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华山位于华阴市,据西安120 公里。华山是秦岭的一部分,秦岭不仅分割陕南与陕北,也分隔华南与华北。与从前人们常去朝拜的泰山不同,华山过去很少有人光临,因为上山的道路极其危险。然而,希望长寿大人却经常上山,因为山上生长着许多草药,特别是一些稀有的草药。自上世纪90 年代安装缆车以来,参观人数大大增加。



把中文的短句合成英文的长句最常用的方法是1 前后半句有名词上的重合信息点,那么可以用定语从句。2 前后半句有意思上的内在联系则多用状语从句。3 一个主语多个谓语多个分句,可用非谓语从句。4 一些其他的固定句式

1 华山位于华阴市,距离西安120公里

Huashan (which is) located/ situated/lies in Huayin city is 120 kilometers away from Xi’an.


具体常用表达“位于…” ,可以用be located / situated /lies in…

2 华山是秦岭的一部分,秦岭不仅分割陕南与陕北,也分隔华南与华北

It’s a part of the Qinlingmountain , which divides not only southern and northern Shaanxi, but also south and north China .

解析:本句很明显有“秦岭”这个重合名词,所以用定语从句which 指代秦岭。

另外,”分割”一词是重复使用的动词,按照英语动词不重复用的原则,只留一个,用not only…but also…连接句子。

3与从前人们常去朝拜的泰山不同,华山过去很少有人光临,因为上山的道路极其危险Compared with Taishan which has long been a popular pilgrimage, in the past, visiting Huashan couldn’t be counted as an informed choice due to the danger posed by its precipitous paths towards the summit .


细节处理上,“与…不同”可用unlike / compared with

后面句子相对好翻,可以选择直译如“Huashan was not well-visited in the past ,because it’s dangerous for climbers to reach the summit.


4然而,希望长寿的人却经常上山,因为山上生长着许多草药,特别是一些稀有的草药However, those who wish themselves/ seek for health and longevity , regardless of /irrespective of the peril ahead, frequently climbed the mountain for herb medicine , especially some rarely-seen ones .



5自上世纪90 年代安装缆车以来,参观人数大大增加。

Since the installation of the cable cars in the 1990s , the number of tourists has been rising sharply./there has been a sharp rise in the number of tourists.

解析固定时间表达法“自…以来”的固定套法,如”自上世纪70年代开个开放以来”翻译为“since the reform and opening up in the 1970s”

注意,since后必须接时间点,如”今年以来”译成“since the beginning of this year”Since…的时间表达词后半句必须用现在完成时,注意时态上的问题。

细节处理上,数量大大增加:rise /increase /grow significantly / sharply

泰山位于山东省西部。海拔1500 余米,方圆约400 平方公里。泰山不仅雄伟壮观而且是一座历史文化名山,过去3000 多年一直是人们前往朝拜的地方。据记载,共有72 位帝王曾来此游览。许多作家到泰山获取灵感,写诗作文。艺术家也来此画画。山上因此留下了许许多多的文物古迹。泰山如今已成为中国一处主要的旅游景点。

1泰山位于山东省西部。海拔1500 余米,方圆约400 平方公里。

Taishan ,with an altitude of 15 hundred meters above the sea , is located in the western part of Shandong province and cover the area of roughly 400 square kilometers.


2泰山不仅雄伟壮观而且是一座历史文化名山,过去3000 多年一直是人们前往朝拜的地方

Taishan which has always been the destination of pilgrimage in the past 3000-odd years boasts both striking magnificence and culturalrichness .

解析前后半句的泰山和地方实际上是名词的重合,所以,把后半句的地方处理成which 接在前半句泰山后面,两个句子便有机结合在一起,在句式上得到加分点。



3据记载,共有72 位帝王曾来此游览。许多作家到泰山获取灵感,写诗作文。艺术家也来此画画。山上因此留下了许许多多的文物古迹。

It’s recorded that there has been 72 emperors in total visiting here , besides , numerous writers have come here for inspiration in composing poems and essays and it has also drawn many painters capturing the beautiful views here,which is why massive historical resorts and cultural relics remain left intact .

解析据记载/据估计/据预计… it’s recorded / estimated/ predicted/projected that …

很明显最后一句是前面的结果,所以可以用定从which is why…或者直接用非谓语从句表达结果leaving … intact .

时态上因为没有具体的过去的一段时间,而是相当于“历史上”in history, 所以是现代完成时。

细节处理上,为了把各个分句连接起来,加了连词besides , 类似连词还有in addition / what’s more / plus

中特词文物古迹cultural relics and historical sites

4 泰山如今已成为中国一处主要的旅游景点.

Nowadays ,Taishan has become one of the most famous tourists attractions in china .

解析“…之一”的翻译一定注意one of 后面用最高级,并且用复数。

旅游常用词旅游景点tourists attraction / travel destination

非物质文化遗产intangible culture heritages

自然风光natural scenery

名胜古迹historical resorts


1.I have had great deal of trouble______________________________.(跟得上班上的其他同学) 2.I don’t mind your_____________(你延期做出决定) the decision as long as it is not too late. 3.In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives_______ ______(起着很重要的作用) in raising children. 5.When I __________________(发现他骗我) I stopped buying things there and started dealing with another shop. 6.(这个计划成功的关键)_________ __is good planning. 7.The specific use of leisure____ __(每一人都不同) 8.The s hip’s generator broke down and the pumps____________________( 不得不用手工操作) instead of mechanically. 9.Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used_______ _______( 习惯了学生迟到) his lecture. 10. Cancer is __________ _______(仅次于) heart disease as a cause of death. 11.I prefer to communicate with my customers __ ____( 通过写电子邮件而不是打电话) 12.I suggested he ____________________ (使自己适应)his new conditions. 13. What a lovely party! It's worth_________________( 牢记一生). 14. If you won't agree to our plan,_____________________( 他们也不会同意). 15. His remarks left me ____________________________( 想知道他的真实目的). 16. If you had_____________________ ( 听从了我的劝告,你就不会陷入麻烦) 17.Animal experiments will continue to be necessary to resolve existing medical problems _ __( 尽管一些人公开反对). 18.The more you explain, _ __( 我愈糊涂). 19. He has done so much for the poor in his community that __ _( 再怎么赞扬他都不过分). 20.Since my childhood I have found that _ _( 没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力) 21.(如果你设法与Smith先生取得联系)__ _the problem will be solved easily because he is an expert in this field. 22.On Children’s Day, kids ___有资格免费进入) to all the city parks. 23.The restaurant next door serves good food, but the one across the street is much better __ _(就服务而言). 24._ __(每当天气不好时), he takes whatever umbrella he can find. 25.Though a skilled worker, _ ____( 他被公司解雇了) last week because of the economic crisis. 26.He was disabled from birth, but he never felt frustrated, nor __( 也从未屈服于任何困难). 27.The little boy next door has been beating his drum(鼓)for a whole morning, which got on my nerves so much __( 以 至于我无法集中注意力学习). 28.The nation ’ s population continues to rise ______ ( 以每年1200 万人的速度) 29. (只要看一眼这封信)____________ will convince you that you have been taken in. 30. ___ _____ (如果暴露在空气中), iron will react with the oxygen of the air. 31. We’d better struggle for the future ________ (而不是为过去而懊悔). 32.Though you stay in the sea for weeks, you will not____________( 失去联系) the outside world. 33.The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence,_____________( 正在研制) and perfected now. 34.The room is in a terrible mess; it_____________________ (肯定没打扫过) . 35.With tears on her face, the lady _____________________ (看着他受伤的儿子被送进手术室) 36.___ __ ( 据说) the painter used his aunt as the model in that painting.


四级写作网络课堂十大必背范文 王江涛 1、~网络游戏 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Online Games. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below: 1)现在有些大学生沉迷于网络游戏,家长和学校对此忧心忡忡, 2)但有人认为网络游戏并非一无是处, 3)你的看法。 Online Games As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. A great many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents. However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly. From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a reasonable way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once. Yet if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them. 2、考证热 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Certificate Craze on Campus. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below: 1)近几年大学校园内出现“考证热”, 2)产生这一现象的原因, 3)你的看法。 Certificate Craze on Campus In recent years, to get a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, quite possibly, you may get the answer that he is preparing for a certificate of some kind. Why does this craze appear? There are mainly two reasons behind this phenomenon. To begin with, it is the employment pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market. How can one make himself more competitive?More certificates at hand, maybe. Furthermore, diploma and certificates a re still vital standards by which a good many employers measure a person’s ability. In order to increase the qualifications for a job, the students compel themselves to run from one exam to another. From my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily pro ve one’s ability. Being crazy in getting certificates blindly is


2020年12月英语四级仔细阅读答案(新东方版)2020年12月英语四级仔细阅读答案(新东方版) 提示:考试采取"多题多卷"模式,试题顺序不统一,请依据试题实行核对。 Passage One 56. A) Its success is hard to copy anywhere else. 57. B) Lack of the right kind of talents. 58. A) Its location is not as attractive to rich people. 59. D) It is an old city with many sites of historical interest. 60. C) They can do more than providing money. Passage Two 61. C) It may prevent your business and career from advancing. 62. B) Encourage people to disagree and argue. 63. A) To find out the truth about an issue. 64. D) They take care not to hurt each other’s feelings. 65. D) Acknowledge their contribution. 相关推荐: 2020年12月英语四级真题及答案专题 2020年12月英语六级真题及答案专题



2019年12月英语四级翻译练习及答案解析:中国汉 字书写退化 翻译题目 复杂的汉字(Chinese characters)书写体系是中国古代文化遗留下来 的瑰宝。而这个体系正面临着退化的命运。随着电脑和智能手机的迅 速发展和普及,年轻人拿起笔却写不出字来的现象越来越常见。若不 借助电子产品的协助,很多人难以写出10万个日常用字。为此,中央 电视台开播了一档汉字听写比赛(Chinese Character Dictation Competition)节目,以引起人们对汉字的重视,协助观众提升汉字书 写水平。 表达难点 1.第1句中的“是中国古代文化遗留下来的瑰宝”如果逐字对译为isa treasure left over by Chinese ancient culture,则出现英文表达 逻辑错误,left over by应后接施动者,而Chinese ancient culture 显然不合适,故“遗留下来”应省译,而用介词of表达“汉 字简体系”和“中国古代文化”之间的所属关系。 2.第3句“随着……的现象越来越常见”可套用句型with…comes a commonly seen phenomenon that.年轻人拿起笔却写不出字来的“现象”的同位语,由that引出,译为young people are barely able to write with pen In hand,“拿起笔”可译为时间状语从句when they take up the pen,但不如介词短语with pen in hand来得简单、地道。 3.第4句中的“很多人难以写出10万个日常用字”可套用句型sb. find it hard/difficult to do sth.,译为 many people find it hard to write 10,000 characters frequently used in daily life.


大学英语四级作文常用的70个基本表达四级作文不知道如何备考?下面就跟新东方在线英语四级频道一起学习最基本的表达吧,这些在我们的考试中一定会用到!希望可以对大家的备考有帮助。 1. 接触各种思想/经历:be exposed to new ideas/experiences/problems 2. 人们认为:it is generally/widely believed/held/agreed that 3. 许多问题:a host/ number of problem 4. 引起人们注意:claim call/attract general/public/world attention to sth. 5. 意识到:there is a growing awareness(知道)/realization of/that,awaken sb. To the fact/danger 6. 适应新的形势/变化:adapt/adjust/accommodate(使适应) oneself to new environment/ change 7. 越来越:be increasingly +adj.,be on the rise,a growing number of 8. 接触社会:come into frequent/close contact with the world/society 9. 获得成功:achieve/accomplish success 10. 提出观点/建议:advance/put forward/come up with the arguments/ideas/suggestions


赵丽词汇5500速记讲义 教材说明:本教案是针对新东方在线使用的内部讲义,本讲义只提供老师讲课时的题目。根据老师的意见,笔记需要自己根据声音和课件板书记,这样可以加强记忆。 UNIT 1 1. Living in that _____ house over there has nearly driven the hero of the story mad A. bleak B. haunted C. gaunt D. acumen 2. His body temperature is ______ for three days, the highest point reaching to 40.5 degree centigrade. A. uncommon B. disordered C. abnormal D. extraordinary 3. Texas, the second largest state of America, is _______ in natural resources A. wealthy B. abundant C. scattered D. deposited 4. _____ to some parts of South America is still difficult, because parts of continent are still covered with thick forests A. Orientation B. Access C. Procession D. blight 5. I hope my teacher will take me recent illness into _____ when judging my examination. A. account B. counting C. regard


英语四级翻译和作文 【篇一:英语四级翻译作文】 1.父亲节原文: 父亲节是感恩父亲的节日。约始于二十世纪初,起源于美国,现已广泛流传于世界各地,节日日期因地域而存在差异。最广泛的日期 在每年6月的第三个星期日,世界上有52个国家和地区是在这一天过父亲节。节日里有各种的庆祝方式,大部分都与赠送礼物、家族 聚餐或活动有关。范文: father’s day is a festival of thanking our fathers. about started in the early 20th century, originated in the united states, it has been widely circulated around the world, but its date is different because of the differences of the regions.the date of the most popular is on the third sunday of june each year, and there are 52 countries and regions in the world celebrating the father’s day on this day. they have various ways of celebration, most of which is related togifts and family dinner or other activities. 2.网络搜索答案要点提示: 1、明确写作主题。动笔之前,清楚要写什么。该话题说的是网络搜索答案与人们利弊关系。 2、文章第一段,引出话题。网络搜索答案这种行为的盛行。 3、文章第二段写人们对于该话题的不同看法。人们对于在网上搜索答案这种行为,有不同的意见。 4、写出自己的见解。可以使用网络搜索答案,但是不能过度依赖网络上的答案。 search answer online nowadays, internet plays a key role in our life for our various purposes, such as searching useful information or chatting online. however, as more and more people turn to the internet for help with their problems, people begin to take searching answer online seriously. different people have different opinions. some hold the view that searching answer online can have bad impacts on people. since people can always surf on the internet to find the answers of their questions,they may get accustomed to doing it, and they are getting unwilling to solve problems by themselves. while others think that internet is a helper for people to solve a 1 trouble.


2017年12月四级写作真题解析 2017年12月的作文题审题较为简单,几乎不存在同学担忧的“拿到题目看不懂怎么办的问题”。上过新东方四级写作培训课程的同学应该对课堂中讲解的五篇模板很熟悉了,仔细审题后能意识到,就题目考察内容而言,完全符合“社会热点”这一分类。哪怕教的模板难以全篇套用,此次作文可以很好结合课上反复强调背诵的“黄金开头句式”、“万能理由”、“万用废话”、“具体措施”“万能总结句”等模板句式。写作时,在所给句式基础上,结合此次题目调整模板语句顺序、更换相关词汇,保持行文语法基本正确,不难写出一篇高分作文。 以下是2017年12月的三道题: 第一套:Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 第二套:Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between parents and children. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 第三套:Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between teachers and students. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 审题过程中,根据write a short essay on这句提示语很容易找到写作内容为how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients/parents and children/teachers and students。其中“handle”译为“处理”,这一动词虽然在近几年的四级写作中没有出现过,但是是阅读的高频词,大家应该不陌生。“relationship”译为“关系”。接下来三组名词没有难度—“doctors and patients”(医生和患者)、“parents and children”(父母和孩子)和“teachers and students”(老师和学生)。审题过程中,哪怕不明白“handle”和“relationship”两个词的意思,根据四级写作课上传授的技巧,也能依靠“how to”(如何...)和“doctors and patients/parents and children/teachers and students”三组名词,推出题目要求我们写:让医生和患者、父母和孩子、老师和学生“更好”的“措施”。所以在理解题意时,如果没看错题,基本不存在跑题的可能性。 审题后,需要确定文章行文思路。2017年12月的写作题和2010年12月“how should parents help children to be independent”(父母如何帮助孩子独立)非常类似,都是谈“措施”,甚至连主体“父母和小孩”都一样。在四级写作课堂上,讲完“社会热点”这一类题,就会将2010年12月这道题目引出。根据平时上课四级一对一的同学2010年这篇作文的写作情况看来,同学们对“社会热点”谈“措施”这类题型掌握还是很好的。对于2017年这道题,比较符合题目是以下结构: 第一段:提出主题+引出下文 第二段:引出措施+具体措施3条 第三段:结论句+总结句 第一段: 第一句:但我们引出主题时,描述三组关系时,采用“社会热点”类型写作经典句式:“在最近人们正在谈论的所有流行话题中,最热门之一是关于...的。”对应句式为Among all


新东方王苗:2018年6月大学英语四级考试真题解析翻译部分(新东方版) Part IV Translation (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer sheet 2. 过去,乘飞机出行对大多数中国人来说是难以想象的。如今随着经济的发展和生活水平的提高,越来越多的中国人包括许多农民和外出务工人员都能乘飞机出行。他们可以乘飞机到达所有大城市,还有许多城市也在筹建机场。航空服务不断改进,而且经常会有特价机票。近年来,节假日期间选择乘飞机外出旅游的人不断增加。 【译文】 In the past, it was beyond imagination for most Chinese to take a plane when traveling. Nowadays, with the development of economy and the improvement of life, an increasing number of Chinese including farmers and migrant workers could afford to take a plane. They can go to all large cities by plane. Besides, many cities are planning to build airports. The aviation service has been improved, and there are often plane tickets at bargain prices. In recent years, the number of people who travel by air in holidays has been increasing all the time. 【解析】 1. 过去,乘飞机出行对大多数中国人来说是难以想象的。在第一句的句式中,由于系动词“是”之前的主语较长,借助形式主语it指代不定式to do结构,对某人来说,使用for加名词词组的结构。词汇方面:乘飞机:take a plane。难以想象:beyond imagination。In the past, it was beyond imagination for most Chinese to take a plane when traveling. 2. 如今随着经济的发展和生活水平的提高,越来越多的中国人包括许多农民和外出务工人员都能乘飞机出行。第二句逗号前“随着”的部分,可以用with加名词词组的形式表达,逗号之后主干句子中谓语的翻译是一个难点,“能乘飞机”的实际含义时“能够/可以付得起乘飞机”,英文表达为“could afford to take a plane”。词汇方面:越来越多的中国人:more and more Chinese, 变通表达an increasing number of Chinese。外来务工人员:migrant workers。Nowadays, with the development of economy and the improvement of life, an increasing number of Chinese including farmers and migrant workers could afford to take a plane。 3. 他们可以乘飞机到达所有大城市,还有许多城市也在筹建机场。第三句中以逗号为分隔点,实际是两个句子。注意汉英两种语言中逗号的不同用法。翻译为英文时处理成两个以句号结尾的句子比较恰当。词汇方面:筹建:plan to build。They can go to all large cities by plane. Besides, many cities are planning to build airports。 4.航空服务不断改进,而且经常会有特价机票。第四句的句式可以处理成一个and连接的并列句。“航空服务不断改进”主谓之间是被动的关系,时态上现在完成时比较恰当。词汇方面:航空服务:aviation service。特价机票:plane tickets at bargain prices。The aviation service has been improved, and there are often plane tickets at bargain prices。 5. 近年来,节假日期间选择乘飞机外出旅游的人不断增加。第五句需要一个主从复合句来


英语四级翻译写作,复习方法与做题技巧 这篇文章是关于写作和翻译的高效复习方法,还有一些做题技 巧,是根据我的做题经验,以及一些网络(“零元课”网站)上的视 频课总结,希望对大家的复习备考有帮助。 一、写作篇 (―)复习方法 词汇和语法的重要性大家已经知道了,相信大家在前期复习阅读的过程中,已经有所掌握,在这里我就略过,直接来谈谈写作如何进行复习。 1 ?研究真题,熟悉写作各类题型,其实研究近几年真题你会发现一定的规律,我研究过英语四级真题汇编王的6年18套真题,发现图画作文和议论文总是交替出现的,并月■每年6月份和12月份考的是同一种作文类型。把握命题规律后,可以更好的复习。 2?背诵模板范文(真题范文+预测范文),可以买一本作文书,也可以用真题背诵,现在一些真题也会赠送一些写作范文,比如之前我用的巨微一一四级真题?逐句精解,除了真题里面12篇范文,还赠送了20篇押题范文,完全够用了。记得各种题材的范文都背一背, 多多益善。 3?平时做阅读题时,多多积累一些好词好句,尤其是很长的复合句,名人名言,谚语等,这些写到作文里面,都能为文章增色不少。

4?每周练习写三篇文章,可以用真题写作来练习,写完之后对照给出的范文进行修改,并不是说语言要完全一致,而是要看自己是否将材料的内容全部写到,思路是否深入,语言有没有缺漏,多练习、修改几次,写作水平就能逐渐提高。 5?要多多积累一些写作高阶词汇和句式,最好记在笔记本上,如果用在写作中,会更能体现你的英语水平,也就更能获得阅卷老师的青睐。 (二)写作技巧 1.长短句相结合:为了不引起阅卷者的视觉疲劳,一篇好的英语作文,应将长短句相结合。在文章第一段用一长一短,且先长后短;在文章主体部分,要先用一个短句解释主要意思,然后在阐述几个要点的时候采用先短后长的句群形式;文章结尾一般用一长一短就可以了。 2.以横向写作为主:在写作时,我们要横向写作,即写某一问题的横段面,而不要写成流水账。避免写成流水账的方法是不要就前一句中的一个非重点词再进行描述,而要对主题句从横段面去写,写完一个横段面就不要再对这一横段面进行阐述了,应当去写另一个横段面. 3?文章结构安排:无论是哪种要求,也无论是哪种体裁,我们都可以将其处理成三段式。表达需简明扼要,句型尽可能多样化。同时要注意段落间的相互联系,利用句间关系和段落逻辑关系,采用起承转合


[1]议论文 Along with the advance of the society more and more controversial issues have been brought to our attention, one of which is that.... 随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____________。 As to whether it is worthwhile X there is a long-running debate. 关于是否值得X的问题,一直以来争论不休. Just as the saying goes: "so many people so many minds". It is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person. 俗话说,""。不同的人对此有不同的看法是可以理解的。 Those who criticize X argue that X They believe that X But people who favor X on the other hand argue begin /start with besides/in addition but not least. 批判X的人认为X。他们相信X,不过,另一方面,赞同X的人则认为X。 After a thorough consideration for my part I am in favor of the latter view that X 经过深思熟虑,我较支持后一种看法,亦即X。 [2]说明文 Along with the advance of the society more and more controversial issues have been brought to our attention one of which is that X 随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是X。 Why have there been so many X maybe the reasons can be listed as follows begin /start with besides/in addition but not least. 为什么有这么多X,理由如下 Obviously it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem For one thing For another 很明显,我们现在必须采取一些措施 一方面另一方面 I think all the measures above can make present situation us all start to do so by ourselves.我认为上述措施能使现状变好。让我们都从自身做起! [3]图表作文 As is shown by the percentage in the picture X has been on rise/ decrease, X dramatically decreasing from X in X to X in X. From the sharp decline in the chart, it goes without saying that X. There are at least two good reasons accounting for X . In one hand, X .In the other hand, X is due to the fact that X .In addition, X is responsible for X . Maybe there are some other reasons to show X .But itis generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that X . I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded. [4]话题作文 Nowadays, there are more and more X in X . It is estimated that X . Why have there been so many X ? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is X . Besides, X The third one is X . To sum up, the main cause of it is due to X . It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing X . For another thing, X . All these measures will certainly reduce the number of X . [5]对比观点作文 X is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say X is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of X. What is more, X。More over, _X.


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