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初中英语素质教育阶段评估检测卷(湘教版) (Units 5-8 ) Ⅰ.听力测试略Ⅱ.单项选择( 15%)


( ) ⒈“Excuse me. Where's the bookshop?” “Gos traight on. It 's the ninth shop on the left. You _______ . ”

A. can't forget it

B. can 't miss it

C. can' t see it

D. don ' t meet it

( ) ⒉Li Mei was the second in the girls ' _____________ race.

A. 200 metre

B. 200-metre


C. 200 metres


( ) ⒊The Songjiang Bridge is about ____ .

A. long 250 metre

B. 250 metre long

D. 250 metres long

( ) ⒋Tina was born _____ a cold winter evening.

A. on

B. in

C. at C. 250-metre-long



( ) ⒌_____ Christmas Eve, children before they go to sleep.

A. On; at

B. In; at put a stocking ___ the end of their beds

C. At; on

D. In;


( ) ⒍If it _____ tomorrow, we will go to the zoo.

A. won't rain

B. don ' t rain

C. doesn't rain

D. isn ' t raining

( ) ⒎Come here a moment, _____ ?

don ' t you

( ) ⒏ You ' d better _____ at the little girl, she

' s afraid.

A. aren 't shout

B. don 't shout

C. not to shout


not shout

( ) ⒐ The plane will leave at ____ .

A. a quarter to eleven

B. eleven a quarter

C. eleven quarter

D. eleven past a quarter

( ) ⒑ English grammar is different _____ Chinese grammar.

A. of

B. about

C. from

D. for

B .指出能替换句中划线部分的选项。

( ) ⒒ My grandma doesn 't go to work She looks after my little sister at home.

A. takes care of

B. takes care

C. looks for

D. looks at ( ) ⒓ There is a lot of

water on the playground.

A. any

B. many ( ) ⒔ You must do it right away.

A. at once

B. at last

fast ( ) ⒕ Could you tell me which is the way to the station?

A. the nearest road

B. where 's


how go

( ) ⒖ “ What can I do for you, sir? son. ”

A. What do you want to have, sir?

B. Can you help me, sir?

C. Howa re you, sir?



Ⅲ.完形填空( 10%)

A. will you

B. shall you

C. shall we


C. much

D. quite

C. late

D. how to get


I ' m looking for a jacket for my

What would you like to buy,



It was a Saturday 1 in May. When Mrs Edwards opened her curtains ( 窗

帘) and looked out, she smiled and said, “It ' s going to be a beautiful

day. ”She woke up ( 唤醒) her small 2 at half past eight and said to him, “Get up, Teddy. We 're going to go to the zoo today. Wash your hands and face, brush your teeth and eat your breakfast quick ly. We 're going to go

to New York 3 train. ”

Teddy was six years old. He felt very happy 4 he liked going to the zoo a lot, and he also liked going by train. He said, “I dreamed about the zoo last night, Mom”. His mother was in a hurry, but she stopped and smiled at her small son. “You did, Teddy?” she said. “ And what did you do in the zoo in your dream? ” Teddy laughed and answered, “ 5 , Mom! You were there

in my dream, too. ”

( ) ⒈A. morning B. noon C. afternoon D.


( ) ⒉A. daughter B. son C. granddaughter D


( ) ⒊A. in B. on C. by D. of

( ) ⒋A. and B. but C. so D.


( ) ⒌A. You know B. You don 't know C. Do you know D. I ' m sorry


A:Can I put my football here?


A:Where can I put my football?

B : You can put it 7 the door.

A :

Can I park my bike in front of the classroom?

B : No, you can 't.

A : 8 ?

B : Look at the sign, please.

A : Yes, I must look for the 9 place for my bike.

park bikes there. ”

All right. ( ) ⒎ A. behind B. on C. in D. at

( ) ⒏ A . Why not B. What C. Oh D. OK

( ) ⒐ A . wrong

B. right

C. true



( )

⒑ A . in

B. on

C. at

D. under

阅读理解( 20%) Ⅳ.



Do you know there are two kinds of football games? One is American

football, the other is soccer. In China many young men like playing soccer. It is very popu lar in China. But the Chinese don

't call it soccer. They

call it football. There are eleven players in a team. And the ball is round. Only the goal-keeper (守门员) can play the ball with hands. The other players must play the ball with feet. In America soccer is not very- popular. They like playing American football more than playing soccer. There are also eleven players in a team. The ball is not round. And the players can play the ball with hands and feet. And the goal ( 球门) is bigger than the goal of soccer. American

football is quite different from soccer.

3. In the USA, American football is ___ popular than soccer.

4. All the players can play ___ with hands and feet.

B : You can park your bike 10

that tall tree. There isn 't a sign “ Don ' t

A. Yes, you can.


No, you can 't. C. Sure. D.

5. The goal of American football is __ than the soccer.


( ) ⒈What do we call soccer in China?

A. Basketball.

B. Football.

C. Pingpong.

D. Tennis.

( ) ⒉How many players are there in a team of soccer?

A. 5.

B. 7.

C. 10.



( ) ⒊Who can play the soccer with hands?

A. The coach.

B. The goal-keeper.

C. All the players.

D. The umpire.

( ) ⒋Which ball can all the players play with hands and feet?

A. Basketball.

B. Soccer.

C. American football.

D. Table tennis.

( ) ⒌Are all the balls round?

A. No.

B. Yes.

C. Yes, of course.


Sorry, I don' t know.


Mr. Washington is our English teacher. He is from America. His class is very interesting. We often play different games in his class. We can learn a lot of things from. He likes singing, playing the piano, and he is interested in making things. He often helps us make models. His wife is a nurse. She works in the hospital near our school. Mrs. Washington likes children, too. She often asks us to go to their home. She can cook food for us. We all like her. Their son Jim is in our class. He is a good boy. He can speak Chinese, but only a little. We all like to help him with his Chinese.

根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正( R ) 与误( W ) 。

( ) ⒍Mr. Washin gton ' s class is very interesting.

( ) ⒎Mr. Washington likes singing, playing the piano and making things.

( ) ⒏Mrs. Washington is a nurse.

( ) ⒐Sometimes Mr. Washington cooks nice food for us in his home.

( ) ⒑Jim is good at Chinese.

Ⅴ.情景交际( 10%)


( ) ⒈Could you tell me the way to the hospital? A. I ' m sorry, I 'm new here myself.

( ) ⒉Happy New Year! B. The same to you!

( ) ⒊What ' s the matter? C. The kitchen fan doesn' t work. ( ) ⒋How was the weather yesterday? D. It was cloudy.

( ) ⒌How did you go there? E. I went there on foot. It was



A:Tom! It 's eight o 'clock. _____

B:OK! Could you find my shoes for me, Mom?

A:They are in the box under the desk.


A:It ' s time for breakfast. There are three eggs and some milk on the table.

B:Sorry, Mom. __ Could you put them in my school bag?

A:Why? ___

B:I 'm going to school. I ' m late.


B:Oh, it 's Saturday. I don 't go to school on Saturday.

A. Thank you, Mom.

B. What are you doing?

C. I ' m going to be late

for school.

D. What day it is today?

E. It 's time to get up.

F. Where are you going?

Ⅵ.词汇知识( 7%)


⒈He' s not going to leave until his wife _ ______________ (come) back.

⒉He runs ___________ (fast) in our class.

⒊If you finish ________ (do) your homework, you can play football.

⒋Meimei is always the ________ (one) girl to come to school.

⒌My family feed many ________ (sheep) on the farm.

⒍I live on the twelfth floor in that ____________ (build).

⒎Listen! Lucy is ________ (play) guitar in her room.

Ⅵ.短文填空( 7%)


E _____ year thousands of people get hurt or die in road accidents. H __________ can we make the roads safer? First, we must obey the traffic rules. If e o beys the rules, the roads will be muchs afer. In our country,

traffic keeps on the right side of the road. S ________ , we must stop and

look both ways before crossing the road. Look left, look right, and then look left a . Then, if we are s ______ that the road is clear, we can cross

the road. Third, it is good to h ____________ children, old people or blind people

cross the road. Last, we must never play in the street.

Ⅶ.翻译( 8%)


⒈你最喜欢的科目是什么?________ your _________ subject?

Ⅷ.书面表达( 10%)


The Keys


help Ⅶ. What ' s favorite; near here; which way; for holiday Ⅷ.

⒉ 附近有超市吗? ⒊ 请问到你们学校怎么

走? school?

⒋ 我打算去云南度暑假。 Is there a supermarket

Excuse me, _____

I am going to Yunnan

___ _______ ?

is the _________ to your

my summer _________

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