宴 8.Bride新娘 9.Bridegroom or groom 新郎 10.Groomsman 伴郎 11.Bridesmaid 伴娘

682. 【怎样形容别人“二”】1、They are not that thick.他们没那么“二”。2、How thick could you get?你还能再“二”一点吗?3、Thick heads! 蠢货;4、You can be really thick!你可真够“二”的!5.You clown! 你真二!

683. 【中国特色小吃】馄饨wonton 锅贴guotie (fried jiaozi) 花卷steamed twisted rolls 套餐set meal 盒饭box lunch; Chinese `take-away` 米豆腐rice tofu 魔芋豆腐konjak tofu 米粉rice noodles 冰糖葫芦a stick of `sugar-coated` haws (or apples,etc.) 粉丝glass noodles 豆腐脑jellied bean curd

684. 【实用短句】1.I doubt it. 我怀疑;2.Let me see! 让我想想!3.Count me in! 算上我;4.Here you are. 给你;5.Take it easy! 别紧张!! 6.What a pity! 太遗憾了 7.Long story short! 长话短说!8.Up to you! 你来决定 9.Just a second. 等一下10.Keep it up! 坚持下去

685. 【10 Foods to Help Prevent Cancer】①garlic大蒜;②broccoli西兰花;③Brazil nut巴西果;④sauerkraut一种泡菜;⑤fresh lemonade or limeade柠檬汁;⑥blueberries蓝莓;⑦artichokes朝鲜蓟/洋蓟;⑧salmon鲑鱼;⑨ kiwifruit 猕猴桃;⑩ scallion葱

686. 【手受伤了】I cut my hand with a knife. 我的手被刀切伤了。I have blisters on my fingers. 我手指上长水泡了。I scorched my hand in cooking. 我做饭时烫伤了手。I got a splinter in my palm. 我手掌上扎了根刺。I have frostbite on my hands. 我的手冻伤了。

687. 【怒骂】①I`m so fed up with your BS. Cut the crap. 我受够了你的废话,少说废话吧。②Hey! Wise up! 放聪明点好吗?③Put up or shut up. 要吗你就去做,不然就给我闭嘴。④Don`t you dare! How dare you! 你好大的胆子啊!⑤Don`t push me around. 不要摆布我。

688. 【care】1.Take care! 小心!/保重!;2.after care 售后注意事项;3.intensive care 对重病患者的特别护理;4.with care 小心地;5.care for 喜欢, I care for you. 我喜欢你;6.parental care 亲代抚育;7.health

care 卫生保健;8.care label 使用须知标签;9.care worker 护理人员

689. 【各种形状】triangle 三角形;square 正方形;rectangle 长方形;trapezoid 梯形;pentagon 五边形;oval 椭圆形;sector 扇形;pyramid 金字塔(棱锥体);cube 立方体;cylinder 圆柱体;cone 圆锥体;concave 凹面;convex 凸面

690. 【与dead有关的英语表达】dead-shot 神枪手;dead number 空号;dead-alive 无精打采的,不景气的;dead end 死胡同,绝路;dead-beat 筋疲力尽的;dead-duck 指注定要失败的人;dead drunk 烂醉如泥;dead finger 指动僵的手指;dead sleep 沉睡;the dead of winter 隆冬。

691. 【老外发短信时常用的英文缩写】 OIC--Oh I see(我明白了); BRB--Be right back(马上回来); BFN--Bye for now(再见);LOL--Laughing out loud(大笑); ASAP --As soon as possible(尽快);JK--Just kidding(仅仅是玩笑); TTYL --Talk to you later。

692. 【How to "say"?】1. (勉强同意)遵命,好吧。As you say. 2.说的难听一点。Dare I say it. 3. 说起来容易,做起来难。Easier said than done.4. 很难讲,我说不上来。I couldn't say...5. 依我说的话…If I may say so...6. 当然是,当然可以。I'll say.7.我很惭愧地讲…I'm bound to say...

693. 【压力山大】I'm beat! 累死我啦!I feel burnt out all the time. 我常感觉自己快燃尽了。Burning the midnight oil, huh? 正在熬夜工作吗?I know you're under a lotta stress, but you're gonna have to deal with this now. 我知道你现在事情多压力大,但你必须现在处理下这件事。

694. 【钱的相关表达】cash现金;buck美金;coin硬币;note纸币;banknote钞票;fund 资金;change 零钱;commission佣金;tuition学费;fare票价;admission入场费;cost成本;freight运费;postage邮费;rent租费;tip小费;red packet红包;phone bill电话费。

695. 【广播】radio station 广播站;radio-technology 无线电技术;radio receiver/radio set/receiving set/wireless 收音机;radio transmission 无线电广播;radio frequency 无线电广播频率;to dial, to tune in 调谐;signature tune 音调;listener 听众

696. 【寒暄】1.How's everything? 一切都好?2.What's up? 近况如何?3.What's new? 有什么新鲜事?4.What`s happening? 在忙什么?比较见外:5.How are you? 你好吗?第一次见面:6.Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。7.Nice to see you again. 很高兴再见到你。

697. 【各种本】作业本 exercise book;记事本 memo pad; 笔记本 note book; 电话本 contacts/phone Book; 账本 account book; 记录本 log book ;练习本 exercise book ;抄写本 copybook ;日记本 diary ;便签本 note pads; 课本 textbook; 剧本 script;;精装本hardcover;平装本 paperback

698. 【英语中的各种”oo”】1.boobs 咪咪 2.oops哎呀 3.fool 蠢人/笨蛋 4.ahchoo[a:'t?u:] 哈啾/啊欠(

打喷嚏时所发的声音)5.baboo 先生(印度人对男子的尊称, 等于Sir., Mr.)6.cool 酷 7.boohoo 放声大哭 8.coo 咕咕声;鸽子的叫声 9.poop 疲劳不堪 10.woo求爱 11.moo牛叫声 12.poo拉屎 13.hoo呼!

699. 【女性十大口头禅】1、Fine. 好吧。2、Five minutes.五分钟就好。3、Nothing.没什么。4、Go ahead.往下说。5、leave me alone.我想一个人静一静。6、That's Okay.还好啦。7、 So?那有怎样?8、Whatever.随便。9、Don't worry about it, I got it.别担心,我知道了。10、You said. 这是你说的。

700. 【没听懂对方问话时的表达】1)Sorry, I didn’t catch you.对不起,我没听懂你说的 2)Pardon? 请再说一遍好吗?3)Excuse me?请再说一遍?4)Sorry, I didn’t get what you said.对不起,我没听懂你说的话 5)I can’t hear you very well.我听不太清楚 6)I can barely hear you.我几乎听不到你说的。

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